EMS :: Volume #3

#237: Irresistible

Chapter 237 is irresistible 第237章势不可挡 Xiao Yun is in a mysterious stance at this moment, that sound wave almost must break his intent domain. Ha 萧云此刻正处于一种玄妙的姿态,那音波差点要破掉他的意境。哈 This imposing manner as if came from that spirit!” Xiao Yun ponders darkly, but in the heart is very tranquil, fighting intent is instead soaring. “这气势似乎来自那魂灵!”萧云暗忖,不过心中却很平静,战意反而更加高昂。 It seems like spirit Bloodlines in this heaven screen is extraordinary, the imposing manner is very strong, what a pity this Soul Power was unable to injure and my mind.” “看来这天幕中的魂灵血脉非凡,气势很强,可惜这股灵魂力还不能伤及我的心神。” Buzz! 嗡! His mind moves, formidable soul fluctuation releases to rout that soul oppression at one fell swoop. 心神一动,一股强大的灵魂波动释放出来将那股灵魂压迫一举击溃。 Xiao Yun Extinguishing Soul Arts has stepped into 2nd-layer Peak, formidable incomparable, the fearless this Zhao Zheng spirit frightens radically. 萧云灭神诀已经踏入了第二重巅峰,强大无比,根本无惧这赵政的魂灵震慑。 Gives me to break!” Xiao Yun is powerful, is irresistible, that fighting intent makes his double pupil scalding hot, has one type to fight completely the world Supreme imposing manner, at this time he goes well at one fell swoop, how to stop? fighting intent in heart was instead stronger several points. “给我破!”萧云气势如虹,根本不可抵挡,那种战意让他双眸灼热,有着一种要战尽天下至尊的气势,此时他一举得手,岂会停顿?心中的战意反而更强了几分。 His muscle skeleton of invisible a strength in the middle of Xiao Yun Bloodlines in the middle of emerging. 萧云血脉当中一股无形的力量在涌入他的肌肉骨骼当中。 Buzz! 嗡! Unexpectedly, under the vision gazes of countless Daoist, that heaven screen trembles, has been defeated and dispersed unexpectedly. 蓦地,在无数道人的眼光注视下,那天幕一颤,竟然溃散了开来。 Shout! 呼! The heaven screen light twinkle, only leaves behind void, the Zhao Zheng body shakes, such as was struck by lightning, face pallid corners of the mouth have the bloodstain to overflow, this Martial Spirit is closely linked with him, is similar to own hand and foot Bloodlines, now encounters the force attack oneself to be also damaged. 天幕光影闪烁,只留下一片虚空,赵政身子一震,如遭雷击,一脸煞白嘴角有着血迹溢出,这武魂与他息息相关,如同自己的手足血脉,如今遭到强力的攻击自身也受损。 However at this time purple light twinkle, Xiao Yun that swift and fierce attack imposing manner still, immediately then cut to Zhao Zheng. 不过此时紫光闪烁,萧云那凌厉的攻击气势犹在,当即便斩向了赵政 Whoosh ! 刷! The purple glow cuts the crack to be void, is powerful. 紫芒斩裂虚空,气势如虹。 Zhao Zheng knits the brows wields the spear|gun to resist hastily, but his Heavenly Screen Martial Spirit is not at now, is unable to resist so intrepidly strikes, when the spear|gun halberd encounters a formidable strength shakes his arm to tingle with numbness, afterward the whole person body trembles flying upside down. 赵政皱眉连忙挥枪抵挡,只是如今他天幕武魂不在,根本无法抵挡如此强悍的一击,当枪戟交锋之际一股强大的力量震得他手臂发麻,随后整个人身子一颤倒飞而出。 puff! 噗! The void rays of light twinkle, the Zhao Zheng mouth spits fresh blood, that long spear is also lets go. 虚空中光芒闪烁,赵政口吐鲜血,就连那长枪也是脱手而出。 Thump! 咚! After a dull thumping sound spreads, Zhao Zheng quite distressed crash under challenge stage. 当一声闷响传出后,赵政颇为狼狈的坠落于挑战台下。 Hence, means that this war ended! 至此,也意味着这一战结束! On challenge stage purple light twinkle, the Xiao Yun body like the fog, floating falls to the ground, aura is unceasingly reserved. 挑战台上紫光闪烁,萧云身如云雾,飘然落地,身上的气息不断内敛。 Looks in Zhao Zheng his heart that is falling to the ground not to sob. 望着那落地的赵政他心中也是不甚唏嘘。 This is a formidable match, background is indeed vigorous, Martial Spirit is mysterious, is not the average person may with it fighting. 这的确是一个强大的对手,底蕴浑厚,武魂神奇,绝不是一般人可与之争锋。 If not for this time Xiao Yun has comprehended the Heavenly Flame sixth type in that Martial Dao Tablet, I for Heavenly Flame, was very difficult to win that simple, perhaps he used other trump card to be hard to win as before, after all this Zhao Zheng Martial Spirit was also very special. 此次若不是萧云在那武道碑中有所领悟出了天炎第六式,我为天炎,也很难赢得那么干脆,或许就算他动用其它的底牌依旧难以取胜,毕竟这赵政武魂也很特殊。 But this, makes in the audience cultivator heart shake, all was in same place, was stunned. 可这一幕,却让得全场修者心中一震,皆是愣在了原地,一脸错愕。 The people are really hard to imagine, had formidable Martial Spirit Zhao Zheng instead to defeat? 众人实在难以想象,怎么拥有强大武魂赵政反而败了吗? That fighting intent so is really fierce, is unexpectedly invincible?” In many person hearts has doubts. “那战意真的那么厉害,竟不可战胜?”很多人心中疑惑。 Did not say that has Martial Spirit is the unparalleled talent? 不是说拥有武魂者才是盖世天才吗? In fact this type I for Heavenly Flame, am Xiao Yun in essence that Martial Dao Tablet comprehends, unusual. 事实上这一式‘我为天炎’,是萧云武道碑所领悟出来的精华,非同一般。 Must know that initially that Xu Yankui made battle strength rise dramatically depending on this, defeated that Yang Haixin and the others the unions to strike directly. 要知道,当初那许闫愧可是凭此使得战力飙升,直接击败了那杨海芯等人的联合一击。 Now Xiao Yun this type is not the least bit off compared with Xu Yankui that type. 如今萧云这一式比许闫愧那一式丝毫不差。 Let alone he has stimulated to movement Battle Martial Spirit! 更何况他催动了战武魂 Under this comprehensive battle strength, Xiao Yun this type is not Zhao Zheng heaven screen Martial Spirit may compared with. 在这种综合战力下,萧云这一式已经不是赵政的‘天幕武魂可比了。 This Battle Martial Spirit is very mysterious, not only can increase my battle strength, but can also transport the strength of Bloodlines.” In the Xiao Yun heart ponders darkly, after this fought him to be many for several points to understand to Martial Spirit that own this just awakened that simultaneously in the heart also filled has hoped. “这战武魂很玄妙,不仅可以增加我的战力,还可以调运血脉之力。”萧云心中暗忖,经过这一战他对自己这刚觉醒的武魂不由多了几分了解,同时心中也充满了期许。 Must know that this Battle Martial Spirit just awakened, but also very frail. 要知道,这战武魂可是刚觉醒,还很孱弱。 If, how many minute of Bloodlines is awakening, unceasing become stronger, that does battle strength meet the what kind terror? 若是以后在多觉醒几分血脉,不断变强,那战力会何等恐怖? This makes in the Xiao Yun heart have several points of inexplicable excitement, has been full of the expectation to this Battle Martial Spirit. 这让萧云心中有着几分莫名的兴奋,对这战武魂充满了期望。 Person who at this time martial arts stage these observe was scared. 只是此时演武场那些观战的人却一个个傻了眼。 In the front, Zhao Zheng falls to the ground distressedly, he controlled one's breathing the within the body aura to pick up the ground long spear to support body setting out slowly. 在前方,赵政狼狈落地,他调息了体内气息捡起地上的长枪支撑着身子缓缓的起身。 This youth expression slightly is faint, long hair flying upwards, waves against the wind, he gains ground slowly, takes a look sighs to the Xiao Yun heart on high stage, „, if my Martial Spirit has awakened the source, the strength of spirit can regain consciousness, this will fight will not defeat.” 这青年表情略显淡漠,长发飞扬,迎风舞动,他缓缓抬头,瞅向高台上的萧云心中不由一叹,“若是我的武魂觉醒了本源,魂灵之力得以苏醒,这一战就不会败。” Has several points of unwillingness in his pair of gloomy pupil, the corners of the mouth bloodstain depends on, looked from afar slightly obviously goes down in the world. 在他那双暗淡的眸子中有着几分不甘,嘴角血迹依在,远远看去略显落魄。 Zhao Zheng is fixing the eyes on Xiao Yun, resembles to want this match to completely understand. 赵政紧盯着萧云,似想要将这个对手看透。 Because a youth relied on sensibility intent domain to defeat his Heavenly Screen Martial Spirit unexpectedly, all these were too inconceivable. 因为一个青年竟然凭借感悟的意境击败了他的天幕武魂,这一切太不可思议了。 Sees Zhao Zheng to take a look to own, Xiao Yun is a face is as before indifferent, in the former heart thinks that he is naturally clear. 赵政自己瞅来,萧云依旧是一脸淡然,前者心中所想,他自然清楚。 But how? 可是那又如何? Even if Zhao Zheng awakened Martial Spirit source Xiao Yun to have a confidence war as before! 就算赵政觉醒了武魂本源萧云依旧有信心一战! His doesn't Xiao Yun never have Martial Spirit? 萧云何尝没有武魂 Waits for the Zhao Zheng awakening source, his strength will also prompt, therefore Xiao Yun fearless. 赵政觉醒本源,他的实力也会提示,所以萧云无惧。 Feels Xiao Yun that fearless pupil light, the Zhao Zheng pupil moves slightly, flood hazy light. 感受到萧云那无惧的眸光,赵政眸子微动,泛起了一丝朦光。 Hehe, I defeated have defeated, anything awakened the Martial Spirit source, this was only I am giving own to find the excuse, was powerhouse cannot evade, how even if has defeated, was only the success and failure for a while, so long as promoted own I same to step Peak diligently.” Zhao Zheng pupil light gradually changes has strengthened, has been short of several points of low-spirited, he had as if found self-confidently. 呵呵,我败了就是败了,什么觉醒武魂本源,这只是我在给自己找借口罢了,身为强者绝不能逃避,就算败了又如何,只是一时得失,只要努力提升自己我一样可以踏上巅峰。”渐渐的赵政眸光变的坚定了起来,少了几分黯然,他似乎重新找到了自信。 Afterward he continues to carefully examine Xiao Yun. 随后他继续审视着萧云 I used the strength of spirit to attempt to frighten his mind a moment ago, but actually by formidable soul fluctuation resisting, it seems like he is also very uncommon, that Soul Power is very strong, this should be his trump card, this Xiao Yun is not very simple.” After the draw calms the mind, Zhao Zheng also high looked at several to Xiao Yun, now wants to come the opposite party to be indeed uncommon carefully, immeasurably deep. “刚才我动用魂灵之力企图震慑他的心神,可是却被一股强大的灵魂波动给抵挡了下来,看来他也很不凡,那灵魂力很强,这应该是他的底牌,这萧云很不简单。”平静下心来后,赵政萧云也高看了几眼,现在细细想来对方的确不凡,深不可测。 Otherwise he how crude challenges own? 不然他岂会鲁莽的来挑战自己 This is a formidable match!” After wants to understand, in Zhao Zheng heart broadminded. “这是一个强大的对手!”想明白后,赵政心中豁然。 I defeated!” The Zhao Zheng start to talk, then the trail arms depart, sit control one's breathing to nearby position in secretly, the expression on face as before appears quite faint, as if regarding this time victory and defeat had not felt that anything favors the shame, the disposition is so surprising. “我败了!”赵政开口,然后便提枪离去,坐到旁边一个位置上暗自调息,脸上的表情依旧显得颇为淡漠,似乎对于这次的胜负并没有感到什么宠辱,如此心性让人惊讶。 This Zhao Zheng to is a character.” Xiao Yun secret nod. “这赵政到是个人物。”萧云暗暗点头。 Existence that Zhao Zheng was a focus of public attention a moment ago, was supported by the people, may suddenly then become the defeated, from Tianshan crash this world, this psychological dropping variance was not the average person can accept simply, at this time he that quickly returned to normal fully to explain that his mental non- average man may compare. 刚才赵政还是万众瞩目的存在,被众人所拥戴,可眨眼间便成为了败者,简直是从天山坠落凡尘,这种心理落差绝不是一般人可以接受得了,此时他那么快就恢复了平静足以说明他的心智非常人可比。 When Zhao Zheng takes a seat in the one side, that Heavenly Performance Court referee recovers, at once the pupil moves, takes a look to Xiao Yun on challenge stage, in that pair of pupil completely reveals the complex look, until now he is some are as before unbelievable, did this youth win unexpectedly? 赵政落座于一旁,那天秀苑的裁判才回过神来,旋即眸子一动,瞅向了挑战台上的萧云,那双眸子中尽是流露出复杂的神色,直到现在他依旧是有些难以相信,这少年竟然获胜了? Not is only he, cultivator of audience most probably felt that some such as dream is imaginary. 不仅是他,就连全场的修者大半都感觉有些如梦似幻。 Has seen a moment ago Zhao Zheng and a Li Zun war, making the most person regard King in Heavenly Yuan Sect new generation disciple Zhao Zheng, invincible, let alone this time he all has also displayed Heavenly Screen Martial Spirit battle strength, that Tathagata ancient times oppression, at this moment thought frightening as before. 见过刚才赵政李尊的一战,使得大半人将赵政当成了天元宗新一代弟子中的王者,不可战胜,何况此次他还将天幕武魂战力尽数发挥了出来,那种如来之远古的压迫,此刻想起来依旧让人心惊。 But is such powerhouse, a shocking talent actually defeated! 可就是这样的一个强者,一个惊世天才却败了! Defeats in a Junior Brother hand of talent True Yuan middle-stage! 败在一个才真元中期师弟手中! So, the people have not thought. 如此一幕,众人从来就没有想到过。 Suddenly, all person slightly narrows the pupil, are bringing several points hazy and surprise challenge stage Xiao Yun staring. 一时间,所有的人眸子微眯,带着几分迷蒙及诧异将挑战台萧云给盯着。 „Is he present wins?” In many person hearts muttering is stunned. “他到底是如今取胜的?”许多人心中喃喃自语一脸错愕。 By that intent domain?” In some people of hearts doubt. “是靠那种意境吗?”有人心中狐疑。 intent domain was extremely illusory, although many people listen to be possible not to have what summary. 意境太过虚无缥缈了,很多人虽然听过可对此却并没有什么概括。 His within the body as if suddenly has formidable fighting intent to burst out a moment ago, is that strength of fighting intent or the Bloodlines that he comprehends?” On high stage that various peak elder sit well, several Yuan Core Realm cultivator brows tightly frowns had several points of doubts to take a look to Old Cao Palace Lord. “刚才他体内似乎突然有着一股强大的战意迸发而出,那是他领悟的战意还是血脉之力?”各峰长者所端坐的高台上,几个元丹境修者眉头紧锁带着几分疑惑瞅向了曹老殿主 The Palace Lord Jiang pupil also closely narrows the eyes, an appearance looking pensive. 就连姜殿主眸子也是紧紧眯起,一副若有所思的模样。 This strength is very mysterious.” The Old Cao Palace Lord old eyes narrows the eyes, middle has bright light glittering, when takes a look to front challenge stage that youth completely is the appearance that a face hopes, as if he quite regards as important to this youth, but had not said. “这力量很玄妙。”曹老殿主老眼眯起,当中有着精光闪烁,瞅向前方挑战台那青年时尽是一脸期许的模样,似乎他对这个青年颇为看重,不过却并没有多说。 Is very mysterious?” This ambiguous reply lets various peaks elder brows tightly frowns. “很玄妙?”这模棱两可的回答让各峰的长者眉头紧锁 You do not need to ask.” Cao Palace Lord said that my Heavenly Yuan Sect can have this grade of talent is the rare good fortune, must quite train, Hehe, after perhaps this youth, becomes trump card that keeps in balance several other talents, actually does not know that what situation when the time comes can be?” “你们不必多问。”曹殿主说道,“我天元宗能有这等天才是难得的福气,必须好生培养,呵呵,或许这青年以后会成为制衡另外几宗天才的底牌,却不知到时候会是一副什么情况?” Also can keep in balance several other talents depending on him?” hear speech/words, some elder thinks little. “凭他也能制衡另外几宗的天才?”闻言,有些长者不以为意。 Must know that the Southern Border five big Sect talents are many, middle the generations of many shocking and stunning. 要知道南疆五大宗派天才很多,当中不乏惊才绝艳之辈。 Especially that Southern Sea Sword Sect, has several talents in middle, sword technique is superb, making the person dread. 特别是那南海剑派,在当中有几位天才,一身剑术出神入化,让人忌惮。 Old Cao Palace Lord does not talk too much, but light smiles. 曹老殿主也不多言,只是淡淡一笑。 That fighting intent came from Bloodlines a moment ago, from Martial Spirit.” Nearby Palace Lord Jiang is actually in the heart darkly ponders saying that „, if is really Martial Spirit's strength, then said on this Xiao Yun more than Martial Spirit? He is double Martial Spirit, hid the strength?” “刚才那股战意似源自血脉,又似来自武魂。”旁边的姜殿主却是心中暗忖道,“若真是武魂之力,那么说这萧云身上不止一种武魂?难道他是双武魂,隐藏了实力?” Thinks of here, his heart thump jumps, at once one type inexplicable excited wells up crazily. 想到这里,他心头咯噔一跳,旋即一种莫名的兴奋狂涌而出。 However he has not actually opened the mouth, understood the meaning of old Palace Lord. 不过他却没有开口,也明白了老殿主的意思。 If Xiao Yun has double Martial Spirit, also shocking and stunning, was very too easy to encounter the envy of other Sect to bring in troublesome. 萧云真的拥有双武魂,也太惊才绝艳了,很容易遭到别的宗派的嫉妒会引来麻烦。 Therefore now not suitable Zhang Yang (makes widely known). 所以现在不宜张扬 „Can referee, announce result now?” Xiao Yun stands on challenge stage, waits for the referee to announce the result, but has not heard the sound for a very long time, when he fixes the eyes on looked, fellow looks the own eye opens the Boss. “裁判,现在可以宣布结果了吗?”萧云站在挑战台上,等候着裁判宣布结果,可是久久没有听到声音,待得他定睛一看,那家伙正愣愣的看着自己眼睛睁得老大。 This pupil light makes Xiao Yun feel that is scared. 眸光萧云感到一阵发毛。 What fondness won't this old man have?” Thinks that here his whole person hit one to tremble, in the heart pondered to say darkly. “这老头不会有什么癖好吧?”想到这里他整个人打了一个哆嗦,心中暗忖道。 My not good this.” Hit to tremble, he took a look hastily to elsewhere, so as to avoid has gone bad the own mood. “我可不好这口。”打了个哆嗦,他连忙瞅向了别处免得坏了自己的心情。 This boy, what look?” Until this moment referee pupil light moves, shocked to sober with the doubt from that type, looked at Xiao Yun with despising pupil light looks at own, this referee turned the eyelid continually, mumbled a whisper to say. “这小子,什么眼神?”直到此刻裁判才眸光一动,从那种震撼和狐疑中清醒了过来,瞧得萧云用鄙夷的眸光看着自己,这裁判连翻眼皮,不由嘟囔了一句嘀咕道。 I announced that Rising Stars Court disciple Xiao Yun challenges successfully, becomes Heavenly Performance Court ranks first disciple!” This referee stern, at once the pupil light glance four directions, the low and deep sound is similar to the startling thunderclap general shake is void, that sound wave spreads to everyone ear. “我宣布,新秀苑弟子萧云挑战成功,成为天秀苑排位第一的弟子!”这裁判正了正色,旋即眸光扫视四方,低沉的声音如同惊雷一般震荡虚空,那音波传入每个人耳中。 Xiao Yun first?” 萧云第一?” Hears this sound, the people are startled slightly, afterward then thoroughly accepted this fact. 听到这声音,众人略微一怔,随后便彻底接受了这个事实。 Then, a piece calls out in alarm with sound in an uproar also boiling in this martial arts stage. 转而,一片惊呼与哗然声也是在这个演武场沸腾而起。 Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun!” 萧云,萧云!” Senior Brother Xiao is great!” 萧师兄好样的!” Senior Brother Xiao military might!” With disciple that Xiao Yun is on good terms, first cheers, is happy for him. 萧师兄威武!”一些与萧云交好的弟子,首先欢呼,为他感到高兴。 Middle has Yan Zhen, Yan Mo, Yuan Ming and the others. 当中有颜真,颜漠,还有袁铭等人。 Look! Xiao Yun obtained first, he came from my Wind Moon Kingdom!” These come from Wind Moon Kingdom disciple are also open the mouth to call out in alarm. “看!萧云获得了第一,他来自我风月国!”那些来自风月国弟子也是开口惊呼。 Although they and Xiao Yun do not have what friendship, but feels as before happy. 虽然他们和萧云没有什么交情,可是依旧感到高兴。 This on behalf of a glory, exciting! 这代表着一个荣耀,让人振奋! ( ( …… ……
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