EMS :: Volume #3

#265: Five lines of to seal|confer Tian

Chapter 265 Five Elements to seal|confer Tian 第265章五行封天 „Is this Spirit Armor? Protects the body technique?” Lu Yuan pupil dew doubt. { Please search in hundred degree celsius, first round entire writing reading } “这是灵甲?还是护体术?”陆元眸露狐疑。{请在百度搜索哈,首发全文字阅读} Also in Lu Yuan felt when doubt his heart sinks fiercely, the pupil dew is alarmed and afraid. 也就在陆元感到狐疑之际他的心猛地一沉,眸露惊惧。 Actually sees the front youth, the palm lifts, the palm rays of light twinkle is similar to thunder. 却见得前方的少年,手掌抬起,掌心光芒闪烁如同雷霆袭来。 „It is not good!” The Lu Yuan eye pupil shrinks suddenly. “不好!”陆元眼瞳骤然一缩。 Shout! 呼! The Xiao Yun palm moves, turns toward in the waist abdomens of Lu Yuan to cut to go directly horizontally. 萧云手掌一动,直接向着陆元的腰腹间横斩而去。 This strikes seems like simple, but is containing all at once the potential, is Xiao Yun comprehension Thunder Style. 这一击看似简单,可是却蕴含着一股气势,为萧云领悟的雷霆式 Furthermore, in addition blessing of Battle Martial Spirit strength, this strikes the might to multiply, if were hit the consequence to be inconceivable. 再者,加上战武魂力量的加持,这一击威力倍增,若是被击中后果不堪设想。 Buzz! 嗡! But at this time Lu Yuan long sword cut to break on the Xiao Yun protecting body armor, has protected body fire runes tearing that. 而此时陆元长剑斩破了萧云身上的护体铠甲,已经将那护体火纹撕裂。 Must prick his within the body.” In Lu Yuan heart anxious, at this time he and Xiao Yun are near at hand, were seeing with own eyes the opposite party shows, actually saw with own eyes that did not have the time to resist, now he only then hopes that own this sword can the Xiao Yun severe wound, make the latter remove the hand by this. “要刺入他体内了。”陆元心中焦急,此时他和萧云近在咫尺,眼见着对方出示,却眼见没有了时间抵挡,如今他只有希望自己这一剑能将萧云重伤,以此让后者撤手。 ! 咔嚓! long sword has torn Heavenly Flame Divine Armor, pricks in the flesh of Xiao Yun. 长剑撕裂了天炎神铠,刺入萧云的肌肤内。 But that sword potential is, has not imagined a sword to pass through the chest. 可是那剑势又是一顿,并没有想象中的一剑贯胸。 What's the matter?” In Lu Yuan heart one anxious, on forehead has the cold sweat to emit. “怎么回事?”陆元心中一急,额头上有着冷汗冒出。 Flesh skeleton of Xiao Yun hard like iron, when making Lu Yuan long sword-thrust go was hindered unexpectedly. 萧云的肌肤骨骼都坚硬如铁,使得陆元的长剑刺去时竟然受到了阻碍。 Was adding on a moment ago Swallowing the Heavens Arts and Heavenly Flame Divine Armor melted the massive imposing manners of this sword, sword intent, making it might drop several tenths, in this case, Lu Yuan actually has a helpless feeling, obviously was a heavens frightening sword, may break all, actually could not injure ordinary person (mortal). 在加上刚才吞天诀天炎神铠化解了这一剑的大量气势,剑意,使之威力下降几成,在这种情况下,陆元竟然有着一种无能为力的感觉,明明是惊天一剑,可破一切,却伤不了一个凡人 What body technique is this? 这是什么体术? The Lu Yuan eyelid combination, within both eyes reveals color suddenly, when takes a look to Xiao Yun finally knew how dare the opposite party for welcomed on own initiative. 陆元眼皮连跳,双眸中露出恍然之色,瞅向萧云时终于知道了对方为何敢主动迎来了。 Originally he early has the computation. 原来他早有计算。 During when what a pity Lu Yuan understands the truth all already late. 可惜当陆元明白当中的道理时一切已经晚了。 Long sword-thrust enters within the body, Xiao Yun does not have to change countenance, his palm moves, chops by the astonishing potential just like thunder on Lu Yuan. 剑刺体内,萧云却无所动容,他手掌一动,宛若雷霆以惊人之势劈在陆元身上。 Enters the Xiao Yun flesh to hit Lu Yuan from Lu Yuan long sword-thrust to him is almost is also occurring, is not separated by the twinkling. 陆元剑刺萧云肌肤到他击中陆元几乎是在同时发生,相隔不过瞬息而已。 Xiao Yun skeleton after Heavenly Flame Body Tempering hardly already comparable with fine iron. 经过天炎淬体后的萧云骨骼之坚硬已经堪比精铁。 Furthermore, has fire runes to exist in the middle of his skeleton meridians, is resisting that sword potential as before. 再者,在他的骨骼经脉当中还有着火纹存在,依旧在抵挡那股剑势。 Swallowing the Heavens Arts is also absorbing these to emerge within the body sword intent. 吞天诀也在吸收那些涌入体内剑意 Therefore this strikes has not affected Xiao Yun take action. 所以这一击并没有影响萧云出手 ! 咔嚓! Reviews other one side, the Xiao Yun palm like the blade edge, fell on that Lu Yuan spread the sound of skeleton break immediately. 反观另外一边,萧云手掌如刃,落在那陆元身上当即就传出了骨骼断裂的声音。 Formidable flame and strength emerge Lu Yuan within the body, is wreaking havoc his meridians internal organs. 一股强大的火炎及劲力涌入陆元体内,肆虐着他的经脉脏腑。 ! 啊! Lu Yuan loses one's voice to call out in alarm, felt that has flame to emerge within the body, to burn completely all imposing manners to be burning down his meridians. 陆元失声惊呼,感觉有着一股火炎涌入体内,以焚尽一切的气势在焚烧他的经脉。 Simultaneously a great strength shakes him flies, long sword that grips tightly from the chest of Xiao Yun extracts under the inertia. 同时一股巨力将他震飞,紧握的长剑在惯性下从萧云的胸膛上抽出。 Together blood light splash! 一道血光飞溅而出! Thump! 咚咚! When Lu Yuan flying upside down, the body of Xiao Yun also continually draws back two steps. 陆元倒飞而出的时候,萧云的身子也是连退两步。 However merely so, is also quick his magic arts to move, controls the within the body blood not to flow out, stands firm the injury with every effort. 不过也仅仅如此,很快他法诀一动,控制体内血液不在外流,尽力稳住伤势。 Buzz! 嗡! Also in this time, in Sea of Consciousness the jade-green light twinkle, that Life Martial Spirit sends out a rich essence, injects Xiao Yun that injured spot from Sea of Consciousness, Xiao Yun the wound under nourishing of that life essence heals in the according to naked eye obvious speed unexpectedly. 也就在此时,识海碧光闪烁,那生命武魂散发出一股浓郁的精气,从识海内注入萧云那受伤的部位,在那股生命精气的滋养下萧云的伤口竟然在以肉眼可见的速度愈合。 „Is Martial Spirit repairing my injury?” So, making Xiao Yun be surprised. 武魂在修复我的伤势?”如此一幕,让萧云感到惊讶。 Life Martial Spirit, this absolutely is Life Martial Spirit!” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sends out to call out in alarm, he has been paying attention to Xiao Yun this war, thought take action to assist, was actually rejected, because there is Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse here, if he must be discovered with the aid of the strength of Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. 生命武魂,这绝对是生命武魂!”吞天雀发出惊呼,他一直在关注着萧云此战,本来想出手相助,却被拒绝了,因为有元婴境强者在此,他若借助吞天雀之力必会被发现。 Now Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is wild with joy. 如今吞天雀欣喜若狂。 Before it also judged this Jade Tree Martial Spirit is Life Martial Spirit. 以前它还只是判断这碧树武魂生命武魂 But it almost can affirm now. 可现在它几乎可以肯定了。 If not for how could this jade tree Life Martial Spirit does have such formidable self-recovery ability? 碧树若不是生命武魂岂能有这么强大的自愈能力? Life Martial Spirit?” Xiao Yun is startled slightly, in the heart is also a joy, this can Martial Spirit also therapy?” 生命武魂?”萧云微微一怔,心中也是一阵欣喜,“这武魂还可以疗伤吗?” This actually good discovery. 这倒是一个不错的发现。 That is natural.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that Life Martial Spirit, is having the [say / way] of life, if grows thoroughly not only can live the white flesh and blood deceased person, legend Life Martial Spirit can also let the body of cultivator slender not dying, only then Martial Spirit not die in can longevity.” “那是自然。”吞天雀说道,“生命武魂,拥有着生命之道,若是彻底成长不仅可以生白骨肉死人,传说这生命武魂还可以让修者修长不死之身,只有武魂在便可长生不死。” „Doesn't longevity die?” Xiao Yun feels somewhat confusedly, this was extremely remote. 长生不死?”萧云感到有些迷茫,这太过遥远了。 The twinkling, the Xiao Yun wound almost healed, trend that do not bleed. 只是瞬息,萧云的伤口就差不多愈合了,没有一丝要流血的趋势。 Then, he was injured does not need anything therapy Medicine Pill. 如此一来,他就算受伤也不用什么疗伤丹药了。 Shout! 呼! Joy in heart under subsiding, a Xiao Yun pupil light revolution, took a look unexpectedly to the front. 在平息下心中的欣喜,萧云眸光蓦地一转,瞅向了前方。 In personal appearance flying upside down of there Lu Yuan, falls to the ground afterward distressedly, long sword in hand also in light of this lets go to fall on competition stage. 在那里陆元的身形倒飞而出,随后狼狈落地,手中的长剑也是就此脱手落在比赛台上。 Has big mouth fresh blood to put out in his mouth, a complexion paleness. 在他的口中有着大口鲜血吐出,脸色一片苍白。 Xiao Yun that striking made him receive the internal injury, stood being hard to stand continually. 萧云那一击让他受了内伤,连站都难以站起来了。 Was Xiao Yun wins?” Sees this, Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple under stage stares. “是萧云胜了吗?”见得此幕,台下的天元宗弟子都是一愣。 „Did I misread?” The Wang Lei pupil opens the Boss, incredible saying, „was this Xiao Boss too also valiant?” “我看错了吗?”王磊眸子睁得老大,不可置信的说道,“这萧老大也太彪悍了吧?” Yes!” Zhou Ping is also echoes saying that I saw that Lu Yuan sword-thrust a moment ago obviously on his chest!” “是啊!”周平也是附和道,“刚才我明明看到那陆元剑刺在了他的胸膛上了啊!” What's all this about?” Yan Mo and the others are puzzled. “这是怎么回事?”颜漠等人都是一脸不解。 When audience in an uproar, pupil light takes a look to front that competition stage feels bewildered. 全场一片哗然,眸光瞅向前方那比赛台时感到莫名其妙。 Defeats can be Lu Yuan? 怎么败的会是陆元了? „Did Senior Brother Lu defeat? How possible?” On high stage, the Li Jiansong eye pupil shrinks suddenly, the whole face incredible is staring at the front, Senior Brother Lu sword technique Wushuang(Unparalleled), under a sword will break including Magic Item, how can this Xiao Yun trivial every body resist?” 陆师兄败了?怎么可能?”高台上,李剑嵩眼瞳骤然一缩,满脸不可置信的将前方盯着,“陆师兄剑术无双,一剑之下连法器都将断裂,这萧云区区凡体怎能抵挡?” This makes the person have doubts, how will be very difficult to imagine leaves that Xiao Yun to have the strength. 这让人疑惑,很难想象出那萧云怎么会有着实力。 Xiao Yun stands erect at this moment on competition stage, his clothes breakage, but the sword cut on chest unceasingly is actually healing. 萧云此刻屹立在比赛台上,他的衣裳破裂,可是胸膛上的剑伤却在不断愈合。 Counts breaths the time, the scar that sword leaves behind sharp heals completely, has not stayed behind including the scabs. 只是数息时间,那剑尖留下的伤痕完全愈合,连伤疤都没有留下。 very powerful self-recovery strength!” Sees this, Ouyang Sect Master the eyes shows bright light, that heart fierce craziness jumped several. 好强大自愈力!”见此,欧阳宗主眸露精光,那颗心猛的狂跳了几下。 Fought him almost to receive a moment ago in the eye, all details cannot escape that discernment. 刚才一战他几乎完全收在了眼里,所有的细节都没能逃过那法眼。 But this result lets his accident. 可是这结果却让他意外。 This thinks that Xiao Yun is the preparation puts together life and death by the law and that Lu Yuan injuries suffered by both sides, but has not thought that he is unexpectedly safe and sound. 本以为萧云是准备以两伤之法和那陆元拼个你死我活,可是没有想到他竟然安然无恙。 „Is the fire runes armor that on him reappeared a moment ago is it possible that Divine Armor that Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts in my Fire Yuan Peak Inheritance Palace evolves?” The Peak Lord Zeng double pupil narrows a seam, he closely stares at the front that youth, in the mouth is muttering. “刚才他身上浮现的火纹铠甲莫非是我火元峰传承殿中的那天炎神铠诀演化出来的神铠?”曾峰主双眸眯成一条缝,他紧紧的盯着前方的那个青年,口中喃喃自语。 It seems like he harvests in Fire Dao Inheritance Palace is not young!” Palace Lord Jiang the eyes shows a smile, that is hanging the heart has put finally. “看来他在火道传承殿中收获不小啊!”姜殿主眸露笑容,那颗悬着的心终于放了下来。 That, almost made all people a moment ago nervous, but this result has stemmed from the expectation now completely. 刚才那一幕,几乎让所有的人都为之提心吊胆,可如今这结果完全出乎了预料。 Behind Deacon Qin that had emitted cold sweat a moment ago, now wants to come as before is fear. 刚才秦执事那背后更是冒出了一阵冷汗,如今想来依旧是一阵后怕。 If a that Lu Yuan sword has written off this Xiao Yun, that this makes the person regret! 要是那陆元一剑将这萧云抹杀了,那该多让人惋惜啊! Is good reverses because of the situation, he also relaxed. 好在局势逆转,他也是松了口气。 This boy not only comprehended fighting intent, but also ** Wushuang(Unparalleled), including the injury can the self-recovery, really be the heaven defying rare talent now.” The Li Tianhuai pupil light twinkle, has several points to reappear swiftly and fiercely, his background was too vigorous, even if any natural talent sufficiently becomes powerhouse, now several types add on, once later grows old man hanger-on nobody to be possible with it fighting.” “这小子不仅领悟了战意,还**无双,如今连伤势都能自愈,真乃逆天奇才。”李天淮眸光闪烁,有着几分凌厉浮现,“他底蕴太浑厚了,就算任何一种天赋都足以成为一尊强者,如今几种加上,以后一旦成长起来就连老夫门下都无人可与之争锋。” „It is not good, must cut to kill it.” Unexpectedly, Li Tianhuai sets out suddenly, body moves, is similar to sword light plunders together toward front competition stage, looks at his appearance, is planned unexpectedly must take action strangle Xiao Yun personally in the middle of the cradle. “不行,必须将其斩杀。”蓦地,李天淮霍然起身,身子一动,如同一道剑光向着前方的比赛台掠去,瞧他那模样,竟然是打算要亲自出手萧云扼杀在摇篮当中。 Shout! 呼! The Li Tianhuai body moves, a formidable imposing manner then forward tilts , the trim trembles void. 李天淮身子一动,一股强大的气势便是向前倾覆而下,整片虚空都为之一颤。 „It is not good!” The Xiao Yun corner of the eye twitches, felt that was not wonderful, he looks up, actually sees that Li Tianhuai. “不好!”萧云眼角抽动,感觉到了一丝不妙,他抬头看去,却见得那李天淮袭来。 His mother, this old codger take action of unexpectedly.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow calls out in alarm, felt a greatest pressure. “他娘的,这老不死的竟然出手了。”吞天雀惊呼,感到了一股莫大的压力。 This Li Tianhuai is Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse, the entire Southern Border unusual person enemy, he wants take action at is not Xiao Yun and Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow enemy. 李天淮元婴境强者,整个南疆都少有人可敌,他要出手根本不是萧云吞天雀可敌。 What's the matter!” Oppresses formidable, entire martial arts stage cultivator is moved. “怎么回事!”强大压迫一下,整个演武场修者都为之动容。 Is Li Tianhuai!” “是李天淮!” This old ghost actually wants take action!” “这老鬼竟然要出手!” Was too hateful, own disciple lost unexpectedly personally take action.” “太可恶了,自己弟子输了竟然亲自出手。” Fellow who this is never concerned about face!” In the disciple heart under stage the indignation, did not speak to scold. “这老不要脸的家伙!”台下的弟子心中不忿,纷纷出言呵斥。 Li Tianhuai pupil light dodged, took a fast look around these people, the formidable imposing manner let an audience piece of silencing immediately. 李天淮眸光一闪,扫视了一眼那些人,强大的气势立即让得全场一片静寂。 On whether there is this Li Tianhuai cultivates sword intent, pupil light sweeps, rays of light blooms, is similar to has myriad sharp swords to sweep, lets the person palpitation. 李天淮修有无上剑意,眸光一扫,光芒绽放,如同有着万千利剑扫下,让人心悸。 These Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple felt that mind must be pierced, where dares to open the mouth. 那些天元宗弟子感觉心神都要被刺穿了,哪敢开口。 Li Tianhuai, you are the elder oppress others by the potential unexpectedly, too didn't pay attention to my Heavenly Yuan Sect? When really my Ouyang Chen is the air?” When Li Tianhuai took a fast look around this crowd of disciple one, Ouyang Sect Master treading on the sky comes, stern voice and appearance coldly snorted said. 李天淮,你身为长辈竟以势压人,也太不将我天元宗放在眼里了吧?真当我欧阳尘是空气吗?”在李天淮扫视了这群弟子一眼之际,欧阳宗主踏空而来,声色俱厉的冷哼道。 He seems like strolls to come, but the step stepped to appear in Li Tianhuai beyond suddenly hundred meters. 他看似闲庭信步而来,可是步伐迈动眨眼间就出现在了李天淮百米外。 This Ouyang Chen is indistinct has Dao Rhyme and feeling of day coinciding. 欧阳尘隐约间有着一种道韵与天相合的感觉。 Ouyang Chen?” Li Tianhuai pupil light dodges, shoots a look at Ouyang Sect Master that a that followed closely to come lightly. 欧阳尘?”李天淮眸光一闪,淡淡的瞥了一眼那紧随而来的欧阳宗主 This Xiao Yun breaks my grandson arm, today makes me break his arm.” “这萧云断我孙一臂,今天就让我断他一臂吧。” Li Tianhuai smiles fiercely, the stride starts to walk, immediately then appeared in the competition stage sky. 李天淮狰狞一笑,大步迈开,当即便出现在了比赛台的上空。 You dare!” Ouyang Chen pupil light one cold, the sleeves sway, nearby World's Yuan Qi moves, the wind and cloud comes just like the long river general collection for it color deterioration vast Yuan Qi, these Yuan Qi change into a handle hundred zhang (333m) long Yuan Qi great blade edge to cut immediately fiercely toward Li Tianhuai. “你敢!”欧阳尘眸光一冷,衣袖拂动,附近的天地元气一动,风云为之变色浩瀚的元气宛若长河一般汇集而来,这些元气立即化为一柄百丈长的元气巨刃猛地向着李天淮斩去。 Today no one can block me!” Li Tianhuai imposing manner covers the heavens, boundless sword aura blooms from him, the right hand moves the fingertip sword aura turnover, refers to changing into the sword, such as a rainbow cuts toward the great blade edge that Ouyang Chen evolves. “今天谁也不能阻我!”李天淮气势盖天,一股磅礴的剑气从他身上绽放开来,右手一动指尖剑气吞吐,指化为剑,如一道长虹向着那欧阳尘演化出来的巨刃斩去。 Buzz! 嗡! Both junction strikes, a terrifying fluctuation sweeps across immediately, the fluctuation is similar to star river explodes to annihilate all imposing manners, making the four directions all lonesome, these young disciple under stage this live in the breath, the pupil dew alarmed and afraid color. 两者交击,一股恐怖的波动顿时席卷而出,波动如同星河爆炸开来有着湮灭一切的气势,让得四方皆寂,台下的那些年轻弟子一个个都本住呼吸,眸露惊惧之色。 The Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse confrontation, that and other imposing manners resemble can destroy hills and break mountains seriously. 元婴境强者交锋,那等气势当真似可毁山断岳 The Ouyang Chen sleeves sway, that vast fallout is defeated and dispersed immediately. 欧阳尘衣袖拂动,那浩瀚的余波顿时溃散。 sealing the heavens! of Five Elements Heavenly Yuan Arts afterward Ouyang pupil light dew is swift and fierce, the body has vast fluctuation to sweep across. 五行天元诀封天!”随后欧阳眸光露凌厉,身上有着一股浩瀚的波动席卷而出。 Actually sees side Ouyang Chen void trembles, flood ripples, the light twinkle, has five startled rainbows from not to have at once baseless, just like Magical Powers, by astonishing potential toward the four directions suppression of Li Tianhuai, but under must it to seal|confer Kun. 却见得欧阳尘身边的虚空一颤,泛起了一阵涟漪,旋即光影闪烁,有着五道惊虹从凭空没出,宛若一种神通,以惊人之势向着李天淮的四方镇压而下似要将之封困。 Five Elements Heavenly Yuan Arts!” Sees that five startled rainbow, a Li Tianhuai brow lock, that footsteps lived finally. 五行天元诀!”见得那五道惊虹,李天淮眉头一锁,那脚步终于是顿住了。 Actually sees in his top of the head, the light twinkle, five attacks, have almost blocked the four directions, gives to surround him completely. 却见得在他的头顶,光影闪烁,五道攻击,几乎封锁了四方,完全将他给困住。 ( ( …… ……
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