EMS :: Volume #3

#243: The sea of fire grasps principles

Chapter 243 sea of fire grasps principles 第243章火海悟道 The hot wave sweeps across to come, Xiao Yun felt that has the mountain toward the own oppression under.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 火浪席卷而来,萧云感觉有山岳向着自己压迫而下。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] Bang! 砰! A heat wave whips in raises him flies, when he opens the pupil to look that actually sees own to place near a sea of fire. 一股热浪拍打在身上将他掀飞,待得他睁开眸子一看,却见得自己身处在一个火海边。 This sea of fire is giant reef. 这火海边是一处巨大的岩礁。 The sole falls to the ground, on that reef steam soars to the heavens, probably a mighty current, emerges the foot heart of Xiao Yun directly, then invades in the middle of his meridians, the air current of that burning hot as if must burn his meridians, has including the flesh and blood is roasted the ripe trend. 脚掌落地,那岩礁上热气冲天,好像一股洪流,直接涌入萧云的脚心,然后侵入他的经脉当中,那炙热的气流似乎要焚掉他的经脉,连血肉都有着被烤熟的趋势。 Quite hot!” This makes Xiao Yun one startled immediately, the whole person jumped, mind moves the Purple Flame Martial Spirit twinkle of Sea of Consciousness, piece of purple fire wave then sweeps across from the meridians, wrapping to get up to resist that burning hot his whole body by this. “好热!”这顿时让得萧云一惊,整个人都跳了起来,心神一动识海紫炎武魂闪烁,一片紫色的火流便是从经脉当中席卷而出,将他全身给包裹了起来以此抵挡住那股炙热。 So Xiao Yun visits on that reef. 如此萧云才踏足于那岩礁上。 This is a sea of fire, was too also hot.” Xiao Yun takes a broad view to look, actually sees front hot wave heavens frightening, dazzling rays of light dyed red the trim space, having made the front almost by flame rays of light flooding, that boundless sea of fire cannot see the end. “这是一片火海,可是也太热了吧。”萧云放眼望去,却见得前方火浪惊天,耀眼的光芒染红了整片空间,使得前方几乎完全被火红色的光芒给充斥着,那茫茫火海看不到尽头。 However as if has a channel to appear intermittently in the front of that sea of fire. 不过在那火海的前方似乎有着一个通道隐现。 Can cross this sea of fire to leave here?” Xiao Yun mind moves, at once turns toward the front sea of fire to size up to go, here flame is very strong, seems like ordinary, but that burning hot he felt that soon cannot withstand. “难道要渡过这火海才可以离开这里吗?”萧云心神一动,旋即向着前方的火海打量而去,这里的火焰很强,看似普通可是那种炙热就连他都感觉快要承受不了。 Now falls into this danger area, even if were the sea of fire must rush.” Xiao Yun brows tightly frowns, he knows that a strange space that after this should be touches that Death Gate, enters, wanted to leave successfully must cross this place to be good. “如今身陷这绝地,就算是火海也得闯一闯了。”萧云眉头紧锁,他知道这应该是触动那‘死门’后进入的一个陌生空间,想要成功离开就必须渡过此地才行。 At that moment he deeply inspired, the sole steps then to turn toward that sea of fire one step to tread. 当下他深吸了口气,脚掌迈动便向着那火海一步踏出。 Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror in his hand is also holding meanwhile, provides against contingencies. 与此同时他手中的逆元天镜也持着,以防万一。 Shout! 呼! In Xiao Yun steps that sea of fire, a formidable hot wave whips to come, is gets angry the python to raid simply probably, that imposing manner crush any half Yuan Core Realm following cultivator, Xiao Yun brows tightly frowns, has stimulated to movement Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror sufficiently hastily. 就在萧云踏上那火海时,一股强大的火浪拍打而来,简直好像是怒蟒袭来,那气势足以碾压任何半步元丹境以下的修者了,萧云眉头紧锁,连忙催动逆元天镜 Buzz! 嗡! Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror blooms dazzling rays of light, the runes twinkle, is similar to the light wall protects and sustains generally in the Xiao Yun front. 逆元天镜绽放出一股耀眼的光芒,符文闪烁,如同光墙一般护持在萧云的面前。 Who would have thought that hot wave curls directly burning the crack these light runes decomposes. 哪知那火浪卷来直接将那些光纹给焚裂分解。 Bang! 砰! Sweeps across the flame to dodge, is similar to wild waves submerges Xiao Yun generally. 席卷火光一闪,如同骇浪一般将萧云淹没。 Has not arranged in order outside, Xiao Yun was flown by a great strength bang, the whole person flies upside down distressedly, fell in the hot reef of that shore. 没有列外,萧云被一股巨力轰飞,整个人狼狈倒飞而出,落在了那岸边的火礁上。 „It is not able to resist that hot wave unexpectedly strikes?” Xiao Yun brows tightly frowns. “竟然无法抵挡那火浪的一击?”萧云眉头紧锁 Afterward his mind moves, tries to sink to Swallowing the Heavens Tower to seek the help of Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, who would have thought Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow not in tower. 随后他心神一动,试着沉入吞天塔内寻求吞天雀的帮助,哪知吞天雀并没有在塔内。 Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow?” Xiao Yun is surprised, in the pupil is bringing several points of flustered. 吞天雀了?”萧云一脸惊讶,眸中带着几分慌张。 Was separated a moment ago?” In his heart doubt. “难道是刚才被分开了?”他心中狐疑。 Did not have Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow to help to make Xiao Yun feel that own has been short of several points of background. 没有了吞天雀帮助让萧云感觉自己少了几分底蕴 After all this fellow has to fight the strength of Yuan Core 2-layer boundary! 毕竟这家伙有可战元丹二重境的实力啊! Does not have Swallowing the Heavens, I was also same can get through this difficult time!” After is slightly depressed, Xiao Yun gradually regained the confidence, as cultivator must have enough self-confident is, how if relies on others constantly becomes powerhouse? “就算没有吞天,我也一样能渡过这次难关的!”在略微沮丧后,萧云逐渐的恢复了信心,作为一个修者就必须拥有着足够的自信才是,若是一味的依赖别人又如何成为强者 This is to my test!” The Xiao Yun pupil dew is firm and resolute, not in depressed, instead is confident, has regarded this test on own, only then relied on the own ability to cross dangers, this can prove the great strength of own. “这正是对我的一次考验!”萧云眸露坚毅,不在沮丧,反而信心满满,将这当成了对自己的考验,只有凭借自己的能力渡过一次次危险,这才能证明自己的强大。 Otherwise depends upon the external force eventually, is nothing to speak. 不然终究是依靠外力,不值一提。 After all if works as these external forces not, how you should survive? 毕竟若是当这些外力不在时,你又该如何生存下去? Therefore own formidable is the true great strength! 所以自己强大才是真正的强大! Brings several points of firm and resolute pupil light, Xiao Yun to continue to size up the front sea of fire. 带着几分坚毅的眸光,萧云继续打量着前方的火海。 This sea of fire imposing manner is very strong, was not present I can pass very much obviously.” Xiao Yun returned to normal the mood to start thinking slowly thoroughly, I wanted to cross this sea of fire, perhaps cannot rely on the brute force, how should that?” “这火海气势很强,很显然不是现在的我可以度过。”萧云彻底平复下了心情开始慢慢的思索,“我想要渡过这片火海,或许不能凭借蛮力了,那又该如何了?” Xiao Yun was lost in thought. 萧云陷入了沉思。 Fire...... Since is the fire, I only then worked hard in this above.” In the Xiao Yun heart moves, immediately stimulates to movement Purple Flame Martial Spirit in Sea of Consciousness, the Martial Spirit twinkle, then appears immediately in the Xiao Yun top of the head, thoroughly from that Sea of Consciousness not having. “火……既然是火,我只有在这上面下功夫了。”萧云心中一动,当即催动识海内的紫炎武魂,武魂闪烁,当即便浮现在萧云的头顶,彻底从那识海之内给没了出来。 By Spiritual Consciousness of communication sea of fire my Martial Spirit, should have the effect.” Xiao Yun starts to stimulate to movement Martial Spirit to lend a rich hot aura, fills the air to go toward the front, is trying and these flame communicates, expressed that is similar existence. “以我武魂灵识沟通火海,应该会有效果。”萧云开始催动武魂散发出一股浓郁的火之气息,向着前方弥漫而去,试着和那些火炎沟通,表示是同类的存在。 Often similar within has some type of aura to be similar, making it be intimate with emotion, so will not launch attacks. 往往同类间会有着某种气息相似,使之感动亲近,如此就不会发动攻击了。 After Flame Martial Spirit releases the aura, the flame of that front tumbling really gradually started tranquilly. 火炎武魂将气息释放出去后,那前方翻滚的火焰果然逐渐开始平静了下来。 Has the effect?” Sees this, in Xiao Yun heart one happy. “有效果?”见此,萧云心中一喜。 This effect as if also missed.” Although that flame slightly is tranquil, may have several points to repel obviously. “不过这效果似乎还差了一些。”虽然那火焰略显平静,可明显还带着几分排斥。 Even though is flame also has type discrimination. 纵使是火炎也有种类区分。 For example Xiao Yun this Martial Spirit is Purple Flame, but in the sea of fire these flame are actually the pure golden yellow flame. 比如萧云武魂紫炎,可是火海中那些火炎却是纯粹的金黄火焰。 Between both has the differences eventually. 两者间终究还是有不同之处。 Discrimination? How to solve this conflicts?” Xiao Yun starts to hesitate. “区分?如何化解这个矛盾?”萧云开始沉吟。 The time passes, Xiao Yun thinks deeply about this issue unceasingly. 时间流逝,萧云不断思索这个问题。 During this, he has thought that such as various world Yuan Qi, Martial Dao that also such as he comprehended recently. 这期间他想了很多,如天地各种元气,又如他最近所领悟的武道 World myriad things this is a source, does not divide your me, but a source lives the myriad things, caused and had the respective path essence, what now I need is fuses to change into a source.” Xiao Yun muttered, was seeming to be a clear(ly) became aware, Martial Dao was also same, ten thousand deep meaning from simple to complex, in from complex to change into simple, actually all for together, with the this world myriad things this were a source similar......” “天地万物本为一源,不分你我,可是一源生万物,使得又有了各自的轨迹本质,现在我需要的是将之重新融合化为一源。”萧云喃喃自语,似有着一丝明悟,“武道也是一样,万种奥义由简入繁,在由繁化简,其实皆为一道,与这天地万物本为一源相似……” Person is also in the world a thing, can therefore sense the world, during integrates.” Xiao Yun has remembered the own beforehand sensibility, „the present is also same, but has traded material, now wasn't this fire never in one of the world myriad things?” “人也是天地间中一物,所以可以感悟天地,融入当中。”萧云想起了自己之前的感悟,“现在也是一样,只是换了一个物质,如今这火何尝又不是天地万物中之一了?” Read passes, all passed, suddenly before Xiao Yun , the anxiety of still having was dissipating. 一念通,全部通,一时间萧云之前还存在的一丝疑虑在消散。 Unknowingly has consolidated at this moment a point in the sensibility that in Martial Dao Tablet obtained. 在此刻他在武道碑中所得到的感悟不知不觉又稳固了一分。 That intent domain became firmer. 那种意境变得更加坚固了起来。 Before although Xiao Yun has sensed, is intent domain is not steady, is easy to lose, for example this crisis made him be thrown into confusion. 之前萧云虽然有所感悟,可是意境不稳,容易失去自我,比如这次危机就让他乱了阵脚。 Is good is mental because of Xiao Yun, restored the mood, but also continues to sense, has stabilized the boundary. 好在萧云心智坚毅,又恢复了心情,还继续感悟,稳定了境界。 I for Heavenly Flame, I for Heavenly Flame!” Unexpectedly, the Xiao Yun pupil opens, in mouth muttered, „before , what I sensed was only superficial knowledge / fur.” To at this moment, him had discovered before , that type I for Heavenly Flame by far also insufficient, has not achieved the boundary that is worthy of the reputation. “我为天炎,我为天炎!”蓦地,萧云眸子睁开,口中喃喃自语,“之前我感悟的只是皮毛。”到了此刻,他才发现之前那一式我为天炎远远还不够,还没有达到名副其实的境界。 However at this moment, his heart, has set out suddenly, the within both eyes flame twinkle, is fixing the eyes on the front sea of fire. 不过这一刻,他心有所动,霍然起身,双眸中火光闪烁,紧盯着前方的火海。 Shout! 呼! Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun mind moves, that Purple Flame Martial Spirit submerges in Sea of Consciousness. 蓦地,萧云心神一动,那紫炎武魂没入识海内。 Since I for Heavenly Flame, why made Purple Flame Martial Spirit send out? Because during I have not integrated own, will therefore have this thought that was is then equal to carrying on the classification with flame imperceptibly, has had the barrier, then, how could also to obtain its approval?” In the Xiao Yun mouth muttered, intent domain in the heart, the whole person became faintly recognizable. “既然我为天炎,又何必让紫炎武魂出动了?因为我还没有将自己融入当中,所以才会有这个念头,那么便是等于无形中与火炎进行了归类,产生了隔阂,如此一来,又岂能得到它的认可?”萧云口中喃喃自语,意境在心,整个人变得飘渺了起来。 In this moment, he actually has a Great Grandmaster imposing manner. 在这一刻,他竟然有着一种大宗师的气势。 Xiao Yun one step treads, did not have any protection, such has stepped into the sea of fire. 萧云一步踏出,没有了任何防备,就这么踏入了火海。 puff! 噗! The hot wave tumbles, has not actually attacked to Xiao Yun, fire wave is swinging, appearance that blowing hot and cold. 火浪翻滚,却并没有向萧云进行攻击,火流在摆动,一副摇摆不定的模样。 As if these fire wave have also regarded own similar Xiao Yun, is indefinite. 似乎这些火流也将萧云当成了自己的同类,却还有一丝不确定。 I for Heavenly Flame!” Xiao Yun smiles lightly, „last type should be Person and Fire Unites.” “我为天炎!”萧云淡淡一笑,“最后一式应该为人火合一。” At this moment, he comprehended the Heavenly Flame Five Styles seventh type. 这一刻,他领悟出了天炎五式的第七式。 Person and Fire Unites! 人火合一 Then, his step took , to continue the forward march to approach these flame. 说完,他步伐迈出,继续前进走向了那些火炎 The body of Xiao Yun is faintly recognizable, the whole body seems to be the flame to bloom, looks from afar that he changed into part in flame to unite with that Heavenly Fire probably, this step by step forward took, shortly will have achieved unexpectedly the end of that sea of fire. 萧云的身子飘渺,周身似有火光绽放,远远看去,他好像真的化为了火炎中的一部分与那天火合一,就这样一步步向前迈出,竟然只是在顷刻间就达到了那火海的尽头。 As if could not see the sea of fire of boundary actually as if has hundred meters. 原本似乎看不到边际的火海竟然似乎只有百米。 Buzz! 嗡! The next quarter, trembles void, this sea of fire dissipates. 下一刻,虚空一颤,这片火海消散。 Xiao Yun feels mind in a flash, at present a fuzziness, after consciousness return, as if has changed a world. 萧云感觉心神一晃,眼前一片模糊,待得意识回归后似乎换了一个天地。 At this time, his face was indifferent, not having previous time tight, pupil light to move, sweeps to the front. 此时,他一脸淡然,没有了上次的紧张,眸光一动,扫向了前方。 Is a sea of fire.” Xiao Yun pupil light moves, the pupil light institute, actually the discovery front as before is a sea of fire. “还是一片火海。”萧云眸光一动,眸光所及,却发现前方依旧是一片火海。 Little Yun, are you all right?” Unexpectedly, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sound conveys. 小云子,你没事吧?”蓦地,吞天雀的声音传来。 Swallowing the Heavens! You in?” Xiao Yun one startled, hurries to sink to Swallowing the Heavens Tower mind. 吞天!你在?”萧云一惊,赶紧将心神沉入吞天塔内。 Shout! 呼! The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow form moves, then glitters from the tower. 吞天雀身影一动,便是从塔内闪烁而出。 What's the matter? A moment ago weren't you not in?” Sees Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, Xiao Yun feels surprised. “怎么回事?刚才你不是不在吗?”见得吞天雀,萧云感到一脸惊讶。 I not in?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow stunned, asked that a moment ago what happened?” “我不在?”吞天雀一阵错愕,问道,“刚才发生什么事情了?” Saw Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow stunned appearance Xiao Yun to say in the experience of sea of fire a moment ago. 吞天雀错愕的模样萧云将刚才在火海的经历说道。 „, Is this.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow hesitates slightly said afterward that that all should be a illusion a moment ago.” “哦,原来是这样。”吞天雀略微沉吟随后说道,“刚才那一切应该是一个幻境。” Illusion?” Xiao Yun is stunned, may all so be obviously real . Moreover the sensibility that he gets a light from another light also was really promoted. “幻境?”萧云错愕,可明明一切都那么真实,而且他对火的感悟也真的得到了提升。 That is Formation your mind hauling, entered in a illusion to test, only then through testing you can go through a strategic pass, otherwise only feared that during mind has fallen into is individually uncorrectable, this Formation was really mysterious, Death Gate, Death Gate also was really a narrow escape!” A Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow face sobbed, this sensibility was too mysterious, at all was not the average person can comprehend. “那是阵法将你的心神牵引而出,进入了一个幻境内考验,只有通过考验你才能过关,不然只怕心神会一直陷入当中不可自拔,这阵法果然玄妙,‘死门,死门’还真是九死一生啊!”吞天雀一脸唏嘘,这种感悟太玄妙了,根本不是一般人可以领悟。 Can simulate all in the illusion by the will of person, all martial arts, Magic Item may evolve. 在幻境中可以凭借人的意志模拟出一切,一切武学,法器都可演化而出。 This was too real, during making people be hard to detect the issue. 这太真实了,让人难以发觉当中的问题。 If Xiao Yun natural talent is insufficient, perhaps mental was not very firm and resolute ended a moment ago. 若是萧云天赋不够,心智也不够坚毅刚才或许就完了。 How don't you have the matter?” Xiao Yun asked. “怎么你没有事?”萧云问道。 I stay in Swallowing the Heavens Tower, has isolated all relations, the Formation original influence I.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said. “我呆在吞天塔内,隔绝了一切联系,阵法自然影响不到我。”吞天雀说道。 „.” Xiao Yun suddenly, simultaneously in the heart really did not sob, if in own heart insufficiently perhaps real die in this. “哦。”萧云恍然,同时心中也是不甚唏嘘,若是自己心中不够或许真的殒落在此了。 Qiu Yufeng, if I exited to will certainly take your dog's life.” Has cold severe a rays of light twinkle in the middle of the Xiao Yun pupil. 邱雨枫,若是我出去了必将取你狗命。”在萧云眸子当中有着一丝冷厉的光芒闪烁。 This person repeatedly aims at Xiao Yun, now has been driven beyond the limits of forbearance. 此人屡次针对萧云,如今已经忍无可忍了。 Initially Xiao Yun also wants to remove Qiu Yufeng, may not begin concerned about the sect rule. 当初萧云也想除掉邱雨枫,可碍于门规一直没有动手。 This time event made Xiao Yun killing intent increase without doubt the extreme. 这次的事件却无疑让萧云杀意攀升到了极点。 „The boy naturally must kill.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that „, but, we first passed this pass/test.” “那小子自然要杀。”吞天雀说道,“不过,我们还是先过了这关吧。” Em.” Xiao Yun nods, afterward looks forward. “恩。”萧云点头,随后向前看去。 The front sea of fire, the rough sea waves are dreadful, vaguely can also induce to also has the fluctuation of restriction in void. 前方一片火海,巨浪滔天,依稀还可以感应到在虚空中还有着禁制的波动。 Also is so, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow does not dare to escape to fly rashly. 也是如此,吞天雀才不敢贸然遁飞过去。 Sea of fire?” Took a look at a that sea of fire, the Xiao Yun pupil has narrowed the eyes, whole person makings sudden change. “火海?”瞅了一眼那火海,萧云眸子一眯,整个人气质骤变。 Person and Fire Unites! 人火合一 The Xiao Yun body moves, the step then treads toward the front sea of fire. 萧云身子一动,步伐便是向着前方的火海踏去。 Although sensed in the illusion a moment ago, but he is as before confident now, the whole person also became faintly recognizable. 虽然刚才是在幻境中感悟,可如今他依旧信心十足,整个人也变得飘渺了起来。 ( ( …… ……
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