EMS :: Volume #3

#235: The war of Tianjiao!

The war of Chapter 235 supreme talent! 第235章天骄之战! On challenge stage, two people four items of relative, as if are inducing the aura of opposite party. 挑战台上,两人四目相对,似乎都在感应对方的气息。 Rising Stars Court, Xiao Yun!” Slightly , the Xiao Yun start to talk, is a face is as before indifferent. 新秀苑,萧云!”稍许后,萧云开口,依旧是一脸淡然。 Heavenly Performance Court, Zhao Zheng!” Zhao Zheng is also simple saying, the meaning of double pupil staring front, not having a low opinion of the enemy. 天秀苑,赵政!”赵政也是简单的说道,双眸凝视前方,并没有一丝轻敌的意思。 In fact a moment ago Xiao Yun and Chen Feng fought him also to pay attention, was feared by latter's natural talent. 事实上刚才萧云陈锋一战他也有所关注,被后者的天赋惊住。 If not for Xiao Yun cultivation level is low, but can also bring a pressure to him. 若不是萧云修为较低,还真能给他带来一丝压力。 Excessively many languages, Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, the whole person has not fallen into a marvelous boundary such as naturally to coincide with the world. 没有过多的语言,萧云眸子微眯,整个人陷入了一种奇妙的境界如与天地自然相合。 This intent domain......” is feeling Xiao Yun that intent domain, Zhao Zheng brows slightly wrinkle, at once the palm shakes, long spear appears in the hand, that True Yuan late-stage imposing manner also along with it bursting out, boundless True Yuan winds around in the side. “这股意境……”感受着萧云的那股意境,赵政眉头微微一皱,旋即手掌一震,一杆长枪出现在手,那真元后期的气势也是随之迸发而出,磅礴的真元在身边缭绕。 Heavens Spear Splits the Void of Heavens Howling Spear! 天啸枪天枪破虚 Zhao Zheng pupil light concentrates, was seeming to be the spear glow twinkle, long spear in his hand moves together at once, is pierces void takes the front, when that spear glow twinkle but actually has one to pierce the imposing manners of void broken completely all shackles seriously, that vast True Yuan is also is similar to the wild waves generally follows closely. 赵政眸光一凝,似有着一道枪芒闪烁,旋即他手中的长枪一动,便是洞穿虚空直取前方,那枪芒闪烁时倒当真有着一股要洞穿虚空破尽一切桎梏的气势,那浩瀚的真元也是如同骇浪一般紧随而来。 spear glow is swift and fierce, in addition the True Yuan late-stage imposing manner, has simply void an imposing manner of moving mountains presses the front is shivering, Xiao Yun can the clear feeling the air before own body be defeated and dispersed to pass such as the imposing manner oppression of mountain. 枪芒凌厉,加上真元后期的气势,简直有着一股排山倒海的气势压得前方的虚空都在颤抖,萧云可以清晰的感觉到自己身前的空气在溃散流逝如山的气势压迫而来。 Fluctuates regarding this world, present he has a mysterious control strength. 对于这天地波动,如今的他有着一种神奇的掌控力。 Shout! 呼! In that spear glow twinkle comes the Xiao Yun body moves, such as a laminar flow clouds that moves with the wind. 就在那枪芒闪烁而来时萧云身子一动,如一片流云,随风而动。 The twinkling, he has then avoided that swiftly and fiercely strikes. 只是瞬息,他便是避开了那凌厉的一击。 Thump! 咚! Shoots spatially, the Zhao Zheng whole person center of gravity is not almost steady, body on challenge stage, the eyes reveals surprised. 一枪击空,赵政整个人差点重心不稳,身子在挑战台上一顿,眸露惊讶 This movement was too quick!” In Zhao Zheng heart one startled, was he already knew Xiao Yun has this mysterious movement, otherwise in struck fully, the imposing manner completely left, was very difficult to stand firm the potential of that attack, was easy to make own fall into passively middle. “这身法太快了!”赵政心中一惊,也是他早就知道了萧云有着这种神秘的身法,不然在全力一击下,气势尽出,很难稳住那攻击之势,容易使得自己陷入被动当中。 The bonus is so, he stands firm personal appearance mysterious fluctuation to emerge in the side. 饶是如此,他才稳住身形一股晦涩的波动就已经在身边涌现。 Whoosh ! 刷! Actually saw Xiao Yun at this time to appear in one side both hands were many damaged halberd, immediately then divided toward a that Zhao Zheng halberd. 却见得萧云这时出现在一侧双手中多了一杆残戟,当即便是向着那赵政一戟劈下。 Thunder Style! 雷霆式 This halberd made use to divide to tear just like thunder simply void, speed wonderful quick, when you discovered when that said that halberd glow already close at hand, is unable to avoid, facing this swift and fierce attack Zhao Zheng heart in also felt that was startled. 这一戟趁势劈下简直宛若雷霆撕裂了虚空,速度奇快,当你发现时那道戟芒已然近在眼前,根本就无法避开,面对这种凌厉的攻击就算赵政心中也是感到一惊。 This spear|gun is quite quick, but also is containing a potential, shakes the person heart and soul!” Heart startled, Zhao Zheng long spear brandishes, immediately then said halberd glow to meet the approaching enemy toward that thrilling that just like the thunder general attack resisting, was under this hasty resisting, his body trembled, the whole person by shaking to retreat several meters, within the body True Yuan was started to keep in the tumbling. “这一枪好快,还蕴含着一股势,震人心魄!”心惊下,赵政长枪挥舞,当即便是向着那道戟芒迎击,惊险的将那宛若雷霆一般的攻击给抵挡了下来,可是在这种仓促的抵挡下,他身子一颤,整个人被震退数米,体内真元都开始在翻滚不停。 Zhao Zheng under that great strength only thinks that a fingers/tiger's mouth pain, an air wave seat incoming messenger of burning hot calls the roll of officers and assign them tasks him to give to submerge. 在那巨力下赵政只觉虎口一痛,一股炙热的气浪席来差点将他给淹没。 Is good has to protect body True Yuan to wind around because of his whole body, the thought moves, vast True Yuan swept across resisting that burning hot air current, may his protecting body True Yuan under this impact almost be defeated and dispersed completely is also equal to losing the defense. 好在他周身有着护体真元缭绕,意念一动,一股浩瀚的真元席卷开来将那股炙热的气流给抵挡了下来,可在这种冲击下他的护体真元几乎是完全溃散也就等于失去了防御。 Heavenly Flame Five Styles! 天炎五式 Strikes to go well, Xiao Yun continues take action, in the hand Heavenly Flame Halberd moves, the purple light twinkle changes into the hot glow to cut together in the sky. 一击得手,萧云继续出手,手中天炎戟一动,紫光闪烁化为一道火芒当空斩下。 Is relying on to world natural sensibility, he can throw to seize many slight fluctuations, when opposes the enemy can more effective attack opposite party, every will strike take action to will certainly be thunder strikes, held the flaw of match, making the opposite party evade not to be possible to evade. 凭借着对天地自然的感悟,他可以扑捉到许多的细微波动,对敌时能更加有效的打击对方,每一击出手都必将是雷霆一击,抓住了对手的破绽,让对方避无可避。 whoosh whoosh! 刷刷! Heavenly Flame Five Styles, but Xiao Yun has displayed suddenly three types. 天炎五式,只是眨眼间萧云就施展了三式。 This moment Zhao Zheng has not returned completely comes pantingly, by Xiao Yun such continuously take action, radically was accepted. 此刻赵政还没有完全回过气来,被萧云这么连续出手,根本就是应接不暇。 Bang! 砰! He resists furiously, as before was actually struck again and again retreats, is Zhao Zheng own calm, the strength is also very good has not been thrown into confusion, otherwise general cultivator facing so attacked is already defeated, where also had to stand the opportunity on stage? 他奋力抵挡,却依旧是被击得连连溃退,也是赵政自身沉稳,实力也很不错才没有乱了阵脚,不然一般的修者面对如此攻击早就被击败了,哪里还有站在台上的机会? Thump! 咚咚! Finally the Zhao Zheng personal appearance shakes, fully take action, with the aid of impulse retreat in the challenge stage edge. 最后赵政身形一震,全力出手,借助一股冲击力后退挑战台的边缘。 Shout! 呼! He deeply inspired to adjust the within the body aura taking advantage of this. 他借此深吸了口气调整体内的气息。 Although he already knew Xiao Yun to be uncommon, but has not thought that the latter method so will be swift and fierce. 虽然他早就知道萧云不凡,可是没有想到后者手段会如此凌厉。 Has had to be ready in full battle array to him now, will have regarded a match. 到了现在他不得不严阵以待,将之当成了一个对手。 What's the matter! Zhao Zheng does Senior Brother retreat unexpectedly?” “怎么回事!赵政师兄竟然一路溃退?” Sneak attack, certainly is the sneak attack!” “偷袭,一定是偷袭!” Hateful, that Xiao Yun sneak attacks!” “可恶,那萧云又偷袭!” Too is not concerned about face, only knows the sneak attack, doesn't have the real capability?” Admires the disciple anger of Zhao Zheng to exclaim. “太不要脸了,只知道偷袭,就没有一点真功夫?”一些仰慕赵政弟子怒吼道。 Sees Zhao Zheng to retreat, these people actually became angry out of shame. 见到赵政溃退,这些人竟然恼羞成怒了起来。 Nobody believes that this is Xiao Yun by the result that real battle strength obtains. 没有人相信这是萧云凭借真实战力得到的结果。 Only then these Yuan Core Realm cultivator are light smiles, understood has understood clearly all. 只有那些元丹境修者却是淡淡一笑,心领神会似洞悉了一切。 „The comprehension of this Xiao Yun to martial arts was very deep!” “这萧云武学的领悟很深了啊!” By continue natural talent, later well practice like this to become a Martial Dao talent.” The elder nods of various peaks said. “凭借如此天赋,以后好好修炼下去能成为一个武道天才。”各峰的长者点头道。 Indeed is a talented person.” That Old Cao Palace Lord slight bow, takes a look to nearby Palace Lord Jiang said that how, no matter this war result must quite train.” After seeing a moment ago style of Xiao Yun take action use he has even more appreciated to this youth. “的确是个人才。”那曹老殿主微微点头,瞅向旁边的姜殿主说道,“不管此战结果如何都应当好生培养。”在见到了刚才萧云出手动用的招式后他对这青年越发欣赏了起来。 Em.” Palace Lord Jiang is also caresses must smile, this Xiao Yun sensed a Martial Dao true meaning, take action has opposed the enemy like the passing clouds and flowing water, incurred the move of system enemy, was similar to thunder strikes, irresistible, so perfect attacking method, simply was too rare. “恩。”姜殿主也是抚须而笑,这萧云感悟到了一丝武道真意,出手对敌如行云流水,招招制敌,又如同雷霆一击,势不可挡,如此完美的攻伐手段,简直是太难得了。 Such talent is worth training absolutely. 这样的天才绝对值得培养。 On high stage, Xiao Yun is elegant dust, the body moves with the wind, falls gently before the Zhao Zheng body. 高台上,萧云飘逸出尘,身子随风而动,飘落在赵政身前。 Uses your heaven screen Martial Spirit.” After repelling Zhao Zheng, at one fell swoop Xiao Yun has not been seizing the chance take action, said. “动用你的‘天幕武魂吧。”一举击退赵政萧云并没有在趁机出手,说道。 Now Xiao Yun Purple Flame Martial Spirit has achieved the boundary of True Yuan late-stage, relies on the flawless True Fire strength not to be weak in that late-stage small accomplishment person, in addition he also comprehended martial dao deep meaning, has controlled several points of Martial Dao true meaning true battle strength, sufficiently with this Zhao Zheng comparable with. 如今萧云紫炎武魂已经达到了真元后期之境,凭借着无暇真火实力根本不弱于那后期小成的人,加上他还领悟了一丝武道奥义,掌控了几分武道真意真正的战力,足以和这赵政堪比了。 Even in the opposite party does not use in the Martial Spirit situation also to end the victory. 甚至在对方不动用武魂的情况下还能完胜。 You are very strong, comprehended a Martial Dao true meaning unexpectedly.” The Zhao Zheng breath fluctuates, the double pupil such as in the middle of the abyss the mist is dim, he closely is staring at Xiao Yun, fighting intent climbs up to live from that pupil deep place unceasingly, such person as before sufficiently became his match. “你果然很强,竟然领悟了一丝武道真意。”赵政呼吸起伏,双眸如深渊当中雾气朦胧,他紧紧的盯着萧云,一股战意从那眸子深处不断攀爬而生,这样的人依旧足以成为他的对手了。 Zhao Zheng has not pulled rank his double pupil to move, the whole body trembles void, an obscure aura fluctuation spews out immediately. 赵政也没有托大他双眸一动,周身虚空一颤,一股晦涩的气息波动顿时喷涌而出。 Such as has piece of heaven screen to emerge in his within both eyes, then his forehead rays of light dodges, entire void flood ripples, a piece approximately ten zhang (3.33 m) high heaven screen then reappeared in him, that heaven screen dim such as fog. 在他双眸中如有着一片天幕涌现,然后他眉心光芒一闪,整个虚空泛起了一阵涟漪,一片约十丈高的‘天幕’便是浮现在了他的身后,那天幕朦朦胧胧如一片灰雾。 Has vast fluctuation to fill the air in, was seeming to be the antique ominous beast is dormant. 在里面却有着一股浩瀚的波动在弥漫开来,似有着太古凶兽蛰伏。 Under this imposing manner entire void, and even the martial arts stage imposing manner became extremely dignified. 在这种气势下整个虚空,乃至演武场的气势都变得极为凝重了起来。 That high stage open area under this challenge stage, Heavenly Performance Court disciple whole faces with deep veneration, the expression appears very dignified. 在这挑战台下的那高台空地,天秀苑弟子一个个满脸肃然,表情显得很凝重。 That heaven screen appears such as has the vault of heaven to depress, enabling the blood of their within the body to feel restless in tumbling mind. 那‘天幕’浮现真的如有着苍穹要压下,使得他们体内的血液在翻滚心神感到不安。 Good terror Martial Spirit.” The Zhou Ping complexion sinks, „can Senior Brother Xiao with it fighting?” In his heart silent worried. “好恐怖的武魂。”周平脸色一沉,“萧师兄能与之争锋吗?”他心中沉默了担忧。 Initially they felt on the Rising Stars Court disciple stage this heaven screen the uncommonness of Martial Spirit, has not actually shocked. 当初他们在新秀苑弟子台上就感到了这‘天幕武魂的不凡,却还没有那么震撼。 Now places under Heavenly Performance Court competition stage, that oppression experiences personally simply, the oppression results in the people to breathe obstructs. 如今身处天秀苑比赛台下,那种压迫简直是身临其境,压迫得众人呼吸都是一窒。 Not difficult to imagine if own meets this person to be the what kind distress. 不难想象要是自己遇上此人会是何等的狼狈。 Hehe, this Zhao Zheng has stimulated to movement heaven screen now ‚’ Martial Spirit, how do I look at Xiao Yun also with it fighting?” Distant place Lu Yanfeng pupil light is fierce, coldly is staring at challenge stage of distant place, nearby Qiu Yufeng corners of the mouth also raised have wiped the ice-cold curve. 呵呵,如今这赵政催动了‘天幕武魂,我看萧云还如何与之争锋?”远处陆炎风眸光狰狞,冷冷的盯着远处的挑战台,旁边的邱雨枫嘴角也是掀起了一抹冰冷的弧度。 This Zhao Zheng battle strength Wushuang(Unparalleled), dreaded including True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary cultivator, can it be that can Xiao Yun the enemy? 赵政战力无双,连真元后期圆满境修者都为之忌惮,岂是萧云能敌? This Xiao Yun defeat decided!” In many person hearts sneers, waits to look at the Xiao Yun joke. “这萧云败定了!”许多人心中冷笑,等着看萧云的笑话。 heaven screen Martial Spirit?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, double pupil tight stares at front that to reappear heaven screen. “‘天幕武魂?”萧云眸子微眯,双眸紧紧的盯着前方那浮现出来的‘天幕’。 He aura in careful induction, wants to have a look at this Martial Spirit to have what magical thing. 他在仔细感应当中的气息,想要看看这武魂到底有何神奇之处。 This heaven screen uncommon, has one to frighten the will of the people the imposing manner, may affect the mood of person, making the person produce dreads.” Xiao Yun muttered, as if also has a vague aura fluctuation in, such as the antique ominous beast of deep sleep.” “这‘天幕’不凡,有着一股震慑人心的气势,可影响人的心境,让人产生畏惧。”萧云喃喃道,“在里面似乎还有着一股隐晦的气息波动,如沉睡的太古凶兽。” Thinks that is the spirit that so-called rears in a pen.” “想必那就是所谓圈养起来的魂灵吧。” Relied on the excellent sensation, Xiao Yun has been discovering this Martial Spirit mystery. 凭借着过人的感知,萧云发现了这武魂的一丝奥妙。 Slightly, he takes back mind, the whole person makings sudden change, Purple Flame Martial Spirit rays of light in Sea of Consciousness glitters a formidable imposing manner also along with it bursting out, the purple light twinkle, seems purple star sea winds around in the whole body, in till twisted void at this moment. 稍许后他收回心神,整个人气质骤变,识海内的紫炎武魂光芒闪烁一股强大的气势也随之迸发而出,紫光闪烁,好似一条紫色的星海缭绕在周身,虚空在此刻为止扭曲了起来。 Shout! 呼! Purple Flame fills the air, burning aura sweeps across the four directions, making this world temperature multiply. 紫炎弥漫开来,一股炙热的气息席卷四方,让得这片天地温度倍增。 Good burning aura!” “好炙热的气息!” „Is this that Xiao Yun the strength of True Fire?” “这就是那萧云真火之力吗?” Is Flawless Martial Spirit, middle the strength of flame is worthily astonishing, has one to burn down the myriad things the imposing manner.” “不愧为无暇武魂,当中的火炎之力惊人,有着一股要焚烧万物的气势。” After feeling this burning aura fluctuates in many person hearts to shake, felt that own places in the sea of fire, the soul has the sign that must be burnt down, is very difficult to imagine ordinary person (mortal) within the body to have such terrifying True Fire? 当感受到这股炙热的气息波动后许多人心中一震,感觉自己身处在火海,灵魂都有着要被烧毁的迹象,很难想象一个凡人体内怎么能拥有这么恐怖的真火 Can this flame can it be that average man withstand? 这种火炎岂是常人可以承受? Many person pupil dew under this flame are panic-stricken, these Yuan Core Realm cultivator are also slightly frowned. 在这种火炎下许多人眸露惊骇,就连那些元丹境修者也是不由微微皱眉 Especially after remembering this is Acquired Martial Spirit, a feeling of having profound respect multiplies from that heart. 特别是想起这还是后天武魂后,一种肃然起敬的感觉从那心中滋生。 Innate Martial Spirit is inheritance, has inborn conjunction to cultivator, like the arm, can urge easily. 先天武魂传承,对修者有着天生的契合度,就如手臂,可以轻易驱使。 But Acquired Martial Spirit is not so, must vanquish this Fire Martial Spirit first, integrates during according to mind changes into oneself to use. 后天武魂却不然,必须先降伏这火之武魂,在以心神融入当中化为己用。 Asked that who has this big will mind to integrate in the middle of this Fire Martial Spirit? 试问谁有这种大毅力可以将心神融入这火之武魂当中? Only feared that mind must be burnt as the nihility! 只怕心神都要被焚为虚无吧! Thinks of here, in many person hearts braved cold sweat, when took a look to Xiao Yun are many several points of respect with dreading. 想到这里,许多人心中冒起了一股冷汗,瞅向萧云时多了几分敬意与畏惧。 Can fuse the Martial Spirit people are the generations of big will, not only that this is the ruthless severe Guojue person cannot provoke absolutely. 能融合武魂的人都是大毅力之辈,不仅如此,这还是狠厉果决的人绝对不可以招惹。 Similarly this character can also best in the Martial Dao world survival of this law of the jungle. 同样这种人物也将能最好的在这个弱肉强食的武道世界生存。 Flawless Martial Spirit, has the potential of True Yuan late-stage unexpectedly!” That fire wave sweeps across to come, the Zhao Zheng eyelid also slightly jumps. 无暇武魂,竟有真元后期之势!”那火流席卷而来,赵政眼皮也是微微一跳。 This Innate True Fire is very strong, might burn completely all, Martial Spirit slightly moves including his heaven screen. 先天真火很强,似可焚尽一切,连他的‘天幕武魂都微微一动。 Fortunately, this Martial Spirit will True Yuan late-stage, has not arrived including small accomplishment, was eventually weaker, otherwise to somewhat troublesome.” Zhao Zheng has restrained mind, at once pupil light concentrates, in the hand long spear shakes, back heaven screen Martial Spirit moves, was seeming to be an invisible strength comes toward long spear blessing, instantaneous, the imposing manner of his whole person can rise dramatically. “不过还好,这武魂才堪堪真元后期,连小成都没有到,终究还是弱了些,不然到有些麻烦。”赵政收敛了心神,旋即眸光一凝,手中长枪一震,背后的‘天幕武魂一动,似有着一股无形的力量向着长枪加持而来,瞬间,他整个人的气势得以飙升。 This heaven screen Martial Spirit has the functions of some blessing cultivator battle strength obviously. 这‘天幕武魂显然有着些许加持修者战力的作用。 ( ( …… ……
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