EMS :: Volume #3

#251: Swordsmanship talent

Chapter 251 Sword Dao talent 第251章剑道天才 Li Tianhuai threatened that wants Ouyang Sect Master to a confession, instantly, the atmosphere in main hall appeared inexplicable tight. 李天淮扬言要欧阳宗主给一个交代,霎时,大殿内的气氛显得莫名紧张了起来。 Old Cao Palace Lord as well as Palace Lord Jiang brows tightly frowns, in pupil reveals a disgruntledness. 曹老殿主以及姜殿主眉头紧锁,眸中露出一丝不悦。 In that Palace Lord Jiang pupil more is a helplessness. 在那姜殿主眸中更多的则是一丝无奈。 This Li Tianhuai was too strong, shakes Southern Border 20 years ago on, is extremely strong existence. 李天淮太强了,早在20年前就名震南疆,是一个极为强势的存在。 This person once blatantly had captured when he was young a Sea Mist Sect day the arrogant female, has stirred the controversy in Southern Border. 此人在年轻时曾经公然虏掠了海岚宗一位天之骄女,在南疆引起了轩然大波。 Therefore Sea Mist Sect has Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse to act, wants writing off. 为此海岚宗元婴境强者出面,想要将之抹杀。 What a pity this Li Tianhuai extraordinary natural talent, is the object of Southern Sea Sword Sect key trained, strong Southern Sea Sword Sect has not always handed over him, instead the asylum, must reconcile that day the arrogant female and Li Tianhuai unifies, finally causes captured female suicide. 可惜这李天淮天赋异禀,为南海剑派重点培养的对象,一向强势的南海剑派并没有交出他,反而庇护,要撮合那位天之骄女与李天淮结合,最后导致被虏获的女子自杀。 Therefore Sea Mist Sect once with a Southern Sea Sword Sect war. 为此海岚宗曾与南海剑派一战。 The Southern Sea Sword Sect potential is big, Sea Mist Sect powerhouse must swallow this tone finally. 只是南海剑派势大,海岚宗强者最后只得咽下这口气。 Shortly after Li Tianhuai has stepped into Yuan Soul Realm at the 30-year-old age, becomes Southern Sea Sword Sect and even in Southern Border younger generation the eminent, hereafter that Sea Mist Sect is unable how him, is so, Li Tianhuai and Southern Sea Sword Sect person rampant incomparable, is various Southern Border school of headaches roles. 不久后李天淮以30岁的年纪踏入了元婴境,成为南海剑派乃至南疆年轻一代中翘楚,此后那海岚宗更是无法奈何他了,也是如此,李天淮南海剑派的人一个个嚣张无比,为南疆各派头疼的角色。 Now this Li Tianhuai goes into action personally, threatened that wants Heavenly Yuan Sect to hand over Xiao Yun, this matter only feared that was hard to be friendly. 如今这李天淮亲自出马,扬言要天元宗交出萧云,此事只怕难以善了呢。 Therefore Palace Lord Jiang after knowing this matter continuously heavyhearted. 所以姜殿主在得知此事后一直忧心忡忡。 Now also only then looked how Sect Master chose this matter.” In the Palace Lord Jiang heart sighed, the pupil light migration took a look to Ouyang Sect Master on palace stage, perhaps if this is willing to protect and sustain Xiao Yun this matter also to have the favorable turn, otherwise, if must compromise to end including Sect Master. “现在也只有看宗主如何抉择此事了。”姜殿主心中一叹,眸光移动瞅向了殿台上的欧阳宗主,若是此尊愿意护持萧云或许此事还有转机,反之,若连宗主都要妥协那么一切都完了。 Quite regards as important regarding Xiao Yun Palace Lord Jiang, after all the talent hundred years are so rare, if died in light of this is a pity. 对于萧云姜殿主还是颇为看重的,毕竟如此天才百年难得一见,若是就此夭折太可惜了。 The Old Cao Palace Lord old eyes narrows the eyes, aura is reserved, but in the pupil has several points to reappear disgruntledly, obviously plants the gate to condemn to Li Tianhuai that the arrogant appearance loathes very much, furthermore he also has the favorable impression to Xiao Yun, intends to train this. 曹老殿主老眼微眯,气息内敛,可是眸中却有着几分不悦浮现,显然对李天淮那种上门问罪,趾高气扬的模样很是厌恶,再者他也对萧云颇有好感,有意要培养此子。 Has Sect Master here, he is not good to overstep authority and get involved in another's affairs. 只是有宗主在此,他也不好越俎代庖。 Sees Li Tianhuai to ask that a Ouyang Sect Master face on palace stage smiles pale, the smiling face is temperate, in the middle of the profound pupil does not have flood ripples, making the person not see clearly his mood to fluctuate, his pupil light rotation, after taking a look at several Elder of right hand side, at once slightly narrows the pupil, takes a look to left Li Tianhuai, said with a smile, Hehe, Sword Lord Li not must worry, this King has made the person subpoena Xiao Yun, all he caught up to ask to come to light, was doing to decide, how did you look?” 李天淮问来,殿台上的欧阳宗主一脸淡笑,笑容温和,深邃的眸子当中没有泛起一丝涟漪,让人看不清楚他的情绪波动,他眸光转动,在瞅了一眼右首的几个长老后,旋即眸子微眯,瞅向了左边的李天淮,笑道,“呵呵,李剑主莫要着急,本座已经让人去传唤萧云,一切等他赶来在问个水落石出,在做定夺,你看如何?” Asked?” The Li Tianhuai brow selects, the pupil fine glow twinkle, was similar to has sword glow to pass over gently and swiftly void, his expression was desolate, said that my grandson arm was cut, this was the fact, moreover several Southern Sea Sword Sect disciple testified, why must to ask again?” “问?”李天淮眉头一挑,眸子精芒闪烁,如同有着一道剑芒掠过虚空,他语气冷淡,道,“我孙儿手臂被斩,此为事实,况且还有十几名南海剑派弟子作证,何须再问?” „Does the word of old man have the vacation?” His voice cold severe, the imposing manner like the sword, appears aggressive. “难道老夫之言还有假吗?”他声音冷厉,气势如剑,显得咄咄逼人。 Good, if Ouyang Sect Master wants the witness, we may also go to Sea Mist Sect to find the person to confront.” In the Li Tianhuai body side, Li Jiansong that has been silent opens the mouth unexpectedly, his double pupil sinister and vicious, the corners of the mouth raise fierce cold intent. “不错,若是欧阳宗主想要证人,我们还可去海岚宗找人来对质。”在李天淮身侧,一直沉默不语的李剑嵩蓦地开口,他双眸阴鸷,嘴角掀起一丝狰狞的冷意 At this time had several months from the Black Clouds Mountain Range incident. 此时距离黑云山脉一事已经有数月了。 This Li Jiansong has made not the small effort, finally has clarified the Xiao Yun status, knows that he is Core Palace disciple. 李剑嵩花了不小的力气,终于是搞清了萧云的身份,知道他是核心殿的一个弟子 Original Li Jiansong already wants to murder those who have cheated them, but his Grandfather is closing up, couple days ago came out, therefore drags the present. 本来李剑嵩早就想来寻仇,可是他爷爷在闭关,前几天才出来,所以拖到了现在。 Now his Grandfather goes into action personally, let alone small True Yuan Realm disciple, is that Yuan Core Realm elder also the little darling hands over, he does not believe Heavenly Yuan Sect to such disciple offend Southern Sea Sword Sect, Heavenly Sword Peak Sword Lord. 如今他爷爷亲自出马,别说一个小小的真元境弟子,就是那元丹境长者也得乖乖交出,他可不相信天元宗会为了这么一个弟子得罪南海剑派,天剑峰剑主 Rights and wrongs, this King will conclude that which is one's turn with your this junior gesticulates?” Listens to this Li Jiansong start to talk, an Ouyang Sect Master brow wrinkle, within both eyes to have rays of light to glitter unexpectedly, a formidable oppression along with it tilting under. “是非曲直,本座自会断定,哪轮到用你这小辈指手画脚?”听这李剑嵩开口,欧阳宗主眉头一皱,双眸中蓦地有着一丝光芒闪烁,一股强大的压迫随之倾覆而下。 Buzz! 嗡! Li Jiansong only thinks that mind trembles, such as was struck by lightning, the personal appearance draws back continually three steps. 李剑嵩只觉心神一颤,如遭雷击,身形连退三步。 Song'er, can not be impolite.” The Li Tianhuai brow selects, sees Ouyang Sect Master to absorb the person by the potential, in the heart is quite discontented, but the opposite party expensive is a Sect's Master, he was not good to stroke the face, immediately must scold Li Jiansong one. 嵩儿,不得无礼。”李天淮眉头一挑,见欧阳宗主以势摄人,心中颇为不满,只是对方贵为一宗之主,他也不好拂了面子,当下只得呵斥了身边的李剑嵩一句。 My grandson also said reasonable.”, Li Tianhuai said that „, no matter this matter how, the old men hope that can make that Xiao Yun blood debt blood recompense, if otherwise lets the common people know my Li Tianhuai grandson such inexplicably by an arm, old man face countenance what Cun? Did I think Ouyang Sect Master not for this matter wound your I two relations?” “不过我孙儿说得也有道理。”顿了顿,李天淮说道,“不管此事如何,老夫都希望能让那萧云血债血偿,不然要是让世人知道我李天淮孙子就这么不明不白的被人断去一臂,老夫颜面何存?我想欧阳宗主也不会为了此事伤了你我两宗的关系吧?” This Li Tianhuai following words are slightly cold, even is also having the meaning of several points of threat. 李天淮后面的话语略冷,甚至还带着几分威胁之意。 Hehe, Sword Lord Li this word is bad.” Ouyang Sect Master is false smile, generous palm is striking that throne, meaningful saying with a smile, you have your face countenance, my Heavenly Yuan Sect also has the Heavenly Yuan Sect custom, if my disciple affronts in first, from, when apologized, but if was not so, this matter only feared unable to consent, after all my Heavenly Yuan Sect was also inheritance millenniums Sect, if could not protect and sustain including the own disciples, how to base in Southern Border? Later also who dares to join my hanger-on?” 呵呵,李剑主此言差矣。”欧阳宗主皮笑肉不笑,宽厚的手掌敲打着那王位,意味深长的笑道,“你有你的颜面,我天元宗也有天元宗的规矩,若是我的弟子冒犯在先,自当赔罪,可如若不然,此事只怕难以应允,毕竟我天元宗也是传承千年的宗门,若是连自己的门人都护持不住,如何在南疆立足?以后还有谁敢拜入我门下?” Said finally, Ouyang Sect Master expression was also slightly chilling. 说道最后,欧阳宗主的语气也是略显冷硬。 As a Sect's Master, how to allow other people to provoke? 作为一宗之主,岂容他人挑衅? Ouyang Sect Master this word has indicated the own manner obviously. 欧阳宗主此言显然是表明了自己的态度。 Hears here, the Li Tianhuai brow closely wrinkled, within those eyes sword light flashes is uncertain, such as that sharp knife blade as if at any time prepares the sheath, was actually suppressed by him, after all here is others domains, will not arrive at him not to tear to pieces the facial skin finally. 听到这里,李天淮眉头紧紧皱了起来,那双眸中剑光闪烁不定,如那利刃似乎随时准备出鞘,却又被他生生的压制了下来,毕竟这里是人家的地盘,不到最后他也不会撕破脸皮。 Ouyang is Sect Master what intent?” Li Tianhuai pupil light is slightly cold, shoots a look at Ouyang Sect Master on palace stage to ask slantingly. “那欧阳宗主是何意?”李天淮眸光略冷,斜瞥着殿台上的欧阳宗主问道。 And other Xiao Yun came out, stated clearly this matter long and short of the story, did to decide again.” Ouyang Sect Master saying every single word or phrase. “等萧云出来,言明此事来龙去脉,再做定夺。”欧阳宗主一字一句的说道。 Vaguely has an imposing manner without a doubt to fill the air on his body. 在他的身上依稀有着一股毋庸置疑的气势弥漫而出。 It seems like Sect Master warm-blooded is not as before cold.” Sees Ouyang Sect Master manner to be strong, Old Cao Palace Lord and Palace Lord Jiang are the slight bows, relaxed secretly, so long as there is this Sect Master to support, then they do not have what good scruples. “看来宗主的热血依旧未冷。”见得欧阳宗主态度强硬,曹老殿主姜殿主都是微微点头,暗自松了口气,只要有这宗主支持,那么他们也就没有什么好顾忌的了。 Now only worry how was this matter's long and short of the story. 现在唯一担心的就是此事的来龙去脉到底如何了。 Such being the case, the old man then here waits.” The Li Tianhuai expression is slightly is also desolate, but in his heart also fearless, this time comes Heavenly Yuan Sect, he brought two hanger-on disciple, as well as Li Jiansong this grandson, has not invited Southern Sea Sword Sect powerhouse to come this. “既然如此,老夫便在此等候。”李天淮语气也是略显冷淡,不过他心中也无惧,此次来天元宗,他只是带了两个门下弟子,以及李剑嵩这个孙子,并没有邀请一个南海剑派强者来此。 This he has feared Heavenly Yuan Sect actually. 这倒不是他怕了天元宗 What is opposite was his powerful to the extreme, had already regarded the deceased person Xiao Yun. 相反的是他强势到了极点,早就将萧云当成了死人。 No matter the Heavenly Yuan Sect asylum does not shelter this Xiao Yun, he wants this child dead! 不管天元宗庇护还是不庇护这萧云,他都要此子死! The words fall, the Li Tianhuai pupil narrows the eyes, then starts closed the eyes with rapt attention. 话语落下,李天淮眸子一眯,便开始闭目凝神。 Sees this Li Tianhuai this appearance, that Palace Lord Jiang brow is actually the tight wrinkle. 见这李天淮这模样,那姜殿主眉头却是紧紧一皱。 This Li Tianhuai is the aggression that became famous, rampant, at this time he is not talking too much, does not represent is regressing, instead is the indication that the storm is going to approach, because he knows that said uselessly, will take the action directly, that consequence can control inhuman. 李天淮是出了名的霸气,嚣张,此时他不在多言,不代表在退步,反而是暴风雨将要来临的征兆,因为他知道多说无益,将会直接采取行动,那后果非人所能控制。 Once also had such a Liezi, this Li Tianhuai disciple was injured, he worked as Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse surface to give to write off that offending somebody obstinately, that rampant extremely arrogant stance made the blood boil, may he have the corresponding strength in this extremely arrogant back. 曾经也有这么一个列子,这李天淮弟子被伤,他愣是当着一个元婴境强者的面将那伤人者给抹杀,那种嚣张狂妄的姿态让人发指,可在这种狂妄的背后他也有着相应的实力。 This Li Tianhuai has awakened Sword Martial Spirit, is having 65% inheritance values. 李天淮觉醒了剑武魂,拥有着65的传承值。 Sword, front, sharp! 剑者,锋也,锐也! Passed on a message the Sword Dao talent, comprehended unsurpassed sword intent, can the sword breaks myriad laws! 传言剑道天才,领悟无上剑意,能一剑破万法 This Li Tianhuai has not only awakened Sword Martial Spirit, oneself to the comprehension of Sword Dao in entire Southern Border is also few. 李天淮不仅觉醒了剑武魂,自身对剑道的领悟在整个南疆也是屈指可数。 He once then relied on sword technique in the Yuan Core 9-layer boundary, the strength cuts half step Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse, shakes Southern Border by this. 他曾经在元丹九重境便凭借一手剑术,力斩半步元婴境强者,以此名震南疆 Now dozens years pass by, his sword technique achieves any boundary, nobody knows. 如今数十年过去,他的剑术达到什么境界,没有人知道。 It is not but difficult to see that present he was stronger. 可是不难看出,如今的他更强了。 Also is so, that Old Cao Palace Lord and Palace Lord Jiang like this heavyhearted. 也是如此,那曹老殿主姜殿主才会这样的忧心忡忡。 In Fire Yuan Peak, once Palace Lord six Manager as before were waiting, but several Manager actually left. 火元峰,曾殿主六名管事依旧在等候,不过几位管事却已经离开了。 At this time started for one month to have from Fire Yuan Peak this inheritance restricted area, but that Xiao Yun has not come out. 此时距离火元峰传承禁地开始已经一个月有余了,可是那萧云还没有出来。 That Liang Junyu and the others in abundance come out ten days ago, so the aspect made the person resound the Core Palace Martial Dao cliff incident. 梁君宇等人都纷纷在十天前出来,如此局面让人不由响起了核心殿武道崖一事。 Therefore these people also thought that does not need to wait to get down. 所以这些人也觉得没有必要等下去。 That Qiu Zhong was actually flustered, because Qiu Yufeng has not come out, has met the mishap very much obviously. 邱衷却是急坏了,因为邱雨枫还没有出来,很显然是遇到了不测。 He does not believe that Qiu Yufeng has such big chance. 他可不相信邱雨枫有这么大的机缘。 What is more important is in his heart is moved restlessly, that came from Bloodlines one intuition. 更重要的是他心中感动不安,那是来自血脉的一种直觉。 Qiu Yufeng had an accident! 邱雨枫出事了! Shout! 呼! Also when these person of anxiously waits, this piece of scarlet cliff suddenly rays of light twinkle, elder escapes to this. 也就在这些人焦急等候时,这片赤崖突然光芒闪烁,一个长者向此遁来。 This person that once Xiao Yun introduction gate Deacon Qin. 此人正是那曾经将萧云引入门的秦执事 Deacon Qin floating falls to the ground, pupil light plunders, is having the whole face anxious look, at once turns toward that scarlet near cliff Peak Lord Zeng and the others to walk. 秦执事飘然落地,眸光掠动,带着满脸愁容,旋即向着那赤崖边的曾峰主等人走去。 Deacon Qin, how did you come?” Saw Deacon Qin anxiously to walks, Peak Lord Zeng is startled slightly. 秦执事,你怎么来了?”见到秦执事急冲冲的走来,曾峰主微微一怔。 Nearby several elder are also the whole face surprise, because they saw on the face of Deacon Qin the whole face is sad. 旁边几个长者也是满脸诧异,因为在秦执事的脸上他们看到了满脸忧愁。 Had any important matter obviously very much. 很显然发生了什么大事。 Suddenly, people pupil inquired that the meaning took a look to Deacon Qin. 一时间,众人都眸露询问之意瞅向了秦执事 Xiao Yun? Hasn't he come out?” Arrives at side the people, Deacon Qin had not replied, direct anxious asking. 萧云了?他还没有出来?”走到众人身边,秦执事也没有回答,直接焦急的问道。 No.” Peak Lord Zeng said that „? What happened?” “没有。”曾峰主说道,“怎么了?难道发生了什么事情?” Em.” Deacon Qin nods, said that Southern Sea Sword Sect comes the person, threatened that wants us to hand over Xiao Yun......” “恩。”秦执事点头,道,“南海剑派来人,扬言要我们交出萧云……” He said the process of matter. 他将事情的经过说了出来。 Anything!” hear speech/words, Peak Lord Zeng brows tightly frowns, said that that Li Tianhuai comes this personally, the matter is not really wonderful!” “什么!”闻言,曾峰主眉头紧锁,道,“那李天淮亲自来此,事情真的不妙啊!” Another several Manager are also the whole face superior hearts, as if dreaded to the name of Li Tianhuai. 另外几个管事也是满脸优心,似乎对李天淮之名有所忌惮。 This did Xiao Yun break a Li Tianhuai grandson arm?” Nearby Qiu Zhong hear speech/words, brow one curved, in how many minute of grinning fiendishly hearts the corners of the mouth appear to ponder to say darkly that is so best, has Li Tianhuai to act, who can also preserve him? How even if he is the Core Palace rising star first? This is two important matters, processing will not be good to initiate the war, even if during will be Sect Master must think over the advantages.” “这萧云断了李天淮孙子一臂?”旁边的邱衷闻言,眉头一弯,嘴角浮现几分狞笑心中暗忖道,“如此最好,有李天淮出面,谁还能保住他?就算他是核心殿新秀第一又如何?这可是两宗大事,一个处理不好就将引发大战,就算是宗主也得掂量掂量当中的利弊。” Xiao Yun Xiao Yun, you indulge extremely arrogantly, now finally must plant, Ha Ha, is really the day helps me, I thought how this time you also do change the situation?” In Qiu Zhong heart wild with joy, suddenly unexpectedly also has forgotten the Qiu Yufeng safety, looked forward to see Xiao Yun dead immediately. 萧云萧云,你狂妄放纵,如今终于要栽了吧,哈哈,真是天助我也,我看这次你还如何扭转局势?”邱衷心中狂喜,一时间竟然将邱雨枫的安危也忘记了,巴不得马上见到萧云遇难。 ( ( …… ……
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