EMS :: Volume #3

#264: Invincible posture

Chapter 264 invincible posture 第264章无敌之姿 When Purple Flame Martial Spirit appears, in Sea of Consciousness that Battle Martial Spirit also has rich fighting intent to start blessing on Xiao Yun.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 紫炎武魂浮现,识海内那战武魂也有着一股浓郁的战意开始加持萧云身上。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] In this moment Xiao Yun take action, rose dramatically strongly battle strength Peak. 在此刻萧云竭力出手,将战力飙升到了一个巅峰 His within the body blood boiling, imposing manner also has the trend of increasing. 他的体内血液沸腾,气势还有着攀升的趋势。 War! War! 战!战! The Xiao Yun soul was crying out that warm-blooded in boiling, facing Lu Yuan that formidable strikes, the meaning of as before not having retreated. 萧云的灵魂在呐喊,热血在沸腾,面对陆元那强大的一击,依旧没有退却的意思。 Person and Flame Unites, burns completely the myriad things! 人炎合一,焚尽万物! The Xiao Yun whole body purple light blooms, back Purple Flame Martial Spirit is similar to round bright sun sends out burning aura. 萧云全身紫光绽放,背后紫炎武魂如同一轮曜日散发出炙热的气息 He grasps Heavenly Flame Halberd, leaps in the sky, then kills toward that front Lu Yuan. 他手持天炎戟,当空一跃,便是向着那前方的陆元杀去。 Whoosh ! 刷! The purple glow cuts together, is powerful, sword light tearing of that thorn person, carries fearless fighting intent to welcome to the great sword that sword intent seed condenses, Purple Flame sweeps across, such as long river tilts, must submerge the cremation that handle great sword. 一道紫芒斩来,气势如虹,生生的将那刺人的剑光撕裂,携带着一股无惧的战意迎向那剑意种子凝聚出的巨剑,紫炎席卷,如长河倾覆而下,要将那柄巨剑淹没焚化。 But that great sword has to cut crack all trends swiftly and fiercely, Purple Flame tearing. 可那巨剑凌厉有着斩裂一切的趋势,将紫炎撕裂。 Both encounter, is carrying on entanglement, consumes the imposing manner of opposite party. 两者交锋,在进行着纠缠,消耗对方的气势。 After a entanglement, the imposing manner of both sides is weakening, but the victory and defeat as if is also going to divide. 经过一番纠缠,双方的气势都在消弱,可是胜负似乎也将要分出来了。 Bang! 砰! A bang spreads, flame is defeated and dispersed, the great sword tore an opening to kill unexpectedly. 一声巨响传出,火炎溃散,巨剑竟是生生撕裂出一个口子杀了过去。 Ding! 叮! Heavenly Flame Halberd trembles, unsurpassed sword intent routs flame, the Xiao Yun personal appearance shakes slightly, draws back unexpectedly continually two steps. 天炎戟一颤,一股无上剑意火炎击溃,萧云的身形微微一震,竟是连退两步。 At this time sky fire wave is defeated and dispersed, dazzling sword light was similar to tears the sunlight of fog to sway, covered Xiao Yun. 此时天空火流溃散,耀眼的剑光如同撕裂了云雾的阳光挥洒而下,重新笼罩萧云 This confrontation, Xiao Yun slightly weak leeward. 这次交锋,萧云略弱下风。 The great sword aura potential that but that sword intent seed condenses has also been weaken. 可是那剑意种子凝聚出来的巨剑气势也有所减弱。 Finished!” The Lu Yuan double pupil concentrates, the sleight of hand guidance, controls that great sword to cut to Xiao Yun. “结束吧!”陆元双眸一凝,手诀引导,控制着那巨剑斩向萧云 Although the great sword aura potential has been weaken, is the might is as before uncommon, that type cuts to extinguish all unsurpassed sword intent also. 剑气势虽然有所减弱,可是威力依旧不凡,那种斩灭一切的无上剑意还在。 Concentrates my unsurpassed fighting intent, bursts to me!” The Xiao Yun personal appearance shakes, stands firm the retreat step forcefully, his mind moves, stimulates Battle Martial Spirit thoroughly, has illusory shadow to be partly visible in his, appears by Purple Flame Martial Spirit. “凝我无上战意,给我溃!”萧云身形一震,强行稳住后退的步伐,他心神一动,彻底将战武魂激发,在他的身后有着一尊虚影若隐若现,出现在紫炎武魂旁边。 Battle Martial Spirit appears, dreadful fighting intent fuses with Xiao Yun thoroughly. 战武魂浮现,一股滔天战意彻底与萧云融合。 Front sword light under this fighting intent has been defeated and dispersed. 在这股战意下前方的剑光都溃散了开来。 Xiao Yun long hair flying upwards, the whole person imposing manner is arrogant, is similar to the Martial Venerable being near dust, has imposing manner that cannot be shaken. 萧云长发飞扬,整个人气势凌人,如同武尊临尘,有着不可撼动的气势。 He grasps the great sword that Heavenly Flame Halberd then turns toward that to make use to kill immediately to meet the approaching enemy to go. 他手持天炎戟当即便向着那趁势杀来的巨剑迎击而去。 Bang! 砰! The purple light twinkle, that great sword was repelled unexpectedly. 紫光闪烁,那巨剑竟然被击退了。 The great sword is defeated and dispersed, the purple glow also dissipated, changes into a mighty current to wreak havoc toward Lu Yuan. 巨剑溃散,紫芒也是消散,化为了一股洪流向着陆元肆虐而来。 „Is this boy how war stronger?” In the Lu Yuan heart startles greatly, he has stimulated to movement the sword intent seed, got the winning side obviously, immediately can cut to kill this Xiao Yun, but the imposing manner of opposite party rises dramatically, resisted that fatal striking to shock. “这小子怎么越战越强?”陆元心中大骇,他已经催动了剑意种子,明明占据了上风,马上可以将这萧云斩杀了,可是对方的气势飙升,抵挡了那致命一击让人震撼。 Great sword that the sword intent seed condenses is defeated and dispersed also makes Lu Yuan mind be injured slightly. 剑意种子凝聚出的巨剑溃散也使得陆元心神略微受伤。 Shout! 呼! The mighty current sweeps across to come, that dreadful fighting intent layer on layer sword light will rout, must annihilate Lu Yuan unexpectedly. 洪流席卷而来,那股滔天战意将重重剑光击溃,竟要将陆元湮灭。 Gives me to break!” Lu Yuan pupil light cold severe , to continue to stimulate to movement the sword intent seed, middle sword light cuts the crack vault of heaven to kill together to Xiao Yun. “给我破!”陆元眸光冷厉,继续催动剑意种子,当中一道剑光斩裂苍穹杀向萧云 This sword light was irresistible, is similar to tears a path sea. 剑光势不可挡,如同将大海撕裂出了一条道路。 The Xiao Yun step steps, is similar to treads the wave the line, he grasps the long halberd to meet the enemy on. 萧云步伐迈动,如同踏浪而行,他手持长戟迎敌而上。 Bang! 砰! Also is a fierce attack, the two people personal appearance all shakes. 又是一次猛烈的攻击,两人身形皆是一震。 In the Xiao Yun mouth spits blood, back Purple Flame Martial Spirit slightly is gloomy, so a war has exhausted his massive True Fire. 萧云口中吐血,背后的紫炎武魂略显暗淡,如此一战耗竭了他大量的真火 However his Battle Martial Spirit actually congealed. 不过他的战武魂却是更加凝实了起来。 In the Lu Yuan heart sinks, that sword intent seed imposing manner is weaken, could not bear the impact of force again. 陆元心中一沉,那剑意种子气势减弱,再也承受不住强力的冲击了。 If not, the sword intent seed cracks, his all will lead a pious life will draw back the revolutions. 若是不过不是,剑意种子崩裂,那他一切修行都将退转。 Damn.” Lu Yuan brows tightly frowns, has no alternative. “该死的。”陆元眉头紧锁,却无可奈何。 Whoosh ! 刷! Xiao Yun has killed, Heavenly Flame Seven Styles displays, each type might is astonishing. 萧云杀了过来,天炎七式施展出来,每一式都威力惊人。 Although the Purple Flame Martial Spirit strength is not, is his Battle Martial Spirit actually in unceasingly become stronger, making him be surprised. 虽然紫炎武魂实力不在,可是他的战武魂却在不断变强,让他感到意外。 So long as constantly stimulates fighting intent in my within the body Bloodlines, my Battle Martial Spirit can continually promote the boundary.” In the Xiao Yun heart understands clearly, regarded to discipline this competition completely, this Lu Yuan became his Battle Martial Spirit hone is not a match. “只要不断激发我体内血脉中的战意,我的战武魂就能不断提升境界。”萧云心中了然,完全将这次比赛当成了一个磨练,这陆元成为了他战武魂的磨刀石再也不是对手了。 It seems like compelled me to use one to incur finally.” Lu Yuan pupil light dodges, mutters, this type, I had not comprehended completely, now with this Xiao Yun war, are many for several points to have sensed, should be able to stimulate to movement reluctantly.” “看来得逼我动用最后一招了。”陆元眸光一闪,喃喃自语,“这一式,我本来还没有完全领悟,如今与这萧云一战,却多了几分感悟,应该已经可以勉强催动起来了。” person and sword unites! 人剑合一 Lu Yuan pupil light concentrates, the whole person fell into an inexplicable boundary. 陆元眸光一凝,整个人陷入了一个莫名的境界。 In this moment, that sword intent seed light twinkle, resembled to integrate his within the body, long sword in his hand also coincided. 在这一刻,那剑意种子光影闪烁,似融入了他体内,他手中的长剑也为之相合。 On him has Dao Rhyme to emerge. 他身上有着一种道韵涌现。 person and sword unites, this Senior Brother Lu entered finally one step.” Chen Jian pupil light concentrates, has discovered the change of Lu Yuan. 人剑合一,这陆师兄终于又进了一步。”陈剑眸光一凝,发现了陆元的变化。 Good, comprehends in the fight.” Li Tianhuai slight bow. “不错,在战斗中领悟。”李天淮微微点头。 Worthily is the talent.” Heavenly Yuan Sect elder also has to acknowledge the uncommonness of this youth. “不愧为天才。”就连天元宗长者也是不得不承认这青年的不凡。 Whoosh ! 刷! At this time Lu Yuan take action, whole person changed into handle long sword, killed to Xiao Yun. 这时陆元出手,整个人似化为了一柄长剑,杀向了萧云 This type and Xiao Yun is Person and Flame Unites how similar? 这一式与萧云人炎合一是何其相似? But in the middle of this long sword is also having unsurpassed sword intent. 可是这长剑当中还拥有着一股无上剑意 This fellow also promoted unexpectedly.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, holds sword to meet the approaching enemy. “这家伙竟然也提升了。”萧云眸光一凝,持剑迎击。 Ding! 叮! The sword halberd confrontation, rays of light blooms, Xiao Yun personal appearance retreat, the within the body blood tumbles again and again, in the mouth fresh blood puts out. 剑戟交锋,光芒绽放,萧云的身形连连后退,体内血液翻滚,口中鲜血吐出。 Buzz! 嗡! That sword light flashes, Lu Yuan has also drawn back from that boundary. 剑光闪烁,陆元也从那个境界中退了出来。 I mind was injured a moment ago, cannot fuse this intent domain completely.” Lu Yuan falls to the ground, brow tight wrinkle. “我刚才心神受伤,不能完全融合这种意境。”陆元落地,眉头紧紧一皱。 If mind has not been injured, he absolute strikes to kill a Xiao Yun sword. 若是心神没有受伤,他绝对一把将萧云一剑击杀。 But...... 可是…… Good opportunity!” Unexpectedly, Lu Yuan gains ground, had discovered Xiao Yun staggers to draw back at this moment, the aura has not stood firm. “好机会!”蓦地,陆元抬头,发现了萧云此刻踉跄而退,气息还没有稳住。 This is the opportunity of sneak attack! 这正是偷袭的机会! Hehe! Xiao Yun suffers to death!” Lu Yuan pupil light dodges, grasps long sword to kill. 呵呵萧云受死吧!”陆元眸光一闪,手持长剑杀去。 A sword passes through spatially! 一剑贯空! A simple sword, actually swift and fierce incomparable, is powerful, suddenly passed through void took the chest and belly of Xiao Yun. 简单的一剑,却凌厉无比,气势如虹,眨眼间就贯穿了虚空直取萧云的胸腹。 Shout! 呼! Xiao Yun stood firm the personal appearance at this time, the within the body aura just subsided, that sword light appeared before the body. 萧云此时才稳住身形,体内的气息刚刚平息,那剑光就出现在了身前。 Even Lu Yuan that fierce smiling face also appears at present. 甚至陆元那狰狞的笑容也出现在眼前。 „It is not good!” Sees this, Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple under stage is a heart is all startled. “不好!”见此,台下的天元宗弟子皆是一阵心惊。 Has thought two people to be equally matched the war to this time book, but Lu Yuan holds the opportunity sneak attack at this time, without doubt is going to change the situation. 大战到了这时候本以为两人不相上下,可是此时陆元抓住机会偷袭,无疑将要扭转局势。 Hateful, this Lu Yuan sneak attacks unexpectedly.” Yan Mo and the others brows tightly frowns, coldly snorted. “可恶,这陆元竟然偷袭。”颜漠等人眉头紧锁,不由冷哼了一声。 Joke, both sides to war, compared with is the situation, a negligence will decide the victory and defeat, your own strength insufficiently how could odd person take action?” Li Jiansong coldly snorted, as if these disciple under response stage, at this time he finally breathed a sigh of relief. “笑话,双方对战,比的就是先机,一个疏忽就将决定胜负,你自己实力不够岂能怪人出手?”李剑嵩冷哼,似乎在回应台下的那些弟子,此时他才终于舒了口气。 This war was too splendid. 这次大战太精彩了。 Two talent various exhibitions become aware, for a while cannot tell which is better, now finally must decide the victory and defeat. 两个天才各展所悟,一时难分高低,现在终于要决出胜负了。 But this victory and defeat, is life and death! 而这胜负,就是生死! sword light is quick, just like the meteor of space, when Xiao Yun discovery has been away from his seven meters. 剑光很快,宛若天上的流星,待得萧云发现时已经距离他不过七米了。 So is away from, even to avoid being also difficult. 如此距离,就算想躲避也难了。 Hehe, Xiao Yun, suffers to death!” Seeing own must go well, a Lu Yuan face is fierce, so long as wins, he is as before invincible, his Sword Dao true meaning will not only not draw back the revolutions, will also be stabler, after going back, in well study and understand today obtained, certainly will step into a high boundary. 呵呵,萧云,受死!”眼看着自己要得手,陆元一脸狰狞,只要获胜,他依旧是无敌的,他剑道真意不仅不会退转,还会更加稳固,回去之后在好好参悟今天所得,一定会踏入一个高的境界。 Wants me dead?” This Xiao Yun felt really from this Lu Yuan pupil killing intent, this makes his pupil light one cold. “要我死?”这次萧云从这陆元眸子真的感觉到了一股杀意,这让他眸光一寒。 Good, today I accompany you to play!” In the Xiao Yun pupil reveals one ruthlessly severe, he not only has not regressed, instead one step takes, toward that said that sword light welcomed, then, seven meters distance now already solitarily under merely two meters. “好,今天我就陪你玩玩!”萧云眸中露出一丝狠厉,他不仅没有退步,反而一步迈出,向着那道剑光迎去,如此一来,七米距离如今已经只身下仅仅两米了。 Even that swift and fierce sword intent has wreaked havoc to come, twisted to break to pieces the Xiao Yun clothes. 甚至那凌厉的剑意已经肆虐而来,将萧云的衣裳都绞碎了。 „Was this boy insane?” Sees Xiao Yun one step to tread unexpectedly, the Chen Jian eye pupil on high stage shrinks suddenly. “这小子疯了吗?”见萧云竟然一步踏出,高台上的陈剑眼瞳骤然一缩。 Properly speaking this Xiao Yun should avoid the strategic point strongly! 按理说这萧云应该是竭力避开要害才是啊! How also to move forward to meet somebody? Also doesn't see his take action to resist? 怎么还迎了上去?也不见他出手抵挡? This makes people feel the surprise. 这让人感到诧异。 Senior Brother Xiao!” 萧师兄!” Junior Brother Xiao!” Under high stage these Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple lose one's voice to call out in alarm. 萧师弟!”高台下那些天元宗弟子不由失声惊呼。 This accident was too towering, making them be hard to accept for a while. 这变故太突兀了,让他们一时难以接受。 Simultaneously in many person hearts loses. 同时许多人心中失落。 A Xiao Yun defeat, means that Heavenly Yuan Sect younger generation is defeated, later only feared that various Southern Border factions will say Heavenly Yuan Sect nobody. 萧云一败,将意味着天元宗年轻一代落败,以后只怕南疆各派会说天元宗无人。 A Li Tianhuai face is satisfied, the pupil narrows the eyes slightly. 李天淮一脸惬意,眸子微微眯起。 Hehe, this boy was dying finally.” Li Jiansong cracks into a smile, was a pity that like this made him die is also too cheap.” 呵呵,这小子终于要死了。”李剑嵩咧嘴一笑,“可惜这样让他死也太便宜了。” This boy......” at this moment several elder brows on high stage is a wrinkle. “这小子……”此刻就连高台上的几位长者眉头都是一皱。 Well, is not right!” Unexpectedly, Palace Lord Jiang eye one bright, had discovered is not right. “咦,不对!”蓦地,姜殿主眼睛一亮,发现了一丝不对。 At this time although Xiao Yun takes a step to go forward, but that body welcomed to Lu Yuan that long sword obviously was not the strategic point. 此时萧云虽然向前迈步而去,可是那身子迎向陆元长剑的明显不是要害。 That is the right chest, not in the place of heart arteries. 那是右胸,不在心脉之处。 Moreover what is more surprising is the clothes breakage of this time Xiao Yun, already can see his flesh. 而且更让人惊讶的是此时萧云的衣裳破裂,已然可以看到他的肌肤。 If carefully looks that on these flesh actually has fire runes to reappear. 若仔细看去,那些肌肤上竟然有着火纹浮现。 Which fire runes mysterious fluctuation also fills the air from. 一股晦涩的波动也是从哪些火纹当中弥漫开来。 What is that?” Some elder brows select, whole face doubts. “那是什么?”一些长者眉头一挑,满脸疑惑。 „It is not good, this boy comes prepared.” The Li Tianhuai eyelid raises, had discovered is not right. “不好,这小子是有备而来。”李天淮眼皮一掀,也发现了不对。 Xiao Yun takes a step not to bring death forward, but early is prepared, premeditation. 萧云迈步向前不是送死,而是早有准备,预谋。 Whoosh ! 刷! At this time Lu Yuan that long sword has been away from the Xiao Yun ruler, that swift and fierce sword intent wreaked havoc to twist his chest nearby clothes all broken, has revealed youth that solid chest, not difficult to imagine, this sword-thrust went, what consequence is that? 这时陆元长剑已经距离萧云不过尺许了,那凌厉的剑意肆虐开来将他胸膛附近的衣裳尽数绞碎,露出了青年那结实的胸膛,不难想象,这一剑刺去,那将会是什么后果? Senior Brother Xiao!” The person under stage looked like that long sword must go well, countless person loud sad cry. 萧师兄!”在台下的人看来那长剑已经要得手了,无数人高声悲呼 These person of cultivation level are low, sensation insufficiently was unable sees clearly Xiao Yun change by that dazzling rays of light as well as the swift and fierce sword potential. 这些人修为较低,感知不够还无法透过那耀眼的光芒以及凌厉的剑势看清萧云身上的变化。 In Lu Yuan long sword is away from the Xiao Yun chest ten centimeters, piece of rays of light glitters fiercely. 就在陆元长剑距离萧云的胸膛不过十厘米时,一片光芒猛地闪烁而出。 Sees only in the middle of Xiao Yun that chest, has fire runes to emerge unexpectedly, is similar to armor of the fire protects and sustains on the body of Xiao Yun. 只见得在萧云那胸膛当中,蓦地有着火纹涌现,如同一件火之铠甲护持在萧云的身上。 This was Heavenly Flame Divine Armor is evolved impressively. 这赫然是天炎神铠被演化了出来。 Meanwhile, his Dantian locates vortex to evolve. 与此同时,他丹田处一个气旋演化而出。 Swallowing the Heavens Arts! Swallows to me!” In the Xiao Yun heart cried out that afterward stimulates to movement Swallowing the Heavens Arts to swallow that infinite sword potential to alleviate the pressure that own bears, immediately the vortex agitation, is similar to an abyss, swallows that swift and fierce sword intent all. 吞天诀!给我吞!”萧云心中呐喊,随后又催动吞天诀吞噬那无穷的剑势以化解自己所承受的压力,顿时气旋搅动,如同一个深渊,将那凌厉的剑意给尽数吞噬。 Under Swallowing the Heavens Arts, the might of Lu Yuan this sword has subtracted 20% immediately. 吞天诀下,陆元这一剑的威力顿时减去了两成。 Whoosh ! 刷! Also ice-cold sword tip punctured at this moment on his chest. 也就在这时冰冷的剑锋已经刺在他的胸膛上。 But on the Lu Yuan face actually has not reappeared the smiling face. 可是陆元脸上却并没有浮现出笑容。 Because under this sword-thrust, he felt that pricks in the middle of an vortex the sword potential of own also to drain. 因为这一剑刺下,他感觉刺入一个漩涡当中自己的剑势也在流失。 During that Heavenly Flame armor runes twinkle, changes into flame vortex to melt that long sword package the sword potential. 天炎铠甲符文闪烁,化为一个火焰气旋将那长剑包裹化解当中的剑势。 Burning hot Heavenly Flame throws the twinkle, has to burn a day of potential, unceasing swallows that sword potential, near the Xiao Yun chest void twisted, so strange, making that feel a restlessness with Xiao Yun near at hand Lu Yuan. 炙热的天炎扑哧闪烁,有着焚天之势,不断的吞噬那剑势,在萧云胸膛附近的虚空都扭曲了起来,如此诡异的一幕,让得那与萧云近在咫尺的陆元感到了一丝不安。 ( ( …… ……
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