EMS :: Volume #3

#256: Day flame god armor Secret Art Little to become

Chapter 256 Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts small accomplishment 第256章天炎神铠诀小成 Hence, entire Heavenly Flame Pond Heavenly Flame was absorbed by Xiao Yun, evolves fire runes to integrate within the body. { Please search in hundred degree celsius, first round entire writing reading } 至此,整个天炎池天炎都被萧云吸收,演化成了火纹融入了体内。{请在百度搜索哈,首发全文字阅读} This is entire Heavenly Flame! 这可是整整一池的天炎啊! Conceivable, this Xiao Yun fused many runes, almost the meridians of his whole body, the skeleton has runes to integrate. 可以想象,此次萧云融合了多少符文,几乎他全身的经脉,骨骼都有着符文融入。 Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts small accomplishment, I have been able initial-stage to evolve Divine Armor now.” Afterward Xiao Yun mind moves whole body fluorescence to bloom, runes start from the skeleton, the flesh and blood, in the middle of the meridians to evolve, finally starts to condense an armor slowly. 天炎神铠诀小成,现在我已经可以初步演化出神铠了。”随后萧云心神一动全身荧光绽放,一个个符文开始从骨骼,血肉,经脉当中演化而出,最后开始慢慢凝聚成一件铠甲。 At this time on Xiao Yun the clothes already removed, these runes evolve, such as hot armor condenses on the flesh simply. 此时萧云身上衣服早就褪去,这些符文演化而出,简直如一件火甲在肌肤上凝聚。 This is a flame armor, is similar to the fire runes engagements. 这是一件火红色的铠甲,如同一个个火纹衔接而成。 However these fire runes slightly are gloomy, although changed into an armor, but the imposing manner is insufficient, the trace of armor is not very clear. 不过这些火纹还略显暗淡,虽然化为了一件铠甲,可气势不够,铠甲的纹路也不够清晰。 This is because Xiao Yun steps into Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts small accomplishment, can only force to evolve this armor. 这是因为萧云才踏入天炎神铠诀小成,只能勉强将这铠甲演化出来。 Wants in to further probably continue to derive Heavenly Flame, makes within the body fire runes have enough flame support by this to display gradually the might of this armor, but, can have this achievement Xiao Yun to be pleased now. 想要在进一步就必须继续汲取天炎,以此让体内火纹有着足够的火炎支持才可以将这铠甲的威力逐渐发挥出来,不过,能有现在这成就萧云已经感到很满意了。 After this Body Tempering Xiao Yun can the clear feeling the own flesh and blood, the physique become exceptionally tenacious. 经过此次淬体萧云可以清晰的感觉到自己的血肉,筋骨都变得异常坚韧了起来。 It can be said that his ** strengthened ten times compared with before incessantly, the resistance has hit the ability greatly to promote. 可以说他的**比以前不止增强了十倍,抗击打能力将大大提升。 So long as later absorbs Heavenly Flame unceasingly, this Heavenly Flame Divine Armor continually will promote, when the time comes perhaps really can resist all, becomes Divine Armor.” Looks these fire runes that on the own flesh appears, in the Xiao Yun heart is moved quite inspired. “只要的以后不断摄取天炎,这天炎神铠就会不断提升,到时候或许真的可以抵挡一切,成为一件神铠。”看着自己肌肤上浮现出来的这些火纹,萧云心中感动颇为振奋。 These fire runes on such as the iron sheet of armor, the mutual engagement, appear very mysterious, has burning aura to fill the air in middle, these flame can melt the attack of enemy in certain degree, is relying on the armor to continue to resist that attack. 这些火纹就如铠甲的铁片,相互衔接,显得很玄妙,在当中还有着一股炙热的气息弥漫开来,这些火炎可以在一定的程度上化解敌人的攻击,然后在凭借铠甲继续抵挡那攻击。 Furthermore, meridians after Body Tempering, the skeleton, the flesh and blood had the greatly strengthened defensive power, fire runes that inside fuses can also carry on to melt the strength, that attacks the within the body strength truly, melts half in this invisible melting sufficiently. 再者,经过淬体后的经脉,骨骼,血肉都有了极强的防御力,里面所融合的火纹还可以进行化解力量,那真正冲击到体内的力量,在这种无形的化解中足以化解一半。 Layer on layer decomposes after this, the striking power that cultivator withstands will appear will be smaller. 经过这样重重分解,修者所承受的攻击力就会显得小多了。 This is the Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts wonderful place. 这就是天炎神铠诀的神妙之处。 „The tour of this Inheritance Palace is benefits.” Xiao Yun mind moves, fire runes on flesh is reserved gradually, sets out unexpectedly, within both eyes glitters this self-confident rays of light, the whole person has an inexplicable imposing manner, to this harvest he is also quite satisfied, this time he has not only strengthened own Dao Heart, but also obtained this Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts, the harvest is not it may be said that small. “这次传承殿之行真的是获益匪浅。”萧云心神一动,肌肤上的火纹逐渐内敛,蓦地起身,双眸中闪烁这自信的光芒,整个人有着一种莫名的气势,对这次的收获他也是颇为满意,此次他不仅坚定了自己道心,还得到了这天炎神铠诀,可谓收获不小。 Well, what is this?” After Xiao Yun sets out, his eye one bright, double pupil tight is staring in Heavenly Flame Pond. “咦,这是什么?”就在萧云起身后,他眼睛一亮,双眸紧紧的盯着天炎池内。 At this time Heavenly Flame Pond flame has been dried up, but middle has a bead of pigeon egg size. 此时天炎池火炎已经干枯,可是当中却有着一颗鸽子蛋大小的珠子。 On this bead inscribes fire runes, appears very mysterious, sends out mysterious fluctuation. 这珠子上刻有火纹,显得很玄妙,散发出一股晦涩的波动 The Xiao Yun palm moves starts from place volume one that bead immediately. 萧云手掌一动当下就将那珠子给从地上卷入手中。 The bead starts, runes glitters, immediately submerged his forehead. 珠子入手,一个符文闪烁,当即没入了他眉心。 One string of information emerge Xiao Yun mind. 一串信息随之涌入萧云心神 Gathering Fire Bead!” After having digested these information, in the Xiao Yun pupil appears to wipe the happy expression. 聚火珠!”当消化了那些信息后,萧云眸中浮现出一抹笑意。 This is spirit bead, is very mysterious, can tow the Heavenly Flame storage by this bead in middle. 这是一颗灵珠,很是玄妙,凭借此珠可以牵引天炎储存于当中。 Even if your cultivation level suffices, but can also tow Fire Vein to put in the middle of this bead. 甚至若是你修为够强,还可以牵引火脉置于这珠子当中。 Has Formation in the bead, can depute these flame, making it purify to the Heavenly Flame situation. 在珠子中有着阵法,可以将那些火炎提纯,使之净化到天炎的地步。 what is Heavenly Flame? 何为天炎 That is Innate flame, without impurity, such as Xiao Yun Flawless Martial Spirit is the same, that is true Heavenly Flame. 那便是先天火炎,没有一丝杂质,就如萧云无暇武魂一样,那才是真正的天炎 flame that ordinary Fire Vein as well as cultivator tow all has the impurity, cannot be called Heavenly Flame! 普通火脉以及修者所牵引来的火炎皆有杂质,不可称为天炎 This Gathering Fire Bead is good, is specially is the person preparation of practice Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts.” In Xiao Yun heart micro happy, after having this bead him, can store up Fire Vein, is relying on inside Formation to refine flame to the Heavenly Flame rank. “这聚火珠不错,是专门为修炼天炎神铠诀的人准备。”萧云心中微喜,有了这颗珠子他以后就可以储存火脉,在凭借里面的阵法火炎提炼到天炎的级别。 Then he did not need to be Heavenly Flame extremely worries. 如此一来他也不用为天炎太过操心了。 In taking a look at this bead, his mind moves at once, releases wisp of Spiritual Consciousness, will condense the runes brand mark in the middle of this Gathering Fire Bead, when the brand mark pours into the bead, above runes dodges, immediately thoroughly gives the fusion the brand mark. 在瞅了一眼这珠子,旋即他心神一动,释放出了一缕灵识,将之凝聚成符文烙印在这聚火珠当中,当烙印注入珠子内,上面的符文一闪,马上就将烙印彻底给融合。 Immediately, Xiao Yun mind and this bead had an inexplicable relation, is similar to is as close as flesh and blood. 顿时,萧云心神和这珠子有了一种莫名的联系,如同血肉相连。 His mind moves, then sank to the middle of the bead. 心神一动,便是沉入了珠子当中。 This is a huge space, cannot see the end, seems to be the thousand li(500 km), as if there are ten thousand li (0.5km). 这是一个巨大空间,看不到尽头,似有千里,又似乎有万里。 Under is a piece of scarlet earth, has burning aura to fill the air, inside has Fire Vein impressively. 下方是一片赤色的大地,有着一股炙热的气息弥漫开来,里面赫然有着一条火脉 This Fire Vein is not big, inside flame flows, is similar to a kilometer creek. 火脉不大,里面火炎流淌,如同一条千米长的小河。 Has three zhang (3.33 m) high Formation Stage by this Fire Vein, above runes twinkle, evolves a hundred zhang (333m) size Fire Pond. 在这火脉旁边有着一个三丈高的阵台,上面符文闪烁,演化成一个百丈大小的火池 In Fire Pond runes tows Fire Vein, inside flame collection comes, to start to take the strength of Formation its refinement as Heavenly Flame. 火池符文牵引火脉,将里面的火炎汇集而来,开始以阵法之力将其提炼为天炎 However this Fire Vein is very thin, refinement Heavenly Flame are too few, outside did not have Xiao Yun practice pond are many. 不过这条火脉很稀薄,提炼的天炎太少,还没有外面萧云修炼过的池子多。 It seems like must seek for fire source by own.” Xiao Yun mind released to receive this bead space all in the eye. “看来还得靠自己寻找火源。”萧云心神释放出去将这珠子空间的一切都收在了眼里。 Some inside many Fire Vein traces, what a pity early have also been dried up, just like was refined. 里面还有许多火脉的痕迹,可惜早已经干枯,俨然是被提炼完毕。 Absorbs Fire Vein forcefully, and lets its naturally grow flame to be too difficult, this only then these big Magical Powers cultivator can accomplish, now I also at most store up flame by this.” In the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly, was mediocre good, if he met flame not to have the time calmly to derive, then after can take in this bead, was bringing practice. “强行摄取火脉,并且让其自然衍生火炎太难,这只有那些大神通修者才可以办到,现在我也顶多是以此储存火炎而已。”萧云心中暗忖,不过如此也不错了,若是他遇到了火炎却没有时间静静汲取,那么就可以摄入这珠子内以后在拿来修炼 As the matter stands can save the Xiao Yun not small trouble. 这样一来可以省去萧云不小的麻烦。 Afterward Xiao Yun mind moves, this bead was integrated the forehead directly, integrated middle in fire runes. 随后萧云心神一动,这颗珠子直接被纳入了眉心,融入了当中一个火纹中。 Has left behind the mind brand mark at will after the bead he already can want in integration flesh and blood. 在珠子上留下了心神烙印后他已然可以随意所欲的将之融入血肉中。 Now should also exit.” Xiao Yun wears the clothes, double pupil starts to observe the situation the four directions. “现在也该出去了。”萧云穿好衣服,双眸开始环视四方。 Unexpectedly, he has discovered formation mark in the front. 蓦地,在前方他发现了一个阵纹 This should be the outlet.” “这应该就是出路了。” Xiao Yun pupil light moves, said according to Peak Lord Zeng condenses fire runes to pour into the middle of formation mark. 萧云眸光一动,按照曾峰主所言凝聚了一个火纹注入阵纹当中。 Buzz! 嗡! That formation mark rays of light twinkle, evolves vortex unexpectedly, a aura fluctuation of communicating the world space fills the air to open. 阵纹光芒闪烁,蓦地演化出一个气旋,一股沟通天地空间的气息波动弥漫而开。 Really is the outlet.” Is feeling that familiar fluctuation, in the Xiao Yun heart one happy. “果然是出路。”感受着那股熟悉的波动,萧云心中一喜。 Shout! 呼! At once that vortex moves, a force of traction sweeps across, but package. 旋即那气旋一动,一股牵引力席卷而出将之包裹。 The next quarter, the Xiao Yun personal appearance trembles, was involved in the middle of a Formation channel. 下一刻,萧云身形一颤,被卷入了一个阵法通道当中。 The body enters the transfer passage, the Xiao Yun body by a mysterious strength fetter, what can feel is only the endless darkness as well as an empty lonesome aura, but is quick, he felt that body of own one light, fetters is not, nearby empty lonesome aura does not exist. 身入传送通道,萧云身子被一股玄妙的力量束缚,所能感受到的只是无尽的黑暗以及一股虚寂的气息,不过很快,他感觉自己的身子一轻,束缚不在,附近的虚寂气息也不复存在。 He knows, own should from that iron room. 他知道,自己应该从那铁室中出来了。 When rays of light dodges at present, his pupil narrows the eyes, the line of sight then turns toward the front glance to go. 待得眼前光芒一闪,他眸子一眯,视线便向着前方扫视而去。 Actually sees the front hot rosy cloud to wind around, is similar to the mist is dense, cloud stairs stretches across void, is appearing before the body of own. 却见得前方火霞缭绕,如同雾气氤氲,一座云梯横跨虚空,正出现在自己的身前。 Came out?” Sees this cloud stairs deeply, Xiao Yun attracted one, in the heart did not sob. “出来了?”见到这云梯,萧云深深的吸了一口,心中不甚唏嘘。 This inheritance restricted area one line, how long also has not known, the matter that but middle experiences makes him come clearly into view. 这次传承禁地一行,也不知过了多久,可是当中所经历的事情却让他历历在目。 First entered inheritance restricted area Xiao Yun to be plotted to fall into by Qiu Yufeng the hopeless situation. 首先进入传承禁地萧云邱雨枫暗算陷入了绝境中。 In hopeless situation he is relying on formidable mental, the faith has resulted in the difficulty finally, arrived at Inheritance Palace smoothly. 在绝境中他凭借着强大的心智,信念终于是得过难关,顺利到达了传承殿 In the Fire Dao inheritance sea in the middle of his strolling fierce flame, can grasp principles...... 火道传承海中他漫步烈炎当中,得以悟道…… All these appear that difficult, winding makes people feel substantial. 这一切显得那么的艰辛,曲折却又让人感到充实。 How long hasn't known?” Xiao Yun shook the mood in heart casts behind, at once the step steps becomes on that cloud stairs, when his pupil light plunders, when by that heavy heavy firing rosy cloud glance goes just like saw several elder on scarlet cliff. “也不知过了多久?”萧云甩了甩头将心中的情绪抛在脑后,旋即步伐迈出落在了那云梯上,待得他眸光掠动,透过那重重火霞扫视而去时俨然看到了赤崖上的几位长者 Well? How to link Palace Lord Jiang also here to wait? Deacon Qin also.” Saw that Palace Lord Jiang and in the Deacon Qin Xiao Yun heart is startled. “咦?怎么连姜殿主也在此等候?秦执事也在。”见到那姜殿主秦执事萧云心中一怔。 This makes him be surprised, in heart also somewhat chuckles to oneself. 这让他感到意外,心中也有些窃喜。 Thinks that is they also wants to have a look at own whether has harvested. 想必是他们也想看看自己是否有所收获吧。 Xiao Yun has several points joyfully to stroll to cloud stairs under. 萧云带着几分欣喜向云梯漫步而下。 „It is not right!” Xiao Yun pupil light moves slightly, is looking at these person of brows tightly frowns, the stern-faced appearance, he felt that was not wonderful, the front atmosphere is very obviously serious, likely is not the aspect of waiting. “不对!”只是萧云眸光略微一动,在瞧得那些人一个个眉头紧锁,一脸凝重的模样,他感觉到了一丝不妙,前方的气氛明显很沉重,不像是翘首以待的局面。 What happened?” The step that Xiao Yun pupil dew ponder, steps slightly was also serious. “发生了什么事?”萧云眸露沉思,迈动的步伐也略显沉重了起来。 He felt indistinctly should have anything with the own related matter. 他隐约感觉应该发生了什么和自己有关的事情。 Xiao Yun came out!” When Xiao Yun takes a step to come, on that scarlet cliff a Deacon Qin eye bright, high sound track. 萧云出来了!”在萧云迈步而来的时候,那赤崖上秦执事眼睛一亮,高声道。 Xiao Yun? Well, he came out really!” Peak Lord Zeng pupil light narrows the eyes, staring goes forward, when discovered that in the youth back of the body that takes a step to come is also one happy, starts subconsciously induces the aura of opposite party, under this induction his heart jumps. 萧云?咦,他真出来了!”曾峰主眸光一眯,向前凝视而去,待得发现那迈步而来的青年后心中也是一喜,开始下意识的去感应对方的气息,这一感应之下他心头一跳。 Good strange aura?” Peak Lord Zeng pupil dew doubt, I felt that his whole person aura sudden change, whole body lends a flame aura, what's all this about? Has he harvested in that Inheritance Palace really?” “好奇怪的气息?”曾峰主眸露狐疑,“我怎么感觉他整个人气息骤变,全身上下都散发出一股火炎的气息,这是怎么回事?难道他在那传承殿中真的有所收获?” This lets him joyfully, within both eyes filled has hoped. 这让他欣喜不已,双眸中充满了期许。 Palace Lord Jiang slightly narrows the pupil also induced the change of Xiao Yun aura, but in heart actually not that wild with joy. 姜殿主眸子微眯也感应到了萧云气息的变化,不过心中却并没有那种狂喜。 Because is going to wait for this youth afterward is will decide the life and death the time. 因为随后将要等候这青年的将是决定生死的时刻。 Xiao Yun strolls from cloud stairs, fell on the scarlet cliff, that Peak Lord Zeng moved forward to meet somebody immediately. 萧云云梯漫步而下,落在了赤崖上,那曾峰主立即迎了上去。 Hehe, Xiao Yun can you harvest?” Peak Lord Zeng somewhat impatient asking. 呵呵,萧云你可有所收获?”曾峰主有些迫不及待的问道。 Another several Fire Yuan Peak elder are also a face hopes. 另外几名火元峰长者也是一脸期许。 Is Fire Yuan elder, nobody has them to hope that again saw had disciple to be able in Inheritance Palace to comprehend. 身为火元长者,再也没有人有他们那么希望看到有弟子能在传承殿有所领悟了。 disciple entered Inheritance Palace by luck, has sensed.” Xiao Yun light said that at once takes a look to Palace Lord Jiang said that Palace Lord, you did come? I thought that what matter your look as if does have dignifiedly? Is related with me?” 弟子侥幸进入了传承殿,有所感悟。”萧云淡淡的道了一句,旋即瞅向了姜殿主道,“殿主,你怎么来了?我看你神色凝重似乎有什么事情?难道和我有关?” Em.” Sees Xiao Yun to ask that Palace Lord Jiang brows slightly wrinkle, opens the mouth to say afterward, this time indeed met troublesome was greatly related with you.” “恩。”见萧云问来姜殿主眉头微皱,随后开口说道,“这次的确遇到了大麻烦还和你有关。” „?” Hears this words, the Xiao Yun brow one curved, slightly reveals the doubt, greatly troublesome?” “哦?”听到此话,萧云眉头一弯,略露狐疑,“大麻烦?” I asked that your, can you once cut off an arm of Southern Sea Sword Sect youth disciple?” A Palace Lord Jiang face asked with deep veneration. “我问你一句,你可曾斩断过南海剑派一名青年弟子的手臂?”姜殿主一脸肃然问道。 Indeed has this matter.” Xiao Yun does not conceal, replied, had the relations with this matter?” “的确有此事。”萧云也不隐瞒,回答道,“难道与此事有关系?” Em.” The Palace Lord Jiang mood slightly is dignified, he takes a look to Xiao Yun said that Southern Sea Sword Sect comes the person, threatened that wants us to hand over you.” “恩。”姜殿主心情略显凝重,他瞅向萧云道,“南海剑派来人,扬言要我们交出你。” „Does Southern Sea Sword Sect come the person?” In the Xiao Yun heart sinks, felt serious of matter indistinctly. 南海剑派来人?”萧云心中一沉,隐约感觉到了事情的严重。 That personal name that you injure is Li Jiansong, his Grandfather Li Tianhuai is Southern Sea Sword Sect Heavenly Sword Peak Sword Lord, 30 years ago has entered into Yuan Soul Realm, sword technique is superb, in the entire Southern Border unusual rival, 30 years his cultivation level was also immeasurably deep now in the past, he is always overbearing, now you break his grandson arm consequence not to be wonderful!” “你伤的那人名为李剑嵩,他爷爷李天淮南海剑派天剑峰剑主,30年前就已经迈入了元婴境,一身剑术出神入化,在整个南疆也少有敌手,如今30年过去他的修为更加深不可测了起来,他向来霸道,如今你断他孙子一臂后果不妙啊!” A Palace Lord Jiang face worried. 姜殿主一脸担忧。 ( ( …… ……
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