EMS :: Volume #3

#230: Whom challenges?

Chapter 230 challenge who? 第230章挑战谁? physique of person is inborn, Acquired is very difficult the too big change, can decide a cultivator potential. 人的体质为天生,后天很难有太大的改变,能决定一个修者的潜力。 But natural talent, the perception, can actually decide a cultivator achievement size. 可是天赋,悟性,却能决定一个修者的成就大小。 Similarly the physique person, the perception high achievement is naturally big, both may not the same day. 同样体质的人,悟性高的成就自然要大,两者根本不可同日而言。 Xiao Yun has excellent physique, if also this grade of perception, who can compare? 萧云本就有着绝佳的体质,若还这等悟性,谁人可比? Good, good, below you attend the competition.” Palace Lord Jiang has sized up Xiao Yun carefully, after seeing the latter likely is not aimless, in the pupil the belt smiles, said continually two good, he is not many asked that makes Xiao Yun compete directly. “好,好,下面你就去参加比赛吧。”姜殿主仔细的打量了一眼萧云,在见得后者不像是无的放矢后,眸中带笑,连说了两个好,他也不多问,直接让萧云去比赛。 This boy can come out to be lucky!” Side these elder also again and again nod. “这小子能出来已是万幸了!”旁边那些长者也是连连点头。 Thinks Xiao Yun fell into the demon barrier, but now looks like this youth good. 本来都以为萧云陷入了魔障,可是现在看来这青年好的很呢。 Actually does not know how many he has become aware?” Suddenly, these elder filled has hope that somewhat impatient wants to look at the performance of Xiao Yun, therefore also nobody asked that asked in many, how could also to compare favorably with the motion proves the success and failure or not? “却不知他悟了多少?”一时间,那些长者都充满了期许,有些迫不及待的想看萧云的表现,所以也没有人多问,问在多,又岂能比得上用行动来证明得失与否了? Yes!” After obtaining the agreement of Palace Lord Jiang, the Xiao Yun nod accepted that immediately then turns around to take a look to high stage that Rising Stars Court these disciple were, is clear regarding the above these fellow apprentices strengths, formidable fighting intent fills the air immediately from him. “是!”在得到了姜殿主的同意后,萧云点头应承,当即便转身瞅向了新秀苑那些弟子所在的高台,对于上面那些师兄弟的实力一目了然,一股强大的战意顿时从他身上弥漫开来。 If obtains Rising Stars Court first, you can also continue to challenge Heavenly Performance Court disciple!” Nearby Zhang Tianlong small sound track. “若获得新秀苑第一,你还可以继续挑战天秀苑弟子!”旁边的张天龙小声道。 Em.” Xiao Yun nods, Zhang Tianlong the contest rule will tell him a moment ago, therefore currently he had the goal. “恩。”萧云点头,刚才张天龙就将比赛规则告诉了他,所以现在他已经有了目标。 Shout! 呼! Xiao Yun such as, falls gently under that high stage with the wind, at once several fluctuating then jump onto high stage that Rising Stars Court disciple was. 萧云如随风而起,飘落于那高台下,旋即几个起伏便跃上了新秀苑弟子所在的高台 Rising Stars Court disciple Xiao Yun, late reported.” On Xiao Yun more high stage, holds the fist in the other hand to say toward that referee. 新秀苑弟子萧云,迟来报道。”萧云越上高台,向着那裁判抱拳道。 That referee age about 40, the double pupil was probably sharp, bringing several points of curious pupil light to take a look at Xiao Yun, at once said that „, since came directly to enter the challenge tournament, you had three challenge opportunities, if wins to substitute by the position of Challenger.” 那裁判年纪大约在40左右,双眸锐利,带着几分好奇的眸光瞅了一眼萧云,旋即道,“既然来了就直接进入挑战赛,你有三次挑战机会,若是胜出将取代被挑战者的位置。” Whom do you want to challenge?” The referee asked. “你要挑战谁?”裁判问道。 Xiao Yun pupil light moves then to turn toward that row of fellow apprentices to take a look. 萧云眸光一动便向着那一排师兄弟瞅去。 Sees Xiao Yun to take a look at the people pupil dew to glitter to like a cat on hot bricks for fear that by the appearance that he challenges. 见得萧云瞅来众人都眸露闪烁一副局促不安生怕被他挑战的样子。 Senior Brother Xiao thinks that must sit enjoys first.” Wang Lei and Zhou Ping are actually smile. 萧师兄想必是要坐享第一。”王磊周平却是憨厚一笑。 Finally Xiao Yun locked the line of sight on Chen Feng. 最后萧云将视线锁定在了陈锋身上。 This boy.” Chen Feng brows tightly frowns, looked that Xiao Yun that appearance must challenge own. “这小子。”陈锋眉头紧锁,看萧云那模样显然是要挑战自己了。 Hey, Xiao Yun challenged Chen Feng we not to use take action.” Side these youth see Xiao Yun pupil light to put aside from the body of own breathed a sigh of relief finally, if makes own go to battle, simply does not have an assurance, may admit defeat loses face too. “嘿嘿,萧云挑战陈锋我们也就不用出手了。”旁边那些青年见萧云眸光自己的身上移开终于是舒了口气,若是让自己出战,根本没有一丝把握,可认输却太丢人了。 I challenge him!” Xiao Yun points at Chen Feng to say. “我挑战他!”萧云指着陈锋说道。 Since must challenge challenges certainly first, Xiao Yun is also disinclined to waste the time to challenge others. 既然要挑战当然是挑战第一,萧云也懒得浪费时间去挑战别人。 You determined that can challenge Chen Feng?” That referee said that this Chen Feng has True Yuan late-stage cultivation level.” “你确定要挑战陈锋?”那裁判说道,“这陈锋可是有着真元后期修为。” Determination.” The Xiao Yun nod said. “确定。”萧云点头道。 Relies on that excellent perception he naturally to discover that Chen Feng imposing manner is uncommon. 凭借着那过人的感知力他自然可以发现那陈锋气势不凡。 True Yuan late-stage also divides the height. 只是真元后期也分高低。 This Chen Feng also just stepped into True Yuan late-stage at most, has not achieved including small accomplishment, why must to have scruples? 陈锋顶多也就是刚踏入真元后期,连小成都没有达到,何须顾忌? Xiao Yun must select Zhantian Xiufeng disciple! 萧云可是还要挑战天秀峰弟子的呢! Good, Chen Feng please come out to accept a challenge!” The referee said. “好,陈锋请出来应战!”裁判说道。 Snort!” A Chen Feng face is gloomy, after coldly snorted, sets out suddenly, a formidable imposing manner fills the air from the body. “哼!”陈锋一脸阴森,冷哼一声后霍然起身,一股强大的气势从身上弥漫开来。 But formidable imposing manner oppression under made this high stage atmosphere somewhat dignified. 强大的气势压迫而下让得这高台的气氛都变得有些凝重了起来。 Turns a blind eye regarding Chen Feng this formidable imposing manner Xiao Yun. 对于陈锋这股强大的气势萧云视若无睹。 If when just crossed the threshold True Yuan late-stage may make Xiao Yun feel embarrassed, but almost does not have a pressure now. 若是在刚入门时真元后期或许会让萧云感到难堪,可现在几乎没有一点压力。 This high stage is very big, middle also challenge stage, two people forward takes a step to go, the body moved to leap challenge stage. 高台很大,中间还有一个挑战台,两人向前迈步而去,身子一动跃到了挑战台当中。 Xiao Yun, you seize repeatedly my first, what ability today I to must have a look at you to have, can everywhere press my head unexpectedly?” The Chen Feng imposing manner is arrogant, in the middle of that pair of cold severe pupil has several points of nearly fierce rays of light twinkle. 萧云,你多次夺我第一,今天我到要看看你到底有着什么能力,竟能处处压我一头?”陈锋气势凌人,那双冷厉的眸子当中有着几分近乎狰狞的光芒闪烁而出。 take action.” Xiao Yun stands erect in challenge stage, unhappy is not sad, lightly saying. 出手吧。”萧云屹立在挑战台中间,不喜不悲,淡淡的说道 After entering Martial Dao Tablet Xiao Yun the vision became broader, pupil light had already not placed this small region. 在进入武道碑萧云的眼界变得更宽阔了,眸光早就没有放在这小小的地域。 Chen Feng naturally had not been listed as the match by him. 陈锋自然也没有被他列为对手。 Good.” Chen Feng sees a Xiao Yun face to be indifferent, as if simply has not paid attention to own, the air/Qi results in the mandibular joint to hit to tremble, that True Yuan late-stage imposing manner bursts out completely, not only that his palm turns, but also presented Magic Item. “好。”陈锋萧云一脸淡然,似乎根本没有将自己放在眼里,气得牙关直打哆嗦,那真元后期的气势完全迸发而出,不仅如此,他手掌一翻,还出现了一件法器 This is handle ossein Magic Item, above inscribes runes, below is the sharp claws, takes a quick look around simply probably is claw of the Profound Hawk, great claw sharp like blade edge, middle also has one to absorb the fluctuation of person to fill the air. 这是一柄骨质法器,上面刻有符文,下面则为利爪,一眼看去简直好像是一只玄鹰之爪,巨爪锐利如刃,当中还有着一股摄人的波动弥漫开来。 This is middle-level Magic Item, is the reward of Chen Feng previous acquisition. 此为一件中级法器,是陈锋上次获得的奖励。 This Profound Hawk bone claw is takes the Yuan Core Realm monster bird sharp claws to refine Magic Item, regarding having Profound Hawk Martial Spirit Chen Feng this was best Magic Item, under this conjunction, already can comparable with others use the might that high-level Magic Item brought. 玄鹰骨爪是取元丹境妖禽利爪炼制成法器,对于拥有玄鹰武魂陈锋来说这是最好的法器了,在这种契合度下,已然可以堪比别人使用高级法器所带来的威力。 Magic Item! 法器 Xiao Yun smiles lightly, that pair of pupil actually suddenly became swift and fierce. 萧云淡淡一笑,那双眸子却突然变得凌厉了起来。 Meaning that however he do not begin, but static waits in side, the whole person actually fell into an inexplicable boundary, this boundary average person is unobservable, but these Yuan Core Realm powerhouse of that distant place actually all are the eyelid jumps. 不过他并没有要动手的意思,只是静静的在旁边等候,整个人却是陷入了一种莫名的境界,这种境界一般人难以察觉,可是那远处的那些元丹境强者却皆是眼皮一跳。 Good strange feeling.” The Huang Deacon heart jumps, mutters, why this boy did stand there actually to me one type and day coinciding the feeling of? This flavor links Yuan Core Realm cultivator to be also difficult, results in Yuan Soul Realm cultivator to comprehend!” “好奇怪的感觉。”黄执事心头一跳,喃喃道,“为什么这小子站在那里却给我一种似与天相合的感觉了?这种韵味连元丹境修者也难有,得元婴境修者才可领悟啊!” In the Huang Deacon heart a face surprise, reveals the whole face doubt the expression. 黄执事心中一脸诧异,露出满脸狐疑的表情。 „Has he comprehended really?” Some Deacon on that high stage, Peak Lord the eyes reveals surprised double pupil tight is staring at that youth, although he has not begun at this moment, that Dao Rhyme that on the form fitting sends out is frightening. “难道他真的有所领悟?”在那高台上的一些执事,峰主眸露惊讶双眸紧紧的盯着那个少年,虽然此刻他没有动手,可身上散发出来的那股道韵却让人心惊。 This links Dao Rhyme that Yuan Core Realm powerhouse may not have! 这可是连元丹境强者也不一定能拥有的道韵啊! „Has he comprehended is really I misreads?” “他真的有所领悟还是我看错了?” Definitely is my misconception!” “肯定是我错觉!” Suddenly elder of various peaks stunned are staring at the front. 一时间各峰的长者都一脸错愕的盯着前方。 At this time they are also hard to determine whether this youth has comprehended, must continue to observe. 此时他们还难以确定这少年是否有所领悟,必须继续观察下去。 Therefore pupil light of audience had almost collects on Xiao Yun most probably. 所以全场的眸光几乎有大半都汇集在了萧云身上。 Extremely arrogant!” On that challenge stage, Chen Feng sees Xiao Yun not to be willing unexpectedly first take action, instead a slightly narrows the pupil induction world natural appearance, this makes him probably become angry out of shame, said how could he is True Yuan late-stage powerhouse such is also despised? “狂妄!”在那挑战台上,陈锋萧云竟然不肯先出手,反而眸子微眯一副感应天地自然的模样,这让他得恼羞成怒,怎么说他也是一个真元后期强者岂能这么被轻视? Since is you courts death, do not blame me not being impolite.” In the Chen Feng heart sneers, this time I must step on you thoroughly in the under foot.” “既然是你找死,就别怪我不客气。”陈锋心中冷笑,“这次我要彻底将你踩在脚下。” Chen Feng pupil light one cold, in the middle of double pupil was seeming to be Profound Hawk evolves, the rays of light twinkle behind him, piece of black light appears, has Profound Hawk to evolve, although is only illusory shadow, but middle the aura of that ominous offense makes the person dread as before. 陈锋眸光一冷,双眸当中似有着一只玄鹰演化而出,在他背后光芒闪烁,一片乌光浮现,真的有着一只玄鹰演化而出,虽然只是虚影,可当中那股凶戾的气息依旧让人忌惮。 Look, this is Martial Spirit!” “看,这就是武魂!” Martial Spirit is really mysterious!” When this Profound Hawk evolves, nearby these came from the disciple eye that various peaks observed one brightly to exude the screams, Martial Spirit was existence of in ten-thousand does not have one, little appears in Heavenly Yuan Sect must see now excitingly. 武魂真是玄妙啊!”当这玄鹰演化出来的时候,附近那些来自各峰观战的弟子不由眼睛一亮发出了惊呼声,武魂万中无一的存在,在天元宗也很少出现如今得见让人振奋。 The hawk of Profound Hawk Martial Spirit strikes Jinding! 玄鹰武魂之鹰击金顶! The Chen Feng body moves, the Profound Hawk bone claw rays of light twinkle in hand, sends out mysterious fluctuation, is indistinct his back Profound Hawk Martial Spirit rays of light to dodge, mysterious fluctuation as if must pour into the middle of this bone claw, sees only rays of light to bloom, evolves a great claw in his top of the head at once. 陈锋身子一动,手中的玄鹰骨爪光芒闪烁,散发出一股晦涩的波动,隐约间他那背后的玄鹰武魂光芒一闪,一股晦涩的波动似乎要注入这骨爪当中,只见得光芒绽放,在他的头顶旋即演化出了一只巨爪。 Whoosh ! 刷! That Profound Hawk moves, is tearing is then void, searches in the sky toward Xiao Yun, a piece of light almost complete covering. 玄鹰一动,便是撕裂虚空,向着萧云当空探下,一片光影几乎将之完全笼罩。 The True Yuan late-stage cultivator imposing manner is dreadful, that True Yuan simply is similar to the stormy sea (difficult situation) anger volume, under challenge stage these Rising Stars Court disciple brows under this imposing manner is also the tight wrinkle, is True Yuan middle-stage they to this imposing manner some dreading. 真元后期修者气势滔天,那真元简直如同惊涛骇浪怒卷而出,在这种气势下就连挑战台下方的那些新秀苑弟子眉头也是紧紧一皱,身为真元中期的他们对这气势有些的忌惮。 This strikes the speed to be quick, is almost quick cannot avoid. 这一击速度很快,快得几乎不能躲避。 Xiao Yun is static standing is but in-situ. 可是萧云却是静静的站立在原地。 He does not avoid unexpectedly, doesn't resist?” Sees this, in the people heart moves, the nerve tightened. “他竟然不躲避,也不抵挡?”见此,众人心中一动,神经都绷紧了起来。 Properly speaking True Yuan middle-stage cultivator must resist this attack strongly! 按理说真元中期修者必须竭力抵挡这种攻击才是啊! Profound Hawk Martial Spirit this and that Profound Hawk bone claw is with the lineage/vein, if fuses to be able completely Magic Item and Martial Spirit might displays all, although what a pity this Chen Feng knows that by the Profound Hawk Martial Spirit's strength stimulation of movement bone claw, has not made it fuse.” Xiao Yun static standing in same place, but the whole person actually resembles and world coincides, nearby all slight pulsations were received in the eye. 玄鹰武魂本与那玄鹰骨爪是同脉,若是完全融合可以将法器武魂的威力尽数发挥出来,可惜这陈锋虽然知道以玄鹰武魂之力催动骨爪,却并没有使之融合。”萧云静静的站在原地,可是整个人却似与天地相合,附近所有的细微脉动都被收入眼中。 Under this Dao Rhyme, he can the clear induction to the Chen Feng insufficiency. 在这种道韵下,他可以清晰的感应到陈锋的不足。 This sensation also wants the mysterious several points compared with the pure Soul Power sensation. 这种感知比单纯的灵魂力感知还要玄妙几分。 After feeling Chen Feng this time boundary Xiao Yun has had to acknowledge that Xu Yankui natural talent is indeed good. 在感觉到了陈锋此时的境界后萧云不得不承认那许闫愧天赋的确不错。 Because that Xu Yankui has achieved a marvelous boundary, the body and soul gather, the soul and soldier gather. 因为那许闫愧就达到了一种奇妙的境界,身与魂合,魂与兵合。 battle strength under that intent domain sufficiently jumps the ranks to fight! 在那种意境战力之强足以越级而战! But Chen Feng is not Xu Yankui. 陈锋不是许闫愧 In that great claw must fall Xiao Yun shook the head, body moves with the wind, such as willow catkin, floating. 就在那巨爪要落下时萧云摇了摇头,身似随风而动,又如一叶柳絮,飘然而起。 That speed seems like very slow, wonderful quick is incomparable, but is leaving behind together the remnant shade same place. 那速度看似很慢,却又奇快无比,只是在原地留下一道残影。 May look from afar he as if has not moved, appears quite mysterious. 可远远看去他似乎又没有动,显得颇为玄妙。 Bang! 砰! Also that great claw falls at this moment, striking maliciously in same place, that challenge stage ground shivered. 也就在这时那巨爪落下,狠狠的击在原地,那挑战台的地面都颤抖了起来。 If not for above inscribes formation mark only to fear that this challenge stage wants the disintegration. 若不是上面刻有阵纹只怕这挑战台都要崩碎。 A terrifying fluctuation sweeps across, is similar to mighty current must submerge the earth. 一股恐怖的波动席卷开来,如同洪流似要淹没大地。 „Does Xiao Yun have the matter?” After this strikes, in all person hearts has emitted such a thought. 萧云有事吗?”在这一击后,所有人心中都冒出了这么一个念头。 When that great claw fell a moment ago, as if that didn't Xiao Yun have take action to resist? 因为刚才那巨爪落下时,似乎那萧云还没有出手抵挡? Waits for them to fix the eyes on looked where that to be in-situ also to have the Xiao Yun shadow! 只是等得他们定睛一看,那原地哪里还有萧云的影子啊! Person?” People the eyes reveals surprised. “人了?”众人眸露惊讶 Avoided?” Chen Feng also feels surprised. “避开了?”陈锋也是感到惊讶不已。 Shout! 呼! However in this time, on competition stage sudden light twinkle, a person's shadow appears. 然而就在此时,比赛台上突然光影闪烁,一个人影出现。 „It is not good!” The Chen Feng eyelid jumps, felt that a heart startled, follows the prestige to go hastily. “不好!”陈锋眼皮一跳,感到一阵心惊,连忙循声望去。 Actually sees appears in the left person's shadow, that right hand raises, has the purple glow twinkle then to divide together in the sky to him. 却见得在左侧一个人影出现,那右手一扬,有着一道紫芒闪烁当空便是向他劈下。 The purple glow like the blade edge, is Purple Flame True Fire condenses, now strikes to divide the potential, if thunder, not only the speed is fast, but also is having an inexplicable imposing manner, to the person an irresistible misconception, Chen Feng under this imposing manner felt that the own whole body lived goose flesh. 紫芒如刃,为紫炎真火凝聚而成,如今一击劈下势若雷霆,不仅速度快,还拥有着一股莫名的气势,给人一种不可抵挡的错觉,在这气势下陈锋感觉自己全身都生起了一股鸡皮疙瘩。 In the heart the chill in the air rises suddenly! 心中寒意骤升! But that purple glow obviously is True Fire, sends out may burn the day the temperature! 可那紫芒明明是真火,散发着可焚天的温度! very powerful strikes, why gives the imposing manner that I one type cannot resist?” In Chen Feng heart surprised. 好强的一击,为何给我一种不能抵挡的气势?”陈锋心中惊讶不已。 ( ( …… ……
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