EMS :: Volume #3

#255: Tianyuan sect nobody?

Chapter 255 Heavenly Yuan Sect nobody? 第255章天元宗无人? sword light dodges, the imposing manner is arrogant! 剑光一闪,气势凌人! Lu Yuan this sword was too strong, irresistible, but can also destroy person mind! 陆元这一剑太强了,势不可挡,还可以摧人心神 Lei Tai felt that by being incapable of heart, the back has the cold sweat to emit, because the opposite party was too strong. Kazakh 520 novels 雷泰感到由心的无力,脊背都有着冷汗冒出,因为对方太强了。哈520小说 This Lu Yuan comprehended sword intent, is not the person who this comprehends a wind and thunder true meaning can compare by far. 陆元领悟了剑意,远远不是他这个领悟一丝风雷真意的人可以相比。 All deep meaning, comprehend one to touch superficial knowledge / fur, quite rare, this Lu Yuan had own Dao very much obviously. 一切奥义,领悟一丝摸到皮毛,已经颇为难得,很明显这陆元已经有了自己的道 Between both sides was doomed to have the insurmountable gap. 双方间注定了有着不可逾越的鸿沟。 long sword carries the unsurpassed sword potential to cut, tearing resembled is torn! 长剑携带无上剑势斩下,撕裂都似被撕裂了! At this moment, Lei Tai fell into the dangerous situation, momentarily has the die sign. 这一刻,雷泰陷入了险境,随时有着殒落的迹象。 Senior Brother Lei!” Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple calls out in alarm, is Lei Tai worried. 雷师兄!”天元宗弟子惊呼,都为雷泰捏了一把汗。 According to so the imposing manner, Lei Tai simply does not have the strength of resisting, is very difficult including the avoidance. 按照如此气势,雷泰根本没有抵挡之力,连躲避都很难。 Compares notes? Is this compares notes?” Heavenly Yuan Sect several elder get angry, coldly snorted. “切磋?这是切磋吗?”天元宗几位长者发怒,不由冷哼了一声。 Formerly that Li Tianhuai also desirably made Lu Yuan keep the hand, but looks like the opposite party obviously has not been forgiving now. 先前那李天淮还刻意让陆元留手,可现在看来对方明显没有留情。 Sword, what cultivates is the potential! What cultivates is intent domain! What art is powerful, a sword leaves, cuts completely all hindrance!” Li Tianhuai smiles to say lightly, „, only then unprecedented, can become aware the Sword Dao true meaning, becomes genuine sword.” “剑者,修的是势!修的是意境!讲究的是气势如虹,一剑出,斩尽一切阻碍!”李天淮淡淡一笑说道,“只有一往无前,才能悟得剑道真意,成为一个真正的剑者。” His words do not know that is responds to Heavenly Yuan Sect elder to warn Chen Jian and Li Jiansong. 他这话语不知是回应天元宗长者还是告诫身边的陈剑李剑嵩 An Ouyang Sect Master face is indifferent, the double pupil is fixing the eyes on the front, has one type to control all imposing manners, as if prepares momentarily take action. 欧阳宗主一脸淡然,双眸紧盯着前方,有着一种掌控一切的气势,似乎准备随时出手 The sword potential is dreadful, is irresistible, but Lei Tai slightly heart startled, quick returned to normal, sees only his palm to move, the rays of light twinkle, presented thunder arc twinkle thunder shield, this shield rises suddenly to change into a zhang (3.33 m) allow tall shield unexpectedly horizontally before the body. 剑势滔天,不可抵挡,可雷泰只是略微心惊,很快就恢复了平静,只见得他他手掌一动,光芒闪烁,出现了一个雷弧闪烁的雷盾,这盾牌蓦地暴涨化为一个丈许高的盾牌横在身前。 This shield runes twinkle, was similar to has thunder arc to jump, changed into vortex of thunder, must submerge the world. 这盾牌符文闪烁,如同有雷弧在跳跃,化为了一个雷之气旋,要淹没天地。 Shout! 呼! The thunder net blooms, keeps off before the Lei Tai body, just just now was resisted that swift and fierce sword potential. 雷网绽放开来,挡在雷泰身前,刚好将那凌厉的剑势方才被抵挡下来。 Broken! 破! A coldly snorted sound falls, sword light dodges, almost after that shield evolves, cut above. 一声冷哼声落下,剑光一闪,几乎是在那盾牌演化出来后,斩在了上面。 All these occur in fast. 这一切都只是发生在电光石火之间。 All cultivator this live in breath, because this is decided victory or defeat strikes! 所有的修者都本住呼吸,因为这是决定胜败的一击! Actually sees long sword to cut, that shield trembles, that thunder arc twinkle, wants to submerge this long sword, the sword potential is what a pity arrogant, has to cut completely all , a the sword breaks myriad laws imposing manner, this sword falls, thunder net vortex that runes condenses is defeated and dispersed immediately. 却见得长剑斩下,那盾牌一颤,那雷弧闪烁,想要将这长剑淹没,可惜剑势凌人,真的有着斩尽一切,一剑破万法的气势,这一剑落下,那符文凝聚成的雷网气旋当即溃散。 Ding! 叮! long sword makes use, cut a clear impact noise has resounded on that shield suddenly, delightful interesting to listen. 长剑趁势而下,斩在了那盾牌上一声清脆的撞击声骤然响起,悦耳动听。 At once, the people are noticed that shield starts to crack, runes was obliterated, gloomy. 旋即,众人便是看到那盾牌开始崩裂,符文被磨灭,暗淡了起来。 Buzz! 嗡! A dull thumping sound spreads, that shield unexpectedly breakage, a formidable sword potential follows closely to burst out from that crack, impact maliciously on the body of Lei Tai, he has been similar to by the innumerable sharp swords is hit, the clothing crack, leaves behind sword marks. 一声闷响传出,那盾牌竟然生生的破裂开来,一股强大的剑势紧随着从那裂缝当中迸发而出,狠狠的冲击在了雷泰的身上,他如同被无数利剑击中,衣衫裂缝,留下一道道剑痕。 Shout! 呼! Under this impulse, he is similar to kite flying upside down of broken line. 在这种冲击力下,他如同断线的风筝倒飞而出。 When Lei Tai flying upside down exits, that shield cracks thoroughly, changes into two pieces to be shaken by a great strength flies in empty/sky. 雷泰倒飞而出去的时候,那盾牌彻底崩裂,化为两片被一股巨力震飞于空。 Meanwhile, handle long sword, carries is cutting completely all imposing manners to fall! 与此同时,一柄长剑,携带着斩尽一切的气势落下! Bang! 砰! sword glow is astonishing, cuts in the front, then falls on that competition stage, formidable sword intent is irresistible, almost to make this competition stage crack, that above rays of light twinkle, reappeared piece of runes, bloomed light halo, just now melted that sword intent. 剑芒惊人,斩在前方,而后落在那比赛台上,强大的剑意不可抵挡,差点让这比赛台崩裂,那上面光芒闪烁,浮现出了一片符文,绽放出一阵光圈,方才将那剑意化解。 This is formation mark under powerhouse cloth, for protects this competition stage. 这是强者布下的阵纹,为的就是防护这比赛台 sword glow is defeated and dispersed, Lu Yuan grasps long sword floating to fall, his double pupil is faint, coldly is staring at the front. 剑芒溃散,陆元手持长剑飘然而落,他双眸淡漠,冷冷的盯着前方。 In there, Lei Tai was swept across by violent fallout, shakes flies to fall to the ground. 在那里,雷泰被一股猛烈的余波席卷,震飞落地。 Thump! 咚! The ground trembles, sends out a dull thumping sound, Lei Tai quite distressed falling under competition stage! 地面一颤,发出一声闷响,雷泰颇为狼狈的落在比赛台下! This war, he defeated! 这一战,他败了! Shout! 呼! Although Lei Tai defeats, but Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple actually all breathed a sigh of relief. 雷泰虽败,可是天元宗弟子却皆是舒了口气。 The people know, if not Lei Tai offered a sacrifice to Magic Item at crucial moments, alleviated the sword potential of that Lu Yuan, only feared that at this moment he has cherished hatred in this, therefore relatively speaking, now this result is very good, at least he was also living. 众人都是知道,若非雷泰在关键时刻祭出了一件法器,缓解了那陆元的剑势,只怕此刻他已经饮恨于此,所以相比而言,现在这结果已经算是很好了,至少他还活着。 Fortunately, if not for I comprehended a Martial Dao true meaning, mental firm and resolute, otherwise already cherished hatred under this sword.” Lei Tai took a deep breath, feels to have a lingering fear, that Lu Yuan was too formidable, comprehended sword intent , the both sides disparity is too big, is hard-to-pass. “还好,若不是我领悟了一丝武道真意,心智坚毅,不然早就饮恨于这一剑之下了。”雷泰深深吸了口气,也是感到心有余悸,那陆元太强大了,真的领悟了剑意,双方差距太大,难以逾越。 Also good, if no this to fight me unable to clearly recognize own, still has the doubts regarding the Martial Dao true meaning, after this time, so long as I am continuing study and understand, will decide will go a step further again, by that time, might as well be able with this Lu Yuan war.” Lei Tai set out, took a look on one that tattered clothes, as well as sword mark, pupil light actually became even more firm and resolute. “不过也好,若没有这一战我还不能认清自己,对于武道真意还存在疑惑,此次之后只要我在继续参悟,定会再进一步,到那时候,也未尝不能与这陆元一战。”雷泰起身,瞅了一眼身上那破烂的衣服,以及身上的剑痕,眸光却变得越发坚毅了起来。 I defeated!” Lei Tai holds the fist in the other hand, at once departs in light of this, now this appearance must change the body clothes. “我败了!”雷泰抱拳,旋即就此离去,如今这副模样怎么也得换身衣服吧。 Along with departure of Lei Tai, martial arts stage fell into a silence, Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple has revealed the whole face to be bitter and astringent. 随着雷泰的离去,演武场陷入了一片寂静,天元宗弟子露出满脸苦涩。 Has defeated including Lei Tai such character, their how war? 雷泰这样的人物都败了,他们何以一战? Lu Yuan took a fast look around four directions lightly, he has not talked too much, the direct personal appearance moved, plundering that tower side to be built on side Li Tianhuai. 陆元淡淡的扫视了一眼四方,他也没有多言,直接身形一动,掠回了那楼台侧立于李天淮身边。 As if the entire Heavenly Yuan Sect nobody is worth take action regarding him, if not Li Tianhuai told that disdains a war radically. 似乎对于他而言整个天元宗都没有人值得出手,若非李天淮吩咐,根本不屑一战。 Hehe, Ouyang Sect Master, how Core Palace only then these disciple?” Li Tianhuai narrows the eye to smile saying that I hear the Sect Master hanger-on to have several youth talents, does extraordinary natural talent, how might as well make them come out with my disciple to compare notes to turn?” 呵呵,欧阳宗主,怎么核心殿就只有这么些弟子?”李天淮眯着眼睛一笑说道,“我听闻宗主门下有几个青年才俊,都天赋异禀,不如让他们出来与我弟子切磋一翻如何?” Lets Sect Master disciple take action?” hear speech/words, a Palace Lord Jiang eyelid cannot help but twitches. “让宗主弟子出手?”闻言,姜殿主眼皮不由得一阵抽动。 Is the Sect Master disciple status precious? 宗主弟子身份何等珍贵? This is Heavenly Yuan Sect in the future the Sect Master candidate, cannot affront. 这是天元宗未来宗主的人选,不可冒犯。 But this Li Tianhuai unexpectedly must let disciple of hanger-on now with it comparing notes, this simply is to contemptuous of Heavenly Yuan Sect. 可现在这李天淮竟然要让门下的弟子与之切磋,这简直就是对天元宗的轻蔑。 This Li Tianhuai is Southern Sea Sword Sect Heavenly Sword Peak Sword Lord, is equal to Core Palace Palace Lord. 李天淮南海剑派天剑峰剑主,也相当于核心殿殿主 Sword Lord and Sect Master status has the difference of heaven and earth. 一个剑主宗主的身份本就有着天壤之别。 This two people disciple compares notes, doesn't bully Heavenly Yuan Sect nobody? 两人弟子切磋,不是欺天元宗无人吗? Hehe, disciple of this King hanger-on is all closing up, only feared that is difficult the free time to come out a war, but one compares notes, such as the child crosses each family, do our these elders why so care?.” Ouyang Sect Master smiles to say lightly that my Heavenly Yuan Sect has recently resulted in Southern Sea Star Orchid, is the Southern Border rare and beautiful flowers, may bloom the shining star light in the night, how might as well watch turns?” 呵呵,本座门下的弟子皆在闭关,只怕难有空暇出来一战,只是一场切磋罢了,就如小孩子过家家,我们这些长辈何必如此在意?。”欧阳宗主淡淡一笑说道,“我天元宗近来得了一株南海星兰,为南疆奇葩,在夜间可绽放出灿灿星光,不如去观赏一翻如何?” Southern Sea Star Orchid?” The Sword Lord Li brow selects, said that old man only pursues Sword Dao Peak his entire life, is not interested in these elegant matters, this viewed the flowers has exempted, actually does not know when that Xiao Yun did come out?” 南海星兰?”李剑主眉头一挑,说道,“老夫一生只追求剑道巅峰,对这些风雅之事并不感兴趣,这赏花就免了,却不知那萧云何时出来?” I want to let our these many elders and other later generation disciple, passes on not to be good in the your honourable sect reputation.” Said behind, he desolate, has a forcing flavor. “我想让我们这么多长辈等一个后辈弟子,传出去于贵宗的名声也不好吧。”说道后面,他语气略显冷淡,有着一种逼迫的味道。 Hehe, not long, that Xiao Yun should.” Ouyang Sect Master smiles embarrasedly, at once takes a look to nearby Palace Lord Jiang said that goes, enters that inheritance restricted area to invite Xiao Yun, my Heavenly Yuan Sect cannot lose the hospitality.” 呵呵,不用多久,那萧云应该就将出来了。”欧阳宗主讪讪一笑,旋即瞅向旁边的姜殿主道,“去,进入那传承禁地将萧云请来,我天元宗也不能失了待客之道。” But he still...... Palace Lord Jiang brows tightly frowns said in study and understand. “可是他还在参悟……”姜殿主眉头紧锁道。 Ouyang Sect Master beckoning with the hand hand, is not willing to say. 欧阳宗主摆了摆手手,不愿意多说。 Palace Lord Jiang sighed, knows that Ouyang Sect Master was also incapable of delaying, must set out to go to Fire Yuan Peak personally. 姜殿主叹息一声,知道欧阳宗主也是无力在拖延,只得起身亲自前往火元峰 Looks Palace Lord Jiang that is departing, in Ouyang Sect Master heart also only then bitter and astringent smiles. 望着那离去的姜殿主,欧阳宗主心中也只有苦涩一笑。 Now others sent out two disciple to select their Core Palace, already was warning Heavenly Yuan Sect. 如今人家派出两个弟子就挑了他们核心殿,已然是在警告天元宗 If delaying this Li Tianhuai not to make any matter out of the ordinary unavoidably. 若是在耽搁下去难免这李天淮不会做出什么出格的事情。 Simultaneously Ouyang Chen also felt the great strength of Southern Sea Sword Sect. 同时欧阳尘也感觉到了南海剑派的强大。 Heavenly Yuan Sect was weaker, only then collaborates to contain this faction with Sea Mist Sect. 天元宗还是弱了些,只有和海岚宗联手才可以遏制此派。 Sea Mist Sect.” Thinks of here, Ouyang Sect Master slightly relaxed, Sea Mist Sect and Southern Sea Sword Sect are unable to co-exist, is so, even though the Southern Sea Sword Sect potential is big, how has not actually dared to Heavenly Yuan Sect, once because these two schools collaborate, they will have a headache. 海岚宗。”想到这里,欧阳宗主才微微松了口气,海岚宗南海剑派势不两立,也是如此,纵使南海剑派势大,却也还不敢对天元宗如何,因为一旦这两派联手,他们也将头疼。 Sees Palace Lord Jiang to depart, the Li Tianhuai pupil passed over gently and swiftly a self-satisfacation, from beginning to end all these during he controls. 姜殿主离去,李天淮眸子掠过一丝得意,由始至终这一切都在他掌控之中。 He believes that by Southern Sea Sword Sect background, frightened Heavenly Yuan Sect sufficiently. 他相信凭借南海剑派底蕴,足以震慑天元宗了。 When the time comes that Ouyang Chen naturally will be handed over by the little darling Xiao Yun. 到时候那欧阳尘自然会将萧云被乖乖交出。 The Li Jiansong corners of the mouth also raise one to grin fiendishly, thinks that in him present, all have settled down. 李剑嵩嘴角也是随之掀起一丝狞笑,在他认为到了现在,一切都已经尘埃落定。 Xiao Yun? Dares to oppose with me, the father must make you live to might as well die.” In Li Jiansong heart coldly snorted, „, if there is opportunity to meet Sea Mist Sect that group of woman fathers to wither them not to be possible, his, harmed the father to break an arm, simply was absurd.” 萧云?敢与我作对,老子要让你生不如死。”李剑嵩心中冷哼,“若有机会遇见海岚宗那群娘们老子非得干死她们不可,丫的,害得老子断去了一臂,简直是岂有此理。” ...... …… Fire Yuan Peak, Peak Lord Zeng is waiting as before, Deacon Qin also already caught up with this place. 火元峰,曾峰主依旧在等候,秦执事也早就赶来了此地。 However when their anxiously wait, Palace Lord Jiang also appears. 不过在他们焦急等候时,姜殿主也随之出现。 How?” Sees Palace Lord Jiang to catch up, Peak Lord Zeng and Deacon Qin and the others all feel a restlessness. “怎么了?”见姜殿主赶来,曾峰主秦执事等人皆是感到一丝不安。 Sect Master makes me invite Xiao Yun.” Palace Lord Jiang brows tightly frowns, reveals a face to be bitter and astringent. 宗主让我来请萧云。”姜殿主眉头紧锁,露出一脸苦涩。 Anything! Invited Xiao Yun?” This makes Peak Lord Zeng feel that not a wonderful [say / way], Sect Master can hand over Xiao Yun?” “什么!请萧云?”这让曾峰主感到一丝不妙道,“难道宗主是要交出萧云了吗?” Li Tianhuai is very strong, this time lets two disciple take action intentionally, has swept away my Core Palace elite disciple, this meaning is very obvious, he wants to frighten my Heavenly Yuan Sect by this, if this matter is dragging, perhaps was his personally take action.” Palace Lord Jiang said that Sect Master wants to shelter Xiao Yun only to fear was also difficult.” 李天淮很强势,此次故意让两名弟子出手,横扫了我核心殿的精英弟子,这意思很明显,他是想以此震慑我天元宗,若是此事在拖下去,或许就是他亲自出手了。”姜殿主说道,“就算宗主想庇护萧云只怕也难了。” That what to do?” Peak Lord Zeng frowns saying, how could this is Xiao Yun the talent that my Heavenly Yuan Sect hundred years rare meet hands over?” “那怎么办?”曾峰主皱眉道,“这萧云可是我天元宗百年难得一遇的天才岂能交出?” All these must look at the Xiao Yun own good fortune.” Palace Lord Jiang said. “这一切得看萧云自己的造化。”姜殿主说道。 What meaning?” Peak Lord Zeng puzzled asking. “什么意思?”曾峰主不解的问道。 Nearby Deacon Qin is also pupil inquired. 旁边的秦执事也是眸露询问。 If he can display enough natural talent, making Sect Master move, this matter naturally said.” Palace Lord Jiang slightly narrows the pupil said that Sect Master is also a love person, from starting the manner comes to see him to shelter Xiao Yun, now is also helpless.” “若是他能表现出足够的天赋,让宗主动心,此事自然好说。”姜殿主眸子微眯说道,“宗主也是一个爱才之人,从开始的态度来看他还是想庇护萧云,现在也只是无奈。” Also is, otherwise this matter will not tow to be so long.” Deacon Qin slight bow. “也是,不然此事也不会拖那么久了。”秦执事微微点头。 „Do we want to go to come out him really?” Peak Lord Zeng brows tightly frowns said that he perhaps is grasping principles now!” “我们真的要去将他请出来吗?”曾峰主眉头紧锁说道,“他现在或许正在悟道啊!” Grasp principles! 悟道! Regarding any cultivator is the matters that sacred cannot be disturbed, will otherwise affect his success or failure! 对于任何修者来说都是神圣不可打扰的事情,否则会影响他成败! Sometimes perhaps is difference such wonderful verse, can see the light suddenly, 有时候或许就是差那么一妙的诗句,就可以让人顿悟, In and other hour.” Palace Lord Jiang hesitates slightly, afterward said. “在等半个小时吧。”姜殿主略微沉吟,随后说道。 He does not want therefore to disturb Xiao Yun. 他也不想因此打扰了萧云 In Inheritance Palace, this time Xiao Yun also sits cross-legged in that Heavenly Flame Pond. 传承殿内,此时的萧云还盘膝在那天炎池内。 At this time Heavenly Flame in that Heavenly Flame Pond already near withered. 只是此时那天炎池内的天炎已近干枯。 Shout! 呼! pond interior last wisp of Heavenly Flame was introduced within the body by Xiao Yun, changed into runes to integrate the forehead under the evolution of Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts. 池内最后一缕天炎萧云引入体内,在天炎神铠诀的演化下化为了一个符文融入眉心。 Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts, Body Tempering has become!” After this runes integrates the forehead, the pupil that Xiao Yun that shuts tightly opens fiercely, in the middle during the eye pupil the flame twinkle, as if also has runes to integrate, his whole person makings of present change. 天炎神铠诀,淬体已成!”当这个符文融入眉心后,萧云那紧闭的眸子猛地睁开,眼瞳当中火光闪烁,似乎也有着符文融入当中,如今的他整个人气质一变。 If carefully looks that can discover his root bone is glittering and translucent carving, was already unusual. 若是仔细看去,可以发现他的根骨晶莹剔透,已然超凡。 ( ( …… ……
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