EMS :: Volume #3

#270: Refiner palace

Chapter 270 Refiner Palace 第270章炼器殿 Heavenly Yuan Sect, Xiao Yun and Chen Jian and Lu Yuan fought had already spread over entire Sect. 天元宗,萧云陈剑陆元一战早就传遍了整个宗门 At this time in Heavenly Yuan Sect, almost nobody does not know the name of Xiao Yun. 此时在天元宗,几乎没有人不知道萧云之名。 The talent that even Leaping Dragon Peak that several most are the best is also moved, looked at one to this newly arrived Junior Brother high. 甚至跃龙峰那几个最拔尖的天才也是为之动容,对这个新来的师弟高看了一眼。 Therefore some people want to challenge Xiao Yun, what a pity he has been closing up, the people must relinquish. 为此有人想去挑战萧云,可惜他一直在闭关,众人也只得作罢。 Xiao Yun is not, these people then fell the line of sight on Lei Tai. 萧云不在,这些人便将视线落在了雷泰身上。 Because Lei Tai once defeated on Lu Yuan. 因为雷泰曾经败在陆元身上。 But Xiao Yun actually won Lu Yuan, so long as own can defeat the Lei Tai then certificate with Xiao Yun to fight. 可是萧云却胜了陆元只要自己能打败雷泰便证明可以与萧云争锋。 That post-war Lei Tai also starts to close up, went out half a month later. 只是那一战后雷泰也开始闭关,足足半个月后才出关。 After going out his whole person makings sudden change, was indistinct resembles to be many deep meaning. 出关后的他整个人气质骤变,隐约间身上似多了一种奥义 Was watching Xiao Yun and Lu Yuan post-war Lei Tai has sensed, now finally has consolidated obtained. 在观看了萧云陆元一战后雷泰有所感悟,如今终于是稳固了所得。 At this time Leaping Dragon Peak quasi- Yuan Core Realm powerhouse take action, challenges Lei Tai, finally was defeated by Lei Tai. 此时跃龙峰一个准元丹境强者出手,挑战雷泰,结果被雷泰所败。 As for several other talents, because actually Lei Tai was not continue close up at that time, prepares to attack Yuan Core Realm. 至于另外几个天才,却因为雷泰当时不在又继续闭关,准备冲击元丹境 Unknowingly, one month then in light of this passes by. 不知不觉,一个月便就此过去。 In Fire Yuan Peak that Fire Yuan Spirit Pond, the Xiao Yun double pupil opens, middle seems to be the flame twinkle, the whole person feels to be refreshing. 火元峰火元灵池内,萧云双眸睁开,当中似有火光闪烁,整个人感觉神清气爽。 Purple Flame Martial Spirit has stepped into True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary finally!” Xiao Yun took a deep breath, the pupil appears a happy expression, he not only restored the strength of True Fire after one month of closed-door cultivation, but also makes Purple Flame Martial Spirit continue to raise ** to True Yuan perfection boundary. 紫炎武魂终于踏入了真元后期圆满境!”萧云深深吸了口气,眸子浮现出一丝笑意,经过一个月的潜修他不仅恢复了真火之力,还使得紫炎武魂继续提**到了真元圆满境 Moreover, Heavenly Flame of that Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts consumption is also restored. 不仅如此,那天炎神铠诀消耗的天炎也得以恢复。 However wanted in too to be further difficult. 不过想要在进一步却太难了。 flame that because Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts needs must flawless, that many flawless did flame that but comes give Xiao Yun? 因为天炎神铠诀所需要的火炎必须无暇,可是哪来的那么多无暇火炎萧云了? Compares Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts, Heavenly Flame that this Purple Flame Martial Spirit promotion boundary needs to was also small. 相比天炎神铠诀而言,这紫炎武魂提升境界所需要的天炎到还算是小了。 Must know that Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts does not know smelted many fire runes, almost on Xiao Yun each skeleton meridians fused fire runes, under counted only feared that had the number by 100,000 fire runes, Heavenly Flame that in the middle of this needed absolutely was astronomical figures. 要知道,那天炎神铠诀不知熔炼成了多少火纹,几乎萧云每个骨骼经脉上都融合了火纹,细数下只怕有数以100000个火纹,这当中所需要的天炎绝对是一个天文数字。 Xiao Yun has stretched the physique, took a fast look around this Fire Yuan thin main hall, he smiles lightly sets out to leave in light of this. 萧云舒展了一下筋骨,扫视了一眼这火元稀薄的大殿,他淡淡一笑就此起身离开。 Went out of the main hall, Fire Yuan Peak Manager then welcomed. 走出大殿,火元峰一位管事便迎了上来。 Martial-Nephew Xiao, can you probably go to Core Palace now?” This Manager age had 50-60, surnamed Liang, was the Liang Junyu clansman, waited for Xiao Yun to go out by the Peak Lord Zeng arrangement especially here, good to give the arrangement immediately, the service. 萧师侄,你现在可要去核心殿?”这个管事年纪有五六十了,姓梁,是梁君宇的族人,特地被曾峰主安排在此等候萧云出关,好在第一时间给予安排,服务。 If makes this Liang Manager wait for others, he will definitely not be willing, is this Xiao Yun is different. 若是让这梁管事等候别人,他肯定不会心甘情愿,可是这萧云不同。 Xiao Yun is a Heavenly Yuan Sect hundred years of rare rare talent, here waits, he is also willing. 萧云天元宗百年难得一见的奇才,在此等候,他也是心甘情愿。 After such character, wants to see difficultly at the same time! 这样的人物以后可是想见一面都难啊! Look waited for one month of Liang Manager to see Xiao Yun to come out, immediately moved forward to meet somebody, but also a face smiling face. 这不,等了一个月的梁管事萧云出来,马上就迎了上去,还一脸笑容。 Em, that goes to Core Palace.” Xiao Yun sees this Liang Manager to walk, afterward nodded. “恩,那去核心殿吧。”萧云见这梁管事走来,随后点了点头。 Initially this person was to accompany Peak Lord Zeng comes this together, was the trustworthy person, therefore Xiao Yun did not have any scruples. 当初此人是陪曾峰主一起来此,是信得过的人,所以萧云也没有什么顾忌。 Em.” Liang Manager smiles, offers a sacrifice to Magic Item, then delivers Xiao Yun to run away to Core Palace. “恩。”梁管事一笑,祭出一件法器,便送着萧云核心殿遁去。 It seems like this time must go to Refiner Palace to choose flight Magic Item.” On the road, in the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly. “看来这次的确得去炼器殿选一件飞行法器了。”在路上,萧云心中暗忖。 Xiao Yun has True Yuan Realm, without Magic Item is unable walk flying, the journey not to be very convenient, now should also receive Magic Item. 萧云只有真元境,没有法器就无法遁飞而行,出行很不方便,现在也该去领取件法器了。 Although Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow will fly, controls a Fire Bird flight not to make sense in Sect. 虽然吞天雀会飞行,不过在宗门内驾驭着一头火鸟飞行也不像话。 After all Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is also the extremely good face bird, it, when the mount rather has also put in great inconvenience it. 毕竟吞天雀也是极好面子的鸟,把它当坐骑也未免委屈了它。 In the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly, his body sinks then falls on the place. 萧云心中暗忖之际,他身子一沉便是落在了地方。 Mountain peak that this place Core Palace is, is the Core Palace school ground is. 此地正是核心殿所在的山峰,为核心殿的校场所在。 Hehe, Core Palace arrived, small old said goodbye.” Liang Manager smiles embarrasedly, then in light of this said goodbye. 呵呵,核心殿到了,小老儿告辞了。”那梁管事讪讪一笑,便是就此告辞。 But side this time void person's shadow twinkle, a handsome youth came. 而这时旁边的虚空人影闪烁,一个俊朗的青年飘然而来。 Zhang Tianlong appear here. 张天龙出现在此。 Hehe, was Junior Brother Xiao came.” Zhang Tianlong smiles, after seeing Xiao Yun appears said that my this informs Palace Lord.” 呵呵,原来是萧师弟来了。”张天龙一笑,见到萧云出现后道,“我这就去通知殿主。” Then, he takes out Token, condensed Magic Seal, then relates Palace Lord Jiang by this. 说完,他取出腰牌,凝聚了一个法印,便是以此联系姜殿主 This Token is quite mysterious, so long as under the Token brand mark other people's Soul Seal records, can stimulate to movement formation mark on Token to relate by this. 腰牌颇为神奇,只要腰牌烙印下他人的灵魂印记,便可催动腰牌上的阵纹以此联系。 Generally speaking, these Manager can relate ordinary disciple, but general disciple actually may not relate Manager. 一般来说,那些管事都可以联系普通的弟子,可是一般的弟子却不一定能联系管事 These Palace Lord, Peak Lord was not the average person can relate easily. 那些殿主,峰主更不是一般人可以轻易联系了。 Hehe, previous Junior Brother Xiao successive defeats Southern Sea Sword Sect two Expert, the name shakes Heavenly Yuan, what a pity I am closing up have not seen, is really regrettable!” After sending out the relation message, Zhang Tianlong is sizing up Xiao Yun, after feeling the aura of opposite party was uncommon he slightly reveals surprisedly, afterward said with a smile, after that event this has stepped into the Yuan Core Realm powerhouse hear, quite shocked. 呵呵,上次萧师弟连败南海剑派两名高手,名震天元,可惜我正在闭关未曾一见,真是遗憾啊!”发出联系消息后张天龙打量着萧云,在感受到了对方的气息不凡后他略露惊讶,随后笑道,那次事件就连他这踏入了元丹境强者听后都颇为震撼。 Heavenly Yuan Sect background is vigorous, I am also by luck can harvest that's all. Xiao Yun to smile in”, he can have the background of present achievement besides own natural talent and Heavenly Yuan Sect is also closely linked, if no inheritance that these predecessors leave behind, wants to comprehend this Martial Dao true meaning by own, does not know that also needs many years, does not know must walk many tortuous path. 天元宗底蕴浑厚,我也是侥幸能在里面有所收获罢了。萧云一笑,他能有现在的成就除了自己天赋外和天元宗底蕴也息息相关,若是没有这些前人留下的传承,想凭借自己领悟这种武道真意,不知还要多少年,不知要走多少的弯路。 You were too modest.” Zhang Tianlong smiled, said that such as your such age, can have this achievement simply is extremely rare, such character in the Heavenly Yuan Sect for several hundred years is also few, have not arranged in order with these shocking and stunning predecessors sufficiently, heard that you prepare to enter Profound Yuan Battlefield, but during this period, only feared that you must result in step into half step Yuan Core Realm to be good!” “你太谦虚了。”张天龙笑了笑,说道,“如你这样的年纪,能有此成就简直是凤毛麟角,这样的人物在天元宗数百年来也是屈指可数,你足以和那些惊才绝艳的前人别列了,听说你准备进玄元战场,不过在这期间,只怕你必须得踏入半步元丹境才行啊!” „Can Senior Brother Zhang know about that Profound Yuan Battlefield?” Xiao Yun asked. 张师兄可对那玄元战场有所了解?”萧云不禁问道。 In the half year, as long as one hear of people mentioned Profound Yuan Battlefield, these people were stern-faced, this made in the Xiao Yun heart quite have doubts. 这半年来但凡一听人提及玄元战场,那些人就是一脸凝重,这让萧云心中颇为疑惑。 Is that really a purgatory? 难道那真的是一个炼狱? Otherwise will make the person become angry while talking about it? 不然怎么会让人谈之色变了? Profound Yuan Battlefield is very dangerous, there is a very big chance, that is the battlefield that an antiquity left behind, there are many vestiges, if there is a chance then in inside to obtain some Spiritual Item and ancient inheritance, soared to exceed other people depending on this.” Zhang Tianlong said that correspondingly is dangerous, not only inside has inheritance that the antiquity left behind, some variation beast, danger area, once in the middle of stalemate a narrow escape, this was the danger from Profound Yuan Battlefield, other danger came from hundred.” 玄元战场很危险,也有很大的机缘,那是一个上古留下的战场,有许多的遗迹,若是有机缘便可以在里面得到灵器及一些古老的传承,凭此一飞冲天超越旁人。”张天龙说道,“可是相应的是危险,里面不仅有上古留下的传承,还有一些异兽,绝地,一旦陷入当中将九死一生,这是来自玄元战场本身的危险,另外的危险则来自百宗。” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, cocks the ears to listen respectfully carefully. 萧云眸子微眯,仔细侧耳聆听。 Hundred may be hundred Sect so is not only simple, this is only a simple name, enters the Profound Yuan Battlefield influence to be much more actually this number, but also some formidable influence background are very vigorous, enters inside disciple badly also has quasi- Yuan Core Realm, many people have stepped into Yuan Core Realm, once meets these influences disciple, my Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple only feared that must make a detour.” Zhang Tianlong said that in Profound Yuan Battlefield, but has not restrained, in inside, powerhouse is Venerable, can slaughter at will.” “百宗可不仅仅是百个宗派那么简单,这只是一个简单的称谓,实际进入玄元战场的势力远远不止这个数,而且一些强大的势力底蕴很浑厚,进入里面的弟子最差的也有准元丹境,许多人都踏入了元丹境,一旦遇到这些势力的弟子,我天元宗弟子只怕也只得绕道而行了。”张天龙说道,“在玄元战场可是没有约束,在里面,强者为尊,可以随意杀戮。” That is a purgatory, the weak one can survive is the miracle.” Zhang Tianlong said. “那就是一个炼狱,弱者能存活下来已经是奇迹。”张天龙说道。 Shout! 呼! Hears this word, Xiao Yun is also took a deep breath. 听得此言,萧云也是不由深深吸了口气 If defers to Zhang Tianlong to say, that Profound Yuan Battlefield is really the danger is incomparable. 若真按照张天龙所言,那玄元战场还真是危险无比。 In the formidable influence enters the worst person also to have quasi- Yuan Core Realm, how could it not be these powerhouse have Yuan Core 1-layer, even is higher? 强大的势力进入里面最差的人也有准元丹境,那些强者岂非有着元丹一重,甚至更高? Influence that not only that also some hides in Profound Yuan Battlefield.” Zhang Tianlong said that these influences were before participate in disciple that Profound Yuan Battlefield has left behind afterward, they continued to stay in inside, wanted to continue to obtain the resources, now the several years passes these person of strengths is not the average man may compare.” “不仅如此,在玄元战场还有一些隐藏起来的势力。”张天龙说道,“那些势力是以前参加过玄元战场随后留下的弟子,他们继续呆在里面,想要继续获得资源,如今数年过去这些人实力之强已非常人可比。” „Does the beforehand person stay behind?” This lets a Xiao Yun brow wrinkle. “还有以前的人留下?”这让萧云眉头不由一皱。 Good.” Zhang Tianlong said that these people also can only keep five years, waits for five years one to be eliminated, furthermore, has stepped into Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse, if not the Heavenly Capital Domain person will directly also be eliminated, otherwise the situation is more difficult.” “不错。”张天龙说道,“不过这些人也只可以多留五年,等五年一过就会被清除出去,再者,踏入了元婴境强者若非天都域的人也会直接被清除出去,不然局势更加艰难。” That fortunately.” Xiao Yun relaxed secretly. “那还好。”萧云暗暗松了口气。 If these people can keep Profound Yuan Battlefield unlimited, that may be greatly troublesome. 要是那些人可以无限期留在玄元战场,那可将是一个大麻烦。 Along with annoying these characters to have courted death? 随惹上了这些人物岂不是找死? Discussed with Zhang Tianlong that many Xiao Yun to Profound Yuan Battlefield also some general understanding, in the heart was instead more relieved. 张天龙谈了那么多萧云玄元战场也有了一个大概的了解,心中反而安心了许多。 ! 咻! In this time, together from out of the blue sound gets up, Palace Lord Jiang clothes sleeve is floating, comes to this. 就在此时,一道破空声响起,姜殿主衣袂飘飘,向此飘然而来。 Hehe, Xiao Yun, you went out.” Palace Lord Jiang falls to the ground, the hand is stroking beard, when takes a look to Xiao Yun reveals to smile. 呵呵,萧云,你出关了。”姜殿主落地,手捋着胡须,瞅向萧云时露出满脸笑容。 Looked at your this facial expression as if to promote much!” “瞧你这气色似乎又提升了不少啊!” Slightly has the promotion by luck.” Xiao Yun smiled, afterward bows in salute to Palace Lord Jiang. “侥幸略有提升。”萧云笑了笑,随后向姜殿主作揖。 „Do you want to continue to enter in that Heavenly Yuan Spirit Pond now practice to go to Item Palace?” Palace Lord Jiang asked. “你现在是要继续进入那天元灵池修炼还是去器殿了?”姜殿主问道。 First goes to Item Palace.” Xiao Yun said that he closes up, sharply is not continuing practice, now the urgent matter then repairs that two damaged item, once repairs these two damaged item, his background will increase several points without doubt. “先去器殿吧。”萧云说道,他才闭关出来,也不急着继续修炼,现在当务之急便是将那两件残器修复好,一旦将这两件残器修复好,他的底蕴无疑将增加几分。 Also good.” The Palace Lord Jiang nod said that recently that Old Zhu happen to had free time, makes him help to have a look at your two damaged item.” “也好。”姜殿主点头道,“最近那朱老正好有空,就让他帮忙看看你两件残器。” Afterward the Palace Lord Jiang sleeves sway, Yuan Qi is similar to the fog curls up Xiao Yun generally constrains then turns toward runs away void. 随后姜殿主衣袖拂动,一股元气如同云雾一般卷起将萧云拖住便向着虚空遁去。 Side of Item Palace situated in hills, reaches to the sky, relatively speaking here sparsely inhabited, does not have several other peaks to be lively. 器殿位于群山之侧,高耸入云,相对而言这里人烟稀少,并没有别的几峰热闹。 natural talent that because Refiner needs was too difficult. 因为炼器所需要的天赋太难了。 To become Refiner Grandmaster must cost the extremely numerous time, almost few people can have achievements in this field of endeavor. 想成为炼器大师必须耗费极多的时间,几乎很少有人可以在此道上有所建树。 However the Refiner Expert status is not inferior to Alchemist, is the rare talented people. 不过炼器师的地位不亚于炼丹师,都是稀罕的人才。 Later, Xiao Yun and Palace Lord Jiang arrived at the Item Palace peak. 不大一会,萧云姜殿主就来到了器殿峰。 Here fog winds around, occasionally has some birds to sit cross-legged, actually appears very tranquil. 这里云雾缭绕,偶尔有着一些禽鸟盘膝,倒是显得很宁静。 This was the Item Palace peak.” Palace Lord Jiang took a look at a front mountain peak, at once stops in void, has pinched magic arts. “这就是器殿峰了。”姜殿主瞅了一眼前方的山峰,旋即停顿在虚空,掐了个法诀 Buzz! 嗡! The front trembles void, flood ripples. 前方虚空一颤,泛起一阵涟漪。 „Was this mountain peak also protected and sustained by Formation?” Xiao Yun is startled, he had not paid attention to say a moment ago. “这山峰还被阵法护持?”萧云一怔,刚才他还真没有注意道。 This Old Zhu likes peacefully, therefore the cloth has gotten down Formation especially, in the bystander wants to enter must pass through him to agree not to be possible.” Palace Lord Jiang said with a smile, I ahead of time with him greeted, otherwise was also difficult to enter this Item Palace, Magic Item that generally speaking Sect disciple needed will deliver to various peaks by Item Palace disciple, the average man may unable to enter here, let alone made Item Palace repair Magic Item.” “这朱老喜欢安静,所以特地布下了阵法,外人想要进入里面非得经过他同意不可。”姜殿主笑道,“我还是提前和他打了招呼不然也难进入这器殿,一般来说宗门弟子所需要的法器都会由器殿弟子送到各峰,常人可进不了这里,更别说让器殿修复法器了。” It seems like this Old Zhu temperament is strange.” Xiao Yun nodded, to this Item Palace to many several points of interest. “看来这朱老脾气还蛮怪的。”萧云点了点头,对这器殿到多了几分兴趣。 Not only, front void flood ripples, a crack rips open, wore the youth of clothes to go out. 不仅后,前方虚空泛起一阵涟漪,一道裂缝撕开,一个身穿青衫的青年走出了出来。 Originally is Palace Lord Jiang, my teacher once had the word, if you came, first asked you to go to wait.” This youth long hair ties, appears astute capable, in that pair of pupil the rays of light twinkle, sends out one to absorb the fluctuation of person, looks is not ordinary person (mortal), he salutes toward Palace Lord Jiang slightly. “原来是姜殿主,我师尊曾有言,若是您来了,先请您进去等候。”这青年长发束起,显得精明干练,那双眸子中光芒闪烁,散发出一股摄人的波动,一看就不是凡人,他向着姜殿主微微施礼。 Palace Lord Jiang said that so, asking in front of the Yuan Xing little Brother to guide.” 姜殿主道,“如此,请元惺小哥前面带路。” Palace Lord Jiang appears quite polite. 姜殿主显得颇为客气。 ( ( …… ……
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