EMS :: Volume #3

#241: Lives the gate! Dead gate?

Chapter 241 Life Gate! Death Gate? 第241章生门死门 Peak Lord Zeng was leading the people and Fire Yuan Peak some powerhouse arrived at the back side of the mountain. 曾峰主带着众人与火元峰的一些强者来到了后山。 In the back side of the mountain, has a piece of scarlet cliff, under the cliff the flame twinkle, the roaring flame is dreadful, entire mountain abyss is a sea of fire. 在后山中,有着一片赤崖,崖下火光闪烁,烈焰滔天,整个山渊皆为一片火海。 A burning aura fluctuation also sweeps across from that cliff. 一股炙热的气息波动也是从那山崖下席卷而出。 Stands looks toward the front in the scarlet cliff that there mist is dim, is similar to a piece of scarlet multi-colored sunlight, such as the hot fog is dim. 站在赤崖向着前方看去,那里雾气朦胧,如同一片赤色的霞光,又如火雾朦胧。 Here is the Fire Yuan Peak restricted area, is inheritance is. 这里算是火元峰的禁地,也是传承所在。 The scarlet cliff has this piece of broad field, constructs the tower pavilion space, Xiao Yun and the others then falls on pavilion Yu Qian. 赤崖边有这一片阔地,建有楼台亭宇,萧云等人便落在一处亭宇前。 The front bridge is similar to cloud stairs enters in the middle of the front hot rosy cloud generally, simply is similar to stairway to immortal error. 前方一座长桥如同云梯一般直入前方的火霞当中,简直如同通往仙阙中的天梯 „Is this then Fire Yuan Peak the place of inheritance?” Xiao Yun induces to go toward the front, in the heart moves slightly. “这便是火元峰传承之地?”萧云向着前方感应而去,心中微微一动。 The front flame blooms, has mysterious fluctuation in that multi-colored sunlight in the unceasing proliferation. 前方火光绽放,在那霞光当中有着一股晦涩的波动在不断的扩散开来。 „When the place of this inheritance for my Heavenly Yuan Sect establish a sect then has, now had nearly millenniums, has Fire Dao inheritance in inside, but must through the numerous checkpoints, arrive must think your luck as well as natural talent finally.” Peak Lord Zeng looks out front Fire Abyss, the expression slightly obviously with deep veneration, after inducing turned the front aura fluctuation his magic arts inspiring, pinched Magic Seal. “这传承之地为我天元宗开宗立派时便有,如今已经有近千年了,在里面有着火道传承,但是必须通过重重关卡,能否走到最后就要看你们的运气以及天赋了。”曾峰主遥望前方火渊,表情略显肃然,在感应了一翻前方的气息波动后他法诀引动,掐动了一个法印 Buzz! 嗡! The Peak Lord Zeng sleight of hand moves, that Magic Seal shakes void, immediately then pours into toward the front that piece of multi-colored sunlight in the middle. 曾峰主手诀移动,那法印震荡虚空,当即便是向着前方的那片霞光当中注入。 This Magic Seal is very mysterious, complicated incomparable, simply on such as rune seal, after injecting in the front multi-colored sunlight in immediately flood ripples, an ancient aura fluctuation is also similar to that spout fire wave bursts out from the front. 法印很玄妙,繁复无比,简直就如一个符篆,当注入前方的霞光中后里面顿时泛起了一阵涟漪,一股古老的气息波动也如同那喷涌的火流从前方迸发而出。 The fog sea in front mountain abyss trembles, blooms dazzling rays of light, at once the mist is defeated and dispersed, has revealed below sea of fire. 前方山渊中的雾海一颤,绽放出耀眼的光芒,旋即雾气溃散,露出了下方的火海。 Whistling! 呼呼! In mountain abyss is really a sea of fire, inside flame dreadful in the unceasing tumbling, the flame is dazzling, is similar to a drying furnace. 山渊中真的是一个火海,里面火焰滔天在不断的翻滚,火光耀眼,如同烘炉。 Is it possible that inheritance in the middle of this sea of fire?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates to take a look toward the sea of fire that below that mountain abyss tumbles unceasingly. “莫非传承就在这火海当中?”萧云眸光一凝向着下方那山渊不断翻滚的火海瞅去。 Really below sea of fire he felt that an ancient aura gushes out, after that fluctuation is similar to dust-laden ten thousand years opens, actually has one type felt soul-stirringly, after that fire wave greets the nostrils comes Martial Spirit in his Sea of Consciousness is actually inexplicable moves. 果然在下方的火海中他感觉到一股古老的气息涌出,那波动如同尘封万载后开启,竟然有着一种让人惊心动魄的感觉,不过当那火流扑鼻而来后他识海内的武魂却是莫名的一动。 Suddenly, below sea of fire moves, is similar to has vortex to reverse, finally changed into a giant vortex to shoot up to the sky, appears in the Fire Abyss place above, happen to above that cloud stairs, simply probably was mouth of the ascending to heaven. 只是眨眼间,下方的火海一动,如同有着一个气旋在扭转,最后化为了一个巨大的漩涡冲天而起,浮现在了火渊的上方,正好在那云梯之上,简直就好像是一个登天之口。 This then the entrance to inheritance restricted area, you fast enters inside.” Peak Lord Zeng pupil light concentrates, said that you, so long as pinches this Flame Seal, communicates place of specific runes inheritance to come out, remember, some formation mark cannot move, otherwise very dangerous......” “这便是通往传承禁地的入口,你们速速进入里面。”曾峰主眸光一凝,说道,“你们只要掐动这火印,沟通传承之地特定的符文便可出来,记住,有些阵纹不可碰触,不然十分危险……” The people carefully are listening respectfully to the urging of Peak Lord Zeng. 众人都仔细的聆听着曾峰主的叮嘱。 Was good, you leave quickly.” Afterward, Peak Lord Zeng said. “好了,你们快动身吧。”随后,曾峰主说道。 Yes!” People pupil light concentrates, immediately then steps cloud stairs to enter in the middle of that vortex. “是!”众人眸光一凝,当即便踏上云梯要进入那个气旋当中。 At this time that Qiu Zhong has the profound meaning greatly took a look at Qiu Yufeng. 此时那邱衷却是大有深意的瞅了一眼邱雨枫 The Qiu Yufeng corners of the mouth raise one to grin fiendishly, signals by nodding slightly, afterward then steps cloud stairs. 邱雨枫嘴角掀起一丝狞笑,微微点头示意,随后便是踏上云梯 The Xiao Yun body moves, entered in the middle of that vortex. 萧云身子一动,也进入了那气旋当中。 Good rich Fire Yuan, Hehe, Grandpa Tian this time must make up well.” After Xiao Yun submerges in the middle of that vortex Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that excited crying out sound spread to mind, making him continually show the whites of the eyes, this fellow always such one startled one for the first time. “好浓郁的火元,呵呵,天爷此次一定要好好的补一补。”当萧云没入那气旋当中后吞天雀那兴奋的叫唤声就传入了心神,让得他不由连翻白眼,这家伙总是那么一惊一乍的。 Saw that this bird did not have antiquity Saint birds and beasts to have the makings that. 怎么看,这只鸟都没有一点上古圣禽应该有的气质。 However also quite hopes regarding the inheritance Xiao Yun heart of this Fire Yuan Peak. 不过对于这火元峰传承萧云心中也颇为期许。 Made his Purple Flame Martial Spirit go a step further by inside Fire Yuan Essence sufficiently. 凭借里面的火之精元足以让他的紫炎武魂在进一步了。 After the body enters in vortex, Xiao Yun only thought that own by an ancient aura package, the whole person body in a flash, seems towed into a mysterious place at once, the cell of his whole body opens, rich Fire Yuan Energy floods into inside crazily. 身子进入气旋内后萧云只觉得自己被一股古老的气息包裹,旋即整个人身子一晃,似乎被牵引入了一个神秘的地方,他全身的细胞张开,浓郁的火之元气疯狂涌入里面。 Also is the Xiao Yun body has Fire Martial Spirit, after these Fire Yuan Qi emerge within the body immediately completely absorbs, otherwise only these Fire Yuan can make ordinary cultivator change into the ash to fly, he can the clear feeling this Fire Yuan uncommon place. 也是萧云身具火之武魂,当这些火元气涌入体内后立即就全部吸收,不然单凭这些火元就可以让普通的修者化为灰飞,他可以清晰的感觉到这火元的不凡之处。 This is absolutely purer than Heavenly Flame inheritance palace Fire Yuan. 这绝对比天炎遗府火元要精纯。 Next quarter, body of Xiao Yun one light, the sole float then appeared in a piece of space. 下一刻,萧云的身子一轻,脚掌漂浮便出现在了一片空间内。 To?” Xiao Yun feels at present the rays of light twinkle. “到了?”萧云感觉眼前光芒闪烁。 His double pupil moves, then discovered that own appeared in an inexplicable space. 他双眸一动,便发现自己出现在了一个莫名的空间内。 The body of Xiao Yun floating falls to the ground, is in together in the spot, at this time person's shadow glitters several other people also one after another to fall to the ground. 萧云的身子飘然落地,处于一块实地上,此时身边人影闪烁另外几人也陆续落地。 „Is this place of inheritance?” Fire Yuan Peak several disciple pupil dew hope that first turns toward all around to take a fast look around to go. “这就是传承之地吗?”火元峰的几位弟子眸露期许,首先向着四周扫视而去。 Middle Lu Yanfeng pupil light twinkle, after hostility took a look at Xiao Yun then forward looks. 当中的陆炎风眸光闪烁,在略带敌意的瞅了一眼萧云后便向前看去。 Qiu Yufeng also falls to the ground, afterward then stands with Lu Yanfeng in the same place. 邱雨枫也是落地,随后便与陆炎风站立在一起。 However another four disciple actually separately stand in one side, is taking a fast look around the front, obviously and Qiu Yufeng relations are not close. 不过另外四个弟子却是分别站立在一侧,扫视着前方,显然和邱雨枫关系并没有那么亲密。 What are these? stone seal?” Xiao Yun pupil light takes a fast look around to go forward, is startled unexpectedly. “这些是什么?石印?”萧云眸光向前扫视而去,蓦地一怔。 Actually sees in the front, has resembles footprint general stone seal. 却见得在前方,有着一个个好像脚印一般的石印 These stone seal are dense and numerous, arranges in front that stretch of broad open area, carefully looked that can discover above inscribes obvious rune seal, sends out mysterious fluctuation, obviously these stone seal are very not very ordinary, perhaps has restriction to exist. 这些石印密密麻麻,排列在前方那片宽阔的空地上,仔细看去可以发现上面刻有明显的符篆,散发出一股晦涩的波动,很显然这些石印很不一般,或许有着禁制存在。 So makes Xiao Yun feel stunned. 如此一幕让萧云感到错愕。 Carefully is looking that the end of these footprints are the bridges that a chains builds, below is a sea of fire. 在仔细看去,这些脚印的尽头是一个锁链搭成的长桥,下面则是一片火海。 The end of bridge is a leaf of giant palace gate, above inscribes the Fire Yuan Palace two characters! 长桥的尽头是一扇巨大的殿门,上头刻有火元殿二字! Here has kilometer far from the front lock bridge fully, only if you have Magic Item, otherwise is unable soaring in the past. 这里距离前方的锁桥足有千米之远,除非你拥有法器,不然根本无法腾飞过去。 Very obviously, must enter in this Fire Yuan Palace to from these stone seal tread. 很显然,要进入这火元殿中就必须从这些石印上踏过去。 Can reply on the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow strength otherwise?” Xiao Yun hesitates secretly, at once releases wisp of Spiritual Consciousness to continue to survey. “可以借助吞天雀的力量否?”萧云暗自沉吟,旋即释放出一缕灵识继续探测。 Buzz! 嗡! Who would have thought his Spiritual Consciousness releases, that piece void then trembles, flood ripples, were indistinct have a formidable oppression to tilt, that oppression such as mountain Ruyue, presses Xiao Yun that Spiritual Consciousness to resemble simply soon collapses. 哪知他的灵识才释放出来,那片虚空便是一颤,泛起了一阵涟漪,隐约间有着一股强大的压迫倾覆而下,那种压迫简直如山如岳,压得萧云的那丝灵识都似快要崩溃。 Void also has restriction!” Panic-stricken, Xiao Yun took back Spiritual Consciousness hastily, cancels escaped to fly the past thought with the aid of the strength of Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, started to fall the line of sight on front these stone seal, now he also only then pondered over clear these stone seal to go forward. “虚空中也有禁制!”惊骇下,萧云连忙将灵识收回,打消了借助吞天雀之力遁飞过去的念头,开始将视线落在了前方那些石印上,现在他也只有琢磨清楚这些石印才能前进了。 After the survey, Xiao Yun discovered that own Spiritual Consciousness cannot release to induce the thing two meters away. 经过探测,萧云发现自己灵识根本不能释放出去感应两米外的事物。 Once releases to touch invisible restriction, is very dangerous. 一旦释放出去将触动无形的禁制,很危险。 In other words he was almost here same as the average man. 也就是说在这里他几乎和常人一样了。 But under he must look by the naked eye that senses by the heart. 无奈下他只得以肉眼去看,以心去感悟。 Here really said with my clan masters is the same!” Side Xiao Yun, a youth muttered. “这里果然和我族爷说的一样!”在萧云身边,一个青年喃喃道。 Another several people is a face as if do not feel the surprise to here environment indifferently. 另外几人也是一脸淡然似乎对这里的环境并不感到诧异。 „Do they know here?” Xiao Yun stares, at once suddenly, these people have Fire Spirit Physique to be able to join Core Palace, but they actually did obeisance in Fire Yuan Peak, obviously came prepared, for was this inheritance. “难道他们都知道这里?”萧云一愣,旋即霍然,这些人都是有着火灵体本来已经可以拜入核心殿了,可是他们却拜在了火元峰,显然是有备而来,为的就是这传承 Junior Brother Xiao, don't you know the circumstances of the matter?” Side that youth smiles embarrasedly, slightly reveals asking of surprise. 萧师弟,你对此并不知情?”旁边那个青年讪讪一笑,略显诧异的问道。 Em.” Xiao Yun said that indeed knows nothing below.” “恩。”萧云道,“在下对此的确一无所知。” „According to my clan masters, Fire Yuan Palace has the best route to Inheritance Palace, inside also had many chance inheritance.” This youth said with a smile, wants to enter Fire Yuan Palace then to pass at present this pass/test first, here straight line altogether 999 stone seal, on each stone seal inscribed runes forward, runes represented this Life Gate, or Death Gate.” “据我族爷所言,火元殿有着通往传承殿的最佳路线,里面也有许多的机缘传承。”这青年笑道,“而想要进入火元殿便必须先过了眼前这关,这里直线向前一共有999个石印,每个石印上都刻有符文,一个符文代表这生门,或者死门。” Life Gate! Death Gate?” Hears this word, the Xiao Yun expression appeared somewhat dignified. 生门死门?”听得此言,萧云的表情显得有些凝重了起来。 Hehe, this that has not exaggerated.” This youth said with a smile, lived, then can make you continue to go forward smoothly, death, light , will then make you bog down, heavy will touch restriction, brought in some formidable attacks, will also tow into the places of some dangers you.” 呵呵,这也没有那么夸张。”这青年笑道,“生,便是能让你顺利的继续前进,死,轻则会让你停滞不前,重则会触动禁制,引来一些强大的攻击,甚至还会将你牵引入一些危险之地。” „The place of danger?” Xiao Yun pupil inquired the color. “危险之地?”萧云眸露询问之色。 Once it is said entered the places of these dangers a narrow escape, is very dangerous.” The youth said with a smile, also had big will to be able in inside to set at the deathtrap then to live, finally obtained the chance, stepped into the middle of that Inheritance Palace smoothly study and understand inheritance, but this character several hundred years also presented such 1-2, if want to enter Inheritance Palace should better be able to choose to live seal.” “据说一旦进入了那些危险之地将九死一生,很危险。”那青年笑道,“不过也有大毅力者能在里面置之死地而后生,最后获得机缘,顺利踏入那传承殿当中参悟传承,可是这种人物数百年也才出现那么一两个,所以要想进入传承殿最好能选择生印。” Originally in this also has such multi-channel [say / way].” In Xiao Yun heart broadminded, afterward holds the fist in the other hand Xie [say / way], many thanks your excellency informs.” “原来这里面还有这么多道道。”萧云心中豁然,随后抱拳谢道,“多谢阁下告知。” Hehe, Junior Brother Xiao does not need to be polite, I called Liang Junyu, had heard so much about you regarding your me, later also please much advise.” This youth appearance is of outstanding ability, face dew smiled pale, has filled the male character, that slender fair palm raised slightly, says with a smile. 呵呵,萧师弟不必客气,我叫梁君宇,对于你我可是久仰大名,以后还请多多指教。”这青年模样俊逸,脸露淡笑,充满了阳刚之气,那修长白皙的手掌微微一扬,笑道。 Polite.” Xiao Yun smiles, has several points of favorable impression to this Liang Junyu. “客气。”萧云一笑,对这梁君宇也有着几分好感。 This person of pupil light is limpid, frank, looks is not that cloudy evil generation. 此人眸光清澈,光明磊落,一看就不是那种阴邪之辈。 Brother Xiao, if you have not grasped, later follows in me behind is.” Liang Junyu said with a smile, I already studied when regarding these stone seal were many, should not have any issue.” His status is also uncommon, has clansman in Heavenly Yuan Sect is quasi- Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse. 萧兄,若是你没有把握,稍后跟在我身后便是。”梁君宇笑道,“对于这些石印我早已研究多时,应该不会有什么问题。”他身份也不凡,有族人在天元宗准元婴境强者 Therefore can understand some regarding these secret also many. 所以对于这些秘密也多少能了解一些。 So that I benefit from association with Liang brother.” Xiao Yun smiles, is impolite. “如此那我就沾梁兄的光了。”萧云一笑,也不客气。 Since can go through a strategic pass he naturally unable own to study with ease with hardship. 既然能轻松过关他自然不会自己去苦苦研究。 After all here several people looked that has prepared, only feared after and other own studied, others passed the bridge. 毕竟这里的几人一看就是都有所准备,只怕等自己研究完毕后人家已经度过了长桥。 Sometimes, one step loses the situation, was very difficult to change the situation. 有时候,一步失去先机,就很难扭转局势了。 At this time Liang Junyu pupil light dodged, after taking a fast look around front stone seal the sole stepped then forward to tread. 这时梁君宇眸光一闪,在扫视了前方的石印后脚掌迈动便是向前踏去。 One step falls, that stone seal rays of light will rise suddenly immediately the package, but actually not a dangerous aura. 一步落下,那个石印顿时光芒暴涨将之包裹,不过却并没有一丝危险的气息。 Afterward this Liang Junyu continues to fall the step, suddenly went out ten steps. 随后这梁君宇继续落步,眨眼间就走出了十步。 He really to this field of endeavor research.” In Xiao Yun heart surprised also secretly is paying attention to these stone seal something in common, at the same time his footsteps take to follow closely step stand forth of that Liang Junyu, after all currently has the competitor in side, could not allow him to study excessively. “他果然对此道有些研究。”萧云心中惊讶的同时也在暗暗关注那些石印的共同之处,与此同时他脚步迈出紧随着那梁君宇的步伐向前走去,毕竟现在有竞争对手在旁,也容不得他过分的研究了。 Damn! This Liang Junyu actually really knows these stone seal Life Gate.” Sees Xiao Yun to go along with Liang Junyu, Lu Yanfeng brows tightly frowns could not bear coldly snorted, at once takes a look to Qiu Yufeng, said that what to do? Looked that this situation Xiao Yun can cross this pass/test smoothly!” “该死的!这梁君宇竟然真的知道这些石印的‘生门’。”见萧云随着梁君宇而去,陆炎风眉头紧锁忍不住冷哼了一句,旋即瞅向邱雨枫,道,“怎么办?看这情况萧云能顺利渡过这关啊!” Crossed this pass/test?” Qiu Yufeng coldly smiles, said that I looked is not easy.” “渡过这关?”邱雨枫冷冷一笑,道,“我看没有那么容易。” But he......” the Lu Yanfeng whole face is unwilling. “可是他……”陆炎风满脸不甘。 We walk!” Qiu Yufeng pupil light lifts, takes a look at Xiao Yun that takes a step to move to front that middle a gloomy rays of light twinkle, his step moves at once, then treads toward front stone seal, what he is not Liang Junyu passes through stone seal that. “我们走!”邱雨枫眸光微抬,瞅向前方那迈步而动的萧云,当中一丝阴森的光芒闪烁而出,旋即他步伐一动,便是向着前方的石印踏去,他所走的并非梁君宇走过的石印 But this Qiu Yufeng walks without rest several steps not to have an issue as before. 可是这邱雨枫连走十几步依旧没有一点问题。 He in the middle of the mysterious place to this stone seal also has several points to understand obviously very much. 很显然他对这石印当中的玄妙之处也有着几分了解。 ( ( …… ……
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