EMS :: Volume #3

#250: The South China Sea sword sends the person

Chapter 250 Southern Sea Sword Sect comes the person 第250章南海剑派来人 In the middle of Fire Yuan Peak inheritance, Xiao Yun had completely forgotten the time immerses in the middle of practice Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts. Ha 火元峰传承当中,萧云完全忘记了时间沉浸在修炼天炎神铠诀当中。哈 As the time passes, this set of Cultivation Technique also by his practice straightening out gradually. 随着时间流逝,这套功法也被他修炼得渐渐的步入了正轨。 If carefully looks that can discover this time Xiao Yun whole body blooms the holy flame, the flesh clear flood light brilliance, even can by the flesh see that in the middle of his solid muscle these physique have brilliance to past. 若是仔细看去,可以发现此时的萧云全身都绽放出圣洁的火光,肌肤晶莹泛着淡淡光华,甚至可以透过肌肤看到他那结实的肌肉当中那些筋骨也有着光华在流转。 His skeleton has not been considered as simply every bone, such as fire like jade, glittering and translucent carving. 他的骨骼简直就已经不算是凡骨了,如火如玉,晶莹剔透。 After practice Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts, he really in transformation. 修炼天炎神铠诀后,他真的在发生蜕变。 These were introduced within the body Heavenly Flame to change into fire runes to integrate in the middle of along with the revolution of magic arts the meridians skeleton. 那些被引入体内天炎随着法诀的运转化为了一个个火纹融入经脉骨骼当中。 Not difficult to imagine, after this magic arts has small accomplishment, Xiao Yun has anything to change. 不难想象,等这法诀有所小成萧云将会有着什么改变。 This makes the person anticipate. 这让人期待。 ...... …… In Inheritance Palace, several youth sit cross-legged under giant tablet, in calm, closed the eyes study and understand. 传承殿内,几个青年盘膝在一面巨碑下,都在凝神静气,闭目参悟 They seem like are distanced not far, but actually no one can see anyone, was towed by Formation respectively, is similar to enters an independent space, but actually obviously sits cross-legged under same giant tablet, so the situation appears both mysterious and beyond comprehension. 他们看似相距不远,可是却谁都看不到谁,各自被阵法牵引,如同进入一个独立的空间,可是却又明明是盘膝在同一个巨碑下,如此情况显得既玄妙又让人费解。 Buzz! 嗡! At this moment, before middle a youth body, flood ripples, his body trembled, the pupil that shuts tightly then slowly opens. 此刻,当中一个青年身前泛起了一阵涟漪,他的身子一颤,那紧闭的眸子便是缓缓睁开。 Fire Dao deep meaning is broad and profound, as deep as a well, this study and understand already exceeded ten years of diligent cultivation, finally not in vain this line.” This youth sets out, afterward the pupil light glance four directions, the brow wrinkles slightly, several points of regret, was muttering, how didn't know them?” 火道奥义博大精深,难以捉摸,此次参悟已然胜过十年苦修,总算不枉此行。”这青年起身,随后眸光扫视四方,眉头微微皱起,略带着几分遗憾,喃喃道,“也不知他们怎么样了?” This youth impressively is Liang Junyu. 这青年赫然是梁君宇 After entering seal, he arrived under the Fire Dao inheritance tablet, is the pupil light institute, actually cannot see other people. 在进入封印内后,他就来到了火道传承碑下,可是眸光所及,却看不到其他人。 This is Formation intentionally so, has isolated the people, so as to avoid some people disturb person who is in study and understand. 这是阵法故意如此,隔绝了众人,免得有人打扰正在参悟的人。 Thinks to be able by Junior Brother Xiao natural talent deep meaning in study and understand Fire Dao?” When Liang Junyu slightly narrows the pupil, mentioned Xiao Yun in pupil revealed for several points to envy, although this time has comprehended, has not actually achieved that boundary, cannot achieve that me for the Heavenly Flame situation. “以萧师弟天赋想必能参悟火道中的奥义吧?”梁君宇眸子微眯,言及萧云时眸中露出几分羡慕,虽然他此次有所领悟,却还没有达到那个境界,不能做到那种我为天炎的地步。 Shook, Liang Junyu goes out from the seal, formation mark that afterward found, left Inheritance Palace in light of this. 甩了甩头,梁君宇从封印中走出,随后找到出去的阵纹,就此离开了传承殿 After Liang Junyu goes out, several other youth also one after another withdraw from study and understand, departs after the stop slightly respectively. 梁君宇走出后,另外几个青年也陆续从参悟中退出,在略微停顿后各自离去。 After this line, their many have comprehended, will profit to later practice infinitely. 经过此行,他们多少都有所领悟,对以后的修炼将受益无穷。 Near the Fire Yuan Peak inheritance cliff, Peak Lord Zeng with Manager gathers silently together, all is waiting for the returns of these youth. 火元峰传承崖边,曾峰主与诸位管事相聚一起,皆在默默的等候着那些青年的归来。 Here has several Manager is enters in inheritance in the clans of these youth the elder, therefore filled to these later generation lines has hope that if these youth have comprehended, later must be possible to others probably take on a Martial Dao way one step. 这里有几位管事都是进入传承中那些青年的族中长辈,所以对这些后辈此行充满了期许,若是这些青年有所领悟,以后必可在武道一途上必别人要多迈出一步。 This ambulatory leg to make their this clans formidable. 这一步足以让他们这个氏族强大起来了。 Qiu Zhong is also same, he also filled regarding Qiu Yufeng has hoped. 邱衷也是一样,对于邱雨枫他也充满了期许。 Yufeng this child natural talent is good, Spirit Physique value also 39%, once obtains that Fire Essence Flower to be able in inside to promote the Spirit Physique value to forty, if in comprehended such faint trace deep meaning also to suffice his benefit life from the Fire Dao tablet.” Qiu Zhong the eyes shows bright light, the corners of the mouth have several points of happy expression to reappear, because this Qiu Yufeng is his posterity. 雨枫这孩子天赋不错,灵体值也有39,一旦在里面得到那火髓花应该可以将灵体值提升到四十几,若是在从火道碑中领悟出那么一丝丝奥义也够他受益一生了。”邱衷眸露精光,嘴角有着几分笑意浮现,因为这邱雨枫是他的后人。 Hopes when the people all pupil dew, waits silently, cloud stairs front there void trembles, the hot rosy cloud common fog creeping motion, vortex appears unexpectedly, at once Liang Junyu then takes a step from inside, gradually moved toward that scarlet cliff. 就在众人皆眸露期许,默默等候时,云梯前方那里的虚空一颤,火霞一般的云雾蠕动,一个气旋蓦地浮现而出,旋即梁君宇便是从里面迈步而出,一步步的走向了那座赤崖。 Junyu, how does your trip harvest?” elder pupil dew welcomed to say with a smile kindly. 君宇,你此行收获如何?”一个长者眸露慈笑迎上去笑道。 Also good.” Liang Junyu face said with a smile, „, although did not have to comprehend Fire Dao deep meaning truly, actually also feelings quite a lot, benefitted greatly.” Moreover, his Spirit Physique value as well as cultivation level have promoted, now has achieved the True Yuan late-stage Peak boundary. “还行。”梁君宇一脸朗笑道,“虽然没有真正领悟火道奥义,却也感触颇多,受益匪浅。”不仅如此,他的灵体值以及修为都有所提升,如今已经达到了真元后期巅峰境。 If not feared that the foundation is not steady, he completely has the opportunity to attack True Yuan perfection boundary. 若非怕根基不稳,他完全有机会冲击真元圆满境 Good, True Yuan late-stage Peak, in stable one can step into perfection boundary.” Nearby Peak Lord Zeng slight bow, this Liang Junyu has 46% Spirit Physique values, thinks that after this line, should promote much. “不错,真元后期巅峰,在稳固一下便可踏入圆满境了。”旁边的曾峰主微微点头,这梁君宇本来就有着46的灵体值,想必经过此行,应该提升了不少。 So physique was also middle-grade gets up in Core Palace. 如此体质核心殿中也算是中等偏上了。 Liang Junyu the eyes shows a happy expression, is sideways afterward in side, silently is waiting for other people to appear. 梁君宇眸露笑意,随后侧身在旁,也在默默等候其他人出现。 Two days later, enters inside seven people, then has four appearances. 两天后,进入里面的七人,便有着四个出现。 On remaining Junior Brother Xiao?” Liang Junyu pupil light staring front, reveals whole face to hope. “就剩下萧师弟了吗?”梁君宇眸光凝视前方,露出满脸期许。 Nearby another three youth are also so. 旁边另外三个青年也是如此。 Initially when Core Palace small competition they also once observed, saw scene that Xiao Yun and Zhao Zheng fought. 当初在核心殿小比时他们也曾去观战,看到了萧云赵政一战的场景。 That time Xiao Yun displayed Heavenly Flame Five Styles, went to the reach a high degree of proficiency situation simply, was also containing some intent domain, when especially saw that type I after Heavenly Flame, in these individual hearts was all shaken, felt the uncommonness of this type. 那时的萧云天炎五式施展出来,简直达到了炉火纯青的地步,当中还蕴含着某种意境,特别是当见到那一式我为天炎后,这几个人心中皆是被一震,感觉到了此式的不凡。 Thinks that in experiencing deep meaning in Fire Dao tablet, he should be able to go a step further?” In the people heart filled has hoped. “想必在见识了火道碑中的奥义,他应该能更进一步吧?”众人心中充满了期许。 Peak Lord Zeng slightly narrows the eyes, middle has the rays of light twinkle, that hopes self-evident. 曾峰主双眸微眯,当中有着光芒闪烁,那丝期许不言而喻。 He compared with anybody believes that Xiao Yun can sense. 他比任何人都相信萧云能有所感悟。 intent domain that because initially this youth brought was too astonishing, that intent domain is not True Yuan Realm cultivator should have completely. 因为当初这青年所带来的意境太惊人了,那种意境完全不是真元境修者应有。 Can henceforth judge this Xiao Yun natural talent is astonishing. 可以从此判断出这萧云天赋是何等惊人。 Since there is a beforehand sensibility is the foundation, this time must be possible to success when conditions are ripe, went a step further again. 既然有了以前的感悟为基础,此次必可水到渠成,再进一步。 How hasn't Yufeng come out?” Nearby Qiu Zhong is actually brows tightly frowns. “怎么雨枫还没有出来?”旁边的邱衷却是眉头紧锁 Another elder is also a face anxious look, feels a restlessness indistinctly. 另外一个长者也是一脸愁容,隐约感到一丝不安。 This person is in the Lu Yanfeng clan elder, he has gotten down very big painstaking care on this youth! 此人是陆炎风的族中长者,在这个青年身上他可是下了很大的心血啊! But wait for two days, this Lu Yanfeng and Qiu Yufeng have not come out. 可是一等两天,这陆炎风邱雨枫还没有出来。 They have sensed, therefore carefully is still comprehending?” These two elder faces hesitate. “难道他们有所感悟,所以还在细细领会?”这两位长者一脸沉吟。 But under this waiting, they felt that does not suit. 可是在这种等待下,他们又感觉不对劲。 Because Qiu Yufeng and Lu Yanfeng two people, although natural talent is good, may compare to that Liang Junyu also to miss a point. 因为邱雨枫陆炎风两人虽然天赋不错,可比起那梁君宇还差了一分。 Since Liang Junyu came out, their two people should also come out is! 既然梁君宇已经出来,他们两人也应该出来才是! Is it possible that was their moral behavior good to obtain inheritance?” In the Qiu Zhong heart whispered, pupil light often turned toward the front to take a look. “莫非他们人品好得到了传承?”邱衷心中嘀咕,眸光不时向着前方瞅去。 More waits, in this Qiu Zhong heart more feels uneasy, the state of mind is hard to be tranquil, afterward he fell pupil light on Liang Junyu simply, asked that you obviously Yufeng and flame wind?” 越等,这邱衷心中就越是感觉不安,心绪难以宁静下来,随后他索性将眸光落在了梁君宇身上,问道,“你可见着了雨枫及炎风?” No.” Sees this Qiu Zhong to ask that a Liang Junyu face is faint, shakes the head to say. “没有。”见这邱衷问来,梁君宇一脸淡漠,摇头道。 You?” Qiu Zhong continues to ask toward another three youth. “你们了?”邱衷继续向着另外三个青年问道。 No.” Another three people shake the head again and again. “没有。”另外三人连连摇头。 Also?” Qiu Zhong brows tightly frowns , to continue saying that they haven't entered Inheritance Palace?” “也没有?”邱衷眉头紧锁,继续道,“他们难道没有进入传承殿?” We also gradually enter Inheritance Palace, therefore totally does not know to other situations.” Several youth replied. “我们也是陆续进入传承殿的,所以对其它情况一概不知。”几个青年回答道。 Now Qiu Yufeng died, they do not think, for this matter is involved in the middle of the right and wrong. 如今邱雨枫已死,他们可不想为了这事情卷入是非当中。 Although Qiu Zhong in the heart the doubt, has no alternative. 邱衷虽然心中狐疑,却也无可奈何。 These people are the talent, potential are infinite, in the object of Fire Yuan Peak key trained, the status is not lower than their this small Manager difference, even is indistinct also wants on the high several points compared with him, because the achievements of these people can definitely exceed him. 这些人都是天才,潜力无限,在火元峰重点培养的对象,身份也不比他们这个小小的管事差低,甚至隐约间还比他要高上几分,因为这些人的成就完全能超越他。 It seems like Junior Brother Xiao has comprehended, but also in careful study and understand, a short time cannot come out.” Waiting several days later Liang Junyu brows slightly wrinkle, turns toward several elder to hold the fist in the other hand afterward, said that Peak Lord, I, in addition needs to consolidate obtained, then first said goodbye.” “看来萧师弟是有所领悟,还在细细参悟,不是一时半会能出来了。”在等候几天后梁君宇眉头微皱,随后向着几位长者抱拳,说道,“峰主,我尚且需要稳固所得,便先告辞了。” Peak Lord Zeng beckoned with the hand saying that you depart freely, only need practice be able well, perhaps if can step into half step Yuan Core Realm also to have the opportunity to participate in Profound Yuan Battlefield, therefore idles these days not by any means that naturally, you do not need to give own too many pressures.” 曾峰主摆了摆手道,“你尽管离去,只需好好修炼便可,若是能踏入半步元丹境或许还有着机会参加玄元战场,所以这段时间切莫懈怠,当然,你也无须给自己太多压力。” many thanks Peak Lord instruction.” Liang Junyu bows in salute, afterward said goodbye in light of this. 谢峰主教诲。”梁君宇作揖,随后就此告辞。 Nearby several other youth are also say goodbye to depart. 旁边另外几个青年也是告辞离去。 If continues to get down only to waste their time. 若是继续等下去只会浪费他们的时间。 So, on this scarlet cliff silently was also waiting on remaining several elder. 如此,这赤崖上也就剩下几位长者在默默等候了。 But Xiao Yun is continuing practice Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts. 萧云则还是在继续修炼天炎神铠诀 He sits cross-legged in Heavenly Flame Pond, inside Heavenly Flame can submerge his shoulder, is now that Heavenly Flame is gradually scarce, can only arrive at his chest, because Heavenly Flame was absorbed unceasingly, then condensed mysterious fire runes to integrate Xiao Yun within the body. 他盘膝在天炎池内,里面的天炎原本可以淹没他的肩膀,可是现在那天炎逐渐稀少,只能到他的胸膛了,因为天炎不断被吸收,然后凝聚成了一枚枚玄妙的火纹融入了萧云体内 In his skeleton, in the middle of the meridians integrated dense and numerous fire rune, making his whole person be reborn. 在他的骨骼,经脉当中融入了密密麻麻的的火符,使得他整个人真的脱胎换骨了。 Now condenses 50% fire runes, wants to quenching Fire Physique, but also is really difficult!” Xiao Yun is inducing the within the body situation, sighed slightly, this fire runes was too difficult to condense, each needs to exhaust massive Heavenly Flame, but also needed the strength of enormous mind. “现在才凝聚成一半的火纹,想要淬炼成火体,还真难啊!”萧云感应着体内的情况,微微叹息,这火纹太难凝聚了,每一枚都需要耗竭大量的天炎,还需要极大的心神之力。 So long as fire runes condenses successfully, Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts then calculated small accomplishment.” “只要火纹凝聚成功,天炎神铠诀便算小成了。” Although is difficult to refine, but after feeling the change of own body Xiao Yun has also filled with the anticipation. 虽然难炼,可是在感觉到自己身体的变化后萧云也是充满了期待。 Now the own skeleton, the meridians integrated fire runes, does not know after and other Body Tempering completed, stimulation of movement of own Heavenly Flame Divine Armor can be any appearance, having this type to hope, the start condensation that he takes great pains is fusing fire runes. 如今自己骨骼,经脉都融入了火纹,也不知等淬体完成后,自己的催动出来的天炎神铠会是什么一副模样,带着这种期许,他不厌其烦的开始凝聚融合着火纹 When Xiao Yun practice Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts Heavenly Yuan Sect actually came several unexpected visitors. 萧云修炼天炎神铠诀的时候天元宗却是来了几位不速之客。 In the middle of Heavenly Yuan Sect Main Peak in a main hall, wears the middle-aged man of white clothing to sit well on a king's throne in palace, his facial features are straight, the brow is very thick, a pair of jet black pupil makes the person unable to see clearly the actual situation just like profound star sea. 天元宗主峰当中一座大殿内,一个身穿白衣的中年男子端坐在殿堂上的一尊王椅上,他面容端正,眉头很浓,一双漆黑的眸子宛若深邃的星海让人看不清虚实。 An invisible imposing manner henceforth human fills the air, making the aura of entire main hall slightly serious. 一股无形的气势从此人身上弥漫开来,让得整个大殿的气息略显沉重。 This person impressively is Heavenly Yuan Sect Sect Master, named Ouyang Chen! 此人赫然是天元宗宗主,名为欧阳尘 Right the main hall, is sitting well several elder. 在大殿右边,端坐着几个长者 What first and inferior position sitting is beard and hair all white elder, middle person of Core Palace Old Cao Palace Lord. 首位与次位坐着的是一个须发皆白的长者,当中一人正是核心殿曹老殿主 Third is a year makes 50 years, the eyebrow is very long, and flood cold frost elder. 第三位则是一个年约五旬,眉毛很长,且泛着寒霜的长者 These three people of imposing manners are very strong, just like has Yuan Soul Realm cultivation level. 这三人气势很强,俨然有着元婴境修为 That Palace Lord Jiang also sits in the side cis-position, at this time the expression slightly is dignified. 姜殿主也在旁边顺位而坐,此时表情略显凝重。 In main hall below left first place, is the place one is leaving leeway azure to wear elder of clothes. 在大殿下方左首位,则是座着一个留有青须身穿青衫的长者 This elder feature like the sword, the double pupil fine glow twinkle, passes sends out one to absorb the fluctuation of person, that aura makes the person dread. 这个长者眉目如剑,双眸精芒闪烁,透发出一股摄人的波动,那气息让人忌惮。 In this old behind, side is setting up several youth impressively. 在此老身后,赫然侧立着几个青年。 If Xiao Yun here, can discover that during an alone arm youth is he in Li Jiansong that Black Clouds Mountain Range meets. 若是萧云在此,便可发现当中一个独臂青年正是他在黑云山脉所遇到的李剑嵩 But this clothes elder is his Grandfather, Li Tianhuai, is Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse, already shook Southern Border! 而这个青衫长者则是他的爷爷,李天淮,为元婴境强者,早就名震南疆 Ouyang Sect Master, your honourable sect disciple Xiao Yun breaks my grandson arm, this matter you should give the old man a confession.” The Li Tianhuai eyelid tilts, shot a look at a that to sit well the Ouyang Chen Lord lightly in palace stage throne, at a moderate pace saying. “欧阳宗主,贵宗弟子萧云断我孙一臂,此事你该给老夫一个交代吧。”李天淮眼皮掀动,淡淡的瞥了一眼那端坐在殿台王位上的欧阳尘主,不紧不慢的说道。 ( ( …… ……
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