EMS :: Volume #3

#272: Acknowledges as teacher?

Does Chapter 272 acknowledge as teacher? 第272章拜师? Old Zhu, you whether to make his mind withdraw from Formation?” Palace Lord Jiang somewhat anxious saying. 朱老,你能否让他的心神阵法中退出?”姜殿主有些急切的说道。 Although Xiao Yun is mind enters in Formation, but mind, once is damaged is also very dangerous, mind is damaged lightly then makes person cultivation level retreat, the heavy intelligence drops in light of this foolishly, perhaps if will directly be defeated and dispersed in miserable point mind, the body dies in light of this. 虽然萧云心神进入阵法里面,可是心神一旦受损也很危险,心神受损轻则让人修为退却,重则智力下降就此痴傻,若是在惨一点或许心神将直接溃散,就此身死。 This was sorry very much, once fell into the middle of Formation to depend on his own.” Old Zhu actually by a nearby chair, quite lazy saying, we, and waits for the moment here, Hehe, does not know that this boy can have on Formation Dao that natural talent on Martial Dao?” “这个很抱歉,一旦陷入阵法当中就得靠他自己了。”朱老却是靠在旁边的一张椅子上,颇为慵懒的说道,“我们且在此等候片刻,呵呵,也不知这小子在阵法一道上可有在武道上那种天赋?” This Old Zhu slightly narrows the pupil, filled a face to hope that the place in side, has planned calmly to wait. 朱老眸子微眯,充满了一脸期许,就那么座在了旁边,打算静静等候。 I went to......” Palace Lord Jiang speechless, in the heart have exploded the sentence thick mouth. “我去……”姜殿主一阵无语,心中不由爆了句粗口。 Looks at this Old Zhu appearance not to help Xiao Yun come out from that Formation obviously! 瞧这朱老的模样明显是不想帮萧云从那阵法中出来啊! He does not believe this old man not to have the means. 他可不信这老头没有办法。 Although in the heart worries, Palace Lord Jiang also only then stared on helplessly in side. 虽然心中着急,姜殿主也只有在旁边干瞪眼了。 Because he almost knows nothing to Formation Dao, at this time is also helpless. 因为他对阵法一道几乎是一窍不通,此时也无能为力。 In the middle of Formation, Xiao Yun attentive sensibility, to observe the Formation actual situation, then avoids attacks. 阵法当中,萧云用心感悟,以观察阵法的虚实,然后避开一次次攻击。 This Formation mixture of truth and deceit, as deep as a well, but actually is also traceable.” After one observed Xiao Yun to have a general outline to this Formation finally, he muttered, „, if were really the attack, inside definitely was having the strength of formation mark, if were unreal, that was formation mark evolves, although there is the strength of formation mark, was that type of aura is obviously different.” “这阵法虚虚实实,让人难以捉摸,不过却也是有迹可循。”经过一番观察萧云终于对这阵法有了个大概的轮廓,他喃喃道,“若是真是攻击,里面肯定拥有着阵纹之力,若是虚幻,那是阵纹所演化而出,虽有阵纹之力,可是那种气息明显就不一样。” „The actual situation of Formation, all also need to depend on the person are the judgments.” In Xiao Yun heart broadminded, places mind in the middle of star river induces to go, all were all received in the eye by him, now he places in Formation, but is calm, did not have again flurriedly, can therefore calm the mind to induce. 阵法之虚实,一切还需要靠人是判断。”萧云心中豁然,身处在星河当中心神感应而去,一切皆被他收入了眼中,如今他身处阵法内,可是处变不惊,再也没有了慌乱,所以能静心感应。 So by formidable Soul Power, all actual situation was controlled by Xiao Yun. 如此凭借强大的灵魂力,一切虚实都被萧云掌控。 This star river formation by a Beidou Big Dipper Formation combination, the surrounding is everywhere star river, becomes formation, but links up mutually, but also kept Life Gate, this is not certainly of killing, so long as I crossed that Life Gate to be possible to go out of Formation.” Xiao Yun pupil light twinkle, after clarifies nearby situation, he treadons the starry sky, strolls to go toward the front. “这星河大阵由北斗七星阵阵组合而成,外围则是漫天星河,也成为一个大阵,可是相互衔接,还留了生门,这不是绝杀之阵,我只要渡过那生门应该就可走出阵法。”萧云眸光闪烁,在将附近的情况摸清后,他脚踏星空,向着前方漫步而去。 Shout! 呼! The front stars twinkle, shakes a star mark, is similar to the mark of sweeping four directions dying out, but Xiao Yun actually strolls to go, is fearless, actually sees his step, that star mark is defeated and dispersed immediately, originally this is only a piece of illusion. 前方星辰闪烁,震荡出一片星纹,如同寂灭之纹扫荡四方,可是萧云却漫步而去,根本无所畏惧,却见得他步伐所过,那片星纹顿时溃散,原来这只是一片幻象。 So, Xiao Yun is fluctuating unceasingly personal appearance, such as strolls in the starry sky, appears quite satisfied. 如此,萧云不断变幻着身形,如在星空漫步,显得颇为惬意。 After confirms unceasingly, he to this Formation some enough understanding, in the heart relaxed, did not have again flustered. 经过不断验证,他对这个阵法也有了足够的了解,心中大定,再也没有了慌张。 Later, he went out of that Beidou Big Dipper Formation, arrived at everywhere stars of surrounding. 不大一会,他就走出了那北斗七星阵,来到了外围的漫天星辰阵。 To here, he induced to choose so-called Life Gate as before attentively. 到了这里,他依旧用心感应好选择所谓的生门 This Formation is not killing formation, the change is also simple, should use to whet the person specially.” Xiao Yun takes a fast look around in the square heart to ponder darkly, felt that this is a very good opportunity, can understand Formation taking advantage of this initial-stage, so, he met similar Formation also to cross safely. “这阵法并不是杀阵,变化也简单,应该是专门用以磨砺人的。”萧云扫视四方心中暗忖,感觉这是一个很好的机会,可以借此初步了解阵法,如此以后他遇到类似的阵法也可以安然渡过了。 When Xiao Yun ponders over Formation Dao secretly, outside Palace Lord Jiang was actually flustered. 萧云暗自琢磨阵法一道的时候,外面的姜殿主却是急坏了。 How hasn't Xiao Yun sobered?” Palace Lord Jiang often takes a look at Xiao Yun that sits in meditation to side to take a look. “怎么萧云还没有清醒过来?”姜殿主不时瞅向旁边静坐的萧云瞅去。 Sees a Xiao Yun not sober sign, that brow closely wrinkled. 见得萧云没有一丝清醒的迹象,那眉头紧紧皱了起来。 This was he placed the great expectations favorite young man, if had an accident here, whom he should ask to cry? 这可是他寄予了厚望的得意后生,要是在这里有个三长两短,他该找谁去哭啊? When the heart is anxious, Palace Lord Jiang turns toward that closed the eyes Old Zhu with rapt attention to take a look, when he looks at a that Old Zhu leisurely and carefree natural appearance, the climate must foam with rage, actually must wait in side silently, this Old Zhu rank is extremely not only high, the temperament is also strange, cannot annoy. 心中焦急时,姜殿主又向着那闭目凝神的朱老瞅去,当他瞧得那朱老一副悠闲自然的模样,顿时气得吹胡子瞪眼,却又只得在旁边默默等候,这朱老不仅辈分极高,脾气也怪,可不能惹。 This old man.” Palace Lord Jiang shook the head, must continue to fall pupil light on Xiao Yun. “这老头。”姜殿主摇了摇头,只得继续将眸光落在萧云身上。 Relax, this boy now calm and composed, soul fluctuation is very tranquil, should not have the matter.” The pupil of Old Zhu does not know when opened the eyes, his face leisurely and carefree, took a look around Palace Lord Jiang to say lightly that first drank tea, drinks tea.” “放心,这小子现在气定神闲,灵魂波动很平静,应该还没有事情。”朱老的眸子不知何时睁了开来,他一脸悠闲,淡淡的瞅了一眼旁边的姜殿主说道,“先喝茶,喝茶。” Then, he hints nearby Yuan Xing. 说完,他示意旁边的元惺 Palace Lord Jiang, please have tea.” That Yuan Xing gives Palace Lord Jiang from table several upper extreme over pot spirit tea. 姜殿主,请用茶。”那元惺从桌几上端过一壶灵茶递给姜殿主 Palace Lord Jiang received the tea, was hearing that tea actually for a very long time under the mouth, his brow lock, took a look fragrant to nearby Old Zhu said that Old Zhu, this Xiao Yun was my Heavenly Yuan Sect rare talent, appreciated to him including Sect Master, once also wants it income hanger-on, what a pity to be rejected by this boy, but so, Sect Master was also hopes that he can grow safely, after being good, brought honor for my Heavenly Yuan Sect, if his die here, I had only feared that very difficult to confess to Sect Master!” 姜殿主接过茶,闻着那茶香却久久下不了口,他眉头一锁,瞅向旁边的朱老说道,“朱老,这萧云可是我天元宗难得一见的天才,连宗主都对他赞赏有加,曾经还想将之收入门下,可惜被这小子拒绝了,不过就算如此,宗主也是希望他能安然成长,好以后为我天元宗争光,要是他殒落在了这里,我只怕很难向宗主交代啊!” If said that Xiao Yun died in battle outside, that indisputable, no one can say anything. 若说萧云在外面战死了,那无可厚非,谁也说不了什么。 But arrives at this Item Palace, bewildered fell into the middle of Formation, if Xiao Yun has an accident, Palace Lord Jiang also really looked for a bean curd to kill, only feared this matter, once said that also will become others' laughingstock! 可是偏偏是来到这器殿,莫名其妙的陷入了阵法当中,要是萧云有个三长两短,姜殿主还真得去找块豆腐撞死了,只怕此事一旦说出去也会成为别人的笑料啊! Such Liezi hears something never heard of before. 这样的列子可是闻所未闻。 You are unable to confess that what matter closes old man?” The Old Zhu snow white beard blows, quite saying of rascal. “你无法交代,关老夫什么事?”朱老雪白的胡须一吹,颇为无赖的说道。 You......” Palace Lord Jiang short of breath, who would have thought that Old Zhu has closed the eye directly. “你……”姜殿主气急,哪知那朱老直接闭上了眼睛。 Yeah.” Sees this Palace Lord Jiang to shake the head again and again, heaves a sigh, the heart said that Xiao Yun Xiao Yun, you may other die in this! The old men also want to see you to be budding in Profound Yuan Battlefield, wins a good position in that Hundred Sects Great War!” “哎。”见此姜殿主连连摇头,唉声叹气,心道,“萧云萧云,你可别殒落在此啊!老夫可是还想见你在玄元战场崭露头角,在那百宗大战中取得一个好的名次啊!” This Old Zhu was very old, there are 100 dozens years old, not only the rank is high, is Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse. 朱老年纪很大了,有100几十岁,不仅辈分高,还是一个元婴境强者 Even if in the Palace Lord Jiang heart discontented must withstand secretly. 就算姜殿主心中不满也只得暗自承受了。 This Old Zhu tall of Ke status is not he can comparable with. 朱老的身份之高可不是他能堪比的。 In that star river, Xiao Yun strolls void, finally dodges from everywhere stars. 在那星河中,萧云漫步虚空,终于是从漫天星辰中一闪而出。 Buzz! 嗡! His personal appearance moved, appears in the stars surrounding. 他身形一动,出现在了星辰外围。 Formation Dao is really mysterious.” Xiao Yun sets up outside body Formation, looks at front Formation, in the heart is not sobbing. 阵法一道果然玄妙。”萧云立身阵法外,望着前方的阵法,心中不甚唏嘘。 This Formation not only can be stranded the enemy, killing move, once in the middle of stalemate the danger is incomparable. 阵法不仅可以困敌,还有杀招,一旦陷入当中危险无比。 What this time he meets is simple Formation, otherwise the consequence is very difficult to expect. 此次他所遇到的还是简单的阵法,不然后果很难预料。 Has not thought in this Item Palace also to have such Formation.” Xiao Yun muttered, „, if after I can study the mystery in several points of Formation, comes and goes out these ancient vestige to be also many several points of assurance, did not need to tag along in others behind the hands tied feet tied.” “没有想到这器殿中还有如此阵法。”萧云喃喃自语,“若是我能学得几分阵法中的奥妙以后出入那些古迹也将多几分把握,再也不用尾随在别人身后束手束脚了。” Were also many to Formation Dao in his heart several points of hope. 在他心中对阵法一道又多了几分期许 Initially when entering Fire Yuan Peak Inheritance Palace he met formation mark, was difficult, if own had known about Formation Dao, will not occur by that matter of Qiu Yufeng sneak attack, even he can also under the cloth Formation surround the enemy. 当初在进入火元峰传承殿时他遇到阵纹,却寸步难行,若是自己阵法一道有所了解,也不会发生被邱雨枫偷袭的那种事情了,甚至他还可以布下阵法困住敌人。 This absolutely compared with the [say / way] of imperial enemy martial arts is also effective. 这绝对是比武学还管用的御敌之道。 Buzz! 嗡! When Xiao Yun muttered, the starry sky trembled, flood ripples, his mind also unexpectedly dodged. 萧云喃喃自语时,星空一颤,泛起一阵涟漪,他的心神也是蓦地一闪。 Shout! 呼! The next quarter, Xiao Yun felt that own appeared in that familiar place. 下一刻,萧云感觉自己又出现在了那熟悉的地方。 His opening pupil slowly, fixes the eyes on looked that actually sees own still in the main hall. 他缓缓的睁开眸子,定睛一看,却见得自己还在大殿中。 Came out!” Sees this, in Xiao Yun heart one happy, finally got out of trouble! “出来了!”见此,萧云心中一喜,终于是脱困了啊! Woke up?” When Xiao Yun opens the pupil, nearby Old Zhu eyelid jumps. “醒来了?”当萧云睁开眸子时,旁边的朱老眼皮一跳。 Old Zhu sets out suddenly, is shouldering both hands, back and forth paces, in the old eyes the pupil light circulation, is sizing up on Xiao Yun unceasingly. 朱老霍然起身,背负着双手,来回踱步,老眼中眸光流转,在萧云身上不断打量着。 This is?” Sees Old Zhu to stay in whole face strange pupil light is staring own, Xiao Yun stares. “这位是?”见朱老呆在满脸怪异的眸光自己盯着,萧云不由一愣。 Felt that this old man's pupil light was somewhat dreadful? 怎么感觉这老头的眸光有些猥琐了? Is everybody male being worthwhile approaches like this comes to see? 大家都是男的犯得着这样靠近来看吗? Xiao Yun shrank the neck, felt that own stared by the wolf. 萧云不由缩了缩脖子,感觉自己被狼盯上了。 Boy, your what expression?” Sees Xiao Yun that appearance, Old Zhu blows Old tall to scold saying that snow white beard. “小子,你什么表情呢?”见萧云那副模样,朱老将那雪白的胡须吹得老高呵斥道。 Nothing.” Xiao Yun said with a smile embarrasedly, was only you can by not be near, I feared!” “没什么。”萧云讪讪一笑道,“只是您老能不能别靠那么近呢,我怕!” „Did you fear?” Old Zhu hear Yanxian stares, at once the air/Qi results in the pupil to spin, scolds saying that your this boy dares to break an arm including Li Tianhuai grandson, will you also fear? I go, are you are taking the old man I to seek happily?” “你怕?”朱老闻言先是一愣,旋即气得眸子打转,呵斥道,“你这小子连李天淮孙子都敢断去一臂,你还会怕?我去,你这是在拿老头子我寻开心是吧?” A Old Zhu face is discontented, felt that this youth takes a look to own has several points to despise. 朱老一脸不满,怎么也感觉这青年瞅向自己带着几分鄙视。 The old men my handsome like a jade tree, is similar to old immortal, has something to despise? 老头子我玉树临风,如同仙翁,有什么可鄙视的? In his heart depressed, dares so to despise in Heavenly Yuan Sect also nobody his. 他心中郁闷不已,在天元宗还没有人敢如此鄙视他的。 This boy definitely was envies my age one in a big way so to be charming.” The Old Zhu pupil hits in the rotation center to ponder darkly, definitely is this, is he is certainly obsolete in the envy.” “这小子肯定是羡慕我年纪一大把了还那么帅气。”朱老眸子打转心中暗忖着,“肯定是这样,一定是他在嫉妒老朽。” Thinks of here, his ruddily was similar to the face of baby appears several to wipe the smiling face, narrowed the eye saying that do not fear, obsolete will not bully your.” 想到这里,他那张红润如同婴孩的脸庞上浮现了几抹笑容,眯着眼睛道,“别怕,老朽不会欺负你的。” This old man smiling face, is coordinating this expression, more listens more to make people feel that the whole body lived goose flesh. 只是这老头这笑容,在配合这语气,越听越让人感觉全身生起了一阵鸡皮疙瘩。 How I felt that this dialog somewhat was familiar?” In the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly. “我怎么感觉这对白有些熟悉了?”萧云心中暗忖。 Xiao Yun! You woke up!” At this time nearby Palace Lord Jiang face dew was joyful, calls out in alarm said. 萧云!你醒来了!”这时旁边的姜殿主脸露欣喜,惊呼道。 Em.” Xiao Yun nods, looked that Palace Lord Jiang this appearance seemed to be anxious a moment ago was very long. “恩。”萧云点头,看姜殿主这模样似乎刚才焦急了很久。 Thank God, you are finally safe and sound.” Palace Lord Jiang deep breathing a sigh of relief , the stone has put that was hanging finally, afterward his pupil light revolution, set out saying that came, Xiao Yun I gave you to introduce, this was Item Palace Palace Lord, Old Zhu.” “谢天谢地,你终于安然无恙。”姜殿主深深的舒了口气,总算是将那颗悬着的石头放了下来,随后他眸光一转,起身道,“来,萧云我给你介绍一下,这位是器殿殿主,朱老。” Item Palace Palace Lord?” Xiao Yun somewhat stunned taking a look to old man, a face doubt. 器殿殿主?”萧云有些错愕的瞅向身边的老头,一脸狐疑。 Sees, this old man likely is not Lord of a Hall! 怎么看,这老头也不像是一殿之主啊! Xiao Yun this expression makes the Old Zhu complexion sink, the lung exploded with rage. 萧云这表情让朱老脸色一沉,肺都气炸了。 Also despises, despises! 又是鄙视,又是鄙视! This boy actually with despising pupil light looks at the old man. 这小子竟然又用鄙视的眸光看老夫。 Xiao Yun, has not given Zhu Palace Lord to pay respects, he is Southern Border unusual several can refine Spiritual Item Grandmaster.” In the Palace Lord Jiang words is bringing several points of severity, the following words are intent have actually referred, resemble are telling Xiao Yun not to offend this old man. 萧云,还不给朱殿主请安,他可是南疆少有的几位可以炼制出灵器大师。”姜殿主话语中带着几分严厉,后面的话却是意有所指,似在告诉萧云别得罪这老头。 Can refine Spiritual Item?” When heard this word, Xiao Yun took a look at that Old Zhu the eye to shine, the corners of the mouth also reappeared to wipe the happy expression. “能炼制灵器?”听得此言,萧云瞅那朱老时眼睛都亮了,嘴角也浮现出了一抹笑意。 That is natural, the old man is shakes Southern Border Refiner Expert.” Sees Xiao Yun the eyes shows a happy expression, an appearance of worship, in Old Zhu heart the indignation did not dissipate finally, finally can rectify names, changes the image in this boy heart! “那是自然,老夫可是名震南疆炼器师。”见萧云眸露笑意,一副崇拜的模样,朱老心中的不忿终于消散了,终于是得以正名,改变在这个小子心中的形象了啊! Hehe, disciple Xiao Yun, has seen Zhu Palace Lord.” Xiao Yun bows in salute hastily. 呵呵,弟子萧云,见过朱殿主。”萧云连忙作揖。 Does not need to be overly courteous.” Old Zhu is supporting the chest, makes a elder appearance, his brow selects, takes a look said to Xiao Yun that old man sees your natural talent to be uncommon, you may want to join my hanger-on, makes my disciple? I am lacking disciple to pass on my legacy!” “不必多礼。”朱老挺着胸脯,做出一副长者的模样,他眉头一挑,瞅向萧云说道,“老夫见你天赋不凡,你可愿意拜入我门下,做我弟子?我可是正缺一个弟子传我衣钵哦!” Makes your disciple?” Xiao Yun is startled, reveals the whole face to be stunned. “做你弟子?”萧云一怔,露出满脸错愕。 This...... Old Zhu this is not quite good.” A Palace Lord Jiang eyelid run-up track, this Xiao Yun is my Core Palace!” “这个……朱老这不太好吧。”姜殿主眼皮一跳道,“这萧云可是我核心殿啊!” ( ( …… ……
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