EMS :: Volume #3

#261: Deep meaning showdown!

Chapter 261 deep meaning showdown! 第261章奥义对决! Facing this unsurpassed sword intent, Xiao Yun was actually only the eyelid slightly jumped. { Please search in hundred degree celsius, first round entire writing reading } 面对这种无上剑意,萧云却只是眼皮微微跳了跳而已。{请在百度搜索哈,首发全文字阅读} This imposing manner is useful to others, but wants to deter him, very obviously also by far insufficient. 这种气势对别人有用,可想震慑他,很显然还远远不够。 Now the body of Xiao Yun passed through Heavenly Flame to quenching, skeleton, skin, muscle incomparable tenacity, so long as even he moved, that Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts revolved to be able easily that tilted, but below sword intent gave to melt, furthermore he also cultivated Swallowing the Heavens Arts, magic arts moves, can melt these sword intent, Lu Yuan wants to frighten Xiao Yun to make a mistake the idea by this completely. 如今萧云的身体经过了天炎淬炼,骨骼,皮肤,肌肉都无比的坚韧,甚至只要他一动,那天炎神铠诀运转起来就可以轻易的将那倾覆而下的剑意给化解,再者他还修有吞天诀,法诀一动,也可以化解这些剑意,陆元想以此震慑萧云完全是打错了主意。 His mind does not have one to change countenance, although that sword intent is strong, change-form, was not eventually far compared with the incoming messenger with Xiao Yun Soul Power, his brow selects, the personal appearance shakes, within the body was seeming to be a flame blooms, these sword intent are immediately defeated and dispersed for the nihility. 就连他的心神都没有一丝动容,那剑意虽强,终究未曾化形,与萧云灵魂力比起来差远了,他眉头一挑,身形一震,体内似有着一片火光绽放,那些剑意当即便是溃散为虚无。 Protects the body technique?” The distant place, several Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse eye pupils shrank suddenly, saw these slight fluctuations. “是护体术?”远处,几位元婴境强者眼瞳骤然一缩,看到了那些细微的波动。 Suddenly, the people are the pupil dew surprise. 一时间,众人都是眸露诧异。 That invisible sword intent average person cannot see clearly, is the Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse sensation what kind terror? 那无形的剑意一般人根本看不清,可是元婴境强者的感知何等恐怖? Their mind moves, in the slight fluctuation including air may know from A to Z, fluctuation that let alone on cultivator sends out? 他们心神一动,连空气中的细微波动都可了如指掌,何况修者身上散发出来的波动? Flame that on Xiao Yun bloomed a moment ago made people feel surprised, resembled one type to protect the technique of body. 刚才萧云身上绽放出来的火光让人感到惊讶,似一种护体之术。 Is what protected the technique of body?” The people muttered. “是什么护体之术了?”众人喃喃自语。 Good familiar aura.” Peak Lord Zeng pupil light concentrates, the heart has the doubt, his half Yuan Soul Realm cultivation level sensation is also greatly strengthened, discovers the flame somewhat mysterious place that on Xiao Yun bloomed, but that aura dodged a moment ago is passing makes it not judge with enough time. “好熟悉的气息。”曾峰主眸光一凝,心有狐疑,他也半步元婴境修为感知极强,发现了萧云身上绽放出来的火光有些玄妙之处,不过刚才那气息一闪即逝使之没有来得及判断。 Melted?” Sees the Xiao Yun fearless own imposing manner, Lu Yuan is startled slightly. “化解了?”见萧云无惧自己的气势,陆元微微一怔。 At this time Lu Yuan appeared in the competition stage sky, he is startled slightly, is strolls, falls before the Xiao Yun body. 此时陆元已经出现在比赛台的上空,他微微一怔,便是漫步而下,落在萧云身前。 Southern Sea Sword Sect, Heavenly Sword Peak, Lu Yuan!” Lu Yuan falls to the ground, corners of the mouth shows a smile, rays of light that but in that pair of pupil glitters is actually similar to a sharp knife blade, swift and fierce incomparable, as if momentarily must kill people in invisible, making person mind restless, his corners of the mouth open and close saying slowly. 南海剑派,天剑峰,陆元!”陆元落地,嘴角露笑,可是那双眸子中所闪烁的光芒却如同利刃,凌厉无比,似乎随时要杀人于无形,让人心神不安,他嘴角开阖缓缓的说道。 Heavenly Yuan Sect, Xiao Yun!” Xiao Yun pupil light is swift and fierce, does not fear facing the Lu Yuan imposing manner, instead has soaring fighting intent constantly to stimulate from Bloodlines, even though front sword intent is arrogant, he has not actually used the Heavenly Flame Divine Armor resistance. 天元宗,萧云!”萧云眸光凌厉,面对陆元的气势丝毫不惧,反而有着一股高昂的战意不断从血脉当中激发而出,纵使前方剑意凌人,他却没有动用天炎火神铠抵御。 Xiao Yun such stands in competition stage, whatever that sword intent tilts to own under. 萧云就这么站立在比赛台,任由那剑意自己倾覆而下。 Only then under this oppression, his within the body fighting intent in blood can be stimulated. 只有在这种压迫下,他体内的血液中的战意才能被激发而出。 Therefore Xiao Yun simply has not resisted. 所以萧云干脆没有抵挡。 Now he needs a powerful enemy like this, unceasing stimulation fighting intent. 如今他就需要这样的一个强敌,不断的激发战意 Because Xiao Yun Battle Martial Spirit awakens shortly, but also very frail, wants continually to promote only then stimulates own fighting intent. 因为萧云战武魂觉醒才不久,还很孱弱,想要不断提升就只有激发自己战意 You is a talent, take pity on, what a pity you broke a Junior Brother Li arm, therefore today you also only then died in this.” The Lu Yuan imposing manner is arrogant, his face is faint, coldly stares at Xiao Yun saying that I do not occupy you to be cheap, I thought that your within the body True Fire is very strong, actually also in the True Yuan late-stage Peak boundary, so I then fights you by True Yuan late-stage Peak cultivation level.” “你是个天才,让人怜惜,可惜你断了李师弟一臂,所以今天你也只有夭折在此了。”陆元气势凌人,他一脸淡漠,冷冷的盯着萧云说道,“我也不占你便宜,我看你体内真火很强,却也只是在真元后期巅峰境,如此我便以真元后期巅峰修为战你。” Lu Yuan long hair flying upwards, the body was seeming to be sword light winds around, his brows slightly raise, the color of pupil dew looking disdainfully, appears is quite proud. 陆元长发飞扬,身上似有着剑光缭绕,他眉头微挑,眸露睥睨之色,显得颇为自负。 Fair war?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, afterward bright sound track, also good, such being the case, I do not occupy you to be cheap, you go to battle with True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary cultivation level.” “公平一战?”萧云眉头一弯,随后朗声道,“也好,既然如此,我也不占你便宜,你就用真元后期圆满境修为出战吧。” Today makes our war fight out, look is your Southern Sea Sword Sect sword technique Wushuang(Unparalleled), is my Heavenly Yuan Sect deep meaning is supreme!” “今天就让我们一战决胜负,看看是你南海剑派剑术无双,还是我天元宗奥义至上!” Half Yuan Core Realm is very strong, carves to have the enormous superiority in the imposing manner, furthermore this Lu Yuan is also an extremely talent, is highly regarded, this war will be related to the life and death, Xiao Yun will not pull rank, since the opposite party will want to fight him naturally unable fairly to reject. 半步元丹境很强,在气势上刻占据极大的优势,再者这陆元也是一个绝顶天才,不可小觑,这一战事关生死,萧云也不会托大,既然对方愿意公平一战他自然不会拒绝。 True Yuan late-stage perfection?” Lu Yuan brow one curved, in the heart is somewhat disgruntled, thought that this is Xiao Yun to his contemptuous. 真元后期圆满?”陆元眉头一弯,心中有些不悦,觉得这是萧云对他的轻蔑。 I for flawless Fire Martial Spirit.” Xiao Yun said that „, therefore, the Fire Martial Spirit boundary may fight True Yuan late-stage perfection.” “我为无暇火之武魂。”萧云说道,“所以,火武魂的境界可战真元后期圆满。” flawless Fire Martial Spirit?” In the Lu Yuan pupil reveals surprised look, Flawless Martial Spirit and Spirit Physique has not seen in their Southern Sea Sword Sect, has not thought that this Xiao Yun has such physique unexpectedly, this made him high look at one to this youth. 无暇火之武魂?”陆元眸中露出惊讶之色,无暇武魂灵体就算在他们南海剑派也是未曾一见,没有想到这萧云竟有此等体质,这让他对这少年不由高看了一眼。 Good, such being the case I then fight you by True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary.” Lu Yuan pupil light concentrates, said. “好,既然如此我便以真元后期圆满境战你。”陆元眸光一凝,说道。 During the speeches on two people have a formidable imposing manner to burst out. 说话间两个人身上都有着一股强大的气势迸发而出。 Lu Yuan suppresses cultivation level the boundary control in True Yuan perfection boundary. 陆元压制修为将境界控制在真元圆满境 Xiao Yun completely releases the Purple Flame Martial Spirit imposing manner, although this Martial Spirit only then the True Yuan late-stage Peak boundary imposing manner could actually with True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary comparable with, the imposing manner that Flawless Martial Spirit has not be the average person may compare. 萧云则是将紫炎武魂的气势全部释放出来,这武魂虽然只有真元后期巅峰境气势却已经可以和真元后期圆满境堪比,无暇武魂所拥有的气势绝不是一般人可比。 That fire wave sweeps across even to submerge all imposing manners. 那股火流席卷开来甚至有着淹没一切的气势。 True Fire that if Xiao Yun this flawless fire wave condenses with True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary cultivator to spelling will have the superiority. 萧云无暇火流若与一个真元后期圆满境修者凝聚的真火对拼还会占据优势。 The imposing manner of Lu Yuan whole body bursts out, True Yuan sweeps across, is similar to the golden light blooms. 陆元全身的气势迸发,真元席卷,如同金光绽放。 What his practice is Southern Sea Sword Sect Heavenly Sword Arts, within the body True Yuan is very swift and fierce, is similar to sword aura may tear the vault of heaven simply. 修炼的是南海剑派天剑诀,体内真元无比凌厉,简直如同剑气可撕裂苍穹。 Snort, does this boy dare to make Senior Brother Lu go to battle by True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary unexpectedly? He courts death simply.” Chen Jian sneers to say. “哼,这小子竟然敢让陆师兄真元后期圆满境出战?他简直是找死。”陈剑冷笑道。 Hehe, this is best, I also feared that Senior Brother Lu made this boy have the opportunity to admit defeat by True Yuan late-stage Peak cultivation level take action.” Li Jiansong smiles ferociously, said that Senior Brother Lu sword intent is arrogant, a sword leaves to injure the enemy, now the boundary is higher than this boy, from may cut to kill a it sword.” 呵呵,这样最好,我还怕陆师兄真元后期巅峰修为出手让这小子有机会认输了。”李剑嵩狞一笑,道,“陆师兄剑意凌人,一剑出必伤敌,如今境界比这小子高,自可将之一剑斩杀。” Prepares to meet to incur!” The Lu Yuan double pupil dodges, in hand presented handle form plain long sword. “准备接招!”陆元双眸一闪,手中出现了一柄形式古朴的长剑 The sword blade edge is sharp, above golden marks twinkle, is glittering dazzling sword light, invisible sword intent also condenses on long sword. 剑刃锋利,上面金纹闪烁,闪烁着耀眼的剑光,一股无形的剑意也在长剑上凝聚。 When this sword intent condenses the aura on this competition stage also became especially dignified. 当这股剑意凝聚之时这比赛台上的气息也变得格外凝重了起来。 Invisible within that Lu Yuan on a handle sword, a handle is going to use the sword of sheath, the sword, if the sheath, will certainly be shocking strikes. 无形间那陆元就似一柄剑,一柄将要出鞘的剑,剑若出鞘,必将是惊世一击。 In Xiao Yun pupil purple glow twinkle, his palm moves, the body previous flame emerges, Heavenly Flame Halberd then appears in the hand. 萧云眸中紫芒闪烁,他手掌一动,身前一片火光涌现,天炎戟便是出现在手。 damaged halberd in the hand, the burning aura fluctuation unceasingly is also condensing, that Purple Flame circulation has poured into the middle of this valuable halberd. 残戟在手,炙热的气息波动也在不断凝聚,那紫炎流转注入了这宝戟当中。 Although only then True Yuan late-stage Peak boundary, but these flame all imposing manners contended with True Yuan perfection sufficiently. 虽然只有真元后期巅峰的境界,可这些火炎所有的气势足以抗衡真元圆满了。 After purple True Fire pours into the middle of that Heavenly Flame Halberd, Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, void trembles slightly, before his body flood ripples, his whole person fell into the middle of an inexplicable boundary, his long hair flying upwards, with shining purple light. 当紫色的真火注入那天炎戟当中后,萧云眸子微眯,虚空微微一颤,在他身前泛起了一阵涟漪,他整个人都陷入了一种莫名的境界当中,他长发飞扬,伴随着灿灿紫光。 A formidable imposing manner fills the air from Xiao Yun. 一股强大的气势从萧云身上弥漫开来。 Indistinct within Xiao Yun integrates in the middle of own intent domain, his whole body purple light twinkle, resembles to with that Heavenly Flame Halberd change into a body. 隐约间萧云融入自己意境当中,他全身紫光闪烁,似要与那天炎戟化为一体。 That Lu Yuan imposing manner also in unceasing increasing. 陆元的气势也在不断的攀升。 Very obviously, two people is preparation strongly take action, must by the absolute imposing manner crush opposite party. 很显然,两人都是准备竭力出手,要以绝对的气势碾压对方。 The imposing manner of both sides condenses unceasingly, nearby air probably must coagulate, an audience piece of silencing. 双方的气势不断凝聚,附近的空气都好像要凝固了起来,全场一片静寂。 At this time setting sun fell, horizon also leaves behind a piece of sunset glow, two youth four items of relative on competition stage. 此时夕阳已经落上,天边还留下一片红霞,在比赛台上两个青年四目相对。 Core Palace disciple under stage is turns very quiet closely is staring at the front, even the pupil moves does not dare to move. 台下的核心殿弟子则是屏住呼吸紧紧的盯着前方,甚至连眸子动都不敢动一下。 Because they know, once take action this two people will display striking of thunder, the fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents rare is so unmissable. 因为他们知道,一旦出手两人将会施展雷霆之击,如此龙争虎斗难得一见不可错过。 Static! 静! The audience extraordinary peace, not only these disciple this live in the breath, these elder in tower are also silently is waiting. 全场出奇的安静,不仅那些弟子都本住呼吸,就连楼台上的那些长者也是在默默等候。 Front that two youth intent domain of were too strong, has nearly flavor. 前方那两个青年身上的意境太浓烈了,有着一种近乎道的味道。 The character is so rare, not difficult to imagine, once they grow, that should be what kind shocking and stunning? 如此人物难得一见,不难想象,一旦他们成长起来,那该是何等的惊才绝艳 Only fears the entire Southern Border also unusual person to be possible at the appointed time with it fighting? 只怕到时整个南疆也少有人可与之争锋吧? This Xiao Yun has sensed Dao Rhyme, missed one step to be used in the own Dao boundary.” The Ouyang Chen somewhat inexplicable excitement, is always calm calm he, when that heart cannot bear splash jumped crazily several, the pupil light rotation in the heart ponder darkly, „, no matter this result of the competition how, this Xiao Yun must protect, so the talent, has been possible my two disciple to fight.” “这萧云真的感悟了道韵,就差一步就可以用于自己的道境了。”欧阳尘有些莫名的激动,向来淡定沉稳的他,那颗心都忍不住扑通狂跳了几下,眸光转动时心中暗忖,“不管这次比赛结果如何,这萧云必须护住,如此天才,已可我那两个弟子争锋了。” Such shocking and stunning talent were too few, are many to change the Heavenly Yuan Sect future situation. 这样惊才绝艳的天才太少了,多得一个都可以改变天元宗未来的局势。 Kill! 杀! Also at this moment, that youth pupil light of two confrontation dodges unexpectedly, the two people form moves, is simultaneously take action. 也就在这时,那两个对峙的青年眸光蓦地一闪,两人身影一动,皆是同时出手 a sword splits the void! 一剑裂虚 Lu Yuan grasps long sword, carries an unsurpassed sword potential to kill to Xiao Yun. 陆元手持长剑,携带着一股无上剑势杀向萧云 Buzz! 嗡! His step takes a step, the imposing manner is arrogant, whole body sword light blooms, intensely bright, is similar to sword god being near dust, is insufferably arrogant. 他步伐迈步,气势凌人,全身剑光绽放,耀眼夺目,如同一尊剑神临尘,不可一世。 The long sword crack is spatial, as if has torn void on competition stage, looks from afar that sees only sword light together by void is similar to the lightning cuts generally, has a formidable sword potential to tilt behind sword light, is similar to shackles of the sword. 长剑裂空,似乎生生的撕裂了比赛台上的虚空,远远看去,只见得一道剑光透过虚空如同闪电一般斩下,在剑光后面还有着一股强大的剑势倾覆而下,如同一个剑之牢笼。 The trim on competition stage under this sword potential seemed covered void, whatever match how shocking and stunning also difficult running away sword potential fetter. 在这种剑势下比赛台上的整片虚空似乎都被覆盖,任由对手如何惊才绝艳也难逃剑势束缚。 I for Heavenly Flame! 我为天炎 sword light cuts, Xiao Yun is also grasping Heavenly Flame Halberd, is similar to purple halberd glow cuts the crack to be void together, meets the approaching enemy to go forward. 剑光斩来,萧云也是手持着天炎戟,如同一道紫色的戟芒斩裂虚空,向前迎击而去。 The purple light like the rainbow, cuts the crack to be void, burning aura spreads, is similar to a sea of fire sweeps across the four directions, must submerge the world. 紫光如虹,斩裂虚空,炙热的气息扩散开来,如同一片火海席卷四方,要淹没天地。 Also has potential of the thunder in this imposing manner, such as that startling thunderclap, is irresistible. 在这股气势当中还有着一股雷霆之势,就如那惊雷,不可抵挡。 Two imposing manner fusions, changed into this type shockingly, the might sufficiently. 两种气势融合,化为了这一式,威力之强足以惊世。 Moreover, has infinite fighting intent in this! 不仅如此,在这当中还有着一股无穷战意 Facing this imposing manner and that unprecedented, fearless fighting intent, Lu Yuan that swift and fierce sword potential also for it. 面对这种气势及那一往无前,无所畏惧的战意,就连陆元那凌厉的剑势也为之一顿。 „The imposing manner of very powerful strength, good rich fighting intent.” Lu Yuan knits the brows, felt an inexplicable pressure. 好强力的气势,好浓郁的战意。”陆元皱眉,感觉到了一股莫名的压力。 This Xiao Yun cultivation level is not perhaps high, that unprecedented imposing manner of but that fighting intent having is somewhat similar to their Sword Dao true meaning, this makes him feel surprised, knows that has run into the match, but the Lu Yuan faith is also greatly strengthened, he early condensed the sword intent seed, has own Dao Heart, is the match, he is having the invincible faith as before. 萧云或许修为不高,可是那战意当中所拥有的那股一往无前的气势与他们剑道真意有些相似,这让他感到惊讶,知道到遇到了对手,不过陆元信念也是极强,他早已经凝聚了剑意种子,有着自己道心,就是对手在强,他依旧拥有着无敌的信念。 Has one to cut completely all faith! 拥有着一股斩尽一切的信念! Therefore at this time his in the heart is also only slightly surprised that's all. 所以此时他心中也只是略微惊讶罢了。 Broken! 破! Lu Yuan pupil light dodges, formidable sword intent bursts out from within the body, integrated in the middle of that long sword by blessing. 陆元眸光一闪,一股强大的剑意体内迸发而出,被加持融入了那长剑当中。 Immediately this long sword rays of light erupts, is powerful, was breaks that purple light to kill the past unexpectedly forward. 顿时这长剑光芒大作,气势如虹,竟是破开那紫光向前杀过了过去。 At this moment he has stimulated to movement in the middle of sword intent seed that unsurpassed sword intent. 这一刻他催动了剑意种子当中的那种无上剑意 Heavenly Flame! 天炎 Burns completely all sword intent! 焚尽一切剑意 Xiao Yun pupil light dodges, does not draw back, grasps Heavenly Flame Halberd to kill to the front. 萧云眸光一闪,丝毫不退,手持着天炎戟杀向前方。 Bang! 砰! The purple glow and sword light hit, entire void bursts out a terrifying fluctuation immediately, a vast imposing manner sweeps across. 紫芒与剑光撞击,整个虚空当即迸发出一股恐怖的波动,一股浩瀚的气势席卷而出。 This fallout is having various imposing manners, irresistible, such as must submerge all. 这股余波拥有着各种气势,势不可挡,如要淹没一切。 Feels this fluctuation, under stage these True Yuan perfection boundary cultivator brows is being is tight a lock. 感受着这种波动,台下那些真元圆满境修者眉头都是不由紧紧一锁。 So was strong including fallout, comprehends martial dao deep meaning so to be really strong?” “连余波都那么强,领悟了武道奥义真的那么强吗?” In Li Zun and other talent hearts surprised, the pupil dew confuses the glow. 李尊等天才心中惊讶,眸露迷芒。 ( ( …… ……
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