EMS :: Volume #3

#247: Quirk inheritance!

Chapter 247 Fire Dao inheritance! 第247章火道传承 At this time his Soul Power has released completely, although Soul Sea Overflowing the Heavens this secret technique has not covered Lu Yanfeng, but distance person is extremely near, therefore Lu Yanfeng fell into the delay completely, a response does not have, Xiao Yun pupil light one cold, is in the sky one finger.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 此时他的灵魂力完全释放了出来,魂海涛天秘术虽然没有笼罩陆炎风可是距离此人极近,所以陆炎风完全陷入了呆滞,一点反应也没有,萧云眸光一冷,又是当空一指。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] Buzz! 嗡! Trembles void, the purple glow twinkle, Lu Yanfeng was also pierced together heart arteries by one finger. 虚空一颤,一道紫芒闪烁,陆炎风也被一指洞穿了心脉 Now Xiao Yun Purple Flame Martial Spirit has achieved True Yuan late-stage big accomplishment, this Fire Yuan Finger might also multiplies. 如今萧云紫炎武魂达到了真元后期大成,这火元指的威力也是倍增。 After completing all these, Xiao Yun mind moves, that piece of Soul Sea dodged to submerge in Sea of Consciousness. 做完这一切后,萧云心神一动,那片魂海一闪没入了识海内。 Hence, that terror oppression of this piece of space is alleviated gradually. 至此,这片空间的那种恐怖压迫才得以逐渐缓解。 Nearby several youth mind move slightly, slowly is going the brink of collapse to alleviate from that type. 旁边几位青年心神微动,慢慢的从那种将要崩溃的边缘缓解了下来。 After they open the pupil, side the discovery has disappeared unexpectedly Lu Yanfeng as well as the Qiu Yufeng shadow. 等他们睁开眸子后,蓦地发现旁边已经不见了陆炎风以及邱雨枫的影子。 However carefully looks that can discover some ashes as in same place. 不过仔细看去,依旧可以在原地发现一些灰烬。 Was burnt as the nihility?” The people heart shook, raises stormy sea (difficult situation), pupil light has plundered, actually discovered Xiao Yun to be safe and sound, he such stood in same place, unemotionally, probably any matter has not occurred, but this type tranquil was more frightening. “被焚为虚无了?”众人心头一震,掀起了惊涛骇浪,眸光掠动,却发现萧云安然无恙,他就这么站立在原地,面无表情,好像什么事情都没有发生过,可这种平静更让人心惊。 Strong! 强! Too strong! 太强了! In several youth hearts of Fire Yuan Peak shocks. 火元峰的几个青年心中震撼不已。 Inexplicable within Xiao Yun gives them an immeasurably deep feeling. 莫名间萧云给他们一种深不可测的感觉。 Died?” Liang Junyu is also startled, pupil light winks within to feel somewhat dumbstruck. “都死了?”梁君宇也是一怔,眸光眨动间感觉有些发懵。 A twinkling, powerhouse of two True Yuan late-stage boundaries on die. 只是一瞬息罢了,两个真元后期境的强者殒落了。 Most makes him feel what shocks was he simply had not seen clearly a moment ago what's the matter. 最让他感到震撼的是刚才他根本没有看清楚是怎么回事。 My soul trembled a moment ago, as if fell into the middle of the boundless darkness.” Liang Junyu is recalling carefully. “刚才我灵魂战栗,似乎陷入了无边的黑暗当中。”梁君宇仔细的回忆着。 How does he accomplish?” Another several youth are also a face doubt, takes a look slightly is dignified to Xiao Yun pupil light. “他到底是怎么办到的?”另外几个青年也是一脸狐疑,瞅向萧云眸光略显凝重。 Meanwhile, when the people take a look to Xiao Yun filled dreaded. 与此同时,众人瞅向萧云时充满了忌惮。 Must know that Qiu Yufeng and Lu Yanfeng are True Yuan Realm late-stage powerhouse, was actually killed by the second, the strength of their how can there be war? 要知道,那邱雨枫陆炎风都是真元境后期强者,却被秒杀,他们岂有一战之力? „Will he eliminate a potential informant?” Youth corners of the mouth become dry, in heart panic-stricken. “他会灭口吗?”一个青年嘴角发干,心中惊恐不已。 Nearby several youth are whole face are also tense, in the mind thoughts constantly welling up, regarding this matter felt, but. 旁边几个青年也是满脸紧张,脑海中思绪万千,对于此事感到无奈不已。 Why made own see this to conflict? 为什么让自己看到这冲突了? This is really the unexpected misfortune! 这真是无妄之灾啊! In people heart bitter and astringent. 众人心中苦涩不已。 Extinguishes kills the same side is the big crime, especially Qiu Family background is vigorous, once this matter reveals to be quite disadvantageous to Xiao Yun. 灭杀同门是大罪,特别是邱家底蕴浑厚,一旦此事泄露出去对萧云极为不利。 At this time what in Fire Yuan Peak these youth hearts is afraid will be Xiao Yun will eliminate a potential informant. 火元峰这几个青年心中此时害怕的是萧云会灭口。 You could rest assured that my Xiao Yun is the grievances distinct person.” Sees people panic-stricken, appearance Xiao Yun that dreads is light smiles, tit for tat is fair play, tit for tat is fair play, person, if violates me, will certainly iron be heartless, therefore you do not need to be worried.” “你们放心,我萧云是个恩怨分明的人。”见众人一副惊恐,畏惧的模样萧云只是淡淡一笑,“人不犯我,我不犯人,人若犯我,必将铁手无情,所以你们不用担心。” Shout! 呼! Hears this word, nearby several youth then breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise Xiao Yun wants take action they not to know that really how to deal with. 听得此言,旁边几个青年这才舒了一口气,不然萧云出手他们还真不知如何应付。 Although they can leave this Inheritance Palace at any time, actually must find corresponding formation mark to touch is good. 虽然他们可以随时离开这传承殿,却也得找到相应的阵纹触动才行。 But by the Xiao Yun strength, how to make them have formation mark that the time found that to leave? 可是以萧云的实力,岂会让他们有时间找到那离开的阵纹 Hehe, Senior Brother Xiao, my anything had not seen a moment ago.” Youth the eyes shows a smile, said that we just visited here, has not seen Qiu Yufeng and Lu Yanfeng, therefore any matter has not occurred, has not seen.” 呵呵,萧师兄,刚才我什么也没有看见。”一个青年眸露笑容,说道,“我们才刚刚踏足这里,也没有见过邱雨枫陆炎风,所以什么事情也没有发生,也没有看见。” When speech, this person of pupil light plunders, hints toward nearby two youth. 说话时,此人眸光掠动,向着旁边的两个青年示意。 Right, our anything has not seen.” Another two youth also understand, said with a smile hastily. “对,我们什么都没有看见。”另外两个青年也是心领神会,连忙笑道。 Said is extremely.” Liang Junyu also again and again nods saying that we arrive at this Inheritance Palace, Hehe, now makes the best use of the time to seek for the channel, inheritance that the study and understand older generation leaves behind together, so is the correct path, why thinks as for other?” “诸位所言极是。”梁君宇也是连连点头道,“我们才来到这传承殿,呵呵,现在还是抓紧时间寻找通道,一起参悟先辈留下的传承,如此才是正道,至于其它何必多想?” Is martial artist, should have Martial Dao Heart, but is not thinking manipulating strategically, plots to murder other people, only then oneself is King Dao, otherwise all outlets however, cannot step into Martial Dao Peak eventually in vain.” A Liang Junyu face stern. “身为武者,就应该持有一颗武道之心,而不是想着勾心斗角,谋害他人,只有自身强才是王道,不然一切外道终究枉然,不能踏入武道巅峰。”梁君宇一脸正色。 Em.” The people all nod, in the heart also quite approves. “恩。”众人皆是点头,心中对此也颇为认可。 They are the Fire Yuan Peak talents, is conceited, is having heart of the powerhouse. 他们本来就是火元峰的天才,自视甚高,自有着一颗强者之心。 Simultaneously these people they do not have the favorable impression to Qiu Yufeng. 同时这些人对邱雨枫他们也没有好感。 „During, ponders over respectively deep meaning.” Regarding this Xiao Yun actually thinks little. “诸位,各自琢磨当中的奥义吧。”对此萧云却不以为意。 No matter there is this matter, Qiu Family same will cope with him. 不管有没有此事,邱家一样会对付他。 Therefore regarding Xiao Yun, the Qiu Yufeng death is immaterial. 所以对于萧云而言,邱雨枫的死无关紧要。 Now both sides already were hatred deep like sea, simply did not have what good scruples. 如今双方早就是仇深似海,根本没有什么好顾忌的了。 Also is the Xiao Yun strength is insufficient, otherwise he will look for Qiu Family these elder to avenge a grievance. 也是萧云实力不够,不然他自会找邱家的那些长者报仇雪恨。 After solving Qiu Yufeng and Lu Yanfeng Xiao Yun has also figured out foul odor. 在解决了邱雨枫陆炎风萧云也算出了一口恶气。 This two people from initially everywhere created obstacles when Black Clouds Mountain Range, wants to cope with Xiao Yun. 两人从当初在黑云山脉时就处处刁难,想要对付萧云 Initially cared about the sect rule, Xiao Yun had already gotten down the cruel methods. 当初要不是顾及门规,萧云早就下了狠手。 Has not thought that this two people does not know to repent, but also is intense, dares to sneak attack unexpectedly blatantly, must kill him! 不曾想这两人不知悔改,还变本加厉,竟然敢公然偷袭,要袭杀他! So does the act, how could again endure? 如此行径,岂能再忍? As cultivator, this thought understanding, otherwise in the heart has the foul odor, will affect the later achievement. 作为一个修者,就该念头通达,不然心中存有恶气,将影响以后的成就。 Naturally, Xiao Yun this act also has after the consideration. 当然,萧云此举也不是没有经过考虑。 If his strength is insufficient, definitely also will have scruples. 若是他实力不够,肯定也会有所顾忌。 The gentlemen revenge, ten years are not late, not eagerly for a while. 君子报仇,十年不晚,也不急于一时。 After all Qiu Family has powerhouse in Heavenly Yuan Sect, cannot fight a hopeless battle. 毕竟邱家有着强者天元宗,不可以卵击石。 But is now different, now Xiao Yun is the Core Palace first person, is God's favored one who deserves, entire Sect knows that his existence, he must have a look at own after solving Qiu Yufeng but actually, how Heavenly Yuan Sect elder will handle this matter. 可现在不同,如今萧云核心殿第一人,是当之无愧的天之骄子,整个宗门都知道他的存在,他倒要看看自己在解决了邱雨枫后,天元宗长者会如何处置此事。 After under returning to normal the mood, Xiao Yun starts to look toward the front seal. 平复下心情后,萧云开始向着前方的封印看去。 There rays of light glitters, in can see by the dim light screen has giant tablet at the same time. 那里光芒闪烁,可以透过朦胧的光幕看到里面有着一面巨碑 This giant tablet redness, the flint, above inscribes runes probably together, some martial arts style traces. 巨碑一片赤红,好像一块火石,上面刻有符文,还有一些武学招式痕迹。 The careful induction goes, that giant tablet as if flood the intermittent ripples, such as the roaring flame is tumbling. 仔细感应而去,那巨碑似乎泛起阵阵涟漪,如烈焰在翻滚。 Indistinct within has Fire Dao deep meaning to proliferate. 隐约间有着一股火道奥义扩散开来。 Martial Dao Tablet of this fire is uncommon!” In the Xiao Yun heart moves slightly, filled to Martial Dao Tablet of this fire has hoped. “这火之武道碑不凡!”萧云心中微动,对这火之武道碑充满了期许。 Afterward the Xiao Yun pupil light migration fell the line of sight on that trail before body. 随后萧云眸光移动将视线落在了身前的那条小径上。 In the front has stone seal, the stone seal end is trails. 在前方有着一个个石印,石印的尽头则是一条条小径。 This trail goes nonstop to the front seal, is very obvious, wants to enter deep meaning of inside study and understand fire to through in the pass/test. 这小径直通前方的封印,很显然,想要进入里面参悟火之奥义就必须通过在关。 formation mark?” Xiao Yun corners of the mouth shows a smile, starts to sense these formation mark carefully. 阵纹?”萧云嘴角露笑,开始仔细感悟这些阵纹 Before passing through, in that channel consecutively for two days of study and understand formation mark, Xiao Yun slightly had the understanding to this field of endeavor. 经过了之前在那通道连续两天参悟阵纹,萧云对此道已经略有了解。 Although has not crossed the threshold, actually knew some superficial knowledge / fur. 虽说还没有入门,却是知道了一些皮毛 Sees Xiao Yun to start to ponder over these formation mark, nearby Liang Junyu and the others are not idling, attentively is sensing. 萧云开始琢磨那些阵纹,旁边的梁君宇等人也不闲着,都在用心感悟。 This should be way out.” After the moment, Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, the line of sight has locked a front trail, immediately the step steps then to turn toward the trail front stone seal to fall, wants to enter in the trail, must pass through these stone seal. “这条应该是‘生路’。”片刻后,萧云眸光一凝,视线锁定了前方的一条小径,当下步伐迈动便向着小径前方的石头印落下,想要进入小径中,就必须经过这些石印 But a misstep will bring the endless disaster. 可是一步踏错将带来无尽灾难。 „Had he quickly such found Life Gate?” Sees Xiao Yun to leave, nearby several youth slightly stare. “他这么快就找到了生门?”见萧云动身,旁边几个青年都是微微一愣。 Liang Junyu is also the whole face surprise, just wants to open the mouth to make Xiao Yun wait a while again, because he can under decide immediately. 梁君宇也是满脸诧异,正想开口让萧云再等一会,因为他马上就可以下决定了。 Who would have thought the Xiao Yun step steps at this time, the sole fell on side stone seal. 哪知此时萧云步伐迈动,脚掌已经落在了一方石印上。 Buzz! 嗡! The sole falls, that stone seal bloomed immediately piece of rays of light. 脚掌落下,那石印立即绽放出了一片光芒 Shout! 呼! Sees this, nearby several youth this live in the breath, because this is the most essential moment. 见此,旁边几个青年都本住呼吸,因为这是最为关键的一刻。 Nobody can 100% judgments that formation mark is whether safe, therefore is falling the full previous quarter as before is unknown. 没有人可以100的判断出那阵纹是否安全,所以在落足的前一刻依旧是未知。 When falls the foot, is determines destiny the moment. 落足之时,就是决定命运的一刻。 Therefore these people are tense. 所以这些人都紧张不已。 That rays of light dodges, quick then reserved, mysterious fluctuation does not exist, on Xiao Yun being built on stone seal safely. 光芒一闪,很快便内敛了下去,晦涩的波动也不复存在,萧云安然的立于石印上。 Security?” “安全?” „Has he found out formation mark some ways really?” “他难道真的摸清了阵纹的一些门道?” Nearby several youth slightly narrows the pupil, reveal the whole face doubt. 旁边几个青年眸子微眯,露出满脸狐疑。 Should be the luck.” Liang Junyu is also a face surprise. “应该是运气吧。”就连梁君宇也是一脸诧异。 Must know that Xiao Yun several days ago is following closely him behind, as if really knows nothing to this formation mark! 要知道,在几天前萧云还是紧随着他身后,对这阵纹似乎真的一窍不通啊! Otherwise he how by the Qiu Yufeng two people sneak attack? 不然他岂会被邱雨枫两人偷袭? When the people have doubts, the Xiao Yun step steps , to continue stand forth. 在众人疑惑之时,萧云步伐迈动,继续向前走去。 One step, two steps, later Xiao Yun passed that stone seal, has arrived in the middle of the trail. 一步,两步,不大一会萧云就通过了那石印,走到了小径当中。 Passed?” “通过了?” Sees that to step leisurely and carefree step, in Xiao Yun that in a blue stone trail takes a walk gradually, in the people heart is all startled. 见得那迈着悠闲步伐,在一条青石小径中缓步走动的萧云,众人心中皆是一怔。 On the blue stone trail also has runes, but is very safe, not only does not have the attack person, instead has inexplicable Dao Rhyme. 青石小径上面也有符文,不过都很安全,不仅没有攻击人,反而有着一种莫名的道韵 Xiao Yun seeks in middle, mind became clear and bright. 萧云在当中寻走,心灵都变得清明了起来。 Finally Xiao Yun comes to the end of that trail, the front rays of light twinkle, that seal splits light gate automatically. 最后萧云走到那小径的尽头,前方光芒闪烁,那封印自动裂开一个光门 Shout! 呼! Xiao Yun one step took, entered in the seal light screen. 萧云一步迈出,进入了封印光幕内。 Entered under Martial Dao Tablet of fire?” The people stare, in the heart has an inexplicable excitement. “进入了火之武道碑下?”众人一愣,心中有着一种莫名的激动。 „Have you remembered his step?” A youth asked. “你们记住了他刚才的步伐没有?”一个青年问道。 Useless.” Liang Junyu said that you look at these formation mark, after Junior Brother Xiao passes through has the obvious change, we will only fall into the hopeless situation with the past words, this is to cultivator examination, therefore we seek for other roads honestly.” “没有用的。”梁君宇说道,“你看那些阵纹,在萧师弟走过后都有着明显的变动,我们跟过去的话只会陷入绝境,这是对修者考核,所以我们还是老老实实的寻找其它的路吧。” This Xiao Yun is really a anomaly, such smoothly crossed this pass/test unexpectedly?” A people face envies. “这萧云真是个变态,竟然这么顺利的渡过了这关?”众人一脸羡慕。 Yeah.” Although in the people heart envies, actually also knows uselessly, must sigh to continue to try to find out these formation mark. “哎。”众人心中虽然羡慕,却也知道无用,只得叹息一声继续摸索那些阵纹 Xiao Yun enters in the middle of that seal, at present rays of light dodges, is similar to dizzy, resembled to enter another space. 萧云进入那封印当中,眼前光芒一闪,如同天旋地转,似进入了另外一个空间。 The front flame is dazzling, such as a vast space, the giant scarlet tablet then such as the mountain generally stands erect at the same time before. 前方火光耀眼,如一个浩瀚空间,一面巨大的赤碑便如山岳一般屹立在前。 Xiao Yun stands under Martial Tablet, tiny like ants, vast fire wave complete package. 萧云站在武碑下,渺小如蝼蚁,一股浩瀚的火流将之完全包裹。 Fire!” On this stone tablet, light runes glittered, appears such character. “火!”在这石碑上,光纹闪烁,浮现出了那么一个字。 Fire Dao inheritance tablet!” Xiao Yun pupil light narrows the eyes, after lifting looked at front this tall Ruju peak Martial Tablet, he then sits cross-legged in the place, starts by the heart sensibility, he knows that all [say / way], cannot naked eye it, probably be have obtained by heart study and understand. 火道传承碑!”萧云眸光微眯,在抬望了一眼面前这高如巨峰的武碑后,他便是盘膝在地,开始以心感悟,他知道,一切道,不可以肉眼度之,必须以心参悟才能有所得。 Calm, Xiao Yun communicates the tablet of front Martial Dao by mind. 凝神静气,萧云心神沟通前方的武道之碑。 Unexpectedly, the front light twinkle, is similar to has a sea of fire to reappear, Xiao Yun mind moves, as if the sea of fire embezzles. 蓦地,前方光影闪烁,如同有着一片火海浮现,萧云心神一动,似乎火海吞没。 The twinkling, his mind induces, discovered that own arrived at a strange space. 只是瞬息,他心神感应,发现自己来到了一个陌生的空间。 Has communicated Martial Dao Tablet?” In the Xiao Yun heart muttered, after having beforehand has sensed the Thunder Dao inheritance tablet, he about this inheritance had known, therefore in heart immediately one happy, started to go toward the four directions glance, was anticipating will have anything to appear. “沟通了武道碑?”萧云心中喃喃道,有了以前感悟雷道传承碑后,他对这种传承已经有所了解,所以心中立即一喜,开始向着四方扫视而去,期待着会有什么出现。 Although Xiao Yun has sensed in the Thunder Dao inheritance tablet, but is inperfect, needs to confirm unceasingly, stable. 虽说萧云雷道传承碑有所感悟,不过却还不够完善,需要不断的验证,稳固。 This time comes this Fire Dao inheritance tablet happen to confirm mutually, determines [say / way] that’ in the own heart senses by this. 这次来这火道传承碑正好可以相互验证,以此确定自己心中所感悟的‘道’。 Only then this can obtain the true transformation, later studies any martial arts, the deep meaning energy level quick comprehension. 只有这样才可以得到真正的蜕变,以后学习任何武学,奥义都能极快的领悟。 If Dao Heart is stable, is not drawing back the revolutions, can achieve a law to pass, Myriad Laws boundary. 若是道心稳定,不在退转,便可达到一法通,万法通的境界。 That is true Martial Dao Grandmaster! 那才是真正的武道宗师 ( ( …… ……
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