EMS :: Volume #3

#249: Day flame god armor Secret Art!

Chapter 249 Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts! 第249章天炎神铠诀 Xiao Yun looks at the hands and feet little restoration of own, the whole person feels the view also slowly to multiply, that feeling quite its wonderful, probably is looking that own is newborn, not only that nearby fire wave did not appear in such burning hot temperate. 萧云看着自己的手脚一点点恢复,整个人感观也在慢慢滋生,那感觉颇为其妙,就好像在看着自己新生一样,不仅如此,附近的火流不在那么的炙热显得温和了起来。 Didn't have the matter?” Xiao Yun is somewhat stunned, felt a moment ago obviously the own flesh and blood was cremated for the nihility, that painful penetrating heart, making the person eternal life unforgetable, to resemble to annihilate including the soul finally, was flesh body is suddenly good? “没有事了?”萧云有些错愕,刚才明明感觉到自己的血肉都被焚化为了虚无,那种痛彻心扉,让人永生难以忘怀,最后连灵魂都似要湮灭了,可是眨眼间肉身就好了? „Were all illusory a moment ago?” Xiao Yun felt that some such as dream is imaginary. “刚才一切是虚幻吗?”萧云感觉有些如梦似幻。 If said is illusory, was that feeling was too intense, no matter came from the body, was that pain in soul, the sensibility that as well as will soon annihilate that flash of obtains in his soul...... All these all that real. 若说是虚幻,可是那种感觉太强烈了,不管是来自身体,还是灵魂上的那种痛楚,以及在他灵魂即将湮灭的那一刹那所得到的感悟……这一切的一切都是那么的真实。 Xiao Yun took a deep breath, lifts looks at the front to bloom the Fire Dao inheritance tablet of dazzling flame, is inducing the front fluctuation. 萧云深深吸了口气,抬望前方绽放着耀眼火光的火道传承碑,感应着前方的波动。 The Fire Dao tablet flame fills the air, such as the holy aura sways , when rays of light blooms such as has Dao Mark to proliferate. 火道碑火光弥漫,如圣洁的气息挥洒而下,光芒绽放时如有着道纹扩散开来。 Stands under this Fire Dao tablet, Xiao Yun felt that own stood in a sacred place, whole person mind incomparable clear and bright. 站在在这火道碑下,萧云就感觉自己站立在一处圣地,整个人心灵都无比清明了起来。 Xiao Yun static sensibility, after slightly, his step starts to walk, then turns toward front giant tablet to walk. 萧云静静的感悟,稍许后,他步子迈开,便向着前方的巨碑走去。 Shout! 呼! Now fire wave of crazy tyrant is not getting angry the volume to come to him, that burning aura does not exist, such as the spring breeze strokes on the face, making the person yearn, Xiao Yun very smooth has arrived under Fire Dao Martial Tablet, his double pupil lifts, is staring at front giant tablet. 如今狂霸的火流不在向他怒卷而来,那炙热的气息也不复存在,如春风拂在脸上,让人留恋,萧云很顺利的就走到了火道武碑下,他双眸微抬,凝视着面前的巨碑 giant tablet is very high, is similar to the mountain, is hard to look at its top, above is very big a section to wind around by the flame, dim, such as primal chaos anger, appears faintly recognizable mysterious, is middle that Fire Dao aura actually that rich, that fire imagination. 巨碑很高,如同山岳,难以望其顶,上面很大一截都被火光所缭绕,朦朦胧胧,如混沌火气,又显得飘渺神秘,可是当中的那股火道气息却是那么的浓郁,那么的让人神往。 Xiao Yun on static standing under giant tablet, by the heart sensibility, the hope can a Fire Dao true meaning in study and understand tablet. 萧云就静静的站立在巨碑下,以心感悟,希望可以参悟道碑中的一丝火道真意。 study and understand for a long time, Xiao Yun is disappointed, brow tight wrinkle. 参悟许久,萧云怅然,眉头紧紧一皱。 Similar that in the Fire Dao tablet not too many information, all deep meaning as if formerly the view became aware. 火道碑中并没有太多的信息,所有的奥义似乎和先前观悟的相似。 He induces by mind, sees as before is that vice- picture. 他以心神感应,看到的依旧是那一副副画面。 Had Heavenly Flame to cremate the mountain, has dried the sea...... Wait / Etc.. 天炎焚化了山岳,烘干了大海……等等。 Long time , during Xiao Yun took back mind, falls into has hesitated. 良久后,萧云心神收回,陷入了沉吟当中。 „Are these Fire Dao deep meaning?” Xiao Yun muttered, is recalling these pictures. “难道这些就是火道奥义吗?”萧云喃喃自语,回忆着那些画面。 Bunch of Heavenly Flame breeds in primal chaos! 一簇天炎混沌中孕育! That Heavenly Flame is containing infinite Dao Rhyme, if said that perhaps during the fire deep meaning, what didn't have to compare favorably with this Dao Rhyme? 天炎蕴含着无穷道韵,若说火中奥义,或许没有什么能比得上当中这股道韵了吧? What since this Fire Dao tablet as before presents is these deep meaning, why is making me move unnecessarily, overstepped that sea of fire?” In the Xiao Yun heart has doubts, he thinks in this Fire Dao tablet also has deep meaning, but before coming this to watch discovers as before is, sees. “既然这火道碑中依旧呈现的是这些奥义,又何必在让我多此一举,踏过那火海了?”萧云心中疑惑,他本来以为这火道碑中还另有奥义,可是来此观看才发现依旧是之前所见。 This makes him be lost in thought. 这让他陷入了沉思。 Since this Fire Dao tablet has this arrangement, definitely has a profound meaning. 既然这火道碑有此安排,肯定是有所深意。 Xiao Yun is in the bureau, in the middle of very difficult to see clearly this profound meaning. 只是萧云身在局中,很难看清楚这当中的深意。 So, Xiao Yun was lost in thought that must find an answer, solves the doubts in heart. 如此,萧云陷入了沉思,要找到一个答案,解开心中的这个疑惑。 If this doubts do not untie definitely will bring the fetter in mind to him. 若是这疑惑不解开必然会给他带来心灵上的束缚。 This time crossed the sea of fire, had the significance?” Xiao Yun hesitates unceasingly. “这次渡过火海,到底有没有意义了?”萧云不断沉吟。 Has not known how long, unexpectedly Xiao Yun eye one bright, as if has comprehended. 不知过了多久,蓦地萧云眼睛一亮,似乎有所领悟。 Martial Dao inheritance, all the empty own sensibility, first stays behind eventually is others' thing.” Xiao Yun muttered, formerly these pictures, deep meaning of explanation fire, all performed sufficiently in do not call the turn, want to comprehend to own sensibility.” 武道传承,皆虚亲身感悟,前留下的终究是别人的东西而已。”萧云喃喃自语,“先前的那些画面,足以阐释火之奥义,一切尽在不言中,想要有所领悟须自身感悟。” This is best inheritance!” In the Xiao Yun heart clearly becomes aware, whole person mind clear and bright, hundred hole understanding, felt that the incomparable relaxedness, the pore of whole body seemed absorbing that air/Qi of Qing, his makings also changed, has a feeling of being reborn. “这就是最好的传承!”萧云心中明悟,整个人心灵清明,百窍通达,感到无比的轻松,全身的毛孔都似乎在吸收着那清之气,他的气质也是随之而变,有着一种脱胎换骨的感觉。 My this time crossed the sea of fire, experienced the hardships, almost body die, but finally actually as before is maintaining the faith, has not perished, simultaneously to heart in [say / way] were also more several points of faith, making it to consolidate, this harvests.” “我此次渡过火海,经历了千难万险,差点身殒落,可是最终却依旧保持着信念,并未沉沦,同时对心中的‘道’也更加多了几分信念,使之得以稳固,这就是收获。” Myriad cultivator, listen respectfully to the innumerable truth to grow up since childhood, but can become aware in this process are extremely few, therefore inheritance is important, what is more important is comprehends deep meaning in inheritance in the process of life, this is basic is.” “万千修者,从小就聆听着无数道理长大,可是能在这个过程中得悟的却极少,所以传承重要,更重要的是在人生的过程中领悟传承中的奥义,这才是根本所在。” Xiao Yun clearly becomes aware, this was Martial Dao Tablet makes him cross the sea of fire the reason. 萧云明悟,这才是武道碑让他渡过火海的原因。 If crossed will then harvest, if had not crossed, will then then perish. 若是渡过便将有所收获,若是没有渡过,那么便将沉沦下去。 This is a chance, is a test. 这是一个机缘,也是一种考验。 Very lucky, Xiao Yun is relying on the own big will, the big wisdom, must become aware finally. 很幸运,萧云凭借着自己的大毅力,大智慧,终于是得悟。 Shout! 呼! Xiao Yun deeply aspirated, the anxiety in heart not. 萧云深吐了口气,心中的疑虑不在。 He looks up, the front is void, flood ripples. 他抬头望去,前方虚空,泛起了一阵涟漪。 The hot inheritance tablet of reaching to the sky does not bloom in the flame, that sea of fire can also dissipate. 高耸入云的火之传承碑不在火光绽放,那片火海也是得以消散。 Unexpectedly, the picture changes, Xiao Yun appeared in the middle of a secret room. 蓦地,画面一变,萧云出现在了一个密室当中。 This secret room is very big, four sides is by the scarlet-red fine iron casting, such as an iron room. 这个密室很大,四面都是由赤红的精铁浇铸而成,如一个铁室。 Where is this?” Xiao Yun stares, has not thought own unexpectedly bewildered and appeared in another place. “这是哪里?”萧云一愣,没有想到自己竟莫名其妙的又出现在了另外一个地方。 What also has to test?” In the Xiao Yun heart the doubt, takes a fast look around to go at once forward, is inducing the iron indoor fluctuation. “还有什么考验?”萧云心中狐疑,旋即向前扫视而去,在感应着铁室内的波动。 Iron room too many things, have not appeared quite open, after Xiao Yun pupil light takes a look forward, then discovered that in the front has stone tablet together, inscribes some complicated writing on stone tablet, carefully looks, unexpectedly is magic arts. 铁室并没有太多的东西,显得比较空阔,不过当萧云眸光向前瞅去后,便是发现在前方有着一块石碑,在石碑上刻有一些繁复的文字,仔细看去,竟是一篇法诀 Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, has such several ancient characters in the crowns of stone tablet these writing impressively. 天炎神铠诀?”萧云眸光一凝,在石碑这些文字的顶部赫然有着那么几个古字 Joyful, he turns toward the following writing to look hastily. 欣喜下,他连忙向着下面的文字看去。 The writing on stone tablet appears very ancient, but Xiao Yun is well-read, is clear to these characters. 石碑上的文字显得很古老,不过萧云博览群书,对这些字一目了然。 This is Body Refining Cultivation Technique, by Heavenly Flame Body Tempering, refining up on Supreme Fire Physique, then protects the body with the Heavenly Flame condensation armor.” After seeing here, Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, took a deep breath, the innermost feelings were shaken by the ingenious method of this Cultivation Technique elaboration. “这是一门炼体功法,以天炎淬体,炼就无上火体,然后以天炎凝聚铠甲护体。”在看到这里后,萧云眸子微眯,深深吸了口气,内心被这功法阐述的妙法所震。 With the Heavenly Flame condensation armor, may along with the promotion evolution of cultivator strength be Divine Armor, can resist all attacks by the strength of Divine Armor!” The Cultivation Technique following these words made in the Xiao Yun heart raise stormy sea (difficult situation), within the body blood boiling, may evolve is Divine Armor, by the strength of Heavenly Flame, burnt completely the attack of opposite party, melted all sorts of attacks by this. “以天炎凝聚铠甲,可随着修者实力的提升进化为神铠,凭借神铠之力能抵挡一切攻击!”功法后面的这段话让萧云心中掀起了一阵惊涛骇浪,体内的血液都沸腾了起来,可进化为神铠,以天炎之力,焚尽对方的攻击,以此将种种攻击化解。 Cultivation Technique, was too so mysterious. 如此功法,太玄妙了。 This Cultivation Technique simply is the best defense body technique, exciting. 功法简直是最佳的防御体术,让人振奋。 If condenses such Divine Armor , was also equal to that several points of background, has been possible to maintain life at crucial moments. 要是真的凝聚这么一种神铠,也就等于多了几分底蕴,可在危机时刻保命。 This is martial arts Cultivation Technique that Xiao Yun lacks. 这正是萧云所缺少的武学功法 Heavenly Flame Body Tempering?” Xiao Yun pupil light congealed, takes a look to stone tablet, has Heavenly Flame Fire Pond there impressively. 天炎淬体?”萧云眸光一凝,瞅向了石碑后方,在那里赫然有着一个天炎火池 In pond flame circulation, clear like jade, simply likely is not ordinary fire, is Heavenly Flame, flawless stainless, lends the holy aura! 池子火炎流转,晶莹如玉,简直不像是凡火,为天炎,无暇无垢,散发出圣洁的气息! „Is this prepares to my practice uses?” Xiao Yun is startled slightly, has hesitated. “这是准备给我修炼所用吗?”萧云略微一怔,有所迟疑。 According to that Cultivation Technique, must enter in flame nakedly Body Tempering, can practice this Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts. 按照那功法所言,必须赤身进入火炎淬体,才可以修炼天炎神铠诀 Since there is this chance, how could I do miss?” Hesitates slightly, Xiao Yun pupil light became has strengthened. “既然有此机缘,我岂能错过?”略微迟疑,萧云眸光就变得坚定了起来。 Crossed including that sea of fire, fears this Heavenly Flame Pond? 连那火海都渡过了,难道还怕这个天炎池 The terror of that sea of fire may distant place small Heavenly Flame Pond be possible to compare! 那火海的恐怖可远方这个小小的天炎池可比啊! After setting firm resolve, Xiao Yun will continue to read this Cultivation Technique, the plan the thorough comprehension. 下定决心后,萧云继续阅读这篇功法,打算将之彻底领悟。 This law only to cross being predestined friends person of Fire Dao sea has prepared, not by any means to divulge to an outsider. 此法只为渡过了火道海的有缘人准备,切莫外传。 If other people practice, will only ignite commits suicide by fire, even if has flawless Fire Spirit Physique not to be good, is sure to remember! 若是旁人修炼,只会引火焚身,就算拥有无暇火灵体也不行,切记切记! So that's how it is.” After seeing the following writing, in Xiao Yun heart broadminded, wants to come is own crossed the Fire Dao sea to be towed this, such being the case, then he should practice this Cultivation Technique, immediately he this magic arts brand mark in mind. “原来如此。”看到下面的文字后,萧云心中豁然,想来是自己渡过了火道海才会被牵引来此,既然如此,那么他就更应该修炼功法了,当下他将这法诀烙印于心神 The practice this Heavenly Flame Divine Armor essential condition is has Fire Spirit Physique, or has Fire Martial Spirit! 修炼天炎神铠的必备条件便是身具火灵体,或者拥有火武魂 What is most important was can cross the sea of Fire Dao! 最重要的是能渡过火道之海! As long as because person who crossed this sea, mental, as well as has achieved a Grandmaster boundary to the comprehension of Fire Dao. 因为但凡渡过此海的人,心智,以及对火道的领悟都达到了一个宗师境界。 Only then so can practice. 只有如此才可以修炼 Xiao Yun has Purple Flame Martial Spirit, but also crossed Fire Dao, naturally can practice this method! 萧云拥有紫炎武魂,还渡过了火道还,自然可以修炼此法! Afterward then makes a connection with the within the body whole body meridians in the heart law, after preparing condenses the armor, is achieved moves by the heart. 随后便是以心法打通体内全身经脉,以备以后凝聚铠甲,做到由心而动。 So long as a thought that the within the body Fire Yuan circulation, magic arts revolves, can evolve the Heavenly Flame armor, protects to behave the body. 只要一个意念,体内火元流转,法诀运转,便可演化出天炎铠甲,护持己身。 So can also resist these sudden attack in the quickest speed. 如此也可以在最快的速度内抵挡那些突如其来的攻击。 Xiao Yun sits cross-legged in the place, starts to revolve according to Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts. 萧云盘膝在地,开始按照天炎神铠诀运转起来。 Shout! 呼! Sea of Consciousness True Fire revolves, quick opened meridians. 识海真火运转,很快就开辟出了一条经脉。 Then Xiao Yun continues to stimulate to movement magic arts, meridians were opened. 然后萧云继续催动法诀,一条条经脉被开辟出来。 ...... …… The time unknowingly is passing. 时间在不知不觉流逝。 Enough in two days, Xiao Yun finished this Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts 1st-layer practice. 足足过了两天,萧云才将这天炎神铠诀第一层修炼完毕。 Below was guides the fire and tempers the body.” After opens the meridians is successful, Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates the line of sight falls in front Heavenly Flame Pond, only then by Heavenly Flame Body Tempering, can make this body fuse with it Heavenly Flame thoroughly, has not repelled. “下面便是引火淬体了。”在将经脉开辟成功后,萧云眸光一凝将视线落在了前方的天炎池,只有以天炎淬体,才可以使这具躯体彻底与之天炎融合,没有一丝排斥。 This can stimulate to movement Heavenly Flame Divine Armor as one desires. 这样才能将天炎神铠随心催动而出。 I for Heavenly Flame, Person and Flame Unites!” Xiao Yun condenses the static air/Qi, fell into a mysterious boundary, at once removes the clothing, the step starts to walk, then entered in that Heavenly Flame Pond, burning hot flames wraps him, that temperature can cremate including Magic Item. “我为天炎,人炎合一!”萧云凝聚静气,陷入了一个玄妙的境界,旋即将衣衫褪去,步子迈开,便是进入了那天炎池内,炙热的火炎将他包裹,那温度连法器都能焚化。 But Xiao Yun enters inside brow not to wrinkle, such as soaks the hot spring to be the same. 可是萧云进入里面眉头都不皱一下,就如泡着温泉一样。 guides the flame and tempers the body! 引炎淬体 Xiao Yun mind moves, the magic arts operation, Heavenly Flame of that burning hot then took in within the body, started to urge the flesh and blood meridians. 萧云心神一动,法诀运作,那炙热的天炎便被摄入体内,开始催了血肉经脉。 Heavenly Flame Body Tempering, courts death regarding ordinary person (mortal) simply! 天炎淬体,对于凡人来说简直就是找死! Person who even if has Fire Spirit Physique does not dare to place oneself in the middle of this Heavenly Flame. 就算是拥有火灵体的人也不敢置身在这种天炎当中。 Although Xiao Yun the body has Fire Martial Spirit, but if has not sensed in that deep meaning, is unable to withstand this Heavenly Flame burning hot. 萧云虽然身具火武魂,可若是没有感悟那中奥义,也无法承受这种天炎的炙热。 Let alone by fire Body Tempering? 更何况以火淬体了? The bonus is so, he at this moment felt as before the own flesh and blood, the meridians resemble to be burnt the crack. 饶是如此,此刻的他依旧感觉到自己的血肉,经脉都似要被焚裂。 That pain, painful penetrating heart, making person mind probably collapse. 那种痛楚,痛彻心扉,让人心神都要崩溃。 But compares that suffering in the sea of fire, pain that soul must annihilate, at this time simply is the department of pediatrics. 可是相比在火海中那种煎熬,那种灵魂要湮灭的痛楚,此时简直是小儿科。 Unknowingly, Xiao Yun stayed in Heavenly Flame Pond for day, at this time his facial expression is indifferent, did not have the pain. 不知不觉,萧云就在天炎池内呆了一天,此时他神情淡然,已经没有了刚才的痛楚。 Now Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts display function, whenever these meridians, flesh and blood must be cremated a time mysterious strength to start to repair, causes his flesh and blood, the meridians, the skeleton became even more hard, not only that also has some fire runes to wind around in the middle of these Bloodlines and skeletons, simply was similar to the runes brand marks in middle. 如今天炎神铠诀似发挥出了作用,每当那些经脉,血肉似要被焚化的时候一股神秘的力量开始修复,使得他的血肉,经脉,骨骼都变得越发坚硬了起来,不仅如此,在这些血脉及骨骼当中还有着一些火纹缭绕,简直如同一个个符文烙印在当中。 This is a transformation, melts the mighty force in within the body. 这是一种蜕变,真的将伟力融于体内 When this Heavenly Flame Divine Armor Arts is Heavenly Yuan Sect opens the sect older generation to remain, is inheritance martial arts, now finally displays the wonderful effectiveness. 天炎神铠诀天元宗开宗时的先辈所留,为传承武学,如今终于发挥出了神效。 ( ( …… ……
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