EMS :: Volume #3

#257: Breaks his both arms?

Does Chapter 257 break his both arms? 第257章断其双臂? Palace Lord Jiang such remarks, the audience atmosphere slightly is dignified. Kazakh 520 novels 姜殿主此言一出,全场气氛略显凝重。哈520小说 Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse?” Xiao Yun brows tightly frowns, knew this matter's gravity. 元婴境强者?”萧云眉头紧锁,也知道了此事的严重性。 Xiao Yun asked that what meaning that is Sect?” 顿了顿萧云问道,“那宗门是什么意思?” Sect Master shelters at first vigorously, is waiting for you long and short of the story of matter, if not plan to shelter in you mistakenly.” Palace Lord Jiang said that „, but some present change of situation, that Li Tianhuai has brought two disciple, is the having god-given wisdom rare talents, has swept away Core Palace elite disciple, now Sect Master is unable to tow, therefore makes me come to invite you.” 宗主起初极力庇护,等着你来讲出事情的来龙去脉,若是错不在你就打算庇护。”姜殿主说道,“可是现在情况有些变化,那李天淮带来了两个弟子,都为天纵奇才,横扫了核心殿的精英弟子,如今宗主也是无法拖下去了,所以让我前来请你。” Has swept away entire Core Palace elite disciple?” Xiao Yun is startled, has not thought that the Southern Sea Sword Sect person is so fierce. “横扫了整个核心殿的精英弟子?”萧云一怔,没有想到南海剑派的人如此厉害。 Then said that Sect can hand over me?” Afterward Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, takes a look to Palace Lord Jiang. “那么说,宗门是要交出我了?”随后萧云眸子微眯,瞅向姜殿主 intent from this saying, he has been able to guess correctly the present situation. 从这话中之意,他已经能猜出如今的局势。 Since starts to have a mind to shelter to delay, but asks him to go out now, this subtle change showed many issues. 既然开始有心庇护拖延,可现在却来请他出关,这种微妙的变化已经说明了许多问题。 Yeah.” Palace Lord Jiang sighed, „the present the life and death must look at your own.” “哎。”姜殿主叹了口气道,“现在你的生死就得看你自己了。” Looks at my own?” Xiao Yun pupil dew doubts. “看我自己?”萧云眸露疑惑。 You, if showed enough natural talent, making Sect Master move, perhaps also had a slim chance of survival.” Palace Lord Jiang sincere saying, „, but wish makes Sect Master not hesitate to take offending Southern Sea Sword Sect shelters you as the price, natural talent that you show must be astonishing.” “你若展现出了足够的天赋,让宗主动心,或许还有一线生机。”姜殿主语重心长的说道,“可是想要让宗主不惜以得罪南海剑派为代价庇护你,你所展现的天赋必须惊人。” Least must press that Li Tianhuai two disciple.” Palace Lord Jiang sighed, as if thought that this matter was too difficult. “最少也得压过那李天淮的两个弟子。”姜殿主叹息,似乎觉得此事太难。 That Chen Jian said fortunately that could a war by Xiao Yun natural talent. 陈剑还好说,凭借萧云天赋或许可以一战。 After all initially Xiao Yun and Zhao Zheng fought to show uncommon natural talent. 毕竟当初萧云赵政一战已经展现出了不凡的天赋 But wants to struggle with that Lu Yuan high, that was too difficult. 可是想要与那陆元一争高下,那太难了。 This Lu Yuan not only comprehended sword intent, oneself also has half step Yuan Core Realm cultivation level, the disparity of both sides was too big. 陆元不仅领悟了剑意,自身还有着半步元丹境修为,双方的差距实在太大了。 Shows astonishing natural talent?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, from the Palace Lord Jiang eye he also saw that Li Tianhuai disciple is definitely uncommon, otherwise after this quasi- Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse not, after knowing his natural talent also shows this dignified expression. “展现出惊人的天赋?”萧云眸子微眯,从姜殿主的眼中他也看出了那李天淮弟子肯定不凡,不然这位准元婴境强者绝不后在知道他的天赋后还露出这种凝重的表情。 It seems like this time I must fight strongly.” In the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly, expression slightly obviously with deep veneration. “看来这次我得竭力一战了。”萧云心中暗忖,表情略显肃然。 Since this is he enters a time biggest crisis that Sect has come across, is similar to the mountain capping, almost makes him unable to ventilate. 这是他入宗门以来遇到的一次最大的危机,如同山岳压顶,差点让他透不过气。 After all that is Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse wants his life. 毕竟那是一尊元婴境强者要他的命。 If head-family perhaps can also harmonize, is don't a school of public figure, only feared that person will not compromise to Heavenly Yuan Sect easily. 若是本宗的或许还可以调协,可是别派人士,只怕那人也不会轻易对天元宗妥协。 Xiao Yun, you also left are too worried.” Deacon Qin that had not spoken opens the mouth suddenly, asks, wants this matter mistake not in you, this matter all have the leeway of maneuver, and you said the long and short of the story of this matter first in detail.” 萧云,你也别太担心了。”一直没有说话的秦执事突然开口,问道,“只要此事过错不在你,此事一切还有回旋的余地,你且先将这事情的来龙去脉详细的说一遍。” Em.” Sees Deacon Qin to be kind, Xiao Yun will shrug also to say at the Black Clouds Mountain Range matter. “恩。”见秦执事一脸慈祥,萧云耸了耸肩也就将在黑云山脉的事情说了出来。 To save others?” After hearing Xiao Yun narrated, several elder all were brows slightly wrinkle. “为了救人?”当听得萧云的叙说后,几位长者皆是眉头微微一皱 Really is femme fatale!” Some people shake the head slightly, a face sigh. “真是红颜祸水啊!”有人微微摇头,一脸叹息。 Xiao Yun gives a calm smile. 萧云却是淡然一笑。 If could not protect including the own women, practice what did use? 若是连自己的女人都保护不了,修炼何用? martial artist, then should the pleased love and hate, hold a sword to kill the enemy, how if shrinks can become powerhouse? 武者,便应该快意恩仇,仗剑杀敌,若是畏畏缩缩如何能成为强者 Then this matter is also not your mistake.” Hears Xiao Yun this words, Deacon Qin is actually the slight bow slightly relaxed. “这么说来此事也并不是你的过错。”听到萧云此话,秦执事却是微微点头略松了口气。 This matter Xiao Yun is the self-defense, all were open and aboveboard, have nothing to say. 此事萧云算是自卫,一切都堂堂正正,没有什么可说。 Only feared that whom that Li Tianhuai will not manage is who not.” Palace Lord Jiang is shaking the head is stern-faced, his pupil light concentrates afterward, said that you also left extremely worried, I and others will persuade Sect Master to protect you strongly, after all you were my Core Palace talent, time crossed the threshold the first person in disciple for this, said that also has represented this generation of disciple, how could to write off at will?” “只怕那李天淮不会管谁是谁非。”姜殿主却是摇了摇头一脸凝重,随后他眸光一凝,说道,“你也别太过担忧了,我等会竭力劝说宗主力保你,毕竟你是我核心殿的天才,为此次入门弟子中的第一人,怎么说也是代表了这代弟子,岂能随意被人抹杀?” Good.” Peak Lord Zeng is also opens the mouth saying that we together go to Main Peak now.” “不错。”曾峰主也是开口道,“我们现在一起去主峰吧。” Good.” Xiao Yun said that I then as you like together go.” “好。”萧云道,“我便随你们一起去。” At this moment, he does not have what to be good to dread. 事到如今,他也没有什么好畏惧的了。 All completely human affairs, listen to the destiny! 一切尽人事,听天命! Heavenly Yuan Sect Main Peak! 天元宗主峰 Li Tianhuai and the others had waited there for some time, now the weather was late, soon approached dusk. 李天淮等人已经静候多时,如今天色已晚,快要接近黄昏了。 Ouyang Sect Master, is the your honourable sect working efficiency as if not much?” The Li Tianhuai eyelid selects, takes a look said to nearby Ouyang Sect Master that is it possible that is your following person scuffles? Deliberately is delaying? If so, your order seems not effective!” “欧阳宗主,贵宗的办事效率似乎不怎么样啊?”李天淮眼皮一挑,瞅向旁边的欧阳宗主道,“莫非是你下面的人敷衍了事?还是故意在拖延?若是如此,你的命令似乎不怎么管用啊!” Li Tianhuai this saying said very lightly, but in the middle of that pupil has an invisible imposing manner to fill the air. 李天淮这话说得很平淡,可是那眸子当中却有着一股无形的气势弥漫开来。 That imposing manner like the sword, making nearby air many several points of swift and fierce flavor. 那气势如剑,让得附近的空气都多了几分凌厉的味道。 Very obviously, waited to be so long, now should also be he exposed the imposing manner the time. 很显然,等了那么久,现在也该是他展露气势的时候了。 First uses courtesy and then uses force, now this soldier! 先礼后兵,如今该兵了! Even if his present take action, there is a excuse. 就算他现在出手,也有借口了。 Because the Xiao Yun body leaves the restricted area, must ask him to come out Fei Xie the hands and feet.” Ouyang Sect Master lightly saying. “因为萧云身出禁地,要请他出来得费些手脚。”欧阳宗主淡淡的说道 Restricted area?” Li Tianhuai pupil light concentrates saying that „, if the hour he has not come out and other, then the old man must please from invite.” “禁地?”李天淮眸光一凝道,“若是在等半个小时他还不出来,那么老夫只得请自去请了。” Ouyang Sect Master brows slightly wrinkle, has not talked too much, his pupil light takes a look to the four directions, in the heart also slightly feels the doubts. 欧阳宗主眉头微皱,也没有多言,他眸光瞅向四方,心中也是略感疑惑。 How to have come?” “怎么还没有来?” Now was away from him to make Palace Lord Jiang go to Fire Yuan Peak to have a half hour quickly, how to have the sound? 如今距离他让姜殿主火元峰已经快有半个小时了,怎么还没有动静? He is grasping principles, therefore Palace Lord Jiang hasn't disturbed?” Thinks of here, in Ouyang Sect Master pupil reveals complex rays of light, in the middle of that has one to hope that the awkwardness, for these years, very long has not actually met so lets his puzzled matter. “难道他正在悟道,所以姜殿主没有打扰?”想到这里,欧阳宗主眸中露出一丝复杂的光芒,那当中有着一丝期许,却也有一丝为难,这么多年来,已经很久没有遇到如此让他纠结的事情了。 ! 咻! Unexpectedly, the distant place hears from out of the blue sound void, stream of light delimits the horizon then to escape to this. 蓦地,远处虚空传来一阵破空声,一道流光划过天际便向此遁来。 Came!” Sees this flowing light to escape, several elder eyes in tower are one bright. “来了!”见得这流光遁来,楼台上的几位长者眼睛都是一亮。 Old Cao Palace Lord pupil dew hopes. 曹老殿主眸露期许。 Ouyang Sect Master is also slightly narrows the pupil, goes toward that flowing light staring, as if has also filled to the youth who that has not sought a meeting curiously. 欧阳宗主也是眸子微眯,向着那流光凝视而去,似乎对那未曾谋面的青年也充满了好奇。 However, is actually the pupil reveals cold intent in nearby Qiu Xuanji, the double pupil such as sweeping of blade edge coldly is void to the front. 不过,在旁边邱玄机却是眸露冷意,双眸如刃冷冷的扫向前方虚空。 This time he has been leaning, has not expressed a view, actually does not represent him not to have the manner. 此次他一直在侧,没有发表一丝看法,却不代表他没有态度。 In fact Qiu Xuanji in the heart is looks forward to Xiao Yun to be executed by Li Tianhuai. 实际上在心中邱玄机是巴不得萧云李天淮处死。 This matter concerns the Heavenly Yuan Sect face countenance, therefore he is not good to open the mouth. 只是此事关乎天元宗的颜面,所以他也不好开口。 Void, light, Palace Lord Jiang strolls floating to fall toward that tower with several elder void. 虚空中,光影一顿,姜殿主与几位长者漫步虚空向着那楼台飘然落下。 Xiao Yun also follows closely floating is falling. 萧云也紧随着飘然落下。 Li Jiansong?” The Xiao Yun body has not fallen to the ground, the pupil light circulation, then saw that together familiar person's shadow. 李剑嵩?”萧云身子还没有落地,眸光流转,便是看到了那一道熟悉的人影。 Li Jiansong at this moment is also coldly stares at Xiao Yun, within both eyes is having several points to reappear fiercely, his brow raises takes a look to Xiao Yun, has the provocative flavor, that meaning seemed saying to Xiao Yun: The boys, dare to offend me, this time you died! 李剑嵩此刻也是冷冷的盯着萧云,双眸中有着几分狰狞浮现,他眉头一扬瞅向萧云,颇具挑衅的味道,那意思似乎在对萧云说:小子,敢得罪我,这次你死定了! Xiao Yun took a look at Li Jiansong lightly, the line of sight then fell on nearby Li Tianhuai, Lu Yuan, Chen Jian and the others. 萧云淡淡的瞅了一眼李剑嵩,视线便落在了旁边的李天淮,陆元,陈剑等人身上。 Hence, in his pupil appears to wipe dignifiedly. 至此,他眸中才浮现出一抹凝重。 Sword potential of very powerful!” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, felt a swift and fierce sword potential in these people. 好强的剑势!”萧云眸子微眯,在这几人身上感觉到了一股凌厉的剑势。 His Spiritual Consciousness is enormous, can see the weak fluctuation. 灵识极大,可以看到许多微弱的波动。 Now induces to go, in these three people of sides as if can see that has infinite sword intent to fill the air. 如今感应而去,在这三人身边似乎可以看到有着一股无穷的剑意弥漫。 These sword intent are similar to protecting body divine light of Buddha, has Myriad Laws not to invade, resists all abilities. 这些剑意就如同佛陀的护体神光,有着万法不侵,抵挡一切的能力。 His Spiritual Consciousness under this sword intent felt that alarmed and afraid, received hastily. 在这种剑意下他的灵识都是感到一阵惊惧,连忙收了回来。 That Chen Jian and Lu Yuan are good, although there is sword intent to wind around, being insufficient makes him alarmed and afraid, was that Li Tianhuai sword intent was too strong, as if wanted his thought that that invisible sword intent can burst out, killed the enemy in invisible. 陈剑陆元还好,虽有剑意缭绕,却还不足以让他惊惧,可是那李天淮身上的剑意太强了,似乎只要他一个意念,那无形的剑意就可以迸发而出,杀敌于无形。 Yuan Soul Realm cultivator is really formidable.” Xiao Yun is bringing several points of heaviness, floating falls to the ground. 元婴境修者果然强大。”萧云带着几分沉重,飘然落地。 Reported Sect Master, Xiao Yun brought!” Palace Lord Jiang goes forward, sits well Ouyang Sect Master that to salute toward tower center. “禀宗主,萧云带来了!”姜殿主率先上前,向着楼台中心端坐的欧阳宗主施礼。 Em.” The Ouyang Sect Master slight bow, pupil light actually fell on the body of Xiao Yun, was taking a look at this youth secretly. “恩。”欧阳宗主微微点头,眸光却是落在了萧云的身上,在暗暗打量着这个青年。 Nearby another Elder, as well as Qiu Xuanji is also sizing up Xiao Yun. 旁边另外一个长老,以及邱玄机也在打量着萧云 They already heard to Xiao Yun, one side has not actually seen, now meets naturally cannot bear looks at one. 他们对萧云早就有所耳闻,却未见一面,如今相见自然忍不住多看一眼。 Hearsay this is the Heavenly Yuan Sect for hundred years the rare talent. 传闻这可是天元宗百年来难得一见的天才。 Flawless Martial Spirit, so physique Sect Master disciple has not had. 无暇武魂,如此体质就连宗主弟子也不曾拥有。 Li Tianhuai pupil light like sword, in sizing up Xiao Yun, after seeing this youth, his pupil light dodges slightly reveals the surprise. 李天淮眸光如剑,也在打量萧云,在见了一眼这青年后,他眸光一闪略露诧异。 As if he had discovered this youth is uncommon. 似乎他发现了这个青年不凡。 Nearby Lu Yuan also brings several points of curious pupil light to take a look to Xiao Yun. 旁边的陆元也是带着几分好奇的眸光瞅向萧云 Can make Ouyang Sect Master so delay, how thinks of a way the youth of asylum to be able the commonplace? 能让欧阳宗主如此拖延,想着法子庇护的青年岂会等闲? Is he of talent is specially curious to this person. 身为天才的他对这种人特为好奇。 Xiao Yun, has seen Sect Master quickly.” After reporting Ouyang Sect Master Palace Lord Jiang turned around, takes a look introduces to Xiao Yun, this is Great Elder, this is Elder Qiu, this is Old Cao Palace Lord.” As for when taking a look at that Li Tianhuai he one had not introduced. 萧云,快来见过宗主。”在禀告了欧阳宗主姜殿主转身,瞅向萧云介绍道,“这位是大长老,这是邱长老,这位是曹老殿主。”至于在瞅到那李天淮时他却顿了一顿没有介绍。 All is the personal enemy, does not need to introduce. 皆是仇人,也没有必要介绍了。 Person who after all this Li Tianhuai must take the Xiao Yun life. 毕竟这李天淮可是要来取萧云性命的人。 Core Palace, Rising Stars Peak disciple Xiao Yun pays a visit Sect Master.” Xiao Yun takes a step to forward, after giving Ouyang Sect Master saluted has paid a visit Great Elder and Qiu Xuanji, in taking a look to Qiu Xuanji, he saw several points of cold intent from the meaningful glance of opposite party. 核心殿,新秀峰弟子萧云拜见宗主。”萧云迈步向前,在给欧阳宗主施礼后又拜见了大长老邱玄机,只是在瞅向邱玄机时,他从对方的眼色当中看出了几分冷意 Regarding this Xiao Yun understands clearly, he and Qiu Family graciousness grievances has not been possible to melt resentfully. 对此萧云了然,他与邱家的恩恩怨怨可是已经不可化解了。 This Qiu Xuanji naturally cannot give the own good complexion. 邱玄机自然不会给自己好脸色。 Xiao Yun, this is Southern Sea Sword Sect Heavenly Sword Peak Sword Lord, Li Tianhuai, that his grandson Li Jiansong, heard you to break his grandson arm, can have this matter?” After Xiao Yun salutes, an Ouyang Sect Master face stern, takes a look to think that nearby several people, said. 萧云,这位是南海剑派天剑峰剑主,李天淮,那位其孙李剑嵩,听闻你断了其孙一臂,可有此事?”在萧云个诸位施礼后,欧阳宗主一脸正色,瞅想旁边几人,说道。 disciple indeed breaks his arm.” Xiao Yun said that this matter is really this Li Jiansong punishment is deserved, the fault of non- disciple.” 弟子的确断其一臂。”萧云说道,“不过此事实属这李剑嵩罪有应得,非弟子之过。” „?” Ouyang Sect Master pupil narrows the eyes, said that you, and mentioned the process of matter.” “哦?”欧阳宗主眸子一眯,说道,“你且将事情的经过说来。” Yes!” A Xiao Yun face with deep veneration, initial matter detailed narration. “是!”萧云一脸肃然,将当初的事情详细的叙述出来。 Regarding this, Li Tianhuai slightly narrows the pupil, whom as if not care about is who not. 对此,李天淮眸子微眯,似乎并不在意谁是谁非。 Is this, disciple is the life-saving, has no other choice take action.” Xiao Yun said. “就是这样,弟子为救人,才不得已出手。”萧云说道。 Listens to Xiao Yun narrated that Ouyang Sect Master as if slightly relaxed. 听完萧云的叙说,欧阳宗主似乎微微松了口气。 Sword Lord Li, if according to Xiao Yun this word, this matter indeed crosses is making the grandson, Xiao Yun also for a while impulses meets the take action accidental injury to make the grandson, I thought that this matter was inferior the reducing big problems into little problems minor matter melted, how?” Ouyang Sect Master takes a look to Li Tianhuai said that actually does not know to make the grandson, what but also there is to supplement?” 李剑主,若依萧云此言,此事的确过在令孙,萧云也只是一时冲动才会出手误伤令孙,我看此事不如大事化小小事化了,如何?”欧阳宗主瞅向李天淮说道,“却不知令孙,还有什么要补充的?” Supplement?” Li Tianhuai brow one curved, the eyes became swift and fierce said that old man only knows the present fact was my grandson broke an arm, is it possible that Ouyang can Sect Master shelter this murderer to be inadequate really? If so, but is really disappointed, will harm the name of your honourable sect.” “补充?”李天淮眉头一弯,眸露凌厉道,“老夫只知道现在的事实是我孙断了一臂,莫非欧阳宗主真要庇护这凶手不成?若是如此,可真是叫人寒心,将有损贵宗之名。” My Southern Sea Sword Sect is Southern Border five sect's first, only feared that the person in gate knows this matter is also hard to swallow this tone.” Li Tianhuai pupil light is swift and fierce, cold Shi Xiao Yun, saying every single word or phrase, this youth, since made mistakes, the lunch was punished, the old man does not create obstacles for Ouyang Sect Master, only needs his both arms, is abandoning its cultivation level to be able, so also warns the common people.” “我南海剑派南疆五宗之首,只怕门中的人知道此事也难以咽下这口气。”李天淮眸光凌厉,冷视着萧云,一字一句的说道,“这青年既然犯了错,便当受到惩罚,老夫也不刁难欧阳宗主,只需断其双臂,在废其修为便可,如此也警示世人。” ( ( …… ……
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