EMS :: Volume #3

#227: Comprehension! Comprehension!

Chapter 227 comprehends! Comprehension! 第227章领悟!领悟! You quite diligently, if can further step into Yuan Core Realm, perhaps has the opportunity to harvest in Profound Yuan Battlefield. { Please search in hundred degree celsius, first round entire writing reading } Palace Lord Jiang said that „, only then emerges to become there true powerhouse, Heavenly Capital Domain is the big stages of various talents, may fly for group Long Teng (dragon soaring).” “你好生努力,若是能在进一步踏入元丹境,或许有机会在玄元战场有所收获。{请在百度搜索哈,首发全文字阅读}”姜殿主说道,“只有在那里脱颖而出才能成为真正的强者,天都域才是各种天才的大舞台,可供群龙腾飞。” Heavenly Capital Domain! Can fly for group Long Teng (dragon soaring)?” 天都域!可供群龙腾飞?” Hears Palace Lord Jiang this word, in the Lei Tai mouth to mutter, rays of light in that eye pupil was also the burning hot that changed, slightly, that aura slowly reserved, nodded saying that disciple will certainly try hard practice, will not disappoint the Sect great expectations.” 听得姜殿主此言,雷泰口中喃喃自语,那眼瞳中的光芒也是变的炙热了起来,稍许后那气息才慢慢内敛,点了点头道,“弟子一定会努力修炼,绝不会辜负宗门的厚望。” Em.” The Palace Lord Jiang slight bow, said that „, if you have any question to inquire me on practice path and others.” “恩。”姜殿主微微点头,道,“若你在修炼一道上有任何疑问可以来询问我等。” Em.” Lei Tai nods, afterward said goodbye in light of this, this time he also needed unceasingly stably, firm own became aware. “恩。”雷泰点头,随后就此告辞,此番他还需要不断稳固,坚定自己所悟。 This Lei Tai is good, later will certainly shine the brilliance greatly.” After Core Palace several elder see the youth, that departs gradually slight bow. “这雷泰不错,以后必将大放光彩。”核心殿的几位长者见得那缓步离去的青年后都微微点头。 Has comprehended actually free from arrogance and rashness, this is true powerhouse should have the mentality that. 有所领悟却不骄不躁,这才是真正强者应该有的心态。 practice path will be forever without limits, because if the temporary harvest thinks oneself infallible, that achievement eventually is limited. 修炼一道永无止境,若是因为一时的收获就自以为是,那成就终究是有限。 Remaining looked at that Xiao Yun.” Palace Lord Jiang caresses must smile, now Lei Tai obtained one to sense him to satisfy, after all this Martial Dao intent domain was too difficult to ponder over, even if you had clearly to become aware, wanted to grab in the hand is actually a different matter. “剩下就看那萧云了。”姜殿主抚须而笑,如今有一个雷泰获得了一丝感悟他已经十分满意了,毕竟这种武道意境太难琢磨了,就算你有所明悟,想要抓住手中却又是另外一回事。 Therefore inheritance opens each time, are extremely few some people possible from middle study and understand intent domain. 所以每次传承开启,都极少有人可从当中参悟一丝意境 Now the person obtained the sensibility, the people thought that was rare, therefore has also been short of several points to hoping of Xiao Yun, at least did not have the initial that anxiety, was waiting with the tranquil mentality, only slightly hopes that he can bring pleasantly surprised that's all. 现在有一个人得到了感悟,众人已经觉得是难得了,所以对萧云的期许也就少了几分,至少没有了当初的那种焦急,都是以平静的心态在等候,只略微希望他能带来惊喜罢了。 Leaping Dragon Peak and Rising Stars Peak these disciple also started several points of lazy, was short for several points to anticipate. 就连跃龙峰新秀峰的那些弟子也开始多了几分慵懒,也少了几分期待。 Consecutively for two days, Xiao Yun has not come out as before. 连续两天,萧云依旧没有出来。 I thought that he is also very difficult to obtain anything to sense, here waits to waste me and others time that's all. “我看他也很难得到什么感悟,在这里等只是浪费我等的时间罢了。 Good, immediately wanted small competition, I went to turn cultivation level consolidated was saying.” Some disciple waited for 1-2 days not to be willing in paying attention to this matter, departed in abundance in light of this, regarding them, small competition that later will carry on is heavy in all. “不错,马上就要小比了,我还是去将修为巩固一翻在说。”一些弟子等了一两天就不愿意在关注此事,纷纷就此离去,对于他们来说,稍后将进行的小比重于一切。 I thought that Xiao Yun fell into the demon barrier mostly.” “我看那萧云多半是陷入了魔障。” Is a pity! He has flawless Fire Martial Spirit, so long as many directs to have the opportunity becomes a side powerhouse.” Core Palace elder sighed again and again, „, if he fell into the demon barrier, to my Heavenly Yuan Sect was also not a small loss!” “可惜啊!他拥有无暇火之武魂,只要多加指引还是有着机会成为一方强者的。”核心殿长者连连叹息,“若他真陷入了魔障,对我天元宗来说也是一个不小的损失啊!” Shortly after Core Palace some elder people start to depart, does not think that was waiting. 不久后就连核心殿长者都有人开始离去,不想在多等了。 Because looked that this situation that youth a short time will not come out. 因为看这情况那少年一时半会是不会出来了。 40 days, how hadn't Junior Brother Xiao come out?” Zhang Tianlong brows tightly frowns, in the heart filled worried. “都40天了,怎么萧师弟还没有出来?”张天龙眉头紧锁,心中充满了担忧。 He placed very big expectation on Xiao Yun, but this situation makes people feel now restless. 他对萧云寄予了很大的期望,可是现在这情况却让人感到不安。 Properly speaking had such long time to comprehend sufficiently is. 按理说有这么长的时间足以有所领悟了才是。 But Xiao Yun has not actually come out, fell into the demon barrier mostly. 萧云却迟迟没有出来,多半真的是陷入了魔障。 But at this moment, here almost did not have the disciple attention of Core Palace. 而此刻,这里几乎没有了核心殿弟子关注。 Because shortly after is Core Palace small competition. 因为不久后就是核心殿小比 Not only Rising Stars Peak disciple must carry on competition, that Leaping Dragon Peak disciple is also closing up, prepares to attack the shackles. 不仅新秀峰弟子要进行比赛,那跃龙峰弟子也在闭关,准备冲击桎梏。 Because regarding them, then rare opportunity, only then the promotion strength has the opportunity to enter Profound Yuan Battlefield. 因为对于他们来说,接下来将有一个难得的机会,只有提升实力才有机会进入玄元战场 A twinkling, 45 days passed by in light of this, during this period, do not know that many disciple close up cultivation level to promote. 一眨眼,45天就此过去了,在这期间,不知多少弟子闭关修为有所提升。 But Xiao Yun actually also the meaning of that Martial Dao inheritance cliff not having come out. 可是萧云却还没有从那武道传承崖出来的意思。 Heavenly Dragon, you, and waits here.” Palace Lord Jiang brows tightly frowns said that „, if Xiao Yun comes out, you are informing the old man.” 天龙,你且在此等候。”姜殿主眉头紧锁道,“若是萧云出来,你在通知老夫。” Em.” Zhang Tianlong nodded. “恩。”张天龙点了点头。 Hopes that he not must have matter.” Sighed the tone, Palace Lord Jiang departed in light of this. “希望他莫要有事。”叹息了口气,姜殿主就此离去。 But at this moment in that strange world, Xiao Yun unceasingly is actually sensing, must hold that deep meaning. 而此刻在那片陌生的世界内,萧云却在不断感悟,要抓住那丝奥义 Unexpectedly, he has opened the pupil, as if has comprehended. 蓦地,他睁开了眸子,似乎有所领悟。 By strength of broken completely Myriad Laws oneself, this is the [say / way] of Qin Chuan senior, Myriad Laws all passes, this can also become my [say / way], now actually does not need the thorough fusion, only to comprehend anxiously slowly, waits till time all naturally to success when conditions are ripe, I now this doing during should grasp middle some essences by the present ability, in step by step, proceeding in an orderly way comes.” Xiao Yun pupil light is limpid, pupil even more bright, his whole person suddenly sees the light, spirit piece of clear and bright. “以己之力破尽万法,这是秦川前辈的道,万法皆通,这也可以成为我的道,现在却不必急着将之彻底融合,只需慢慢领悟,等到了时候一切自然会水到渠成,我现在该做的应该以如今的能力掌握当中当中的一些精髓,在一步步,循序渐进的来。”萧云眸光清澈,眸子越发的明亮了起来,他整个人豁然开朗,灵台一片清明 He watched in the process back of the body that Qin Chuan has grasped principles to have the doubts. 他观看了秦川悟道的过程后心中有了疑惑。 Starts to suspect first what Qin Chuan comprehends is not right, should get rid otherwise, should sense finally his obtained that directly with strength of broken completely Myriad Laws oneself [say / way], this made Xiao Yun fall into being in a dilemma, in ponder study and understand slowly. 开始怀疑秦川最先领悟的是不是不对,应该抛弃否,还是应该直接感悟最后他所得的那种以己之力破尽万法的道,这使得萧云陷入了两难,在慢慢的思考参悟 This seems like very simple, actually very difficult choices. 这看似很简单,却很难取舍。 Because you knew behind should such do, how can be willing in step by step? 因为你已经知道了后面应该那样做,岂会心甘情愿的在一步步的来? As cultivator, naturally hopes that own can reach the sky in a single bound, obtains own at one fell swoop [say / way]. 作为一个修者,自然希望自己能一步登天,一举得到自己的‘道’。 Xiao Yun does not arrange in order outside. 萧云也不列外。 Xiao Yun also the feeling after several thinking is not but right, but where to is not very difficult to find out. 可是在几番思索后萧云又感觉不对,不过哪里不对却很难摸清。 Until at this moment, him has comprehended. 直到此刻,他才有所领悟。 The road walks step by step, practice path also needs carefully, each footprint has the different sensibility, only then constantly accumulates you can obtain truly final [say / way], these footprints are similar to the ladders of ascending to heaven. 路是一步步走来的,修炼一道也需要一步一个脚印,每一个脚印都将有着不同的感悟,只有不断的积累你才能真正获得最后的‘道’,这些脚印就如同登天之梯。 That front stairway stair, how haven't you ascended to heaven? 没有那前面的天梯台阶,你又如何登天? After wants to understand this point, Xiao Yun is not falling into that type to confuse, the whole person mood relaxed completely. 想明白这一点后,萧云不在陷入那种迷惑,整个人心境完全放松了起来。 Now only need sense his front these paths, derived some essences to be OK from middle.” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil started to review initially that Qin Chuan to sense the Grand Dao situation in the thunderstorms, at the same time he also in careful pondered over own to need. “现在只需感悟他前面那些道路,从当中汲取一些精髓就可以了。”萧云眸子微眯开始回顾起当初那秦川在雷雨中感悟大道的情况,与此同时他也在细细的琢磨自己所需。 His body and world naturally coincided, have controlled nearby all pulsations, can therefore avoid that thunder to strike.” Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun has comprehended, own also started to try the sensibility world nature, mind and world coincides many things gradually is becoming clear, he felt part of own on such as world, the fluctuation of inside air current can definitely the sensation. “他身似与天地自然相合,掌控了附近的一切脉动,故而能避开那雷霆一击。”蓦地,萧云有所领悟,自己也开始试着感悟天地自然,心神与天地相合渐渐的许多事物都变得清晰了起来,他感觉自己就如天地中的一部分,里面气流的波动完全可以感知。 This not by the Soul Power sensation, but by the mind sensation, that feeling closer nature integrated middle. 这不是以灵魂力感知,而是以心神感知,那种感觉更加贴近自然似融入了当中。 Swallowing the Heavens, you come take action to sneak attack me.” Suddenly, Xiao Yun said to Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. 吞天,你来出手偷袭我。”突然,萧云吞天雀说道。 Good.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow knows that Xiao Yun thinks, immediately soaraway in empty/sky, is similar to is hidden in the fog. “好。”吞天雀似知道萧云所想,当即腾飞于空,如同隐没在云雾中。 Bang! 轰! Unexpectedly, a flame falls, the speed is extremely fast, resembles thunder to divide simply, cannot avoid. 蓦地,一道火光落下,速度极快,简直好像雷霆劈下,不可躲避。 Person and world naturally coincide, these fluctuations are similar to the Yuan Qi tumblings of own within the body, some sounds had been realized, can therefore prompt avoidance, is so, that Qin Chuan senior can avoid thunder easily.” In the Xiao Yun heart understands clearly, at the same time his personal appearance moves, is similar to fog but with the wind the line avoided Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that to strike. “人与天地自然相合,那些波动就如同自己体内元气翻滚,才有动静就已经被察觉,故而可以及时的避开,也是如此,那秦川前辈才能轻易避开了雷霆。”萧云心中了然,与此同时他身形一动,如同一股云雾随风而行避开了吞天雀那一击。 This boy, good perception.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow also feels quite surprisedly, shaking has shaken by the Xiao Yun perception. “这小子,好悟性。”吞天雀也是感到颇为惊讶,被萧云的悟性给震了一震。 World Grand Dao, the lots said simply, but does actually difficultly, now Xiao Yun watches that Qin Chuan to grasp principles, has sensed, and held deep meaning, such talent in Heavenly Capital Domain was also very rare. 天地大道,很多东西说起来简单,可是做起来却难,如今萧云只是观看了那秦川悟道,就有所感悟,并且真的抓住了一丝奥义,这样的天才就算是在天都域中也是很难得了。 This called Wind-Borne Steps.” Xiao Yun stops the personal appearance, gave a name to the personal appearance that own comprehended a moment ago. “这就叫随风步吧。”萧云停下身形,给自己刚才领悟的身形取了一个名字。 The wind for the strength of world nature, the line, does not have the shade not to have the trace with the wind. 风为天地自然之力,随风而行,来无影去无踪。 Coordinates that intent domain from be possible to avoid most attacks. 配合着那种意境自可避开多数攻击。 Had the initial-stage achievement, Xiao Yun continued to sense. 有了初步的成果,萧云继续感悟。 Then in his mind reappeared Qin Chuan to imitate the situation that thunder struck. 接下来他脑海中浮现了秦川模仿雷霆一击的情况。 His that strikes the strength, if the startling thunderclap, took the potential of thunder completely.” Xiao Yun muttered. “他那一击力若惊雷,完全取了雷霆之势。”萧云喃喃道。 Then his slightly narrows the pupil, resembled to fall into intent domain. 接下来他眸子微眯,似陷入了一种意境 thunder came from Nine Heavens, when comes is extremely quick, for potential quickly, therefore irresistible!” 雷霆来自九天,来时极快,为迅雷不及掩耳之势,故而不可抵挡!” thunder is the crazy tyrant, swift and fierce!” 雷霆又为狂霸,凌厉!” The Xiao Yun palm moves unexpectedly, is similar to changes into holds the blade together, then strikes in the sky toward that Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. 蓦地萧云手掌一动,如同化为一道掌刀,当空便是向着那吞天雀击去。 Whoosh ! 刷! rays of light dodges, the imposing manner is astonishing, is similar to thunder is together threatening, has one not to resist the potential. 光芒一闪,气势惊人,如同一道雷霆来势汹汹,有着一股不可抵挡之势。 Boy, you sneak attacks Grandpa Tian unexpectedly!” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow one startled, resists hastily. “小子,你竟偷袭天爷!”吞天雀一惊,连忙抵挡。 Bang! 砰! A bang spreads, that attacks is routed, but the body of Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow also slightly trembles. 一声巨响传出,那攻击被击溃,可吞天雀的身子也微微一颤。 Good astonishing attack.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow in great surprise, said that your this struck to contain one type potential, swept away the same step sufficiently cultivator, has not thought that your this boy comprehended one move in the short time, but also was really the monstrous talent!” “好惊人的攻击。”吞天雀大惊,道,“你这一击蕴含了一种‘势’,足以横扫同阶的修者了,没有想到你这小子在短短的时间内又领悟了一招,还真是妖孽啊!” So natural talent Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow also feels astonishing. 如此天赋就连吞天雀也是感到惊人。 This type startled, if thunder, is called Thunder Style.” In the Xiao Yun mouth muttered. “这一式惊若雷霆,便称为雷霆式。”萧云口中喃喃道。 The time passes, Xiao Yun unceasing study and understand, summarizes. 时间流逝,萧云不断的参悟,总结。 „The strength of hauling world nature uses for oneself, this needs certain strength, will otherwise only make own change into the ash to fly under that terrifying strength, cannot take absurdly, as for finally, by the strength of oneself, broken completely Myriad Laws, this also needs enough potential.” Xiao Yun muttered, oneself potential, took advantage of somebody's authority, coincided with the world...... Such being the case, behind that Heavenly Flame Five Styles what should be?” “牵引天地自然之力为己用,这需要一定的实力,不然在那种恐怖的力量下只会让自己化为灰飞,不可妄取,至于最后,以己之力,破尽万法,这也需要足够的势。”萧云喃喃道,“己势,借势,与天地相合……既然如此,那天炎五式后面的又该是什么了?” Initially that Xu Yankui person blade as if united, although because of the relations of Martial Spirit, may have inexplicable intent domain.” Xiao Yun ponders unceasingly, initially that Xu Yankui relied on half step Yuan Core Realm to display the comparable with Yuan Core Realm strength, surprising, Xiao Yun also felt the uncommonness of opposite party, if not there is Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow take action, he was also hard to change the situation. “当初那许闫愧人刀似乎合一,虽然是因为武魂的关系,可也拥有一种莫名的意境。”萧云不断沉思,当初那许闫愧凭借半步元丹境就发挥出了堪比元丹境的实力,让人惊讶,萧云也感觉到了对方的不凡,若非有吞天雀出手,他也难以扭转局势。 Heavenly Flame Five Styles! 天炎五式 Suddenly, Xiao Yun starts to train Heavenly Flame Five Styles! 突然,萧云开始演练天炎五式 The Raging Flames Cleaves the Waves! 烈焰破浪 The Heavenly Flames Splits the Sky! 天炎裂空 The Flames Shines the World! 炎耀天地 The Flames Sweeps the Sky! 炎卷长空 The Roasting Flames Covers the Heavens! 炙炎覆天 Sixth type Flame and Body Unites! 第六式炎身合一 Whoosh ! 刷! A Xiao Yun halberd puts forth unexpectedly, the whole person is similar to with that flame fuses, as if changed into a handle long halberd. 蓦地萧云一戟使出,整个人如同与那火炎融合,又似乎化为了一柄长戟。 At this moment, him fell into the middle of inexplicable intent domain. 在此刻,他陷入了一个莫名的意境当中。 Initially he had sensed, what a pity cannot comprehend thoroughly, this time his strength to the world nature were also many for several points to understand that already caught anything, now displays this type, that might was really astonishing, this in the formula is more indistinct a potential. 当初他就有所感悟,可惜未能彻底领悟,此次他对天地自然之力又多了几分了解,已然抓到了些什么,如今将这一式施展起来,那威力果然惊人,这一式中隐约多了一种势。 Good!” Side, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow cannot bear applaud. “好!”旁边,吞天雀忍不住叫好。 A move puts forth, Xiao Yun whole person makings also change suddenly, more several points were elegant the dust. 一招使出,萧云整个人气质也骤变,更加多了几分飘逸出尘。 „After this type, should also the type, what be possible to be?” Xiao Yun hesitates, but quick shook, intent domain needs to sense unceasingly can harvest, if during has immersed is not instead good, will make the person lose the direction. “这一式之后,应该还有一式,可到底是什么了?”萧云沉吟,不过很快就甩了甩头,意境需要不断的感悟才能有所收获,若是一直沉浸当中反而不好,会让人迷失方向。 Gradually, if cannot harvest, falling fascinated barrier. 久而久之,若是未能有所收获,会陷入魔障。 Therefore practice must alternate tension with relaxation, cannot extremely tighten, otherwise cultivation deviation. 所以修炼也必须一张一弛,不能太过绷紧了,否则走火入魔 Now should also exit.” Xiao Yun mind moves, tries to communicate that Martial Tablet. “现在也该出去了。”萧云心神一动,试着沟通那武碑 Now he should comprehend comprehended, does not need to stay in this. 如今他该领悟的已经领悟了,也没有必要在此停留了。 ( ( …… ……
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