EMS :: Volume #3

#225: The faith is firm

Chapter 225 faith is firm 第225章信念坚定 Does not need to be extremely pessimistic, doesn't have four people?” Palace Lord Jiang is a face is indifferent, within both eyes has pupil light that hopes to reappear, that youth who at least he places the great expectations has not come out, perhaps this also has several extension meetings. “诸位也不必太过悲观,不是还有四人吗?”姜殿主却是一脸淡然,双眸中有着期许的眸光浮现,至少他寄予厚望的那个少年还没有出来,这样或许还有着几分机会。 Why does not know, he has filled with the anticipation to Xiao Yun, thought faintly the latter should not have achieved nothing is. 不知为何,他对萧云充满了期待,隐隐觉得后者应该不会一无所获才是。 The time passed quickly, went study and understand that Martial Dao inheritance to have 20 days from Xiao Yun and the others suddenly. 时间过得很快,眨眼间距离萧云等人前去参悟武道传承已经有20天了。 These days, ten talent disciple, are only remaining two people has not come out merely. 在这段时间里,十名天才弟子,仅仅只是剩下两人没有出来。 One person is Lei Tai, another person is Xiao Yun. 一人是雷泰,另外一人是萧云 The person who these come out, two slightly has become aware, has not actually sensed, but also has missed a crucial moment. 那些出来的人,有两个略有所悟,却又没有感悟,还差了一点火候。 But the mountainside of this core peak also started to collect Rising Stars Peak as well as Leaping Dragon Peak disciple. 而这核心峰的山腰也开始汇集了新秀峰以及跃龙峰弟子 Regarding these two still in hardship the study and understand talent, they also quite pays attention. 对于这两个还在苦苦参悟的天才,他们也是颇为关注。 Because these two people, once has harvested, that becomes the competitor of their most force. 因为这两个人一旦有所收获,那将成为他们最强力的竞争对手。 No matter Rising Stars Peak, that Leaping Dragon Peak old disciple also often comes this inquiry. 所以不管是新秀峰,就连那跃龙峰的老弟子也不时来此询问情况。 Initially disciple of that several failure, once to appear and disappear after consolidated good cultivation level in this. 就连当初那几个失败的弟子,在巩固好修为后也曾出没在此。 These disciple collected in this time also mutually discusses. 这些弟子汇集在此时也是相互讨论起来了。 Now also who in the middle of the Martial Dao inheritance cliff?” Some person of curious asking. “现在还有谁在武道传承崖当中?”有人好奇的问道。 Lei Tai Senior Brother as well as that Rising Stars Peak Xiao Yun Junior Brother.” A youth said. “还有雷泰师兄以及那新秀峰萧云师弟。”一个青年说道。 Lei Tai Senior Brother has the Thunder Spirit Physique 51% Spirit Physique values, inheritance Thunder Dao inheritance of this opening, I thought that he such long has not come out, should have the opportunity to obtain any Martial Dao inheritance.” Saying that a nearby person face envies, he is half Yuan Core Realm powerhouse, once in has harvested only feared that the entire Leaping Dragon Peak also unusual person may fight with it.” 雷泰师兄可是拥有雷灵体51的灵体值,此次开启的传承雷道传承,我看他这么久没有出来,应该有着机会获得什么武道传承。”旁边的人一脸羡慕的说道,“他已是半步元丹境强者,一旦在有所收获只怕整个跃龙峰也少有人可与之争锋了。” That is natural, once obtained inheritance, even if my Leaping Dragon Peak that several monstrous talent existence were also very difficult to press his one.” The people nod in abundance, quite regards as important regarding martial dao deep meaning, that type of thing, once has comprehended to make cultivator battle strength be sublimated, in the middle of this advantage is hard to speak, sometimes compared with precious that promoting ten Spirit Physique values must come. “那是自然,一旦获得了传承,就算我跃龙峰那几个妖孽般的存在也很难压他一头了。”众人纷纷点头,对于武道奥义颇为看重,那种东西,一旦有所领悟能让修者战力得到升华,这当中的好处难以言说,有时候比提升十个灵体值还要来的珍贵。 Who that is Xiao Yun? How he also in inside?” Some people asked. “那萧云是谁?怎么他也还在里面?”有人问道。 This Xiao Yun is new disciple that this Core Palace comes, is flawless Acquired Fire Martial Spirit, is talent that hundred years rare meet.” Some people said. “这萧云是此次核心殿来的新弟子,为无暇后天火武魂,是百年难得一遇的天才。”有人说道。 Flawless Martial Spirit?” Hears this word, the disciple brows of many Leaping Dragon Peak closely wrinkle, in the pupil reveals surprised look, these people close up frequently, attempt to attack half step Yuan Core Realm, therefore is not clear to the news. 无暇武魂?”听得此言,许多的跃龙峰弟子眉头都是不由紧紧皱起,眸中露出惊讶之色,这些人经常闭关,企图冲击半步元丹境,所以对一些消息并不清楚。 Such talent, pouring is really rare!” “这样的天才,倒真是难得一见!” Greatly what has? Isn't Acquired Martial Spirit? The achievement is eventually limited.” Saying that some people of faces disdain. “有什么了不起的?不就是后天武魂吗?终究成就有限。”有人一脸不屑的说道。 Otherwise, this Xiao Yun, since can insist that the present explained he indeed has the uncommon place.” Also there are to have different opinions. “不然,这萧云既然能坚持到现在说明他的确有着不凡之处。”也有持着不同的意见。 Uncommon place?” That person sneers saying that his Fire Martial Spirit is having, can obtain what Martial Dao true meaning to be inadequate in that Thunder Dao deep meaning inheritance tablet? Hehe, I thought him also for a while the luck, quick must come out.” “不凡之处?”那人冷笑道,“他一个火之武魂的拥有着,难道还能在那雷道奥义传承碑中得到什么武道真意不成?呵呵,我看他也只是一时运气,很快就要出来了。” ...... …… The person of this mountain abyss collection are getting more and more, the discussion sound also unceasingly spreads. 山渊汇集的人越来越多,议论声也是不断传出。 The people filled to that Lei Tai have hoped that thinks he had the opportunity to obtain inheritance, later was very likely becomes the Core Palace outstanding person. 众人都对那雷泰充满了期许,认为他有机会获得传承,以后极有可能成为核心殿的佼佼者。 But regarding having Fire Martial Spirit Xiao Yun actually does not favor. 可是对于拥有火之武魂萧云却并不怎么看好。 Also filled as for elder this moment heart of that Core Palace in has hoped. 至于那核心殿长者此刻心中也是充满了期许。 One month, should have the result?” Palace Lord Jiang slightly narrows the pupil, in the heart was somewhat anxious. “都一个月了,也该有结果了吧?”姜殿主眸子微眯,心中有些焦急了。 Waited to be so long he to be also hard is maintaining tranquil, after all this was relating Core Palace and even the entire Heavenly Yuan Sect important matter. 等了这么久他也难以在保持平静,毕竟这可是关系着核心殿乃至整个天元宗的大事。 Once this Lei Tai has harvested, later is stepping into Yuan Core Realm, may have foothold depending on this in that Profound Yuan Battlefield surely, will be insufficient by the person crush, if has any good destiny, this person might even arrive finally. 一旦这雷泰有所收获,以后在踏入元丹境,凭此定可在那玄元战场有着一丝立足之地,不至于会被人碾压,若是有着什么好的气运,此人甚至有可能走到最后。 If so, regarding Heavenly Yuan Sect absolutely is a celebration. 若是如此,对于天元宗来说绝对是一件喜事。 Naturally, filled regarding the Xiao Yun people have hoped. 当然,对于萧云众人也是充满了期许。 After all one is not the Thunder Spirit Physique person can actually insist that now, is conceivable he definitely has the forte, once has comprehended, regarding Heavenly Yuan Sect is also the greatest celebration, later has boundless prospects, must train well is. 毕竟一个不是雷灵体的人却能坚持到现在不出,可以想象他肯定是有着过人之处,一旦有所领悟,对于天元宗来说也是莫大的喜事,以后前途无量,必须好好培养才是。 In that piece of mysterious space, inside has not known many days, that clothes man still in unceasing study and understand world deep meaning, Xiao Yun also intent domain silently in sensibility, now has the footsteps of predecessor to follow, he naturally cannot miss this opportunity. 在那片神秘空间内,里面也不知过了多少天,那青衫男子还在不断的参悟天地奥义,萧云也在默默的感悟当中的意境,如今有着前人的脚步跟随,他自然不会错过这个机会。 Hurricane, thunder, is the strength of world, although powerful cannot contend, can actually guide the use, although I do not have Thunder Spirit Physique also to vanquish thunder to change into oneself to use, my Qin Chuan must go out of one to belong to own path.” That clothes man pupil light is sharp, senses in the thunderstorms, the whole person is faintly recognizable, if the immortal one type is going to integrate the that world natural feeling to the person. “飓风,雷霆,皆是天地之力,虽然强悍不可抗衡,却可以加以引导利用,我虽不具备雷灵体也要降伏雷霆化为己用,我秦川就要走出一条属于自己的道路。”那个青衫男子眸光犀利,在雷雨中感悟,整个人飘渺若仙给人一种将要融入那天地自然的感觉。 World thunder, for me to use!” Qin Chuan pupil light concentrates, both hands hauling, whole person in the strength of reassignment world, thunder of that everywhere is similar to is towed unexpectedly, starts to divide unexpectedly toward his overhead, but in thunder chops next, was evolved vortex by him, during integrates, then compressed that thunder unceasingly as if changed into wisp of True Yuan. “天地雷霆,为我所用!”秦川眸光一凝,蓦地双手牵引,整个人似在调动天地之力,那漫天的雷霆如同受到了牵引,竟然开始向着他当头劈下,可就在雷霆劈下之际,被他演化出一个气旋,融入当中,然后不断压缩将那雷霆似乎化为了一缕真元 This......” looked at present one, Xiao Yun suddenly is looking stays. “这……”望着眼前的一幕,萧云一时间看得都呆了。 This absolutely is shocking and stunning talent, if is also alive now, that should be the unparalleled character? 这绝对是一个惊才绝艳的天才,若是现在还在世,那该是何等盖世人物? thunder for me to use, the mighty force, was too so astonishing, although initially Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow may swallow Tribulation Thunder to make people feel to shock, but that is it has Bloodlines Magical Powers to be the result, this Qin Chuan is different, he does not have Thunder Spirit Physique, but tows thunder in the own method. 雷霆为我所用,如此伟力,太惊人了,当初吞天雀虽可吞噬劫雷让人感到震撼,可那是它有着血脉神通所致,这秦川却不一样,他没有雷灵体,只是以自己的法牵引雷霆 This mighty force has exceeded the imagination of average person, if passes on shockingly sufficiently. 这种伟力超出了一般人的想象,若是传出去足以惊世。 thunder was towed to come, this Qin Chuan both hands move, in the hands was seeming to be Thunder severe gets angry the volume, raided to the front. 雷霆被牵引而来,这秦川双手一动,手间似有着一条雷厉怒卷而出,袭向了前方。 Bang! 轰! Thunder Dragon blooms in the distant place, bursts out a terrifying fluctuation. 雷龙在远处绽放开来,迸发出一股恐怖的波动。 World thunder, was used by him unexpectedly really!” When Xiao Yun heart startled also silently is sensing, why thinks deeply about Qin Chuan to accomplish this step, coincided to grasp the world principle with the world? Has controlled the rule of thunder? “天地雷霆,竟然真的被他所用了!”萧云心惊之余也在默默感悟,思索着秦川为何能办到这一步,是与天地相合掌握了天地法则吗?还是掌控了雷之规则? He has stepped into Yuan Soul Realm, senses the non- average man to compare to the world.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that „after you later step into Yuan Soul Realm, naturally will comprehend, but this person indeed is a character, so the method makes Grandpa Tian also benefit greatly.” “他踏入了元婴境,对天地感悟非常人可比。”吞天雀说道,“等你以后踏入元婴境后,自然会有所领悟,不过此人的确是一个人物,如此手段让天爷也是受益匪浅。” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow silently is also watching, it once must step into Yuan Soul Realm, is not Xiao Yun may compare to the sensibility of world, but it saw after this Qin Chuan magical skill, at this moment knows the own insufficiency, therefore modestly is also studying, builds the foundation for later. 吞天雀也在默默观看,它曾经就要踏入元婴境了,对天地的感悟远不是萧云可比,可它看到这秦川此刻的道行后才知道自己的不足,所以也在虚心学习,为以后打下基础。 thunder dissipates, Qin Chuan in study and understand, how long has not known, is a thunder rainy day, his pupil opens fiercely. 雷霆消散,秦川参悟,不知过了多久,又是一个雷雨天,他眸子猛地睁开。 „The strength of hauling world, eventually is an outlet.” Qin Chuan looks out mutters void, „the true Martial Dao true meaning then by the strength of oneself, broken completely Myriad Laws, this is own Dao, in the heart, is invincible, only then breaks all hindrance!” “牵引天地之力,终究是外道。”秦川遥望虚空喃喃道,“真正的武道真意便是以己之力,破尽万法,这才是自己的道,道在心中,便是无敌,方可打破一切阻碍!” heavenly power how? what to fear fights!” 天威又如何?何惧一战!” This Qin Chuan pupil light burning hot, nearly is finally crazy, has greatest fighting intent to burst out on him, the long hair waves, Feiyang (flies upwards), he looks out in the sky void, looks dark cloud that condenses unceasingly, along with the imposing manner that the preparation and day fight. 秦川眸光炙热,最后近乎疯狂,在他身上有着一股莫大的战意迸发而出,长发舞动,当空飞扬,他遥望虚空,看着那不断凝聚的乌云,一副随着准备与天一战的气势。 „Is the strength of hauling world, eventually an outlet?” Xiao Yun is startled, formerly his also outside this person of this method felt shocking, wants to study, but this Qin Chuan has comprehended suddenly, must resist world's prestige by the strength of oneself unexpectedly. “牵引天地之力,终究是外道?”萧云一怔,先前他还在外此人这手段感到震惊,想要学习,可是眨眼间这秦川似又有所领悟,竟然要以己之力对抗天地之威 External force, own strength?” Surprised at the same time he is also thinking. “外力,自己的力量?”惊讶的同时他也在思索。 Bang! 轰! The void startling thunderclap falls, that Qin Chuan fighting intent is imposing, the whole person is similar to the startled dragon, soared, kills void. 虚空中惊雷落下,那秦川战意凛然,整个人如同惊龙,腾空而起,杀向了虚空。 this time, he is unexpectedly direct and a heavenly thunder war, a pair of meat fist bombardment maliciously above that irresistible thunder. 这一次,他竟然直接与天雷一战,一双肉拳狠狠的轰击在那势不可挡的雷霆之上。 This was too astonishing, looks at Xiao Yun to be fearful and apprehensive. 这一幕太惊人了,看得萧云心惊肉跳。 Meanwhile, blood of his within the body also in boiling. 与此同时,他体内的血液也在沸腾 heavenly power how? what to fear fights! 天威又如何?何惧一战! These words make people feel warm-blooded boiling, is stimulating his soul, perhaps this is the spirit that cultivator should have. 这一句话让人感到热血沸腾,在刺激着他的灵魂,或许这才是修者才应该拥有的精神。 This Qin Chuan starts then to have the fearless thought that afterward senses world deep meaning to change into oneself to use, finally discards this deep meaning to by own fearless fighting intent strength broken Myriad Laws, this returned to the beginning, may actually be a transformation, true had clearly to become aware. 秦川开始便有着无惧的意念,随后感悟天地奥义化为己用,最后又舍弃这种奥义要以自己无惧的战意力破万法,这算是回到了起点,可却是一个蜕变,真正的有所明悟。 Once has become aware, the vision of whole person will have the transformation, the makings are also entirely different. 一旦悟了,整个人的眼界都将发生转变,气质也截然不同。 A Qin Chuan fist rumbles, seems containing some world deep meaning, irresistible, was routed including thunder. 秦川一拳轰出,似乎蕴含着某种天地奥义,势不可挡,连雷霆都被击溃了。 Was too strong.” In the Xiao Yun heart shocks, why does not know, he thought that then likely is the [say / way] that he has sought. “太强了。”萧云心中震撼不已,不知为何,他觉得这才像是他一直寻找的道。 By the strength of oneself, broken completely Myriad Laws! 以己之力,破尽万法 This is the what kind high-spiritedness, is aggressive! 这是何等的意气风发,何等霸气! Rumbling! 轰轰! Void heavy rain heavy rain , a form imposing appearance shuttles back and forth in the thunderstorms, strength to fight heavenly power. 虚空中大雨瓢泼而下,一个英伟的身影在雷雨中穿梭,力抗天威 Xiao Yun felt that the blood of own within the body was lit, has rich fighting intent to be stimulated. 萧云感觉自己体内的血液被点燃,有着一股浓郁的战意被激发。 Unknowingly, his imposing manner is rising dramatically, nearby void is palpitating, that Bloodlines was seeming to be a terrifying strength is regaining consciousness, that type fluctuates he no not to feel, because Xiao Yun at this moment completely immerses in Qin Chuan that imposing manner. 不知不觉,他的气势在飙升,附近的虚空都在悸动,那血脉当中似有着一股恐怖的力量在苏醒,那种波动他不没有感觉到,因为此刻的萧云完全沉浸在秦川的那气势中。 He is comprehending intent domain of this person, hopes that can change into oneself to use, to find own Dao. 他在领悟此人的意境,希望能化为己用,找到自己的道 How is the imposing manner of this boy rising dramatically?” That imposing manner that however Xiao Yun within the body suddenly sends out makes Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow one startled reveal the whole face surprise, the thoughts completely withdraws from that sensibility, is inducing that inexplicable fluctuation carefully. “这小子的气势怎么在飙升?”不过萧云体内蓦然散发出的那股气势却让得吞天雀一惊露出满脸诧异,心思完全从那感悟中退出,转而仔细感应着那股莫名的波动。 Suddenly, on Xiao Yun that imposing manner is even more rich, is almost is multiplying. 只是眨眼间,萧云身上的那股气势越发浓郁,几乎是在倍增。 By the strength of oneself, broken completely Myriad Laws, the own strength is basic, how if depends to draw support from the external force to be able constantly to become true peerless powerhouse, oneself is basic, the external force eventually is a bypath, how once the external force in doesn't meet the enemy?” Under that fighting intent, the thought in Xiao Yun heart is also getting more and more firm. “以己之力,破尽万法,自己的力量才是根本,若是一味靠借助外力如何能成为真正的绝世强者,自身才是根本,外力终究是旁道,一旦外力不在如何应敌?”在那股战意下,萧云心中的意念也越来越坚定。 Buzz! 嗡! Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun within the body Bloodlines trembles, inside was seeming to be the great antiquity beast of prey regains consciousness a terrifying strength to gush out, finally changes into together light runes, direct impact his mind, that fluctuation made his mind tremble, has started storm. 蓦地,萧云体内血脉一颤,里面似有着洪荒猛兽苏醒一股恐怖的力量喷薄而出,最后化为一道光纹,直冲他的脑海,那股波动使得他脑海一颤,掀起了一阵风暴。 What's the matter?” Xiao Yun one startled, feels somewhat bewilderedly, his mind stabbing pain, has any thing to fuse with it probably forcefully, finally stripped mind to scatter in the middle of that Sea of Consciousness, strongly weary by heart. “怎么回事?”萧云一惊,感到有些莫名其妙,他的心神一阵刺痛,好像有着什么东西强行与之融合,最后剥离出了一道心神散落在那识海当中,一股竭力的疲倦由心而来。 Slightly, in Sea of Consciousness that aura subsides, Xiao Yun mind gradually restores. 稍许后,识海那股气息平息,萧云心神才逐渐恢复。 At this time his mind moved, discovered unexpectedly own Sea of Consciousness were many a thing. 这时他心神一动,蓦地发现自己识海似多了一个东西。 That is illusory shadow! 那是一个虚影 This illusory shadow is very fuzzy, faintly recognizable like fog, if carefully looked that actually vaguely can discover that outline and Xiao Yun are quite similar. 虚影很模糊,飘渺如雾,若仔细看去却依稀可以发现那轮廓与萧云极为相似。 ( ( …… ……
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