EMS :: Volume #3

#226: Fights Wu Hun to awaken

Chapter 226 Battle Martial Spirit awakens 第226章战武魂觉醒 This...... Is this Battle Martial Spirit?” Looks illusory shadow that is presenting inexplicably, Xiao Yun mind is shaken shook, the blood of within the body is tumbling unceasingly, was similar to has raised stormy sea (difficult situation), a wild with joy mood spewed out in his mind unceasingly. “这……这是战武魂?”望着那莫名出现的虚影,萧云心神都被震了一震,体内的血液在不断翻滚,如同掀起了惊涛骇浪,一股狂喜的情绪在他的心中不断喷涌而出。 Battle Martial Spirit! 战武魂 For Xiao Family inheritance Martial Spirit, the Purple Clouds County City Xiao Family for hundred years also only had a Xiao Zhantian such person. 萧家传承武魂,紫云郡城萧家百年来也只出了萧战天这么一个人。 Xiao Yun is the child of Xiao Zhantian, the original people think that he will inherit father's Martial Spirit, what a pity in initially the Martial Spirit awakening ceremony, he had awakened Martial Spirit, is actually not Battle Martial Spirit, but is young tree general Martial Spirit, this makes the Xiao Family person be greatly disappointed. 萧云身为萧战天之子,本来众人都以为他会继承父亲的武魂,可惜在当初武魂觉醒仪式中,他觉醒了武魂,却不是战武魂,而是一个小树一般的武魂,这让萧家的人大失所望。 Is good after awakening Martial Spirit the Xiao Yun practice speed sweeps the haze of Xiao Family person extremely quickly. 好在觉醒武魂萧云修炼速度极快才一扫萧家人的阴霾。 Who would have thought the day has the wind and cloud of mishap, in Xiao Yun awakens shortly after Martial Spirit, cultivation level bogging down has made it Xiao Family and even an entire Purple Clouds County City laughingstock, although Xiao Yun little mentioned to this matter, satisfying has several points of unwillingness as before. 哪知天有不测之风云,在萧云觉醒武魂后不久,修为一直停滞不前使之成为了萧家乃至整个紫云郡城的一个笑料,虽然萧云对此事很少提及,可心中依旧是有着几分不甘。 Now in his Sea of Consciousness this illusory shadow, although is very fuzzy, the old book record that but leaves behind with Xiao Family is almost consistent. 如今他识海内这虚影虽然很模糊,可是和萧家留下的古籍记载几乎一致。 This is the Battle Martial Spirit embryonic form. 这就是战武魂的雏形。 Furthermore, induces according to mind, Xiao Yun also discovers in the middle of that illusory shadow to have bone-chilling cold fighting intent, that fighting intent makes people feel warm-blooded boiling, as if has an inexplicable strength to emerge in the heart, may promote battle strength of person under blessing of this strength. 再者,根据心神感应,萧云也发现那虚影当中有着一股凛冽的战意,那种战意让人感到热血沸腾,似乎有着一股莫名的力量要涌入心中,在这种力量的加持下可提升人的战力 This is the Battle Martial Spirit advantage. 这就是战武魂的好处。 The Battle Martial Spirit inheritance value is higher, the battle strength scope of promotion person will be bigger. 战武魂传承值越高,提升人的战力幅度就会越大。 This Battle Martial Spirit, although is very fuzzy, slightly is weak, battle strength that can display should be limited, but can awaken to be lucky, believes, also will have the space of growth.” After Xiao Yun induced turned Battle Martial Spirit in Sea of Consciousness, muttered. “这战武魂虽然很模糊,略显虚弱,能发挥出来的战力应该有限,不过能觉醒出来已经是万幸,相信以后还会有成长的空间。”萧云感应了一翻识海内的战武魂后喃喃道。 Martial Spirit of original person awakens in six years old to 12 years old of this stage generally, once this age had been very difficult to awaken, Xiao Yun had not had the high hope, since now awakened he to be wild with joy, how to shut out this Martial Spirit was weak? 本来人的武魂一般是在六岁到12岁这个阶段觉醒,一旦过了这个年纪就很难觉醒了,萧云对此本来也没有抱多大的希望,如今既然觉醒了他已经欣喜若狂,岂会嫌弃这武魂的虚弱了? Why will I awaken Battle Martial Spirit?” After subsiding excitement in heart, Xiao Yun started to think secretly. “我为什么会觉醒战武魂?”在平息了心中的兴奋后,萧云开始暗暗思索了起来。 Because of that fighting intent?” Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun has remembered the own condition. “难道是因为那种战意?”蓦地,萧云想起了自己刚才的状态。 Should be this, definitely was among this fighting intent produces the resonance to stimulate my within the body Bloodlines.” Hesitates Xiao Yun to think slightly secretly should be so, afterward his pupil light moves , to continue to wait and see void that also with Qin Chuan of heavenly thunder war. “应该是这样,肯定是这战意间产生了共鸣才会激发我体内血脉。”略微沉吟萧云暗自觉得应该是如此,随后他眸光一动,继续观望那虚空中还在与天雷大战的秦川 Under the fighting intent infection of Qin Chuan, his within the body Bloodlines boiling, potential of the Bloodlines was stimulated gradually. 秦川战意感染下,他体内血脉逐渐沸腾,一股血脉之势被激发出来。 Inexplicable within that aura submerged Sea of Consciousness by that Battle Martial Spirit absorption, making it formidable such faint trace. 莫名间那股气息没入了识海被那战武魂吸收,使之强大了那么一丝丝。 But this effect is very small, his within the body that Bloodlines quickly quiet. 可这效果很小,他体内的那种血脉很快就沉寂了下去。 Bloodlines of person awakens limitedly, during wants to develop the potential to wait till once more awakens thoroughly the Martial Spirit source. 一个人的血脉觉醒有限,想要再次开发当中的潜力就必须等到彻底觉醒武魂本源。 But Xiao Yun actually felt that uncommonness of Battle Martial Spirit, seems deeper to the sensibility of fighting intent, fighting intent in Bloodlines will be stimulated, thus makes Martial Spirit promote, but Xiao Yun has not sensed that fighting intent at this moment, but was infected that's all. 萧云却感觉到了战武魂的不凡,似乎对战意的感悟越深,血脉中的战意就会被激发出来,从而使武魂提升,只是萧云此刻并没有真的感悟那种战意,只是被感染罢了。 Therefore this effect is very weak. 所以这种效果很微弱。 But this actually gave Xiao Yun to bring about the hope. 可这却给萧云带来了希望。 So long as I on have comprehended in this together, later this Battle Martial Spirit definitely unceasing is formidable.” Xiao Yun pupil light became has even more strengthened, he as if saw a front door to powerhouse was opening wide to own slowly. “只要我在这一道上有所领悟,以后这战武魂肯定会不断的强大起来。”萧云眸光变得越发坚定了起来,他似乎看到了一条通往强者的大门正在向自己慢慢敞开。 According to Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, Battle Martial Spirit was antiquity ten big Martial Spirit is situated seventh, if endured broken middle deep meaning even to be possible really with sixth, even fifth Martial Spirit struggled high, conceivable this was formidable Martial Spirit, this exciting. 根据吞天雀所言,战武魂为上古十大武魂排行第七,若是真的堪破当中奥义甚至可与第六,甚至第五的武魂一争高下,可以想象这是一种何等强大的武魂,这让人振奋。 Let alone in Xiao Yun Sea of Consciousness also has Life Martial Spirit. 何况萧云识海内还有着生命武魂 Once these two Martial Spirit grow quite to be definitely astonishing completely. 一旦这两个武魂全部成长起来肯定会颇为惊人。 This need time, but also needs certain destiny. 只是这需要时间,还需要一定的气运。 Because the Martial Spirit inheritance value is very important. 因为武魂传承值很重要。 If the inheritance value is insufficient, is hard eventually big accomplishment. 若是传承值不够,终究难以大成 Xiao Yun knows nothing about these two Martial Spirit now, does not know some own big potential. 萧云现在对这两个武魂一无所知,也不知自己到底有多大的潜力。 Therefore only now he can do is diligently, only then unceasing effort practice promotes own, can climb up Peak. 所以现在他唯一能做的就是努力,只有不断的努力修炼提升自己,才能攀上巅峰 Boy, you within the body aura tumbled a moment ago, fighting intent is dreadful, such as has ancient times Bloodlines to awaken, what's all this about?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow passes message by mind asks, is it possible that was your Battle Martial Spirit starts to awaken?” Its expression appears somewhat curious. “小子,你刚才体内气息翻滚,战意滔天,如有着远古血脉在觉醒,这是怎么回事?”吞天雀心神传音问道,“莫非是你的战武魂开始觉醒了?”它语气显得有些好奇。 Xiao Yun smiles. 萧云只是会心一笑。 Awakened really?” Sees this, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow stares, the eyelid turns, the expression appears quite strange, body had two big antiquity Martial Spirit, if Martial Spirit of this boy can big accomplishment, later perhaps really be able to fight with it antiquity first three Martial Spirit.” “真觉醒了?”见此,吞天雀一愣,眼皮一翻,表情显得颇为古怪,“身具两大上古武魂,要是这小子的武魂大成,以后或许真的可以与之上古前三的武魂争锋了。” Remembers Xiao Yun to have the possibility with the possibility that these unparalleled supreme talent fight, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow feels the inexplicable excitement. 一想起萧云有可能与那些盖世天骄争锋的可能,吞天雀就感到莫名的兴奋。 Xiao Yun does not certainly think that own Martial Spirit awakened has been able the unmatched in the world. 萧云当然不会认为自己武魂觉醒了就可以天下无敌。 After he subsides the mood, starts to continue to sense, fumble. 他平息心情后开始继续感悟,摸索。 Buzz! 嗡! At this time the world restored clear and bright, Qin Chuan and thunder fights, imposing manner covers the heavens, was similar to gods floating falls in the summit finally. 这时天地恢复清明,秦川与雷争锋,气势盖天,最后如同一尊神明飘然落于山巅。 This is my [say / way].” The clothes wave against the wind, this male double pupil looking disdainfully world, is seeming to be an inexplicable flavor. “这才是我的道。”青衫迎风舞动,这男子双眸睥睨天下,似有着一种莫名的韵味。 Finally, light twinkle, that clothes man dissipates. 最后,光影闪烁,那青衫男子消散。 In Xiao Yun at present, only then Martial Tablet of thunder arc twinkle, has an unsurpassed imposing manner to fill the air at the same time above. 萧云的眼前,只有一面雷弧闪烁的武碑,在上面有着一股无上气势弥漫开来。 Martial Dao inheritance! 武道传承 The Xiao Yun pupil narrows the eyes, in the heart understands clearly. 萧云眸子一眯,心中了然。 This was that Qin Chuan to supply posterity study and understand the own sensibility process brand mark in the middle of this tablet. 这是那秦川自己的感悟过程烙印在了此碑当中以供后人参悟 After looking at this process, the mentality in Xiao Yun heart is clear gradually, he starts to sit cross-legged under giant tablet, careful experience all, good digestion, finally found the own road, although he understood intent domain that Qin Chuan comprehends finally. 在看了这个过程后,萧云心中的思路逐渐清晰,他开始盘膝在巨碑下,细细体会刚才的一切,好将之消化,最后找到自己的路,虽然他已经明白了秦川最后所领悟的意境 But this after is others' intent domain, you understood, is actually not necessarily able to change into oneself to use. 可这毕竟是别人的意境,你懂了,却未必能化为己用。 Does not arrive at that boundary to be very difficult the true fusion. 不到那个境界很难将之真正的融合。 On such as you knows that truth, may probably practice actually to discover really the errors are full. 就如你知道那个道理,可真要实践出来却会发现错漏百出一样。 Xiao Yun closed the eyes with rapt attention, in the mind glittered, started to comprehend. 萧云闭目凝神,脑海里闪烁出刚才的一幕幕,开始领悟。 The time passes quietly, Xiao Yun absolutely did not have the time sense to grasp principles wholeheartedly. 时间悄然流逝,萧云完全没有了时间观念一心在悟道。 In outside, cultivator of these waiting somewhat worried. 在外面,那些等待的修者却有些着急了。 In one month, how to have the sound?” Some Core Palace Deacon also start brows slightly wrinkle. “都过了一个月,怎么还没有动静?”核心殿一些执事也开始眉头微皱 Does not have the sound explanation is the good deed.” After turned the waiting, Palace Lord Jiang instead calm. “没有动静说明是好事。”经过一翻等待,姜殿主反而淡定了起来。 Em.” Nearby some people nod saying that indeed is so, this two people definitely has comprehended.” “恩。”旁边有人点头道,“的确是如此,这两人肯定是有所领悟,才会迟迟未出。” Also might be mind fall into the demon barrier, can not turn over to return!” Some people worry to say. “可是也有可能是心神陷入了魔障,不得归返啊!”有人担忧道。 Hears this word, these elder are stern-faced, the brow tightened. 听得此言,那些长者都是一脸凝重,眉头都紧锁了起来。 If is really so, was equal to buckle a talent! 若真是如此,就等于折损了一名天才啊! Buzz! 嗡! When people stern-faced, the front fog rolls, a youth appeared in the bridge unexpectedly. 在众人一脸凝重时,前方云雾滚动,一个青年蓦地出现在了长桥。 This youth pupil light is profound, the aura is reserved, is indistinct has an invisible imposing manner, his forehead actually collected the point swiftly and fiercely, the whole person makings sudden change, to the person a feeling of being as deep as a well, this youth impressively was that Lei Tai. 这青年眸光深邃,气息内敛,隐约间有着一股无形的气势,他眉宇凌厉却敛去了锋芒,整个人气质骤变,给人一种高深莫测的感觉,这青年赫然就是那雷泰了。 Shout! 呼! Lei Tai deeply inspired, double pupil fine motion, looks behind light screen, in the heart is not sobbing. 雷泰深吸了口气,双眸微动,回望着身后的光幕,心中不甚唏嘘。 This time he had been led into an inexplicable space by Martial Tablet, has comprehended. 这次他被武碑带入了一个莫名的空间,有所领悟。 According to the judgment, own can enter that space and take action shakes that clothes man to have the greatest relations hardly. 根据判断,自己能进入那个空间和出手硬撼那青衫男子有着莫大的关系。 Does not fear the difficulty, the oppression insisted that the faith in heart can obtain the approval of that Martial Tablet. 只有不惧困难,压迫坚持心中的信念才能得到那武碑的认可。 In deep inspiration, his step steps, started to move toward the opposite mountainside. 在深吸了口气后,他步伐迈动,开始走向了对面的山腰。 Is Lei Tai!” “是雷泰!” He came out!” In the mist the person's shadow walks, making these elder eye bright pupil dew that worries about secretly wild with joy. “他出来了!”雾气中人影走来,让得那些正在暗自担忧的长者眼睛一亮眸露狂喜。 Looks at his aura as if to harvest, should comprehend deep meaning in that inheritance tablet.” “瞧他那气息似乎有所收获,应该是在那传承碑中领悟了奥义。” This Lei Tai has Thunder Spirit Physique, in addition the itself perception is extremely high, should comprehend is.” These elder nod in abundance, by their eyesight, saw Lei Tai before sentences, if two people, had an archery target to fly upwards. “这雷泰拥有雷灵体,加上本身悟性极高,理应有所领悟才是。”那些长者纷纷点头,凭借他们的眼力,一眼就看出了雷泰与之前判若两人,有了一个质的飞升。 Senior Brother Lei came out!” 雷师兄出来了!” His whole person makings sudden change, resembles to harvest!” “他整个人气质骤变,似有所收获啊!” „After it seems like that this Core Palace, was the Senior Brother Lei world!” Screams also in an uproar resound from these disciple groups. “看来这核心殿以后是雷师兄的天下了!”一阵惊呼声也是从那些弟子群中哗然响起。 This Lei Tai book is half Yuan Core Realm, has the opportunity to step into Yuan Core Realm in the near future greatly, if obtained Martial Dao inheritance, perhaps unusual person can compare with it, all people took a look toward Lei Tai when really for a while the pupil are many for several points to have awed. 雷泰本就是半步元丹境,大有着机会在近期踏入元丹境,若是得到了武道传承,或许真的少有人可与之堪比了,一时所有的人瞅向着雷泰时眸中都多了几分敬畏。 Although in Core Palace is talents, but the talent also has the division of strong and weak, very obviously Lei Tai is one of the that minority powerhouse. 虽然在核心殿的都是天才,可天才也有强弱之分,很显然雷泰是那少数强者之一。 Lei Tai calm and composed, the trend goes step by step, appears quite indifferent, regarding as well as hounds has not revealed too much mighty waves that bystander these envy, after this study and understand, he has harvested, the vision of whole person also changes. 雷泰气定神闲,一步步走向前去,显得颇为淡然,对于外人那些羡慕的以及追捧并没有露出太多的波澜,经过此次参悟,他有所收获,整个人的眼界也为之一变。 Compares that senior, the place that he needs to try hard were too many. 相比那位前辈,他需要努力的地方还太多了。 Therefore he not by bystander hounds to confuse mental, is in light of this arrogant. 所以他并没有被外人的追捧所迷惑心智,就此自大。 When Lei Tai from the bridge steps after mountain abyss, the Palace Lord Jiang pupil narrows a slit, in the middle of that pair of old eyes glitters rays of light that is hoping, asked that „can you obtain a that Martial Dao true meaning?” Although felt that the makings of this youth changed, but in Palace Lord Jiang heart as before disturbed. 雷泰从长桥踏步于山渊后,姜殿主眸子眯成一条缝隙,那双老眼当中闪烁着期许的光芒,问道,“你可获得了一丝那武道真意?”虽然感觉到了这青年的气质变化,可姜殿主心中依旧忐忑。 After all only then henceforth in the population said can determine finally. 毕竟只有从此人口中说出才能最终得以确定。 Otherwise all empty. 不然一切都是虚的。 disciple obtains a sensibility fortunately.” Lei Tai gains ground, says with a sigh, „, but, that Qin Chuan senior actually beauty, disciple in addition is unable to arrive at that boundary, but also needs unceasingly diligently, confirms as well as senses unceasingly, can go a step further.” 弟子有幸得到一丝感悟。”雷泰抬头,叹息道,“不过,那秦川前辈实为天人,弟子尚且无法到达那个境界,还需要不断努力,不断验证以及感悟,才能够在进一步。” Em.” hear speech/words, in Palace Lord Jiang heart joyful, when takes a look to Lei Tai are more for several points to have satisfied, he nods saying that you have this consciousness, at least proof not present attains hoodwinking, so long as grasps principles to be able attentively to harvest.” “恩。”闻言,姜殿主心中欣喜不已,瞅向雷泰时更是多了几分满意,他点头说道,“你有此觉悟,至少证明没有被眼前的所获给蒙蔽,只要用心悟道必能有所收获。” May I ask that Qin Chuan senior to be also alive?” Lei Tai nodded, at once the pupil lifts, opens the mouth to ask. “敢问那秦川前辈可还在世?”雷泰点了点头,旋即眸子微抬,开口问道。 Since having experienced that Martial Dao true meaning, he were many to that senior several respectively toward toward, hopes that can consult face to face. 自从见识了那武道真意后,他对那位前辈不由多了几分向往,希望可以当面请教。 Qin Chuan for my Heavenly Yuan Sect one generation of rare talents.” Palace Lord Jiang said that he once participated in Profound Yuan Battlefield Hundred Sects Great War in the past, although has not emerged also has actually harvested, the strength after the return progresses by leaps and bounds, in 20 over then has stepped merely into Yuan Soul Realm, is only Southern Border this region is extremely narrow and small, being insufficient made him leave Southern Border in further therefore him.” 秦川为我天元宗一代奇才。”姜殿主说道,“他当年曾经参加了玄元战场百宗大战,虽然没有脱颖而出却也有所收获,在归来后实力突飞猛进,仅仅是在20出头便踏入了元婴境,只是南疆这片地域太过狭小,不足以让他在进一步所以他离开了南疆。” Left Southern Border?” In the Lei Tai pupil reveals wipes to lose. “离开了南疆?”雷泰眸中露出一抹失落。 „, Qin Chuan left Southern Border to have 15 years now.” In the Palace Lord Jiang pupil reveals the color of hesitation to mutter. “算起来,秦川离开南疆如今已经有15年了吧。”姜殿主眸中露出沉吟之色喃喃道。 15 years!” Lei Tai eye one bright, said that „, he should also in the world.” This makes him feel excited, even has one type to seek for the impulsion of this senior, regarding him, this person is a beacon light. “15年!”雷泰眼睛一亮,道,“如此说来,他应该还在世上。”这让他感到兴奋,甚至有着一种要去寻找这个前辈的冲动,对于他来说,此人就是一个明灯。 ( ( …… ……
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