EMS :: Volume #3

#242: The dead gate touches!

Chapter 242 Death Gate touches! 第242章死门触动! Lu Yanfeng follows closely Qiu Yufeng to go.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 陆炎风紧随着邱雨枫而去。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] In side, several other youth also respectively trod the own step, walked toward the front. 在旁边,另外几个青年也各自踏出了自己的步伐,向着前方走去。 Has not arranged in order outside, they obtained the secret about this stone seal from some elder there smoothly all incomparable. 没有列外,他们都从一些长辈那里得到了一些关于这石印的秘密皆顺利无比。 Xiao Yun goes forward along with Liang Junyu, in the heart also secretly pondered over got up these stone seal. 萧云随着梁君宇前进,心中也暗自琢磨了起来那些石印 Relies on the careful observation, Xiao Yun was discovering impressively rune seal on these safe stone seal have an obvious fluctuation, that fluctuation absorbs the person very much, looks like very dangerous, one step treads then like the abyss, may in fact be Life Gate. 凭借着仔细观察,萧云赫然发现那些安全的石印上的符篆有着一股明显的波动,那股波动很摄人,看起来很危险,一步踏去便如万丈深渊,可实际上是‘生门’。 But you, if thinks that only chose these imposing manners to absorb the stone of person to walk makes a mistake. 可你若以为只选择那些气势摄人的石走去就错了。 Naturally this does not arrange in order outside, some stone seal seem like rune seal is tranquil, actually is also Life Gate. 当然这也不列外,有些石印看似符篆平静,却也是‘生门’。 This inside road made Xiao Yun feel immediately broadly and profoundly. 这里面的道道让萧云顿时感觉博大精深了起来。 Although his Spiritual Consciousness cannot release to two meters beyond, but stone seal within two meters to this under foot has the greatly strengthened understanding clearly strength. 虽然他的灵识不能释放到两米外,可是对这脚下两米内的石印还是有着极强的洞悉力。 What Formation Dao is tasteful is the mixture of truth and deceit, must profoundly study is good, during understanding mystery that otherwise is very difficult to be true.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that many people investigated its life also to find out being scared of Formation Dao, this field of endeavor wondrous use was infinite, Formation Dao regarding martial artist also cherished compared with pill refining together, because this can let them by strength of the, played with a lot of archenemies in applauses.” 阵法一道讲究的是虚虚实实,必须深入研究才行,不然很难真正的了解当中的奥妙。”吞天雀说道,“很多人究其一生也只是摸清了阵法一道的发毛而已,此道妙用无穷,对于武者来说阵法之道炼丹一道还稀罕,因为这可以让他们以一己之力,玩弄千百大敌于鼓掌间。” Em.” Xiao Yun nods, regarding this deep to be so, such as here, simple Formation, makes them be unable to take a single step forward. “恩。”萧云点头,对此深以为然,就如这里,一个简单的阵法,就让得他们寸步难行。 As martial artist, has this method without doubt to make own be built on invincible position. 作为武者,拥有这种手段无疑可以让自己立于一个不败之地。 At this time the step of that Liang Junyu advance started to be then slow, Xiao Yun also put for several points runes in pondering over stone seal. 此时那梁君宇前进的步伐开始便慢了,萧云也就多放了几分时间在琢磨石印中的符文 Unexpectedly, his brow lock, discovers that Qiu Yufeng and Lu Yanfeng beyond own ten meters. 蓦地,他眉头一锁,发现那邱雨枫陆炎枫自己身边十米之外。 His pupil light moves slightly, the split vision of corner of the eye clear saw that the Qiu Yufeng corners of the mouth raise wipes cold intent. 眸光微动,眼角的余光清晰的看到了邱雨枫嘴角掀起的那抹冷意 If you dare to annoy me again, does not take it ill me to be heartless.” In the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly, although knows Qiu Yufeng to harbor evil intentions, but here also has the same side after all, his not good take action, therefore Xiao Yun also only then performed to guard secretly. “若是你敢再惹我,就休怪我无情。”萧云心中暗忖,虽然知道邱雨枫不怀好意,可是这里毕竟还有同门在,他也不好出手,所以萧云也只有暗自加以防备了。 It seems like this Liang Junyu cannot remember these completely Life Gate.” Xiao Yun brow one curved, at once the palm change took out magic mirror secretly, this is that Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror that he obtains, at this time puts out is also good to deal with the unknown accident. “看来这梁君宇也不能完全记住那些‘生门’。”萧云眉头一弯,旋即手掌翻动暗自取出了一面法镜,这正是他得到的那面逆元天镜,此时拿出也好应付未知的变故。 Afterward Xiao Yun continues to go forward to observe these stone seal. 随后萧云继续前进观察那些石印 Unknowingly, he resembled to ponder over some rules, mind immersed. 不知不觉,他似琢磨到了一些规律,心神都沉浸在了当中。 This formation mark was too together mysterious, making Xiao Yun live very big interest. 阵纹一道太玄妙了,让萧云生起了很大的兴趣。 If can understand that perhaps to learn/to master Formation Dao, can save many troubles in the later path. 若是能了解,学会阵法一道,或许在以后的道路中能省去许多的麻烦。 Good opportunity.” Qiu Yufeng has followed in Xiao Yun behind, he walks is very slow, the meaning that do not surpass, he has caused a meaningful glance toward that nearby Lu Yanfeng afterward, the palm moves unexpectedly, Yuan Qi sweeps across together a Yuan blade edge is the condensation. “好机会。”邱雨枫一直跟随在萧云身后,他走的很慢,并没有要超出去的意思,随后他向着那旁边的陆炎风使了一个眼色,蓦地手掌一动,元气席卷一道元刃便是凝聚而出。 At this time Xiao Yun completely immerses in that sensibility, is the take action opportunity. 此时萧云完全沉浸在那种感悟当中,正是出手的机会。 Sneak attack?” Has been pondering over the Xiao Yun brow of that stone seal to select, induces to behind has a fluctuation to be close. “偷袭?”一直在琢磨那石印萧云眉头一挑,感应到身后有着一股波动接近。 At this time side several other youth had also discovered exceptionally. 这时旁边另外几个青年也是发现了异常。 This can Qiu Yufeng sneak attack Xiao Yun?” In a heart the surprise, why does not understand Qiu Yufeng so. “这邱雨枫是要偷袭萧云吗?”一个心中诧异,不明白邱雨枫为何如此。 This boy not awfully? What to do here if take action did touch Death Gate?” These people of brows tightly frowns. “这小子不要命了?在这里出手要是触动了‘死门’怎么办?”这几人眉头紧锁 You dare!” Xiao Yun pair of eyes one cold, then looks immediately that formidable soul fluctuation tilts under. “你敢!”萧云双眸一冷,当即便是偏头看去,一股强大的灵魂波动倾覆而下。 Oppression of very powerful!” That Soul Power suppression, Qiu Yufeng brows tightly frowns, felt that has the vault of heaven to depress. 好强大的压迫!”那灵魂力镇压而下,邱雨枫眉头紧锁,感觉有着天穹压下。 However at this time his attack fell. 不过此时他的攻击已经落下。 Bang! 砰! This Qiu Yufeng does not go toward the Xiao Yun sneak attack, actually fell on nearby stone seal. 邱雨枫根本不是向着萧云偷袭而去,却是落在了旁边的一个石印上。 That stone seal rays of light glitters a terrifying fluctuation to burst out, finally changes into the fire dragon then to go toward the recent Xiao Yun anger volume together. 石印光芒闪烁一股恐怖的波动迸发而出,最后化为一道火龙便是向着最近的萧云怒卷而去。 This fire Dragon Qi potential is greatly strengthened, almost comparable with Yuan Core Realm, the terrifying fluctuation sweeps across, routs Xiao Yun soul's intimidation power, afterward the fire dragon moved, raids to him, trembled void, the fire dragon curled, the Xiao Yun brow also slightly felt the pressure. 这火龙气势极强,几乎堪比元丹境,恐怖的波动席卷而下,将萧云灵魂震慑力击溃,随后火龙一动,袭向了他本人,虚空一颤,火龙卷来,就连萧云眉头也是略感压力。 He is very difficult to resist this to strike under the hastiness. 在仓促下他很难抵挡这一击。 However fortunately, he early has protection. 不过还好,他早有防备。 True Yuan pours into that Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror this magic mirror rays of light to dodge, piece of runes blooms, is changes into light screens to reappear before, was similar to wall of the runes that fire dragon resisting, entire void trembled merely returned to normal. 真元注入那逆元天镜内这法镜光芒一闪,一片符文绽放开来,便是化为一片光幕浮现在前,如同一片符文之墙将那火龙给抵挡了下来,整个虚空仅仅是一颤就恢复了平静。 Has resisted?” Qiu Yufeng brows tightly frowns, that Magic Item might very powerful?” “抵挡了下来?”邱雨枫眉头紧锁,“那法器威力好强?” Was a pity, this is not true Death Gate.” “可惜,这不是真正的‘死门’。” Simultaneously in the Qiu Yufeng heart sighed, if true Death Gate took the Xiao Yun life sufficiently. 同时邱雨枫心中一叹,若是真正的死门足以取萧云的性命了。 Qiu Yufeng, do you dare to sneak attack me?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, coldly is staring at Qiu Yufeng, shouted to clear the way. 邱雨枫,你竟敢偷袭我?”萧云眸光一凝,冷冷的盯着邱雨枫,喝道。 His double pupil like the blade edge, middle the rays of light twinkle as if momentarily must burst out writing off. 他双眸如刃,当中光芒闪烁似乎随时都要迸发出来将之抹杀。 Sorry, I probe these stone seal that's all. Qiu Yufeng to say. “抱歉,我只是试探一下这些石印罢了。邱雨枫说道。 Probes the stone seal effect?” Xiao Yun pupil light one cold. “试探石印的效果?”萧云眸光一冷。 Good.” The Qiu Yufeng corners of the mouth pull said that for example, I must probe now.” “不错。”邱雨枫嘴角一扯道,“比如,我现在又要试探了。” Then, he take action strikes toward front stone seal. 说完,他又出手向着前方一个石印击去。 You court death!” Xiao Yun coldly snorted, a formidable fluctuation tilts under. “你这是找死!”萧云冷哼一声,一股强大的波动倾覆而下。 That soul fluctuation routs Qiu Yufeng that attack directly. 那股灵魂波动直接将邱雨枫那攻击击溃。 This is an imposing manner, actually compares the general attack to be strong. 这是一种气势,却比一般的攻击还强。 Present Xiao Yun Soul Power almost True Yuan perfection boundary cultivator is irresistible. 如今的萧云灵魂力之强几乎连真元圆满境修者都不可抵挡。 Even can affect half step Yuan Core Realm powerhouse! 甚至可以影响半步元丹境强者了! Thump! 咚! Xiao Yun one step treads, then returned toward Qiu Yufeng in the past. 萧云一步踏出,便是向着邱雨枫回走过去。 Since this fellow dares take action, he did not use politely. 这家伙既然敢出手,他也不用客气了。 Buzz! 嗡! Who would have thought Xiao Yun goes out one step, a dull thumping sound spreads. 哪知萧云才走出一步,一声闷响传出。 Actually sees nearby Lu Yanfeng take action, has hit nearby stone seal. 却见得旁边的陆炎风出手,击中了旁边的一个石印 Is hitting stone seal instant, this Lu Yanfeng body gearing, plunders toward distant place several stone seal. 在击中石印的刹那,这陆炎风身子连动,向着远处几块石印掠去。 He as if must avoid anything. 他似乎要避开什么。 Lu Yanfeng!” Sees Lu Yanfeng take action, in the Xiao Yun pupil has the flame to bloom. 陆炎风!”见得陆炎风出手,萧云眸中有着火光绽放。 This piece of space has restriction therefore his soul perception to be hindered, is very difficult to induce to slight fluctuation two meters away. 这片空间有着禁制所以他的灵魂感知受到了阻碍,很难感应到两米外的细微波动。 Therefore when this Lu Yanfeng take action sneak attack he had not known in advance ahead of time. 所以这陆炎风出手偷袭时他并没有提前预知。 Waits for Xiao Yun to discover at this time, already late. 萧云此时发现,已经晚了。 This Qiu Yufeng and Lu Yanfeng are early deliberate! 邱雨枫陆炎风早有预谋! In addition the limit of space lets some Xiao Yun hands tied feet tieds. 加上空间的限制让得萧云有些束手束脚。 Buzz! 嗡! Xiao Yun takes a look to Lu Yanfeng, that stone seal rays of light dodges, the trim trembles void, starts to twist, has mysterious fluctuation to burst out, follows closely there as if to have a giant vortex to appear, but also in unceasing proliferation. 萧云才瞅向陆炎风,那石印光芒一闪,整片虚空一颤,开始扭曲,有着一股晦涩的波动迸发而出,紧随着那里似乎有着一个巨大的漩涡出现,还在不断的扩散。 Flash Xiao Yun was affected by that vortex. 只是一瞬间萧云就被那气旋波及。 „It is not good, this is true Death Gate.” Front Liang Junyu the eyes reveals surprised, the within both eyes flame twinkle anger shouted to clear the way, Lu Yanfeng, Qiu Yufeng, you dare so to persecute the same side in the inheritance restricted area unexpectedly, had already violated the sect rule, when its crime executed.” “不好,这是真正的‘死门’。”前方的梁君宇眸露惊讶,双眸中火光闪烁怒喝道,“陆炎风,邱雨枫,你们竟然敢在传承禁地中如此迫害同门,已然违反了门规,其罪当诛。” One side several other youth are also brows tightly frowns, the body hastily fall back on, is very afraid is affected by that vortex. 另外几个青年也是眉头紧锁,身子连忙退到一边,深怕被那个漩涡波及。 Buzz! 嗡! Giant vortex spread, making nearby ten meters change into vortex, but also was proliferating unceasingly, during Xiao Yun took in completely, that great strength simply made him not have strength of the resisting, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow was also the brows tightly frowns strength is fettered. 巨大的漩涡蔓延,使得附近十米都化为了一个气旋,还在不断扩散,萧云完全被摄入当中,那股巨力让得他根本没有一丝抵挡之力,就连吞天雀也是眉头紧锁力量都被束缚了。 The careful induction goes, can discover that just like has runes in the middle of this vortex, is similar to rune/symbol Wang fetters generally them. 仔细感应而去,可以发现在这漩涡当中俨然有着一个个符文,如同符网一般将他们束缚住。 Under the fetter of this runes, Xiao Yun and Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow within the body True Yuan, the strength is unable to stimulate to movement. 在这符文的束缚下,萧云吞天雀体内真元,力量都无法催动。 Hateful, this is really Death Gate.” Xiao Yun brows tightly frowns, was seeing with own eyes own was embezzled by that vortex actually helplessly, to him understands at this moment own was unable to be invincible, under this Formation, simply tiny is similar to the ants. “可恶,这真的是‘死门’。”萧云眉头紧锁,眼见着自己被那个漩涡吞没却无能为力,到了此刻他才明白自己还不能无敌,在这种阵法之下,简直渺小的如同蝼蚁。 Strength! Strength!” In the Xiao Yun heart sighed, to strength incomparable hope. “实力!实力啊!”萧云心中一叹,对实力无比的渴望。 But quick, he rays of light dissipates at present, completely immersed in one piece fiery red middle. 可是很快,他眼前光芒消散,完全沉浸在了一片火红当中。 Xiao Yun was already embezzled by vortex. 萧云已然被气旋吞没。 But in that stone seal group, terrifying aura in reserved, that vortex dissipates unexpectedly, does not know that which space has communicated. 而在那石印群中,恐怖的气息在内敛,那个气旋蓦地消散,不知沟通了哪个空间。 Carefully looks that did not have a Xiao Yun trail. 仔细看去,已经没有了萧云的一丝踪迹。 „Did Xiao Yun die?” Not far away, several youth the eyes reveals surprised, somewhat unbelievable muttering. 萧云死了吗?”不远处,几个青年眸露惊讶,有些难以置信的喃喃道。 This is a God's favored one, such died? 这可是一个天之骄子,就这么死了? Meanwhile they also felt that in heart one cold, took a look to not far away Qiu Yufeng. 同时他们也是感到心中一寒,不由瞅向了不远处的邱雨枫 This did two people dare to plot to murder Xiao Yun too to be also bold?” “这两人竟敢谋害萧云也太大胆了吧?” They do not know that Xiao Yun is the object of Sect key trained?” “难道他们不知道萧云宗门重点培养的对象?” These youth look at each other in shock, feel to shock to the Qiu Yufeng action obviously. 这几个青年面面相觑,显然对邱雨枫的举动感到震撼。 Qiu Yufeng, you are simply crazed, dare to plot to murder Junior Brother Xiao.” Liang Junyu pupil light sinks to shout to clear the way. 邱雨枫,你简直是丧心病狂,竟敢谋害萧师弟。”梁君宇眸光一沉喝道。 Hehe, was only accident that's all. Qiu Yufeng shrugged a moment ago, gives a calm smile, „before , I probed these stone seal, who let Xiao Yun take action? Hehe, whom his did own touch formation mark to enter Death Gate middle to blame finally?” 呵呵,刚才只是意外罢了。邱雨枫耸了耸肩,淡然一笑,“之前我只是试探那些石印,谁让萧云出手呵呵,最后他自己触动了阵纹进入了‘死门’当中怪谁?” You said that I do plot to murder him to have the evidence?” Qiu Yufeng pupil light slightly cold Sao has approached the people. “你说我谋害他可有证据?”邱雨枫眸光略冷扫向了众人。 Meaning that although nearby several youth have not opened discontentedly actually the mouth to Qiu Yufeng this act. 旁边几个青年虽然对邱雨枫此举不满却也没有开口的意思。 Person who for died is not worth offending this Qiu Yufeng. 为了一个已死的人不值得得罪这邱雨枫 Snort, should not be favorite.” Liang Junyu coldly snorted said that you don't depend Qiu Xuanji are quasi- Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse? My Liang Family same has this grade of powerhouse in Sect, I do not fear you, afterward I will report Sect this matter surely, decides on the nature of the guilt you.” “哼,你别得意。”梁君宇冷哼道,“你不就仗着邱玄机准元婴境强者吗?我梁家一样有这等强者宗门,我可不怕你,事后我定会将此事禀告宗门,将你论罪。” Considers me?” Qiu Yufeng grins says with a smile, is casual you, but I must remind you, my clan uncle Qiu Xuanji may not be quasi- Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse was so simple, Hehe, is very lucky, before last month, I obtained the news that he broke through.” “告我?”邱雨枫咧嘴一笑道,“随便你,不过我得提醒你,我族伯邱玄机可已经不是准元婴境强者那么简单了,呵呵,很幸运,在上个月前,我得到了他老人家突破的消息。” Anything! Did Qiu Xuanji break through?” Liang Junyu knits the brows, the mood appears quite dignified. “什么!邱玄机突破了?”梁君宇皱眉,心情显得颇为凝重。 quasi- Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse breaks through, what boundary should that be? 一个准元婴境强者突破,那该是什么境界? Without doubt is Yuan Soul Realm! 无疑是元婴境 That is true powerhouse, in Heavenly Yuan Sect is also few existences! 那可是真正的强者,在天元宗也是屈指可数的存在! Hehe, we anything had not seen a moment ago.” hear speech/words, several other youth a face ridicules to open the mouth to say immediately. 呵呵,我们刚才什么都没有看到。”闻言,另外几个青年立即一脸讪笑开口道。 Calculates that you know the limitation.” The Qiu Yufeng brow selects, at once takes a look to Lu Yanfeng, said that we walk.” “算你们识相。”邱雨枫眉头一挑,旋即瞅向陆炎风,道,“我们走。” Lu Yanfeng was arrogant, takes a fast look around several other youth to follow Qiu Yufeng to go. 陆炎风趾高气扬,扫视了另外几个青年跟随着邱雨枫而去。 Yeah.” Liang Junyu sighed, had no alternative, must continue stand forth. “哎。”梁君宇叹息,也是无可奈何,只得继续向前走去。 Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse, places entire Southern Border is also top level powerhouse, is strength that Sect takes advantage. 一个元婴境强者,放在整个南疆也是顶级强者,为宗门所依仗的力量。 Even if this matter biography, Sect not the talent that for died offends this grade of character. 就算此事传出去,宗门也不会为了一个已死的天才得罪这等人物。 „Was my this to where?” Xiao Yun was swallowed by that vortex, the whole person was fettered, incomparable discomfort. “我这是到了哪里?”萧云被那漩涡吞噬,整个人都被束缚住,无比的难受。 However, the next quarter, he felt that these fetters dissipate gradually, then a heat wave of burning hot then submerges him. 不过,下一刻,他感觉那些束缚逐渐消散,然后一股炙热的热浪便是将他淹没。 ( ( …… ……
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