EMS :: Volume #3

#262: Martial arts true meaning!

Chapter 262 Martial Dao true meaning! 第262章武道真意! martial dao deep meaning was too illusory, few people comprehend, the ordinary people are rare. 武道奥义太虚无缥缈了,很少有人领悟,平常众人都难得一见。 Now must see fortunately, shock that brings has far exceeded the imagination. 如今有幸得见,所带来的震撼远远超出了想象。 As if comprehends deep meaning, can sweep away all. 似乎领悟一丝奥义,就可以横扫一切了。 This deep meaning has just like gone beyond the general martial arts category. 奥义俨然超出了一般武学的范畴。 Martial Dao true meaning? Is this Martial Dao true meaning?” Li Zun muttered, the double pupil was fixing the eyes on front competition stage. 武道真意?这就是武道真意吗?”李尊喃喃自语,双眸紧盯着前方的比赛台 Initially he once entered the Core Palace Martial Dao inheritance cliff, what a pity has not resulted in becomes aware, had feelings. 当初他曾经进入了核心殿武道传承崖,可惜没有得悟,却也有所感触。 Now he is inducing Xiao Yun once more with the imposing manner on that Lu Yuan releasing. 如今他再次感应着萧云与那陆元身上所释放出来的气势。 Saw that two people this struck the had that potential, in the heart as if has a clear(ly) to become aware. 见到两人这一击所拥有的那股势,心中似乎有着一丝明悟。 Unprecedented! Irresistible, if thunder! Is this Martial Dao true meaning? Is the Martial Dao true meaning then the potential of natural world?” Li Zun muttered, side many talents looking pensive, infected by that inexplicable imposing manner and intent domain. “一往无前!势不可挡,如若雷霆!这就是武道真意?武道真意便是自然天地之势吗?”李尊喃喃自语,旁边许多天才都若有所思,被那股莫名的气势与意境所感染。 Many people started to sense attentively, immerse in that fluctuation. 许多的人开始用心感悟,沉浸在了那种波动当中。 This is unsurpassed sword intent.” Nearby Lei Tai pupil light concentrates, when the heart is surprised is also sensing that fluctuation. “这才是无上剑意。”旁边的雷泰眸光一凝,心中惊讶之余也在感悟着那种波动。 In he just like discovers several intent domain in the middle of these fallout! 在这些余波当中里面他俨然发现几种意境 He comprehended wind and thunder deep meaning, but held superficial knowledge / fur, did not know badly many compared with Xiao Yun and Lu Yuan. 他领悟了一丝风雷奥义,可是却只是抓住了一丝皮毛,比起萧云陆元不知差了多少。 This Xiao Yun as if completely integrated in the middle of that intent domain.” Lei Tai double pupil is staring at the front, looking pensive, „, but I do not have this intent domain, during I with the aid of the potential of world wind and thunder, have not been integrating, the strength that replies on after is not the own strength, is not own [say / way], therefore I am inferior to them, therefore I defeated.” “这萧云似乎完全融入了那种意境当中。”雷泰双眸怔怔的盯着前方,若有所思,“可是我却没有这种意境,我只是在借助天地风雷之势,并没有融入当中,借助的力量毕竟不是自己的力量,不是自己的‘道’,所以我不如他们,所以我才败了。” Lei Tai confirms unceasingly, finally had found the reason of own failure. 雷泰不断验证,终于找到了自己失败的原因。 At this moment his in heart relaxed, mind piece of clear and bright, even also has one type to emerge excitedly. 这一刻他心中大定,心神一片清明,甚至还有着一种兴奋涌现。 The confrontation of Xiao Yun and Lu Yuan made him sweep clean the dense fog, saw clearly the Martial Dao true meaning, now he lacks was own my study and understand. 萧云陆元的交锋让他扫清了迷雾,看清了武道真意,现在他缺少的就是自己参悟了。 After understanding this, Lei Tai continues to sense, wants to study to estimate the Martial Dao true meaning that Xiao Yun and Lu Yuan comprehend. 明白这点后雷泰继续感悟,想要学习揣摩萧云陆元所领悟的武道真意。 clear(ly) became aware, only required the time of electric light flint to be able, but the confrontation of Xiao Yun and Lu Yuan also just started and not long. 明悟,只需要电光火石的时间便可,而萧云陆元的交锋也才刚刚开始并没有多久。 sword light blooms, resembles to cut crack all, broken completely Myriad Laws, halberd glow crazier tyrant but who that Heavenly Flame Halberd bursts out. 剑光绽放,似要斩裂一切,破尽万法,可是那天炎戟迸发出来的戟芒更为狂霸。 The Purple Flame twinkle, burns to crack the void distortion, dazzling sword light changed into the nihility all. 紫炎闪烁,焚裂得虚空扭曲,耀眼剑光尽数化为了虚无。 long sword is but invincible, has one to cut completely all imposing manners, both encounter equally matched. 可是长剑无敌,拥有着一股斩尽一切的气势,两者交锋可谓不相上下。 The moment, that halberd glow and sword light are all defeated and dispersed, at once long sword and Heavenly Flame Halberd hit are sending out the violent confrontation together. 只是片刻,那戟芒剑光皆是溃散,旋即长剑天炎戟撞击在一起发出猛烈的交锋。 Ding! 叮! Sword halberd intersection, a wild strength eruption, two types formidable potential hits in together, is similar to two star arrow hits simply, bursts out a terrifying fluctuation, gorgeous rays of light is also is similar to that smoke and fire generally blooms on competition stage. 剑戟相交,一股狂暴的力量爆发而出,两种强大的‘势’撞击在一起,简直就如同两颗星矢撞击,迸发出一股恐怖的波动,绚丽的光芒也是如同那烟火一般在比赛台上绽放开来。 Setting sun remnant rosy cloud, beautiful incomparable, is actually inferior to dazzling rays of light on this competition stage. 夕阳残霞,美艳无比,却不如这比赛台上的耀眼光芒 When rays of light dissipates, on competition stage two youth personal appearance all tremble, resulted in flying upside down by the undulatory motion of that terror. 待得光芒消散,比赛台上两个青年身形皆是一颤,被那恐怖的波动震得倒飞而出。 The formidable fluctuation wreaks havoc, that fallout comparable with -and-a-half Yuan Core cultivator struck the had imposing manner sufficiently. 强大的波动肆虐开来,那余波足以堪比一个半步元丹修者一击所拥有的气势了。 Violent confrontation of two True Yuan perfection boundary, but also is containing one formidable potential, the fluctuation that both hit even compares half step Yuan Core Realm to be strong, if general True Yuan Realm cultivator were given to affect by this fluctuation, only feared that does not die remnantly also half. 两个真元圆满境的猛烈交锋,还蕴含着一股强大的‘势’,两者撞击出来的波动甚至比半步元丹境还强,若是一般的真元境修者被这种波动给波及,只怕不死也得半残。 Felt this fluctuation, the person under stage is tightening the nerve. 感受着这种波动,台下的人不由将神经都绷紧了。 Xiao Yun, only then the True Yuan late-stage boundary, can he resist this fluctuation?” A disciple face of Heavenly Yuan Sect worried. 萧云只有真元后期境,他能抵挡住这种波动吗?”天元宗弟子一脸担忧。 That Lu Yuan at least half Yuan Realm , he although suppressed cultivation level, but who faces this fallout to stipulate that can't resist fully? 陆元至少有半步元境,他虽然压制了修为,可是面对这种余波谁规定不可以全力抵挡了? Vast fallout shakes, Xiao Yun is similar to by the 1-layer heavy wild waves is submerged, that formidable strength is irresistible. 浩瀚的余波震荡开来,萧云就如同被一重重的骇浪淹没,那种强大的力量不可抵挡。 This has surmounted general half Yuan Core Realm cultivator to strike the brought strength. 这已经超越了一般半步元丹境修者一击所带来的力量了。 Xiao Yun the personal appearance under this impact trembled to be shaken to fly. 在这种冲击下萧云的身形一颤被震飞了出去。 However, after shaking flies several meters, that fallout clearly to weaken. 不过,震飞几米后那余波明显有所减弱。 This fallout is really uncommon, middle is also containing potential of the sword.” These fallout sweep across to come, Xiao Yun can feel that was seeming to be a handle handle sharp sword cuts toward him, chops, punctures, on him protecting body True Yuan was defeated and dispersed under these sword potentials. “这余波果然不凡,当中还蕴含着一股剑之势。”那些余波席卷而来,萧云可以感觉到似有着一柄柄利剑向着他斩,劈,刺来,他身上的护体真元都在这些剑势下溃散了。 Swallowing the Heavens Arts, swallows to me!” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, the Swallowing the Heavens Arts fierce revolution, vortex appears that sword potential embezzles. 吞天诀,给我吞!”萧云眸光一凝,吞天诀猛的运转,一个气旋浮现将那剑势吞没。 So, he felt immediately with ease. 如此,他顿时感觉轻松了许多。 After this cushion, Xiao Yun had been shaken flew 12 meters far, the impulse that but receives considerably is also weaken. 经过这个缓冲,萧云已经被震飞了12米远,不过所受到的冲击力也大大减弱。 Is defeated and dispersed to me!” At this time Xiao Yun whole body purple light bloomed, formidable fighting intent burst out from within the body, he was similar to a diamond, the personal appearance shook directly is the quite crazy tyrant shook these fallout bursts, the body one lived in that flying upside down calm the trend, afterward fell gently slowly. “给我溃散!”这时萧云全身紫光绽放,一股强大的战意体内迸发而出,他就如同一个金刚,身形一震直接是颇为狂霸的将那些余波震溃,身子一沉稳住那倒飞的趋势,随后缓缓飘落。 Thump! 咚! The sole falls to the ground, the Xiao Yun personal appearance then fell on that competition stage edge immediately. 脚掌落地,萧云的身形当即便落在了那比赛台的边缘处。 Reviews other one side, Lu Yuan whole body rays of light blooms, such as myriad sharp swords burst out, but turns toward that to wreak havoc the fallout impact that comes to go this fluctuation resisting directly, when his personal appearance fell to the ground staggered appears quite distressed. 反观另外一边,陆元全身光芒绽放,如万千利剑迸发而出直接向着那肆虐而来的余波冲击而去生生的将这种波动给抵挡了下来,不过他身形落地时一个踉跄显得颇为狼狈。 „Hasn't he used half step Yuan Core Realm cultivation level to resist unexpectedly?” Saw that staggers Lu Yuan that draws back, in the Xiao Yun heart the slightly shakes, the former then resisted that terrifying fluctuation with an unsurpassed sword potential a moment ago, obviously the vigor of his background. “他竟然没有动用半步元丹境修为抵挡?”见到那踉跄而退的陆元,萧云心中微震,刚才前者只是用一股无上剑势便抵挡住那种恐怖的波动,可见他底蕴之浑厚。 Good, you really have this imposing manner.” Lu Yuan falls to the ground, the corners of the mouth have some bloodstains to overflow, his pupil light concentrates to take a look to Xiao Yun, after seeing the latter safely falls to the ground, in heart slightly surprised, at once in the middle of that pair of pupil fighting intent emerges suddenly. “不错,你竟然有此气势。”陆元落地,嘴角有着些许血迹溢出,他眸光一凝瞅向萧云,在见得后者安然落地后,心中略微惊讶,旋即那双眸当中一股战意猛然涌现。 Only then so, you are reluctantly match for my match.” The Lu Yuan double pupil rays of light twinkle, said that „, but, then you want to resist me to be possible by this not to be easy, a war, making me have a look at you to comprehend several points of intent domain.” “只有如此,你才算勉强配成为我的对手。”陆元双眸光芒闪烁,道,“不过,接下来你想以此抵挡我可就没有那么容易了,放手一战吧,让我看看你领悟了几分意境。” Said that his personal appearance shakes, the clothes robe agitation, bone-chilling cold sword intent bursts out from his body. 说完他身形一震,衣袍鼓动,一股凛冽的剑意从他的身上迸发而出。 sword intent, seemed to be that the strong winds live, this Lu Yuan sent Feiyang (flies upwards), the whole person was elegant the dust. 剑意一出,似有狂风生起,这陆元的发丝都飞扬了起来,整个人飘逸出尘。 A sword crack is spatial! 一剑裂空! the sword pierces through the star river! 剑贯星河 A coldly snorted sound gets up, Lu Yuan grasped long sword to kill to Xiao Yun. 一声冷哼声响起,陆元手持长剑杀向了萧云 Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, is impolite, in the hand the Heavenly Flame Halberd rays of light twinkle, bone-chilling cold fighting intent emerges. 萧云眸光一凝,也不客气,手中天炎戟光芒闪烁,一股凛冽战意涌现。 The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves! 烈焰破浪 The Heavenly Flames Splits the Sky! 天炎裂空 The Flames Shines the World! 炎耀天地 The Flames Sweeps the Sky! 炎卷长空 The Roasting Flames Covers the Heavens! 炙炎覆天 The halberd glow twinkle, the imposing manner is astonishing, Heavenly Flame Five Styles was displayed by Xiao Yun. 戟芒闪烁,气势惊人,天炎五式萧云施展出来。 Although beforehand Heavenly Flame Five Styles, but actually completely changed flavor in the hand of Xiao Yun at this time. 虽然还是以前的天炎五式,可是此时在萧云的手中却完全变了味。 These five types had an inexplicable imposing manner, natural Dao Rhyme. 这五式有了一种莫名的气势,一种天然的道韵 A simple type might is infinite, one after another, the might layer on layer superimposed, kills to the front! 简单的一式却威力无穷,一招接一招,威力重重叠加,杀向了前方! Under this Heavenly Flame Five Styles, that Lu Yuan is unable to get the winning side unexpectedly! 在这天炎五式下,那陆元竟然无法占据上风! the sword breaks myriad laws! 剑破万法 Lu Yuan pupil light dodges, a rich sword potential condenses, kills to Xiao Yun. 陆元眸光一闪,一股浓郁的剑势凝聚,杀向萧云 long sword moves, sword light cuts crack to be void, the front purple glow is defeated and dispersed all. 长剑一动,剑光斩裂虚空,前方的紫芒尽数溃散。 This type has seriously broken goes to the Myriad Laws imposing manner! 这一式当真有着破去万法的气势! I for Heavenly Flame!” Xiao Yun continues take action, evolved the Heavenly Flame sixth type. “我为天炎!”萧云继续出手,演化出了天炎第六式。 Ding! 叮! Both sides encounter, was shaken to draw back respectively, does not know one's place unexpectedly. 双方交锋,又是各自被震退了出去,竟然不分上下。 You, if only then this strength, then finished.” The Xiao Yun double pupil concentrates, after one fought his strength to the Lu Yuan to have a general understanding, this person comprehended sword intent also by no means to be invincible, but was very obvious, Lu Yuan as if did not have take action strongly. “你若只有这点实力,那么便结束吧。”萧云双眸一凝,经过一番战斗他对陆元的实力已经有了一个大概的了解,此人领悟了剑意却也并非不可战胜,不过很显然,陆元似乎没有竭力出手 Therefore Xiao Yun does not think that was towing, decided fully take action, earlier fought it out. 所以萧云也不想在拖下去了,决定全力出手,早点一决胜负。 Person and Flame Unites, annihilates all! 人炎合一,湮灭一切! Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, intent domain is condensing, his Purple Flame twinkle, the whole person such as was submerged and resembled by the purple light to change into a purple person's shadow to be faintly recognizable in the competition stage twinkle, appears the mixture of truth and deceit, is hard to ponder over, actually sees him to grasp Heavenly Flame Halberd, kills unexpectedly to the front. 萧云眸光一凝,一股意境在凝聚,他身上紫炎闪烁,整个人如被紫光淹没又似化为了一个紫色的人影在比赛台闪烁飘渺,显得虚虚实实,难以琢磨,却见得他手持天炎戟,蓦地杀向前方。 Whoosh ! 刷! Person and Flame Unites, Heavenly Flame Halberd cuts in the sky, changed into heavens frightening purple glow, has not seen the Xiao Yun form on that competition stage unexpectedly, he as if really unites with Heavenly Flame, is the next quarter, that purple glow dodges, such as a youth cuts in the sky. 人炎合一,天炎戟当空斩下,化为了一道惊天紫芒,在那比赛台上竟然没有看到萧云的身影,他似乎真的与天炎合一,可是下一刻,那紫芒一闪,如一个青年当空斩下。 Also then, such as Heavenly Flame changed into him. 如此一来,又如天炎化为了他。 This intent domain and I for Heavenly Flame somewhat similar, actually became more faintly recognizable. 这种意境和‘我为天炎’有些相似,却又变得更加飘渺了起来。 Became more several points of Dao Rhyme. 变得更加多了几分道韵 A halberd cuts! 一戟斩下! Void all lonesome, all air as if are defeated and dispersed, only the remaining that said halberd glow and his invincible imposing manner. 虚空皆寂,所有的空气似乎溃散一空,只剩下那道戟芒及他那无敌的气势。 This halberd as if has to annihilate all imposing manners really! 这一戟真的似乎有着湮灭一切的气势! This is true intent domain.” Lu Yuan pupil light concentrates, on the face first time has shown the dignified expression. “这才是真正的意境。”陆元眸光一凝,脸上第一次露出了凝重的表情。 To now him true regards a match Xiao Yun. 到了现在他才真正的将萧云当成一个对手。 Concentrates my sword intent, shatters the vault of heaven! 凝我剑意,破灭苍穹 The Lu Yuan double pupil concentrates, in that pair of eye pupil sword light flashes, if carefully looks that as if has a handle small sword to reappear. 陆元双眸一凝,那双眼瞳中剑光闪烁,若是仔细看去,似乎有着一柄小剑浮现。 Swift and fierce sword intent also along with it bursting out. 一股凌厉的剑意也是随之迸发而出。 Buzz! 嗡! That small sword dodges, is similar to does not have from the eye pupil of Lu Yuan, finally changed into sword glow. 那小剑一闪,如同从陆元的眼瞳中没出,最后化为了一道剑芒 This sword glow was sharp, integrated in long sword in Lu Yuan hand, his imposing manner of whole person rose dramatically when this moment, long hair flying upwards was similar to one generation of swords Venerable near the dust simply, has long sword greatly in the hand, from may tread the day the line, cut the unsurpassed imposing manner of sword world enemy! 剑芒锋利,融入了陆元手中的长剑中,在这一刻他整个人的气势飙升,长发飞扬时简直如同一代剑尊临尘,大有着一种长剑在手,自可踏天而行,斩剑天下敌的无上气势! Lu Yuan Senior Brother stimulated in the middle of sword intent seed unsurpassed sword intent!” Chen Jian the eyes reveals surprised in tower, loses one's voice to call out in alarm, sword intent seed, this is condenses by unsurpassed sword intent, was similar to a Sword Dao true meaning by the brand mark in the middle of mind. 陆元师兄激发了剑意种子当中的无上剑意!”楼台上的陈剑眸露惊讶,不由失声惊呼,剑意种子,这是由无上剑意凝聚而成,如同一丝剑道真意被烙印在了心神当中。 This is true sword intent. 这才是真正的剑意 Ordinary Lu Yuan and person take action will not use in the middle of this sword intent seed strength. 平常陆元与人出手绝不会动用这剑意种子当中的力量。 But this time he actually moved, is strongly take action. 可是这一次他却动了,还是竭力出手 This made in the Chen Jian heart raise stormy sea (difficult situation). 这让陈剑心中掀起了惊涛骇浪 Has not thought that this Xiao Yun was unexpectedly formidable to this situation.” Li Jiansong brows tightly frowns, feels surprised. “没有想到这萧云竟然强大到了这个地步。”李剑嵩眉头紧锁,也是感到惊讶。 In entire Heavenly Sword Peak can make Lu Yuan not hesitate to use in the middle of the sword intent seed strength, only then his elder brother Li Jianyuan. 在整个天剑峰能让陆元不惜动用剑意种子当中的力量,也只有他的兄长李剑元了而已。 But Xiao Yun actually compels this situation Lu Yuan now, his has natural talent been able with these two extremely talents side by side? 可现在萧云却将陆元逼到了这个地步,难道说他的天赋已经可以与这两个绝顶天才比肩了吗? This makes Li Jiansong feel that somewhat is hard to accept. 这让李剑嵩感到有些难以接受。 This boy has this natural talent unexpectedly.” That Li Tianhuai brow is also the tight wrinkle. “这小子竟有此天赋。”就连那李天淮眉头也是紧紧一皱。 That type Person and Flame Unites that now Xiao Yun shows, just like really had a flavor of [say / way] in middle. 如今萧云展现出来的那一式人炎合一,俨然真的有了一种道的味道在当中。 This and Lu Yuan condenses the sword intent seed to be quite similar. 这和陆元凝聚剑意种子颇为相似。 Has not thought that my sect has such talent unexpectedly!” Ouyang Chen the eyes shows bright light, the whole person was shaken shook, within the body blood as if boiling, in the heart has been moved joyfully, Dao Rhyme that Xiao Yun this type displays makes him feel surprised. “没有想到我宗竟有此等天才!”欧阳尘眸露精光,整个人被震了一震,体内的血液都似乎沸腾了起来,心中感动欣喜不已,萧云这一式表现出来的道韵让他感到惊讶。 This was equal to that has touched [say / way] the true meaning, then only needed to stabilize [say / way]. 这等于已经触及到了‘道’之真意,接下来就只需要稳定‘道’了。 This character is not only senses deep meaning to be so simple. 这种人物已经不仅仅是感悟一丝奥义那么简单了。 ( ( …… ……
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