EMS :: Volume #3

#271: Small sidereal revolution galaxy

Chapter 271 Small Heavenly Cycle Star River Formation 第271章小周天星河阵 Under Item Palace that youth's leadership, Xiao Yun and Palace Lord Jiang entered in the middle of the front mountain peak. Kazakh 520 novels 器殿那个青年的带领下,萧云姜殿主进入了前方的山峰当中。哈520小说 Enters in the mountain peak, inside mist is dim, has probably a scheme to prevent the person from advancing. 进入山峰内,里面雾气朦胧,好像有着一个迷阵阻止着人前进。 In this mountain peak the cloth has Formation, the average person, if will burst will fall into the middle of Formation.” That named Yuan Xing youth said. “这山峰中布有阵法,一般人若是乱闯将陷入阵法当中。”那名为元惺的青年说道。 Formation?” Looks at present that dim fog sea, Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, were many several points of curious color. 阵法?”瞧得眼前那朦胧的雾海,萧云眸子微眯,不由多了几分好奇之色。 Because Refiner Dao and Formation are interlinked, therefore each Refiner Expert can Formation Dao more or less.” Palace Lord Jiang answered. “因为炼器一道阵法相通,所以每个炼器师或多或少都会阵法一道。”姜殿主解释道。 The Xiao Yun slight bow, he is also interested in Formation Dao, but did not have the opportunity to study. 萧云微微点头,他对阵法一道也很感兴趣,只是却一直没有机会学习。 Formation Dao, although deep meaning is infinite, is not small to the cultivator help, but actually must spend many energy to be able above slightly to have small accomplishment, wanting the big accomplishment dozens years not to be almost impossible, present range Profound Yuan Battlefield opens also only then five months, your urgent matter first again said the cultivation level promotion.” Palace Lord Jiang as if knows that Xiao Yun thinks, warned. 阵法一道虽然奥义无穷,对修者助益不小,不过却得花费许多的精力才能在上面略有小成,想要大成没有几十年几乎不可能,现在距离玄元战场开启也只有五个多月时间了,你当务之急还是先将修为提升再说。”姜殿主似乎知道萧云所想,告诫道。 Em.” Xiao Yun nodded, he also knows now the urgency of time. “恩。”萧云点了点头,他也知道现在时间的紧迫。 Five months, are he actually also in True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment, compared these half Yuan Core as well as Yuan Core Realm disciple cultivation level indeed miss, therefore he must promote as soon as possible, after all only then promoted the strength to be able better sensibility world Grand Dao. 只有五个月了,可是他却还在真元后期小成,相比那些半步元丹以及元丹境弟子来说修为的确还是差了一些,所以他必须尽快提升,毕竟只有提升了实力才能更好的感悟天地大道 Under the leadership of Yuan Xing, Xiao Yun and Palace Lord Jiang arrived in a main hall across the fog. 元惺的带领下,萧云姜殿主穿过云雾来到了一座大殿中。 Is hitting the palace to be very unusual, not the similar tower palace, is instead similar a drying furnace. 在打殿很奇特,不相似楼台殿宇,反而相似一个烘炉。 Item Palace! 器殿 Has such two large characters on the main hall impressively. 在大殿上面赫然有着这么两个大字。 The main hall as if for the copper casting, above inscribes mysterious runes, lends a vast plain aura. 大殿似乎为赤铜浇铸而成,上面刻有玄妙的符文,散发出一股浩瀚古朴的气息。 In this main hall are these rune seal?” When Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil takes a look to that main hall the eyes reveals surprised. “这大殿上这些是符篆吗?”萧云眸子微眯瞅向那大殿时不由眸露惊讶 runes on these runes and Magic Item is similar, all sends out mysterious fluctuation. 这些符文法器上的符文相似,皆散发出一股晦涩的波动 rune seal in this main hall abstruse. 只是这大殿上的符篆更加的深奥。 This main hall is in itself Magic Item.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said. “这大殿本身就是一件法器。”吞天雀说道。 „Is this main hall itself Magic Item?” Hears this to say Xiao Yun to be startled. “这大殿本身就是一件法器?”听得此言萧云不由一怔。 Em.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that this Refiner Dao, wonderful workmanship, will build up the palace to have something strangely?” “恩。”吞天雀说道,“这炼器之道,巧夺天工,将器炼成殿宇有什么可稀奇的?” You have not seen a ring, but also does the storehouse day accept?” “你没看见一枚戒子,也可是藏天纳地吗?” This actually.” Xiao Yun nods, such as these Storage Ring seem like can inside space be similar to exquisitely a room is big. “这倒是。”萧云点头,便如那些储物戒看似小巧可里面的空间却如同一个屋子大。 Come in!” Before arriving at Item Palace, Yuan Xing puts out a hand, quite polite saying. “请进!”来到器殿前,元惺伸手,颇有礼貌的说道。 Palace Lord Jiang is impolite, turns toward inside to take a step to go directly. 姜殿主也不客气,直接向着里面迈步而去。 Xiao Yun is also follows closely to go. 萧云也是紧随而去。 Inside is a broad main hall, the middle has seven great columns to tower in the main hall, above all inscribes rune seal. 里面是一个宽阔的大殿,中间有着七根巨柱耸立在大殿中,上面皆刻有符篆 Very obviously, these formation pillar are very mysterious, should also be Formation. 很显然,这些阵柱很玄妙,应该也是一个阵法 In side of palace column is two rows of seats, is the copper casting, the chair arm is smooth, sends out shining rays of light, mature and powerful. 在殿柱的旁边则是两排座位,皆是赤铜浇铸而成,椅臂光滑,散发出灿灿光芒,苍劲有力。 Palace Lord Jiang, please sit down.” Yuan Xing was bringing Palace Lord Jiang and Xiao Yun enters the main hall to work as the middle course. 姜殿主,请坐。”元惺带着姜殿主萧云进入了大殿当中道。 „Can Old Zhu have free time?” After Palace Lord Jiang takes a seat, asked. 朱老可有空?”姜殿主落座后问道。 My teacher is refining Spiritual Item, does not know successfully or not.” Yuan Xing said that my this has a look.” “我师尊正在炼制一件灵器,也不知成功与否。”元惺说道,“我这就是看看。” Good.” Palace Lord Jiang nods. “那好。”姜殿主点头。 Please here wait.” Yuan Xing draws back in light of this. “那您们请在此等候。”元惺就此退下。 We await calmly in this first.” Palace Lord Jiang said toward nearby Xiao Yun. “我们先在此静候吧。”姜殿主向着旁边的萧云道。 Xiao Yun nodded, static sitting in side. 萧云点了点头,静静的坐在旁边。 However when Xiao Yun pupil light plunders line of sight actually turns toward several palace columns in main hall to take a look. 不过萧云眸光掠动时视线却不由向着大殿中的几根殿柱瞅去。 Why does not know, after Fire Yuan Inheritance Palace contacted some formation mark Xiao Yun are many some inexplicable anticipations to Formation Dao. 不知为何,在火元传承殿接触了一些阵纹萧云阵法一道多些莫名的期待。 These seven palace columns arrange in order, but falls to the ground has tasteful, the aura connected as if became formation.” Xiao Yun takes a fast look around the four directions to ponder over that seven palace columns unceasingly, in the heart is whispering, what was this?” “这七根殿柱依序排列,可是落地却颇有讲究,相互间气息相连似乎成为了一个大阵。”萧云扫视着四方不断着琢磨着那七根殿柱,心中嘀咕着,“这是什么阵了?” Seven palaces live, is it possible that is Beidou Big Dipper Formation? Did not shake the head to......” Xiao Yun quickly. “七根殿住,莫非是北斗七星阵?不对……”萧云很快就摇了摇头。 His childhood also once listened to the person saying that had antiquity powerhouse to take the potential of arrangement world stars as, this Beidou Big Dipper Formation impressively was middle famous one quite, but these seven palace columns did not defer to the arranged in order of Big Dipper obviously. 他儿时也曾听人说,有上古强者以天地星辰之势排列为阵,这北斗七星阵赫然就是当中的颇有名气的一个,可是这七根殿柱明显不是按照北斗七星的顺序排列的。 What Formation is that?” Xiao Yun is stunned, really during cannot see the positive result. “那是什么阵法?”萧云愕然,实在看不出当中的名堂。 However is so, his heart China , Vietnam have filled curiously. 不过越是如此,他心中越是充满了好奇。 Unknowingly he proliferated Spiritual Consciousness, is inducing the aura of main hall carefully. 不知不觉他将灵识扩散了开来,仔细的感应着大殿的气息。 A time long time, Xiao Yun felt that this piece void trembles, probably own sees had the change. 时间一久,萧云感觉这片虚空微颤,好像自己所看到的都发生了变化。 This main hall changed, changed into void, that seven palace column rays of light twinkles, are similar to seven stars are glittering. 这大殿已变,化为了一个虚空,那七根殿柱光芒闪烁,如同七颗星辰在闪烁。 Really is Formation?” Xiao Yun is startled slightly, mind completely immersed in middle. “真是阵法?”萧云微微一怔,心神完全沉浸在了当中。 Buzz! 嗡! Unexpectedly, the rays of light twinkle, star light blooms at present, as if there is innumerable stars twinkles. 蓦地,眼前光芒闪烁,星光绽放,似乎有着无数星辰闪烁而出。 These stars twinkles wink, but sends out a mysterious fluctuation, resembled to change into Formation. 这些星辰闪烁眨动,可是相互间散发出一股玄妙的波动,似化为了一个阵法 However that seven stars are most dazzling, resemble at the potential of guidance, nearby these stars all set off. 不过那七颗星辰最为耀眼,似处在引导之势,旁边的那些星辰皆是陪衬。 What Formation is this?” Xiao Yun is quite curious. “这是什么阵法?”萧云颇为好奇。 The next quarter, this starry sky changes, a great strength attracts, Xiao Yun only thinks that own was towed into the middle of that Formation. 只是下一刻,这星空一变,一股巨力吸来,萧云只觉自己被牵引入了那阵法当中。 Seven stars, the rays of light twinkle, changes into a battle formation sieging him. 七颗星辰,光芒闪烁,化为一个阵势将他给围困住。 This is Formation, did I fall into Formation?” The Xiao Yun pupil dew is astonished, in the heart slightly reveals alarmed and afraid, „?” “这是阵法,我陷入了阵法中?”萧云眸露讶异,心中略露惊惧,“这是怎么回事?” Seven dazzling stars, collect in void, bloom dazzling rays of light to be stranded Xiao Yun in middle. 七颗耀眼的星辰,在虚空中汇集,绽放出耀眼的光芒萧云困在当中。 Xiao Yun is in inside, felt that such as places oneself blocked void. 萧云身在里面,感觉到如置身一个被封锁的虚空。 Buzz! 嗡! Has not waited for Xiao Yun to make clear, that seven stars rays of light twinkles, then send out a terrifying fluctuation, sweeps across to come toward him, carefully looks, that is the vast star mark, is similar to the ripple of that shake, but middle has a terrifying fluctuation, that fluctuation as if may annihilate the world, making the Xiao Yun soul feel that sends coldly. 还不等萧云搞清楚这是怎么回事,那七颗星辰光芒闪烁,便散发出一股恐怖的波动,向着他席卷而来,仔细看去,那是浩瀚的星纹,就如同那震荡的波纹,可是当中却有着一股恐怖的波动,那波动似乎可湮灭天地,让得萧云灵魂都是感到发寒。 This will Formation also attack?” The Xiao Yun heart trembles, induction goes hastily, finding the way to avoid this attack. “这阵法还会攻击?”萧云心头一颤,连忙感应而去,想办法避开这攻击。 At this time in front of him, that piece of ripples is sending out stems from stars, the Xiao Yun personal appearance moves just about to dodges to other one side, side the stars bloom dazzling rays of light, the vast ripples ripple, then submerges toward him. 此时在他前面,那片涟漪是散发出自一颗星辰,萧云身形一动刚要闪到另外一边,旁边又有一颗星辰绽放出耀眼的光芒,浩瀚的涟漪波纹,便是向着他淹没而来。 This moment Xiao Yun in the middle on such as star river, momentarily has the annihilated possibility. 此刻萧云就如星河当中的一叶,随时有着被湮灭的可能。 Suddenly, seven stars bloomed piece of ripples, was similar to the mark of vast star river sweeps across void. 眨眼间,七颗星辰都绽放出了一片涟漪,如同浩瀚的星河之纹席卷虚空。 Calm, calm, is not only Formation, should have the way out is.” “冷静,冷静,既是阵法,应该有生路才是。” Feels relieved facing that terrifying fluctuation Xiao Yun draw hastily the fear, calms the mind to sense, hopes that can discover a way out, here has seven stars, seven roads, middle must have Life Gate, I chose right Life Gate then to avoid this crisis.” 面对那股恐怖的波动萧云连忙平息心中的恐惧,静心感悟,希望可以找出一条生路来,“这里有七颗星辰,就有七条路,当中必有生门,我选择对了生门便可以避开这次危机了。” There fluctuation varies obviously, seems like gentle, but middle contains murderous intention.” Xiao Yun carefully induced nearby fluctuation in a minute, 11 analyses, there mixture of truth and deceit, is probably unreal, is similar to a false appearance, similar that but inside has real formation mark to exist before me induces, should be the blind alley, was there, there internal combustion engine was turbulent, making the person dread, but middle did not have the strength of true formation mark, all were the false appearances that evolved.” “那里的波动明显不一,看似柔和可是当中却蕴含杀机。”萧云片刻间就将附近的波动都仔细感应了出来,11分析,“那里虚虚实实,好像虚幻,如同一个假象,可是里面有真的阵纹存在与我之前感应的相似,应该是死路,是那里了,那里气机汹涌,让人畏惧,可是当中没有真正的阵纹之力,一切都是演化出来的假象。” In heart certain, Xiao Yun then turns toward that immediately seems like the imposing manner is turbulent, walks including the direction that void must annihilate. 心中一定,萧云当即便向着那个看似气势汹涌,连虚空都要湮灭的方向走去。 Buzz! 嗡! He one step treads, front trembles void. 他一步踏出,前方虚空都是一颤。 Next quarter Xiao Yun felt that own went to another place. 下一刻萧云感觉自己来到了另外一个地方。 Came out?” Xiao Yun pupil light glance four directions, at present are not that Formation. “出来了吗?”萧云眸光扫视四方,眼前已经不在是那个阵法了。 But waits for his pupil light institute , after looking at the clear nearby condition , the brow is actually a wrinkle. 可是等他眸光所及,瞧清楚附近的状况后眉头却是不由一皱。 Seven stars as before also, but has traded a battle formation, at this moment impressively is the battle formation of Big Dipper, not only that also has the innumerable small stars encirclements near the Big Dipper, this has formed in one impressively, compared with former that does not know that wants complicated many times. 七颗星辰依旧还在,只是换了一个阵势,此刻赫然是北斗七星的阵势,不仅如此,在七星附近还有着无数的小星辰环绕,这赫然是形成了一个阵中之阵,比起之前那个不知要繁复多少倍。 Formation?” In the Xiao Yun heart wonders, how did own touch this Formation? “还有阵法?”萧云心中纳闷,怎么自己就触动了这阵法了? However things have gotten to this point, he also has to continue to observe. 不过事已至此,他也只好继续观察。 Now also lets he understands Formation the time, so long as many confirms, can true finding out Formation. 现在也正是让他了解阵法的时候,只要多加验证,才能真正的摸清阵法 Like this after him also has very big advantage. 这样对他以后也有着很大的好处。 At this time that stars moved, has sent out the offensive. 这时那星辰一动,又发出了攻势。 The Xiao Yun attentive observation, starts to look for outlet. 萧云用心观察,开始寻找出路。 ...... …… At this point, in the middle of that Item Palace, approached a person's shadow unexpectedly. 在此时,那器殿当中,蓦地走近了一个人影。 This is a slightly lazy old man, he is keeping wisp of long beard, already snow white, but that face actually as before appears ruddy, in that pair of eye pupil bright light glittering, when the brow provokes has several points to reappear arrogantly, appearance that being conceited. 这是一个略显慵懒的老头,他留着一缕长须,已经雪白,只是那张脸庞却依旧显得红润,那双眼瞳中精光闪烁,可是眉头挑动时有着几分倨傲浮现,一副自视甚高的模样。 In this old person also has a youth to tag along, is Yuan Xing. 在这老人的身后还有着一个青年尾随,正是元惺 Hehe, Old Zhu, you came finally!” This old man enters into the palace, the closed the eyes Palace Lord Jiang eyelid with rapt attention has tilted, the pupil opens immediately, takes a look toward the palace gate, after looking comes the appearance of person, his shows a smiling face hastily has stood, cups one hand in the other across the chest to say. 呵呵,朱老,您终于来了啊!”这老者才迈入殿中,一直闭目凝神的姜殿主眼皮掀动,眸子立即睁开,向着殿门瞅去,当瞧得来人的模样后,他脸露笑容连忙站了起来,拱手道。 „Were long?” Old Zhu is shouldering both hands, slowly walks, pupil light rises, shot a look at Palace Lord Jiang to say lightly. “等久了吧?”朱老背负着双手,慢慢走来,眸光上扬,淡淡的瞥了一眼姜殿主道。 No, shortly after comes.” Palace Lord Jiang smiles, is quite polite to this Old Zhu. “没有,才来不久。”姜殿主一笑,对这朱老颇为客气。 The Old Zhu slight bow, the manner to Palace Lord Jiang is satisfactory, after his line of sight revolution, that brow immediately a wrinkle. 朱老微微点头,对姜殿主的态度还算满意,只是当他视线一转后,那眉头当即一皱。 At this moment on the chair a youth by Palace Lord Jiang is sitting, the double pupil shuts tightly, as if had not discovered that in the palace comes the person. 此刻在姜殿主旁边椅子上一个青年正坐着,双眸紧闭,似乎没有发现殿中来人。 This Xiao Yun.” Palace Lord Jiang brows slightly wrinkle. “这萧云。”姜殿主眉头微皱 „Is this that disciple that you said?” In Old Zhu pupil disgruntled, heard the Xiao Yun strength defeats the Southern Sea Sword Sect person, he also slightly appreciates to this youth, has several points of favorable impression, but looks at him now this appearance is actually a brow wrinkle. “这就是你说的那弟子?”朱老眸中略带不悦,本来听说了萧云力败南海剑派的人,他还对这青年略加赞赏,也有着几分好感,可是瞧得他现在这副模样却是不由眉头一皱。 Sees right in front of one elder so to be how could optional? 来面见长辈岂能这么随意? Possibly was he has been closing up recently, was tired.” Palace Lord Jiang smiles embarrasedly, afterward takes a look to Xiao Yun must open the mouth. “可能是他最近一直在闭关,累了。”姜殿主讪讪一笑,随后瞅向萧云就要开口。 Was tired?” Old Zhu brow one curved, takes a look to Xiao Yun, afterward being startled sound track, slow!” “累了?”朱老眉头一弯,瞅向萧云,随后惊声道,“慢!” What's wrong?” A Palace Lord Jiang face doubt. “怎么?”姜殿主一脸狐疑。 mind of this boy fell into Small Heavenly Cycle Star River Formation in this palace.” Old Zhu said. “这小子的心神陷入了这殿中的小周天星河阵中。”朱老说道。 What? Fell into formation?” A Palace Lord Jiang face worries, asks, „can that he have the danger?” “什么?陷入了大阵中?”姜殿主一脸担忧,问道,“那他会不会有危险?” Must look at the situation.” Old Zhu said that this Formation is very mysterious, only then some just touched the Formation Dao superficial knowledge / fur talented person to touch, then during enters, although enters inside somewhat dangerously, actually is also a good chance, if he can come out smoothly, fully explained that he has astonishing natural talent to Formation Dao, is one talent that is worth training.” “得看情况。”朱老说道,“这阵法很玄妙,只有一些刚触摸阵法一道皮毛的人才可以触动,转而进入当中,虽然进入里面有些危险,却也是一个不错的机缘,若是他能顺利出来,足以说明他对阵法一道有着惊人的天赋,是一个值得培养的天才。” Talent?” Palace Lord Jiang is not interested, he only asks Xiao Yun to promote the strength now, wanted to have small accomplishment as for Formation Dao to be too difficult, will concentrate on middle only wasting the Xiao Yun time, therefore he absolutely did not have this idea. “天才?”姜殿主对此并不感兴趣,他现在只求萧云提升实力,至于阵法一道想要有所小成太难了,把精力放在当中只会浪费萧云的时间,所以他根本就没有这个想法。 ( ( …… ……
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