EMS :: Volume #3

#252: Provocation! Frightens?

Chapter 252 provokes! Frightens? 第252章挑衅!震慑? On Fire Yuan Peak scarlet cliff, several elder the news that after hearing Deacon Qin brings is stern-faced. Ha 火元峰赤崖上,几位长者在听到秦执事带来的消息后都是一脸凝重。哈 Deacon Qin, you may know that what meaning above is?” Peak Lord Zeng hesitates slightly, afterward asked. 秦执事,你可知道上面是什么意思?”曾峰主略微沉吟,随后问道。 He filled regarding Xiao Yun has hoped that really did not endure such a talent in light of this dead, therefore somewhat anxious asking. 对于萧云他充满了期许,实在不忍这么一个天才就此夭折,故而有些急切的问道。 This matter was difficult to say!” Deacon Qin brows tightly frowns, said with a sigh, that Li Tianhuai was always strong, if this matter were really the fault of Xiao Yun, only feared that Sect Master must shelter him is very difficult to be friendly, but after all this person Southern Sea Sword Sect powerhouse, the prestige was very high, almost can represent the meaning of most Southern Sea Sword Sect, once this matter processing is not good to initiate two schools of friction, the result was less optimistic!” “此事难说啊!”秦执事眉头紧锁,叹息道,“那李天淮向来强势,若此事真是萧云之过,只怕就算宗主要庇护他也很难善了,毕竟此人可是南海剑派强者,威望很高,几乎可以代表大半个南海剑派的意思,此事一旦处理不好将引发两派的摩擦,结果不容乐观啊!” It seems like this matter somewhat was really thorny.” Peak Lord Zeng brows tightly frowns, he also knows this Li Tianhuai powerful. “看来此事真的有些棘手了。”曾峰主眉头紧锁,他也是知道这李天淮的强势。 Yeah, how this did Xiao Yun annoy the Li Tianhuai posterity?” In the Peak Lord Zeng heart sighed. “哎,这萧云怎么就惹上了李天淮的后人了?”曾峰主心中一叹。 You said that this matter can be the Xiao Yun mistake?” Fire Yuan Peak Manager said. “你们说此事会不会是萧云的过错?”火元峰的一个管事说道。 I look cannot.” Deacon Qin said that this Xiao Yun, although the conduct is eccentric and unreasonable, person who not rashly criminal but also has the principle, I look mostly am that Li Jiansong mistake, but he broke a person arm after all, who no matter who is not, was hard to be friendly.” “我看不会。”秦执事说道,“这萧云虽然行事乖张,可是也是有原则的人不会贸然犯人,我看多半是那李剑嵩的过错,只是毕竟他断了人一臂,不管谁是谁非,都难以善了。” By that Li Tianhuai temperament, who to him is who non- was unimportant.” Peak Lord Zeng also sighed, „the present looks was the meaning of Sir Sect Master, if Xiao Yun did not have the mistake, Sir Sect Master is willing to shelter actually the safe.” “以那李天淮的脾气来看,对他而言谁是谁非已经不重要了。”曾峰主也是叹道,“现在看的就是宗主大人的意思了,若是萧云没有过错,宗主大人又肯庇护倒是无事。” Words so, but Peak Lord Zeng is as before heavyhearted. 话如此,可曾峰主依旧忧心忡忡。 Because this matter relates really in a big way, once processing is not good, feared that causes two wars. 因为此事关系甚大,一旦处理不好,怕引起两宗大战。 Even if to Ouyang Sect Master is also a test. 就算对欧阳宗主来说也是一个考验。 Nearby several people are also brows tightly frowns. 旁边几人也是眉头紧锁 „Hasn't he come out?” Deacon Qin pupil light takes a look to the front has cloud stairs that the fire rosy cloud winds around, asked. “他还没有出来吗?”秦执事眸光瞅向前方有着火霞缭绕的云梯,问道。 Em.” Peak Lord Zeng said that estimated he has harvested, during study and understand, is sensing slowly unceasingly deep meaning.” “恩。”曾峰主说道,“估计他是有所收获,正在慢慢参悟,不断感悟当中的奥义。” Should be this.” Deacon Qin nods, if others he did not have such big self-confidence, but Xiao Yun has excellent natural talent, making the person be full of confidence with it, therefore those present almost nobody will suspect his natural talent. “应该是这样。”秦执事点头,若是别人他还没有这么大的自信,可是萧云有着过人的天赋,让人对其充满了信心,所以在场的人几乎没有人会怀疑他的天赋 What to do should we?” Nearby Manager asked that present Southern Sea Sword Sect comes the important person, but Xiao Yun also in the inheritance restricted area, if were delaying only to fear that Li Tianhuai must get angry, when the time comes the matter became thornier.” “那我们该怎么办?”旁边一个管事问道,“现在南海剑派来要人,可萧云还在传承禁地中,若是在耽搁下去只怕那李天淮要发怒了,到时候事情就变得更加棘手了。” We must enter in inheritance, please come out Xiao Yun?” Qiu Zhong eye one bright, suddenly said. “我们要不要进入传承中,将萧云请出来?”邱衷眼睛一亮,突然说道。 Please come out?” The Peak Lord Zeng brow selects, slightly dew hesitates, his double pupil is staring at front cloud stairs, for a very long time did not speak. “请出来?”曾峰主眉头一挑,略露沉吟,他双眸凝视着前方的云梯,久久不语。 Sees this, nearby several people have not opened the mouth, but calmly waits. 见此,旁边几人也没有开口,只是静静等候。 This matter makes them also feel to be caught off guard. 这事情让他们也感到措手不及。 For a long time, Peak Lord Zeng pupil light congealed, resembles the enormous determination saying that let him and others!” 许久后,曾峰主眸光一凝,似下了极大的决心说道,“让他等!” The words are very short, is actually loud and clear, is having without a doubt, determination that is not willing to make concessions. 话语很短,却掷地有声,拥有着一股毋庸置疑,不肯退让的决心。 Lets him and others?” Qiu Zhong knits the brows, said that this is not quite good.” “让他等?”邱衷皱眉,说道,“这不太好吧。” What has not to be good?” “有什么不好?” The Peak Lord Zeng brow selects, lightly saying, this is my Heavenly Yuan Sect, has my Heavenly Yuan Sect custom, how could to lower the head to the bystander?” 曾峰主眉头一挑,淡淡的说道,“这是我天元宗,自有我天元宗的规矩,岂能向外人低头?” „The precedent that in furthermore, this Fire Yuan Peak inheritance restricted area, since opening the sect has never had elder to have entered goes the talent that grasped principles invites, I and others, if opened this Liezi, how to do right by the Fire Yuan Peak older generation soul in heaven?” “再者,这火元峰传承禁地,自开宗以来从来没有过长者进入里面去将一个正在悟道的天才请出来的先例,我等若是开了这个列子,岂对得起火元峰的先辈在天之灵?” Good, Xiao Yun is hundred years of rare rare talent, now the matter who is who non- has not determined, because we how could a bystander does destroy him to grasp principles? If so, this matter once passed on, my Heavenly Yuan Sect face countenance what Cun?” “不错,萧云为百年难得一见的奇才,如今事情谁是谁非还没有判定,我们岂能因为一个外人就破坏他悟道?若是如此,此事一旦传了出去,我天元宗颜面何存?” Later the Southern Border talent who also dares to join my sect?” Nearby Manager is also pupil light concentrates, saying of righteousness words. “以后南疆天才谁还敢拜入我宗?”旁边一个管事也是眸光一凝,义正言辞的说道。 Xiao Yun is the rare talent who Heavenly Yuan Sect publicity, is the object who these new disciple worship, became a legend, a miracle, if such peerless talent cannot protect and sustain, that was cold the hearts of Heavenly Yuan Sect all disciple? 萧云天元宗人尽皆知的奇才,已是那些新弟子所崇拜的对象,成为了一个传说,一个奇迹,若是这样绝世天才都护持不住,那岂不是寒了天元宗所有弟子的心? If the will of the people are not, how Sect does base on the world? 人心若不在,一个宗门何以立足于世? hear speech/words, several elder again and again nods, in many worry, is not only static waiting near the scarlet cliff. 闻言,几位长者都是连连点头,不在过多的担忧,只是在赤崖边静静的等候。 Although the Southern Sea Sword Sect potential is big, but his Heavenly Yuan Sect does not let the person to rub the soft persimmon that pinches at will. 虽然南海剑派势大,可是他天元宗也不是任人随意可揉捏的软柿子。 The Deacon Qin secret nod, in the heart has remembered anything, the anxious look between foreheads dissipates gradually. 秦执事暗暗点头,心中似想起了什么,眉宇间的愁容逐渐消散。 So, I first went back to report after carrying out orders.” Deacon Qin said goodbye to Peak Lord Zeng, escaped to this place in light of this. “如此,我先回去复命了。”秦执事曾峰主告辞,就此遁离此地。 At this time in the Main Peak main hall, Li Tianhuai waited for a long time, but he all did not say a word in this period, appears exceptionally peaceful. 此时主峰的大殿中,李天淮已经等了许久,不过期间他皆是一言不发,显得异常安静。 Deacon Qin catches up walks into main hall to step the half step after Fire Yuan Peak, has arrived at the Palace Lord Jiang side, passes message by Spiritual Consciousness, informs the Fire Yuan Peak Inheritance Palace present situation to the latter, as well as Peak Lord Zeng and the others the manner, asked about this time situation. 秦执事火元峰赶来步入大殿后迈着小步,走到了姜殿主的身边,以灵识传音,向后者告知火元峰传承殿的现在的情况,以及曾峰主等人的态度,同时也询问此时的情况。 Has produced Spiritual Consciousness to Yuan Core Realm cultivator, can rely on the secret technique rumor conversation. 到了元丹境修者已经产生灵识,可以凭借秘术传言交谈。 Sees Deacon Qin to walk, that Li Tianhuai pupil moves slightly, but shot a look at former one lightly, then continues to hang the eye. 秦执事走来,那李天淮眸子微微一动,只是淡淡的瞥了前者一眼,便继续垂目。 Palace Lord Jiang after listening to the narration of Deacon Qin, the brow moves slightly, reveals several points of happy expression, afterward signaling with the eyes of makes it draw back. 姜殿主在听了秦执事的叙述后,眉头微微一动,露出几分喜色,随后使了个眼色让其退下。 Deacon Qin then asks to be excused. 秦执事这才告退。 All these appear very tranquil, several elder of main hall watch has not actually talked too much. 这一切都显得很平静,大殿的几位长者都看在眼里却并没有多言。 Palace Lord Jiang pupil light moved slightly, takes a look to Ouyang Sect Master on palace stage, sent greetings has informed the Xiao Yun matter. 姜殿主眸光微动,瞅向了殿台上的欧阳宗主,传音告知了萧云的事情。 After Ouyang Sect Master hear, the eyelid also slightly moves, in the pupil has some bright light glittering. 欧阳宗主听后,眼皮也是微微一动,眸中有着些许精光闪烁 In Sect he also quite pays attention as Heavenly Yuan Sect some rising stars of Sect Master, therefore knew about Xiao Yun also has several points of. 作为天元宗宗主宗门内一些新秀他也是颇为关注,所以对萧云有几分了解。 Now after hearing the report of Palace Lord Jiang, in heart were more several points of hope. 如今在听到了姜殿主的汇报后,心中更是多了几分期许 If such as in the gate these elder said, this Xiao Yun indeed was the rare talent who one hundred years rare met, was worth training. 如果真的如门内这些长者所言,这萧云的确是一个百年难得一遇的奇才,值得培养。 The present matter lets his some headaches. 只是现在的事情却让他有些头疼。 Ouyang Sect Master brows slightly raise, pupil light took a look to Li Tianhuai, the finger has rapped on the chair arm gently, sends out the slight resounding. 欧阳宗主眉头微挑,眸光瞅向了李天淮,手指在椅臂上轻轻敲击,发出轻微的脆响。 When his pupil light rotation, how is hesitating secretly should perfect solution this matter. 眸光转动时,在暗自沉吟着该如何完美的解决此事。 Ouyang Sect Master, when that can Xiao Yun come?” When Ouyang Sect Master hesitates secretly, that has hung Li Tianhuai pupil fierce opening of eye of staring, the within both eyes rays of light twinkle, his pupil light rises lightly stares at the palace stage, the white clothing man was saying. “欧阳宗主,那萧云何时能来?”在欧阳宗主暗自沉吟时,那一直垂目凝视的李天淮眸子猛的睁开,双眸中光芒闪烁,他眸光上扬淡淡的盯着殿台,白衣男子说道。 Hehe, this Xiao Yun in the middle of inheritance, was only fearing at this moment for a while cannot come out.” Ouyang Sect Master smiles to say. 呵呵,这萧云此刻正在一处传承当中,只怕一时不能出来。”欧阳宗主一笑说道。 Requests Sword Lord Li to wait a bit the moment.” “烦请李剑主在稍等片刻。” Waits for the moment again?” Li Tianhuai brows slightly raise, at once, said that such being the case sits dry obviously is also bored, Heavenly Yuan Sect Core Palace collected the Southern Border person with outstanding ability, is Heavenly Yuan Sect the place of beautiful cradle, by chance my these two disciple natural talent are also good, since comes the safe idly, how otherwise makes expensive Sect several same age disciple come to compare notes 12?” “再等片刻?”李天淮眉头微挑,旋即,说道,“既然如此干坐着也显无聊,久违天元宗核心殿汇集了南疆英才,是天元宗的新秀摇篮之地,恰巧我这两位弟子天赋也是不错,既然闲来无事,不然让贵宗派几名同龄的弟子前来切磋12如何?” Compares notes?” Ouyang Sect Master pupil light moves, line of sight then fell on the Li Tianhuai body side two youth. “切磋?”欧阳宗主眸光一动,视线便落在了李天淮身侧的两个青年身上。 This Li Tianhuai came Heavenly Yuan Sect only to lead three people. 这次李天淮天元宗只带了三个人。 First, Li Jiansong, another two are his disciple. 其一是李剑嵩,另外两个则是他的弟子 This two people is dignified in appearance, the figure is slim, the palm is spacious, the double pupil is profound, has the swift and fierce rays of light twinkle indistinctly, appears the facial expression is arrogant, looks is the Sword Dao talent. 两人都仪表堂堂,身材修长,手掌宽大,双眸深邃,却隐约有着凌厉的光芒闪烁,显得气色凌人,一看就是剑道天才。 This two people age also in 16 years old with 18 years old, but their cultivation level have True Yuan perfection boundary and half Yuan Core Realm. 两人年纪也只是在16岁与18岁,可是他们的修为却有着真元圆满境及半步元丹境 Middle that old youth aura is calm, the body also has invisible makings to be partly visible. 当中那个年纪稍大的青年气息沉稳,身上还有着一股无形的气质若隐若现。 He such as sharp sword of a handle conceal in fog, is hard to see clearly, does not know the depth, once the sheath, will certainly bring astonishingly strikes. 他就如一柄藏于云雾中的利剑,难以看清,不知深浅,可是一旦出鞘,必将带来惊人一击。 Very obviously, this two people is the talent, was brought by Li Tianhuai especially. 很显然,这两人都是天才,被李天淮特地带来。 This two people actually genuine youth talent.” Palace Lord Jiang brows slightly wrinkle, already induced the uncommonness of this two people, this talent in Core Palace is also rare, he has to acknowledge that Southern Sea Sword Sect background indeed stronger compared with Heavenly Yuan Sect on several points. “这两人倒是真正的青年才俊。”姜殿主眉头微皱,早就感应出了这两人的不凡,这种天才在核心殿也是难得一见,他不得不承认南海剑派底蕴比起天元宗的确要强上几分。 In the main hall several elder all are slightly frowned, is very obvious, Li Tianhuai is not only sends a punitive expedition to take Xiao Yun, but also wants to shame Heavenly Yuan Sect taking advantage of this, to demonstration of authority, to raise the prestige of his Southern Sea Sword Sect, deters the common people by this. 大殿中几位长者皆是微微皱眉,很显然,李天淮不仅仅是来兴师问罪要拿下萧云,还想借此羞辱天元宗,给一个下马威,以扬他南海剑派之威名,以此震慑世人。 Your Heavenly Yuan Sect nobody?” Sees Heavenly Yuan Sect several elder looks all changes, the Li Tianhuai corners of the mouth pull, raise a light teasing flavor, these elder glances of pupil light in toward main hall go, middle meaning is self-evident. “难道你们天元宗无人?”见天元宗几位长者神色皆是有变,李天淮嘴角一扯,掀起一丝淡淡的戏谑的味道,眸光向着大殿中的那些长者扫视而去,当中的意思不言而喻。 This is the flagrant provocation! 这是明目张胆的挑衅! Hehe, since Sword Lord Li has aesthetic pleasure, Palace Lord Jiang you then go to Core Palace to pass on several youth of a similar age to come this.” An Ouyang Sect Master face is indifferent, cannot see the happy anger, his pupil light moved, takes a look said with a smile to below Palace Lord Jiang lightly. 呵呵,既然李剑主有着雅兴,姜殿主你便去核心殿传几个年纪相仿的青年来此。”欧阳宗主一脸淡然,看不出喜怒,他眸光一动,瞅向了下方的姜殿主淡淡一笑道。 Yes!” Palace Lord Jiang nods, at once sets out, then in light of this said goodbye. “是!”姜殿主点头,旋即起身,便就此告辞。 After a half hour, Southern Sea Sword Sect came this's news almost to spread over Main Peak as well as Core Palace. 半个小时后,南海剑派来此的消息几乎传遍了主峰以及核心殿 In Main Peak martial arts stage, has the youth talents from various peaks to collect one after another. 主峰的一处演武场内,陆续有着来自各峰的青年才俊汇集。 As Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple, the people naturally cannot allow others to bully visit. 作为天元宗弟子,众人自然容不得别人欺上门。 After seeing Li Tianhuai that two disciple, in many person hearts is actually one, feels inexplicable being incapable. 只是当见到李天淮那两个弟子后,许多人心中却是一堵,感到莫名的无力。 Exactly after during said is sees that young disciple battle strength, the people felt fears intent. 确切的说是看到当中那个年轻弟子战力后,众人都感到了一股惧意。 This youth was only 16 years old, cultivation level has actually achieved True Yuan perfection boundary. 这个少年只有16岁,修为却已经达到了真元圆满境 Now he grasps handle green marks long sword, stands erect on competition stage, indifferent within both eyes is similar to has the sword glow twinkle, to person one type the aura that compels the person, falls to the ground in his body previous youth distressedly, on that arm has the sword mark together to stay behind obviously. 如今他手持一柄碧纹长剑,屹立于一处比赛台上,冷漠的双眸中如同有着剑芒闪烁,给人一种迫人的气息,在他的身前一个青年狼狈落地,那手臂上明显有着一道剑痕留下。 fresh blood dyed red the right arm of this youth! 鲜血染红了这青年的右臂! This is -and-a-half Yuan Core Realm cultivator, in light of this is actually defeated, if not for avoids promptly, this arm was abandoned. 这是一个半步元丹境修者,却就此落败,若不是躲避及时,这条手臂就被废了。 This boy can defeat half Yuan Core Realm powerhouse by the True Yuan perfection boundary cultivation level strength unexpectedly, battle strength seriously is so astonishing!” “这小子竟然能以真元圆满境修为力败半步元丹境强者,如此战力当真惊人!” This Chen Jian won continuously six, front five True Yuan perfection boundary cultivator were almost defeated by a sword, now this Huang Feixu has half step Yuan Core Realm unable in him under to pass through 20 moves unexpectedly, so battle strength, is really heaven defying!” “这陈剑已经连续胜了六场,前面五个真元圆满境修者几乎是被一剑击败,如今这黄飞旭有着半步元丹境竟然也无法在他手下走过20招,如此战力,真是逆天!” This can Sword Dao cut broken Myriad Laws really?” “难道这剑道真的可斩破万法?” After watching several fights, the youth who many catch up with especially were shaken shook, the innermost feelings mesozoic had one to fear intent. 在观看了几场战斗后,许多特地赶来的青年都被震了一震,内心中生起了一股惧意。 This Chen Jian was too fierce, sword technique is superb, might break completely Myriad Laws, the successive defeats several people, are almost invincible! 陈剑太厉害了,一手剑术出神入化,似可破尽万法,连败数人,几乎无敌! Ouyang Sect Master, Li Tianhuai and the others sit well in the middle of a martial arts stage tower. 欧阳宗主,李天淮等人则是端坐在演武场旁边的一座楼台当中。 „This youth actually talent.” The Ouyang Sect Master slight bow, quite approves to that Chen Jian natural talent. “这少年倒是一个天才。”欧阳宗主微微点头,对那陈剑天赋也是颇为认可。 Very obviously, this youth comprehended sword intent, has been possible to jump the ranks to fight! 很显然,这个少年已经领悟了一丝剑意,已可越级而战! ( ( …… ……
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