EMS :: Volume #3

#240: A fire Yuan peak inherits!

Chapter 240 Fire Yuan Peak inheritance! 第240章火元峰传承 Near Yuan Qi Spiritual Spring rich Yuan Qi is similar to the energy dragon general collection comes, finally before all submerged the Xiao Yun body, in the middle of vortex that evolves, vortex that Swallowing the Heavens Arts turns into is similar to a bottomless pit, can hold endless World's Yuan Qi, forever will not satisfy. 元气灵泉边浓郁的元气如同气龙一般汇集而来,最后皆没入了萧云身前演化出来的气旋当中,那吞天诀化成的气旋就如同一个无底洞,可以容纳无尽的天地元气,永远也不会满足。 True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment!” On this day, in the Xiao Yun heart moved has opened the pupil, now crosses him not only to consolidate the True Yuan late-stage boundary for half a month, but also has achieved the small accomplishment boundary, so the speed simply rose dramatically, if made the bystander know that will stare dumbfounded absolutely. 真元后期小成!”这一天,萧云心中一动睁开了眸子,如今又过了半个月他不仅稳固了真元后期的境界,还达到了小成境,如此速度简直是飙升,要是让外人知道绝对会瞠目结舌。 However at this time this Yuan Qi Spiritual Spring nearby Yuan Qi also started becomes thin. 不过此时这元气灵泉附近的元气也开始变得稀薄了起来。 Not only this month Xiao Yun is absorbing these Yuan Qi massively, what is more important is that Jade Tree Martial Spirit also. 这一个月不仅萧云在大量吸收这些元气,更为重要的是那碧树武魂也在。 It is more ruthless than Xiao Yun, jade green branch dug in the middle of Yuan Spring, directly absorbs the sources of Yuan Veins these Yuan Qi. 它比萧云还狠,一根碧枝扎入了元泉当中,直接吸收元脉那些元气之源。 That is purest Yuan Qi, does not need refining to change into True Yuan directly! 那可是最精纯的元气,根本不用炼化可以直接化为真元 After one month of absorption this Jade Tree Martial Spirit branch jade green, extended two jade green branch. 在经过一个月的吸收这碧树武魂枝条碧绿,又延伸出了两条碧枝 Above has put out the green leaf respectively, now on each jade green branch has four pieces of green leaves, together was 16 pieces of green leaves. 上面各自吐出了绿叶,现在每条碧枝上都有着四片绿叶,一起便是16片绿叶了。 branch that another cold aura as well as Fire Yuan condense has not actually put out the new leaf. 另外一条寒气以及火元凝聚成的枝条却并没有吐出新叶。 Because this is not attribute Yuan Qi, being hard makes them be promoted. 因为这不是一个属性的元气,难以让它们晋级。 Those who make Xiao Yun joyful was on these green leaves condenses emerald green spirit bead, at this time probably was the gem tumbles generally in the leaf blade. 萧云欣喜的是那些绿叶上都凝聚出了翠绿的灵珠,此时好像是宝石一般滚落在叶片。 Altogether has 24?” In Xiao Yun heart one happy, these spirit bead are stronger than Spiritual Pill wondrous medicine! “一共有24颗?”萧云心中一喜,这些灵珠可是都比灵丹妙药还强啊! „If injured, takes these spirit bead certainly to recover easily.” In the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly. “若是受伤,服用这些灵珠一定可以轻易复原。”萧云心中暗忖。 Although he has not needed these spirit bead now, but can store up well always. 虽然现在他还不需要这些灵珠,不过能储存下来总是不错。 Buzz! 嗡! Trembles in Xiao Yun is regarding own this harvest magic token of waist fiercely. 萧云内视着自己此次的收获时腰间的法牌猛地一颤。 Has the news.” In the Xiao Yun heart moves, withdraws from mind, immediately then takes out that Token. “有消息。”萧云心中一动,将心神退出,当即便将那腰牌取出。 After Yuan Qi pours into Token, above rays of light twinkle, reappeared captions. 元气注入腰牌中后,上面光芒闪烁,浮现了一片字幕。 This is the information that Zhang Tianlong sends. 这是张天龙发来的信息。 Fire Yuan Peak inheritance must open.” Looks at that information, Xiao Yun pupil dew hopes that immediately is stimulates to movement Jade Tree Martial Spirit branch to submerge Sea of Consciousness, then went out of this Yuan Qi Spiritual Spring, „, if there is opportunity to work as here practice is.” 火元峰传承要开启了。”看着那信息,萧云眸露期许,当即便是催动碧树武魂枝条没入识海,然后走出了这元气灵泉,“以后若是有机会当在来这里修炼才是。” Just before leaving Xiao Yun does not forget to look at the rock cave that behind that Yuan Qi wound around. 临走时萧云不忘记多看了一眼身后那元气缭绕的石窟。 Here if own practice absolutely can not hinder advances triumphantly. 若是自己在这里修炼绝对可以毫无阻碍的一路高歌猛进。 Although he has stepped into True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment now, may relatively speaking actually be too weak. 虽说他现在已经踏入了真元后期小成,可相比而言却还是太弱了一些。 After all only then had Zhao Zheng as well as Li Zun in Heavenly Performance Court has achieved the boundary of True Yuan late-stage big accomplishment. 毕竟单是在天秀苑便有赵政以及李尊达到了真元后期大成之境。 Now one month passes by, who knows that they did have to touch True Yuan late-stage Peak? 如今一个月过去,谁知道他们有没有触及真元后期巅峰了? The Xiao Yun vision in Heavenly Performance Court, he cannot be have with the qualification that Leaping Dragon Peak disciple fights is. 况且萧云的眼界已经不是在天秀苑,他必须要能有和跃龙峰弟子一战的本钱才是。 After all wants to enter Profound Yuan Battlefield, but competes with Leaping Dragon Peak some Senior Brother. 毕竟想要进入玄元战场可是得与跃龙峰的一些师兄进行竞争。 But there everybody has stepped into True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary, even there are has entered into half Yuan Core Realm. 那里可是人人都踏入了真元后期圆满境,甚至有许多迈入了半步元丹境 Xiao Yun took a look at that Yuan Qi Spiritual Spring, afterward then turns toward the channel to walk. 萧云瞅了一眼那元气灵泉,随后便向着通道走去。 Although promotes cultivation level to be very important at present, but relatively speaking, that Fire Yuan Peak inheritance to him more several points of attraction. 虽说眼下提升修为很重要,不过相比而言,那火元峰传承对他更多了几分吸引力。 restriction of cave entrance opened, Xiao Yun just went out saw Zhang Tianlong. 洞口的禁制已经打开,萧云刚走出就见到了张天龙 True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment!” Zhang Tianlong slightly narrows the pupil, after inducing to Xiao Yun aura fluctuation shakes slightly, this one month, this did Junior Brother Xiao unexpectedly then enter into late-stage small accomplishment this speed rather too to be also quick from True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment? 真元后期小成!”张天龙眸子微眯,当感应到萧云身上的气息波动后微微一震,这才一个月而已,这萧师弟竟然便从真元中期大成迈入了后期小成这速度也未免太快了吧? This makes people feel surprised! 这让人感到惊讶! However after remembering all sorts of performance of this Junior Brother in the Zhang Tianlong heart also felt relaxed. 不过在想起这师弟的种种表现后张天龙心中也就释然了。 Senior Brother Zhang, when Fire Yuan Peak does inheritance open?” Xiao Yun asked. 张师兄,火元峰传承什么时候开启?”萧云问道。 Today will open, I take you to pass especially.” Zhang Tianlong said. “今天就将开启,我是特地来接你过去的。”张天龙说道。 Today!” In the Xiao Yun heart moves, also good.” “今天!”萧云心中一动,“也好。” Does not have the breakfast of what good preparation to open well also regarding him. 对于他来说也没有什么好准备的早点开启也好。 Afterward Zhang Tianlong offers a sacrifice to magic sword to carry Xiao Yun then to turn toward Fire Yuan Peak to run away. 随后张天龙祭出法剑载着萧云便向着火元峰遁去。 This Fire Yuan Peak inheritance is two years opens one time, the opportunity is rare, this Fire Yuan Peak had six people to obtain entered inside quota, in addition your total seven people.” In escaping Zhang Tianlong to Fire Yuan Peak explained this inheritance matters concerned toward Xiao Yun. “这火元峰传承为两年开启一次,机会难得,此次火元峰有六个人得到了进入里面的名额,加上你共计七人。”在遁向火元峰张天龙向着萧云讲解此次传承的事宜。 Seven people!” Xiao Yun brow one curved, looks like to previous time is the same.” “七个人!”萧云眉头一弯,“看来与上次一样。” Good.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile, Junior Brother Xiao you had flawless Fire Martial Spirit, should the opportunity be bigger, in adding on your natural talent was astonishing, thinks that can harvest in the middle of inheritance of that fire, Hehe, that inheritance was it is said uncommon!” “不错。”张天龙笑道,“不过萧师弟你拥有无暇火之武魂,应该机会大一些,在加上你天赋惊人,想必可以在那火之传承当中有所收获,呵呵,据说那传承可是不凡啊!” „.” Xiao Yun pupil inquired the meaning. “哦。”萧云眸露询问之意。 This specific situation I do not know.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile. “这具体的情况我也就不知道了。”张天龙笑道。 ...... …… Fire Yuan Peak, is away from Core Palace not to be remote, but this mountain peak actually appears quite special, in the summit sunset glow all over the sky, has one to roast the prestige to fill the air, that fluctuation makes the person dread that this is imposing manner of the fire, might burn completely the myriad things, lets the summit void trembles. 火元峰,距离核心殿并不算遥远,不过这座山峰却显得颇为特异,在山巅红霞满天,有着一股炙威弥漫开来,那种波动让人忌惮,这是一种火之气势,似可焚尽万物,让得山巅的虚空都是一颤。 This is Fire Yuan Peak powerhouse in intent domain that on that Fire Yuan Palace signboard leaves behind, is the symbol of Fire Yuan Peak. 这是火元峰强者在那火元殿牌匾上留下的一股意境,为火元峰的标志。 former here was the place that Fire Yuan Peak disciple went after like ducks, because can sense a Fire Dao true meaning on signboard. 在以前这里是火元峰弟子趋之若鹜的地方,因为可以感悟牌匾上的一丝火道真意。 What what a pity is along with having the Fire Spirit Physique person is even more scarce, few people appeared in this. 可惜的是随着拥有火灵体地人越发稀少,也就很少有人出现在此了。 Even some new disciple come here also to have the meaning of several points of fear, does not dare to approach Fire Yuan Palace. 甚至一些新弟子来到这里还生出几分畏惧之意,不敢靠近火元殿 Because they do not have Fire Spirit Physique, that type of roaring flame burns the day the imposing manner to make them feel to dread, has to place oneself the feeling of sea of fire. 因为他们不具备火灵体,那种烈焰焚天的气势让他们感到畏惧,有着置身火海的感觉。 In fact each peak department has such situation. 事实上每个峰系都有这样的情况。 If the Jinfeng Department, wipes golden light to shoot up to the sky, probably the sharp knife blade may cut the crack vault of heaven generally, lets the person palpitation. 如金峰系,一抹金光冲天而起,好像利刃一般可斩裂苍穹,让人心悸。 If in the wooden peak, the sight of green blooms, full of vitality. 如木峰中,绿意绽放,生机勃勃。 Wait / Etc.. 等等。 These are in various peaks is at succinctly, because what a pity lacks Spirit Physique, making it leave uncultivated gradually. 本来这些都是各峰中的精粹所在,可惜因为缺少灵体,使之逐渐荒废了起来。 This also causes various peaks to start deviation other, has the trend in sacrificethesubstance for the shadow. 这也就导致着各峰开始偏向其它,有着舍本逐末的趋势。 However this is also but law. 不过这也是无奈之法。 At this moment during high stage of Fire Yuan Palace front, Fire Yuan Palace Palace Lord all stands erect with some Manager. 此刻在火元殿前方的一个高台上,火元殿殿主与一些管事皆屹立当中。 Under is several youth talents, is the Fire Yuan Peak talent, by with emphasis object of trained. 在下方是几个青年才俊,皆为火元峰的天才,被重点培养的对象。 Is looking at these talent Fire Yuan Peak Peak Lord Zeng within both eyes actually only then sobbing of face. 望着这几个天才火元峰曾峰主双眸中却只有着一脸的唏嘘。 Fire Yuan Peak several hundred years ago is the what kind magnificence, inheritance opens least also dozens bodies to have Spirit Physique disciple to go each time, moreover this is the talent that chooses, is to the present, these situations also only then saw in the old book. 在数百年前火元峰是何等的辉煌,每次传承开启最少也有几十个身具灵体弟子前往,而且这还是挑选出来的天才,可是到了现在,这些情况也只有在古籍中看到了。 At the present compares to their generation not to know badly many. 而今就算比起他们那一辈也不知差了多少。 Although these six people are also having Fire Spirit Physique, is the strongest Spirit Physique value also 46%, relatively speaking was weaker, they want to obtain inheritance only to fear by the big chance, as well as greatly strengthened comprehension talent is good. 虽说这六人也拥有着火灵体,可是最强的灵体值也不过46,相对而言还是弱了一些,他们想要获得传承只怕得靠大机缘,以及极强的领悟天赋才行。 This six people, although the Spirit Physique value is insufficient, but entered in could also harvest , to promote strength, if two people has comprehended, does not calculate that has buried my Fire Yuan Peak inheritance.” Nearby elder has several points of happy expression to say. “这次六人虽然灵体值不够,可是进入了里面也能有所收获,提升实力,若是有一两人有所领悟,也不算埋没了我火元峰传承。”旁边一个长者带着几分笑意说道。 If inheritance suspends actually nobody to enjoy here, this is the true pitifulness. 若是一个传承摆在这里却无人可享用,这才是真正的可悲。 Hopes that they can harvest.” Peak Lord Zeng slight bow, but that pupil light actually unintentionally turns toward void of distant place to take a look, in the middle of the pupil also has the rays of light twinkle of several points of hope, as if there has any thing to be worth him anticipating. “希望他们能有所收获吧。”曾峰主微微点头,不过那眸光却是有意无意间向着远处的虚空瞅去,眸子当中也有着几分期许光芒闪烁而出,似乎那里有着什么东西值得他期待。 How to have left?” “怎么还不动身?” Now does inheritance soon open?” Following six youth brows tightly frowns, in the heart whispered. “现在传承都快要开启了吧?”下面的六个青年眉头紧锁,心中嘀咕道。 Fire Yuan Peak also only then their these six have the Fire Spirit Physique talent, why hasn't Peak Lord left? 火元峰也就只有他们这六个拥有火灵体的天才,为何峰主还迟迟不动身? In these six people, only the person appears quite indifferent. 在这六人当中,唯有一人显得颇为淡然。 This person impressively was Qiu Yufeng. 此人赫然便是邱雨枫了。 His body has Fire Spirit Physique, is this secondary enters one of the Fire Yuan Peak inheritance candidates. 他身具火灵体,也是此次要进入火元峰传承的人选之一。 In addition person, is Lu Yanfeng, although crosses the threshold compared with Qiu Yufeng early, has the opportunity to obtain this inheritance. 另外还有一人,则是陆炎风,虽然比邱雨枫入门早,却也有机会获得这传承 In fact reason that he to join Fire Yuan Peak for this day. 实际上他之所以拜入火元峰就是为了这一天。 ! 咻! In this time, the void together from out of the blue sound gets up, the escaping light is similar to star arrow generally has delimited together to this. 就在此时,虚空中一道破空声响起,一道遁光便如同星矢一般向此划过。 Came!” Hears this from out of the blue sound, the Peak Lord Zeng eye one brightly, then goes following the prestige. “来了!”听得这破空声,曾峰主眼睛一亮,便是循声望去。 Nearby several elder were also the pupil dew different light takes a look to that void. 旁边的几位长者也是眸露异光瞅向了那片虚空。 To!” Void Zhang Tianlong carries Xiao Yun to fall slowly, the two people personal appearance moves, falls on high stage. “到了!”虚空中张天龙载着萧云缓缓落下,两人身形一动,落于高台上。 Has seen Peak Lord Zeng.” Zhang Tianlong salutes toward Peak Lord Zeng, said that Junior Brother Xiao has brought.” “见过曾峰主。”张天龙向着曾峰主施礼,道,“萧师弟已经带来了。” Was laborious you.” Peak Lord Zeng the eyes shows a happy expression, took a look afterward to the youth before body, that pair of eye pupil shrank suddenly, True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment? Good quick practice speed, even if entered in Yuan Qi Spiritual Spring the average person also difficultly to have the speed!” This makes in his heart be surprised. “辛苦你了。”曾峰主眸露笑意,随后瞅向了身前的青年,那双眼瞳骤然一缩,“真元后期小成?好快的修炼速度,就算是进入了元气灵泉内一般人也难有着速度啊!”这让他心中感到惊讶。 Xiao Yun pays a visit Peak Lord Zeng!” Xiao Yun bows in salute to salute toward Peak Lord Zeng, slightly holds the fist in the other hand regarding other Manager. 萧云拜见曾峰主!”萧云向着曾峰主作揖施礼,对于其它管事则只是微微抱拳。 He is the Core Palace Heavenly Performance Court first talent, the status only high is not now lower than these Manager! 他如今身为核心殿天秀苑第一天才,身份比这些管事只高不低! These Manager regarding this and do not care, now Xiao Yun is the Heavenly Yuan Sect most important trained object, later the future is limitless, the status has gone far beyond other people imperceptibly, if some arrogant people have even been able not to salute to these Peak Lord. 那些管事对此并不在意,如今萧云天元宗重中之重的培养对象,以后前途不可限量,身份无形中已经远远超过了旁人,若是一些傲慢的人甚至已经可以不向那些峰主施礼了。 Almost can disregard regarding their these Manager. 对于他们这些管事几乎可以无视。 Xiao Yun will hold the fist in the other hand to hint to them, has calculated well. 萧云会向他们抱拳示意,已经算不错了。 However middle the person of pupil has the gloomy rays of light twinkle. 不过当中有一人眸子却有着阴森的光芒闪烁。 This person impressively is Qiu Zhong, initially take action coped with Xiao Yun actually injured by Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy. 此人赫然是邱衷,当初曾经出手对付过萧云却被天都域使所伤。 Now five months pass by, his injury also already restored. 如今五个月过去,他的伤势也早就恢复了。 Regarding this Qiu Zhong that pupil light, Xiao Yun almost disregards, present he does not need to dread these people. 对于这邱衷眸光,萧云几乎是无视,如今的他根本不必畏惧这些人。 Yuan Core Realm Manager in Heavenly Yuan Sect is also only small role that's all. 一个元丹境管事天元宗也只是小角色罢了。 If this person dares to have any movement, can definitely give the thunder counter-attack. 若是此人敢有什么动作,完全可以给予雷霆反击。 For he?” Sees Xiao Yun to appear here, several youth under stage have also comprehended. “难道是为了等他?”见萧云出现在此,台下的几个青年也是有所领悟。 Although in the people heart the indignation, in remembering Xiao Yun has flawless Fire Martial Spirit, as well as after the performance of Core Palace also only then feels relaxed. 虽然众人心中不忿,不过在想起萧云有着无暇火之武魂,以及在核心殿的表现后也只有释然。 So shocking and stunning talent indeed has the qualifications to come to the secret of their Fire Yuan Peak study and understand inheritance. 如此惊才绝艳的天才的确有着资格来他们火元峰参悟传承之秘。 Hehe, since you came, then we start now.” Peak Lord Zeng after has been sizing up Xiao Yun slightly the eyes shows a happy expression, the big hand wields, a piece of rays of light twinkle wraps the people under stage then to turn toward the Fire Yuan Peak back side of the mountain to run away. 呵呵,既然你已经来了,那么我们现在启程吧。”曾峰主在略微打量了一眼萧云眸露笑意,大手一挥,一片光芒闪烁包裹着台下的众人便向着火元峰的后山遁去。 ( ( …… ……
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