EMS :: Volume #3

#238: Reward!

Chapter 238 rewards! 第238章奖励! This Xiao Yun is really fierce!” “这萧云真厉害!” Yes! He the True Yuan middle-stage unexpectedly ability defeats Heavenly Performance Court Zhao Zheng!” “是啊!他才真元中期竟然能力败天秀苑赵政!” His natural talent was too astonishing, that intent domain of comprehension is very mysterious, to person a feeling of faintly recognizable nihility. { Please search in hundred degree celsius, first round entire writing reading } “他天赋太惊人了,领悟的那股意境很玄妙,给人一种飘渺虚无的感觉。{请在百度搜索哈,首发全文字阅读}” Good, especially his fighting intent, made me feel fear unexpectedly.” Various sounds in martial arts stage continuously resounds through. “不错,特别是他那股战意,竟然使我感到了畏惧。”各种声音在演武场中此起彼伏的响彻开来。 Rising Stars Court disciple late crosses the threshold compared with Heavenly Performance Court disciple for three months, this Xiao Yun can catch up is not easy.” 新秀苑弟子可是比天秀苑弟子晚入门三个月,这萧云能后来居上太不容易了。” He works as is first!” “他当为第一!” People gradually start to accept, support this nova, under contrasting of this atmosphere, many people starts to think his good, gradually gives to dismiss from mind Zhao Zheng, the winner will forever enjoy infinite brilliance, becomes existence that is a focus of public attention. 渐渐的众人开始接受,拥戴这个新星,在这种气氛的烘托下,许多人开始想着他的好,渐渐的将赵政给忘怀,胜者永远将享受无限光华,成为那万众瞩目的存在。 Senior Brother Xiao is really fierce.” Wang Lei smiles, appears very happy. 萧师兄真厉害。”王磊憨厚一笑,显得很高兴。 Senior Brother Xiao extraordinary natural talent, we cannot overtake for a lifetime!” A Zhou Ping face sobbed to mutter. 萧师兄天赋异禀,我们是一辈子也追不上啊!”周平一脸唏嘘喃喃道。 They cross the threshold together, participates together informed and experienced, has witnessed the Xiao Yun miracle. 他们一起入门,一起参加历练,也算是一路见证了萧云的奇迹。 Now is seeing the Xiao Yun strength to defeat Zhao Zheng, this Zhou Ping was unable to describe this talent with the own mood. 如今在见得萧云力败赵政,这周平已经无法用自己的心情来形容这个天才了。 „Does Hehe, pursue does do? We followed behind to be OK in Senior Brother Xiao.” Wang Lei smiles, pupil light is very limpid. 呵呵,追赶干什么?我们跟在萧师兄身后就可以了。”王磊憨厚一笑,眸光很清澈。 Nearby Duan Ling'er also relaxed. 旁边的段灵儿也是松了口气。 She also worried a moment ago, has not thought that as before can rely on the strength win of own facing so powerhouse Xiao Yun. 刚才她还担忧不已,可没有想到面对如此强者萧云依旧能凭借自己的实力取胜。 This youth even more became immeasurably deep. 这个青年越发变得深不可测了起来。 Simultaneously this also lets in the Duan Ling'er heart grieved, this Xiao Yun is formidable, their distances are then bigger. 同时这也让段灵儿心中一阵酸楚,这萧云越是强大,她们的距离便越大。 Xiao Yun wins, drops challenge stage, takes a seat in the first position. 萧云获胜,落下挑战台,落座于第一的位置。 As for Zhao Zheng , he although is defeated, enjoys the second rank as before. 至于赵政,他虽然落败,却依旧享有第二的排名。 Other people all backward postpone one. 其它人皆是向后顺延一位。 Can also some people probably challenge Heavenly Performance Court disciple?” Referee pupil light concentrates, takes a look toward high stage that Rising Stars Court disciple is. “可还有人要挑战天秀苑弟子?”裁判眸光一凝,向着新秀苑弟子所在的高台瞅去。 On that high stage for a very long time unmanned start to talk. 高台上久久无人开口。 Good, below I announced that this small competition finished!” The referee sound resounds through the four directions low and deep, you will obtain the corresponding reward according to the rank, will be promoted into Core Palace disciple to move into Rising Stars Court from various peaks, after you well diligently, may become outstanding.” “那好,下面我宣布此次小比结束!”裁判声音低沉响彻四方,“你们都会按照排名得到相应的奖励,从各峰晋级入核心殿弟子将入驻新秀苑,你们好好努力以后也可出人头地。” Yes!” A piece accepts the sound to get up, such as the startling thunderclap resounds through Nine Heavens. “是!”一片应承声响起,如惊雷响彻九天 Core Palace, we finally became Core Palace disciple!” disciple from five peaks appears quite excited. 核心殿,我们终于成为了核心殿弟子!”来自五峰弟子显得颇为兴奋。 In the middle of this has Yan Zhen Brother Yan Mo impressively. 这当中赫然有颜真颜漠兄弟。 Yuan Ming as well as another Yuan Family juniors also obtained entered the qualifications of Core Palace. 袁鸣以及另外一个袁家子弟也获得了进入核心殿的资格。 These initially relied on points to obtain the huge resources after the experience, in addition own natural talent is good, quick broke through. 这些当初在历练后凭借着积分得到了大量资源,加上自己天赋不错,很快就突破了。 Helped him obtain unexpectedly first!” Qiu Yufeng and Lu Yanfeng all are stern-faced. “竟然让他获得了第一!”邱雨枫陆炎风皆是一脸阴沉。 Another several Fire Yuan Peak disciple are pupil light is also gloomy. 另外几位火元峰弟子也是眸光阴森。 This result has stemmed from their expectation completely. 这结果完全出乎了他们的预料。 Certainly cannot make him continue to grow.” Qiu Yufeng pupil light concentrates, mean ruthless saying. “一定不能让他继续成长下去。”邱雨枫眸光一凝,阴狠狠的说道。 ...... …… After the competition ended, the people start to diverge one after another. 比赛结束后,众人开始陆续散去。 Xiao Yun obtained summon of Palace Lord Jiang, has various Old Cao Palace Lord and peaks Peak Lord in side. 萧云却是得到了姜殿主的召见,在旁边还有曹老殿主及各峰的峰主 These people have been full of the interest to him, so shocking and stunning talent they first time saw, in the heart slightly is excited. 这些人都对他充满了兴趣,如此惊才绝艳的天才他们还是第一次见到,心中略显兴奋。 Has seen Jiang Dian and Peak Lord!” Xiao Yun salutes toward elder. “见过姜殿及各位峰主!”萧云向着各位长者施礼。 Hehe, Xiao Yun, you have not really disappointed the old man, obtained unexpectedly first, really respects the young!” Palace Lord Jiang slightly narrows the pupil, a face smiling face, his pupil light rotates to size up Xiao Yun as if to induce several points of any special aura from the body of this youth secretly, but was a pity very much that the Xiao Yun aura is reserved, he has not induced anything. 呵呵,萧云,你果然没有让老夫失望,竟然一举获得了第一,真是后生可畏啊!”姜殿主眸子微眯,一脸笑容,他眸光转动暗暗打量着萧云似乎想要从这个青年的身上感应出几分什么特殊的气息来,不过很可惜,萧云气息内敛,他并没有感应到什么。 This is the cultivation of Palace Lord and Sect, Xiao Yun has today.” Is slightly is modest facing these elder Xiao Yun. “这都是殿主宗门的栽培,萧云才有今天。”面对这些长者萧云还是略显谦虚。 Peak Lord of this peaks have half step Yuan Soul cultivation level, that Palace Lord Jiang has the quasi- Yuan Soul Realm strength. 这各峰的峰主都有着半步元婴修为,那姜殿主更是有着准元婴境的实力。 So the character is powerhouse, present Xiao Yun is at least insurmountable. 如此人物皆是强者,至少现在的萧云还不可逾越。 You do not need to be modest, how if doesn't have enough strength also to have your today?” Palace Lord Jiang said with a smile. “你也不必谦虚,若是没有足够的实力又岂会有你的今天?”姜殿主笑道。 This is you earns.” “这都是你应得的。” Good, so talent, my Heavenly Yuan Sect from, when trains strongly.” Nearby several Peak Lord also again and again nod. “不错,如此天才,我天元宗自当竭力培养。”旁边几位峰主也是连连点头。 This youth extraordinary natural talent, the strength seizes first, but also free from arrogance and rashness is maintaining the conscience, later surely will become powerhouse. 这青年天赋异禀,力夺第一,还不骄不躁保持着本心,以后定将成为一个强者 Your this time obtains first becomes the object of Sect strongly trained.” Unexpectedly, a Palace Lord Jiang face opens the mouth to say with deep veneration that I have reached an agreement with these five Peak Lord, so long as you need, this Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, five peaks inheritance all may open for you.” “你这次获得第一将成为宗门竭力培养的对象。”蓦地,姜殿主一脸肃然开口道,“我已经与这五位峰主商量好了,只要你需要,这金木水火土,五峰传承皆可为你开启。” five peaks inheritance?” Xiao Yun eye one bright, immediately came the interest. 五峰传承?”萧云眼睛一亮,顿时来了兴趣。 After entering the Core Palace Martial Dao inheritance cliff he filled to this so-called inheritance has hoped. 在进入了核心殿武道传承崖后他对这种所谓的传承充满了期许。 In this, if has harvested exceeds ten years of diligent cultivation simply! 在这里面若是有所收获简直胜过十年苦修 This is rare opportunity! 这是难得的机会 Therefore Xiao Yun will say a moment ago all are Sect training. 所以刚才萧云才会说一切都是宗门培养。 Under considers, if no hauling of that Martial Dao inheritance tablet, he does not know when can sense a Martial Dao true meaning. 试想下,若是没有那武道传承碑的牵引,他也不知何时才能感悟出一丝武道真意。 Good.” The Palace Lord Jiang nod said that in Heavenly Yuan Sect, in each peak has corresponding inheritance, remains for the predecessor.” “不错。”姜殿主点头道,“在天元宗,每一峰中都有相应的传承,为前人所留。” Was a pity that now Southern Border person one generation is inferior to one generation, physique in becoming weaker gradually, making these shocking and stunning disciple hundred years also rare, therefore inheritance also few people in various peaks can study and understand, but this inheritance each after a period of time will then also open.” “可惜如今南疆的人一代不如一代,体质在逐渐变弱,使得那些惊才绝艳弟子百年也难得一见,所以各峰中的传承也很少有人能够参悟,不过这传承也每过一段时间便会开启。” Does not know that what inheritance is?” Saying that Xiao Yun quite hopes. “不知里面都是什么传承?”萧云颇为期许的说道。 Here inheritance has many types, sensibility that such as powerhouse leaves behind, pure inheritance.” Peak Lord goes forward saying that such as my Gold Yuan Peak, in , not only has the sensibility that powerhouse leaves behind, middle also has piece of Gold Yuan Illusory World.” “这里的传承有很多种,如强者留下的感悟,还有纯粹的传承。”一个峰主上前说道,“如我金元峰,在里面不仅有强者留下的感悟,当中还有一片金元虚界。” Has purest Gold Yuan Qi in the middle of this Gold Yuan Illusory World, inside also breeds some spiritual object, can promote Gold Spirit Physique cultivator physique, moreover middle also has deep meaning of [gold/metal], compared with must purely, but relatively speaking also illusory, is hard study and understand that some powerhouse stay behind, in brief inheritance of various peaks are my Heavenly Yuan Sect foundations.” Gold Yuan Peak Peak Lord said. “在这金元虚界当中有着最纯粹的金元气,里面还孕育出一些灵物,可以提升金灵体修者体质,而且当中还有金之奥义,比起一些强者留下的还要纯粹,不过相对而言也更加的虚无缥缈,难以参悟,总之各峰的传承就是我天元宗的根基。”金元峰峰主说道。 So that's how it is.” In the Xiao Yun heart understands clearly, were also many to Heavenly Yuan Sect background several points. “原来如此。”萧云心中了然,对天元宗底蕴又多了几分。 Otherwise imagines, if Heavenly Yuan Sect has enough talent, at this time this formidable? 不然想象,要是天元宗有足够的天才,此时该何等强大? The talent is what a pity difficult to seek, is so, Heavenly Yuan Sect so will take seriously the talent. 可惜天才难寻,也是如此,天元宗才会如此重视天才。 Xiao Yun, does not know that what inheritance you also do have to suit you besides Fire Martial Spirit?” Palace Lord Jiang quite vague asking, „, so long as you felt that suits own inheritance, you can go study and understand, these Peak Lord will coordinate with every effort your.” 萧云,不知你除了火之武魂还有什么传承适合你?”姜殿主颇为隐晦的问道,“只要你感觉适合自己传承,你便可前去参悟,这些峰主都会尽力配合你的。” Em.” Nearby several Peak Lord again and again nod. “恩。”旁边几个峰主都是连连点头。 My present Fire Martial Spirit, in addition needs to promote, then reduces heat inheritance.” Xiao Yun hesitates slightly said afterward that next is Yuan Qi, I need the massive Yuan Qi promotion strength, otherwise cultivation level is very difficult to go a step further again, as for other was medicine ingredients.” “我现在火之武魂尚且需要提升,便去火之传承吧。”萧云略微沉吟随后说道,“其次便是元气,我需要大量的元气提升实力,不然修为很难再进一步,至于其它便是药材了。” This ease in doing.” Fire Yuan Peak Peak Lord said that inheritance in my Fire Yuan Peak will open one month later, when the time comes you may go study and understand, Hehe, said that inheritance in my peak is very long nobody comprehends truly!” “这个好办。”火元峰峰主说道,“我火元峰中的传承在一个月后将开启,到时候你可前去参悟,呵呵,说起来我峰中的传承已经是很久没有人真正的领悟了啊!” This is a year makes 50 years elder, the double pupil like the torch, in the expression has filled sobbing. 这是一个年约五旬长者,双眸如炬,语气中充满了唏嘘。 inheritance places there actually nobody to be able study and understand, that mood, the non- average man may realize. 一个传承放在那里却无人能参悟,那种心情,非常人可体会。 Massive Yuan Qi! This ease in doing, my Core Palace also has Heavenly Yuan Spiritual Spring, inside Yuan Qi was very rich enough your practice.” Palace Lord Jiang nodded saying that as for medicine ingredients, that is simple, next Magic Item, Medicine Pill, waits for on the goods you also completely to propose.” “大量元气!这个好办,我核心殿也有一处天元灵泉,里面元气十分浓郁足够你修炼了。”姜殿主点了点头道,“至于药材,那更是简单,其次法器,丹药,等物品上你也尽可提出。” Good.” Xiao Yun is impolite, said that „, if I will have to need certainly to open the mouth.” “那好。”萧云也不客气,道,“若是我有需要一定会开口的。” Good, you completely may look for Heavenly Dragon at the appointed time, he will arrange all for you.” The Palace Lord Jiang nod said. “好,你到时尽可找天龙,他会替你安排一切。”姜殿主点头道。 Em.” Xiao Yun is quite delighted, “恩。”萧云颇为欢喜、 Nearby Old Cao Palace Lord had not opened the mouth, but is paying attention to Xiao Yun silently, seems inducing latter's aura. 旁边的曹老殿主一直没有开口,只是默默关注着萧云,似乎在感应后者的气息。 Since Fire Yuan Peak inheritance has not opened now, you then first in Core Palace Heavenly Yuan Spiritual Spring practice some time.” Palace Lord Jiang said that although Xiao Yun battle strength is extraordinary, but cultivation level missed, must promote as soon as possible. “既然现在火元峰传承还没有开启,你便先在核心殿天元灵泉修炼一段时间吧。”姜殿主说道,虽然萧云战力非凡,可是本身的修为还是差了一些,必须尽快提升。 Only then steps into Yuan Core Realm, the boundary continually promotes, the sensibility of own to world can increase. 只有踏入元丹境,境界不断提升,自己对天地的感悟才能增加。 This only then better sensibility Martial Dao true meaning, steps into Peak. 这样方可更好的感悟武道真意,踏入巅峰 That it would be the best.” hear speech/words, in Xiao Yun heart one happy. “那最好不过了。”闻言,萧云心中一喜。 Before he felt that own Yuan Qi of Gathering Yuan Formation accumulation was insufficient, already wants to change a place. 之前他就感觉到自己聚元阵聚集的元气不够用,早就想换个地方了。 Initially listened to Zhang Tianlong saying that Main Peak had this place, has not thought that Core Palace also had, this made him omit but actually troublesome some. 当初听张天龙主峰有这种地方,没有想到核心殿也有,这倒让他省去了一些麻烦。 You rest first for two days, then makes Heavenly Dragon lead you to go.” Palace Lord Jiang said. “你先休息两天,再让天龙带你去。”姜殿主说道。 This Xiao Yun comes out from the Martial Dao inheritance tablet, cannot extremely work hard, otherwise does not have the advantage to practice. 此次萧云才从武道传承碑中出来,不可太过操劳不然对修炼并没有好处。 The Xiao Yun slight bow, he also felt that own has many things also to digest well turns. 萧云微微点头,他也感觉到自己有许多东西还得好好消化一翻。 Because of after a war, his sensibility to the fighting intent was richer a moment ago, now consolidates first turns is. 因为经过刚才一战,他对战意的感悟更加浓郁了,现在得先稳固一翻才是。 Heavenly Dragon, you bring Xiao Yun to go back first.” Palace Lord Jiang said. 天龙,你带着萧云先回去。”姜殿主说道。 Yes!” Zhang Tianlong goes forward, afterward offers a sacrifice to magic sword, bringing Xiao Yun to run away to Rising Stars Peak. “是!”张天龙上前,随后祭出法剑,带着萧云新秀峰遁去。 But at this time participated in examination various group of disciple already one after another to return to the middle of the own mountain peak. 而此时参加考核的各路弟子早就陆续回到了自己的山峰当中。 Some entered Rising Stars Court some disciple also people to carry on the arrangement newly. 一些新入新秀苑弟子也有人进行了安排。 Junior Brother Xiao, two days later I in meet you.” After leads into Rising Stars Peak Xiao Yun Zhang Tianlong said goodbye in light of this. 萧师弟,两天后我在来接你。”在将萧云带入新秀峰张天龙就此告辞。 Xiao Yun let go the palm, afterward then turns toward Rising Stars Court to walk. 萧云摊了摊手掌,随后便向着新秀苑走去。 Although he was promoted into Heavenly Performance Court, but also lived temporarily here. 他虽然晋级入了天秀苑,不过暂时还居住在这里。 Nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation effects were almost the same he not to need to move. 九级聚元阵效果相差无几他也没有必要挪动了。 Because currently he had the best resources. 因为现在他已经有了最好的资源。 Senior Brother Xiao!” 萧师兄!” Brother Xiao!” After Xiao Yun enters Rising Stars Court immediately then has many fellow apprentices to come to give regards. 萧兄!”当萧云走进新秀苑后当即便有着许多的师兄弟前来问好。 Has many strangers in inside, just like just joined this Rising Stars Court disciple, several people welcomed. 在里面有着许多的陌生人,俨然是刚加入这新秀苑弟子,还有几个人迎来上来。 Impressively is Yan Zhen Yan Mo as well as Yuan Ming and the others. 赫然是颜真颜漠以及袁鸣等人。 Senior Brother Xiao you are really fierce, defeated that Zhao Zheng to obtain unexpectedly first!” 萧师兄你真厉害,竟然打败了那赵政获得了第一!” You made every effort to succeed for our Wind Moon Kingdom!” These person of faces are fiery, said toward Xiao Yun. “你为我们风月国争了一口气啊!”这些人一脸火热,向着萧云说道。 Besides Yan Zhen Yan Mo and the others, the inside also several people come from Wind Moon Kingdom. 除了颜真颜漠等人,里面还有几人来自风月国 Hehe, you are also good, everybody practice, here can make you start of powerhouse together diligently.” Xiao Yun has the expression of encouragement to say toward the people that wants practice, the intention to sense martial dao deep meaning will happen one day you also to step Peak diligently, overlooks the world.” 呵呵,你们也不错,大家一起努力修炼,这里将是能使你们成为强者的开始。”萧云带着鼓励的语气向着众人说道,“只要努力修炼,用心感悟武道奥义终有一天你们也能踏上巅峰,俯视天地。” Em.” Hears words that Xiao Yun encourages, people again and again nod, feels the blood of within the body in boiling. “恩。”听得萧云鼓励的话语,众人都是连连点头,感觉到体内的血液在沸腾 Yan Zhen Yan Mo and the others is a face is also grateful. 颜真颜漠等人也是一脸感激。 If not for has the help of Xiao Yun they also very being promoted that is difficult to be smooth, and makes the good progress. 若不是有着萧云的帮助他们也很难顺利的晋级,并且取得不错的成绩。 ( ( …… ……
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