EMS :: Volume #3

#229: Hold on a minute!

Chapter 229 holds on a minute! 第229章且慢! Hehe, core this time new disciple overall strength is good, has the development potential very much. Kazakh Peak Lord and places of Palace Lord Jiang on high stage with various peaks in the same place, is watching below competition, at this time three are the competition of disciple is also carrying on, but the competitions of Core Palace these disciple are quite relatively speaking splendid, preparing is also noticeable. 呵呵,核心点这次的新弟子整体实力都不错,很有发展潜力。哈”在一处高台姜殿主与各峰的峰主并座在一起,观看着下方的比赛,此时三系弟子的比赛都在同时进行,不过相对而言还是核心殿那些弟子的比赛较为精彩,也更加的备受人瞩目。 Words, although so, but shocking and stunning was actually short, has somewhat been a pity!” elder shook the head saying that Profound Yuan Battlefield must open immediately, in these new disciple enter to be also difficult the harvest, instead is easy becomes the cannon fodder, if cannot enter Profound Yuan Battlefield even though is the talent achievement is also limited, what a pity that Profound Yuan Battlefield five years open one time.” “话虽如此,可是惊才绝艳的却少了些,有些可惜啊!”一个长者摇了摇头说道,“玄元战场马上就要开启了,这些新弟子就算进入里面也难有收获,反而容易成为炮灰,若不能进入玄元战场纵使是天才也成就有限,可惜那玄元战场五年才开启一次。” This Profound Yuan Battlefield has the age limit, the reach 20 years old cannot enter inside, if years of this batch of disciple completely did not have the opportunity and other, otherwise several people can harvest in can also increase many background for my Heavenly Yuan Sect.” “这玄元战场有着年纪限制,满20岁便不可进入里面,若在等五年这批弟子也就全部没有机会了,不然就算有几个人能在里面有所收获也可以为我天元宗增加不少的底蕴。” Hehe, in this batch of disciple the talents of these best pick of the crop have stepped into True Yuan late-stage, if further were achieving late-stage perfection also reluctantly to enter Profound Yuan Battlefield, if their luck can in entering the battlefield well the earliest possible time is broken through, has several extension meetings.” elder said with a smile, „, so long as has stepped into half Yuan Core Realm, was stepping into Yuan Core Realm, did not run into the powerful enemy, can base reluctantly, after all also had the Leaping Dragon Peak talent to enter inside together.” 呵呵,这批弟子中那些拔尖的天才已经踏入了真元后期,若是在进一步达到后期圆满也勉强可以进入玄元战场了,如果他们运气不错能在进入战场内第一时间得到突破,还是有着几分机会的。”一个长者笑道,“只要踏入了半步元丹境,在踏入元丹境,不遇到强敌,也能勉强立足了,毕竟还有跃龙峰的天才一起进入里面。” But in True Yuan perfection boundary entered is too dangerous.” Some people shake the head to say. “可真元圆满境进入里面太危险了。”有人摇头道。 For many years many True Yuan perfection boundary disciple after entering Profound Yuan Battlefield on die, having made people feel to be a pity. 多年来有许多真元圆满境弟子在进入玄元战场后就殒落了,让人感到可惜。 This words difference, wants to obtain the chance, becomes powerhouse, how could to take risk?” That elder rebuttal said. “此话差矣,想要获得机缘,成为强者,岂能不冒险?”那个长者反驳道。 Now discussed these also early.” Palace Lord Jiang beckoned with the hand saying that „in furthermore enters must look at the meanings of these disciple.” “现在谈这些还早了。”姜殿主摆了摆手道,“再者进入里面也得看这些弟子的意思。” Em.” The people all are the slight bows. “恩。”众人皆是微微点头。 That is Rising Stars Peak new basic first?” Unexpectedly, beard snow white elder pupil light concentrates to take a look to front huge high stage, the brow one curved, said that this child natural talent is good, but also has aggressive Profound Hawk Martial Spirit to is may make the material.” “那位就是新秀峰新入门的第一吗?”蓦地,一个胡须雪白的长者眸光一凝瞅向前方一个巨大的高台,眉头一弯,道,“此子天赋不错,还有着攻击性的玄鹰武魂到是个可造之材。” Chen Feng has Martial Spirit also to calculate potential to be uncommon, is worth training, could enter Profound Yuan Battlefield.” Some elder said. 陈锋拥有武魂也算潜力不凡,值得培养,或许可以进入玄元战场。”有长者说道。 Is a pity that Xiao Yun not.” Has several elder to shake the head on this high stage. “可惜那萧云不在。”在这高台上有几位长者摇头。 Middle a person initially led Xiao Yun basic Deacon Qin. 当中一人正是当初带领萧云入门的秦执事 After knowing Xiao Yun enters the place of Martial Dao inheritance not to come out he also feels to regret. 在得知萧云进入武道传承之地一直没有出来后他也是感到惋惜。 Hears Xiao Yun this name, that Palace Lord Jiang also sighed. 听到萧云这个名字,那姜殿主也是不由叹息一声。 Such a good seedling, now actually the road ahead to be difficult to predict. 这么一个好苗子,现在却前路未卜。 natural talent good how? This Xiao Yun is biased, now fell into the demon barrier, sooner or later meets cultivation deviation.” Some person quite indifferent saying, initially brought Chen Feng Huang Deacon, this moment Chen Feng obtains first to make him feel excited. “就算天赋好又如何?这萧云性格偏执,如今陷入了魔障,迟早会走火入魔。”有人颇为冷漠的说道,正是当初带来陈锋黄执事,此刻陈锋获得第一让他感到兴奋。 Xiao Yun, in addition has not come out, you said that his cultivation deviation was rather premature?” Deacon Qin somewhat disgruntled saying. 萧云尚且没有出来,你说他走火入魔未免过早了吧?”秦执事有些不悦的说道。 Already two months, he also in the middle of study and understand?” Huang Deacon sneers saying that Fire Martial Spirit how could study and understand thunder's deep meaning? Brother Qin, should not be extremely sad, not on buckle seed disciple? Later you are looking for several not and that's the end, Hehe, but you start to early, do not let the person rob ahead of time.” “都已经两个月了,难道他还在参悟当中?”黄执事冷笑道,“一个火武魂罢了岂能参悟雷之奥义秦兄,你也不要太过伤心,不就折损了一个种子弟子吗?以后你在找几个不就是了,呵呵,不过你下手可得早,千万别让人给提前抢走了。” You......” the Deacon Qin air/Qi extremely, almost pound the table. “你……”秦执事气极,差点拍案而起。 Was good, one age, but also in this struggle what?” Palace Lord Jiang pupil light is slightly cold, scolds to say. “好了,都一把年纪了,还在这争什么?”姜殿主眸光略冷,呵斥道。 Sees the Palace Lord Jiang start to talk, Huang Deacon then shuts up. 姜殿主开口,黄执事这才闭上嘴。 May also some people probably challenge, rank?” On high stage that in Chen Feng is , a referee sweeps to the people sinking sound track. “可还有人要挑战,排位?”在陈锋所在的高台上,一个裁判扫向众人沉声道。 This tournament by the cultivation level rank showdown, then everyone has the opportunity that three times challenge at first, if wins can replace the challenged position, the opportunity of until everyone three times challenging uses up, when or nobody challenges will then determine the final position. 这排位赛起初是以修为排位对决,然后每个人都有着三次挑战的机会,若是获胜便可代替被挑战的位置,直到每个人三次挑战的机会都用完,或者无人挑战时便将确定最终名次。 I give up challenging.” Wang Lei opens the mouth to say. “我放弃挑战。”王磊开口道。 He and Chen Feng had confrontation, because what a pity cultivation level therefore insufficiently was defeated, therefore gave up continue challenge. 曾经他与陈锋有过交锋,可惜因为修为不够所以落败,故而放弃了继续挑战。 Nearby some disciple also give up continue challenge. 旁边一些弟子也放弃继续挑战。 Has found out the respective strength after several fight basic people as before, is brings contempt upon oneself in the challenge that's all. 经过几番战斗基本众人依旧摸清了各自的实力,就算在挑战也是自取其辱罢了。 Once is injured will then delay practice, therefore many people are not willing to make the senseless challenge. 一旦受伤便会耽搁修炼,所以许多人都不愿意做无谓的挑战。 Sees the people to give up, all general situations have decided that the Chen Feng brow selects to show the self-satisfied smiling face. 见得众人都纷纷放弃,一切大局已定,陈锋眉头一挑露出得意的笑容。 This time from now on I thorough soaring, becomes a dragon amongst men.” In the Chen Feng heart the vitality in boiling, the corners of the mouth pulls, in heart favorite [say / way], Xiao Yun? Ha Ha, has difference of Yun Ni from your me hereafter, if initially you chose top level Magic Item perhaps also with me to fight, now you delay for two months, but also fell in the place of Martial Dao inheritance can come out to be also hard to overtake me.” “这次过后我将彻底的腾飞,成为人中之龙。”陈锋心中气血在沸腾,嘴角一扯,心中得意道,“萧云?哈哈,从此后你我将有着云泥之别,若是当初你选择一件顶级法器或许还可以与我争锋,如今你耽搁两个月,还陷在武道传承之地就算能出来也难以追上我了。” In the Chen Feng heart has filled self-confidently. 陈锋心中充满了自信。 Surmounts one step in Heavenly Yuan Sect, will surmount the innumerable steps, finally forms the distance that is unable to overstep. 天元宗超越一步,就会超越无数步,最后形成一个无法逾越的距离。 Since nobody challenges, then I announced that Core Palace Rising Stars Court disciple examination finished in light of this, what first is......” that referee sound like the thunder, starts to announce the result, that low and deep powerful sound has brought in the attention of countless person immediately. “既然无人挑战,那么我宣布核心殿新秀苑弟子考核就此完毕,第一名的是……”那个裁判声音如雷,开始宣布结果,那低沉有力的声音顿时引来了无数人的关注。 „Did the Rising Stars Court tournament end?” Many disciple in abundance look like to this, who wanted to have a look is obtained first, elder of various peaks also collected pupil light on this high stage, Rising Stars Court was the place of talent collection naturally must have the attention of these people. 新秀苑的排位赛就结束了吗?”许多弟子纷纷向此看来,想要看看是谁获得了第一,就连各峰的长者也将眸光汇集在了这个高台上,新秀苑为天才汇集之处自然少不了这些人的关注。 Hehe, this Chen Feng obtains the Rising Stars Court first old man also to obtain certain contribution points.” That Huang Deacon appears specially excited, „, if then he continues to challenge the disciple success of Heavenly Performance Court, will also obtain a good quota I to obtain more advantage.” 呵呵,这陈锋获得新秀苑第一老夫也可以获得一定的功劳点。”那黄执事显得特别兴奋,“若是接下来他继续挑战天秀苑弟子成功,还取得一个不错的名额我将得到更多的好处。” In the heart is thinking like this, Huang Deacon filled has hoped that was waiting for announcement of result. 心中这样想着,黄执事充满了期许,在等候着结果的宣布。 Holds on a minute!” Who would have thought innumerably was saying that pupil light collects when that high stage waits to announce the result, together the resounding sound suddenly resounds broke. atmosphere, cultivator bring whole face surprise pupil light following the sound that broadcasts suddenly to be in sight “且慢!”哪知就在无数道眸光汇集在那高台上等候宣布结果时,一道响亮的声音骤然响起生生打破了场中的气氛,一个个修者带着满脸诧异的眸光循着那突然传来的声音所在望去。 Who is?” The referee brow on that high stage also slightly selects. “是谁?”就连那高台上的裁判眉头也是微微一挑。 What's the matter?” Rising Stars Court disciple is a face surprise. “怎么回事?”新秀苑弟子更是一脸诧异。 Chen Feng brows tightly frowns, that heart thump jumps, felt a restlessness. 陈锋眉头紧锁,那心头咯噔一跳,感到了一丝不安。 He must obtain first, how to leave the fork? 他已经要获得第一了,怎么就又出叉子了? This makes him very depressed, because such matter is not the first time. 这让他很郁闷,因为这样的事情已经不是第一次了。 Brings disturbed mood Chen Feng also to follow the prestige to go. 带着忐忑的心情陈锋也循声望去。 ! 咻! In that martial arts stage sky, the escaping light flies together, presented along with on distance the two youth of pulling closer when the line of sight of people, when looked at an appropriate year summary to be light, in addition also has such naivete youth, the Chen Feng eye pupil shrank suddenly, that heart then sank to the valley immediately, the eggplant that the complexion such as the frost hit faded. 在那演武场的上空,一道遁光飞来,随着距离的拉近上面的两个青年也是呈现在了众人的视线中,当瞧得当中一个年纪略轻,尚且还有着那么一丝稚气的青年时,陈锋眼瞳骤然一缩,那颗心当即便是沉入了谷底,脸色如霜打的茄子蔫了起来。 Xiao Yun?” Chen Feng brows tightly frowns, after seeing clearly the appearance of that youth, has almost not spat blood. 萧云?”陈锋眉头紧锁,在看清楚了那个青年的模样后,差点没有吐血。 Saw own must first obtain, how did this boy appear? 眼看着自己的第一就要获得了,怎么这小子又出现了? Is he my difficult adversary? 难道他是我的克星? Is Xiao Yun!” The screams, resound in this piece of martial arts stage unexpectedly, afterward pupil light all collect on him. “是萧云!”惊呼声,蓦地在这片演武场中响起,随后一道道眸光皆是汇集在他身上。 Xiao Yun! Did he come out unexpectedly?” On high stage Core Palace these elder are also the eyes reveals surprised. 萧云!他竟然出来了?”就连高台核心殿那些长者也是眸露惊讶 „Is he Xiao Yun?” In various peaks some Peak Lord as well as elder are the pupil dew are curious, fell pupil light on Xiao Yun, started secretly was taking a look at him, had the Flawless Martial Spirit God's favored one regarding this, they already were also well-known! “他就是萧云吗?”各峰中一些峰主以及长者都是眸露好奇,将眸光落在了萧云身上,开始暗暗的打量着他,对于这个拥有无暇武魂的天之骄子,他们也是早就闻名了啊! Senior Brother Xiao, has not thought that is he!” Wang Lei eye one bright, reveals whole face to laugh foolishly, was then good, has Senior Brother Xiao to enter the stage, first belongs to him, looks at this Chen Feng also how horizontal?” Almost is not supercilious when this Chen Feng in Xiao Yun, quite simple and honest Wang Lei also somewhat was unable to continue watching to it, now sees Xiao Yun to return in the heart hopes. 萧师兄,没有想到是他!”王磊眼睛一亮,露出满脸憨笑,“这下好了,有萧师兄出场,第一非他莫属,看这陈锋还怎么横?”在萧云不在时这陈锋几乎是目中无人,就连着颇为憨厚的王磊对其也是有些看不下去了,如今见得萧云归来心中期许不已。 „The Senior Brother Xiao facial expression is temperate, double pupil is limpid, should likely not be the cultivation deviation appearance.” The Duan Ling'er bright pupil winks, is inducing the Xiao Yun aura carefully, is also looking at a latter safe and sound appearance her heart is lies in relaxed. 萧师兄气色温和,双眸清澈,应该不像是走火入魔的样子。”段灵儿明亮的眸子眨动,仔细感应着萧云的气息,在瞧得后者一副安然无恙的模样她那颗芳心也是在于松了一口气。 Since heard after Xiao Yun possibly falling fascinated barrier, she is heavyhearted! 自从听说萧云可能陷入魔障后她可是忧心忡忡啊! Xiao Yun! Hehe, this boy does not have matter finally!” Deacon Qin stares first, in inducing in wild with joy to the Xiao Yun aura back of the body, relied on Yuan Core Realm that strong induction force, the twinkling had been discovering the latter this time condition was extremely good. 萧云呵呵,这小子总算没有事!”秦执事先是一愣,在感应到萧云的气息后心中一阵狂喜,凭借着元丹境那超强的感应力,瞬息就发现了后者此时状态极好。 This Xiao Yun not only does not have the cultivation deviation sign, when within both eyes is also having an inexplicable self-confidence, the glance four directions gives people unexpectedly an misconception of looking disdainfully, although that pupil light dodges passes, as before was actually being received in the eye by Deacon Qin. 萧云不仅没有走火入魔的迹象,双眸中还拥有着一股莫名的自信,扫视四方时竟然给人一种睥睨的错觉,虽然那种眸光只是一闪即逝,却依旧被着秦执事收入了眼中。 The people who looks at this appearance, as if in the field these competitions had not been placed in the heart by him. 瞧这模样,似乎场中那些比赛的人都没有被他放在心中。 Hence, Deacon Qin that is hanging the heart thoroughly has also put. 至此,秦执事那颗悬着的心也是彻底放了下来。 Escorts basic talent as him personally, he naturally hopes that the latter can obtain the best development. 作为他亲自护送入门的天才,他自然希望后者能得到最好的发展。 Xiao Yun? Is this boy all right unexpectedly?” That Huang Deacon brow actually closely wrinkled. 萧云?这小子竟然没事?”那黄执事眉头却是紧紧的皱了起来。 The appearance of Xiao Yun made entire martial arts stage has lived it up especially. 萧云的出现让得整个演武场都变得格外热闹了起来。 That referee also stopped judging. 那名裁判也是停止了宣判。 Shout! 呼! The rays of light twinkle, Zhang Tianlong brings Xiao Yun then to fall on high stage that in Palace Lord Jiang was at with these Peak Lord. 光芒闪烁,张天龙带着萧云便是落在了姜殿主与那些峰主所在的高台上。 Reported Palace Lord, disciple brought Junior Brother Xiao.” Zhang Tianlong falls to the ground, at once says with a smile, Junior Brother Xiao, because does not know competes today, and is in the place of Martial Dao inheritance, will therefore delay small competition, but also invited the opportunity that you can give him one time to compete.” “禀告殿主,弟子已将萧师弟带到。”张天龙落地,旋即笑道,“萧师弟因为不知今天比赛,且身在武道传承之地,所以才会耽搁小比,还请您能给他一次比赛的机会。” Has seen Palace Lord, elder.” Xiao Yun falls to the ground, saluted toward Palace Lord Jiang and the others. “见过殿主,诸位长辈。”萧云落地,向着姜殿主等人施礼。 Hehe, you can come out safely, is lucky, since can catch up promptly, naturally may make you continue to attend the competition.” Palace Lord Jiang slightly narrows the pupil, shows the kind smiling face, his hand is stroking the beard, is taking a look at front youth. 呵呵,你能安然出来,已是万幸,既然能及时赶来,自然可让你继续参加比赛。”姜殿主眸子微眯,露出一脸慈祥的笑容,他手捋着胡须,打量着面前的青年。 Actually does not know that you can have the harvest in the Martial Dao Tablet study and understand two months?” Palace Lord Jiang within those eyes has the rays of light twinkle that hopes. “却不知你在武道碑参悟两个月可有收获?”姜殿主那双眸中有着期许的光芒闪烁。 Was quasi- Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse his one eyes saw Xiao Yun as if has changed, therefore there is this one to ask. 身为准元婴境强者他一眼就看出了萧云似乎有所变化,故而有此一问。 Nearby some elder also throws curious pupil light. 旁边一些长者也是投来好奇的眸光 Especially these once waited for result elder outside, this moment within both eyes has filled fiery. 特别是那些曾经在外面等候结果的长者,此刻双眸中都充满了火热。 Is indebted Palace Lord with senior deep affection, disciple slightly has attained in Martial Dao Tablet, but actually must continually improve.” Xiao Yun neither arrogant nor servile saying. “承蒙殿主与诸位前辈厚爱,弟子武道碑中略有所获,不过却需不断完善。”萧云不亢不卑的说道。 Has harvested!” Hears this word, Palace Lord Jiang to feel that the heart of own fiercely jumped, this time had two disciple to obtain deep meaning inheritance, that was equal to that Core Palace were many two true non- world talents. “有所收获!”听得此言,姜殿主感觉自己的心脏都猛的跳了一下,如此说来此次有两个弟子得到了一丝奥义传承,那就等于核心殿多了两位真正的不世天才。 Big of such character potential may the non- average man be possible to compare! 这样的人物潜力之大可非常人可比啊! ( ( …… ……
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