EMS :: Volume #3

#244: In fire fine lotus!

In Chapter 244 fire fine lotus! 第244章火中精莲! Xiao Yun walks in the sea of fire simply does not have one to worry, meaning that also do not prepare to defend. Ha 萧云行走在火海中根本没有一丝担忧,也没有要准备防御的意思。哈 Inexplicable within, he as if melting entered in the fire. 莫名间,他似乎‘融’入了火中。 „Did this boy as if really comprehend one to say?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is startled, but quick submerged in Swallowing the Heavens Tower. “这小子似乎真的领悟了一丝道?”吞天雀一怔,不过很快就没入了吞天塔内。 Once otherwise touched any restriction to avoid to trouble. 不然一旦触动了什么禁制躲避不及可就麻烦了。 Buzz! 嗡! Xiao Yun steps into the sea of fire, as if the body and [say / way] gather, these flame simply have not launched the attack to him. 萧云踏入火海,似乎身与道合,那些火炎根本没有向他发动攻击。 Looks from afar that Xiao Yun on strolls general stand forth. 远远看去,萧云就似闲庭信步一般向前走去。 But also moreover, has faint trace pure Fire Yuan to emerge his within the body, was given the absorption by Martial Spirit. 不仅如此,还有着丝丝精纯的火元涌入他的体内,被武魂给吸收。 Unknowingly Xiao Yun feels the Fire Martial Spirit unceasing promotion of own, but regarding him, enjoys that intent domain. 不知不觉萧云感觉自己火之武魂不断的提升,不过对于他而言,更加的享受那种意境 This intent domain makes in his heart clearly become aware, are many for several points to have understood to Martial Dao. 这种意境让他心中明悟,对武道多了几分了解。 Not difficult to imagine, later his practice speed will definitely surpass the average man to imagine. 不难想象,以后他修炼的速度肯定会超出常人所想象。 After the moment, Xiao Yun went out of sea of fire, the front presented one on the spot. 片刻后,萧云走出了火海,前方出现了一个实地。 There has burning hot fire wave to fill the air as before, aura pure. 那里依旧有着炙热的火流弥漫开来,气息更加的精纯。 Cluck! 咕咕! Takes a broad view to look, can see front to have 110 zhang (3.33 m) Fire Pond, inside has rich Fire Yuan to tumble unceasingly, probably is that boiling spring water, middle the mist is dense, the winding around four directions, simply probably is a wonderland. 放眼望去,可以看见前方有着一个110丈大小的火池,里面有着浓郁的火元不断翻滚,就好像是那沸腾的泉水,当中雾气氤氲,缭绕四方,简直就好像是一片人间仙境。 Good rich Fire Yuan!” The Xiao Yun pupil moves slightly, Martial Spirit in Sea of Consciousness was also buzz said. “好浓郁的火元!”萧云眸子微动,就连识海内的武魂也是嗡鸣了起来。 What is that?” Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun eye one bright, discovered that as if has a plant in the middle of that Fire Pond. “那是什么?”蓦地,萧云眼睛一亮,发现在那个火池当中似乎有着一颗植物。 Hehe, this is the spirit that Fire Yuan Essence breeds quenches!” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil dew is fiery, wild with joy, that is in the fire the fine lotus, hey, although is only the embryonic form, has not bred the forming completely, but is also very rare, is the priceless treasure.” 呵呵,这是火之精元孕育出的灵淬!”吞天雀眸露火热,一阵狂喜,“那是火中精莲,嘿嘿,虽然只是雏形,还没有完全孕育成形,不过也很难得,是无价的宝物。” It joyful, immediately escapes from Swallowing the Heavens Tower, in the bird mouth must flow out the saliva. 它欣喜不已,立即从吞天塔内遁出,鸟嘴中都要流出口水了。 Shout! 呼! The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sharp claws search, immediately turns toward that Fire Lotus to grasp. 吞天雀利爪一探,立即向着那火莲抓去。 I go to your uncle.” Sees Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow so quickly to start, Xiao Yun could not bear explode the sentence thick mouth, immediately was impolite, one step trod, then turned toward that Fire Pond to take a step to go, but has not waited for him to approach in the middle of that Fire Pond rays of light to bloom. “我去你二大爷的。”见吞天雀如此快下手,萧云忍不住爆了句粗口,当下也不客气,一步踏出,便向着那火池迈步而去,不过还不等他接近那火池当中一阵光芒绽放而出。 Buzz! 嗡! In Fire Pond the rays of light twinkle, mysterious fluctuation blooms, directly the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow personal appearance resisting. 火池光芒闪烁,一股晦涩的波动绽放开来,直接将吞天雀的身形给抵挡了下来。 Mother, here has restriction!” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow hit above restriction, a formidable fluctuation sweeps across to come, will almost not have submergence, that impulse will wreak havoc in the body, has almost not given to be defeated and dispersed its source True Fire. “妈呀,这里有禁制!”吞天雀撞击在禁制之上,一股强大的波动席卷而来,差点没有将之淹没,那股冲击力肆虐在身,差点没有将它那本源真火都给溃散了开来。 His mother, this arranged the inheritance restricted area person also Taikeng.” “他娘的,这布置传承禁地的人也太坑了吧。” It was shaken the flying several rice, the eyelid turns continually, sends out one to cry out strangely. 它被震飞数米,眼皮连翻,发出一阵怪叫。 Leaves leeway the treasure obviously here, actually also under the cloth restriction, doesn't this play the person? 明明留有宝物在此,却还布下禁制,这不是玩人吗? No, should plays the bird! 不,应该是玩鸟! This makes Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow feel a depression. 这让吞天雀感到一阵郁闷。 Gets what one deserves.” Sees Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that appearance, Xiao Yun is secret smiles, who makes this fellow see that the thing did snatch? “活该。”见吞天雀那模样,萧云却不由暗暗一笑,谁让这家伙一看到好东西就抢了? Little Yun, how thinks to eradicate this restriction quickly.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow shows the whites of the eyes continually, afterward fell on the shoulder of Xiao Yun quite fiery saying, looked at that appearance, was soon was simply mouth-watering, obviously was in the middle of the spirit to that Fire Pond quenches greedily quite. 小云子,快想想怎么将这禁制破除。”吞天雀连翻白眼,随后落在了萧云的肩膀上颇为火热的说道,瞧那模样,简直是快要流口水了,显然是对那火池当中的灵淬相当的嘴馋。 „Can you a little prospect?” A Xiao Yun face despises, is very afraid Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow the appearance of mouth current of water on to own shoulder. “你能有点出息吗?”萧云一脸鄙夷,一副深怕吞天雀将口水流到自己肩膀上的模样。 What meaningful glance are you?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow shows the whites of the eyes continually, is very discontented. “你这是什么眼色?”吞天雀连翻白眼,很是不满。 Xiao Yun shrugs, I despise your appearance, afterward his pupil light moved, takes a look to front Fire Pond. 萧云耸了耸肩,一副我鄙视你的模样,随后他眸光一动,瞅向了前方的火池 In the middle of the spirit regarding this Fire Pond quenches him also quite to hope. 对于这火池当中的灵淬他也是颇为期许。 Purple Flame Martial Spirit needs massive Fire Yuan Qi to be promoted now. 紫炎武魂现在就需要大量的火元气晋级。 But these fires succinct very obviously were thing of the best supplies. 而这些火之精粹很显然是最好的补给之物了。 Xiao Yun took a look at front restriction, hesitates slightly, at once the step steps, then must tread forward. 萧云瞅了一眼前方的禁制,略微沉吟,旋即步伐迈动,便要向前踏去。 „Does boy, you such rush?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is greatly anxious, escapes to the shoulder of Xiao Yun hastily, passes does not look oppressively? “小子,你就这么闯去?”吞天雀大急,连忙遁离萧云的肩膀,跟着过去不是找虐吗? It asked for advice that restriction might a moment ago! 刚才它可是已经领教了那禁制的威力啊! Who would have thought when Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow escapes to the Xiao Yun shoulder, the latter footsteps stepped to step into the middle of that Fire Pond unexpectedly. 哪知就在吞天雀遁离萧云肩膀的时候,后者脚步迈动竟然已经踏入了那火池当中。 That front restriction had not been touched unexpectedly! 那前方的禁制竟然没有被触动! Immediately, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow was scared. 顿时,吞天雀傻眼了。 „Is this also good?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow depressed, Xiao Yun is takes a step to go, what has not done, such smoothly passed? That did restriction expire? This makes it feel that a depression, the pupil rotation, hesitates immediately slightly also forward runs away. “这也行?”吞天雀郁闷不已,萧云就是迈步而去,什么也没有做,这么就顺利度过了呢?难道那禁制失效了?这让它感到一阵郁闷,当下眸子转动,略微迟疑也向前遁去。 Because front Xiao Yun started to pick in that fire the fine lotus. 因为前方萧云已经开始去采摘那火中精莲。 This is its greedy spirit quenches! 这可是它眼馋的灵淬啊! Xiao Yun stand forth, as if integrated in the middle of Fire Yuan, these restriction have not had the attack to him. 萧云向前走去,似乎融入了火元当中,就连那些禁制也没有对他产生攻击。 So, lets Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow in side, but the envy envies to hate! 如此一幕,让得吞天雀在旁边可是嫉妒羡慕恨啊! „Is this fine lotus that Fire Yuan breeds?” Xiao Yun goes to that Fire Pond center, slightly narrows the pupil closely is staring at front that Fire Lotus, this Fire Lotus is not big, palm of the hand size, just bred the forming, but middle that Fire Yuan Energy is beckoning. “这就是火元孕育出来的精莲?”萧云来到那火池中心,眸子微眯紧紧盯着前方的那株火莲,这火莲不大,才巴掌大小,还是刚孕育成形,不过当中那股火元之气却让人心动。 The Fire Lotus lotus petal completely is fiery red, glittering and translucent carving, probably is the beautiful jade gem, above mist is dense, is tender and delicate as if can drop out the water drop, shining brilliance blooms, is an immortal lotus stands erect in the fire simply probably, is beautiful such as a artware. 火莲的莲瓣完全是一片火红,晶莹剔透,就好像是美玉宝石,上面雾气氤氲,娇嫩得似乎可以滴出水珠,灿灿光华绽放开来,简直好像是一株仙莲在火中屹立,美丽得如一件艺术品。 This is the succinctness of fire, refining my Purple Flame Martial Spirit certainly can promote.” In Xiao Yun heart one happy. “这是火之精粹,将之炼化我的紫炎武魂一定可以提升。”萧云心中一喜。 Now his my cultivation level has stepped into True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment. 如今他的本人修为已经踏入了真元后期小成 But Purple Flame Martial Spirit actually still in True Yuan late-stage, wants promotes to unceasing to derive Fire Yuan Essence is. 可是紫炎武魂却还在真元后期,想要提升就得不断的汲取火之精元才是。 Hehe, since were obtained by me were impolite.” Xiao Yun smiles, the palm strokes that Fire Lotus curls up from the fire, at once Swallowing the Heavens Arts revolves, vortex appears, swallows this mist dense Fire Lotus directly. 呵呵,既然被我得到了那么就不客气了。”萧云一笑,手掌一拂将那火莲从火中卷起,旋即吞天诀运转起来,一个气旋浮现,直接将这株雾气氤氲的火莲吞噬。 Was swallowed? Little Yun, you cannot such to me!” Sees Xiao Yun directly Fire Lotus refining, a Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow anxiety, is whins to yell hastily, the appearance that hating bitterly, I hate! I go to his Sir, this is restriction that which bastard leaves behind, obviously is Grandpa Tian first take action, how to be going well by the boy? I very!” “被吞了?小云子,你不能这么对我!”见萧云直接将火莲炼化,吞天雀一阵焦急,连忙是哀嚎大叫,一副痛心疾首的模样,“我恨啊!我去他大爷的,这是哪个王八蛋留下的禁制,明明是天爷出手,怎么就被着小子得手了?我很啊!” Good Fire Lotus!” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow whins unceasingly, appears pitiful, a face is depressed. “多好的火莲啊!”吞天雀不断哀嚎,显得可怜兮兮,一脸沮丧。 Looks at its pitiful appearance, has not cried on the difference. 瞧它那可怜的模样,就差没有哭了。 „After , late-stage small accomplishment!” “真后后期小成!” After half double-hour, in Fire Pond Xiao Yun Fire Lotus completely refining. 半个时辰后,火池萧云火莲完全炼化 The Purple Flame Martial Spirit imposing manner in Sea of Consciousness multiplies, had already achieved the late-stage small accomplishment boundary, so surmounts, is nothing less than is small. 识海内的紫炎武魂气势倍增,已然达到了后期小成的境界,如此跨越,不可谓不小。 Must know that Xiao Yun Martial Spirit is flawless, Fire Yuan that needs also needs pure to be quite good. 要知道,萧云武魂无暇,所需要的火元也需要极为精纯才行。 Average person refining this Fire Lotus could stride in big accomplishment from late-stage directly, is Xiao Yun is different. 一般人炼化这颗火莲或许可以直接从后期跨入大成,可是萧云不同。 Yuan Qi that he needs is far from average man may compare. 他所需要的元气绝非常人可比。 This is the difference of physique. 这就是体质的区别。 However this True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment boundary, actually sufficiently crush these big accomplishment cultivator. 不过他这真元后期小成的境界,却足以碾压那些大成修者了。 True Yuan is pure, the might is stronger. 真元越是精纯,威力就越强。 Here True Yuan is quite rich, should be able to help my Purple Flame Martial Spirit to be promoted the True Yuan late-stage big accomplishment boundary.” Xiao Yun pupil light after refining Fire Lotus concentrates, is taking a fast look around the four directions, here Fire Yuan is rich, completely is Fire Yuan Essence. “这里的真元极为浓郁,应该可以助我的紫炎武魂晋级到真元后期大成的境界。”在炼化火莲萧云眸光一凝,扫视着四方,这里火元浓郁,完全是火之精元 However after when Xiao Yun pupil light sweeps, his brow actually selects. 不过当萧云眸光扫过后,他眉头却是不由一挑。 By Fire Pond, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow still whins there, appears dejected. 火池旁边,吞天雀还在那里哀嚎,显得垂头丧气。 This fellow.” Sees this, Xiao Yun shakes the head smiles, was this bird also calculating? “这家伙。”见此,萧云不由摇头一笑,这只鸟也太斤斤计较了吧? Shook, Xiao Yun strolls from that Fire Pond. 甩了甩头,萧云从那火池中漫步而出。 Sees Xiao Yun to go out, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil has stood, a face is disgruntled, said that your also too insufficient loyalty.” 见到萧云走出,吞天雀眸子都立了起来,一脸不悦,道,“你也太不够义气了吧。” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil stands, middle completely is the resentment, probably is a resentful woman is staring Xiao Yun. 吞天雀眸子立起,当中尽是怨气,就好像是一个怨妇在瞪着萧云 Such expression makes Xiao Yun even more think funny. 这样的表情让萧云越发觉得好笑。 „Do you have a prospect?” Xiao Yun white Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that isn't Fire Lotus?” “你还有没有一点出息?”萧云白了一眼吞天雀道,“不就是一株火莲吗?” Fire Lotus?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow shows the whites of the eyes continually, despises saying that this is also wants the precious spirit to quench compared with that millennium spiritual medicine, you actually said that is only Fire Lotus? You said actually with ease, Grandpa Tian for a long time has not opened has eaten meat.” “一株火莲?”吞天雀连翻白眼,鄙视道,“这可是比那千年灵药还要珍贵的灵淬,你竟然说只是一株火莲?你说得倒是轻松,天爷可是好久都没有开过荤了。” With your real cruel fate!” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow face suffering from injustice saying. “跟着你真命苦啊!”吞天雀一脸委屈的说道。 You were murmuring that do not regret!” Xiao Yun smiles helplessly, at once in Sea of Consciousness the rays of light twinkle, flame spirit bead then appears from his forehead, rich life essence also fills the air from middle, making nearby air many several points of vitality. “你在囔囔,可别后悔哦!”萧云无奈一笑,旋即识海光芒闪烁,一颗火红色的灵珠便是从他眉心浮现,一股浓郁的生命精气也是从当中弥漫开来,使得附近的空气都多了几分生机。 „, Fire Spirit Bead!” Felt this life essence, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow was jumping immediately, escaped to Xiao Yun saliva directing current, saying that the whole face flattered, Little Yun, your this can spirit bead give me? Gives me, you what are in any case many are.” “哇哈哈,火灵珠!”感受着这股生命精气,吞天雀立即跳了起来,遁向萧云口水直流,满脸谄媚的说道,“小云子,你这灵珠是要给我吗?给我吧,反正你多的是。” It appears very excited, sweeps away depressed. 它显得很兴奋,将刚才的郁闷一扫而空。 In the middle of this flame bead life essence makes Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow feel to rouse. 这颗火红色珠子当中的生命精气吞天雀感到振奋。 „.” The Xiao Yun finger light shell, that may contain the life aura strength bead then to flutter to Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. “咯。”萧云手指轻弹,那可蕴含着生命气息的火色珠子便是飘向了吞天雀 A Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow face is fiery, bird mouth then that bead swallowing, has revealed the whole face to taste afterward. 吞天雀一脸火热,鸟嘴一张便将那珠子给吞了,随后露出满脸回味。 „?” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow pupil narrows the eyes, asks. “还有吗?”吞天雀眸子一眯,问道。 Goes.” Xiao Yun shows the whites of the eyes to say continually that later few and I compete for Fire Yuan to have.” “去。”萧云连翻白眼道,“以后少和我争夺火元就有。” Yes, yes, I later definitely did not struggle with you.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow nods again and again, appears quite docile. “是,是,我以后肯定不和你争了。”吞天雀连连点头,显得颇为温顺。 life aura that in the middle of this bead contains makes it be infatuated with, that Fire Lotus does not have this attraction. 这珠子当中蕴含的生命气息让它迷恋,就连那火莲都没有这吸引力。 Walks.” Xiao Yun shrugs saying that in this Fire Yuan was rich, suffices us to promote to turn.” “走吧。”萧云耸了耸肩道,“这里面火元浓郁,够我们提升一翻了。” Said that he then goes toward that Fire Pond steps. 说完他便是向着那火池踏步而去。 Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is not scruple, falls gently hastily on the Xiao Yun shoulder, follows to go. 吞天雀也不迟疑,连忙飘落在萧云肩膀上,跟随而去。 It does not want to stare on helplessly outside again. 它可不想再在外面干瞪眼了。 Enters in Fire Pond Xiao Yun to start to absorb inside Fire Yuan to help the Purple Flame Martial Spirit promotion. 进入火池萧云开始吸收里面的火元以助紫炎武魂提升。 Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow also gratefully, bird mouth evolves vortex to swallow up the general absorption these Fire Yuan. 吞天雀也毫不客气,鸟嘴一张演化出一个气旋鲸吞一般吸收着那些火元 As the time passes, under swallowing of Xiao Yun and Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, Fire Yuan gradual thin in Fire Pond. 随着时间流逝,在萧云吞天雀的吞噬下,火池内的火元逐渐的稀薄。 However Xiao Yun Fire Martial Spirit had very big promotion, must step into the True Yuan big accomplishment boundary. 不过萧云火之武魂却有了很大的提升,就要踏入真元大成的境界了。 Moreover, that fire branch on that Jade Tree Martial Spirit also became thickly transferred, had four pieces of tender leaves. 不仅如此,那碧树武魂上的那根火枝条也变得粗转了起来,有了四片嫩叶。 These tender leaf anger start to condense dewdrop densely. 这些嫩叶火气氤氲开始凝聚露珠。 True Yuan late-stage big accomplishment, has a disparity from Peak!” Also has not known how long, Xiao Yun has drawn back from practice suddenly, now his Purple Flame Martial Spirit obtained very big promotion, immediately must step into the Peak boundary. 真元后期大成,距离巅峰还有一步差距!”也不知过了多久,萧云突然从修炼中退了出来,如今他的紫炎武魂已经得到了很大的提升,马上就要踏入巅峰境了。 But wants to go a step further, actually also requires the time. 可是想要在进一步,却还需要时间。 Moreover here Fire Yuan also became scarce. 而且这里的火元也变得稀少了起来。 Yeah, but also misses one step, is really a pity!” Nearby Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow also again and again sighed, that vortex dissipated immediately. “哎,还差一步,真是可惜啊!”旁边的吞天雀也是连连叹息,那气旋顿时消散。 Now it has achieved Yuan Core 1-layer perfection boundary, may want to achieve Yuan Core 2-layer, missed. 如今它达到了元丹一重圆满境,可想要达到元丹二重,还是差了一些。 This makes it feel regret. 这让它感到遗憾。 After stepping into Yuan Core Realm, wanted to promote to be too difficult! 踏入元丹境后想要提升太难了! ( ( …… ……
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