EMS :: Volume #3

#223: Died?

Did Chapter 223 die? 第223章死了吗? ! 啊! The pitiful yell sound gets up, this male double pupil opens the Boss, tight is staring at the front, looks at that hole between own chests and bellies, the double pupil completely is the incredible look, then the whole person changed into blood fog under a formidable fluctuation directly! 惨叫声响起,这个男子双眸睁得老大,紧紧的盯着前方,又看着自己胸腹间的那个洞,双眸尽是不可置信的神色,然后整个人在一股强大的波动下直接化为了一片血雾! The flesh and blood sprinkling, falls on the body of people, making one suddenly feel disgusting. 血肉溅洒,落在众人的身上,使人顿觉恶心。 Died?” The remaining several people of pupil dew are panic-stricken, a face paces back and forth was staring at the front pallidly, the complexion. “死了吗?”剩下几人都眸露惊恐,一脸彷徨的盯着前方,脸色都煞白了起来。 True Yuan perfection boundary Expert was rumbled unexpectedly by a fist the dregs! 一个真元圆满境高手竟然被一拳轰成了渣! Shout! 呼! Youth who that several preparations go forward held breath a cold air, in the heart have raised stormy sea (difficult situation). 那几个准备前进的青年都不由倒吸了口凉气,心中掀起了惊涛骇浪 That clothes man pupil light concentrates, the steps go forward, the step fell above the bridge a terrifying internal combustion engine has locked all people, that imposing manner let several True Yuan late-stage perfection cultivator is a heart startled, another Rising Stars Peak True Yuan late-stage cultivator was hastily retreat. 那个青衫男子眸光一凝,踏步上前,步子落在了长桥之上一股恐怖的气机锁定了所有的人,那气势让得几位真元后期圆满修者都是一阵心惊,另外一个新秀峰真元后期修者更是连忙后退 Where runs away!” Clothes man expression ice-cold, a fist rumbles, is similar to star arrow delimits the horizon to be broken a that youth fist bang. “哪里逃!”青衫男子语气冰冷,一拳轰出,如同星矢划过天际将那个少年一拳轰碎。 Bang! 砰! Also is blood light blooms, that type of fishy smell fills the air frightening. 又是血光绽放,那种腥气弥漫开来让人心惊胆战。 This person was too strong, an ordinary fist makes the person draw back does not have to draw back. 这人太强了,普通的一拳却让人退无可退。 Afterward his pupil light revolution and stared at several other people. 随后他眸光一转又盯上了另外几人。 Bang! 轰! Also is together the fist glittering, piece of dazzling rays of light blooms, punctures the person eyes is painful. 又是一道拳光闪烁,一片耀眼的光芒绽放开来,刺得人眼睛都是生疼。 „!” The pitiful yell spreads, some people were struck to kill. “啊!”惨叫传出,有人被击杀。 How can like this?” Leaping Dragon Peak several youth yelled that is terrified-looking, panic-stricken under retreat, wants to flee hastily. “怎么会这样?”跃龙峰的几位青年大叫,一脸惶恐,惊骇下连忙后退,想要逃离。 The people who as long as but escapes wrote off. 可是但凡逃跑的人都被率先抹杀。 „It is not right, is not right.” Because Xiao Yun had stopped a moment ago, in addition in the rear, when he sees front that in the heart starts is also surprised incomparable, but carefully observes, that clothes man too does not suit, likely is not a person. “不对,不对。”萧云因为刚才有所停顿,尚且在最后面,当他看到前方的那一幕,心中开始也是惊讶无比,可是仔细观察下来,那个青衫男子太不对劲了,不像是一个人。 This person of imposing manner is very strong, but does not have a person proper vitality, that expression also is very stiff. 这人气势很强,可是却没有一丝人应有的生机,就连那表情也很僵硬。 No one can keep off me to go study and understand Thunder Dao inheritance.” In the Xiao Yun heart has doubts, that Lei Tai is actually pupil light sinks, the double pupil seems to be the thunder light twinkle, in that clothes man kills, he is also a fist rumbles, the fist glow twinkle seemed to be that thunder arc jumps. “谁也不能挡我前去参悟雷道传承。”就在萧云心中疑惑之际,那雷泰却是眸光一沉,双眸似有雷光闪烁,在那个青衫男子杀来时,他也是一拳轰出,拳芒闪烁似有雷弧跳跃。 Bang! 砰! He has met the approaching enemy with that clothes man unexpectedly. 他竟然与那青衫男子迎击了一记。 This is first is calm with the person who the clothes man meets the approaching enemy on own initiative. 这还是第一个镇定下来与青衫男子主动迎击的人。 Other people choose to escape under the fear, but also some people of several people want to escape to fly from, was actually rumbled to kill. 其它的人都在恐惧下选择逃跑,还有人几人想遁飞离开,却被轰杀。 But Lei Tai has not chosen to escape, so the action made Xiao Yun to this person high. 雷泰并没有选择逃跑,如此举动让萧云对此人不由多高了一眼。 From these details fully explained that this Lei Tai mental is what kind firm and resolute. 从这些细节来看足以说明这雷泰心智是何等的坚毅。 But does not have the accident, this Lei Tai was rumbled as before the dregs. 可是没有意外,这雷泰依旧是被轰成了渣。 Was same?” In remaining two people hearts panic-stricken, another -and-a-half Yuan Core Realm cultivator also flustered. “一样死了?”剩下两人心中惊恐,另外一个半步元丹境修者也慌了。 In addition Lei Tai battle strength compared with him, but is such character collapses at the first blow, how could does he maintain a livelihood? 雷泰战力尚且比他强,可就是这样的人物都不堪一击,他又岂能活命? Panic-stricken, he chooses to escape to fly hastily this place. 惊恐下,他连忙选择遁飞此地。 Bang! 轰! The fist glow twinkle, wonderful quick is incomparable, is similar to star arrow has delimited the horizon, when it flees the man who goes to contact with that blood light blooms, is similar to the smoke and fire is generally gorgeous, is only that type of fishy smell, makes people feel fearful. 拳芒闪烁,奇快无比,如同一颗星矢划过天际,当它与那个遁逃而去的男子接触时,一片血光绽放开来,如同烟火一般绚丽,只是那种腥气,却让人感到一阵心寒。 How can like this?” Another man was frightens directly weak. “怎么会这样?”另外一个男子直接是吓得瘫软了起来。 The clothes man on such as Killing God, a fist rumbles to will certainly have one person to cherish hatred in this. 青衫男子就如一个杀神,一拳轰出必将有一人饮恨于此。 Ten cultivator suddenly on only remaining Xiao Yun. 十个修者眨眼间就只剩下萧云了。 From beginning to end Xiao Yun has not chosen to withdraw, he in static observation that clothes man. 至始至终萧云都没有选择退避,他在静静的观察着那个青衫男子。 Relied on excellent Soul Power Xiao Yun to realize many bystander not findable details. 凭借着过人的灵魂力萧云察觉到了许多外人不可发现的细节。 For example after everyone was rumbled kills, the front void meeting flood ripples, are similar to restriction are touched appear very mysterious. 比如每个人被轰杀后,前方的虚空会泛起一阵涟漪,如同禁制被触动显得很玄妙。 Furthermore, since here is Heavenly Yuan Sect the place of Martial Dao inheritance, how will some people come out to extinguish kill Sect Core Disciple? 再者,这里既然是天元宗武道传承之地,怎么会有人出来灭杀宗门核心弟子 These ten people in Core Palace are also outstanding person general existences , everyone potential is infinite, has into Heavenly Yuan Sect mainstay background, if these person die here, do give Heavenly Yuan Sect to incur the massive loss? 这十人就算在核心殿也是佼佼者一般的存在,每一个人都潜力无限,有着成为天元宗中流砥柱的底蕴,若是这些人都殒落在此,岂不是给天元宗带来巨大的损失? Therefore Xiao Yun thought that this matter is not simple. 所以萧云觉得此事没有那么简单。 After has killed several people continuously a that clothes man pupil light revolution has locked Xiao Yun. 在连续击毙了几人后那青衫男子眸光一转又锁定了萧云 Since must fight then a war.” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, one step takes forward, the whole person body has a fearless imposing manner, his pupil light concentrates, has not used Soul Power, but both hands hauling condensed Magic Seal by Purple Flame True Fire. “既然要战便一战吧。”萧云眸光一凝,向前一步迈出,整个人身上有着一股无所畏惧的气势,他眸光一凝,并没有动用灵魂力,只是双手牵引以紫炎真火凝聚了一个法印 But at this time that clothes man a fist came to the Xiao Yun bombardment. 而这时那青衫男子已经一拳向萧云轰击而来。 I do not believe that you are an honorable person, even if you are an honorable person, again?” Xiao Yun pupil light dodges, Raging Flames Collapse then pushed out. “我不相信你是真人,就算你是真人,又如何?”萧云眸光一闪,烈焰崩便是被推了出去。 Now Xiao Yun Purple Flame Martial Spirit has achieved the True Yuan late-stage might, big of this Raging Flames Collapse might can contend with True Yuan late-stage small accomplishment cultivator, is only under a that clothes man fist, this Magic Seal fierce disintegration changed into a star light. 如今萧云紫炎武魂已经达到了真元后期的威力,这烈焰崩威力之大更是可以抗衡真元后期小成修者了,只是在那青衫男子一拳之下,这法印猛的崩碎化为了点点星光。 Then Xiao Yun feeling breath obstructs, vast fist wind then tilts toward him under. 而后萧云感觉呼吸一窒,一股浩瀚的拳风便是向着他倾覆而下。 This fist wind is very intrepid, might annihilate all, has to destroy the myriad things greatly the imposing manner. 这拳风无比强悍,似可湮灭一切,大有着摧毁万物的气势。 In this fist seems containing the potential of some intent domain?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, when that fist wind tilts under his mind moves, actually has one type to integrate in the middle of that intent domain feeling, he will be very urgent to this intent domain, wants to hold. “这一拳中似乎蕴含着某种意境之势?”萧云眸子微眯,在那拳风倾覆而下的时候他心神一动,竟然有着一种要融入那意境当中的感觉,他对这意境很迫切,想要将之抓住。 Initially he has such clear(ly) to become aware when Wind Moon Kingdom Imperial Palace study and understand that giant tablet, has not held anything. 当初他在风月国皇宫参悟巨碑时就有着那么一丝明悟,却又没有抓住什么。 Then also has a feeling in Black Clouds Cave with that Xu Yankui war, has actually missed a point anything. 而后在黑云窟与那许闫愧大战时也有着一丝感觉,却又还差了一点什么。 Now this fist wind one, his heart is jumping, has not dreaded, only then one type wants to hold the impulsion of that intent domain. 如今这拳风一来,他的心都在跳,没有畏惧,只有一种想要抓住那意境的冲动。 Inexplicable, the front imposing manner dissipates suddenly, as if really must unexpectedly with the Xiao Yun fusion. 莫名的,前方的气势骤然消散,竟然似乎真的要和萧云融合。 What's all this about?” Xiao Yun stares, he felt that entire void trembles, flood ripples. “这是怎么回事?”萧云一愣,他感觉到整个虚空都是一颤,泛起了一阵涟漪。 At once, he at present one bright, discovered that own arrived under giant tablet. 旋即,他眼前一亮,发现自己来到了一个巨碑下。 This giant tablet is very big, can have the hundred zhang (333m) to be high, above has the thunder arc twinkle, sends out one to absorb the fluctuation of person. 巨碑很大,能有百丈高,上面有着雷弧闪烁,散发出一股摄人的波动。 If carefully looks that can discover this giant tablet and giant tablet of Xiao Yun in the middle of that inheritance Martial Dao cliff was initially similar. 若仔细看去,可以发现这个巨碑和当初萧云在那传承武道崖当中的一个巨碑相似。 Xiao Yun goes toward the four directions glance, discovered unexpectedly own arrived at a strange space. 萧云向着四方扫视而去,蓦地发现自己似来到了一个陌生的空间。 giant tablet as well as that cliff wall that here only then this giant tablet, formerly he saw vanished. 这里只有这个巨碑,先前他看到的巨碑以及那崖壁都已经消失。 What's all this about?” Xiao Yun felt that disappointed, is somewhat bewildered. “这是怎么回事?”萧云感到一阵怅然,有些莫名其妙。 That all should be only a illusion a moment ago, is Formation builds.” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sound spreads to Xiao Yun mind. “刚才那一切应该只是一个幻境,为阵法营造而出。”吞天雀的声音传入萧云心神 „Does Formation build?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, he had already expected, but has not been determined does not dare the lie, now looked like should be this right, said that here should have with inheritance of that thunder relates certainly?” 阵法营造而出?”萧云眸子微眯,他早就有所预料,只是还没有得到确定不敢妄语,如今看来应该是这样没错了,“那么说这里应该和那个雷之传承有着一定的关系了?” He looks up, front that giant tablet thunder arc twinkle, thinks that was that inheritance right. 他抬头看去,前方那巨碑雷弧闪烁,想必就是那传承没错了。 Then other people?” In Xiao Yun heart doubt, if other illusion people should not have die is. “那么其他人了?”萧云心中狐疑,如果是幻象其它人应该也没有殒落才是。 ...... …… At this moment in Martial Dao inheritance cliff that void, the rays of light twinkle, has cultivator to appear under giant tablet unexpectedly. 此刻在武道传承崖那片虚空,光芒闪烁,有着一个个修者蓦地出现在一面巨碑之下。 This giant tablet thunder arc twinkle, sends out a terrifying pressure to fill the air. 巨碑雷弧闪烁,散发出一股恐怖的威压弥漫开来。 Near this giant tablet, but also has aura reserved stone tablet. 在这巨碑附近,还有着一个个气息内敛的石碑 „Don't I have the matter?” A youth falls to the ground, double pupil reveals satisfaction to be surprised. “我没有事?”一个青年落地,双眸露出满意惊讶。 „Is this Martial Dao inheritance location?” That several rumbled to become slag youth is surprised, own felt the aura of death a moment ago obviously, but now is intact, almost links an injury not to have, frightening that at present that formidable oppression brings, was showing that they are safe and sound. “这是武道传承场地?”那几位被轰成渣的青年一脸惊讶,自己刚才明明感觉到了死亡的气息,可现在却完好无缺,几乎连一点伤势都没有,眼前那股强大的压迫带来的震慑,也似在证明他们安然无恙。 A moment ago was the illusion?” In the people heart has doubts. “难道刚才是幻境?”众人心中疑惑。 A twinkling, eight people appeared under the Thunder Dao inheritance tablet. 一眨眼,就有八个人出现在了雷道传承碑下。 Is living really well!” Hence, the people all relaxed. “活着真好!”至此,众人皆是松了一口气。 Well, that Lei Tai Senior Brother?” Suddenly some people of eyes one bright, discovers Lei Tai not here. “咦,那雷泰师兄了?”突然有人眼睛一亮,发现雷泰并没有在这里。 Where did he go to?” People look at each other in shock, reveals a face surprise, waited for several breath not to see the Lei Tai form. “他去哪里了?”众人面面相觑,露出一脸诧异,等了几个呼吸也没有看到雷泰的身影。 Xiao Yun not.” Later, some people call out in alarm, discovers Xiao Yun not here. 萧云也不在。”稍后,又有人惊呼,发现萧云也不在这里。 What's all this about! How they not in such?” This makes the people feel a bewilderment. “这是怎么回事!怎么他们不在这么?”这让众人感到一阵莫名其妙。 Especially middle a person, he saw a moment ago obviously Lei Tai was also rumbled to kill! 特别是当中一人,刚才他明明看到了雷泰也被轰杀了啊! Also in the people heart surprise, that Thunder Dao inheritance Martial Tablet rays of light twinkle, seems to be the dark cloud collection in that suddenly void. 也就在众人心中诧异的时候,那雷道传承武碑突然光芒闪烁,在那虚空似有乌云汇集。 Was inheritance must open!” “是传承要开启了!” It is said inducing with the mind can in the middle of study and understand deep meaning.” Sees this, these person could not control that many have sat cross-legged to sit under inheritance Martial Tablet hastily, closed the eyes wanted to induce deep meaning that in the middle of that Martial Tablet contained by mind hastily with rapt attention. “据说得以心感应才能参悟当中的奥义。”见此,那些也人管不了那么多了连忙在传承武碑下盘膝而坐,连忙闭目凝神想要以心神去感应那武碑当中所蕴含的奥义 study and understand this martial dao deep meaning regarding them is the proper business. 对于他们来说参悟武道奥义才是正事。 Buzz! 嗡! That piece of strange space that Xiao Yun is, also starts to have mysterious fluctuation to fill the air. 萧云所在的那片陌生空间,也开始有着一股晦涩的波动弥漫开来。 Had the sound.” Xiao Yun mind moves to try to fill the air to induce the fluctuation of this piece of space Spiritual Consciousness toward the four directions by this, who would have thought his mind sends out, front that giant tablet thunder arc dodges, flood ripples, that giant tablet unexpectedly dissipated before. “有动静了。”萧云心神一动试着将灵识向着四方弥漫开来以此感应这片空间的波动,哪知他的心神才散发出来,前方那巨碑雷弧一闪,就泛起了一阵涟漪,那巨碑蓦地消散在前。 „Does giant tablet disappear?” Xiao Yun stares, does not wait for him to think that the front picture changes, has a summit to appear before. 巨碑不见了?”萧云一愣,不等他多想,前方画面一变,有着一个山巅出现在前。 That is a great cliff, a clothes man was welcoming the summit to stand at this moment. 那是一面巨崖,一个青衫男子此刻正迎着山巅而立。 This clothes man was take action that person a moment ago!” In Xiao Yun heart one startled, has recognized this man. “这青衫男子正是刚才出手那人!”萧云心中一惊,认出了这个男子。 „Is he doing?” Saw this person to appear in that summit, he was startled slightly, in the pupil revealed the curious color. “他在干什么?”见得此人出现在了那山巅,他微微一怔,眸中露出好奇之色。 Shout! Shout! 呼!呼! Actually sees this male top of the head fog to wind around, mysterious fluctuation in unceasing collection. 却见得这个男子头顶云雾缭绕,一股晦涩的波动在不断的汇集。 As that fog collects unceasingly, finally changes into one group of huge Tribulation Clouds, terrifying heavenly power tilts, but under all makes the myriad things lonesome, oppression from soul makes the Xiao Yun soul shake, in the heart moves inexplicable fear. 随着那云雾不断汇集,最后化为一团巨大的劫云,一股恐怖的天威倾覆而下让得万物皆寂,一种来自灵魂的压迫使得萧云的灵魂都是一震,心中感动一丝莫名的畏惧。 This is the person inherent one fear to heavenly power. 这是人与生俱来对天威的一种畏惧。 This is heavenly power!” The Xiao Yun eye pupil shrinks suddenly, tight stares at the front to be void, initially when Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow crossed the tribulation is this heavenly power. “这是天威!”萧云眼瞳骤然一缩,紧紧的盯着前方虚空,当初吞天雀渡劫时就是这种天威 That time gathers too far, Xiao Yun was unable to feel personal, now he in tilting of this heavenly power, but under that oppression makes his whole person whole body not comfortable, has one destiny to be pinched, the irresistible feeling, this feeling makes him feel that is very uncomfortable. 只是那次相聚太远,萧云还无法切身感受,如今他就在这天威的倾覆而下那种压迫让他整个人浑身都不自在,有着一种命运被人捏着,不可抗拒的感觉,这感觉让他感到很不舒服。 Inexplicable within one type to the person wants to break the impulsion of this oppression. 莫名间给人一种想要打破这压迫的冲动。 ( ( …… ……
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