EMS :: Volume #3

#234: Challenges Zhao Zheng

Chapter 234 challenges Zhao Zheng 第234章挑战赵政 Rising Stars Court disciple, one has stood up four, although other people is a face hesitate, cannot make the decision. 新秀苑弟子,一下站起了四个,其余人虽然则是一脸犹豫,未能做出决定。 If challenges the failure injured will only make them fall in the posterity. 若是挑战失败受伤只会让他们落于后人。 Good, you can challenge, but must act according to one's capacity.” Sees Xiao Yun and the others to set out, nearby referee warning said. “好,你们可以去挑战,不过得量力而为。”见萧云等人起身,旁边的裁判告诫道。 Em.” The people nod fall gently under high stage at once, several rises then leapt to front high stage. “恩。”众人点头旋即飘落于高台下,几个起落便跃向了前方的高台 In too strong attraction of this challenge tournament not regarding field person, but some people challenge them to be also glad to see a play. 这种挑战赛对于场中的人来说并没有太大的吸引力,不过有人挑战他们也乐得看戏。 „Do you want to challenge?” On high stage that Heavenly Performance Court disciple is , the referee takes a look to Xiao Yun and the others asked. “你们都要挑战?”天秀苑弟子所在的高台上,裁判瞅向萧云等人问道。 Em.” Xiao Yun slight bow. “恩。”萧云微微点头。 Good, does anyone of you challenge first?” The referee took a fast look around people one eyes lightly, he also merely looked at Xiao Yun in these four people, as for several other people of also True Yuan middle-stage Peak, even if challenges successfully does not have the too big significance. “好,你们谁先挑战?”裁判淡淡的扫视了众人一眼,在这四人当中他也仅仅是多看了一眼萧云,至于另外几人也不过真元中期巅峰,就算挑战成功也没有太大的意义。 Regarding these elder, only then the minority shocking and stunning God's favored ones are worth them paying attention. 对于这些长者来说,只有少数惊才绝艳的天之骄子才值得他们关注。 Sees this referee to ask that Duan Ling'er and the others collected pupil light on the body of Xiao Yun. 见这裁判问来段灵儿等人都将眸光汇集在了萧云的身上。 Xiao Yun pupil light moves slightly, after taking a look at that closed the eyes Zhao Zheng with rapt attention, at once said that you challenge first.” 萧云眸光微动,瞅了一眼那闭目凝神的赵政后,旋即说道,“你们先挑战吧。” Em.” Saw Xiao Yun saying that the people nodded, the object who started to seek for the own challenge. “恩。”见萧云这么说,众人点了点头,开始寻找自己挑战的对象。 Is it possible that does this boy want to challenge Zhao Zheng Senior Brother?” However Heavenly Performance Court these disciple in seeing Xiao Yun unintentionally took a look in a Zhao Zheng back of the body actually slightly to reveal the doubts, nearby referee also slightly gawked, „did he restore Yuan Qi and other Zhao Zheng?” “这小子莫非要挑战赵政师兄?”不过天秀苑那些弟子在见得萧云有意无意的瞅了一眼赵政后心中却是略露疑惑,就连旁边的裁判也是微微一愣,“难道他在等赵政恢复元气?” Is startled slightly, this referee shook, threw this thoughts after the brain. 微微一怔,这裁判就甩了甩头,将这心思抛在了脑后。 This Zhao Zheng had shown the so powerful strength a moment ago, who also dares to challenge him? 赵政刚才展现了如此强悍的实力,谁还敢挑战他? You can challenge anybody, because of you for Rising Stars Court disciple, late crosses the threshold for three months, therefore challenges most end success also to obtain the approval of Sect, will give certain praise, therefore do not crave greatness and success, must act according to one's capacity.” After this referee restores the train of thought that a pupil light trend that several are choosing the Duan Ling'er three people of match saying that relatively speaking ranks a worse strength to be weaker, you have three challenge opportunities, three times can not challenge from now on.” “你们可以挑战任何人,因为你们为新秀苑弟子,晚入门三个月,所以就算挑战最末尾的成功也可以得到宗门的认可,会给予一定的嘉奖,所以你们不要好大喜功,一定得量力而为。”这裁判恢复思绪后眸光一动向着那几位正挑选对手的段灵儿三人说道,“相对而言排名越差的实力越弱,你们有三次挑战机会,三次过后就不得在挑战了。” Em.” Duan Ling'er and the others slight bow, then starts to challenge end several people. “恩。”段灵儿等人微微点头,然后开始挑战末尾的几人。 Heavenly Performance Court originally 65 people, because has die of seven people when the experience, therefore now also only remaining 58 people. 天秀苑本来有65人,可是因为有七人在历练时殒落,所以现在也只剩下58人了。 First what challenges is Duan Ling'er, she has chosen that 58 th disciple, so long as defeated this person then to be praised, so the goal has been achieved, ranked the high person as for the remaining two opportunities in the challenge is also not late. 首先挑战的是段灵儿,她选择了那第58名的弟子,只要战胜了此人便可以得到嘉奖,如此目的就算达到了,至于剩下两次机会在挑战排名高的人也是不迟。 Xiao Yun silently watches in side. 萧云则是在旁边默默观看。 What comes out to accept a challenge is one is having the Innate Spirit Physique youth, the Spirit Physique value is only 32% merely, at this time cultivation level also in True Yuan middle-stage Peak, the strength and Duan Ling'er quite, two people fights, quick had the result, Duan Ling'er won. 出来应战的是一个拥有着先天灵体的青年,灵体值仅仅只有32,此时修为也在真元中期巅峰,实力与段灵儿相当,两人交手,很快就有了结果,段灵儿胜出。 Because in the Duan Ling'er hand has a handle high-level Wind Yuan sword, that youth is only low-level Magic Item. 因为段灵儿手中有一柄高级风元剑,那位青年只是一件低级法器 Had high-level Magic Item Duan Ling'er to have the superiority in the strength suitable situation obviously. 在实力相当的情况下拥有高级法器段灵儿显然是占据了优势。 Furthermore, Duan Ling'er natural talent is also good, her windward sensibility is very deep, the body lithe such as wind moving fast is difficult to decide, fights the match to be very difficult to injure her, after experiencing several times had been informed and experienced this young girl take action already quite resolute, often can thunder strike to the enemy. 再者,段灵儿天赋也不错,她对风之感悟很深,身子轻盈如风飘忽难定,战斗起来对手很难伤害到她,在经历过了几次历练后这少女出手已经颇为果决,往往能给敌人雷霆一击。 After Duan Ling'er challenges is Zhou Ping, he also wins on Magic Item, lets that challenged disciple feels speechless. 段灵儿挑战完毕后便是周平,他也胜在法器上面,让那个被挑战的弟子感到无语。 Afterward Wang Lei entered the stage, has challenged 55 disciple, after fighting hundred rounds won. 随后王磊出场,挑战了55名的弟子,也是在战斗百个回合后取胜。 Relatively speaking the Wang Lei strength is quite strong, he is having Returning Yuan Martial Spirit, constantly stimulated along with strength the ability of promotion Martial Spirit, this Martial Spirit not only can maintain person within the body True Yuan continuously, but also has an function of amplification battle strength. 相对而言王磊的实力比较强,他拥有着回元武魂,随着实力的提升武魂的能力也不断激发了出来,这武魂不仅可以保持人体内真元源源不断,还有着一丝增幅战力的作用。 Then they challenge one after another, Duan Ling'er killed 41. 接下来他们陆续挑战,段灵儿杀到了41名。 Wang Lei arrived at 39. 王磊则是到达了39名。 Zhou Ping 47. 周平47名。 This is because they challenge very conservatively, does not dare to challenge the front these Senior Brother reasons rashly, perhaps otherwise can also go forward several. 这还是因为他们挑战很保守,不敢贸然挑战前面那些师兄的缘故,否则或许还可以前进几名。 Now their strength progressed by leaps and bounds arrived at True Yuan middle-stage Peak, will not miss compared with the average person. 如今他们实力突飞猛进都到达了真元中期巅峰,比起一般人也不会差。 But Heavenly Performance Court achieves True Yuan late-stage also only then that some people that's all. 天秀苑达到真元后期的也就只有那么一些人罢了。 However they was also very satisfied regarding this result. 不过对于这结果他们也很满意了。 Now remaining you.” After the referee announced the result, pupil light moved, takes a look to Xiao Yun. “现在就剩下你了。”裁判宣布结果后,眸光一动,瞅向了萧云 Whoosh ! 刷! Suddenly, Heavenly Performance Court all disciple collected pupil light on the body of Xiao Yun. 一时间,天秀苑所有的弟子都将眸光汇集在了萧云的身上。 Some people reveal anxiously, some people of pupil light dodge. 有人露出紧张,有人眸光闪躲。 Because in former Xiao Yun once direct challenge Rising Stars Court first person of Chen Feng, almost ended the victory. 因为在之前萧云曾经直接挑战新秀苑的第一人陈锋,几乎是完胜。 Chen Feng is having True Yuan late-stage, strength is very strong, as before has actually defeated, conceivable this Xiao Yun is the what kind great strength. 陈锋拥有着真元后期,实力很强,却依旧败了,可以想象这萧云是何等的强大。 In entire Heavenly Performance Court only feared also only then a few people may fight with it. 在整个天秀苑只怕也只有少数几人可与之争锋了。 If Xiao Yun challenges these ordinary talents, they also only then maltreated share. 所以若是萧云挑战这些普通的天才,他们也只有被虐待的份了。 Was good passed over gently and swiftly from the bodies of these people because of Xiao Yun pupil light directly, finally fell, in that has ranked on first Zhao Zheng. 好在萧云眸光直接是从这些人的身上掠过,最后落在了那排位第一的赵政身上。 I must challenge to rank first Zhao Zheng!” Youth pupil light concentrates, saying of being loud and clear. “我要挑战排位第一的赵政!”青年眸光一凝,掷地有声的说道。 I must challenge first Zhao Zheng! 我要挑战第一的赵政 The words that after youth this is loud and clear resound through, entire martial arts stage has immediately caused a sound in an uproar. 当青年这掷地有声的话语响彻开来后,整个演武场立即引起了一片哗然声。 Almost all disciple are surprised, whole face incredible Xiao Yun staring. 几乎所有的弟子都一脸惊讶,满脸不可置信的将萧云给盯着。 He must challenge Zhao Zheng! Did I misunderstand?” “他要挑战赵政!我听错了吗?” This Zhao Zheng battle strength only fears True Yuan perfection boundary cultivator not to dare with it fighting, this can Xiao Yun with a it war?” Many people bring a face to suspect somewhat surprised is staring at Xiao Yun, shock that because Zhao Zheng that war brought a moment ago was too big. “这赵政战力之强只怕连真元圆满境修者都不敢与之争锋,这萧云能与之一战吗?”许多人带着一脸怀疑有些惊疑的盯着萧云,因为刚才赵政那一战带来的震撼太大了。 That Heavenly Screen Martial Spirit, if there is to arrive from ancient times powerhouse, the feeling that type frightened the mind made people be hard to dismiss from mind. 天幕武魂一出,如有来自远古的强者降临,那种震慑心灵的感觉让人难以忘怀。 This time Zhao Zheng just like became the war-gods in these new disciple eyes, is unchallengeable! 此时的赵政俨然成为了那些新弟子眼中的战神,不可挑战! Can it be that Rising Stars Court Xiao Yun enemy? 岂是那新秀苑萧云可敌? Although Xiao Yun has defeated Chen Feng, but that fought was too quick, many people have not seen what's the matter. 虽说萧云战败了陈锋,可是那一战太快了,许多人都没有看出是怎么回事。 Even some people put the blame on the victory that fights the Xiao Yun take action sneak attack, regarding this thinks little. 甚至有人将那一战的胜利归咎于萧云出手偷袭,对此并不以为意。 After present Xiao Yun proposes challenges Zhao Zheng many disciple to reveal a face ridicule. 所以当现在萧云提出挑战赵政后许多弟子都露出一脸讥笑。 This Xiao Yun was also too crazy, he thinks that who own was? Dares to challenge the Heavenly Performance Court first person unexpectedly.” Some person of coldly snorted said. “这萧云也太狂了吧,他以为自己是谁?竟然敢挑战天秀苑的第一人。”有人冷哼道。 Hehe, others, but Flawless Martial Spirit, perhaps strength of the war.” Some person of mystifying saying. 呵呵,人家可是无暇武魂,说不定有一战之力了。”有人阴阳怪气的说道。 Flawless Martial Spirit? However is one group of roaring flame? Also compares favorably with Senior Brother Zhao heaven screen is Martial Spirit formidable?” 无暇武魂?不过就是一团烈焰吗?难道还比得上赵师兄的‘天幕武魂强大?” Said is, Senior Brother Zhao this Martial Spirit imposing manner was too strong, probably came from the ancient times, can it be that general can Martial Spirit with it placing on a par?” Many people sneer, simply has not given to pay attention to Xiao Yun that Flawless Martial Spirit, in their opinion Zhao Zheng Martial Spirit is more formidable as well as mysterious, is having the infinite potential, resembles to defeat all, who challenges him to court death simply. “说得是,赵师兄武魂气势太强了,好像源自远古,岂是一般武魂可与之相提并论?”许多人冷笑,根本没有把萧云无暇武魂给放在眼里,在他们看来赵政武魂更加强大以及神秘,拥有着无穷的潜力,似能战胜一切,谁去挑战他简直是找死。 The audience discussion sound is unceasing, almost most disciple extremely does not favor Xiao Yun, thinks that he does not consider resources bite off more than can chew. 全场议论声不断,几乎大半的弟子都极为不看好萧云,认为他是自不量力。 However elder on that high stage is actually reveals the whole face to hope. 不过那高台上的长者却是露出满脸期许。 Hehe, this Xiao Yun must challenge Zhao Zheng unexpectedly looks like he has several points of background!” 呵呵,这萧云竟然要挑战赵政看来他是有着几分底子啊!” His cultivation level is too low, even if has comprehended only feared that also difficult to fight with Zhao Zheng, after all this Zhao Zheng that heaven screen Martial Spirit has not calculated strongly take action, once he fights fully is that True Yuan perfection boundary talent also very much difficultly suffices to deal with.” “他修为太低,就算有所领悟只怕也难与赵政争锋,毕竟这赵政那‘天幕武魂还不算竭力出手,一旦他全力一战就算是那真元圆满境的天才也很难能够应付下来。” I thought that this Xiao Yun odds of success is not big!” “我看这萧云胜算不大!” Xiao Yun likely is not the extremely arrogant generation, should have the discretion.” These elder come respectively, is speaking on the viewpoint of own. 萧云不像是狂妄之辈,应该是有分寸。”那些长者各自开来,讲着自己的观点。 A moment ago Xiao Yun and Chen Feng fought impressive, because his own cultivation level lowered, therefore the most people have not had the too high hope to him as before, after all Zhao Zheng was not the ordinary talent, in this Core Palace was also existence of shocking and stunning. 刚才萧云陈锋一战让人刮目相看,可是因为他自身修为低了,所以多数人依旧对他没有抱太大的希望,毕竟赵政也不是普通的天才,在这核心殿也算是惊才绝艳的存在了。 Two tigers contend, on cultivation level has a disparity also to turn to be quite important. 两虎相争,修为上就算有着一丝差距也会变成极为重要起来。 Xiao Yun, this actually the youth who makes the person anticipate.” Side Palace Lord Jiang, that beard snow white elder old eyes narrows the eyes, within both eyes filled has hope that „, if he can fight evenly with Zhao Zheng, later was training slightly can also participate in Profound Yuan Battlefield.” 萧云,这倒是一个让人期待的少年。”在姜殿主身边,那个胡须雪白的长者老眼微眯,双眸中充满了期许,“若是他能与赵政战成平手,以后在略加培养也可以参加玄元战场了。” This person is on Core Palace Palace Lord, surnamed Cao. 此人是核心殿上一任殿主,姓曹。 My Core Palace this time can have these three talents, was good.” Palace Lord Jiang shows a faint smile, now he was very satisfied to this batch of disciple, if adds on Leaping Dragon Peak several talents, Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple entered Profound Yuan Battlefield also to be able the has several points of competitive power. “我核心殿此次能有这三名天才,也算是不错了。”姜殿主微微一笑,如今他对这批弟子已经很满意了,若是加上跃龙峰的几个天才,天元宗弟子就算进入玄元战场也能有几分竞争力了。 elder whoops, collects line of sight on front high stage. 诸位长者议论纷纷,都将视线汇集在前方的高台上。 In the atmosphere change regarding field, Xiao Yun also slightly feels amazed, has not thought that these disciple responses so will be big. 对于场中的气氛变化,萧云也是略感惊诧,没有想到那些弟子反应会那么大。 Isn't challenges Zhao Zheng? 不就是挑战赵政吗? However, was not only disciple of distant place shaking has shaken by Xiao Yun this saying, Rising Stars Court disciple was also so. 不过,不仅仅是远处的弟子萧云这话给震了一震,就连新秀苑弟子也是如此。 Duan Ling'er has gotten hold of the white hands, lip sip gets up appears is very anxious. 段灵儿更是握紧了玉手,嘴唇抿起显得很是紧张。 If before , she can definitely not have trust Xiao Yun of condition. 若是以前她肯定会毫无条件的相信萧云 But this time is different. 可这次不一样。 First Zhao Zheng showed without a peer battle strength a moment ago. 首先赵政刚才展现出了不可匹敌的战力 Next, here is the challenge tournament, can not use does not belong to the own strength. 其次,这里是挑战赛,不得动用不属于自己的力量。 Can Xiao Yun also win? 萧云还能胜吗? After several contact Duan Ling'er also to feel that Xiao Yun within the body has a mysterious strength. 经过几番接触段灵儿也感觉到了萧云体内有着一股神秘的力量。 This boy must challenge Zhao Zheng unexpectedly is looks simply oppressively!” On martial arts stage edge giant tree, Qiu Yufeng sneers to say. “这小子竟要挑战赵政简直是找虐!”在演武场边缘一颗巨木上,邱雨枫冷笑道。 Hehe, this is also good, avoid we found the person to cope with him.” Lu Yanfeng said with a smile ferociously. 呵呵,这样也好,省得我们找人对付他了。”陆炎风狞笑道。 Should better make that Zhao Zheng abandon him.” Nearby some Fire Yuan Peak disciple are also a face sinister smile. “最好让那赵政将他废了。”旁边一些火元峰弟子也是一脸阴笑。 On challenge stage, after hearing the challenge of Xiao Yun the Zhao Zheng eyelid has tilted, has opened the double pupil slowly. 挑战台上,在听到了萧云的挑战后赵政眼皮掀动,缓缓的睁开了双眸。 The Zhao Zheng expression is very as before faint, but has the rays of light twinkle in his pair of profound pupil, appears absorbs the person swiftly and fiercely. 赵政的表情依旧很淡漠,只是在他那双深邃的眸子中有着光芒闪烁,显得凌厉摄人。 After sizing up Xiao Yun Zhao Zheng just now suddenly set out, takes a step toward the front. 在打量了一眼萧云赵政方才霍然起身,向着前方迈步而出。 Sees Zhao Zheng to set out, Xiao Yun smiles lightly, the personal appearance moves then to turn toward that challenge stage to plunder. 赵政起身,萧云淡淡一笑,身形一动便向着那挑战台掠去。 Zhao Zheng is also the personal appearance in a flash falls gently on challenge stage. 赵政也是身形一晃飘落于挑战台上。 Hence, two youth oppose, is sizing up each other, the entire martial arts stage air as if coagulated in this moment, disciple in various peaks, as well as many elder Manager have turned very quiet, static attention front. 至此,两个青年对立,相互打量着对方,整个演武场的空气似乎在这一刻凝固了起来,就连各峰中的弟子,以及诸多长者管事都屏住了呼吸,静静的关注着前方。 The people have an inexplicable feeling, this fight seems doomed to be going to shake Heavenly Yuan! 众人有着一种莫名的感觉,这一场战斗似乎注定将要名震天元 ( ( …… ……
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