EMS :: Volume #3

#246: Avenge a grievance!

Chapter 246 avenges a grievance! 第246章报仇雪恨! Walks, we pass.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading]” “走,我们过去。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读]” Qiu Yufeng takes a look at the youth who a that presented lightly, the step steps, immediately turns toward the front bridge to walk. 邱雨枫淡淡的瞅了一眼那出现的青年,步子迈动,立即向着前方长桥走去。 Iron Bridge stretches across the kilometer, under is an abyss, has the endless flame in the angry volume tuck dive. 铁桥横跨千米,下方则是一股深渊,有着无尽火焰在怒卷翻腾。 That flame burning hot, fire wave sweeps across might burn the day, person but who has Fire Spirit Physique regarding these actually not that palpitation. 那火焰炙热,火流席卷似可焚天,不过对于这些拥有火灵体的人来说却并没有那种心悸。 The cliff light twinkle, is only several breath, entered the seven people in inheritance restricted area to arrive in full six people. 石壁光影闪烁,只是几个呼吸,进入传承禁地内的七人就到齐了六人。 „Hasn't Junior Brother Xiao come?” Liang Junyu also arrived here, he takes a fast look around the four directions, after has not seen the Xiao Yun form brow tight lock, looked like he is more unfortunate than fortunate.” Sighed the tone, he steps Iron Bridge then forward to go. 萧师弟没有来?”梁君宇也来到了这里,他扫视四方,在没有看到萧云的身影后眉头紧紧一锁,“看来他是凶多吉少了。”叹息了口气,他踏上铁桥便向前而去。 Passes through this Iron Bridge, the people arrives in that stretch of broad school ground. 走过这铁桥,众人来到那片宽阔的校场中。 However, these people stopped, not rashly stand forth. 不过,这些人都停了下来,并没有贸然向前走去。 In the front has trails, goes directly to the place of that seal, but on these trails inscribes runes, has restriction obviously, if one step will step the cona to bring in the attack, the consequence will be hard to expect, even if these people obtained some news not to dare to act rashly. 在前方有着一条条小径,直达那封印之处,可是这些小径上刻有符文,明显有着禁制,若是一步迈错那将引来攻击,后果难以预料,就算这些人得到了一些消息也不敢妄动。 Because these restriction is by no means irrevocable, opening is each time different, everyone is hard to determine that trail is Life Gate or Death Gate. 因为这些禁制并非一成不变,每次开启都不一样,谁也难以确定那条小径是生门还是死门 Six people stand, the pupil dew hesitate, is sizing up front restriction. 六个人站成一线,眸露沉吟,都在打量着前方的禁制 Lu Yanfeng and Qiu Yufeng stand in the same place. 陆炎风邱雨枫站立在一起。 When nearby Liang Junyu alone stands, takes a look to Qiu Yufeng two people in the pupil reveals a loathing. 旁边梁君宇独自站立,瞅向邱雨枫两人时眸中露出一丝厌恶。 Has the formidable backstage he also to have no alternative concerned about this Qiu Yufeng. 只是碍于这邱雨枫有强大的后台他也无可奈何。 Another three youth, they also secretly took a look at Qiu Yufeng and Lu Yanfeng, has spread out with them with every effort. 另外三名青年,他们也是暗暗瞅了一眼邱雨枫陆炎风,尽力和他们拉开了距离。 As if they are also very afraid this Qiu Yufeng in touching some restriction, fell into the middle of own the hopeless situation. 似乎他们也深怕这邱雨枫会在触动一些禁制,将自己陷入了绝境当中。 Regarding this Qiu Yufeng and not caring. 对此邱雨枫并不在意。 Now in his clan elder has stepped into Yuan Soul Realm, in Heavenly Yuan Sect is also the hand eye Through Heavens character, why must to have scruples these? 如今他族中长者踏入了元婴境,在天元宗也是手眼通天的人物,何须顾忌这些? Him, now most important promotes the own strength, is good because of emerges with generation disciple. 于他而言,现在最重要的就是提升自己的实力,好在同代弟子中脱颖而出。 Here channel aura is obscure, the mixture of truth and deceit, which is very difficult to judge is Life Gate.” Lu Yanfeng took a fast look around four directions, afterward brows tightly frowns, said toward nearby Qiu Yufeng that he knows few to here situation. “这里的通道气息晦涩,虚虚实实,很难判断哪个是生门的。”陆炎风扫视了一眼四方,随后眉头紧锁,向着旁边的邱雨枫说道,他对这里的情况知道地很少。 Does not worry.” Qiu Yufeng lightly saying, I came already to prepare before this.” “不着急。”邱雨枫淡淡的说道,“我来此前早就有所准备。” Then, he continues to size up that several trails, as well as some formation mark of front ground. 说完,他继续打量着那几条小径,以及前方地面的一些阵纹 Liang Junyu and the others secretly are also sizing up. 梁君宇等人也在暗自打量。 Buzz! 嗡! When people when studies front formation mark silently, mysterious fluctuation ripples unexpectedly. 就在众人都在默默研究前方的阵纹的时候,一股晦涩的波动蓦地荡漾开来。 Some people came in!” Suddenly, the people all are turn head to look, impressively in discovery following stone wall light runes twinkle. “有人进来了!”一时间,众人皆是回头看去,赫然发现后面的石壁上光纹闪烁。 In the middle of that light runes, a year approximately 17 youth take a step unexpectedly. 在那光纹当中,一个年约17的青年蓦地迈步而出。 Is Xiao Yun!” “是萧云!” „Didn't he by Death Gate hauling, fall into danger area?” “他不是被‘死门’牵引,陷入了绝地吗?” After seeing the appearance of that youth, the people all are one startled, shows the whole face incredible expression. 见得那青年的容颜后,众人皆是一惊,露出满脸不可置信的表情。 This youth impressively is Xiao Yun! 这青年赫然是萧云 Initially they saw with one's own eyes Xiao Yun to be embezzled by that vortex! 当初他们可是都亲眼看到了萧云被那个气旋吞没了啊! Legend falls into Death Gate is a narrow escape, how this can Xiao Yun be out of danger?” “传说陷入‘死门’都是九死一生,这萧云如何能脱险?” The appearance of Xiao Yun made Fire Yuan Peak several youth be startled, stays in same place. 萧云的出现让得火元峰的几个青年都是一怔,呆在了原地。 Junior Brother Xiao? He is all right unexpectedly!” Liang Junyu also reveals the whole face surprise, somewhat inconceivable is staring at the front youth, his aura as if became more unusual refined, was indistinct has inexplicable Dao Rhyme.” 萧师弟?他竟然没事!”梁君宇也是露出满脸诧异,有些不可思议的盯着前方的青年,“他的气息似乎变得更加超凡脱俗了起来,隐约间有着一种莫名的道韵。” His did cultivation level promote?” This makes him feel surprised. “难道他的修为提升了?”这让他感到惊讶。 This Xiao Yun falls into danger area , is not only all right, but also has promoted, so the character may be called the monstrous talent, hundred difficult are also rare. 萧云陷入绝地非但没事,还有所提升,如此人物堪称妖孽,百难也是难得一见。 Xiao...... Xiao Yun!” The Lu Yanfeng double pupil opens the Boss, tight stares at the cliff to present that youth heartbeat inexplicable acceleration that even also has one to reappear startled, has compelled into Death Gate this Xiao Yun obviously hopeless situation, how can he return alive? “萧……萧云!”陆炎风双眸睁得老大,紧紧的盯着石壁出现的那个青年心跳莫名的加速,甚至还有着一阵惊慌浮现,明明已经将这萧云逼入了‘死门’绝境,他如何能生还? Did not say, as long as enters Death Gate can the person a narrow escape, several hundred years of also few individual live are coming out? 不是说但凡进入‘死门’的人都将九死一生,数百年也没有几个人可以活着出来吗? „Was this boy actually living?” Qiu Yufeng at this moment also felt is flustered, the Xiao Yun blood and iron method he knows, formerly own blatantly take action sneak attack, but also made him live, how will the opposite party give up? “这小子竟然活着出来了?”就连邱雨枫此刻也是感到了一阵心慌,萧云的铁血手段他可是知道,先前自己公然出手偷袭,还让他活着回来了,对方岂会罢休? Looks the breath of youth Qiu Yufeng that suddenly is presenting becomes rapid. 望着那个蓦然出现的青年邱雨枫的呼吸都变得急促了起来。 Then had the good play to look.” Nearby several youth are the pupil dew strange smiling faces, appearance that prepares to see a play. “这下有好戏看了。”旁边的几个青年都是眸露怪异的笑容,一副准备看戏的模样。 Qiu Yufeng was too rampant, making them feel the danger, now the Xiao Yun return regarding these people is also the good deed. 邱雨枫太嚣张了,让他们都感到了危险,如今萧云归来对于这些人而言也算是好事。 Qiu Yufeng!” Xiao Yun does not have from that formation mark, when the sole falls to the ground, that pupil light then turns toward the four directions glance to go, the front several youth then came into the middle of the line of sight, when discovered that after flustered pupil light is staring at own Qiu Yufeng and Lu Yanfeng, his pupil light is also cold severe. 邱雨枫!”萧云从那阵纹中没出,待得脚掌落地,那眸光便向着四方扫视而去,前方几个青年便是落入了视线当中,待得发现那正以慌张的眸光盯着自己邱雨枫陆炎风后,他的眸光也是冷厉了起来。 Afterward his step takes, steps Iron Bridge, step by step stand forth. 随后他步伐迈出,踏上铁桥,一步步向前走去。 Since meets here! 既然在这里相遇! Also then, should arrive at avenging a grievance the time! 那么,也该到了报仇雪恨的时候了! Bites Ding! 叮! Xiao Yun steps step by step, every step steps forward, that shackle bridge is one sways, exudes the clear impact noise. 萧云一步步迈来,每一步跨出,那铁链长桥便是一阵摇晃,发出清脆的撞击声。 This impact noise shakes, spreads over four directions, clear delightful, but listens actually to be similar to the sound of that mourning soul in Lu Yanfeng as well as the Qiu Yufeng ear, each sound gets up, resembles in the rap on their hearts, brings inexplicable panic-stricken. 这撞击声震荡开来,传遍四方,清脆悦耳,可是听在陆炎风以及邱雨枫耳中却如同那丧魂之音,每一声响起,都似在敲击在他们的心脏上,带来一阵莫名的惊恐。 On youth who in that steps come, they felt rich killing intent. 在那个踏步而来的青年身上,他们感觉到了一股浓郁的杀意 Very obviously, Xiao Yun moved killing intent! 很显然,萧云动了杀意 The event of previous sneak attack made this youth angry thoroughly. 上次偷袭的事件让得这个青年彻底愤怒了起来。 The kilometer distance, the moment can walk, but Lu Yanfeng actually felt the own suffering for several years, even was dozens years. 千米距离,片刻就可以走完,可是陆炎风却感觉自己煎熬了数年,甚至是数十年。 Xiao Yun was too formidable, once strength defeated Zhao Zheng, has made a without a peer impression to many disciple. 萧云太强大了,曾经力败赵政,给许多弟子留下了一个不可匹敌的印象。 Now his murderous aura is imposing, the imposing manner, making Lu Yanfeng fearful and apprehensive, simply did not have a confidence. 如今他杀气凛然,气势更甚,让得陆炎风心惊胆战,根本没有了一丝信心。 Qiu Yufeng is also brows tightly frowns, knows that the important matter is not wonderful. 就连邱雨枫也是眉头紧锁,知道大事不妙。 He knows that Xiao Yun background vigorous by far is not that simple. 他可是知道萧云底蕴之浑厚远远不是那么简单。 Formerly if not for the take action sneak attack, has drawn support from the strength of formation mark, otherwise is unable to move this youth slightest. 先前若不是出手偷袭,借助了阵纹之力,不然根本无法动这青年分毫。 Xiao Yun approaches step by step, the atmosphere of this piece of space resembled to coagulate. 萧云一步步逼近,这片空间的气氛都似凝固了起来。 That bone-chilling cold killing intent makes nearby several youth feel a palpitation. 那凛冽的杀意使得旁边的几个青年都感到一阵心悸。 It seems like this Qiu Yufeng and Lu Yanfeng ended.” In the people heart ponders darkly. “看来这邱雨枫陆炎枫完了。”众人心中暗忖。 This Qiu Yufeng clearly knows that Xiao Yun background is vigorous, dares take action unexpectedly, courts death simply.” Although in the mouth so said expression that may on the people face not have taking pleasure in others'misfortunes, instead is stern-faced, is absorbed by killing intent that on Xiao Yun sends out completely. “这邱雨枫明知道萧云底蕴浑厚,竟然还敢出手,简直是找死。”虽然口中如此说道可众人脸上没有一丝幸灾乐祸的表情,反而是一脸凝重,完全被萧云身上散发出来的杀意所摄。 Finally, Xiao Yun oversteps the bridge, arrived at this piece broadly on the spot. 终于,萧云踏过长桥,来到了这片宽阔的实地。 Shouted!” “呼!” Sees Xiao Yun to fall to the ground, the people relaxed, have been short of that long suffering. 萧云落地,众人才松了口气,少了刚才的那种漫长的煎熬。 However, atmosphere actually became even more tight. 不过,此间的气氛却变得越发紧张了起来。 Xiao Yun pupil light took a fast look around four directions slightly, afterward then directly turns toward the direction that Qiu Yufeng and Lu Yanfeng are at to walk. 萧云眸光略微扫视了一眼四方,随后便直接向着邱雨枫陆炎风所在的方向走去。 One side several other youth hastily fall back on, for fear that affected appearance. 另外几个青年则是连忙退到一边,一副生怕被波及的模样。 The Xiao Yun imposing manner is arrogant, the double pupil like the blade edge, pupil light was similar to the knife point falls on Lu Yanfeng and Qiu Yufeng generally. 萧云气势凌人,双眸如刃,眸光如同刀锋一般落在了陆炎风邱雨枫身上。 Xiao...... Xiao Yun, do you want to do?” pupil light ice-cold, making the Lu Yanfeng heart tremble, even though he has the True Yuan late-stage Peak boundary, but faces Xiao Yun, he feels as before fearful and apprehensive, after all this person once showed heaven defying battle strength. “萧……萧云,你想干什么?”眸光冰冷,让陆炎风心头一颤,纵使他有着真元后期巅峰境,可是面对萧云,他依旧是感到心惊肉跳,毕竟此人可是曾经展现出了逆天战力 He and Zhao Zheng fights, can definitely comparable with True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary powerhouse. 他与赵政一战,完全可以堪比真元后期圆满境强者了。 But present Xiao Yun, the imposing manner remarkably has been strengthened! 而如今的萧云,气势明显有所增强! Does?” Xiao Yun pupil light one cold, said that your take action sneak attack, making me fall into the hopeless situation, but also asked that I do do? Doesn't think somewhat weakly?” “干什么?”萧云眸光一冷,说道,“你们出手偷袭,让我陷入绝境,还问我干什么?不觉得有些幼稚吗?” „Does your this have the matter?” Lu Yanfeng timid saying, do not act unreasonably! We are the same side, if you dare to act unreasonably, but has violated the sect rule, pours time you are Core Palace disciple also unavoidably must be punished by Elder.” “你这不是没有事吗?”陆炎风怯怯的说道,“你别乱来啊!我们可是同门,你若敢乱来,可是违反了门规,倒时候就算你是核心殿弟子也难免要受到长老的惩罚。” Acts unreasonably? Sect rule?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, mouth dew sneers saying that „when you sneak attack me what sect rule can once think?” “乱来?门规?”萧云眉头一弯,嘴露冷笑道,“你们偷袭我时可曾想过了什么门规?” This......” Lu Yanfeng is at a loss for words. “这……”陆炎风一阵语塞。 Since does not have! Do I why care about this sect rule?” His imposing manner is arrogant, approaches step by step forward, in the pupil killing intent is imposing. “既然没有!我又何必在乎这门规?”他气势凌人,步步向前逼近,眸中杀意凛然。 Xiao Yun, you do not do wildly, in my clan elder has stepped into Yuan Soul Realm, if you dare to move me, absolutely does not have the good end.” The Qiu Yufeng eyelid combination, in the heart is also panic-stricken, was absorbed by the Xiao Yun imposing manner, but his surface installs cold severe, the threat said. 萧云,你休要猖狂,我族中长者已经踏入了元婴境,你若敢动我,绝对没有好下场。”邱雨枫眼皮连跳,心中也是一阵惊恐,被萧云的气势所摄,不过他表面强装冷厉,威胁道。 How moves you?” The Xiao Yun language air cooled said severely that I do not annoy you, you will look for my trouble in the same old way, such being the case, who violates me, I kill anyone, I must have a look but actually, in this Heavenly Yuan Sect your Qiu Family whether one hand shrouding the heavens?” “动你又如何?”萧云语气冷厉说道,“我不惹你们,你们照样会找我的麻烦,既然如此,谁犯我,我就杀谁,我倒要看看,在这天元宗你们邱家是不是可以只手遮天?” Then, a formidable imposing manner bursts out from the body of Xiao Yun immediately. 说完,一股强大的气势顿时从萧云的身上迸发而出。 this time, he is how regardless of must kill with one's own hand this personal enemy. 这一次,他是无论如何也要手刃这仇人。 „To cope with me, then comes jade and stone burns together.” The Qiu Yufeng corners of the mouth pull, control Yuan Qi appears a flame to glitter, immediately then must strike toward nearby formation mark, that is aggressive formation mark, once will touch will bring in the disaster. “想对付我,那么就来个玉石俱焚吧。”邱雨枫嘴角一扯,手心元气浮现一道火光闪烁,当即便是要向着旁边的一个阵纹击去,那是一个攻击型的阵纹,一旦触动将引来大难。 This Qiu Yufeng had already been ready. 邱雨枫早就做好了准备。 After he launches the attack, his body moves, prepares to plunder to side. 就在他发动攻击后,他身子一动,准备向旁边掠去。 This fellow is quite sinister.” Sees this, nearby several youth all is a palpitation, simultaneously rejoiced that secretly own already left, otherwise must not be possible by cloudy one, looks at that formation mark aura should the might to be very strong, is difficult to resist including Yuan Core Realm cultivator. “这家伙好阴险。”见此,旁边几个青年皆是一阵心悸,同时暗自庆幸自己早就离开了,不然非得被阴一把不可,瞧那阵纹的气息应该威力很强,连元丹境修者都难抵挡。 Also uses this move, when you I am a three -year-old child?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, formidable aura fluctuation sweeps across. “还用这招,你当我是三岁小孩吗?”萧云眸光凝,身上一股强大的气息波动席卷而出。 Xiao Yun mind moves, formidable soul fluctuation holds nothing back to sweep across from Sea of Consciousness. 萧云心神一动,强大的灵魂波动毫不保留的从识海内席卷而出。 Soul Sea Overflowing the Heavens! 魂海滔天 After this Soul Power sweeps across, but, entire void trembles, nearby cultivator felt that seemed to be Spiritual God descends to earth mind to tremble, immediately lost the consciousness, the Qiu Yufeng body that preparation retreats also gawked, stagnates same place. 当这灵魂力席卷而出后,整个虚空一颤,附近的修者都感觉似有神灵下凡心神一颤,立即失去了意识,就连那准备撤退的邱雨枫身子也是一愣,停滞在了原地。 Buzz! 嗡! Qiu Yufeng mind trembles, the soul soon was defeated and dispersed. 邱雨枫心神一颤,灵魂都快要溃散了。 Afterward piece of Soul Sea tilts, is similar to the wave sweeps across, submerges the four directions, completely Qiu Yufeng covering. 随后一片魂海倾覆而下,如同波浪席卷,淹没四方,完全将邱雨枫给笼罩。 Under this fluctuation, Qiu Yufeng that attack is defeated and dispersed immediately, simply does not have the opportunity to touch that formation mark. 在这种波动下,邱雨枫那攻击立即溃散,根本没有机会触及那个阵纹 Xiao Yun obtained Rubbing Silk Flower in Black Clouds Cave, has achieved Extinguishing Soul Arts 2nd-layer Peak, Soul Power is quite formidable. 萧云黑云窟得到了摩罗之花,已经达到了灭神诀第二重巅峰,灵魂力极为强大。 In situation that in he attacks at this moment fully, under half Yuan Core nobody may keep off! 在他此刻全力出击的情况下,半步元丹下无人可挡! Death! 死! After Qiu Yufeng personal appearance delay, Xiao Yun pupil light one cold, a finger in the sky point. 邱雨枫身形呆滞后,萧云眸光一冷,手指当空一点。 ! 咻! Purple glow twinkle, is similar to sharp knife blade bursts out from the fingertip of Xiao Yun together generally, afterward pierced Qiu Yufeng heart arteries. 一道紫芒闪烁,如同利刃一般从萧云的指尖迸发而出,随后洞穿了邱雨枫心脉 Completes after at this moment, a Xiao Yun line of sight revolution, took a look to nearby Lu Yanfeng. 做完这一刻后,萧云视线一转,瞅向了旁边的陆炎风 ( ( …… ……
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