EMS :: Volume #3

#239: Really Yuan later period

Chapter 239 True Yuan late-stage 第239章真元后期 Xiao Yun and Yan Zhen and the others exchanged greetings slightly, afterward then returned to the own residence.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 萧云颜真等人略微寒暄,随后便回到了自己的居所内。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] This time fights him to benefit, needs to consolidate to the sensibility of fighting intent. 这次一战他获益匪浅,对战意的感悟还需要稳固。 After returning to the own room, over the two days he has closed up, is digesting the sensibility of own to fuse that intent domain slowly completely. 回到自己的屋子内后,这两天他一直闭关,在慢慢消化自己的感悟将那种意境完全融合。 The inexplicable within Xiao Yun makings are also changing, the whole person becomes unusual refined, graces gives people an elegant feeling. 莫名间萧云的气质也在变化,整个人变得超凡脱俗,举手投足都给人一种飘逸的感觉。 Two days later, Xiao Yun goes out. 两天后,萧云出关。 This fighting intent is intent domain, evasive, only may keep in the heart, confirms unceasingly, finally changes into a thought such as to coincide with the body.” Xiao Yun muttered one, then went out of that Practicing Martial Arts Room, went out of two steps maidservant Xiao Hong then to welcome. “这战意为一种意境,不可捉摸,只可留在心中,不断验证,最后化为一股意念如与身相合。”萧云喃喃一句,便走出了那练武室,才走出两步侍女小红便迎了上来。 This Young Master Xiao makings appeared unusually were even more refined, the immortal who now his every action and every movement such as in that picture go out, making people feel unattainably, was actually infatuated with individually uncorrectable.” When this Xiao Hong looks in that youth back of the body the secret whisper, the elegant face changes red, the beautiful pupil contains the spring. “这萧公子的气质越发显得超凡脱俗了,如今他的一举一动都如那画中走出的仙人,让人感觉高不可攀,却又迷恋得不可自拔。”当这小红瞧得那青年后心中暗暗嘀咕,俏脸变红,美眸含春。 Present Xiao Yun simply became her put on airs, actually only satisfying blindly thinks that seeks friendships does not dare. 如今的萧云简直成为了她的白马王子,却只可心中瞎想,连高攀都不敢。 Xiao Hong?” Sees that maidservant to walk, Xiao Yun pupil inquired that has the matter?” 小红?”见得那侍女走来,萧云眸露询问,“有事吗?” Returns to Young Master, that Zhang Tianlong, Young Master Zhang waited there for some time.” Xiao Hong arrives at side Xiao Yun, Yingying salutes to say with a smile. “回公子,那张天龙,张公子已经等候多时。”小红走到萧云身边,盈盈施礼笑道。 Senior Brother Zhang.” In the Xiao Yun heart moves slightly, afterward said that guides before.” 张师兄。”萧云心中微动,随后说道,“在前带路。” Yes!” A Xiao Hong face is respectful, afterward brings Xiao Yun to walk toward a living room. “是!”小红一脸恭敬,随后带着萧云向着一处客厅走去。 Now this girl also proceeds from the respect in heart to Xiao Yun. 如今这丫头对萧云也是发自心中的尊敬了。 Because they also knew the Xiao Yun strength defeats the Zhao Zheng incident. 因为她们也是知道了萧云力败赵政一事。 These matters already spread over among these talent disciple maidservants. 这些事情在那些天才弟子的侍女当中都早就传遍了。 This time Xiao Yun just like became the focal point that entire Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple discussed. 此时的萧云俨然成为了整个天元宗弟子所议论的焦点。 This she felt that in the surprised at the same time heart is also quite proud. 这她感到惊讶的同时心中也是颇为骄傲。 Because this is talent that she takes care, can say in these sisters proud. 因为这是她服侍的天才,在那些姐妹中也可以骄傲的说出来了。 two people walks slowly, Xiao Yun is not anxious, his whole person of present has inexplicable intent domain as if to melt with the world, he is sensing that type of [say / way] unceasingly, therefore time in maintaining that mood, in vanguard he also often asked this Xiao Hong practice. 两人缓缓走去,萧云并不怎么焦急,如今的他整个人有着一股莫名的意境似乎与天地相融,他在不断感悟那种道,所以时刻都在保持那种心境,在前行时他也不时问起这小红修炼 Listens to Xiao Yun to ask that in this Xiao Hong heart happy, hastily explained the doubts of own. 萧云问来,这小红心中高兴不已,连忙将自己的疑惑讲解出来。 Xiao Yun also takes great pains often directs, and warned that this female should have the heart of powerhouse, wait / etc.. 萧云也不厌其烦不时指点,并且告诫此女应有强者之心,等等。 Although is only the short direction makes this Xiao Hong benefit. 虽然只是短短的指点却让这小红获益匪浅。 Especially that sensibility, listening to Xiao Yun to mention her to appear to understand but not really understand, had a goal, an outline. 特别是那种感悟,听萧云说来她似懂非懂,却也有了一个目标,一个轮廓。 Shortly after Xiao Yun went to the living room. 不久后萧云就来到了客厅。 Hehe, Junior Brother Xiao, you went out!” Sees Xiao Yun to walk, Zhang Tianlong that has awaited calmly sets out, shows a smiling face. 呵呵,萧师弟,你出关了!”见萧云走来,一直静候的张天龙起身,脸露笑容 However when he felt that in the Xiao Yun makings back of the body moves slightly, looked like he progressed over the two days much.” 不过待得他感觉到萧云的气质后心中微微一动,“看来他这两天进步了不少。” This made him to this Junior Brother also high. 这让他对这个师弟不由又高了一眼。 Is only two days unexpectedly that sensibility fusion, making the whole person complete the true transformation, this was too rare. 才只是两天而已竟然将那种感悟融合,使得整个人完成了真正的蜕变,这太难得了。 „Is Senior Brother Zhang, going to go to Core Palace Heavenly Yuan Spiritual Spring today?” Xiao Yun asked. 张师兄,今天将要去核心殿天元灵泉吗?”萧云问道。 Em.” Zhang Tianlong nods, said that that Heavenly Yuan Spiritual Spring and Yuan Veins are connected, Yuan Qi is quite rich, middle also has Formation to tow Yuan Qi, enough your practice one month, so just has made you go to Fire Yuan Peak the place of inheritance one month later.” “恩。”张天龙点头,说道,“那天元灵泉元脉相连,元气极为浓郁,当中也有着阵法牵引元气,足够你修炼一个多月了,如此刚好在一个月后让你去火元峰传承之地。” Suffices practice one month?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, in the heart ponders darkly, hope energy.” “够修炼一个月?”萧云眉头一弯,心中暗忖,“希望能吧。” He is a big stomach king, Yuan Qi that needs is not the ordinary person may compare by far. 他可是一个大胃王,所需要的元气远远不是一般的人可比。 Is adding on Xiao Yun to feel indistinctly Jade Tree Martial Spirit soon has also been promoted, has massive Yuan Qi to be good. 在加上萧云隐约感觉碧树武魂也快要晋级了,有着大量元气才行。 Walks.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile. “走吧。”张天龙笑道。 Too has not delayed, two people escaped from Rising Stars Peak directly to a Core Palace mountainside. 没有太多耽搁,两人新秀峰直接遁向了核心殿的一处山腰。 This is a small gorge in mountain peak, middle the mist is dim, rich Yuan Qi floods in void, compares other place to be rich by far, how many arrived in the pupil of here Xiao Yun is also appears to wipe the joyful color, had this treasure trove own to be able to break through the shackles? 这是山峰中的一个小涧,当中雾气朦胧,浓郁的元气充斥在虚空,远远比别的地方要浓郁,来到这里萧云的眸中也是浮现出了几抹欣喜之色,有了这块宝地自己应该可以突破桎梏了吧? two people falls by that small gorge, the nearby flowers and plants are luxuriant, the front has a mountain wall to be covered with the vine. 两人落在那小涧旁边,附近花草茂盛,前方有着一个山壁长满了藤蔓。 Takes a broad view to look, can discover that here has many spiritual grass, spiritual medicine, is depends upon these Yuan Qi breeding to live. 放眼望去,可以发现这里有着许多的灵草,灵药,都是依靠这些元气孕育而生。 Indeed is a good place.” The Xiao Yun slight bow, has arrived at small gorge that mountain wall before Zhang Tianlong. “的确是个好地方。”萧云微微点头,随着张天龙走到了小涧那处山壁前。 Vines that in this mountain wall lets fall has a rock cave, outside was sent out mysterious fluctuation by Restriction Seal. 在这山壁垂落下来的藤蔓间有一个石窟,外面被禁制封印散发出一股晦涩的波动 This impressively is Core Palace that Heavenly Yuan Spiritual Spring in it place. 这赫然就是核心殿天元灵泉的所在之地了。 Zhang Tianlong grasps magic token to open restriction. 张天龙手持着一面法牌禁制打开。 When restriction opens latter rich Yuan Qi then to sweep across from inside, making the person unable to bear shakes. 禁制打开后一股浓郁的元气便是从里面席卷而出,让人忍不住一震。 Quite crisp!” Xiao Yun deeply has attracted two that Yuan Qi, the feeling is happy, pore also diastole. “好爽!”萧云深吸了两口那元气,感觉心情舒畅,毛孔也舒张了起来。 This inside Yuan Qi is obviously richer than other place, wants to be purer. 这里面的元气明显就比别的地方要浓郁,要精纯一些。 Junior Brother Xiao, you enter inside.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile, and other month later I will lead you to go to Fire Yuan Peak in the future.” 萧师弟,你进入里面吧。”张天龙笑道,“等一个月后我将来带你前往火元峰。” That troubled Senior Brother Zhang.” Xiao Yun let go the palm, afterward the step steps then to turn toward that cavern to walk. “那麻烦张师兄了。”萧云摊了摊手掌,随后步伐迈动便向着那洞窟走去。 In Xiao Yun walks into felt that own arrived at a Yuan Qi world. 萧云走入里面就感觉自己来到了一个元气的世界。 Inside Yuan Qi was too rich, here is also not Gathering Yuan Formation is, was richer than Yuan Qi that his nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation tow, in entering this rock cave Xiao Yun understands why Zhang Tianlong will say inside Yuan Qi enough his practice. 里面的元气真的太浓郁了,这里还不是聚元阵的所在,就已经比他那九级聚元阵所牵引来的元气还要浓郁,在进入了这石窟内萧云才明白为何张天龙会说里面的元气足够他修炼了。 The channel in rock cave downward, as if communicated the mid-hill unceasingly, the channel has the obvious opening cutting trace. 石窟内的通道不断往下,似乎沟通了山腹,通道有着明显的开凿痕迹。 This restricted area transforms based on rock cave obviously very much. 很显然这处禁地是在石窟的基础上改造而成。 After downward walked the kilometer, Xiao Yun arrived at a giant cavern finally. 当往下走了千米后,萧云终于来到了一个巨大的洞窟。 Here was covered by Yuan Qi completely, constructed Formation in cavern middle stone platform, was towing world's spiritual energy. 这里完全被元气所笼罩,在洞窟中间石台构建成了一个阵法,在牵引着天地灵气 Is taking a broad view to look, the front then is huge Yuan Pond of stone platform. 在放眼望去,石台的前方便是一个巨大的元池 On Yuan Pond Yuan Qi tumbles, probably mist is rolling, exudes cluck the sound, that picture appears quite magnificent. 元池元气翻滚,好像雾气在滚动,发出咕咕之声,那景象显得颇为壮观。 „Is this Yuan Qi Spiritual Spring?” In the Xiao Yun heart the slightly shakes, simultaneously joyfully well ups. “这就是元气灵泉?”萧云心中微震,同时一股欣喜涌上心头。 This Yuan Qi boundless such as mighty current wild waves, at is not ordinary Yuan Veins may compare. 元气磅礴如洪流骇浪,根本不是普通元脉可比。 Here practice has almost inexhaustible Yuan Qi. 在这里修炼几乎有着取之不尽的元气 Because this Yuan Spring has communicated Heavenly Yuan Sect entire Yuan Veins, is similar to is dike mouth in a river, can extract the water in river unceasingly, Heavenly Yuan Sect Yuan Veins can supply myriad talent practice, how to satisfy Xiao Yun? 因为这个元泉沟通了天元宗的整条元脉,就如同是一条大河中的一个堤口,可以不断的抽取大河中的水,天元宗元脉可以供万千天才修炼,岂会满足不了萧云 After experiencing the uncommonness of this Yuan Qi Spiritual Spring, Xiao Yun has not hesitated, immediately on ascends that Gathering Yuan stage. 见识到了这元气灵泉的不凡后萧云也没有迟疑,立即就登入了那聚元台当中。 Xiao Yun sits cross-legged in Formation, the Swallowing the Heavens Arts revolution starts crazy absorption nearby Yuan Qi. 萧云盘膝在阵法中,吞天诀运转开始疯狂的吸收附近的元气 Shout! 呼! magic arts moves, square World's Yuan Qi was towed, was similar to energy dragon is swallowed into Xiao Yun within the body. 法诀一动,四方的天地元气就受到了牵引,如同一条条气龙被吞入了萧云体内 Under these Yuan Qi supplies, Xiao Yun cultivation level in obvious rising suddenly. 在这些元气的补给下,萧云修为在明显的暴涨。 Five days Xiao Yun will have stepped into True Yuan middle-stage Peak from True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment from now on directly. 五天过后萧云直接从真元中期大成踏入了真元中期巅峰 Remaining then attacks the True Yuan late-stage boundary!” In the Xiao Yun heart has filled joyfully. “剩下便是冲击真元后期境了!”萧云心中充满了欣喜。 So long as has stepped into True Yuan late-stage this threshold, he can advance triumphantly, continuously impact. 只要踏入了真元后期这个门槛,他就可以高歌猛进,一直冲击。 Buzz! 嗡! When Xiao Yun prepares to attack True Yuan Realm, in Sea of Consciousness trembles, jade-green light blooms, that Jade Tree Martial Spirit moves branch to extend, at once jade-green light blooms, evolves jade-green vortex to start to derive these rich Yuan Qi in the front directly void. 萧云准备冲击真元境时,识海内一颤,碧光绽放,那碧树武魂一动一根枝条延伸而出,旋即碧光绽放,直接在前方虚空演化出一个碧色气旋开始汲取那些浓郁元气 Knows that you will come out.” Sees Jade Tree Martial Spirit to come out a Xiao Yun face to be indifferent, as if actually early became accustomed. “就知道你会出来。”见碧树武魂出来萧云一脸淡然,似乎对此却早已经习以为常。 Martial Spirit shivers, sends out one humming sound the sound, seemed saying that it needs massive World's Yuan Qi. 武魂颤动,发出一阵嗡嗡声,似乎在说它需要大量的天地元气 Xiao Yun helpless shrugging, but in the next quarter heart is actually one happy, because this time Martial Spirit is own absorbs World's Yuan Qi, has not dug in his Dantian direct plundering spoils of war, so long as then has enough Yuan Qi definitely to absorb together. 萧云无奈的耸了耸肩,不过下一刻心中却是一喜,因为此时的武魂自己吸收天地元气,并没有扎入他的丹田直接掠夺‘战利品’,如此一来只要有足够的元气完全可以一起吸收。 This Yuan Qi Spiritual Spring can satisfy Xiao Yun and Jade Tree Martial Spirit very much obviously absorbs together. 这处元气灵泉很显然能满足萧云碧树武魂一起吸收。 Rich takes in within the body unceasingly is changed to the True Yuan promotion strength. 浓郁的摄入体内不断被转化为真元提升实力。 Meanwhile Xiao Yun can also clear feeling the promotion of Jade Tree Martial Spirit. 与此同时萧云也可以清晰的感觉到碧树武魂的提升。 Since initially after Black Clouds Cave has swallowed a that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon spirit this Martial Spirit fell into was quiet is digesting the strength of these spirits, now two months pass by, the strength of spirit completely by refining, this Martial Spirit also had an invisible change. 自从当初在黑云窟吞噬了那血睛冥蛟的一丝魂灵后这武魂就陷入了沉寂在消化这些魂灵之力,如今两个月过去,魂灵之力完全被炼化,这武魂也有了一个无形的变化。 That consciousness, aura! 那就是意识,气息! Xiao Yun can the clear feeling the consciousness of Martial Spirit strengthen, a new consciousness body is going born. 萧云可以清晰的感觉到武魂的意识增强,一个新的意识体将要诞生。 However has actually also lacked anything. 不过却还缺了点什么。 Must wait for him to step into Yuan Core Realm perhaps according to Xiao Yun estimate this to awaken the Martial Spirit source to cause the it true transformation thoroughly. 按照萧云估计或许这得等他踏入元丹境彻底觉醒武魂本源才能使之真正的蜕变。 May so, this life source Martial Spirit aura also become greatly strengthened, infinite close Yuan Core Realm cultivator. 可就算如此,这本命武魂的气息也变得极强了起来,无限接近元丹境修者 Shook, Xiao Yun did not pay attention to Jade Tree Martial Spirit, the promotion of Martial Spirit has the greatest advantage not to need to him to think in any case much. 甩了甩头,萧云也不理会碧树武魂了,反正武魂的提升对他有着莫大的好处也不用多想。 Then his full play Swallowing the Heavens Arts absorbs Yuan Qi. 接下来他全力运转吞天诀吸收元气 Unknowingly ten days of time, Xiao Yun felt that within the body True Yuan perfection, has been able to attack the True Yuan late-stage boundary. 不知不觉又了十天时间,萧云感觉体内真元圆满,已经可以冲击真元后期境了。 Should attack!” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, is regarding within the body that meridians barrier. “该冲击了!”萧云眸光一凝,内视着体内那处经脉壁垒。 So long as attacks successfully this meridians, within the body strange after eight lineage/vein, the proper 12 lineage/vein is going to be connected one after another. 只要将这处经脉冲击成功,体内的奇经八脉,正经12脉就将要陆续被连通了。 So then has stepped into the True Yuan late-stage boundary. 如此便算是踏入了真元后期境。 When the time comes within the body True Yuan vast like the sea, the imposing manner is not general True Yuan Realm may compare. 到时候体内真元浩瀚如海,气势绝不是一般的真元境可比。 Xiao Yun transports within the body True Yuan strongly, goes toward that barrier impact by the unprecedented imposing manner. 萧云竭力调运体内真元,以一往无前的气势向着那壁垒冲击而去。 True Yuan is vast, is similar to the mighty current wreaks havoc in meridians, impact maliciously on that barrier. 真元浩瀚,如同洪流在经脉中肆虐,狠狠的冲击在那壁垒上。 Buzz! 嗡! In that flash of impact, the Xiao Yun personal appearance trembles, such as was struck by lightning, the fierce ache makes the body tremble. 在冲击的那一刹那,萧云身形一颤,如遭到雷击,剧烈的疼痛使得身子瑟瑟发抖。 After slightly, within the body as if there is barrier to break, was similar to opened Fang Xin a world, his spirit shook. 只是稍许后,体内似乎有着壁垒打破,如同开辟了一方新的天地,他精神一震。 A share dividend feeling emerges the heart. 一股力感涌入心头。 Finally attacked successfully!” In the Xiao Yun heart moves, can feel that the meridians of within the body were linked up, was similar to rivers finally is the interconnection, these True Yuan were similar to inside river water can in transportation that under the thought did not hinder. “终于冲击成功了!”萧云心中一动,可以感觉到体内的经脉被贯通,就如同一条条河流终于是相互连接了起来,那些真元就如同里面的河水可以在意念之下毫无阻碍的调运。 This is the True Yuan late-stage advantage. 这就是真元后期的好处。 Under a thought that True Yuan sweeps across, can change into protects body Yuan Qi to resist the attack of enemy. 一个意念之下,真元席卷而出,可以化为护体元气抵挡敌人的攻击。 Although this True Yuan defensive power actually can also play the role of cushion lowly, will not cause the person by the too heavy injury. 虽然这真元的防御力低却也可以起到缓冲的作用,不会使人受太重的伤势。 Then consolidates this True Yuan late-stage boundary.” In the Xiao Yun heart moves starts to continue to absorb the Yuan Qi stable boundary. “接下来就是稳固这真元后期的境界了。”萧云心中一动开始继续吸收元气稳固境界。 Arrived at True Yuan late-stage, each is very further difficult, ordinary cultivator one year is also very difficult the little advance. 到达了真元后期,每进一步都很困难,普通的修者一年也很难有寸进。 Xiao Yun is but different, his present to join Heavenly Yuan Sect obtained the best resources, is adding on the Swallowing the Heavens Arts uncommon place, the practice speed simply is ten times of average person, even is hundred times, has consolidated along with time the boundary of passing True Yuan late-stage finally. 可是萧云不同,他如今拜入天元宗得到了最好的资源,在加上吞天诀的不凡之处,修炼速度简直是普通人的十倍,甚至是百倍,随着时间的流逝真元后期的境界终于稳固了下来。 ( ( …… ……
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