EMS :: Volume #3

#263: Stimulation of movement sword intent seed!

Chapter 263 stimulates to movement the sword intent seed! 第263章催动剑意种子! Xiao Yun take action, type Person and Flame Unites alarms the four directions strongly, lets Li Tianhuai and Ouyang Chen this big shot is moved. 萧云竭力出手,一式人炎合一惊动四方,让得李天淮欧阳尘这种大人物都为之动容。 Nearby Great Elder Qiu Xuanji, Old Cao Palace Lord and the others are also reveals the whole face to be surprised. 旁边大长老邱玄机,曹老殿主等人也是露出满脸惊讶。 The performance of Xiao Yun has gone beyond their expectation completely. 萧云的表现完全超出了他们的预料。 Hehe, if is really the talent!” Palace Lord Jiang cannot bear laughs loudly, has Xiao Yun, later who also dares to say my Core Palace nobody?” This makes him feel to rouse, the sulks in heart and indignation, does not divulge in this moment completely, vanishes into thin air. 呵呵,果真是天才啊!”姜殿主更是忍不住放声大笑,“有萧云在,以后谁还敢说我核心殿无人?”这让他感到振奋,心中的闷气及不忿,完全在这一刻宣泄而出,烟消云散。 Whoosh ! 刷! Also at this time, the purple glow twinkle, was similar to together graceful (startled wild goose) cuts. 也就是在这时,紫芒闪烁,如同一道惊鸿斩下。 That Lu Yuan also stimulates to movement the strength of sword intent seed, strongly take action. 陆元也催动剑意种子的力量,竭力出手 The setting sun fell, the sunset glow is gloomy, the night falls, is on that competition stage, two people actually sent out shockingly has struck. 夕阳已落下,晚霞暗淡,夜幕降临,可是在那比赛台上,两人却发出了惊世一击。 Bang! 砰! Both encounter, bloom gorgeous rays of light, shines void gorgeously. 两者交锋,绽放出绚丽的光芒,照耀得虚空绚丽多彩。 Is an confrontation, the terrifying fluctuation shakes to submerge all. 仅仅是一个交锋,恐怖的波动震荡开来似要淹没一切。 But this time Xiao Yun and Lu Yuan slightly were shaken draw back several meters, quick have stood firm the personal appearance, killed once more to the opposite party. 可是这一次萧云陆元只是略微被震退几米,很快就稳住了身形,再次杀向了对方。 Under the curtain of night, Purple Flame and golden sword light glitter unceasingly, intensely bright. 夜幕下,紫炎与金色的剑光不断闪烁,耀眼夺目。 The moment, two people on confrontation dozens times, impact noises resound through the horizon, the terrifying fluctuation lets the person palpitation. 只是片刻,两个人就交锋数十次,一道道撞击声响彻天际,恐怖的波动让人心悸。 They unexpectedly equally matched?” In the people heart is startled, two people fights unexpectedly is loath to part from each other. “他们竟然还是不相上下?”众人心中一怔,两人竟然战得难舍难分。 Looks at this appearance, very obvious strength is equally matched. 瞧这模样,很显然实力不相上下。 Comprehended unsurpassed sword intent, is without a peer. 一个领悟了无上剑意,不可匹敌。 Comprehended unsurpassed Dao Rhyme, the body, if Heavenly Flame, has is annihilating all imposing manners. 一个领悟了无上道韵,身若天炎,拥有着湮灭一切的气势。 Both meet, is very difficult to decide which one is better. 两者相遇,很难分出高低。 „Can't Senior Brother Lu take him unexpectedly?” Chen Jian knits the brows, this result makes him be hard to accept. 陆师兄竟然拿不下他?”陈剑皱眉,这结果让他难以接受。 Hateful, does Senior Brother Lu do does not use half step Yuan Core Realm cultivation level?” Li Jiansong felt a restlessness, in the heart whispered, „, if has half step Yuan Core Realm cultivation level blessing, his battle strength will be stronger, can definitely that Xiao Yun crush.” “可恶,陆师兄干么不动用半步元丹境修为?”李剑嵩感到了一丝不安,心中嘀咕,“若是有着半步元丹境修为加持,他的战力将更强,肯定能将那萧云碾压。” On competition stage, Xiao Yun the more fights the more brave is, imposing manner also even more formidable. 比赛台上,萧云越战越勇,气势也越发强大的了起来。 Lu Yuan is very strong, sword intent is arrogant, might cut completely all, if not for he has stabilized the sensibility in heart in Fire Dao inheritance, were also many for several points to understand to the Martial Dao true meaning, otherwise he is unable with it fighting, only then the fate of rout. 陆元很强,剑意凌人,真的似可斩尽一切,若不是他在火道传承中稳定了心中的感悟,对武道真意又多了几分了解,不然他根本无法与之争锋,只有溃败的下场。 But is different at this time, both sides are evenly matched, seem like the difficult minute high under. 可此时却不一样了,双方势均力敌,看似难分高下。 fighting intent that but in Xiao Yun within the body Bloodlines hides constantly was actually stimulated, is similar to Wu Kuang, rich fighting intent spews out, the whole person thinks defeats this enemy, under the infection of this fighting intent, in his heart has a thought. 可是萧云体内血脉中潜藏的战意却被不断激发,如同一个武狂,一股浓郁的战意喷涌而出,整个人想的只是战败这个敌人,在这种战意的感染下,他的心中只有一个意念。 That is the war! 那就是战! War! War! 战!战! Fearless! Unprecedented war! 无所畏惧!一往无前的战! That Battle Martial Spirit illusory shadow in invisible middle his Sea of Consciousness also became slightly concentrates really such. 无形当中他识海中的那个战武魂虚影也变得稍微凝实了那么一丝。 Under this promotion, fighting intent in Battle Martial Spirit made Xiao Yun many several points of imposing manner. 在这种提升下,战武魂中的战意又使得萧云多了几分气势。 Unknowingly, Xiao Yun starts to get the winning side, kills Lu Yuan again and again to retreat. 不知不觉,萧云开始占据上风,杀得陆元连连溃退。 Lu Yuan, you may have trump card, if did not have that on conclusion this war!” The Xiao Yun long hair waves, almost fights crazily crazy, in the middle of that binocular pupil is similar to has the flame to burn, the Sheng of fighting intent, feels a palpitation including Lu Yuan. 陆元,你可还有底牌,若是没有那么就结束这一战吧!”萧云长发舞动,战得几乎痴狂,那双眼眸当中如同有着火焰在燃烧,战意之盛,连陆元都感到一阵心悸。 Although does not have to stimulate to movement Battle Martial Spirit blessing desirably in the body, but the Martial Spirit strength seeped into Xiao Yun within the body imperceptibly. 虽然没有刻意催动战武魂加持在身,可是无形中武魂的力量已经渗透入了萧云体内 This is the Battle Martial Spirit uncommon place. 这就是战武魂的不凡之处。 Xiao Yun was equally matched with Lu Yuan battle strength, now Battle Martial Spirit can stimulate, formidable battle strength blessing in the body, making his imposing manner stronger, that Heavenly Flame Halberd waved, even if were ordinary type The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves is seeming to be the prestige of heavens frightening. 萧云本来就和陆元战力不相上下,如今战武魂得以激发,一股强大的战力加持在身,使得他气势更强了,那天炎戟舞动,就算是普通的一式烈焰破浪都似有着惊天之威。 This fellow how the more fights the more brave is?” Lu Yuan knits the brows, felt that was not wonderful. “这家伙怎么越战越勇了?”陆元皱眉,感觉到了一丝不妙。 Properly speaking his boundary is high, even if the [say / way] of two people comprehension is equally matched, may also sufficiently consume! 按理说他境界高,就算两人领悟的道不相上下,可也足以耗下去啊! Furthermore, Sword Dao is in various Martial Dao swiftest and fiercest one, how to beat? 再者,剑道为各种武道中最为凌厉的一种,怎么会不敌? This makes Lu Yuan knit the brows, first time felt being incapable. 这让陆元皱眉,第一次感到了无力。 He even wants to release to suppress, by half Yuan Core Realm cultivation level crush Xiao Yun, picks up the own confidence by this again. 他甚至想释放压制,以半步元丹境修为碾压萧云,以此重拾自己的信心。 May he bear finally. 可最终他忍住了。 Once such does, that represented him to admit defeat. 一旦真的这么做,那就代表着他认输了。 As a Sword Dao talent, how could to admit defeat? 作为一个剑道天才,岂能认输? Sword, when prefers death to humiliation! 剑者,当宁折不弯! Otherwise lost Dao Heart, boundary will draw back the revolutions. 不然就失去了道心,境界会退转。 This Xiao Yun within the body as if has a mysterious strength to be stimulated.” In tower, Ouyang Chen pupil light tight is staring at the front, the formidable sensation releases, induces the fluctuation that on Xiao Yun is sending out unceasingly. “这萧云体内似乎有着一种神秘的力量被激发了出来。”楼台上,欧阳尘眸光紧紧的盯着前方,强大的感知释放出去,不断感应着萧云身上所散发出来的波动。 It seems like his background does not stop Flame Martial Spirit to be so simple!” Palace Lord Jiang and Old Cao Palace Lord looked at each other to obtain intent of the affirmation from the respective pupil, initially Xiao Yun and Zhao Zheng fought once to stimulate bone-chilling cold fighting intent, finally the reverse situation, has routed the opposite party at one fell swoop. “看来他的底子绝不止一个火炎武魂那么简单啊!”姜殿主曹老殿主相视一眼都从各自眸中得到了一丝肯定之意,当初萧云赵政一战就曾经激发出了一股凛冽战意,最后扭转局势,一举击溃了对方。 Now is this situation how similar? 现在这情况何其相似? What is only different was Xiao Yun that fighting intent was more formidable, that unprecedentedness, fearless intent domain also appeared more natural. 唯一不同的是萧云那种战意更强大了,那股一往无前,无所畏惧的意境也显得更自然了。 Why is this?” This lets Palace Lord Jiang and Old Cao Palace Lord is somewhat stunned. “这是为何?”这让姜殿主曹老殿主有些错愕。 „Do they know what?” Ouyang Chen pupil light moves slightly, had discovered this two people mood changes. “难道他们知道什么?”欧阳尘眸光微动,发现了这两人的情绪变化。 However he has not questioned in detail, but is watching the front war. 不过他也没有细问,只是在观看着前方的大战。 This way, Xiao Yun must win.” In the Ouyang Chen heart ponders darkly, brow has also stretched. “这样下去,萧云必胜。”欧阳尘心中暗忖,眉头也舒展了开来。 So long as the Xiao Yun win, that Li Tianhuai does not have anything to say. 只要萧云取胜,那李天淮也没有什么好说的了。 If the opposite party must insist on take action, he also only then tore to pieces the facial skin. 若对方真要执意出手,他也只有撕破脸皮了。 This way the situation is not wonderful.” Li Tianhuai old eyes twinkle, felt is not wonderful. “这样下去情况不妙。”李天淮老眼闪烁,也是感到了一丝不妙。 Must result in makes Yuan'er fight a battle to force a quick decision is.” Li Tianhuai pupil light dodges, plan secretly passes message. “必须得让元儿速战速决才是。”李天淮眸光一闪,就打算暗自传音。 At this moment that Lu Yuan just like was compelled to draw back by Xiao Yun, the personal appearance staggers, falls on the competition stage edge. 就在这时那陆元俨然被萧云逼退,身形踉跄,落在比赛台的边缘。 This Xiao Yun physique is very strange, as if has formidable Bloodlines, now was stimulated.” After Lu Yuan falls to the ground, stands firm the personal appearance, his stern-faced stares at the front, in the heart is pondering darkly, is not good, if in this way, me must defeat.” “这萧云体质很奇怪,似乎有着一种强大的血脉,现在被激发了出来。”陆元落地后稳住身形,他一脸凝重的盯着前方,心中暗忖,“不行,若是在这样下去,我必败。” Lu Yuan pupil light dodges, tight is staring at Xiao Yun, at once the mandibular joint bites, as if set firm resolve. 陆元眸光一闪,紧紧的盯着萧云,旋即牙关一咬,似乎下定了决心。 Crosses the rubicon must win, must preserve the face countenance for the teacher.” Lu Yuan pupil light dodges, in the middle of Sea of Consciousness, a sword intent seed emerges unexpectedly, does not have from the forehead, formidable sword intent evolves into the storm of sword to wreak havoc to go forward. “就算破釜沉舟也要获胜,必须为师尊保住颜面。”陆元眸光一闪,蓦地识海当中,一颗剑意种子涌现,从眉心没出,一股强大的剑意演化成为剑之风暴向前肆虐而去。 Shout! 呼! The storm of this sword sweeps across, routs front fallout directly, its potential has not faded, but also raids to Xiao Yun. 这剑之风暴席卷而出,直接将前方的余波击溃,其势未衰,还袭向萧云 Thump! 咚! The sword intent storm sweeps across to come, that formidable sword intent is similar to stormy sea (difficult situation), lets Xiao Yun body, felt a formidable oppression, induces to go by formidable Spiritual Consciousness, can discover that in this sword intent storm has the sharp sword that myriad handle sword intent turn into to cut to him, each sharp sword might is greatly strengthened, comparable with ordinary half Yuan Core Realm powerhouse struck. 剑意风暴席卷而来,那强大的剑意如同惊涛骇浪,让得萧云身子一顿,感到了一股强大的压迫,凭借强大的灵识感应而去,可以发现这剑意风暴里面有着万千柄剑意化成的利剑斩向了他,每一道利剑都威力极强,堪比普通半步元丹境强者一击了。 This type of storm, the crush, sweeps away ten several ordinary half Yuan Core Realm powerhouse sufficiently. 这种风暴,足以碾压,横扫十数个普通半步元丹境强者 Even if existence of thunder that rank also collapses at the first blow. 就算是雷霆那种等级的存在也不堪一击。 Surprised, Xiao Yun gained ground, takes a look to the front. 惊讶下,萧云抬头,瞅向了前方。 Actually sees that front Lu Yuan forehead, has handle inch allow Chang rays of light to reappear. 却见得那前方的陆元眉心,有着一柄寸许长的光芒浮现。 This is a oval object, the golden light is shining, probably a handle short-sword, lends a sharp knife blade incomparable aura. 这是一个椭圆形的物体,金光灿灿,好像一柄短剑,散发出一股利刃无比的气息。 This is the sword intent seed!” In Xiao Yun within the body, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sound resounds. “这是剑意种子!”在萧云体内,吞天雀的声音响起。 Anything! sword intent seed?” Xiao Yun is startled, the careful induction goes, discovered that object sword intent is vast, sword aura is reserved, seed that soon will germinate, not difficult to imagine that sword intent, once seed, ingrained, that this what kind terror. “什么!剑意种子?”萧云一怔,仔细感应而去,发现那物体剑意浩瀚,剑气内敛,真的似一个即将发芽的种子,不难想象那剑意一旦萌芽,根深蒂固,那该何等恐怖。 This Lu Yuan has stimulated to movement the sword intent seed unexpectedly!” At this time on high stage has also heard screams. “这陆元竟然催动了剑意种子!”此时高台上也传来了惊呼声。 „Was this boy insane? Stimulates to movement the sword intent seed, once there is an accident, may destroy the beforehand foundation!” Deacon calls out in alarm, feels to Lu Yuan this act quite shocking, this sword intent seed not only condensed unsurpassed sword intent, but also is having cultivator mind, to the sensibility of [say / way], once is damaged, mind definitely will receive to implicate the consequence to be inconceivable. “这小子疯了吗?催动剑意种子,一旦有个闪失,可将会毁去以前的根基啊!”一个执事惊呼,对陆元此举感到颇为震惊,这剑意种子不仅凝聚了无上剑意,还拥有着修者的一丝心神,对道的感悟,一旦受损,心神肯定会受到牵连后果不堪设想。 Regarding any talent, not possibly does not arrive at the hopeless situation the sword intent seed stimulation of movement. 对于任何天才来说,不到绝境绝不可能将剑意种子催动而出。 This stimulates to movement the sword intent seed and stimulates to movement sword intent, has the different differences completely. 这催动剑意种子和催动剑意,完全有着不同的区别。 The sword intent seed is the foundation, sword intent is only product that's all. that on this foundation grows 剑意种子是根基,剑意只是这根基上衍生出来的产物罢了。 sword intent was routed will not injure and foundation, but this sword intent seed, once touched that to be different. 剑意被击溃不会伤及根基,可是这剑意种子一旦触动出来那可就不同了。 But Lu Yuan such has done at this moment actually, obviously his determination. 陆元此刻却这么做了,可见他的决心。 One group of idiots, Senior Brother Lu has stimulated to movement the sword intent seed now, sword potential Wushuang(Unparalleled), can it be that Xiao Yun enemy?” Li Jiansong cracks into a smile, when double pupil takes a look to the front completely is glittering the fierce flavor, Hehe, Senior Brother Lu is great, stimulates to movement the sword intent seed, although has lost, but my Grandfather definitely will carry on to grant to you afterward.” “一群蠢货,如今陆师兄剑意种子催动了出来,剑势无双,岂是那萧云的可敌?”李剑嵩咧嘴一笑,双眸瞅向前方时尽是闪烁着狰狞的味道,“呵呵,陆师兄好样的,催动剑意种子虽然有所损耗,不过事后我爷爷肯定会对你进行赏赐的。” This fellow stimulates to movement the sword intent seed unexpectedly.” Ouyang Sect Master brow is also a wrinkle, shows the whole face dignified expression. “这家伙竟然催动剑意种子。”欧阳宗主眉头也是一皱,露出满脸凝重的表情。 Once the sword intent seed stimulates to movement, the strength that contains was not a moment ago that unsurpassed sword potential may compare! 剑意种子一旦催动,那所蕴含的力量可绝不是刚才那无上剑势可比啊! Both sides fight, depends on the strength respectively, his not good take action intervention, will otherwise only leave behind the handle to Li Tianhuai. 只是双方一战,各凭实力,他也不好出手干预,不然只会给李天淮留下把柄。 When the sword intent seed appears instant, the Lu Yuan whole body was covered by sword intent, dazzling sword light seed middle blooms dazzlingly from that eye-catching, that swift and fierce sword light might tear the vault of heaven, that type cuts completely all imposing manners to let the person palpitation. 剑意种子浮现的刹那,陆元全身都被剑意所笼罩,耀眼的剑光从那颗‘种子’当中绽放开来刺眼夺目,那凌厉的剑光似可撕裂苍穹,那种斩尽一切的气势让人心悸。 Under the curtain of night, Lu Yuan on such as a sword god, stands erect on competition stage, the whole person imposing manner is arrogant, has the invincible potential. 夜幕下,陆元就如一尊剑神,屹立在比赛台上,整个人气势凌人,有着无敌之势。 Is Xiao Yun worried in this moment all people. 在这一刻所有的人都不由为萧云捏了一把汗。 Unsurpassed sword intent, shatters the vault of heaven! 无上剑意,破灭苍穹 The Lu Yuan double pupil concentrates, mind moves, that sword intent seed light runes dodges, surface split a crack, inside vast sword intent bursts out, finally changes into handle several rice widths, about ten zhang (3.33 m) heavens frightening great sword turns toward the front to cut in the sky. 陆元双眸一凝,心神一动,那剑意‘种子’光纹一闪,表面似裂开了一道裂缝,里面一股浩瀚的剑意迸发而出,最后化为一柄数米宽,近十丈长的惊天巨剑当空向着前方斩下。 Buzz! 嗡! A sword cuts, sword light blooms, void was torn, unsurpassed sword intent tilts, resembles to want being disillusioned world myriad things. 一剑斩下,剑光绽放,虚空都被撕裂了,无上剑意倾覆而下,似要破灭天地万物。 Entire competition stage was covered by this sword intent, Xiao Yun places oneself in the middle of that dazzling sword light completely, has no place to go. 整个比赛台都被这股剑意笼罩,萧云完全置身那耀眼的剑光当中,无处可逃。 Shout! 呼! Sees this, all people this lived in the breath, the nerve tightened. 见此,所有人都本住呼吸,神经都绷紧了起来。 Facing so attacks, only feared that must evade to draw back including quasi- Yuan Core Realm powerhouse, that can Xiao Yun the enemy? 面对如此攻击,只怕连准元丹境强者都要避退,那萧云能敌吗? sword intent tilts, swift and fierce incomparable, resembles to be disillusioned all, Xiao Yun felt that the flesh of own is painful. 剑意倾覆而下,凌厉无比,似要破灭一切,萧云感觉自己的肌肤生疼。 This sword intent by far is not he can resist, flame starts lax, is hard to resist this sword intent appearance. 剑意之强远远不是他所能抵挡,身上的火炎都开始涣散,一副难以抵挡这剑意的模样。 Unsurpassed sword intent?” Facing that formidable oppression, Xiao Yun pupil light actually became even more fiery, his within both eyes fighting intent was imposing, tight stared at the front to be void, breaks into a hearty laugh, said that good, I had a look at your this sword intent seed strongly!” “无上剑意?”面对那强大的压迫,萧云眸光却变得越发火热了起来,他双眸中战意凛然,紧紧的盯着前方虚空,朗声一笑,道,“好,我就看看你这剑意种子有多强!” Xiao Yun mind moves, in Sea of Consciousness the Purple Flame Martial Spirit rays of light twinkle, endless Purple Flame emerges. 萧云心神一动,识海紫炎武魂光芒闪烁,无尽的紫炎涌现而出。 Has bunch of Heavenly Flame to reappear in his back, the purple light blooms, is similar to a round purple fire releases burning aura positive. 在他的背后有着一簇天炎浮现,紫光绽放,如同一轮紫色的火阳释放出炙热的气息 ( ( …… ……
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