EMS :: Volume #3

#254: Sword broken ten thousand laws!

Chapter 254 the sword breaks myriad laws! 第254章一剑破万法 Chen Jian take action, the imposing manner is arrogant, if the average person almost does not have the strength of resisting facing this attack, only then rout. Ha 陈剑出手,气势凌人,若是一般人面对这种攻击几乎没有抵挡之力,只有溃败。哈 A sword leaves, is similar to myriad sharp sword simultaneously cuts, sword light blooms, is similar to light screen of sword covers Lei Tai completely. 一剑出,如同万千利剑齐齐斩下,剑光绽放,如同一片剑之光幕完全将雷泰笼罩。 These two types fire, coordinate flawlessly, letting the person is unable to resist. 这两式齐发,配合得天衣无缝,让人无法抵挡。 Let alone this Chen Jian also comprehended sword intent, in the middle of the swordsmanship was containing one potential! 何况这陈剑还领悟了一丝剑意,剑法当中蕴含着一股‘势’! This potential, might cut to break all, frightening. 这种势,似可斩破一切,让人心惊。 Sword potential?” Lei Tai pupil light concentrates, places in the middle of that sword potential, that myriad sword light sway, but under will be covering, he is similar to places in the sword rain, has almost no place to go, along with is facing by ten thousand sword through dangers, the situation is very precipitous. “剑势?”雷泰眸光一凝,身处那股剑势当中,那万千剑光挥洒而下将在笼罩,他就如同身处剑雨中,几乎无处可逃,随着都面临着被万剑穿心的危险,局势十分险峻。 At this time, nearby cultivator has held breath a cold air. 此时,附近的修者都不由倒吸了口凉气。 This offensive was too strong, moreover opportunity that Chen Jian initiative take action, then, the match simply does not have resisting! 这攻势太强了,而且还是陈剑主动出手,如此一来,对手根本没有一丝抵挡的机会! Before several fought Chen Jian almost to win by striking only after the enemy has struck! 之前几战陈剑几乎都是后发制人! Although the sword potential is equally swift and fierce, is without a peer, the beforehand attack does not have at this time to appear fearful. 虽然剑势一样凌厉,不可匹敌,之前的攻击却并没有此时显得可怕。 powerhouse to the war, who strikes the first blow has the advantage, latter take action will often be in passively. 强者对战,先下手为强,后出手者往往会处于被动。 Especially facing this Sword Dao Expert, cannot have a low opinion of the enemy, cannot let the opposite party first take action. 特别是面对这种剑道高手,绝不能轻敌,不可让对方先出手 Because of Sword Dao Expert, take action was too quick, must make people unable quickly to resist. 因为剑道高手,出手实在太快了,快得让人无法抵挡。 The wind and thunder gets up, the world changes, by the potential of wind and thunder, sweeps away the whole world! 风雷起,天地变,以风雷之势,横扫天下 In the Lei Tai pupil seems to be the thunder arc twinkle, his slightly narrows the pupil, places in the middle of that sword rain, but locates randomly not startled, an inexplicable imposing manner fills the air on him, his within the body has the thunder arc twinkle, competition stage void moves, the hurricane wrinkles. 雷泰眸中似有雷弧闪烁,他眸子微眯,身处那剑雨当中而处乱不惊,一股莫名的气势在他身上弥漫开来,他体内有着雷弧闪烁,比赛台的虚空一动,飓风皱起。 Potential of the world, arrives unexpectedly! 一股天地之势,蓦地降临! „Is this potential of world?” Nearby cultivator is startled, in heart surprised, this is the potential that Yuan Core Realm cultivator can comprehend.” “这是天地之势?”附近的修者一怔,心中惊讶,“这是元丹境修者才能领悟的势。” Is it possible that this Lei Tai has touched the Yuan Core Realm threshold, can break through really?” “莫非这雷泰已经触及了元丹境的门槛,真的要突破了?” Buzz! 嗡! When the people are surprised, Lei Tai moved, his both hands wave, within the body Thunder Yuan bursts out, evolves the Thunder Yuan storm along with both hands, changed into vortex, takes away as many things as possible toward the front, that dazzling sword glow was ground under sweeping across of this Thunder Yuan storm all. 在众人惊讶时,雷泰已经动,他双手舞动,体内雷元迸发而出,随着双手演化出雷元风暴,化为了一个气旋,向着前方席卷而去,那耀眼的剑芒在这股雷元风暴的席卷下尽数被碾碎。 Along with sweeping across of Thunder Yuan hurricane, Lei Tai has broken the Chen Jian offensive. 随着雷元飓风的席卷,雷泰生生的破开了陈剑的攻势。 Moreover, his body moves, the speed just like thunder, both hands changes into the sharp knife blade, immediately then chops toward the front. 不仅如此,他身子一动,速度宛若雷霆,双手化为利刃,当即便是向着前方劈下。 Whoosh ! 刷! The Lei Tai both hands thunder arc twinkle, was evolved a thunder the great blade edge, warded off to Chen Jian. 雷泰双手雷弧闪烁,被演化出了一只雷之巨刃,辟向了陈剑 This thunder the great blade edge imposing manner is swift and fierce, speed quick dazzling, cannot see clearly the offensive path of great blade edge. 这雷之巨刃气势凌厉,速度之快让人眼花缭乱,根本看不清巨刃的攻势轨迹。 Quick! 快! Too was really quick. 实在太快了。 Nearby these cultivator only felt that own is seeming to be together the thunder light twinkle at present! 附近那些修者只感觉自己眼前似有着一道雷光闪烁! The attack, is so evasive! 如此攻击,根本不可捉摸! „The potential of thunder!?” Chen Jian brows tightly frowns, he cannot throw the attacking track that seizes to cope with. “雷之势!?”陈剑眉头紧锁,就连他都没有能扑捉到对付的攻击轨迹。 Has not waited for his take action, the blade edge of that thunder arc then warded off to him. 还不等他出手,那雷弧之刃便是辟向了他。 Bang! 砰! rays of light dodges, he felt that a own chest and belly hemp is similar to by thunder is hit, the whole person flies upside down at once. 光芒一闪,他感觉自己胸腹一麻如同被雷霆击中,整个人旋即倒飞而出。 Thump! 咚! Afterward, the Chen Jian body falls to the ground, long sword is also lets go. 随后,陈剑身子落地,长剑也是脱手而出。 Defeated?” The Chen Jian double pupil is dim, on the whole person has the thunder arc twinkle as before, he face upwards to lie down, is staring at the front, I have defeated unexpectedly, the potential of thunder? Is this potential of thunder? Good quick speed, very powerful strength!” “败了?”陈剑双眸朦胧,整个人身上依旧有着雷弧闪烁,他仰天躺地,怔怔的盯着前方,“我竟败了,雷之势?这就是雷之势吗?好快的速度,好强大的力量!” In his heart loses, as if lost any thing. 他心中失落,似乎丢失了什么东西。 Is self-confident! Invincible faith? 是自信!还是无敌的信念? Reappeared a confusedness in the Chen Jian pupil. 陈剑眸中浮现出了一丝迷茫。 Wins streak eight his imposing manners at the height of power, is similar to the God's favored one on shrine, is glittering dazzling light halo. 连胜八场的他气势如日中天,如同神坛上的天之骄子,闪烁着耀眼的光环 But in this time, he actually has defeated, was similar to is kicked the shrine, has crashed mountain abyss, that felt that the non- average man may withstand. 可就在此时,他却败了,如同被人踢下了神坛,坠落了山渊,那感觉非常人可承受。 Comprehended the potential of wind and thunder, actually talent.” On high stage, the Lu Yuan corners of the mouth pull, raise the smiling face that wipes to ponder, „, although good, but wants to become my match also has actually missed a point, his potential, but also is far from the complete condensation.” “领悟了风雷之势,倒是个天才。”高台上,陆元嘴角一扯,掀起一抹玩味的笑容,“虽然不错,可是想成为我的对手却还差了一点,他的势,还远远没有完全凝聚。” Although looked at one to Lei Tai high, but has some contemptuous rays of light to reappear in the pupil of Lu Yuan as before. 虽然对雷泰高看了一眼,可是在陆元的眸子依旧有着些许轻蔑的光芒浮现。 This Lei Tai is good, comprehended a Martial Dao true meaning unexpectedly.” The Lei Tai victory sells Palace Lord Jiang and the others to relax slightly, before having snow , the feeling of shame, after he looks at the contemptuous smiling face that nearby that Lu Yuan pupil appears, that brow as before is slightly a wrinkle. “这雷泰不错,竟真的领悟了一丝武道真意。”雷泰的胜出让姜殿主等人微微松了口气,有着一种一雪前耻的感觉,只是当他瞧得旁边那陆元眸子浮现出的轻蔑笑容后,那眉头依旧是微微一皱。 Although has defeated Chen Jian, may have a true shocking talent here. 虽然击败了陈剑,可在这里还有一个真正的惊世天才。 Lei Tai Senior Brother is great!” 雷泰师兄好样的!” Lei Tai, Lei Tai!” Near martial arts stage, some youth shouted loudly, appeared very excited. 雷泰,雷泰!”在演武场附近,有些青年高呼,都显得很兴奋。 Lei Tai stands on competition stage, actually wildly arrogant, instead pupil light slightly has not appeared dignified. 雷泰站立在比赛台上,却并没有一丝骄狂,反而眸光略显得凝重。 very powerful sword intent.” Lei Tai pupil light moves slightly, in Lu Yuan pupil light looking at each other with distant place tower, he felt in unexpectedly the heart trembles, in the opposite party pupil bright light glittering, was similar to has a handle invisible sword to tear void, invaded toward him. 好强大剑意。”雷泰眸光微动,与远处楼台中的陆元眸光对视,蓦地他感到心中一颤,对方眸中精光闪烁,如同有着一柄无形之剑撕裂了虚空,向着他侵入。 That sword intent, makes in his heart tremble unexpectedly, felt that fears intent. 那股剑意,竟然让他心中一颤,感到一丝惧意。 This absolutely is a Sword Dao talent, comprehended true sword intent, is not that Chen Jian that crude person may compare. 这绝对是一个剑道天才,领悟了真正的剑意,不是那陈剑那个半吊子可比。 Yuan'er, you accompany him to play.” Li Tianhuai slightly narrows the pupil, toward the Lu Yuan start to talk, said with a smile, not must start to be too heavy, this time only to compare notes, Hehe, after all my Southern Sea Sword Sect and Heavenly Yuan Sect were always harmonious, cannot therefore injure friendly.” 元儿,你下去陪他玩玩吧。”李天淮眸子微眯,向着陆元开口,笑道,“莫要下手太重,此次只为切磋,呵呵,毕竟我南海剑派天元宗一向和睦,可不能因此伤了和气。” Yes!” hear speech/words, a Lu Yuan face with deep veneration, his pupil contemptuous dissipates all, what is swift and fierce. “是!”闻言,陆元一脸肃然,他眸子的轻蔑尽数消散,转而的是一股凌厉。 One type can tear void, cuts swift and fierce of broken Myriad Laws! 一种可以撕裂虚空,斩破万法的凌厉! His pupil light on such as a handle sharp sword, makes a great show of one's talents, making people feel fearful and apprehensive, does not dare to look at each other with it. 他的眸光就如一柄利剑,锋芒毕露,让人感到心惊胆战,不敢与之对视。 The Lu Yuan body moves, floating falls from tower, at once several bold, were plunders on that competition stage. 陆元身子一动,从楼台上飘然而落,旋即几个兔起鹘落,便是掠到了那比赛台上。 His figure is slim, clothes sleeve is floating, when long hair flying upwards appears is elegant the dust. 他身材修长,衣袂飘飘,长发飞扬时显得飘逸出尘。 Southern Sea Sword Sect, Lu Yuan!” Lu Yuan falls the foot, double pupil cold severe, is similar to Profound Hawk, tight is staring at front Lei Tai. 南海剑派,陆元!”陆元落足,双眸冷厉,如同玄鹰,紧紧的盯着前方的雷泰 That appearance on such as is staring at the own game, prepares to give at any time fatally strikes. 那模样就如盯着自己的猎物,随时准备给予致命一击。 Not special sword intent sending out, does not have the formidable imposing manner oppression, but Lu Yuan this pupil light lets the person palpitation. 没有特殊的剑意散发,也没有强大的气势压迫而下,可是陆元眸光却让人心悸。 The Lei Tai pupil concentrates, the skin of whole body tightened, swallows the saliva, appears the inexplicable anxiety. 雷泰眸子一凝,全身的皮肤都绷紧了起来,不由咽了咽口水,显得莫名的紧张。 Facing this formidable enemy, he is unable to achieve that fearless boundary. 面对这个强大的敌人,他还是无法达到那个无所畏惧的境界。 My boundary missed!” In the Lei Tai heart sighed, knows that own violated the mistake that cultivator should most not violate. “我的境界还是差了一些啊!”雷泰心中叹息,知道自己犯了修者最不应该犯的错。 Cannot resist with all one's strength, I also work as strongly a war, only then so, can truly set up a fearless fearless heart.” Unexpectedly, Lei Tai pupil light became has strengthened, his deep inspiration , the whole person makings sudden change, fell into own one intent domain slowly, not by the influence of that Lu Yuan, not by the influence of fame and fortune. “就算不能力敌,我也当竭力一战,只有如此,才能真正的树立起一颗无畏无惧之心。”蓦地,雷泰眸光变得坚定了起来,他深深的吸了一口气,整个人气质骤变,慢慢的陷入了自己的一种意境中,再也不受那陆元的影响,也不受名利的影响。 Heavenly Yuan Sect, Core Palace, Lei Tai!” The Lei Tai start to talk, the complexion is usual, already in mood evaluation heart. 天元宗,核心殿,雷泰!”雷泰开口,脸色如常,已将心中情绪评定。 „A character, really has so firm and resolute mental actually.” Saw Lei Tai to restore manner suddenly, the Lu Yuan corners of the mouth reappeared a light smiling face, but within those eyes has nearly cruel rays of light twinkle. “倒是个人物,竟然有如此坚毅的心智。”见雷泰眨眼间就恢复了神态,陆元嘴角浮现出一丝淡淡的笑容,可那双眸中却是有着一种近乎残忍的光芒闪烁而出。 But, you are doomed a defeat!” When this words fall, a formidable sword potential bursts out from the body of this Lu Yuan finally. “不过,你注定一败!”当这话语落下,一股强大的剑势终于是从这陆元的身上迸发而出。 Whoosh ! 刷! Before the Lu Yuan body, sword light blooms, where handle long sword does not know emits, is similar to the startled rainbow cuts generally in the sky. 陆元身前,剑光绽放,一柄长剑不知从哪里冒出,如同惊虹一般当空斩下。 Buzz! 嗡! The long sword rays of light twinkle, the sword aura turnover left, can have ten zhang (3.33 m) long, shivers void, that sword light blooms covers the four directions, is similar to a shackles the Lei Tai blockade, but the next great sword is carrying an astonishing potential, chops in the sky. 长剑光芒闪烁,剑气吞吐出了,能有十丈之长,虚空为之颤抖,那剑光绽放之间笼罩四方,如同一座牢笼将雷泰封锁,而下巨剑携带着一股惊人之势,当空劈下。 Shout! 呼! This long sword, square wind and cloud suddenly has, formidable sword intent spreads, making the air of world swift and fierce, cultivator of distant place felt the heart startled, the hurricane has stroked the cheeks, was similar to has a handle handle sharp sword to cut to own! 长剑一出,四方风云顿起,一股强大的剑意扩散开来,让得天地的空气都变得凌厉了起来,远处的修者感到心惊,飓风拂过脸颊,如同有着一柄柄利剑向自己斩来! very powerful sword intent!” In the cultivator heart of Heavenly Yuan Sect all fears, they are far away from that competition stage to have several hundred meters far fully, as before was actually affected, feels irresistible sword intent, not difficult to imagine, will that place competition stage Lei Tai to face the what kind attack? 好强大剑意!”天元宗修者心中皆惧,他们远离那比赛台足有数百米远,却依旧被波及,感受到了一股不可抵挡的剑意,不难想象,那身处比赛台雷泰将面临何等攻击? Wind and thunder volume! 风雷卷! The Lei Tai eye pupil shrinks, whole body Thunder Yuan fills the air, his both hands guidance, evolves wind and thunder vortex immediately. 雷泰眼瞳一缩,周身雷元弥漫,他双手引导,立即演化出一个风雷气旋 This wind and thunder vortex, is similar to tornado, sweeps across before the Lei Tai body, middle the thunder arc twinkle has one to annihilate all imposing manners, this is he as well as adds on a Martial Dao true meaning that the strength of own sensibility world nature comprehends in the Thunder Dao inheritance tablet. 这风雷气旋,如同一个龙卷风,在雷泰身前席卷,当中雷弧闪烁拥有着一股湮灭一切的气势,这是他在雷道传承碑以及加上自己感悟天地自然之力领悟出的一丝武道真意。 Although this Martial Dao true meaning is not very mature, cannot achieve the harmony of nature and man the boundary, but the might also cannot be underestimated. 虽然这丝武道真意还不够成熟,未能达到天人合一的境界,可威力也是不容小觑。 Bang! 砰! Wind and thunder accompanying, changes into vortex to take away as many things as possible, routs Lu Yuan that sword light unexpectedly, afterward to sweep across the imposing manner in world to submerge that handle great sword, embezzles all sword potentials, so the imposing manner, making nearby cultivator look that in the back of the body shakes. 风雷相伴,化为气旋席卷而去,竟是将陆元剑光击溃,随后以席卷天地的气势要淹没那柄巨剑,吞没一切剑势,如此气势,让得附近的修者看后心中不由一震。 This does Lei Tai have such natural talent unexpectedly?” Heavenly Yuan Sect some disciple are surprised, holds in high esteem to Lei Tai. “这雷泰竟有如此天赋?”天元宗的一些弟子惊讶,对雷泰刮目相看。 The wind and thunder sweeps across, has the potential of thunder that irresistible crazy tyrant, but also has the hurricane annihilation world, sweeps across the myriad things the imposing manner, this is two deep meaning fusions, martial arts that forms, is nothing less, so striking makes Core Palace elder gratified. 风雷席卷,既有着雷霆那不可抵挡的狂霸之势,还有着飓风湮灭天地,席卷万物的气势,这是将两种奥义融合,形成的一个武学,不可谓不强,如此一击让核心殿长者欣慰。 Is a talented person.” Old Cao Palace Lord slight bow. “是个人才。”曹老殿主微微点头。 Ouyang Sect Master corner of the eye also shows a happy expression. 就连欧阳宗主眼角也是露出一丝笑意。 Only has that Li Tianhuai is a face is as before indifferent. 唯有那李天淮依旧是一脸淡然。 natural talent is good, what a pity compared Senior Brother Lu also to miss.” Is defeated return Chen Jian pupil light to dodge, lightly saying. 天赋不错,可惜相比陆师兄还差了。”落败归来的陈剑眸光一闪,淡淡的说道 The wind and thunder sweeps across to come, submerged the great sword, Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple anxious. 风雷席卷而来,将巨剑都淹没了,天元宗弟子一个个紧张不已。 Come on, defeats that Lu Yuan!” In many youth hearts cried out that pupil light appears quite scalding hot. “加油,将那陆元打败!”许多青年心中呐喊,眸光显得颇为灼热。 Now they as if saw the hope. 如今他们似乎看到了希望。 Wind and thunder deep meaning, good, good.” Lu Yuan is a face is indifferent, his slightly narrows the pupil, the sleight of hand moves, the whole person imposing manner concentrates, coldly snorted said that sword cuts! the sword breaks myriad laws! Gives me to break!” As coldly snorted drops that by the long sword fiercely rays of light twinkle that wind and thunder vortex submerges. “风雷奥义,不错,不错。”陆元却是一脸淡然,他眸子微眯,手诀一动,整个人气势一凝,冷哼道,“剑斩!一剑破万法!给我破!”随着一声冷哼落下那被风雷气旋淹没的长剑猛地光芒闪烁。 sword light blooms, is similar to that is penetrated the fog by the sunlight that dark cloud covers fiercely, the shining world, greatest sword intent also erupts, afterward under the pupil light gaze of people, on competition stage that reaches as high as several feet, is similar to tornado common wind and thunder vortex starts to have cracks unexpectedly, dazzling sword light such as have torn the world, bursts out not to have. 剑光绽放,如同那被乌云遮挡住的阳光猛地透过云雾,照耀天地,一股莫大的剑意也是随之爆发而出,随后在众人的眸光注视下,比赛台上那个高达数丈,如同龙卷风一般的风雷气旋竟然开始出现一个个裂缝,一道道刺眼的剑光如撕裂了天地,迸发没出。 Whoosh ! 刷! Suddenly, wind and thunder vortex trembles, was torn an opening, handle long sword moves, is carrying a swift and fierce sword potential, dodges from that vortex, cuts the crack void imposing manner with that takes the front Lei Tai surface gate. 突然,风雷气旋一颤,被撕裂出了一个口子,一柄长剑一动,便是携带着一股凌厉的剑势,从那气旋当中一闪而出,携那斩裂虚空的气势,直取前方雷泰的面门。 Buzz! 嗡! sword light dodges, void Yuan Qi is defeated and dispersed, Lei Tai only thinks that Thunder Yuan of own whole body dissipates, at present sword light dodges, rich sword intent, then descends on the body immediately, the sword not, intent first, making Lei Tai mind shake. 剑光一闪,虚空中元气溃散,雷泰只觉自己周身的雷元都消散,眼前剑光一闪,一股浓郁的剑意,当即便是降落在身上,剑未至,意先到,使得雷泰心神都一震。 ( ( …… ……
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