EMS :: Volume #3

#236: The stimulation fights intent

Chapter 236 stimulates fighting intent 第236章激发战意 blessing battle strength!” The Xiao Yun pupil moved slightly, relies on formidable perception clear discovery that heaven screen middle to have a strength to pour into on that Zhao Zheng long spear to make it battle strength rise dramatically, obviously previous time he also at one fell swoop defeated Li Zun depending on this. 加持战力!”萧云眸子微动,凭借着强大的感知力可以清晰的发现那‘天幕’当中有着一股力量注入了那赵政长枪上使之战力飙升,显然上次他也是凭此一举击败李尊 Heavenly Spear Nine Styles, a spear splits the sky! 天枪九式,一枪裂空 Heavenly Spear Nine Styles, Revolving Dragon Full Moon! 天枪九式,回龙望月 Zhao Zheng grasps long spear, kills toward Xiao Yun, that long spear shakes spatially, the rays of light twinkle, as if there is big dragon to face upward to look out void. 赵政手持长枪,向着萧云杀来,那长枪震空,光芒闪烁,似乎有着巨龙仰天遥望虚空。 Meanwhile, the Zhao Zheng whole person also bullies along with long spear, that piece heaven screen shakes the billowing ripple oppression under. 与此同时,赵政整个人也是随着长枪欺来,那片‘天幕’震荡出滚滚波纹压迫而下。 spear glow is swift and fierce, is powerful, this strikes including True Yuan perfection boundary cultivator must evade the point, is adding on the imposing manner that heaven screen carries, making the Xiao Yun pressure multiply, has probably two True Yuan perfection boundary powerhouse simply in take action. 枪芒凌厉,气势如虹,这一击连真元圆满境修者都要避之锋芒,在加上那‘天幕’所携带的气势,使得萧云的压力倍增,简直就好像有着两个真元圆满境强者出手 The imposing manner that especially that heaven screen sends out may affect person mind, will be weakening battle strength of person imperceptibly. 特别是那‘天幕’所散发出的气势可影响人心神,会在无形中削弱人的战力 That heaven screen tilts, such as has the antique ominous beast capping, that frightening from mind will cause the person mind collapse. 那‘天幕’倾覆而下,如有着太古凶兽压顶,那种来自心灵的震慑会使人心灵崩溃。 Li Zun a moment ago the rout was also because this heaven screen frightened, distress that otherwise was also insufficient to defeat by his strength. 李尊刚才溃败也是因为这‘天幕’震慑,不然凭借他的实力还不至于败的那么狼狈。 This heaven screen Martial Spirit is very strong, but this type oppresses to me is useless.” During the Xiao Yun pupil light circulation has fighting intent to climb up to rise unceasingly, the opposite party is formidable, his fighting intent even more is rich, simultaneously he heaven screen the spirit in Martial Spirit to that also very much dares the interest. “这‘天幕武魂果然很强,可是这种压迫对我却没有用。”萧云眸光流转当中有着一股战意不断攀爬而升,对方越是强大,他的战意就越发浓郁,同时他对那‘天幕武魂中的魂灵也很敢兴趣。 Heavenly Flame Five Styles! 天炎五式 Xiao Yun has not hesitated, when induces carefully that heaven screen Martial Spirit fluctuates, the whole person also fell into the middle of that intent domain, he grasps the long halberd, the purple light twinkle, Heavenly Flame Five Styles evolves immediately, meets the approaching enemy to go toward that Zhao Zheng. 萧云没有迟疑,在细细感应那‘天幕武魂波动的时候,整个人也陷入了那种意境当中,他手持长戟,紫光闪烁,天炎五式立即演化而出,向着那赵政迎击而去。 The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves! 烈焰破浪 This type displays, might was stronger, in middle were many for one point potential flavor, as if can cut to break all, treads the wave, to martial arts had already promoted an altitude in Martial Dao Tablet comprehends a true meaning understanding of Xiao Yun. 这一式施展出来,威力更强了,在当中多了一分‘势’的味道,似乎真的可以斩破一切,踏浪而出,在武道碑中领悟一丝真意后萧云武学的理解已然提升了一个高度。 Each martial arts of present displays has one type inexplicably potential. 如今的他每一种武学施展出来都带有一种莫名的‘势’。 Bang! 砰! This first style displayed first to strike resisting Zhao Zheng that. 第一式施展出来就将赵政那第一击给抵挡了下来。 A formidable fluctuation shakes, the body of Xiao Yun trembles slightly, by shaking to retreat several meters. 一股强大的波动震荡开来,萧云的身子微微一颤,被震退数米 Because the cultivation level too low reason he slightly reveals the weak trend as before. 因为修为太低的缘故他依旧略显弱势。 However, this has not then made him retreat, Xiao Yun instead the more fights the more brave is, the whole person has filled fighting intent. 不过,这便没有使他退却,萧云反而越战越勇,整个人充满了一股战意 The Heavenly Flames Splits the Sky! 天炎裂空 This strikes to put forth then gives to rout Zhao Zheng that type Revolving Dragon Full Moon immediately, such as Heavenly Flame cut to crack simply together dragon's head. 这一击使出当即便是将赵政那一式回龙望月给击溃,简直如一道天炎斩裂了龙首 Heavenly Flame Five Styles, might compared with type, battle strength is quite astonishing! 天炎五式,威力一式比一式强,战力极为惊人! The Flames Shines the World! 炎耀天地 The Flames Sweeps the Sky! 炎卷长空 The Roasting Flames Covers the Heavens! 炙炎覆天 Suddenly, Heavenly Flame Five Styles evolves in abundance, killed to front Zhao Zheng. 只是眨眼间,天炎五式纷纷演化出来,杀向了前方的赵政 The Xiao Yun long hair waves, whole body purple light twinkle, probably Unparalleled Martial Venerable, has crazy crazy fighting intent to emerge simply. 萧云长发舞动,周身紫光闪烁,简直就好像一个盖世武尊,有着一股痴狂的战意涌现。 After stepping into Heavenly Yuan Sect Xiao Yun had not run into any match, all appear very smooth, only has this Zhao Zheng to make him anticipate. 在踏入天元宗萧云一直没有遇到什么对手,一切显得很顺利,唯有这赵政让他期待。 Bang! Bang! 砰!砰! On challenge stage two people opens greatly gathers greatly, displays the attack of swift and fierce crazy tyrant, the terrifying fluctuation is similar to the wild waves shakes generally in void, that fluctuation makes nearby these Heavenly Performance Court disciple feel fearful and apprehensive. 挑战台两人大开大合,都是施展出凌厉狂霸的攻击,恐怖的波动如同骇浪一般在虚空中震荡开来,那种波动让得附近那些天秀苑弟子都是感到一阵心惊胆战。 This imposing manner is extremely intrepid, two person can compare with True Yuan perfection boundary. 这种气势太过强悍,两个人都可堪比真元圆满境了。 Especially that Xiao Yun, making people feel surprised. 特别是那萧云,让人感到惊讶。 He has the True Yuan middle-stage boundary! 他可是只有真元中期境啊! How can be so fierce? 怎能如此厉害? In Zhao Zheng heaven screen under oppression of Martial Spirit, Xiao Yun, although repeatedly is repulsed, actually not by too big injury. 赵政的‘天幕武魂的压迫下,萧云虽然屡次败退,却并没有受太大的伤势。 Moreover, this Xiao Yun returns the more fights the more brave is, making in the person heart send to infiltrate. 不仅如此,这萧云越战越勇,让人心中发渗。 How I felt that this Xiao Yun battle strength is rising dramatically unceasingly?” In some people of hearts reveals the doubts. “怎么我感觉这萧云战力在不断飙升啊?”有人心中露出疑惑。 Because starts Xiao Yun to be compelled to withdraw is very difficult to take the lead. 因为开始萧云被逼退后很难在占据主动。 Is but long along with the time, he can always melt formidable attacks smoothly, instead turns toward Zhao Zheng to attack to go. 可是随着时间一长,他总是能顺利化解一次次强大的攻击,反而向着赵政攻伐而去。 What's all this about?” On high stage these Yuan Core Realm powerhouse also feel a surprise. “这是怎么回事?”就连高台上那些元丹境强者也是感到一阵诧异。 Was this Xiao Yun cheats?” Some people open the mouth, pupil dew doubts. “难道是这萧云作弊了?”有人开口,眸露疑惑。 This person knows that Xiao Yun within the body is hiding Monster Spirit, was fire attribute, the strength has achieved very much Yuan Core Realm. 此人知道萧云体内藏着一头妖灵,为火属性,实力很强达到了元丹境 Now sees Xiao Yun the more fights the more brave is these people to suspect that Xiao Yun has replied on this Monster Spirit strength. 如今见萧云越战越勇这些人不得不怀疑萧云是不是借助了这妖灵的力量。 Is impossible.” Palace Lord Jiang shook the head, said that „, if he cheats, how could to have hidden the truth from me and others?” “不可能。”姜殿主摇了摇头,说道,“若是他作弊,岂能瞒过我等?” Heard that word these Yuan Core Realm cultivator slight bows, thinks that is also so. 闻言那些元丹境修者微微点头,想想也是如此。 By the Yuan Core Realm cultivator sensation, the slight fluctuation that there has can realize, how if cheats can not know? 凭借元丹境修者的感知,那里发生的细微波动都可以察觉,若是作弊岂会不知? This is fighting intent, is intent domain.” Nearby Old Cao Palace Lord pupil narrows the eyes, said that this Xiao Yun has not comprehended this fighting intent completely, now is gathering the potential, touches superficial knowledge / fur, therefore he met the more fights the more brave is.” “这是一种战意,为意境。”旁边的曹老殿主眸子一眯,说道,“不过这萧云还没有完全领悟这战意,如今只是在蓄势,算是摸到了一丝皮毛,所以他才会越战越勇。” fighting intent?” Hears here, some people of brows tightly frowns, reveal a face with deep veneration. 战意?”听到这里,有人眉头紧锁,露出一脸肃然。 This boy also is really the talent!” Even some people of took a deep breath pupil dew respect. “这小子还真是天才啊!”甚至有人深深吸了口气眸露敬意。 fighting intent, as the name suggests, when comprehends opposes the enemy successfully will certainly even more powerful! 战意,顾名思义,一旦领悟成功对敌时必将如虎添翼! On challenge stage, Zhao Zheng take action repel Xiao Yun, when he plans makes use to attack the opposite party always to be able such as the fog to disappear generally, avoids that swift and fierce attack, instead when he loses the direction is launching thunder to strike instead to kill. 挑战台上,赵政一次次出手萧云击退,每当他打算趁势出击时对方总是能如云雾一般消失,避开那凌厉的攻击,反而在他失去方向的时候在展开雷霆一击反杀回来。 So the situation makes Zhao Zheng feel quite worriedly, is very difficult to win. 如此情况让赵政感到颇为烦闷,很难取胜。 This Xiao Yun as if has a natural control strength, can know in advance the unknown attack. 萧云似乎有着一种天然的掌控力,可以预知未知的攻击。 This is to the induction of World's Yuan Qi, already achieved the boundary that a body and mind has united. 这是对天地元气的感应,已然达到了一个身心合一的境界。 Can avoid attacking of Zhao Zheng depending on this Xiao Yun, especially after he comprehended Wind-Borne Steps , the speed is also extremely quick. 凭此萧云可以避开赵政的攻伐,特别是他领悟了随风步后速度也是极快。 Otherwise considers by that induction force is also very difficult to avoid the swift and fierce attack of Zhao Zheng. 不然当是凭借那种感应力也很难避开赵政的凌厉攻击。 My can't Heavenly Screen Martial Spirit frighten his mind unexpectedly?” “我的天幕武魂竟然不能震慑他的心神?” Zhao Zheng brows slightly wrinkle, that was faint on simple-hearted face also to reappear to wipe the mighty waves nearly. 赵政眉头微皱,那张淡漠得近乎木讷的脸庞上也浮现出了一抹波澜。 Not only his heaven screen Martial Spirit cannot affect opposite party mind, what makes his surprised is that Xiao Yun war is unexpectedly stronger, battle strength as if merely weak at his several points, such has been getting down, wants defeating also really Fei Xie the hands and feet. 不仅他的‘天幕武魂不能影响对方的心神,更为让他惊讶的是那萧云竟然越战越强,战力似乎仅仅弱于他几分了,在这么下去,想要将之击败还真得费些手脚了。 Must fully take action.” Zhao Zheng pupil light concentrates, in the middle of Sea of Consciousness the light runes twinkle, back heaven screen became more formidable, under the guidance of mind in the middle of that heaven screen was seeming to be the trace circulation, mysterious fluctuation tilted immediately under. “得全力出手了。”赵政眸光一凝,识海当中光纹闪烁,背后的天幕变得更加强大了,在心神的引导下那天幕当中似有着纹路流转,一股晦涩的波动当即倾覆而下。 heaven screen arrives, suppresses the myriad things! 天幕降临,镇压万物! The Zhao Zheng intention moves the back heaven screen light runes twinkle, probably a side vault of heaven toward the Xiao Yun suppression under. 赵政心念一动背后的天幕光纹闪烁,好像一方天穹向着萧云镇压而下。 Buzz! 嗡! Under the suppression of that heaven screen, entire void trembles, purple True Fire that on Xiao Yun that winds around starts to be defeated and dispersed. 在那天幕的镇压下,整个虚空都是一颤,萧云身上那缭绕的紫色真火开始溃散。 This Zhao Zheng fully take action!” Some people call out in alarm, felt a formidable imposing manner raids. “这赵政全力出手了!”有人惊呼,感到了一股强大的气势袭来。 „Is this Heavenly Screen Martial Spirit true power?” “这就是天幕武魂的真正力量吗?” Heavenly Performance Court disciple is an epicenter is all startled. 天秀苑弟子皆是一震心惊。 At this time when Zhao Zheng imposing manner compared with coping with Li Zun just like also wanted on strongly several points. 此时赵政的气势比起对付李尊时俨然还要强上了几分。 This Martial Spirit is really mysterious!” The Li Zun pupil that not far away, is controlling one's breathing secretly opens, reveals the whole face to sob. “这武魂果然玄妙!”不远处,正在暗自调息的李尊眸子睁开,露出满脸唏嘘。 Before his in the heart defeated unwillingly, but looks like own loses its institute now. 之前他心中败得不甘,可现在看来自己输得其所。 heaven screen tilts, must tumble the vitality oppression of Xiao Yun within the body directly, he felt that has one irresistible strength to the own suppression, under this strength, the blood vessel of his within the body probably must explode general. 天幕倾覆而下,直接将萧云体内的气血压迫得翻滚了起来,他感觉到有着一种不可抵挡的力量向自己镇压而下,在这种力量下,他体内的血管都好像要爆裂开来一般。 This strength has reached the limit that he has been able to withstand, cannot resist. 这力量已经达到了他所能承受的极限,根本不能抵挡。 Moreover the ripple that according to the Xiao Yun careful sensation, that heaven screen sends out such as Sky Net, tilts at this time, but under might cover the four directions, suppresses the myriad things, even if he wants to avoid being is impossible, can say that this absolutely is heaven screen Martial Spirit big deep meaning. 而且根据萧云仔细感知,那‘天幕’散发出的波纹如一张天网,此时倾覆而下似可笼罩四方,镇压万物,就算他想要躲避也是不可能了,可以说这绝对是‘天幕武魂的一大奥义 However under this oppression, fighting intent in Xiao Yun heart was instead richer, has thousands of sounds to summon him in his within the body blood in boiling probably, war! War! Breaks this oppression! Breaks this fetter, what does to fear fight? 不过在这种压迫下,萧云心中的战意反而更加浓郁了,在他体内血液在沸腾好像有着千万个声音在呼唤着他,战吧!战吧!打破这压迫!打破这束缚,何惧一战? War! 战! what does to fear fight? 何惧一战? Only the war can break all shackles! 只有战才能打破一切桎梏! This is sound from Bloodlines, Xiao Yun under this inexplicable sensation feels warm-blooded boiling. 这是一种来自血脉的声音,在这种莫名的感知下萧云感觉热血沸腾 War! 战! Fearless, can be unprecedented, breaks all shackles! 无所畏惧,方能一往无前,打破一切桎梏! If there is dreaded in the face of the danger, how can also cut completely all hindrance? 若是在危险面前有所畏惧,又如何能斩尽一切阻碍? Inexplicable within Xiao Yun felt that own were also many for one point to understand to that fighting intent. 莫名间萧云感觉到自己对那股战意又多了一分了解。 However this fighting intent is not impulsion constantly, his mind maintained a Qing spirits as before. 不过这种战意便不是一味的冲动,他的心灵依旧保持一片清灵。 Battle Martial Spirit! 战武魂 In the Xiao Yun heart moves, starts to communicate within the body Sea of Consciousness illusory shadow. 萧云心中一动,开始沟通体内识海虚影 That is Battle Martial Spirit, now was communicated by him, immediately has formidable fighting intent to fill the air to emerge in his body. 那是战武魂,如今被他沟通,顿时有着一股强大的战意弥漫开涌入他的身体里。 When blessing of this Martial Spirit strength, the Xiao Yun whole person imposing manner multiplies, in the middle of that pair of pupil rays of light twinkle, such as a war-god looking disdainfully world, long hair flying upwards has a without a peer unsurpassed imposing manner to fill the air, imposing fighting intent is like that frightening. 在这武魂力量的加持下,萧云整个人气势倍增,那双眸子当中光芒闪烁,如一尊战神睥睨天下,长发飞扬时自有着一种不可匹敌的无上气势弥漫开来,那般凛然战意让人心惊。 „Is this?” Feels the elder eye pupil of that bone-chilling cold fighting intent distant place he is emerging suddenly all suddenly to shrink. “这是?”感受着他突然涌现的那股凛冽战意远处的长者眼瞳皆是骤然一缩。 Good rich fighting intent!” Under this fighting intent, nobody is not startled. “好浓郁的战意!”在这战意下,无人不惊。 Also when the people are surprised the body of Xiao Yun to move suddenly. 也就在众人为之惊讶的时候萧云的身子突然一动。 Heavenly Flame six types, I for Heavenly Flame! 天炎六式,我为天炎 Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, seems to be the flame twinkle, before the body, void trembles slightly, his whole person appeared somewhat faintly recognizable, looked from afar that this youth integrated the flame, changed into arrived at purple halberd glow to cut in the sky to that piece tilted but below heaven screen. 萧云眸光一凝,当中似有火光闪烁,身前虚空微微一颤,他整个人显得有些飘渺了起来,远远看去,这青年似融入了火光当中,又似化为了一到紫色的戟芒当空斩向了那片倾覆而下的天幕 this time Xiao Yun has just like stimulated to movement him in that type that in Martial Tablet comprehends. 这一次萧云俨然催动了他在武碑中领悟的那一式。 I for Heavenly Flame! 我为天炎 This is Xiao Yun acts according to Xu Yankui as well as the sensibility fusion in the middle of Martial Dao inheritance tablet, changed into the Heavenly Flame sixth type. 这是萧云根据许闫愧以及在武道传承碑当中的感悟融合而出,化为了天炎第六式。 Whoosh ! 刷! Purple light twinkle, void flood ripples, looked from afar you said halberd glow vraisemblance will cut to crack void a crack, afterward then cuts by the irresistible imposing manner in that heaven screen above, a formidable fluctuation also erupts. 紫光闪烁,虚空泛起了一阵涟漪,远远看去你道戟芒似真的将虚空斩裂出了一条裂缝,随后便是以势不可挡的气势斩在那‘天幕’之上,一股强大的波动也是随之爆发而出。 This type is quite mysterious! His fighting intent threatened me unexpectedly heaven screen Martial Spirit.” The Zhao Zheng heart trembles, felt heaven screen that own evolves as if must be defeated and dispersed, „this comprehended fighting intent? the more fights the more brave is, was too inconceivable.” “这一式好玄妙!他的战意竟然威胁到了我的‘天幕武魂。”赵政心头一颤,感觉自己演化出来的天幕都似乎要溃散了开来,“他这是领悟了战意吗?越战越勇,太不可思议了。” At this time Zhao Zheng felt a restlessness finally. 此时赵政终于感觉到了一阵不安。 This match the terror of natural talent has far exceeded his expectation. 这个对手的天赋之恐怖远远超出了他的预料。 This absolutely is generation of one shocking and stunning, is the God's favored one! 这绝对是一个惊才绝艳之辈,为天之骄子! It seems like the strength of use spirit.” Zhao Zheng mind moves, in the middle of that piece of heaven screen has mysterious fluctuation to gush out immediately, that fluctuation terror is boundless, was similar to the antiquity ominous beast regains consciousness simply, the astonishing imposing manner all pressed the four directions lonesome. “看来得动用魂灵之力了。”赵政心神一动,那片天幕当中立即有着一股晦涩的波动喷薄而出,那种波动恐怖无边,简直就如同上古凶兽苏醒,惊人的气势压得四方皆寂。 Buzz! 嗡! heaven screen trembles, shakes a terrifying fluctuation, was seeming to be in inside an antique ominous beast shakes the person in the roaring sound wave. 天幕一颤,震荡出一股恐怖的波动,在里面似有着一尊太古凶兽在咆哮音波震人。 ( ( …… ……
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