EMS :: Volume #3

#245: Inheritance palace!

Chapter 245 Inheritance Palace! 第245章传承殿 After a Black Clouds Cave service, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow soul boundary has achieved the Yuan Core 2-layer boundary. Ha 在经过黑云窟一役后,吞天雀的灵魂境界已经达到了元丹二重的境界。哈 So long as gives its sufficient resources, can step into Yuan Core 2-layer, the resources that but Yuan Core Realm needs are not True Yuan Realm may compare by far, even if difference such one, can let in its card for a long time, many people even can in a boundary stagnation for several years. 只要给它足够的资源,就可以踏入元丹二重,只是元丹境所需要的资源远远不是真元境可比,就算是差那么一丝,也能让它卡上许久,许多的人甚至能在一个境界停滞数年。 „Haven't you stepped into Yuan Core 2-layer?” Sees Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that face depressed appearance, the Xiao Yun brow is also slightly a wrinkle. “你还没有踏入元丹二重?”见吞天雀那一脸沮丧的模样,萧云眉头也是微微一皱。 He was also counting on a moment ago this fellow can step into Yuan Core 2-layer, has not thought that also misses such one step. 他刚才可是还指望着这家伙能借此踏入元丹二重,没有想到还差那么一步。 Em.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that here Fire Yuan also missed.” Its whole face is regrettable. “恩。”吞天雀说道,“这里的火元还差了一些。”它满脸遗憾。 Also missed?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, at once Sea of Consciousness moves, the forehead red light twinkle, four flame beads appear, „, tries to you, if you have not been able to break through, then I was also helpless.” This is Fire Yuan Bead that just bred. “还差了一些?”萧云眉头一弯,旋即识海一动,眉心红光闪烁,四颗火红色的珠子浮现,“咯,给你试试,要是你还不能突破,那么我也无能为力了。”这是刚孕育出来的火元珠 Four! That many.” Sees that to flutter to own several beads, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow eye one bright, appears quite happy. “四颗!那么多。”见那飘向自己的几颗珠,吞天雀眼睛一亮,显得颇为高兴。 What's wrong? Disliked?” Xiao Yun let go the palm to say. “怎么?嫌多了?”萧云摊了摊手掌道。 No, no, how to dislike?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow smiles, hastily four Fire Yuan Bead swallowing down. “没有,没有,怎么会嫌多了呢?”吞天雀嘿嘿一笑,连忙将四颗火元珠吞下 Looks at that appearance, but actually has the appearance that for fear that Xiao Yun reneges on a promise. 瞧那模样,倒有着一丝生怕萧云反悔的模样。 After Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow these four Fire Yuan Bead swallowing down, its aura has changed immediately. 吞天雀将这四颗火元珠吞下后,它的气息立即有所变动。 Has life aura to fill the air on Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, a subtle change starts to multiply slowly. 吞天雀身上有着一股生命气息在弥漫,一种微妙的变化开始慢慢滋生。 this time Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow does not have that quick refining these four Fire Yuan Bead, but closed the pupil to fall into the short dreariness. 这一次吞天雀没有那么快炼化这四颗火元珠,而是闭上了眸子陷入了短暂的沉寂。 After swallowing down these four beads it really has the sign that must break through. 吞下这四颗珠子后它竟然有了一股要突破的迹象。 Xiao Yun pupil light plunders, in nearby calmly waits. 萧云眸光掠动,在旁边静静等候。 Meanwhile, in the place of this inheritance other one side, several other youth are respectively have also attained. 与此同时,在这处传承之地的另外一边,其它几个青年也是各有所获。 Hehe, Junior Brother Qiu, this is Fire Yuan Crystal Stone, is containing rich Fire Yuan!” Lu Yanfeng and Qiu Yufeng entered a rock cave, inside Fire River circulation, resembled to communicate earth arteries, the nearby grew Fire Yuan to be succinct, Crystal Stone of some fires. 呵呵,邱师弟,这是火元晶石,蕴含着浓郁的火元!”陆炎风邱雨枫进入了一个石窟,里面火河流转,似沟通了地脉,附近生长着火元精粹,还有一些火之晶石 This moment that Lu Yanfeng then opened cutting in a stone wall many Crystal Stone. 此刻那陆炎风便是在一处石壁上开凿出了许多的晶石 Here is indeed good, can help our cultivation level to go a step further.” The Qiu Yufeng pupil dew is scalding hot, said that „, so long as is seeking that Fire Essence Flower, we can quenching the root bone , to promote the Spirit Physique value, then the practice speed also will multiply.” “这里的确不错,可以助我们修为在进一步。”邱雨枫眸露灼热,说道,“只要在寻得那火髓花,我们便可借此淬炼根骨,提升灵体值,如此一来修炼速度也将倍增。” This is one of his goals. 这才是他的目的之一。 So long as physique promoted, was obtaining Fire Dao inheritance, decided however can surmount these Core Palace ordinary disciple. 只要体质提升上去了,在获得火道传承,定然可以超越那些核心殿的普通弟子 In another rock cave, the Liang Junyu glance four directions, are sizing up nearby some flowers and plants. 在另外一处石窟,梁君宇扫视四方,打量着附近的一些花草。 Here Fire Yuan is rich, it is said before , once some people obtained Fire Essence Flower in this.” In his mouth muttered, line of sight circulation, just like quenches in the spirit that seeking for own was wanting, slightly, his eye one bright, has discovered beautiful flowers in a stone wall Chiyan. “这里火元浓郁,据说以前曾经有人在此获得了火髓花。”他口中喃喃自语,视线流转,俨然在寻找着自己想要的灵淬,稍许后,他眼睛一亮,在石壁旁边的一块赤岩上发现了一株妖艳的花朵。 This is one all over the body fiery red, the flowers are similar to spirit materials of loudspeaker. 这是一株通体火红,花朵如同喇叭的灵萃 This flower drags swinging, the flame winds around, is similar to the mist is dense, rhizome like jade, glittering and translucent carving, is similar to the spinal column has bone links. 此花摇曳摆动,火光缭绕,如同雾气氤氲,根茎如玉,晶莹剔透,如同脊柱有着一圈圈骨环。 This impressively was Fire Essence Flower. 这赫然便是火髓花了。 Had this Fire Essence Flower I then from 46% Spirit Physique values to promote to 50, even was high.” In Liang Junyu heart one happy, washes the marrow flower to take off that hastily, then take, starts to temper the root bone by this , to promote physique. “有了这株火髓花我便可以从46的灵体值提升到50,甚至还要高。”梁君宇心中一喜,连忙将那洗髓花摘下,然后就地服下,开始以此锤炼根骨,提升体质 ...... …… The pupil that in Fire Pond, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that shuts tightly opens unexpectedly, the within both eyes flame blooms, an abundant aura fluctuation is similar to stormy sea (difficult situation) bursts out from its body generally, in this moment, its imposing manner rises suddenly, just like has achieved Yuan Core 2-layer. 火池内,吞天雀那紧闭的眸子蓦地睁开,双眸中火光绽放,一股雄厚的气息波动如同惊涛骇浪一般从它的身上迸发而出,在这一刻,它的气势暴涨,俨然达到了元丹二重 Broke through!” Feels this fluctuation, Xiao Yun pupil light is moving, face dew happy expression. “突破了!”感受着这股波动,萧云眸光一动,脸露喜色。 Shout! 呼! The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow opens mouth attracts, by nearby Fire Yuan Qi swallows up wells up in the entrance generally, slightly, it stops. 吞天雀张口一吸,附近旁边的火元气鲸吞一般涌入口中,稍许后它才停下来。 Yuan Core 2-layer, stepped into finally!” A Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow face sobbed, took a look to Xiao Yun, said that my present flesh body is not, wants to break through except for must have the formidable soul boundary, but must have nearby life essence support to be good, reason that formerly I cannot break through then lack life essence.” 元丹二重,终于踏入了啊!”吞天雀一脸唏嘘,瞅向萧云,道,“我如今肉身不在,想要突破除了得有强大的灵魂境界,还必须有着旁边的生命精气支撑才行,先前我之所以未能突破便是缺少生命精气。” Has also found out several points after this time it to the own condition. 经过此次它对自己的状态也摸清了几分。 Needs life essence?” The Xiao Yun eyelid jumps, felt that in this fellow words has the words. “需要生命精气?”萧云眼皮一跳,感觉这家伙话中有话。 Hey, later I broke through also asked you to prepare some Fire Yuan Bead.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil flattered the happy expression, took a look to Xiao Yun, reason that a moment ago can break through had been lucky that several Fire Yuan Bead, then before was, it can step into Yuan Core Realm also by Xiao Yun refinement Medicine Pill. “嘿嘿,所以了,以后我突破时还请你准备一些火元珠。”吞天雀眸露谄媚笑意,瞅向萧云,刚才之所以能突破多亏了那几颗火元珠,便是以前它能踏入元丹境也是靠萧云炼制的丹药 That may in Soul Heaven Pill also join Fire Yuan Bead! 那可魂天丹中可是也加入了火元珠啊! Xiao Yun let go the palm saying that „, so long as has enough Fire Yuan, all are not the issues.” 萧云摊了摊手掌道,“只要有足够的火元,一切都不是问题。” Good.” hear speech/words, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow was quite excited, resembles to see a hope. “那好。”闻言,吞天雀颇为兴奋,似看到了一丝希望。 We walk.” The Xiao Yun brow selects, after taking a fast look around four directions said that now here Fire Yuan also absorbed was similar, did not have any good thing, now should also leave, looks for the opportunity to go to that Fire Dao inheritance place. “我们走吧。”萧云眉头一挑,扫视了一眼四方后说道,如今这里火元也被吸收的差不多了,已经没有了什么好东西,现在也该离开,寻找机会前往那火道传承地了。 Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow nods, changes into a flame to fall on the Xiao Yun shoulder. 吞天雀点头,化为一道火光落在萧云肩膀上。 Xiao Yun takes a step to move, then went out of this Fire Pond. 萧云迈步而动,便走出了这个火池 In the front has light gate, sends out mysterious fluctuation. 在前方有着一个光门,散发出一股晦涩的波动 Here should exit / to speak.” Xiao Yun after inducing turned the fluctuation of that light gate , not scruple one step treads, submerged middle, at once he at present one black, resembles is towed by Formation, the next quarter then appeared in a channel. “这里应该就是出口了。”萧云在感应了一翻那光门的波动后,也不迟疑一步踏出,就没入了当中,旋即他眼前一黑,似被阵法牵引,下一刻便出现在了一个通道内。 This is a profound channel, the two sides are mounting the Fire Crystal stone, rays of light is shining, shines bright the channel. 这是一个幽深的通道,两边镶嵌着火晶石,光芒灿灿,将通道照耀得一片明亮。 However in the front, has stone seal, inscribes formation mark as before. 不过在前方,有着一个个石印,依旧刻有阵纹 Tests?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, along with back of the body in broadminded, these formation mark before is somewhat similar, initially he had pondered over thoroughly some know-how, what a pity finally by that Qiu Yufeng sneak attack, had been disrupted his mind, causes to interrupt in light of this. “还有考验?”萧云眉头一弯,随后心中豁然,这些阵纹与之前有些相似,当初他已经琢磨透了一些窍门,可惜最后被那邱雨枫偷袭,打乱了他的心神,使得就此中断。 Now nobody he also happen to can calm the mind to ponder over. 现在身边无人他也正好可以静心琢磨了。 These formation mark seem like without the mark may seek, but induces to have the difference carefully.” Xiao Yun releases Spiritual Consciousness, is inducing formation mark on these stone seal, at once recalled these stone seal that initially that Liang Junyu passed through. “这些阵纹看似无迹可寻,可是仔细感应下去还是有着区别的。”萧云灵识释放出去,感应着那些石印上的阵纹,旋即又回想起当初那梁君宇所走过的那些石印 After a confirmation, the judgment, Xiao Yun mind is certain, in pupil were many gradually several points of self-confidence. 经过一番验证,判断,萧云心神一定,眸中逐渐多了几分自信。 Is this.” Xiao Yun pupil light moves, the line of sight fell before the body on second stone seal. “就是这一个。”萧云眸光一动,视线落在了身前第二个石印上。 Buzz! 嗡! His footsteps start to walk, fall on stone seal immediately flood rays of light. 他脚步迈开,落在石印上顿时泛起一阵光芒 At this time Xiao Yun the nerve of whole body tightened, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow also felt that is scared. 此时萧云的全身的神经都绷紧了起来,吞天雀也是感到一阵发毛。 However after that rays of light blooms, quick has restrained, this stone seal very obviously is so-called Life Gate. 不过那光芒绽放开来后,很快就收敛了下去,这一个石印很显然是所谓的‘生门’。 All right?” First time obtains successfully, lets in the Xiao Yun heart one happy, were many several points of confidence. “没事?”第一次就获得成功,让萧云心中一喜,也多了几分信心。 Afterward he continues to go forward. 随后他继续前进。 Should be fifth.” After turns the induction, afterward the Xiao Yun personal appearance plunders, the footsteps fell on fifth stone seal. “应该是第五个。”经过一翻感应,随后萧云身形掠动,脚步落在了第五个石印上。 After the Xiao Yun footsteps fall the runes twinkle, blooms piece of rays of light, after slightly the intense waiting is safe and uneventful. 萧云的脚步落下后符文闪烁,绽放出一片光芒,在略微紧张的等待后又是安然无事。 The channel is very long, Xiao Yun does not know that own has overstepped many stone seal, but while unceasing vanguard he had a general understanding to these Formation, these stone seal mixtures of truth and deceit, are very difficult to distinguish, in this period he also moved several restriction, has brought in the attack. 通道很长,萧云也不知自己踏过了多少石印,可是在不断前行的同时他对这些阵法已经有了一个大概的了解,这些石印虚虚实实,很难分辨,期间他也触碰到几次禁制,引来了攻击。 However is good because of these attacks is not strong, was resisted. 不过好在这些攻击不强,被抵挡了下来。 Also so, making him together many for several points to understand to these formation mark. 也是如此,使得他对这些阵纹一道多了几分了解。 Every time during goes forward step Xiao Yun almost to exhaust the enormous thoughts to explore the mystery. 每前进一步萧云几乎都要耗尽极大的心思去探索当中的奥妙。 Finally during he is familiar gradually the rule, opened access, arrived at the end of channel. 最后他逐渐熟悉当中的规律,一路畅通无阻,来到了通道的尽头。 But at this time, he lasts in this channel for two days. 而此时,他在这通道中足足耗时两天。 This end is a giant palace gate, has three zhang (3.33 m) high, above inscribes fire runes, some ancient totem. 这尽头是一个巨大的殿门,高有三丈,上面刻有火纹,还有一些古老的图腾。 An ancient aura fluctuation fills the air from above, is similar to that vast sea, to person an immeasurably deep feeling. 一股古老的气息波动从上面弥漫开来,如同那浩瀚之海,给人一种深不可测的感觉。 Inheritance Palace! 传承殿 Inscribes these large characters in that great gate impressively. 在那巨门上赫然刻有这几个大字。 Inheritance Palace, arrived here finally.” Looks at the front palace gate that several ancient large character, in the Xiao Yun heart is not sobbing. 传承殿,终于到达了这里。”望着前方殿门那几个古老的大字,萧云心中不甚唏嘘。 This time comes the place of this inheritance, he holds enormous hoping. 此次来这传承之地,他抱有极大的期许。 Who would have thought was entering the first pass/test to meet the Qiu Yufeng sneak attack, almost perished. 哪知在进入第一关就遇到了邱雨枫偷袭,差点殒命。 Afterward experienced the mind illusion, channel restriction, all sorts of hindrance, whet. 随后又经历了心神幻境,通道禁制,种种阻碍,磨砺。 If not he is mental, natural talent is uncommon, already cherished hatred in middle. 若非他心智坚毅,天赋不凡,早就饮恨于当中了。 Although in the heart has murderous aura to save, but experienced these many, Xiao Yun also became calm. 虽然心中有着一股杀气积蓄,可是经历了这么多,萧云也变得沉稳了起来。 First enters Inheritance Palace, if there is an opportunity to solve that Qiu Yufeng.” His pupil light concentrates, then stand forth. “先入传承殿,若有机会在解决那邱雨枫。”他眸光一凝,便向前走去。 In the inheritance restricted area has a giant palace. 传承禁地内有着一个巨大的宫殿。 Said that here is a palace, rather is a rock cave. 说说这里是宫殿,倒不如说是一个石窟。 In inside, in rock cave stone wall has great gates, as if has communicated the four directions, the front of great gate is Iron Bridge that is built by the giant chains, these Iron Bridge stretch across the kilometer, until the end, can see a stretch of broad school ground. 在里面,石窟的石壁上有着一个个巨门,似乎沟通了四方,巨门的前方则是一条条由巨大锁链搭成的铁桥,这些铁桥横跨千米,直到尽头,才可以看到一片宽阔的校场。 In the school ground, the flame glitters, huge stone tablet was being covered by Restriction Seal. 在校场中,火光闪烁,一座巨大的石碑禁制封印所笼罩着。 Although stone tablet by the seal, inside has a vast ancient fluctuation to fill the air as before. 虽然石碑被封印,里面却依旧有着一股浩瀚古老的波动弥漫开来。 Vaguely can feel several points of Martial Dao true meaning. 在当中依稀可以感觉到几分武道真意。 That intent domain makes the person have a deep interest, during wishes one could to integrate goes to feel well. 那种意境让人心生向往,恨不得融入当中去好好感受一番。 This impressively was Fire Yuan Peak Inheritance Palace! 这赫然便是火元峰传承殿了! At this moment, wriggles in some great gate light runes of that cliff, changes into vortex, a youth visits from inside. 此刻,在那石壁的一些巨门光纹蠕动,化为一个气旋,一个青年从里面踏足而出。 Following closely, in this vortex another person is visiting. 紧随着,这气旋中又一个人踏足而出。 This two people Lu Yanfeng and Qiu Yufeng. 两人正是陆炎风邱雨枫了。 At this moment they are beaming, when the brow provokes appears somewhat arrogant. 此刻他们春风满面,眉头挑动时显得有些倨傲。 This restricted area one line, making them harvest the confidence to multiply. 此次禁地一行,让他们有所收获信心倍增。 Especially that Lu Yanfeng, he stepped into the True Yuan late-stage Peak boundary unexpectedly, the strength surmounted a small boundary. 特别是那陆炎风,他竟然踏入了真元后期巅峰境,实力足足跨越了一个小境界。 Qiu Yufeng also has achieved True Yuan late-stage big accomplishment. 就连邱雨枫也达到了真元后期大成 What most makes their excited has promoted the Spirit Physique value by Fire Essence Flower. 最让他们兴奋的是凭借火髓花都提升了灵体值。 „Is this Inheritance Palace?” Lu Yanfeng brows lightly raise, goes toward the front glance. “这就是传承殿吗?”陆炎风眉头轻挑,向着前方扫视而去。 Nearby Qiu Yufeng corners of the mouth pull, in the pupil is also appears to wipe the fiery color, muttered, that aura was having a Martial Dao true meaning unexpectedly, so long as careful study and understand, can certainly comprehend, can increase me the understanding to Martial Dao.” 旁边的邱雨枫嘴角一扯,眸中也是浮现出一抹火热之色,喃喃道,“那气息竟真的拥有着一股武道真意,只要细细参悟,一定能有所领悟,可以增加我对武道的理解。” The Martial Dao true meaning of after feeling front proliferating Qiu Yufeng mood inexplicable excitement. 在感受到了前方扩散开来的武道真意后邱雨枫心情莫名的兴奋。 Now his Spirit Physique is worth to promoting, approached 50%, if in has sensed, was hard to find several people able in Core Palace with the character who he fought, then, later perhaps also had the opportunity to step into Profound Yuan Battlefield. 如今他的灵体值得以提升,已经接近50了,若是在有所感悟,就算在核心殿中也难以找到几个人可以与他争锋的人物,如此一来,以后或许还有机会踏入玄元战场 At this time in side light twinkle , the youth arrived here. 这时在旁边光影闪烁,又有一个青年来到了这里。 ( ( …… ……
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