EMS :: Volume #3

#228: The small ratio starts

Chapter 228 small competition starts 第228章小比开始 After Xiao Yun communicates Martial Tablet void flood ripples, the light has glittered he only to think that immediately own as if left that mysterious space, the next quarter, a neat aura greets the nostrils to come, when the pupil light institute and Xiao Yun discovered that own appeared sky over the bridge. Ha 萧云沟通武碑后虚空中顿时泛起了一阵涟漪,光影闪烁他只觉自己似乎离开了那个神秘的空间,下一刻,一股清爽的气息扑鼻而来,当眸光所及萧云发现自己已经出现在长桥上空。哈 The mist wriggles, the Xiao Yun body one fell on the bridge lightly. 雾气蠕动,萧云身子一轻落在了长桥上。 Does not know how long in inside I did stay?” Breathes that familiar air, Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, pupil light is turning toward the front to look into the distance to go, what is strange is by the front fog, he has not seen that proper person's shadow unexpectedly. “也不知我在里面呆了多久?”呼吸着那熟悉的空气,萧云眸子微眯,眸光不由向着前方眺望而去,不过奇怪的是透过前方云雾,他竟然没有看到那应有的人影。 Person?” Xiao Yun stares, felt that has bewilderedly. “人了?”萧云一愣,感到有着莫名其妙。 Walked?” Xiao Yun sighed, own was too not treated sees. “难道都走了?”萧云叹了口气,自己也太不受待见了吧。 The person who properly speaking enters this Martial Dao inheritance cliff is relating the development of Heavenly Yuan Sect, these Core Palace elder should await the news here is, but links a person's shadow not to see now, the appearance that this and these elder get together at first is clearly opposite. 按理说进入这武道传承崖的人关系着天元宗的发展,那些核心殿长者都应该在这里等候消息才是,可是现在连一个人影都没有看到了,这和起初那些长者齐聚的模样截然相反。 Shook Xiao Yun steps the step leisurely toward the front walks. 甩了甩头萧云迈动着步伐慢悠悠的向着前方走去。 Now a person here, he is also glad leisurely and carefree. 如今一个人在此,他也乐得悠闲。 In this school ground, Zhang Tianlong at this moment bored here alone waits, his pupil light often turns toward a direction to take a look appears the absent-minded appearance, Core Palace disciple small competition started soon, now should have the result.” 在这校场中,张天龙此刻正无聊的在这里独自等候,他眸光不时向着一个方向瞅去显得心不在焉的样子,“核心殿弟子小比已经开始不久了,现在应该已经有结果了吧。” How doesn't know this time Junior Brother natural talent?” Zhang Tianlong muttered. “也不知道这次的师弟天赋如何?”张天龙喃喃自语。 Unexpectedly, his eyelid jumps, felt that has a fluctuation to transmit. 蓦地,他眼皮一跳,感觉到有着一股波动传来。 Has the person!” Zhang Tianlong a pupil light revolution, then looks immediately following that fluctuation. “有人!”张天龙当即眸光一转,便是循着那股波动看去。 Finally his line of sight locks in the direction that mountain abyss was. 最后他的视线锁定在了那山渊所在的方向。 In a there youth the steps from the bridge on, has been entering into that mountainside in the spot. 在那里一个少年正从长桥上踏步而上,迈入了那山腰的实地上。 Is Junior Brother Xiao!” Sees this youth, in the Zhang Tianlong heart one happy, the whole person felt that the spirit shakes, he does not have the matter!” “是萧师弟!”见得这少年,张天龙心中一喜,整个人感觉精神一震,“他没有事!” Xiao Yun strolls walks, appears very leisurely and carefree, simply does not have an ill appearance. 萧云闲庭信步的走来,显得很悠闲,根本没有一丝不适的样子。 Hehe.” Zhang Tianlong fall about, he was waiting for a long time, once thinks that Xiao Yun fell into the demon barrier, even if comes out also to damage and foundation mostly, but now looks like, this youth where had one to be destroyed the appearance of foundation! 呵呵。”张天龙忍不住大笑了一声,他在等候已久,也一度以为萧云陷入了魔障,就算出来多半也会损及根基,可现在看来,这少年哪有一丝被毁了根基的模样啊! Why does not know, Zhang Tianlong even felt on that youth to be many one point of inexplicable flavor. 不知为何,张天龙甚至感觉那少年身上多了一分莫名的韵味。 What flavor was?” Zhang Tianlong brows tightly frowns, although felt that the Xiao Yun makings change, where is actually hard to talk clearly to change, after the thinking turns he carefully observes to go, afterward the eye pupil shrinks, mutters, he strolls to come to have one type hidden in the feeling that the fog and world coincide, this is a nature Dao Rhyme non- average person may have.” “是什么韵味了?”张天龙眉头紧锁,虽然感觉萧云气质有变,却又难以说清变化在哪里,在思索一翻后他仔细观察而去,随后眼瞳一缩,喃喃道,“他闲庭信步而来却有着一种隐于云雾与天地相合的感觉,这是一种自然道韵非一般人可有。” This is my misconception, has he comprehended?” This slight discovery makes Zhang Tianlong feel the surprise. “这是我的错觉,还是他有所领悟?”这种细微的发现让张天龙感到诧异。 Because induces to go carefully, the youth also as if no what change, is optional taking a step comes, is very difficult to judge him to sense, the coincidence in had such an inexplicable boundary accidentally, is actually not own all. 因为仔细感应而去,那少年又似乎没有什么变化,就是随意的迈步而来,很难判断他到底是有所感悟,还是巧合在无意中有了这么一种莫名的境界,却并非自己所有。 Senior Brother Zhang?” When Zhang Tianlong puzzled Xiao Yun unexpectedly the eyes reveals surprised, opens the mouth to say. 张师兄?”就在张天龙一脸疑惑的时候萧云蓦地眸露惊讶,开口道。 Hehe, Junior Brother Xiao you came out.” Zhang Tianlong smiles, turns toward Xiao Yun to walk hastily. 呵呵,萧师弟你出来了。”张天龙一笑,连忙向着萧云走来。 You in this?” Xiao Yun took a look at a that broad school ground, having several points of doubts to ask. “就你一个人在这?”萧云瞅了一眼那宽阔的校场,带着几分疑惑问道。 This...... Because the people waited to be too long, saw you not to come out, Palace Lord and the others first left.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile embarrasedly. “这个……因为众人等了太久,见你没有出来,殿主等人就都先离开了。”张天龙讪讪一笑道。 Is too long?” Xiao Yun stares, said that how long in inside I did stay?” “太久?”萧云一愣,道,“我在里面呆了多久?” Had enough 57 days.” Zhang Tianlong said. “有足足57天了。”张天龙说道。 Anything! 57 days!” hear speech/words, the Xiao Yun brow is tight a wrinkle. “什么!57天了!”闻言,萧云眉头不由紧紧一皱。 57 days, this time is two months! 57天,这次可是两个月时间啊! If closes up with this time, only feared that own has stepped into the True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment boundary? 要是用这时间闭关,只怕自己已经踏入了真元后期小成境了吧? This makes Xiao Yun feel some meat pains. 这让萧云感到有些肉痛。 Boy, you resulted.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow knows in the Xiao Yun heart to think that immediately despises saying that you have sensed deep meaning in that Martial Tablet illusion, was equal to condensing the deep meaning seed, later can take root to germinate to comprehend true Grand Dao deep meaning depending on this.” “小子,你就得了吧。”吞天雀似知道萧云心中所想,当下鄙视道,“你在那武碑幻境里面感悟了一丝奥义,等于凝聚了奥义种子,以后可以凭此生根发芽领悟真正的大道奥义。” Such chance others asked unable to strive, you also in this meat pain?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow speechless. “这样的机缘别人求都求不来,你还在这肉痛?”吞天雀一阵无语。 That actually, the time of but this spending was also too long.” Hears Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow this saying, Xiao Yun then suddenly. “那倒是,只是这次花的时间也太长了些。”听得吞天雀这话,萧云这才霍然。 cultivation level can promote slowly, but this world deep meaning is actually not you wants to comprehend can comprehend. 修为可以慢慢提升,可是这种天地奥义却不是你想领悟就能领悟。 Therefore comprehensive flowered such several time can comprehend are not owe. 所以综合算起来花这么几个的时间得以领悟真的不算亏。 „Do you also know surprisedly?” Sees a Xiao Yun surprised expression, Zhang Tianlong actually cannot bear show the whites of the eyes. “你也知道惊讶?”见萧云一副惊讶的表情,张天龙却是忍不住翻了个白眼。 During this period was flustered he. 在这期间可是急坏了他。 After the heart ponders one darkly, the Zhang Tianlong brow selects to bring several points of strange pupil light to take a look to Xiao Yun, smiling asking, Junior Brother Xiao, can you harvest in that?” Regarding this he has filled curiously, looks at Xiao Yun now this indifferent appearance, should not have achieved nothing is. 心中暗忖一句后,张天龙眉头一挑带着几分怪异的眸光瞅向萧云,笑盈盈的问道,“萧师弟,你在那里面可有所收获?”对此他充满了好奇,瞧萧云现在这淡然的模样,不应该一无所获才是。 But Xiao Yun does not have Thunder Spirit Physique, wanting in the middle of study and understand deep meaning to be too difficult. 可是萧云并没有雷灵体,想要参悟当中的奥义太难了。 Has sensed by luck.” Xiao Yun let go the palm to smile. “侥幸有所感悟。”萧云摊了摊手掌一笑。 Has sensed?” The Zhang Tianlong eyelid jumps, said that really?” “有所感悟?”张天龙眼皮一跳,道,“真的?” Em.” Xiao Yun nodded saying that Qin Chuan senior for the talent of having god-given wisdom, what a pity my cultivation level during addition insufficiently cannot comprehend the Martial Dao true meaning completely, but also needs to come step by step, so long as life practice I believe incessantly can surmount the footsteps of predecessor finally.” “恩。”萧云点了点头道,“秦川前辈为天纵之才,可惜我修为不够尚且不能完全领悟当中的武道真意,还需要一步步来,不过只要生命不止修炼不息我相信终能超越前人的脚步。” Qin Chuan senior.” Zhang Tianlong eye one bright, muttered, looked like he has harvested.” 秦川前辈。”张天龙眼睛一亮,喃喃道,“看来他真的有所收获。” Although he does not have study and understand this Martial Dao inheritance, but also knows that who this Martial Tablet is remains. 虽然他没有参悟过这武道传承,可是也知道这武碑是何人所留。 Now Xiao Yun will open the mouth to select this senior to come not to have the vacation. 如今萧云开口点出了这位前辈想来不会有假。 Furthermore, this matter does not need to counterfeit, otherwise has the dew to fall eventually. 再者,这种事情也无需作假,不然终究有露陷的时候。 By Zhang Tianlong to Xiao Yun the understanding latter likely is not the person of that injuring oneself in putting on a vain show. 张天龙萧云的了解后者也不像是那种打肿脸充胖子的人。 Has not cared regarding Zhang Tianlong surprised expression Xiao Yun, his pupil light raises, asks, other people?” 对于张天龙的惊讶表情萧云并没有在意,他眸光一扬,问道,“其他人了?” Hehe, other people already came out.” Zhang Tianlong smiles to say. 呵呵,其他人早就出来了。”张天龙一笑说道。 Came out?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, originally own is last comes out. “都出来了?”萧云眉头一弯,原来自己是最后一个出来的。 , Xiao Yun continued to ask, has several people to harvest in?” 顿了顿,萧云继续问道,“有几个人在里面有所收获?” Has one person.” Zhang Tianlong said that that is Lei Tai.” “只有一人。”张天龙说道,“那便是雷泰。” Lei Tai.” Xiao Yun muttered, said that wants to come also only then he.” 雷泰。”萧云喃喃自语,道,“想来也只有他了。” Initially facing the attack of that clothes man, only then that Lei Tai was fearless, a take action war. 当初面对那青衫男子的攻击,也只有那雷泰无所畏惧,出手一战。 This type fearless with that Qin Chuan [say / way] has several points of conjunction, relatively speaking obtains the sensibility the opportunity to be also bigger. 这种无惧与那位秦川的‘道’有着几分契合,相对而言获得感悟的机会也大些。 Was right, today is Core Palace small competition time, you quickly participate in small competition.” Suddenly, Zhang Tianlong pupil light one bright, said that this small competition is quite important to you, if you can in inside surface once obtains the approval of Sect, the resources as well as the treatment that obtains will be higher than others, the speed that then you grow will be faster.” “对了,今天是核心殿小比的时候,你赶快去参加小比。”突然,张天龙眸光一亮,说道,“这小比对你们来说颇为重要,你若是能在里面脱颖而出一旦得到宗门的认可,那获得的资源以及待遇都将会比别人高,如此一来你成长的速度将更快。” small competition.” In the Xiao Yun heart moves, regarding this he heard when crossing the threshold. 小比。”萧云心中一动,对此他在入门时就已经听说了。 In fact, previous time goes to prepare the ground for this small competition informed and experienced. 事实上,上次去历练就是为了这小比做铺垫。 So long as obtained the good achievements when the experience, obtained more resources, has the opportunity to emerge when small competition. 只要在历练时获得了好成绩,得到了更多的资源,在小比时才有机会脱颖而出。 „Do I go now also with enough time?” Xiao Yun asked. “我现在去还来得及吗?”萧云问道。 Should with enough time.” Zhang Tianlong said that after all you are because will enter Martial Dao inheritance to delay this matter.” “应该来得及。”张天龙说道,“毕竟你是因为进入了武道传承地才会耽搁此事。” That is good.” Xiao Yun relaxed, he wholeheartedly wants to surface to obtain to go to the qualifications of Profound Yuan Battlefield in the gate, naturally cannot miss any to promote the own treatment the opportunity, therefore he also very much regards as important to this small competition. “那就好。”萧云松了口气,他一心想在门内脱颖而出以获得前往玄元战场的资格,自然不会错过任何一个提升自己待遇的机会,所以对这次小比他也是很看重。 Matter is not suitable late, we instantly leave.” Zhang Tianlong offers a sacrifice to magic sword to carry Xiao Yun then to turn toward the place of that competition to run away. “事不宜迟,我们立即动身。”张天龙祭出法剑载着萧云便向着那比赛之地遁去。 At this point, Core Palace that locates martial arts stage, is extremely busy, a noise sound enters the clouds. 在此时,核心殿的那处演武场,已经是热闹非凡,一片喧嚣声直入云霄。 Here collected various peaks disciple, at this moment is paying attention to the field that splendid competition. 在这里汇集了各峰的弟子,此刻都在关注着场中那精彩的比赛。 This examination is entire Heavenly Yuan Sect examination, not only Core Palace disciple will carry on small competition, launches the tournament. 这次考核是整个天元宗考核,不仅核心殿弟子会进行一场小比,展开排位赛。 disciple that emerges from various peaks will also come this Core Palace to attend the competition. 从各峰中脱颖而出的弟子也会来这核心殿参加比赛。 In fact disciple of various Heavenly Yuan Sect peaks several days ago started to carry on the competition, as long as obtains first ten in various peaks crosses the threshold disciple to join Core Palace newly, if they want to obtain better resources, that must in the talent that in all these choose emerges. 事实上在几天前天元宗各峰的弟子就已经开始进行了比赛,但凡是在各峰中获得前十的新入门弟子都可以加入核心殿,如果他们想要得到更好的资源,那就得在各方这些挑选出来的天才中脱颖而出。 In other words Core Palace martial arts stage will carry on several competitions. 也就是说核心殿演武场将进行几场比赛。 First is Rising Stars Peak Xiao Yun that batch of 18 disciple carries on the tournament. 第一就是新秀峰萧云那批18名弟子进行排位赛。 Second is Zheng Tianwei carries on the tournament for Heavenly Performance Court that batch of disciple of representative. 第二则是郑天伟为代表的天秀苑那批弟子进行排位赛。 Then Xiao Yun this batch of disciple can also challenge Zheng Tianwei that batch of disciple, obtains a higher quota by this. 然后萧云这批弟子也可以挑战郑天伟那批弟子,以此获得更高的名额。 Next is Heavenly Yuan Sect, 50 disciple that Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth five peaks chooses launch their tournaments. 其次就是天元宗,那金木水火土五峰挑选出来的50名弟子展开他们的排位赛。 These people will not participate in the challenge of Core Palace disciple. 这些人不会参与核心殿弟子的挑战。 Because the both sides physique varying potential has difference, disciple that even if that five peaks chooses on a cultivation level high section also showed for a while his present cultivation level is high, Heavenly Yuan Sect looks is not the temporary strength, but is this disciple potential. 因为双方体质不一潜力有区别,就算那五峰挑选出来的弟子一时修为高上一截也只是说明他现在修为较高罢了,天元宗看的不是一时的实力,而是这个弟子的潜力。 At this time competes has carried on bustling, three martial arts stage, have been going to come out ranks finally. 此时比赛已经进行得热火朝天,三个演武台,已经将要决出最终的排位了。 Has 18 seats on high stage, is representing 18 ranks, at this time sits in first impressively is that Chen Feng. 在一个高台上有18个位子,代表着18个排位,此时坐在第一的赫然就是那陈锋 Sits Wang Lei side Chen Feng in turn, Duan Ling'er, Zhou Ping. 陈锋身边依次坐着王磊,段灵儿,周平 This they promote for the past two months quickly, in addition begins Magic Item to be higher than a rank the average man, is not the average person may compare by far. 这两个月来他们提升极快,加上手中的法器比常人高一个等级,远远不是一般人可比。 This time is really the day helps me, that Xiao Yun has not come to participate in small competition unexpectedly, now I for first, have been able to obtain many to grant, if I challenge early Heavenly Performance Court that crowd of disciple to succeed again, Core Palace elder will hold in high esteem to me.” Chen Feng sat in the first position took a fast look around these Junior Brother of side lightly, afterward then fell pupil light on another high stage. “这次真是天助我也,那萧云竟然没有来参加小比,现在我为第一,已经可以得到诸多赏赐了,若我再挑战早天秀苑那群弟子成功,核心殿长者都会对我刮目相看。”陈锋坐在第一的位置上淡淡的扫视了一眼身边的那些师弟,随后便将眸光落在了另外一处高台上。 In there is Rising Stars Peak, Heavenly Performance Court disciple. 在那里是新秀峰,天秀苑弟子 There present altogether has 58 people, because of Zheng Tianwei and the others in Black Clouds Cave die. 那里现在一共有58人,因为郑天伟等人在黑云窟殒落 Now Chen Feng has stepped into True Yuan late-stage, the cultivation level disparity was small with these people gradually, had strength of the war. 如今陈锋已经踏入了真元后期,修为的差距已经与这些人逐渐拉小,已有了一战之力。 If that Xiao Yun real cultivation deviation degenerated into the disabled person to be good.” In the Chen Feng heart whispered. “若是那萧云真的走火入魔沦为废人就好了。”陈锋心中嘀咕道。 Several times press a Chen Feng head in Rising Stars Court Xiao Yun, enabling it to have an inexplicable restlessness. 新秀苑萧云几次都压陈锋一头,使之都有了一种莫名的不安。 Does not dread regarding others Chen Feng, dreads Xiao Yun only. 对于别人陈锋并不畏惧,唯独忌惮萧云 In the consciousness Xiao Yun did not become his dream demon. 不知觉中萧云已经成为了他的梦魔。 ( ( …… ……
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