EMS :: Volume #3

#248: Must become aware thoroughly!

Chapter 248 must become aware thoroughly! 第248章彻底得悟! Xiao Yun mind induces to go toward the four directions, was anticipating some world deep meaning appear.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 萧云心神向着四方感应而去,期待着一些天地奥义出现。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] Buzz! 嗡! Unexpectedly, trembles void, finally has the picture to start to reappear. 蓦地,虚空一颤,终于是有着画面开始浮现而出。 Here mist is dim, such as a primal chaos space, the myriad things have not bred, has not known how long, in the middle of that primal chaos, had seemed to be this group of huge incomparable flame breeding slowly, send out incomparable vast fluctuation. 这里雾气朦胧,如一个混沌空间,万物还没有孕育出来,不知过了多久,在那混沌当中,似有这一团巨大无比的火炎慢慢的孕育而成,散发出一股无比浩瀚的波动 This flame imposing manner is vast, shakes in primal chaos, sends out a ripple, is similar to the Grand Dao trace fills the air. 火炎气势浩瀚,在混沌中震荡,散发出一阵波纹,如同大道纹路弥漫开来。 The flame burning hot, lets the primal chaos distortion, has an imposing manner of burning down nihility greatly! 火炎炙热,让得混沌扭曲,大有着一股焚烧虚无的气势! „Is this fire of primal chaos source?” Looks at that pressed flame, in the Xiao Yun heart is shaking. “这是混沌本源之火吗?”望着那蹙火炎,萧云心中一震。 This flame aura was too formidable, the fluctuation that middle sends out makes people unable to understand that actually during cannot help integrating. 火炎气息太强大了,当中散发的波动让人无法理解,却又忍不住要融入当中。 Bang! 砰! That piece of primal chaos space trembled unexpectedly, resembles the evolution the stars earth, the great flame was stave, changes into myriad sparks, sprinkled the four directions. 蓦地那片混沌空间一颤,似演化出了星辰大地,巨炎破碎,化为万千火星,洒落四方。 When these sparks sprinkle, has had various types of aura, changed into innumerable flame. 在这些火星洒落时,沾染了各种气息,化为了无数火炎 These flame sprinkle all parties, some changed into the scarlet flame, some contamination Nether Qi, changed into Nether Flame. 这些火炎洒落各方,有的化为了赤炎,有的沾染了冥气,化为了冥炎 Some became the ice flame...... Various flame hence evolve! 有的成为了冰炎……各种火炎至此演化而出! „Is this various flame origins?” In the Xiao Yun heart shocks incomparably, as if saw the myriad things origin. “这就是各种火炎的来历吗?”萧云心中震撼无比,似乎看到了万物起源。 Myriad things all is a source, but had afterward contaminated various materials, had the classification.” In the Xiao Yun mouth muttered, if has become aware, at once continues to watch these pictures, this was rare opportunity, the open own field of vision. “万物皆为一源,只是后来沾染了各种物质,才有了分类。”萧云口中喃喃自语,若有所悟,旋即继续观看那些画面,这是一个难得的机会,将开阔自己的视野。 primal chaos evolution world myriad things, fire in earth fierce combustion. 混沌演化天地万物,火在大地烈烈燃烧。 This is piece of huge flame, turbulent flame tumbles unceasingly, is similar to the angry river sweeps across generally, the place visited myriad things change into the nihility, a mountain was burnt as the nihility, became the ash flies thoroughly, only leaves behind a burning hot the air current as well as the burned black earth. 这是一片巨大的火炎,汹涌的火炎不断翻滚,如同怒河一般席卷出来,所过之处万物化为虚无,座山岳被烧为虚无,彻底成为了灰飞,只留下一股炙热的气流以及焦黑的大地。 „The potential of fire is unexpectedly irresistible!” This makes Xiao Yun feel to shock, is the fire unexpectedly intrepid hence? “火之势竟不可抵挡!”这一幕让萧云感到震撼,火竟然强悍至此? world's prestige was too terrifying, not the own feelings are almost hard to imagine leave this scene. 天地之威真的太恐怖了,不亲身感触几乎难以想象出这种场景。 The picture is one revolution, fire wave sweeps across arrives at a vastness! 画面又是一转,火流席卷来到一处汪洋! fire wave wreaked havoc to come to be irresistible, to cause vast boiling unexpectedly, the water vapor transpiration, the bad fog wound around! 火流肆虐而来不可抵挡,竟然使得汪洋沸腾了起来,水汽蒸腾,大雾缭绕! That sea position line drops in the according to naked eye obvious speed unexpectedly! 那海位线竟然在以肉眼可见的速度下降! Finally the sea is withered, only leaves behind a sea of fire! 最后大海干枯,只留下一个火海! ...... …… Similar picture transforms unceasingly, Xiao Yun silently looks that is also sensing when shock. 类似的画面不断转换,萧云默默的看着,在震撼之余也在感悟。 The fire not only can burn the mountain is ashes, but can also make the sea withered, irresistible! 火不仅可以焚山岳为灰烬,还可以让沧海干枯,势不可挡! Unexpectedly, he has remembered initially the potential of that thunder , is irresistible! 蓦地,他又想起了当初那雷霆之势,也是不可抵挡! Both are irresistible, is that who who weak? 两者都势不可挡,那到底孰强孰弱? In Xiao Yun heart disappointed. 萧云心中怅然。 Afterward the picture rotation, presented humanity, some people make a fire to prepare food, some people ignite open up wasteland. 随后画面转动,出现了人类,有人取火做饭,有人引火开荒。 Finally had the antiquity ancients to appear, his strength to fight Heavenly Fire, by fire Body Tempering, exercised the unsurpassed true body, finally the ignition for oneself used, to exercise all sorts of big Magical Powers, these Magical Powers were spread, became martial arts Cultivation Technique, but the posterity study was actually not everybody may be. 最后有上古先民出现,他力抗天火,以火淬体,练就无上真身,最后引火为己用,练就了种种大神通,这些神通被流传了下去,成为了武学功法,可是后人学习却并非人人可为。 Hence, the picture dissipates, presented a piece of burning hot sea of fire in the Xiao Yun front. 至此,画面消散,在萧云的前方出现了一片炙热的火海。 When that roaring flame tumbling twisted continually void, as if has is really burning the day to boil the sea the imposing manner. 那烈焰翻滚时连虚空都扭曲了起来,似乎真的拥有着焚天煮海的气势。 Looks at that sea of fire Xiao Yun to be lost in thought! 望着那火海萧云怔怔出神! From the picture, some people by flesh body, entered in the sea of fire to build Supreme Fire Physique a moment ago, but more people were burnt as the nihility, the body perishing [say / way] disappears in light of this, at this time presents a sea of fire in front of own, what was this representing? 从刚才画面中,有人以肉身,进入火海内修成了无上火体,可是更多人则是被焚为虚无,就此身殒道消,此时在自己面前出现一片火海,这又是代表着什么了? Can make own enter the sea of fire? 是要让自己进入火海? In Xiao Yun heart doubt, but feels relaxed at once, he has sensed deep meaning, Person and Flame Unites, what fears enters this sea of fire? 萧云心中狐疑,不过旋即释然,他已经感悟了一丝奥义,人炎合一,何惧进入这火海? In the heart moves, Xiao Yun is one step takes, treads toward the front sea of fire. 心中一动,萧云便是一步迈出,向着前方的火海踏去。 Shout! 呼! His sole takes, the front sea of fire is a tumbling, gets angry the volume to come, to resemble toward him to him submerge. 他的脚掌才迈出,前方的火海便是一阵翻滚,向着他怒卷而来,似要将他淹没。 Good burning aura!” When that flame sweeps across to come, Xiao Yun received the footsteps immediately, does not dare to continue to go forward. “好炙热的气息!”当那火炎席卷而来,萧云立即收住了脚步,不敢继续前进。 Because this fire wave was too terrorist, has not touched his body, has one type to be burnt as the feeling of nihility. 因为这火流太恐怖了,还没有触及到他的身体,就有着一种要被焚为虚无的感觉。 At this time he has made own enter that condition strongly, is as before useless. 此时他已经竭力让自己进入了那种状态,可是依旧无用。 What's all this about! Why these can't flame coincide with my body?” In Xiao Yun heart surprise. “这是怎么回事!为什么这些火炎不能与我身相合?”萧云心中诧异。 own has sensed that deep meaning obviously, comes and goes out the sea of fire such as to enter that uninhabited area. 自己明明感悟了那种奥义,出入火海如入那无人之境。 But this time actually expired, this makes Xiao Yun cannot help but reveal the whole face doubt. 可这次却失效了,这让萧云不由得露出满脸狐疑。 Is I becomes aware insufficiently also?” A Xiao Yun doubt, silently thinking. “难道是我所悟还不够?”萧云一阵狐疑,默默思索。 Here flame is different.” Xiao Yun had discovered unexpectedly. “这里的火炎也不一样。”萧云蓦地有所发现。 Here flame is wild, imposing manner absorbs the person, has to burn completely all imposing manners, obviously is not general flame may compare. 这里的火炎狂暴无比,气势摄人,有焚尽一切的气势,显然不是一般的火炎可比。 Was said the boundary that I sensed can also contact, fuses these ordinary flame?” Xiao Yun muttered. “难道是说我所感悟的境界还只是能接触,融合那些普通的火炎?”萧云喃喃自语。 Buzz! 嗡! When on the Xiao Yun ponder, front sea of fire trembles, has giant tablet at the same time to reappear. 萧云沉思时,前方火海一颤,有着一面巨碑浮现。 This tablet?” Sees in this giant tablet Xiao Yun heart to move, this giant tablet is impressively same to that Fire Dao inheritance tablet. “这碑?”见得这巨碑萧云心中一动,这巨碑赫然与那火道传承碑一样。 giant tablet stands erect in the seas of fire, sends out vast fluctuation, the flame blooms, the mist is dense, looked from afar simply is similar to a side sacred place, was waiting for the common people prostrate oneself, as if has a flavor of [say / way] to fill the air there, is attracting mind of person. 巨碑屹立于火海中间,散发出一股浩瀚的波动,火光绽放,雾气氤氲,远远看去简直就如同一方圣地,等待着世人去膜拜,在那里似乎有着一股道的韵味弥漫,吸引着人的心神 „During the Fire Dao tablet, is it possible that wants to obtain deep meaning, then can cross this sea of fire?” Xiao Yun looking pensive muttered. 火道碑,莫非想要得到当中奥义,便必须渡过这火海?”萧云若有所思喃喃道。 „Is this test?” “这是一种考验?” Since is the test, I also do have what fear it?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, the faith starts to condense, he has remembered formerly that picture, that was antiquity ancestors, he by ordinary body, entered that to burn the void myriad things in the middle of Heavenly Flame Body Tempering. “既然是考验,我又有何惧之?”萧云眸光一凝,信念开始在凝聚,他想起了先前的那一副画面,那是一个上古先人,他以凡躯,进入那可焚虚空万物的天炎当中淬体 Finally this person cultivates Supreme Fire Physique, Magical Powers is unparalleled. 最后此人修得无上火体,神通盖世。 Since the predecessor can, how could his Xiao Yun dread? 既然前人可以,他萧云岂能畏惧? Today he must imitate the predecessor, bathes in the middle of the sea of fire. 今天他就要效仿前人,沐浴于火海当中。 Hesitates without one, the Xiao Yun step steps, then turns toward the front sea of fire to continue to go forward. 没有一丝迟疑,萧云步子迈动,便向着前方的火海继续前进。 Shout! 呼! His step takes, fire wave sweeps across to come to submerge him, that void is twisting, conceivable this flame should be terror how, at this moment, him felt that the skin of own, the body must be baked does burnt, but this Xiao Yun does not have retreat. 他步子迈出,火流又席卷而来要将他淹没,那虚空都在扭曲,可以想象这火炎该是多么的恐怖,在此刻,他感觉到自己的皮肤,身体都要被烘烤干焦了,可是这次萧云没有后退 Since comes this, does not have the retreat truth.” Xiao Yun is mental, one step took to step into the middle of the sea of fire thoroughly. “既然来此,就没有后退的道理。”萧云心智坚毅,一步迈出彻底踏入了火海当中。 The body enters the sea of fire, the Xiao Yun step steps, treads forward. 身入火海,萧云步子迈动,向前踏出。 Although there is Purple Flame Martial Spirit to protect and sustain, he feels to walk with difficulty as before. 虽有紫炎武魂护持,他依旧感到步履维艰。 That flame was too formidable! 火炎太强大了! Xiao Yun clenches teeth to insist that one step, two steps, one meter, ten meters, go forward in the sea of fire incessantly. 萧云咬着牙在坚持,一步,两步,一米,十米,不断在火海前进。 His double pupil tight is staring at front giant tablet, there will be his destination. 他的双眸则是紧紧的盯着前方的巨碑,那里将是他的目的地。 Martial Dao Tablet seems like remote , seems near at hand, is under the ignition of that roaring flame, Xiao Yun soon the support did not live, closer that giant tablet, there flame is more terrifying, his protecting body Purple Flame was given burning down by these fierce inflammations for the nihility. 武道碑看似遥远,却又似乎近在咫尺,可是在那烈焰的灼烧下,萧云已经快要支持不住了,越接近那巨碑,那里的火炎就越恐怖,他的护体紫炎都被那些烈炎给焚烧为了虚无。 Purple Flame Martial Spirit in Xiao Yun Sea of Consciousness was unceasingly weak, appears somewhat is difficult to sustain. 萧云识海内的紫炎武魂不断虚弱,显得有些难以为继了。 I do not believe that I cannot insist there.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, mind moves, Jade Tree Martial Spirit rays of light in Sea of Consciousness dodges, piece of jade-green light blooms, at once then has jade-green light shining light halo float in his top of the head. “我就不信,我坚持不到那里。”萧云眸光一凝,心神一动,识海内的碧树武魂光芒一闪,一片碧光绽放开来,旋即便有着一个碧光灿灿的光环悬浮在他的头顶。 This impressively was Martial Spirit spirit ring. 这赫然是武魂魂环了。 spirit ring rays of light blooms Xiao Yun covers completely, in the middle of that jade-green light seems to be the runes twinkle, is containing Grand Dao deep meaning. 魂环光芒绽放将萧云完全笼罩,那碧光当中似有符文闪烁,蕴含着大道奥义 Under protecting and sustaining of these rays of light, the strength of these flame has weakened. 在在这些光芒的护持下,那些火炎之力才有所减弱。 So, Xiao Yun continues to go forward. 如此,萧云继续前进。 The boundless sea of fire, the youth leads the way unceasingly, does not know how long, seems like one hour, one month. 茫茫火海,青年不断前行,不知走了多久,看似一个小时,又似走了一个月。 Immediately arrived.” The beads of sweat before the Xiao Yun volume fall, his top of the head float spirit ring rays of light became even more gloomy, under the unceasing corrosion of this flame, this source Martial Spirit was also hard to support for a long time. “马上就到了。”在萧云额前汗珠滑落,他头顶所悬浮的魂环光芒变得越发暗淡了起来,在这种火炎的不断侵蚀下,就连他这本源武魂也难以长时间支撑下来。 Moreover, might suppress all Yuan Qi Martial Spirit also to have no alternative to these flame. 不仅如此,原本似可压制一切元气武魂对这些火炎也是无可奈何。 This makes Xiao Yun walk with difficulty, is unable easily approaches that giant tablet. 这使得萧云真的是步履维艰,根本无法轻易的接近那巨碑 Less than hundred meters.” Finally, Xiao Yun arrived under that giant tablet, front dazzling rays of light sways, shines on his body, a Martial Dao true meaning, emerges in the hearts, lets a Xiao Yun joy, as if saw the successful hope. “还有不到百米了。”终于,萧云来到了那巨碑下,前方刺眼的光芒挥洒而下,照耀在他的身上,一股武道真意,涌入心间,让得萧云一阵欣喜,似乎看到了成功的希望。 But his step steps, every time goes out one step, protects and sustains his jade-green light to be gloomy a point. 可是他步伐迈动,每走出一步,护持着他的碧光就暗淡一分。 Meanwhile, temperature that he withstands also burning hot several fold. 与此同时,他所承受的温度也将炙热数倍。 Bean big beads of sweat kept falling, making Xiao Yun quick a feeling of prostration, in this period he even suspected own insisted like this, was worth, such did to be meaningful? Perhaps before that Martial Dao Tablet, has other restriction? 豆大的汗珠不停滑落,让得萧云都快有了一种虚脱的感觉,期间他甚至怀疑自己这样坚持下去,值不值得,这么做可有意义?或许那武道碑前还有着其它禁制了? Although in the heart the doubt, has the vacillation, but when is feeling that Fire Dao aura, the heart of Xiao Yun became incomparably has strengthened. 虽然心中狐疑,有过动摇,可当感受着那股火道气息,萧云的心变得无比坚定了起来。 In his mind, has a goal, that goes forward, advance, unceasing advance! 在他的心中,只有一个目标,那就是前进,前进,不断的前进! What a pity, after he passes through 40 meters difficultly, aura is not really good, True Yuan exhausts, Jade Tree Martial Spirit resembled to dry up, brilliance was gloomy, after he went forward 70 meters, that spirit ring direct dissipation, changed into wisp of jade-green light to submerge Sea of Consciousness. 可惜,在他艰难的走过40米后,身上的气息真的不行了,真元耗竭,碧树武魂都似要枯竭了,光华暗淡,等他前进70米后那魂环直接消散,化为一缕碧光没入了识海 At this moment, Xiao Yun did not have the asylum again! 这一刻,萧云再也没有了庇护! Had 30 meters, immediately must succeed! 只有30米了,马上就要成功了! But roasts the flame to sweep across to come, Xiao Yun felt that the own flesh and blood was burnt for the nihility, the physique also in the unceasing melting. 可是炙炎席卷而来,萧云感觉自己的血肉被焚为了虚无,筋骨也在不断的融化。 Was dying?” A aura of death emerged in heart. “要死了吗?”一种死亡的气息涌入心中。 Unknowingly, Xiao Yun could not feel the own flesh and blood, he such as a bunch of soul, flutters in the sea of fire. 不知不觉,萧云已经感觉不到了自己的血肉,他就如一簇灵魂,飘荡在火海中。 Waits for muttering of that thought to resound, fire wave submerges his soul. 等那意念的喃喃才响起,一股火流就将他的灵魂淹没。 The flame burning hot, Xiao Yun felt that the own soul must change into the nihility, his consciousness is dissipating little. 火炎炙热,萧云感觉自己的灵魂都要化为虚无,他的意识在一点点消散。 His soul fell into the dark nihility. 他的灵魂陷入了黑暗的虚无。 At this moment, Xiao Yun as if really wanted thorough die. 这一刻,萧云似乎真的要彻底殒落了。 No! I cannot die, how can I die?” When Xiao Yun the fire of soul must be put out, in his mind reappeared, pictures, have the family member, has the friend, has this lifetime spell of good or bad fortune, last obsession lives fiercely, Heavenly Fire is irresistible,...... The fire, the fire, the myriad things is a source, the sharing everything height, thunder are all irresistible, the fire may not resist...... I am also one of the myriad things, so long as my faith lasts forever, soul then Inextinguishable, how I can be extinguished?” “不!我不能死,我怎么能死?”当萧云的灵魂之火就要熄灭时,他脑海中浮现了许多,一幕幕画面,有亲人,有朋友,有他这一生的际遇,最后一股执念猛地生起,“天火不可抵挡,……火,火,万物皆为一源,不分彼此高低,雷霆不可抵挡,火也不可抵挡……我也是万物之一,只要我信念永存,灵魂便不灭,我怎能被灭?” I for Heavenly Flame, Person and Fire Unites!” “我为天炎,人火合一!” Soul, gathers to me!” “灵魂,给我聚!” The Xiao Yun soul was crying out that he resembles to comprehend in this moment. 萧云的灵魂在呐喊,在这一刻他似有所领悟。 The world myriad things, this share everything, do not have the relative strong and weak, the person is also same! 天地万物,本不分彼此,没有相对的强弱,人也是一样! In this moment, in his heart many doubts untie, a formidable thought is lived by the heart. 在这一刻,他心中许多疑惑解开,一股强大的意念由心而生。 Buzz! 嗡! Unexpectedly, he felt that own the fire of soul is condensing, consciousness unceasing increase. 蓦地,他感觉自己的灵魂之火在凝聚,意识不断的增加。 At once is void trembles, his fuzzy mind clear and bright, may see the myriad things. 旋即虚空一颤,他模糊的心神清明,又可看到万物。 Afterward, his body appeared, induces the blood and meat, then cremated hand and foot quite its wonderful multiplying. 随后,他的身子出现,感应到了血和肉,那被焚化的手和脚颇为其妙的滋生而出。 ( ( …… ……
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