EMS :: Volume #3

#231: Amazing the world with a single brilliant feat

Chapter 231 amazes the world with a single brilliant feat 第231章一鸣惊人 In Chen Feng heart surprised, but that strikes the speed to be too quick, could not allow him to think. 陈锋心中惊讶,可是那一击速度太快,已经容不得他多想。 Panic-stricken , the Chen Feng right hand moves waves that Profound Hawk bone claw to meet the approaching enemy to go toward that [say / way] purple glow hastily. 惊骇下,陈锋右手一动连忙舞动着那玄鹰骨爪向着那道紫芒迎击而去。 That bone claw lifts, the purple glow is chops, the opportunity of almost not being possible his resisting. 那骨爪才抬起而已,紫芒便已经是劈下,几乎不可他一丝抵挡的机会。 Quite quick!” Chen Feng fearful, is felt at once whole person of a great strength hit his on that Profound Hawk bone claw is similar to by thunder is hit, body fierce trembles, afterward strength of the vast Fire Yuan wreaks havoc to come him to submerge. “好快!”陈锋一阵心寒,旋即便是感觉到一股巨力撞击在那玄鹰骨爪上他整个人如同被雷霆击中,身子猛的一颤,随后一股浩瀚的火元之力肆虐而来将他淹没。 Burning hot fire wave burns void distortion, on Chen Feng protecting body True Yuan is also incites to make noise, is similar to the running water is the same is evaporating. 炙热的火流焚得虚空扭曲,陈锋身上的护体真元也是滋滋作响,如同流水一样在蒸发。 Twinkling that protects body True Yuan suddenly to be then defeated and dispersed, the strength impact of a wild and tyrant on Chen Feng, he only thinks that the bone must break to pieces the whole body flip-flop to make noise, then a palm fingers/tiger's mouth pain, the palm resembled to crack, the whole person was submerged by the mighty current raises flies to fall. 只是瞬息那护体真元便是猛然溃散,一股狂霸的力量冲击在陈锋身上,他只觉骨头都要碎了全身噼啪作响,而后手掌虎口一痛,掌心都似要崩裂了开来,整个人被洪流淹没掀飞而落。 Thump! 咚! Chen Feng is similar to kite flying upside down of broken line, that body crash maliciously shake the ground under challenge stage tremble. 陈锋如同断线的风筝倒飞而出,那身子狠狠的坠落在挑战台下将地面震得一颤。 puff! 噗! The body falls to the ground, Chen Feng felt that the bone of own must disperse has put up, the within the body vitality tumbles, fresh blood puts out immediately. 身子落地,陈锋感觉自己的骨头都要散架了,体内气血翻滚,一口鲜血当即吐出。 That is Chen Feng!” “那是陈锋!” What's the matter! Did Chen Feng defeat unexpectedly?” “怎么回事!陈锋竟然败了?” Sees youth who that falls to the ground distressedly, cultivator that the four directions observe stares, feels somewhat bewilderedly. 见得那狼狈落地的青年,四方观战的修者都是一愣,感到有些莫名其妙。 Just obviously remembers that was Chen Feng launched the swift and fierce attack, did he suddenly defeat? 刚刚明明记得是陈锋发动了凌厉的攻击,他怎么眨眼间就败了呢? These people are True Yuan Realm cultivator, because the distance too far sensation is not very clear, has not seen clearly how Xiao Yun avoids Chen Feng swiftly and fiercely that strikes, as well as in the thunder method routing, they to see how flying upside down, but Chen Feng. 这些人都是真元境修者,因为距离太远感知不够清晰,根本就没有看清楚萧云是怎么避开陈锋那凌厉的一击,以及如何以雷霆手段将之击溃,他们只是看到一个倒飞而出的陈锋 All these fight from both sides are also matter that's all. between two breath 这一切距离双方交手也不过是两个呼吸间的事情罢了。 Reviews on that challenge stage, Xiao Yun stands like the mountain gorgeously, cannot see mighty waves on his face, as before such as take action, that indifferent, he stands on that competition stage long hair against the wind Feiyang (flies upwards), the clothes robe agitation, all appear that natural. 反观那挑战台上,萧云如山岳般巍然而立,在他脸上看不出一丝波澜,依旧如出手之前那么的淡然,他站在那比赛台上长发迎风飞扬,衣袍鼓动,一切都显得那么自然。 Compares stunned of these True Yuan Realm cultivator, on that high stage Palace Lord Jiang and the others in the pupil actually completely shocks as well as the wild with joy sentiment. 相比那些真元境修者的错愕,那高台姜殿主等人眸中却尽是震撼以及狂喜之情。 This is Dao Rhyme!” The Palace Lord Jiang double pupil is scalding hot, cannot bear mutter, he seemed like did not have the preparation to begin a moment ago, has prepared accepting a challenge actually, in sensing the Grand Dao nature, integrated in the middle of oneself body the natural world, the body moved with the wind, avoided easily that has struck, Ha Ha, this boy really felt a Martial Dao true meaning in Martial Dao Tablet!” “这是道韵!”姜殿主双眸灼热,忍不住喃喃道,“刚才他看似没有准备要动手,实际已经做好了应战的准备,在感悟大道自然,将己身融入自然天地当中,身随风动,轻易的避开了那一击,哈哈,这小子果然在武道碑中感到了一丝武道真意!” When this lets shock feels incomparably excitedly. 这让震撼时又感到无比兴奋。 The performance of Xiao Yun satisfied him too. 萧云的表现让他太满意了。 The Martial Dao true meaning was extremely illusory, even if during understands the truth, ponders over very much difficultly really thoroughly. 武道真意太过虚无缥缈了,就算明白当中的道理,也很难真的琢磨透。 But Xiao Yun actually has achieved, this indicated sufficiently his natural talent is astonishing. 可是萧云却做到了,这足以表明他的天赋是何等惊人。 He not only relied on naturally to coincide to sense the movement with the world, that struck the potential a moment ago, if thunder, were having one potential, was so, he can rout that Chen Feng by the easily accomplished imposing manner at one fell swoop, the opportunity of continually resisting has not given the opposite party.” Nearby beard snow white elder old eyes narrows the eyes, in the pupil rays of light of twinkle appreciation, this movement unifies with this attack, simply is one set of perfect battle skill, general Heaven Rank Martial Arts is hard with it comparing favorably.” “他不仅凭借与天地自然相合感悟出了身法,刚才那一击势若雷霆,拥有着一股‘势’,也是如此,他才能以摧枯拉朽的气势将那陈锋给一举击溃,连抵挡的机会都没有给对方。”旁边一个胡须雪白的长者老眼微眯,眸中闪烁欣赏的光芒,“这身法与这攻击结合,简直就是一套完美的战技,一般的天阶武学都难以与之媲美。” This old man is the Core Palace senior, is Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse, is the unusual person may compare in the Heavenly Yuan Sect status. 这个老者为核心殿的前辈,是一尊元婴境强者,在天元宗地位也是少有人可比。 Relied on formidable sensation old person one eyes to see the Xiao Yun background. 凭借着强大的感知这老人一眼就看出了萧云的底子。 This youth avoided the opposite party to attack take action a moment ago, almost formed a coherent whole, was equal to battle skill completely. 刚才这少年避开对方攻击到出手,几乎是一气呵成,完全等于是一门战技了。 This Xiao Yun is indeed good, natural talent in then is also so unusual in entire Heavenly Yuan Sect.” “这萧云的确不错,如此天赋在便是在整个天元宗也少有。” Hehe, really respects the young!” 呵呵,真是后生可畏啊!” Peak Lord of various peaks all nod, shows the whole face happy expression, now my Heavenly Yuan Sect left this grade of talent, later can also many several points of background, Hehe, Palace Lord Jiang, this time you make the great merit, Sect Master knows that this matter definitely will award.” 各峰的峰主皆是点头,露出满脸笑意,“如今我天元宗出了这等天才,以后也可以多几分底蕴了,呵呵,姜殿主,此次你可是立下了大功,宗主知道此事肯定会褒奖。” Hehe, can result in this grade of talent is my sect good fortune.” Palace Lord Jiang smiles, appears very happy. 呵呵,能得这等天才是我宗福气。”姜殿主一笑,显得很高兴。 natural talent that showed a moment ago from Xiao Yun, he comprehended much in that Martial Dao Tablet, if given time, may surely study and understand own [say / way], has will certainly become supreme talent to that time, showed disdain for entire Southern Border talent sufficiently. 从刚才萧云展现出来的天赋来看,他在那武道碑中领悟了不少,假以时日以后定可参悟自己的‘道’,到了那时候必将成为一尊天骄,足以傲视整个南疆的天才了。 Must know that this Xiao Yun also has Flawless Martial Spirit! 要知道,这萧云可是还有着无暇武魂啊! Thinks that here Palace Lord Jiang is quite excited. 想到这里姜殿主就颇为兴奋。 This boy, has not really disappointed me.” Deacon Qin is excited, the split vision of corner of the eye took a look to the side. “这小子,果然没有让我失望。”秦执事兴奋不已,眼角的余光瞅向了身旁。 In there, Huang Deacon looks at that to fall to the ground distressedly, Chen Feng that two breath both did not have, the complexion was green. 在那里,黄执事望着那狼狈落地,两个呼吸都还没有起来的陈锋,脸色都绿了。 own placed the great expectations talent, collapses at the first blow unexpectedly like this. 自己寄予了厚望的天才,竟然这样不堪一击。 Moreover looked at his present injury almost not to have battle strength to challenge the Heavenly Performance Court person. 而且瞧他现在的伤势几乎是没有了战力在挑战天秀苑的人了。 „Did this boy comprehend deep meaning really?” Huang Deacon brows tightly frowns, reveals to be sad-looking. “这小子真领悟了奥义?”黄执事眉头紧锁,露出一脸苦瓜相。 Although in the heart does not want to acknowledge this matter as before, but the fact at present, him also has to submit. 虽然心中依旧不想承认此事,可事实在眼前,他也不得不屈服。 Relied on Yuan Core Realm cultivation level this Huang Deacon naturally to see clearly Xiao Yun to win is not accidentally so is simple. 凭借着元丹境修为黄执事自然是能看清楚萧云获胜并不是偶然那么简单了。 Really is a talent.” On high stage that in Rising Stars Court disciple is, in that referee heart shook slightly also by present one fearing, he and Xiao Yun were distanced not far, relied on the formidable sensation almost to receive in the eye the detail of that fight. “果然是个天才。”在新秀苑弟子所在的高台上,那个裁判心中微微一震也是被眼前的一幕给惊住了,他与萧云相距不远,凭借着强大的感知几乎将那战斗的细节都收入了眼中。 I announced that the Xiao Yun victory, replaces Chen Feng to obtain first.” Slightly, this referee deeply inspired to pacify the mood in heart after announcing the result changed other disciple saying that among you can also some people probably challenge Xiao Yun?” “我宣布,萧云胜,代替陈锋获得第一。”稍许后,这裁判深吸了口气平息掉心中的情绪在宣布了结果后转向着其他弟子说道,“你们当中可还有人要挑战萧云的?” No.” Rising Stars Court disciple all shakes the head. “没有。”新秀苑弟子皆是摇头。 Cracks a joke, collapses at the first blow including Chen Feng, do they challenge Xiao Yun not to look oppressively? 开玩笑,连陈锋都不堪一击,他们去挑战萧云不是找虐吗? It seems like the Senior Brother Xiao strength has been increased much.” “看来萧师兄的实力又提升了不少。” Senior Brother Xiao is really fierce.” Wang Lei and a Zhou Ping two people face smiling face, reveals the whole face worship the expression. 萧师兄真厉害。”王磊周平两人一脸笑容,露出满脸崇拜的表情。 Then two months have not seen, Xiao Yun as if has widened very long disparity with them, almost cannot guess. 这才两个月没见而已,萧云似乎已经与他们拉开了很长的差距,几乎不可揣测了。 Chen Feng, can you also probably challenge other people?” The referee continues to ask. 陈锋,你可还要挑战他人?”裁判继续问道。 I......” Chen Feng deeply inspired, diligently struggles from the ground, just wants to arouse the courage saying that must challenge. “我……”陈锋深吸了口气,努力的从地上挣扎起来,刚想鼓足勇气说要挑战。 But tumbles in this time within the body vitality, fresh blood puts out, the whole person whole body is incapable. 可是就在此时体内气血翻滚,一口鲜血吐出,整个人浑身无力。 Xiao Yun that struck to contain some potential a moment ago, making him be seriously injured, already again did not have strength of the war. 刚才萧云那一击蕴含着某种势,让他身受重伤,已然再也没有一战之力了。 Also slightly feels regarding might Xiao Yun that own this strikes surprisedly. 对于自己这一击的威力萧云也是略感惊讶。 I thought that your injury is heavy, gets down therapy.” The referee start to talk, then some people bring Chen Feng to draw back. “我看你伤势不轻,还是下去疗伤吧。”裁判开口,然后有人上来带着陈锋退下。 Although Chen Feng is unwilling, was the injury was too heavy, now True Yuan initial-stage cultivator may defeat him easily, how to fight again? But he also has therapy, if otherwise added wound that this for a lifetime to be possible in the wound really to destroy. 陈锋虽然心有不甘,可是伤势太重了,现在就连真元初期修者都可轻易击败他,如何再战?无奈之下他也只好去疗伤,不然要是在伤上加伤那么这一辈子可就真毁了。 Good, then this Rising Stars Court rank war ended, what first is Xiao Yun, second Duan Ling'er, third Wang Lei......” after Chen Feng departs, the referee starts to announce the rank, then you can challenge Heavenly Performance Court disciple, is promoted into the middle of Heavenly Performance Court by this, similarly, you have the opportunity that three times challenge, even if failed also unobstructive.” “好,那么此次新秀苑的排位战结束,第一名的为萧云,第二名段灵儿,第三名王磊……”在陈锋离去后,裁判开始宣布排位,“接下来你们可以挑战天秀苑弟子,以此晋级入天秀苑当中,同样,你们有三次挑战的机会,就算失败也无碍。” Challenges Heavenly Performance Court disciple!” hear speech/words, Wang Lei somewhat is ready to make trouble. “挑战天秀苑弟子!”闻言,王磊有些蠢蠢欲动。 That Zhou Ping is a face is also fiery. 周平也是一脸火热。 Now they have stepped into the True Yuan middle-stage Peak boundary, the strength have not calculated weakly. 如今他们已经踏入了真元中期巅峰境,实力也算不弱。 Also has many also to stay in the middle of Heavenly Performance Court in True Yuan middle-stage disciple, therefore they have the qualifications of challenge. 天秀苑当中也有许多还停留在真元中期弟子,所以他们也有着挑战的资格。 , The referee continued saying that naturally, these after five big peaks are disciple that is promoted also will become your competitors, therefore in the following time you may probably effort practice well be.” 顿了顿,裁判继续说道,“当然,那些从五大峰系中晋级上来的弟子以后也将会成为你们的竞争对手,所以在接下来的时间里你们可要好好的努力修炼才是。” Five big peak departments?” hear speech/words, Rising Stars Court disciple took a look at another high stage. “五大峰系?”闻言,新秀苑弟子瞅了一眼另外一个高台 There has 50 disciple, middle cultivation level high also has stepped into the True Yuan late-stage boundary. 那里有50个弟子,当中修为高的也踏入了真元后期境。 However these person of physique are ordinary, following practice is very difficult to surmount these to have Spirit Physique disciple. 不过这些人体质一般,后面的修炼很难超越那些拥有灵体弟子 Therefore the true natural talent good person extremely has not cared these. 所以真正天赋不错的人并没有太过将那些放在心上。 Xiao Yun naturally, he after taking a seat the first rank pupil light moves then the line of sight stops on high stage that in Heavenly Performance Court disciple was, has challenge stage in that broad incomparable high stage similarly, at this moment some people are carrying on the intense competition. 萧云自然更加不会,他在落座第一的排位后眸光一动便将视线停在了天秀苑弟子所在的高台上,在那个宽阔无比的高台中同样有着一个挑战台,此刻正有人在进行激烈的比赛。 The Heavenly Performance Court population are many, therefore the rank challenge tournament has not arrived at the conclusion time. 天秀苑人数较多,所以排位挑战赛还没有到结束的时候。 However this time challenge is also quite splendid. 不过此时的挑战也是颇为精彩。 Heavenly Performance Court disciple early crosses the threshold compared with Rising Stars Court disciple for three months, not only has the superiority in the time, outline on physique, because they are because physique good to be recommended or excavated, then has sent in the middle of Core Palace together. 天秀苑弟子新秀苑弟子早入门三个月,不仅在时间上有优势,在体质上也要略强,因为他们都是因为体质好才被举荐或者发掘,然后一起送入了核心殿当中。 In Rising Stars Court also on Xiao Yun physique heaven defying, is Flawless Martial Spirit. 新秀苑也就萧云体质逆天,为无暇武魂 Although next Chen Feng has Martial Spirit, but inheritance value also 40 that's all. 其次的陈锋虽有武魂,可传承值也不过40一罢了。 But the Spirit Physique value in Heavenly Performance Court achieves over 40 many minority. 可是在天秀苑灵体值达到40以上的不乏少数。 Even middle also has existences of several heaven defying. 甚至当中还有着几个逆天的存在。 That is Heavenly Performance Court Li Zun, is having Heavenly Spirit Physique, the Spirit Physique value is 72%, this physique in the middle of entire Core Palace is also top level existed, Hehe, if not for you have Flawless Martial Spirit, only feared that he was the Spirit Physique value highest person.” Zhou Ping low voice was introducing to Xiao Yun that Heavenly Performance Court that ranks the first that youth, in that words has been full of the awe. “那是天秀苑李尊,拥有着天灵体,灵体值为72,这体质在整个核心殿当中也是顶级的存在了,呵呵,若不是你拥有无暇武魂,只怕他就是灵体值最高的人了。”周平小声的向萧云介绍着那天秀苑那排位第一那个青年,那话语中充满了敬畏。 Li Zun!” Xiao Yun eye one bright, that person he has seen, initially then once together went to study and understand that Martial Dao inheritance with him. 李尊!”萧云眼睛一亮,那个人他见过,当初便曾经与他一起去参悟武道传承 However this person does not have study and understand to succeed, instead mind slightly was damaged, controls one's breathing several talents to recover. 不过此人并没有参悟成功,反而心神略受损伤,调息了好几天才得以复原。 Rank in second that person named Zhao Zheng, it is said is having mysterious Martial Spirit, the inheritance value has 69%, is honored as is Heavenly Performance Court most has potential disciple, later has possibly surmounts that Li Zun, the future is limitless.” Zhou Ping continues saying that he as if specially has the investigation to Heavenly Performance Court disciple, touches clear regarding first several natural talent good disciple that physique. “排行在第二的那个人名为赵政,据说拥有着神秘武魂,传承值有着69,被誉为是天秀苑最有潜力的弟子,以后有着可能超越那李尊,前途不可限量。”周平继续说道,他似乎专门对天秀苑弟子有过调查,对于前几名天赋不错的弟子体质摸得一清二楚。 mysterious Martial Spirit, inheritance value 69%!” hear speech/words, Xiao Yun also much looked at several to that Zhao Zheng. 神秘武魂,还有传承值69!”闻言,萧云也不由对那赵政多看了几眼。 This is an expression is simple-hearted, pupil light slightly cold severe youth. 这是一个表情木讷,眸光略显冷厉的青年。 It looks like from his aura, should have the boundary of True Yuan late-stage big accomplishment. 从他身上的气息看来,应该已经有了真元后期大成之境。 Such cultivation level in entire Rising Stars Peak also calculates best pick of the crop existed, once he steps into Yuan Core Realm, has awakened the Martial Spirit source, that potential naturally can surmount that Spirit Physique is 72 Li Zun, he is honored as Heavenly Performance Court most has the potential talent is also the name will follow reality. 这样的修为在整个新秀峰也算拔尖的存在了,一旦他踏入元丹境,觉醒了武魂本源,那潜力自然会超越那灵体之为72的李尊,他被誉为天秀苑最有潜力的天才也是实至名归。 Except in addition, Heavenly Performance Court also has several natural talent good disciple, the Spirit Physique value between 40 or 50. 除此外,天秀苑还有几个天赋不错的弟子,灵体值都在40或者50之间。 However such person are not many, 67, the remaining most people Spirit Physique values in 0% thirty paces back and forth. 不过这样的人不多,也才67个而已,剩下多数人灵体值等在0三十几徘徊。 ( ( …… ……
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