EMS :: Volume #3

#258: Oppression? War?

Does Chapter 258 oppress? War? 第258章压迫?战? Breaks his both arms? Abandons its cultivation level again?” hear speech/words, an Ouyang Sect Master eyelid twitches, in the heart has the anger to well up. { Please search in hundred degree celsius, first round entire writing reading } “断其双臂?再废其修为?”闻言,欧阳宗主眼皮一阵抽动,心中有着怒火涌上。{请在百度搜索哈,首发全文字阅读} Although this matter Xiao Yun was cruder, actually also excusable, any full of vigor youth when saw that the own woman was insulted will not hesitate all take action, therefore has injured the Li Jiansong also not too big mistake. 此事虽说萧云鲁莽了一些,却也情有可原,任何一个血气方刚的青年在见到自己的女人被人欺辱的时候自会不惜一切的出手,因此伤了李剑嵩也并没有太大的过错。 Furthermore the Li Jiansong so act, completely is the animal behavior, should give the lesson is. 再者李剑嵩如此行径,完全是禽兽行为,理应给予教训才是。 Therefore has not felt to be discontented to Xiao Yun behavior Ouyang Sect Master. 所以对萧云的行为欧阳宗主并没有感到不满。 martial artist, should eliminate punishes the wicked evilly. 武者,本就应该除邪惩恶。 Ouyang Sect Master knows that with Li Tianhuai said these is useless. 只是欧阳宗主知道和李天淮说这些没有用。 Because this Li Tianhuai itself is so, once he had captured a Sea Mist Sect day the arrogant female. 因为这李天淮本身便是如此,曾经他可是虏掠了海岚宗的一位天之骄女。 If shelters Xiao Yun only to make this old man become angry out of shame with this excuse. 若以此为借口庇护萧云只会让这老头恼羞成怒。 Therefore Ouyang Sect Master must knit the brows. 所以欧阳宗主也只得皱眉。 What kind, Ouyang doesn't Sect Master abandon?” Li Tianhuai is aggressive , to continue to ask. “怎么样,欧阳宗主难道不舍?”李天淮咄咄逼人,继续问道。 Li Tianhuai, you also were too rather overbearing, this matter obviously is the fault of your grandson, but can also abandon my Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple?” Old Cao Palace Lord pupil light concentrates, middle has the anger to emerge, his face cold severe, is staring at saying of that Li Tianhuai coldly. 李天淮,你未免也太霸道了,此事明明是你孙子之过,还要废我天元宗弟子?”曹老殿主眸光一凝,当中有着怒火涌现,他一脸冷厉,盯着那李天淮冷冷的说道。 Good, abandoned his both arms not to be equal to killing him?” Palace Lord Jiang also opens the mouth, said that Sect Master, this matter does not may, Xiao Yun for my Core Palace rare rare talent, how could was the person saying that waste abandoned? If, where my Heavenly Yuan Sect is so dignified?” “不错,废其双臂不等于杀了他吗?”姜殿主也开口,道,“宗主,此事万万不可,萧云为我核心殿难得一见的奇才,岂能任人说废就废?若是如此,我天元宗威严何在?” When the time comes only feared that entire Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple will be also fearful.” “到时候只怕整个天元宗弟子也将心寒。” Palace Lord Jiang is sincere, bringing sincere pupil light to stare at Ouyang Sect Master. 姜殿主语重心长,带着恳切的眸光盯着欧阳宗主 Ouyang Sect Master pupil light moved slightly, takes a look to Xiao Yun, seemed weighing the advantages and disadvantages. 欧阳宗主眸光微动,瞅向了萧云,似乎在权衡利弊。 Unexpectedly, screams resound suddenly. 蓦地,一声惊呼声骤然响起。 Sect Master, cannot hand over Junior Brother Xiao!” Under the tower, one crowd of Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple appear collects in this. 宗主,绝不能交出萧师弟啊!”在楼台下方,一群天元宗弟子出现汇集在此。 How could my Heavenly Yuan Sect is disciple the person to write off?” Saying that many disciple are filled with righteous indignation. “我天元宗弟子岂能任人抹杀?”许多弟子义愤填膺的说道。 They also heard the narration of Xiao Yun a moment ago, knows this matter mistake in Li Jiansong. 他们刚才也听到了萧云的叙述,知道此事过错在李剑嵩 Now instead is actually bullied visited, must break his both arms to abandon its cultivation level. 如今却被人反而欺上了门,要断其双臂废其修为 If places an ordinary disciple look, but Xiao Yun wins first in small competition, became the rising star of deserving, is the Heavenly Yuan Sect this new disciple first person, how could did this character already become the Sect representative handed over? 若是放在一个普通弟子神色还罢了,可是萧云才在小比中勇夺第一,成为了当之无愧的新秀,为天元宗此次新弟子的第一人,这种人物已然成为了宗门的代表岂能交出? If so, later their these ordinary disciple did injure the Southern Sea Sword Sect person not to die outside? 若是如此,以后他们这些普通弟子在外面伤了南海剑派的人不都得死吗? Not difficult to imagine, once opened this to arrange in order first, later they ran into the Southern Sea Sword Sect people to detour to walk. 不难想象,一旦开了这个先列,以后他们遇到南海剑派的人都得绕道而走了。 Otherwise once has anything to conflict, others walk, Sect does not shelter, they also only then wait for death. 否则一旦有什么冲突,别人找上门,宗门不庇护,他们也只有等死。 At this time, disciple that Core Palace Rising Stars Peak, Leaping Dragon Peak, many have not closed up heard the news to rush to here. 此时,核心殿新秀峰,跃龙峰,许多没有闭关的弟子都闻讯赶到了这里。 Pleaded Sect Master to reject the proposition of Sword Lord Li, my Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple was not worthless, how could to kill easily waste?” “恳求宗主拒绝李剑主的提议,我天元宗弟子非草芥,岂能轻易废杀?” Cannot abandon Junior Brother Xiao!” One crowd of disciple gather, some people start to kneel to bend down under that tower, initiative petition. “不能废萧师弟!”一群弟子聚集在一起,有人开始跪伏在那楼台下方,主动请愿。 Not our faults, how could waste Junior Brother Xiao?” “非我方之过,岂能废萧师弟?” Thump! 咚咚! Suddenly, youth kneel to bend down in the same place, the high call continuously, is similar to the voice is shaking generally void. 一时间,一个个青年跪伏在一起,高呼声此起彼伏,如同声浪一般在虚空震荡开来。 Entire martial arts stage boiling, more than 100 youth, formerly had not discussed that actually neat ordered kneeling Fu Chenglie. 整个演武场沸腾了起来,100余名青年,先前没有商量,却整齐有序的跪伏成列。 That sound wave shake is void, warm-blooded boiling. 那音波震荡虚空,让人热血沸腾 On high stage these elder the eyes reveals surprised, have not thought that this matter has caused such big reaction. 高台上那些长者眸露惊讶,没有想到此事引起了这么大的反响。 Xiao Yun also slightly feels the surprise, he excessive under that crowd toward the tower kneels volt petition fellow apprentices to take a look. 就连萧云也是略感诧异,他偏过头向着楼台下方那群跪伏请愿的师兄弟瞅去。 In the middle of these people, some familiar forms, such as Wang Lei, Zhou Ping, Yan Zhen, Yan Mo, waits for the friend. 这些人当中,有许多熟悉的身影,如王磊,周平,颜真,颜漠,等等朋友。 Not only there is a Xiao Yun friend, even linked that once to defeat Zhao Zheng in his hands also in middle, but also knelt to bend down in the front row. 不仅有萧云的朋友,甚至连那曾经败在他手中的赵政也在当中,还跪伏在前列。 Li Zun also. 李尊也在。 Besides the people of these understanding, many strangers, are Leaping Dragon Peak disciple. 除了这些认识的人,还有许多陌生人,为跃龙峰弟子 These people are Heavenly Yuan Sect Core Disciple, proud and arrogant, may actually kneel to bend down at this moment in the place is Xiao Yun asks favor. 这些人都是天元宗核心弟子,一个个心高气傲,可此刻却跪伏在地为萧云求情。 So, making Xiao Yun feel that in heart one warm, in the eye has such moistness. 如此一幕,让萧云感到心中一暖,眼中有着那么一丝湿润。 These fellows......” Xiao Yun corners of the mouth shows a smile, the pupil narrow the eyes slightly, that tight nerve also relaxed. “这些家伙……”萧云嘴角露笑,眸子微微眯起,那绷紧的神经也松弛了下来。 At least he is not a person is fighting! 至少他不是一个人在战斗! At least also one crowd of fellow apprentices are supporting him. 至少还有一群师兄弟支持着他。 Why no matter these people kneel to bend down here, regarding Xiao Yun is the greatest support! 不管这些人是为何跪伏在此,对于萧云而言都是莫大的支持! In the tower several elder are also startled, has not thought that these disciple actually on own initiative petitioned. 楼台上几位长者也是一怔,没有想到这些弟子竟然主动请愿。 Is so best.” The Palace Lord Jiang slight bow, is quite satisfactory to these disciple actions. “如此最好。”姜殿主微微点头,对这些弟子的举动颇为满意。 Is very big in the Core Palace competition, disciple has regarded the match, but these people can throw at this time eliminate the lond standing grudge to form one, fully explained that this crowd of disciple mentalities are good, at least they know the weight, the bright truth, has disciple so, Sect did not fear that will deteriorate. 核心殿竞争很大,弟子相互间当成了对手,可是此时这些人可以抛除旧怨结成一线,足以说明这群弟子心态还是不错,至少他们知轻重,明道理,有弟子如此,门派也不怕会衰败下去了。 Although in heart happy, but these elder have not actually laid bare one's true feelings. 虽然心中高兴,不过这些长者却没有表明心迹。 The Li Tianhuai brow selects slightly, afterward takes a look to Ouyang Sect Master said that „, if Ouyang Sect Master thinks that this Xiao Yun is more important than your I two relations, then this matter Li does not raise greatly, but my Southern Sea Sword Sect disciple only feared that will not be resigned.” 李天淮眉头微微一挑,随后瞅向欧阳宗主道,“若是欧阳宗主认为这萧云比你我两宗的关系还重要,那么此事李某大可不提,只是我南海剑派弟子只怕不会甘心。” In the Li Tianhuai obvious words has the words. 李天淮明显话中有话。 My Southern Sea Sword Sect, is Southern Border five sect's first, my teacher is Southern Sea Sword Sect Heavenly Sword Peak Sword Lord, now his grandson was broken an arm, if this breaks my Southern Sea Sword Sect arm, is to our insults as well as the provocation, outrageous.” Lu Yuan pupil light is swift and fierce, said that „, if Sir Sect Master cannot properly process, will only make the person think that this is you incites, so will certainly provoke two schools of wars.” “我南海剑派,为南疆五宗之首,我师尊更是南海剑派天剑峰剑主,如今他的孙子被断去一臂,这如若断去我南海剑派一臂,是对我们的侮辱以及挑衅,让人不可容忍。”陆元眸光凌厉,说道,“若是宗主大人不能妥善处理,只会让人认为这是您授意,如此必将挑起两派之战。” Also asked Ouyang Sect Master three to think!” Although Lu Yuan is young, is the words is neither arrogant nor servile, but also is having the meaning of several points of threat. “还请欧阳宗主三思!”陆元虽然年轻,可是话语不亢不卑,还带着几分威胁之意。 The Ouyang Chen brow selects, in heart disgruntled, actually knows that this child obtained Li Tianhuai to hint has this word. 欧阳尘眉头一挑,心中不悦,却知道此子是得到了李天淮示意才有此一言。 This is the meaning of representative Southern Sea Sword Sect younger generation. 这是代表南海剑派年轻一代的意思。 Although these person of young, after can, once grows to will certainly be astonishing, is highly regarded. 虽然这些人年轻,可以后一旦成长起来必将惊人,也不可小觑。 After all, from ancient to present, in the future is the young people. 毕竟,从古至今,未来都是年轻人的。 A Great Elder face hesitates, knows that this is the Li Tianhuai final diplomatic note, once answered that cannot make him satisfy the initiation unpredictable consequence, therefore he does not have anxiously the start to talk, but took a look to Ouyang Sect Master, now all look at this position. 大长老一脸沉吟,知道这是李天淮最后的通牒,一旦答复不能让他满意将引发难以预料的后果,所以他也没有急着开口,而是瞅向了欧阳宗主,如今一切都看此位了。 Sect Master, I thought that this matter does might as well consent Sword Lord Li?” The Qiu Xuanji eyelid that had not opened the mouth in side tilts, said that „, although this matter not in this Xiao Yun, but he starts to be too ruthless, has defended working as, should receive the penalty is.” 宗主,我看此事不如应允了李剑主?”在旁边一直没有开口的邱玄机眼皮掀动,道,“虽然此事过不在这萧云,可是他下手太狠,防卫过当,应该受到惩罚才是。” Compliance?” An Ouyang Sect Master brow wrinkle. “应允?”欧阳宗主眉头一皱。 This matter relates to two interests, cannot the personal relationships break it, although my sect is strong, once two make war, is not good regarding any side, therefore I and others must give up the personal sentiment, Hehe, Sword Lord Li, how do I look only abandon its cultivation level?” “此事关系两宗利益,不可以私情断之,我宗虽强,可是一旦两宗开战,对于任何一方都不好,所以我等都必须放弃私人感情,呵呵,李剑主,我看只废其修为如何?” Afterward Qiu Xuanji took a look to Li Tianhuai, after all this Xiao Yun has also defended, when broke his both arms to be extremely cruel, in my two schools harmonious disadvantageous.” 随后邱玄机瞅向了李天淮,“毕竟这萧云也只是防卫过当断其双臂太过残忍,于我两派和睦不利。” Only abandons its cultivation level?” Li Tianhuai slightly narrows the pupil, reveals to hesitate. “只废其修为?”李天淮眸子微眯,露出沉吟。 This can Qiu Xuanji use one's office to redress personal grievances?” Xiao Yun brows tightly frowns, in the heart has anger to emerge. “这邱玄机是要公报私仇吗?”萧云眉头紧锁,心中有怒火涌现。 cultivator was abandoned cultivation level, what with breaking the arm has to distinguish? 一个修者被废了修为,与断臂有什么区别? The obvious situation had gotten better a moment ago, because numerous disciple petitioned, changed countenance including Ouyang Sect Master. 刚才明显局势有所好转,因为众多弟子请愿,连欧阳宗主都动容了。 But Qiu Xuanji this Yuan Soul Realm Elder comes now, lets Ouyang Sect Master brows slightly wrinkle. 可如今邱玄机这个元婴境长老开来,让得欧阳宗主眉头微微一皱 Waste cultivation level?” Palace Lord Jiang and Old Cao Palace Lord is a brow wrinkle. “废修为?”姜殿主曹老殿主都是眉头一皱。 Waste is cultivation level different?” Under the tower hears a discontented sound. “废修为还不是一样吗?”楼台下传来一片不满声。 How could my Heavenly Yuan Sect does disciple submit to other people?” One crowd of disciple shouted loudly. “我天元宗弟子岂能向旁人屈服?”一群弟子高呼。 Once flinches, later above Southern Sea Sword Sect will certainly bully, cannot submit. 一旦退缩,以后南海剑派必将欺上头来,绝不能屈服。 If Sect flinched, they almost cannot see the own future. 若是宗门都退缩了,他们几乎看不到自己的未来。 Therefore these disciple want to express the meaning of own, is not willing to retreat. 所以这些弟子都想表达自己的意思,不愿意退却。 As the talent, who is willing to stay in Sect that in bows the head to others? 作为天才,谁愿意呆在一个向别人俯首的宗派里? My Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple can only die in battle! How can give to others to handle?” Zhao Zheng start to talk, is very discontented with the Qiu Xuanji words. “我天元宗弟子只能战死!怎能送给别人处置?”赵政开口,对邱玄机的话很不满。 Sect Master, Xiao Yun cannot abandon absolutely, otherwise my Heavenly Yuan Sect will certainly deteriorate in light of this.” Palace Lord Jiang said that he for the Core Palace rare talent, lifts the sect to know up and down, if therefore abandons him, later who also dares to join my Heavenly Yuan Sect hanger-on?” 宗主,萧云绝对不能废,不然我天元宗必将就此衰败。”姜殿主说道,“他为核心殿奇才,举宗上下皆知,若是因此废他,以后谁还敢拜入天元宗的门下?” Palace Lord Jiang, your this words spoke discreetly.” Qiu Xuanji said that how could prosperity and decline Sect do have the relations with this yellow wool young child?” 姜殿主,你此话言重了吧。”邱玄机说道,“一个宗门的兴衰岂能与这黄毛小儿扯上关系?” Was good, let alone.” Ouyang Chen pupil light concentrates, said that this matter this King had a resolution.” “好了,都别说了。”欧阳尘眸光一凝,说道,“此事本座已经有所决断。” Sees the Ouyang Chen start to talk, an audience piece of silencing. 欧阳尘开口,全场一片静寂。 „, Actually does not know that Ouyang Sect Master can so handle this matter?” Li Tianhuai pupil light dodges, asks. “哦,却不知欧阳宗主要如此处置此事?”李天淮眸光一闪,问道。 Xiao Yun for my Heavenly Yuan Sect rare talent, this matter in him, has not looked like according to this King does not need to investigate that after all both sides fight have the casualty unavoidably, such as formerly a war, if not for the Lei Tai response is quick enough, only feared that at this time has cherished hatred under the Lu Yuan sword.” Ouyang Chen said that „, if Lei Tai therefore die, this King whether can your important person, cut to kill this Lu Yuan?” 萧云为我天元宗奇才,此事过不在他,依本座看来不必追究,毕竟双方交手难免有死伤,就如先前一战,若不是雷泰反应还够快,只怕此时已经饮恨在了陆元剑下。”欧阳尘说道,“若是雷泰因此殒落,本座是否要向你要人,将这陆元就地斩杀了?” „The fight between later generations, we make meddling of elder not to be good.” The Ouyang Chen words are very desolate. “不过后辈间的战斗罢了,我们做长辈的插手就不好了。”欧阳尘话语很冷淡。 It seems like Ouyang did Sect Master have made up mind so?” The Li Tianhuai double pupil like the sword, imposing manner is arrogant, asks. “看来欧阳宗主是决意如此了?”李天淮双眸如剑,气势凌人,问道。 Em.” A Ouyang Chen face is firm, is having a flavor without a doubt. “恩。”欧阳尘一脸坚定,拥有着一股毋庸置疑的味道。 Such being the case, then your honourable sect is waiting for my Southern Sea Sword Sect war notice.” In the Li Tianhuai pupil sword light flashes, the beard and hair all opens, the whole person sword potential is arrogant, has one type to cut completely all imposing manners, making nearby air appear swift and fierce incomparable. “既然如此,那么贵宗就等候着我南海剑派战帖吧。”李天淮眸中剑光闪烁,须发皆张,整个人剑势凌人,有着一种斩尽一切的气势,让得附近的空气显得凌厉无比。 The atmosphere of entire tower also became exceptionally simply, had a sign at daggers drawn greatly. 整个楼台的气氛也变得异常简直了起来,大有一种剑拔弩张的迹象。 Declares war?” Ouyang Sect Master pupil light is slightly cold, a formidable imposing manner is also bursts out. “宣战?”欧阳宗主眸光略冷,一股强大的气势也是迸发而出。 Hehe, Sword Lord Li does not need to lose one's temper.” Nearby Great Elder said with a smile, had a proposition obsolete, didn't know feasible?” 呵呵,李剑主不必动怒。”旁边的大长老一笑道,“老朽有一个提议,不知可行?” What proposed?” Li Tianhuai lightly saying, the imposing manner has not weakened. “什么提议?”李天淮淡淡的说道,气势未曾消弱。 Since is the matter between later generations, then makes the later generation solve, how?” Great Elder said with a smile. “既然是后辈间的事情,那么便让后辈解决,如何?”大长老笑道。 Makes the later generation solve?” Li Tianhuai pupil light concentrates, the imposing manner restrains slightly. “让后辈解决?”李天淮眸光一凝,气势略微收敛。 Good.” Great Elder said that „a war vanishes the love and hate, is the victory loses, respectively depending on skill.” “不错。”大长老说道,“一战泯恩仇,是胜是负,各凭本事。” My grandson broke the arm, how a war?” Li Tianhuai coldly snorted said. “我孙已经断臂,如何一战?”李天淮冷哼道。 Hehe, did not certainly let make grandson take action.” Great Elder smiled, takes a look to Chen Jian and Lu Yuan. 呵呵,当然不是让令孙出手了。”大长老一笑,瞅向了陈剑陆元 Lets them?” Li Tianhuai hesitates slightly, afterward said that good, does not know that this boy can dare to fight?” “让他们?”李天淮略微迟疑,随后说道,“好,就是不知这小子可敢一战?” Great Elder also took a look to Xiao Yun. 大长老也瞅向了萧云 I am willing to go to battle!” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, start to talk without hesitation. “我愿意出战!”萧云眸光一凝,毫不犹豫的开口。 This time Ouyang Sect Master will protect and sustain, has made him slightly feel the accident, at this time naturally cannot flinch. 此次欧阳宗主会护持,已经让他略感意外,此时自然不能在退缩。 Otherwise these elder are not good to do. 不然这些长者也不好做。 After all this is related to two schools of benefits, not child's play. 毕竟这事关两派利益,不可儿戏。 ( ( …… ……
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