EMS :: Volume #3

#224: The thunderstorms view said

Chapter 224 thunderstorms view said 第224章雷雨观道 Tribulation Clouds condenses, that cultivator just like is preparing to cross the tribulation.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 劫云凝聚,那个修者俨然是在准备渡劫。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] Crossed the tribulation to represent cultivator heaven defying to change to assign, has stepped into an unusual refined boundary. 渡劫代表着一个修者逆天改命,踏入了一个超凡脱俗的境界。 Only then condenses Yuan Soul just now to bring in Heavenly Tribulation. 只有凝聚元婴方才会引来天劫 Yuan Core Realm cultivator also merely brings in some phenomenon that's all. 元丹境修者也仅仅是引来一些异象罢了。 Sees only Tribulation Clouds to move, has a bang, the void thunder arc twinkle, the overhead then turns toward that clothes man to ward off. 只见劫云一动,发出一声巨响,虚空中雷弧闪烁,当头便向着那个青衫男子辟下。 The heavenly thunder falls, the momentum is enormous and powerful, is having the irresistible imposing manner. 天雷落下,声势浩荡,拥有着不可抵挡的气势。 The practicing book is heaven defying line, in seizing the good fortune of world, once forms Yuan Soul, longevity force of person will increase, therefore on the talent meets punishing of line of Heavenly Tribulation, tests the will of the people by this, crossed Heavenly Tribulation then captures the world good fortune stepped the road of practicing. 修行本就是逆天而行,在夺天地之造化,一旦结成元婴,人的寿元将大增,所以上天才会行天劫之罚,以此考验人心,渡过天劫便算是夺得了天地造化踏上了正在的修行之路。 If crosses the tribulation failure, light then the severe wound, the heavy body perishing [say / way] disappears. 若是渡劫失败,轻则重伤,重则身殒道消。 This moment Heavenly Tribulation falls, that clothes man stands up unexpectedly, that long hair waves, both hands move, then rumbled in the sky to that Tribulation Thunder, resembled to want with the day to fight high, that imposing manner was formidable, under Heavenly Tribulation, his unceasingly take action, fearless. 此刻天劫落下,那青衫男子蓦地站起,那长发舞动,双手一动,当空便是轰向了那劫雷,似要与天争高,那气势让人敬畏,在天劫之下,他不断出手,无所畏惧。 Xiao Yun watches in side, actually resembles to experience personally, can feel that imposing manner. 萧云在旁边观看,却似身临其境,可以感受到那种气势。 Heavenly Tribulation is very strong, the strength of mysterious incomparable as implication Tribulation Thunder the Grand Dao principle, is an expert Thunder Punishment time is also quenching the person. 天劫很强,劫雷之力玄妙无比似蕴含着大道法则,在行雷罚的时候也在淬炼人身。 That clothes man is very uncommon, may eventually be ordinary body, has been injured under thunder tribulation finally, as if momentarily wants die. 那青衫男子很不凡,可终究是凡躯,在雷劫下终是受伤了,似乎随时都要殒落 Takes a broad view to look, can see on him to be scarred, the bones of the dead are dense, above even can see that thunder arc is glittering. 放眼望去,可以看见他身上伤痕累累,白骨森然,上面甚至能见到雷弧在闪烁。 This Heavenly Tribulation really terror!” Xiao Yun felt that a heart startled, now understands that Yuan Soul Realm cultivator will be why scarce. “这天劫真的恐怖啊!”萧云感到一阵心惊,现在才明白为何元婴境修者会稀少了。 Only feared that many people cherished hatred under this Heavenly Tribulation. 只怕许多人都饮恨在了这天劫之下。 practice path when going out informed and experienced, comes and goes out these ancient vestige has the infinite bad risk, in practice one on the way is the inexorable fate numerous. 修炼一道在外出历练,出入那些古迹时有着无穷凶险,在修炼一途中更是劫数重重。 Wanted to step into Peak to be too difficult. 想要踏入巅峰太难了。 Instantaneous, Xiao Yun were unknowingly many to practice path the heart of several points of awe, thinking own should treasure the excellent scene, seizes all opportunities, only then this can cross in the later all sorts of dangerous inexorable fates safely, solves dangers. 瞬间,萧云修炼一道不知不觉多了几分敬畏之心,觉得自己应该珍惜大好情景,把握一切机会,只有这样才能在以后的种种危险劫数中安然渡过,解决一次次危险。 Otherwise eventually is spatial. 不然终究是一场空。 Tribulation Clouds, that clothes man aura was very weak, as if collapses at the first blow, Yuan Core Realm cultivator may the second kill him, but he has not given up, the double pupil is scarlet, has a senseless imposing manner, the imposing manner of his long hair flying upwards whole person rises dramatically suddenly. 劫云还在,那青衫男子气息已经很弱了,似乎不堪一击,一个元丹境修者都可秒杀他,可是他并没有放弃,双眸猩红,有着一股无谓的气势,他长发飞扬整个人的气势骤然飙升。 Come! Heavenly Tribulation how? I then want to fight high with the day, seizes the good fortune of world!” This clothes man was similar to crazy has face upwarded generally roar to with Heavenly Tribulation fight crazily, in the middle of his pair of pupil, some, not only wiped crazily is a senseless faith. “来吧!天劫又如何?我便是要与天争高,夺天地之造化!”这青衫男子如同疯狂了一般仰天狂啸要与天劫争锋,在他那双眸子当中,有的不仅是一抹疯狂还是一股无谓的信念。 Bang! 轰! Last Heavenly Tribulation falls, the bang will result in the aura to be defeated and dispersed, the blood splash blooms, but he has not actually dropped down, within both eyes instead was seeming to be a clear(ly) became aware, afterward Tribulation Clouds diverged, his within the body skeleton clear, aura in unceasing restoration. 最后一道天劫落下,将之轰得气息溃散,血花绽放,可是他却并没有倒下,双眸中反而似有着一种明悟,随后劫云散去,他体内骨骼晶莹,气息在不断的恢复。 This is the last thunder stroke, this person crosses the tribulation to be successful finally. 这是最后一道雷击,此人终于渡劫成功。 Thinks heaven defying, was too difficult.” Looks at that being scarred aura frail clothes man, in the Xiao Yun heart is sighing with emotion. “想逆天,真的太难了。”望着那伤痕累累气息孱弱的青衫男子,萧云心中感慨。 That is natural.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that Yuan Soul 9-layer, must experience 99 Heavenly Tribulations, each Heavenly Tribulation might will multiply, wants to cross difficultly incomparable, many people are die under Heavenly Tribulation, even some people dread Heavenly Tribulation suppression cultivation level, does not dare to break through, fears die under Heavenly Tribulation that because they have not grasped crossed next Heavenly Tribulation.” “那是自然。”吞天雀说道,“元婴九重,需经历九九天劫,每一次天劫威力都将倍增,想要渡过艰难无比,许多人就是殒落天劫之下,甚至有人畏惧天劫生生的压制修为,不敢突破,怕的就是在天劫殒落,因为他们根本就没有把握渡过下一个天劫。” 99 Heavenly Tribulations?” Xiao Yun deeply inspired. 九九天劫?”萧云深吸了口气。 „Can't the prestige of Heavenly Law contend really?” Slightly, in the Xiao Yun heart has doubts, if is really so, why practice? 天道之威真的不可抗衡吗?”稍许后,萧云心中疑惑,若真是如此,何必修炼 Shouldn't cultivator have a fearless heart? 修者不是就应该有着一颗无畏之心吗? Slowly, his some hearts of vacillation started to strengthen. 慢慢的,他那颗有些动摇的心又开始坚定了起来。 Xiao Yun pupil light congealed, takes a look to that clothes man, when saw this person he looked like saw an example. 萧云眸光一凝,瞅向了那个青衫男子,看到此人时他就像是看到了一个榜样。 Because under Heavenly Tribulation, including Xiao Yun thinks a moment ago this man must cross the tribulation to be defeated, but this person endured Heavenly Tribulation to strike by own that fearless heart actually finally, so obvious, cannot by no means heaven defying the line, what lacks is only the will. 因为刚才在天劫之下,连萧云都认为这男子要渡劫失败了,可是此人凭借自己那颗无畏之心硬是熬过了天劫最后一击,如此可见,并非不能逆天而行,缺的只是毅力。 If there is a mind, man will conquer nature! 若有心,人定胜天! Indistinct within Xiao Yun that heart to Peak Martial Dao pursue has even more strengthened. 隐约间萧云那颗对巅峰武道追求的心越发坚定了起来。 In heart fearless, can march forward courageously. 心中无惧,才能勇往直前。 When Xiao Yun intention phonograph, this piece void unexpectedly flood ripples, the present picture changes. 就在萧云心念电转的时候,这片虚空蓦地泛起一阵涟漪,眼前的画面又是一变。 This is a thunderstorms weather, the void dark cloud capping, the entire world appears unusual constraining, that fluctuation makes people feel to be depressed, but has a clothes man to stand in a summit under the weather against the wind, double pupil tight is staring at front void. 这是一个雷雨天气,虚空中乌云压顶,整个天地都显得异常的压抑,那股波动让人感觉心闷,可就在天气下在一座山巅中有着一个青衫男子迎风而立,双眸紧紧的盯着前方的虚空。 „Is this must do?” Xiao Yun pupil dew surprise, because this man at all likely is not crossing the tribulation. “他这是要干什么?”萧云眸露诧异,因为这男子根本不像是在渡劫。 Looks at this dark cloud the aura obviously is the normal natural weather, is not the Heavenly Tribulation condensation. 瞧这乌云的气息明显是正常的自然天气,不是天劫凝聚。 Goes in the careful induction, this clothes man obviously is not Yuan Soul 1-layer cultivation level so is very simple. 在仔细感应而去,这青衫男子很显然已经不是元婴一重修为那么简单了。 practice path, although is heaven defying, actually also in studying world deep meaning, all Grand Dao principles all may be cultivator use, today my Qin Chuan wants in the heart that unsurpassed Martial Dao true meaning!” Clothes man double pupil tight is staring void, breath all at once in sensibility, his whole person resembles to integrate in the middle of the that world imposing manner, wants to sense the world principle. 修炼一道,虽是逆天,却也是在修习天地奥义,一切大道法则皆可为修者所用,今天我秦川就要心中那无上武道真意!”青衫男子双眸紧紧的盯着虚空,在感悟当中的一股气息,他整个人都似要融入那天地气势当中,想要感悟天地法则。 „Can he in the thunder rainy day sensibility world principle?” The Xiao Yun innermost feelings have started mighty waves, but thinks the words that this clothes man spoke have several points of truth, practice path, the book are pursuing Martial Dao Peak, but world Myriad Laws is a source, from world. “他要在雷雨天感悟天地法则?”萧云内心掀起了一阵波澜,不过想想这青衫男子说的话也有着几分道理,修炼一道,本就是在追求武道巅峰,可是天地万法皆为一源,源自天地。 Now seeks the breakthrough from the world natural law has not been means. 如今从天地自然法则中寻求突破也未曾不是一个办法。 This idea was too dangerous! 只是这种想法太危险了! At this time the thunder clouds rolled, have thunder to divide from void. 这时雷云滚动,有着雷霆从虚空中劈下。 Bang! 轰! Resounds through thunderously, void is shivering, the earth is swaying, afterward the rain cats and dogs, dazzling thunder carries unsurpassed heavenly power to divide in the sky, making ten thousand beasts be dormant, sends out the wail, but this clothes man actually senses in the rain realizes that heavenly power. 雷鸣响彻开来,虚空都在颤抖,大地在摇晃,随后大雨倾盆而下,刺眼的雷霆携带无上天威当空劈下,让得万兽蛰伏,发出哀鸣,可这青衫男子却在雨中感悟体会那股天威 Rumbling! 轰轰! As thunder falls together, in the sky the bang is unceasing immediately, thunder is similar to the electricity snake is waving, such as the spider net covers generally void, that unsurpassed imposing manner, making Xiao Yun feel that a palpitation, heavenly power is inobservable, present he also really not with the ability that heavenly power fights. 随着一道雷霆落下,天空中顿时巨响不断,雷霆如同电蛇在舞动,又如蜘网一般笼罩虚空,那股无上气势,让得萧云都感到一阵心悸,天威不可测,如今的他还真没有与天威争锋的能力。 Clothes man Qin Chuan senses in the thunderstorms unceasingly, on that firm and resolute facial skin actually does not have mighty waves, had not been absorbed by heavenly power. 青衫男子秦川在雷雨中不断感悟,那坚毅的脸皮上竟然没有一丝波澜,未被天威所摄。 So the breadth of spirit, making the person admire. 如此气魄,让人敬服。 This is real character.” In the Xiao Yun heart sighs with emotion, skims that in heart to dread with every effort. “这才是真的人物。”萧云心中感慨,尽力撇去心中的那股畏惧。 Under compares him to think that with this person own was too tiny, but also has many insufficiencies. 在和此人相比下他觉得自己太渺小了,还有着许多的不足。 Must know that he is only an observer, even though thunder Myriad Dao will not fall on the body at present, satisfying actually fears. 要知道,他只是一个旁观者,纵使眼前雷霆万道也不会落在身上,可心中却有惧。 This indicated that his disposition is insufficient, needs to promote. 这说明他的心性还不够,需要提升。 However Xiao Yun has not been discouraged, person needs constantly to grow, which person life is impossible to have this breadth of spirit. 不过萧云并没有气馁,人就是需要不断成长,不可能哪个人一生下来就有此气魄。 This need process. 这需要一个过程。 After under pacifying the mood in heart, Xiao Yun continues to watch. 平息下心中的情绪后,萧云继续观看。 Bang! 轰! In the summit thunder falls, finally has heavenly thunder together to delimit the cloud layer to ward off toward Qin Chuan. 山巅中雷霆落下,终于是有着一道天雷划过云层向着秦川辟下。 Came.” Also when that thunder light twinkle, this Qin Chuan body moves, has avoided that thunder unexpectedly strikes. “来了。”也就在那雷光闪烁时,这秦川身子一动,竟然避开了那雷霆的一击。 That speed was too fast, but leaves behind a remnant shade on the ground, Xiao Yun looks, even also thinks that he was divided by thunder. 那速度太快了,只是在地上留下一个残影,萧云看去,甚至还以为他被雷霆劈中了。 But when thunder light dissipates, had discovered after side clothes man, he knows that the opposite party already avoided. 可是待得雷光消散,在旁边发现了青衫男子后,他才知道对方已然避开。 thunder is extremely quick, has almost achieved rapidly, is the strength of world nature, all has is traceable, when thunder falls, the cloud layer has, void will also produce palpitates, so long as calms the mind to observe, integrates in the middle of the world nature from be possible to know this rule by the body.” After avoiding this strikes, clothes man Qin Chuan mutters, seems summarizing the own sensibility. 雷霆极快,几乎达到了急速,可是天地自然之力,皆有是有迹可循,雷霆落下时,云层有动,虚空也会产生悸动,只要静心观察,以身融入天地自然当中自可掌握这规律。”避开这一击后,青衫男子秦川喃喃自语,似乎在总结自己所得的感悟。 All traceable?” Xiao Yun is startled slightly, carefully is chewing the words in this male spigot. “一切有迹可循?”萧云微微一怔,也在细细咀嚼这男子口中的话语。 Then he also carefully observes that world to fluctuate, confirms by this. 然后他也是仔细观察那天地波动,以此加以验证。 Slightly, he had indeed discovered when thunder falls void will indeed have the fluctuation. 稍许后,他的确发现了雷霆落下时虚空的确会有波动。 But wanted to control this fluctuation in this heavenly power to be too difficult. 可是想要在这天威中掌控这波动太难了。 mind of person under heavenly power is trembling, but how also maintains the mentality, integrates in the that world nature by mind? 天威之下人的心神都在战栗,还如何保持心态,以心神融入那天地自然中? Not only this needs cultivation level, but also needs the enormous boldness as well as to world the sensibility. 这不仅需要修为,还需要有着极大的魄力以及对天地的感悟。 thunder glitters unceasingly, that clothes man is still continue sense, Xiao Yun also tries to integrate the boundary that man said by the heart sensibility. 雷霆不断闪烁,那青衫男子还在继续感悟,萧云也试着以心感悟融入那男子说的境界。 Bang! 轰! thunder falls, irresistible, a summit was crushed, has the innumerable giant stones to tumble. 雷霆落下,势不可挡,一座山巅都被击碎了,有着无数巨石滚落。 thunder strikes...... By the potential of thunder, coordinates the unsurpassed mighty force, can destroy hills and break mountains.” The Qin Chuan pupil concentrates, resembles has become aware, starts to mutter, at once his pupil light moves, in both hands the Yuan Qi condensation evolution is a handle Yuan Qi sharp knife blade. 雷霆一击……以雷霆之势,配合无上伟力,可摧山断岳。”秦川眸子一凝,似又有所悟,开始喃喃自语,旋即他眸光一动,双手间元气凝聚演化为一柄元气利刃。 His body moves, shuttles back and forth then sends out toward a mountain range in the rain in the sky swiftly and fiercely strikes. 他身子一动,穿梭在雨中当空便是向着一处山峦发出凌厉一击。 Under strikes the mountain range disintegration, is similar to thunder strikes. 一击之下山峦崩碎,如同雷霆一击。 After striking, he continues view that thunderstorms to fall, senses unceasingly. 一击之后他继续观那雷雨落下,不断感悟。 Present fall in the eye, has given the Xiao Yun greatest inspiration. 眼前的一幕幕落在眼中,也给了萧云莫大的启发。 That clothes man is similar to a teacher, taught him in the according to body. 那个青衫男子就如同一个老师,在以身教导他。 Causes the Xiao Yun shall be grateful as a personal favor in this space, can better confirmation own institute obtained. 在这空间中使得萧云感同身受,能够更好的验证自己的所想所得。 Unknowingly, Xiao Yun integrated this piece of space completely, wholeheartedly only wants to sense this world deep meaning. 不知不觉,萧云完全融入了这片空间,一心只想感悟这天地奥义 When Xiao Yun senses these, outside crosses had ten days. 而在萧云感悟这些的时候,外面已经过了有十天了。 ! 哇! Under Martial Tablet, in a youth mouth has spat blood essence, the double pupil turns, has almost not fainted deadly in the past. 武碑下,一个少年口中吐了一口精血,双眸一翻,差点没有晕死过去。 This martial dao deep meaning unexpectedly so difficult study and understand?” This youth is Rising Stars Peak disciple, has stepped into True Yuan late-stage. “这武道奥义竟然如此难参悟?”这少年为新秀峰弟子,已经踏入了真元后期 Sighed the tone, this person subsides the within the body aura, quite distressed turns around to depart. 叹息了口气,此人平息体内气息,颇为狼狈的转身离去。 The front Martial Tablet aura is vast, is he by the mind communication, very difficult study and understand to leave anything unexpectedly, instead under study and understand, mind was damaged almost not to destroy the foundation forcefully, the panic-stricken under this person did not dare study and understand, otherwise gain does not equal the loss. 前方武碑气息浩瀚,可是他以心神沟通,竟然很难参悟出什么,反而在强行参悟下,心神受创差点没有毁到了根基,惊骇下此人再也不敢参悟了,不然将得不偿失。 At this moment, in that mountainside bridge that stretch of school ground, several elder double pupils of Core Palace closely stares at the front pupil dew to hope. 此刻,在那山腰长桥那片校场,核心殿的几位长者双眸紧紧的凝视着前方眸露期许。 Was defeated?” When this youth goes out from the Martial Dao inheritance cliff, the people all see in his pupil light gloomy face distressed appearance back of the body to feel that loses, this is the person of third failure, if not leave accident these 1-2 days, but also some people will come out. “失败了?”当这个青年从武道传承崖走出,众人见得他眸光暗淡一脸狼狈的模样后心中皆是感到一阵失落,这已经是第三个失败的人,若是不出意外这一两天,还会有人出来。 In two days, three people are defeated, bringing the whole face to be weary, goes out from the Martial Dao inheritance cliff. 过了两天,又有三人失败,带着满脸疲倦,从武道传承崖走出。 After these people go out, after an inquiry, has not harvested. 这些人走出后,经过一番询问,都没有收获。 Yeah, is six people.” Core Palace elder all again and again sighed. “哎,已经是六人了。”核心殿长者皆是连连叹息。 Although in the people heart knows that wants study and understand martial dao deep meaning not to be easy, but many hugs for several points to read thinks. 虽然众人心中都知道想要参悟武道奥义没有那么容易,可多少抱着几分念想。 Now will see these talent youth to end in failure, not to have several points to lose unavoidably. 如今见那些天才少年一个个以失败告终,难免不会有着几分失落。 ( ( …… ……
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