EMS :: Volume #3

#222: The place of martial arts inheritance

The place of Chapter 222 Martial Dao inheritance 第222章武道传承之地 Also is True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment that's all. { please search in hundred degree celsius, first round entire writing reading } “不过也就是真元中期大成罢了。{请在百度搜索哈,首发全文字阅读}” Several youth corners of the mouth pull, took a fast look around Xiao Yun then to take back pupil light lightly afterward. 几个青年嘴角一扯,淡淡的扫视了一眼萧云随后便将眸光收回。 Has the color of obvious despising to reappear in these people of pupils. 在这几人的眸子中有着明显的轻蔑之色浮现。 These people were Core Palace Leaping Dragon Peak disciple, to join Heavenly Yuan Sect Core Palace one year had. 这些人都是核心殿跃龙峰弟子,拜入天元宗核心殿已经一年有余了。 Regarding them, Rising Stars Peak these Junior Brother natural talent are good, is hard to overtake their steps. 对于他们来说,就算新秀峰的那些师弟天赋再好,也难以追上他们的步伐。 Because between both sides , is not only the disparity on practice, opportunity. 因为双方之间不仅是修炼上的差距,还有机遇。 Shortly after is major areas Sect disciple will enter Profound Yuan Battlefield carries on Hundred Sects Great War the time. 不久后将是各大疆域的宗门弟子进入玄元战场进行百宗大战的时候。 Once entered Profound Yuan Battlefield, no matter you whether to emerge in the Hundred Sects Great War sect finally means is an opportunity. 一旦进入了玄元战场,不管你能否在百宗大战宗最后脱颖而出都意味着是一种机遇。 Once some countless people obtained the chance to soar in inside, became the God's favored one of the being a focus of public attention. 曾经有无数人在里面获得了机缘一飞冲天,成为了万众瞩目的天之骄子。 But their these old disciple, because the cultivation level superiority has the opportunity to participate in Profound Yuan Battlefield obviously. 而他们这些老弟子,因为修为的优势显然有着机会参加玄元战场 As for Xiao Yun this batch of disciple, even if in entry is also only cannon fodder that's all. 至于萧云这批弟子,就算进入里面也只是炮灰罢了。 That two stepped into half Yuan Core Realm youth even lightly shot a look at Xiao Yun, simply does not have in the place eye. 那两个踏入了半步元丹境的青年甚至只是淡淡的瞥了一眼萧云,根本没有将之放在眼中。 They will soon step into Yuan Core Realm, once has entered into this boundary, that is fish dive Dragon Gate, had truly in the qualification that Profound Yuan Battlefield and person fight, does not know to strive to excel many compared with these True Yuan perfection cultivator, to them, one step is in the lead, step by step will be in the lead. 他们即将踏入元丹境,一旦迈入了这个境界,那将是鱼跃龙门,真正有了在玄元战场与人争锋的本钱,比起那些真元圆满修者不知要强多少,对于他们而言,一步领先,就将步步领先。 True Yuan perfection, half Yuan Core.” Xiao Yun floating falls along with Zhang Tianlong, has not arrived at that high stage to feel various pupil light of people, but regarding contemptuous of these Leaping Dragon Peak Senior Brother, he is light smiles, has not cared. 真元圆满,半步元丹。”萧云随着张天龙飘然而落,还没有到达那高台就感觉到了众人的各种眸光,不过对于那些跃龙峰师兄的轻蔑,他只是淡淡一笑,并没有放在心上。 Is the insect is the dragon requires the time to confirm, but did not show by the argument. 是虫是龙需要时间来验证,而不是靠口舌来证明。 Has seen Palace Lord, Vice Palace Lord.” Zhang Tianlong falls on high stage, saluted toward Palace Lord Jiang and the others. “见过殿主,诸位副殿主。”张天龙落在高台上,向着姜殿主等人施礼。 Xiao Yun is also follows closely to salute. 萧云也是紧随施礼。 The Palace Lord Jiang slight bow, falls line of sight on Xiao Yun at once, in the pupil has several points of hope to reappear, says with a smile, this time you obtain examination first really not to disappoint the old man, this Martial Dao inheritance opens, you have the opportunity to carry on study and understand, hopes that this time you can others bring pleasantly surprised to me, Hehe, this is a rare chance!” 姜殿主微微点头,旋即将视线落在了萧云身上,眸中有着几分期许浮现,笑道,“这次你获得考核第一果然没有让老夫失望,此次武道传承开启,你们都有着机会去进行参悟,希望这次你能给我等带来惊喜,呵呵,这可是难得的一次机缘啊!” Xiao Yun attentive study and understand, will not disappoint elder surely.” Xiao Yun said that the expression is very firm. 萧云定会用心参悟,绝不会辜负诸位长辈的期望。”萧云说道,语气很坚定。 Respects the young.” Several elder nod, caressing must smile. “后生可畏。”几位长者点头,抚须而笑。 Has this determination to be then good, but do not demand.” Palace Lord Jiang is also the slight bow, is quite satisfied to the Xiao Yun answer, at once his pupil light concentrates, having several points of expression warning with deep veneration saying that practice path but as one desires is, is not exactable, if demands constantly, the falling fascinated barrier, so instead will only cause your crash perdition.” “有此决心便好,不过你也不要强求。”姜殿主也是微微点头,对萧云答复颇为满意,旋即他眸光一凝,带着几分肃然的语气告诫道,“修炼一道得随心而为,不可强求,若是一味强求,只会陷入魔障,如此反而会使你坠落万劫不复之地。” Em.” The Xiao Yun nod said that Xiao Yun will record the instruction of Palace Lord sincerely.” He also has the favorable impression regarding this Palace Lord Jiang. “恩。”萧云点头道,“萧云会谨记殿主的教诲。”对于这姜殿主他也是颇有好感。 Although this old man has not taught him anything, but that simple words let the person benefit life sufficiently. 这老者虽然没有教他什么,可那简单的话语却足以让人受益一生。 Extremely arrogant.” How many True Yuan perfection boundary cultivator are actually secretly coldly snorted one, was very discontented with the Xiao Yun words, what won't disappoint elder? You think really own does have Flawless Martial Spirit to be able study and understand these martial arts deep meaning? “狂妄。”身后几个真元圆满境修者却是不由暗自冷哼一声,对萧云刚才的话很不满,什么绝不会辜负诸位长辈的期望?你真以为自己拥有无暇武魂就可以参悟那些武学奥义吗? Sees Palace Lord Jiang as if quite to cherish to Xiao Yun, they do not dare to open the mouth blatantly. 只是见姜殿主似乎对萧云颇为钟爱,他们也不敢公然开口。 Since has arrived in full, then goes to that Martial Dao cliff.” Palace Lord Jiang pupil light concentrates toward the people said. “既然诸位都已经到齐,那么便前往那武道崖吧。”姜殿主眸光一凝向着众人说道。 Afterward his big hand moves, piece of rays of light blooms, is similar to the fog curls up the people generally, then toward void runs away. 随后他大手一动,一片光芒绽放开来,如同云雾一般将众人卷起,便是向着虚空遁去。 Zhang Tianlong and the others followed closely is escaping to fly to go. 张天龙等人紧随着遁飞而去。 Core Palace the place of Martial Dao inheritance, in the middle of core peak one fog seas. 核心殿武道传承之地,在核心峰旁边的一片雾海当中。 There mist is dim, takes a quick look around, simply probably is a fog sea, almost cannot see any thing. 那里雾气朦胧,一眼看去,简直就好像是一个雾海,几乎看不到任何事物。 Almost can Martial Dao inheritance in each Sect, some senior expert will keep on some cliff wall stone tablet to supply posterity study and understand the sensibility of own, gradually these places also became this Sect restricted area, for place that numerous elite disciple yearn. 几乎在每个宗派都会武道传承,一些前辈高人会将自己的感悟留在一些崖壁石碑上以供后人参悟,久而久之那些地方也就成为了这个门派的禁地,为众多精英弟子向往的地方。 Since is the restricted area, therefore here is not ordinary person disciple can enter rashly. 既然为禁地,所以这里不是一般的人弟子可以贸然进入。 Even if must observe and emulate also at most from afar to watch that's all. outside 就算要观摩也顶多是在外面远远观看罢了。 Later, the people fell in the mountainside of core peak. 不大一会,众人就落在了核心峰的一处山腰上。 Here was already opened became a stretch of school ground, cultivates the tower palace, the square mist winds around, probably is Heavenly Palace is situated simply lies in void, suddenly the light twinkle, the mist surges, Xiao Yun and the others then brought this place floating to fall. 这里已然被开辟成为了一片校场,修有楼台殿宇,四方雾气缭绕,简直就好像是天阙坐落在于虚空中,突然光影闪烁,雾气涌动,萧云等人便带到了此地飘然而落。 The body falls to the ground, the front mist sweeps across to come, a cool aura emerges in the hearts, simultaneously Xiao Yun also felt mysterious fluctuation, that fluctuation coincides with the world probably, is indistinct contains some deep meaning to make person mind be enchanted by. 身子落地,前方雾气席卷而来,一股清凉的气息涌入心间,同时萧云也感到了一股晦涩的波动,那种波动好像与天地相合,隐约间蕴含着某种奥义让人心神迷醉。 This fog sea named Heavenly Yuan fog seas, once have unparalleled powerhouse here study and understand to infinite deep meaning. 这片雾海名为天元雾海,曾经有着盖世强者在这里参悟到了无穷奥义 „Is this Core Palace the place of Martial Dao inheritance?” “这就是核心殿武道传承之地吗?” „The front aura is faintly recognizable, contains infinite Dao Rhyme, seems very uncommon!” Xiao Yun nearby several youth all are the eyes shows bright light, within both eyes are full of the flavor that has hope that from the front fog sea they induced a mysterious fluctuation. “前方气息飘渺,又蕴含无穷道韵,似乎很不凡啊!”萧云旁边几位青年皆是眸露精光,双眸中充满了期许的味道,从前面的雾海中他们感应到了一种玄妙的波动。 Even some people felt, if own can comprehend, the strength of whole person will have the archery target transformation. 甚至有人感觉若是自己能有所领悟,整个人的实力都将会发生质的蜕变。 Front is the Martial Dao inheritance sea, inside has many inheritance, but actually all can open within a limited time, some will separate for several years to be touched, ten years also will be rare, you fortunately, this opening will be deep meaning that a practice Thunder Dao senior will leave behind.” Palace Lord Jiang said toward the people that „the Thunder Dao deep meaning Lord attacks, once has comprehended to battle strength will have the enormous promotion.” “前方为武道传承海,里面有诸多传承,不过却皆会限时开启,有的隔几年才会被触动,有的则十年也难得一见,你们有幸,此次开启的将是一个修炼雷道的前辈留下的奥义。”姜殿主向着众人说道,“雷道奥义主攻伐,一旦有所领悟对战力将有极大的提升。” Thunder Dao deep meaning?” People hear speech/words, some people of brows tightly frowns, their not this physique! 雷道奥义?”众人闻言,有人眉头紧锁,他们并没有这种体质啊! Hehe, is really Thunder Dao deep meaning, it seems like my this time will certainly harvest.” However middle the youth is actually the eyes shows bright light, appears quite excited, this person of skeleton is strong, the eyebrow is very thick, in the middle of the double pupil was seeming to be thunder light twinkle, swift and fierce incomparable, making the person not dare to stare with it, already achieved half Yuan Core Realm, the strength has gone far beyond the average man. 呵呵,果然是雷道奥义,看来我这次一定会有所收获。”不过当中有一个青年却是眸露精光,显得颇为兴奋,此人骨骼强壮,眉毛很浓,双眸当中似有着雷光闪烁,凌厉无比,让人不敢与之凝视,已然达到了半步元丹境,实力远远超过了常人。 This personal name is, Lei Tai, is having Thunder Spirit Physique, the spirit value has achieved 51%. 此人名为,雷泰,拥有着雷灵体,灵值达到了51。 This Spirit Physique as well as cultivation level, in Leaping Dragon Peak in were also existences of best pick of the crop. 这种灵体以及修为,在跃龙峰在也是拔尖的存在了。 physique is only a foreign minister, what you need to comprehend is the intrinsic [say / way] and principle, if were confused by the foreign minister do not want to endure broken martial dao deep meaning for a lifetime, naturally, if physique has corresponded Martial Dao inheritance, can sense the deep meaning opportunity to be bigger.” The Palace Lord Jiang words such as are filled with wisdom, making the people all awaken, is not been vexed by that inheritance foreign minister. 体质只是一个外相,你们需要领悟的是内在的道与理,若是被外相迷惑一辈子也别想堪破武道奥义,当然,若是体质对应了武道传承,能感悟奥义的机会将更加的大些。”姜殿主的话如醍醐灌顶,使得众人皆是醒悟,不在被那传承的外相困恼。 Was good, you start to enter inside.” Saw the people to restore the look, the Palace Lord Jiang slight bow, at once the big hand strokes, the front fog sea dissipated, linked up the bridge of world then to appear in the middle of the front that mountain abyss fog sea. “好了,你们开始进入里面吧。”见众人恢复了神色,姜殿主微微点头,旋即大手一拂,前方雾海消散,一个似贯通了天地的桥梁便是出现在了前方那山渊雾海当中。 This bridge mist is dim, carefully looks that vaguely can discover the end as if has cliff at the same time presents. 这桥梁雾气朦胧,仔细看去,依稀可以发现尽头似乎有着一面山崖呈现。 „Is that the Martial Dao inheritance cliff?” People eyes one bright, immediately then takes a step to go toward the front bridge. “那就是武道传承崖吗?”众人眼睛一亮,当即便是向着前方的桥梁迈步而去。 On Xiao Yun also steps bridge, step by step walks toward the front. 萧云也踏步长桥上,向着前方一步步走去。 This bridge stretches across completely between mountain abyss and cliff wall, during places, the whole body is the dim mist, the pupil light institute and is hard to see clearly the thing ten meters away, unknowingly gives people in the heart to bring an extremely restless misconception on this bridge. 这长桥完全横跨在山渊崖壁之间,身处当中,周身都是朦胧的雾气,眸光所及难以看清楚十米外的事物,在这长桥上不知不觉给人心中带来一种极为不安的错觉。 Ten people walk toward the front unceasingly, suddenly passed through had hundred meters distance. 十个人向着前方不断走去,眨眼间就走过了有百米距离。 Finally, front mist dispersing presented one piece to stand tall and erect cliff wall in fog. 终于,前方雾气散开出现了一片高耸于云雾中的崖壁 This cliff wall is very broad, under is a school ground, above has stone tablet, the sword tablet...... Each giant tablet reaches as high as the hundred zhang (333m), is similar to the sharp knife blade towers in the clouds, or inscribed the sword mark above or has left behind some writing, sent out mysterious fluctuation. 崖壁很宽阔,下方是一个校场,上面有石碑,剑碑……每个巨碑高达百丈,如同利刃耸立于云霄,在上面或刻有剑痕或留下了一些文字,都散发出一股晦涩的波动 These stone tablet great distances are very far, respectively in an independent region. 这些石碑相隔很远,各自在一个独立的区域。 „Is this Heavenly Yuan Sect the cliff of Martial Dao inheritance?” People heart startled, has not thought of so many Martial Dao Tablet. “这就是天元宗武道传承之崖吗?”众人心惊,没有想到有这么多的武道碑 Here altogether eight Martial Dao Tablet, are the aura is reserved, is very difficult to communicate.” Xiao Yun induces to go to the thought forward, discovery these Martial Dao Tablet aura are reserved, even the institute was very weak, during the mind immersion such as entered empty void. “这里一共有八面武道碑,可是都气息内敛,很难沟通。”萧云将意念向前感应而去,却发现那些武道碑气息内敛,甚至所很薄弱了起来,心神沉浸当中就如进入了一个空荡荡的虚空。 What's all this about?” This makes him feel the surprise. “这是怎么回事?”这让他感到诧异。 These person of cultivation level are too low, Martial Dao intent domain that leaves behind cannot exist forever, therefore in residual aura is reserved, only when certain specific will regain consciousness, this was also inheritance that in that Palace Lord Jiang mouth said a moment ago opens.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that this Southern Border is remote, Heavenly Yuan Sect can have background to be also good, this time you seize the opportunity.” “这些人修为太低,留下的武道意境不能长存下去,所以里面的一丝残留气息内敛,只会在某些特定的时候才苏醒,这也就是刚才那姜殿主口中所说的传承开启了。”吞天雀说道,“这南疆偏僻,天元宗能有着底蕴也算不错,这次你抓住机会吧。” So that's how it is.” Hears Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow saying that Xiao Yun then suddenly. “原来如此。”听到吞天雀所言,萧云这才恍然。 So-called inheritance is actually Martial Dao intent domain that the predecessor leaves behind, along with years passes that aura to diverge eventually. 所谓的传承其实是前人留下的一丝武道意境,随着岁月的流逝那气息终究是要散去。 Also was this Heavenly Yuan Sect here supposes restriction, otherwise these Martial Dao thoughts already preserved few.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said. “也是这天元宗在此设下了禁制,不然这些武道意念早就存留很少了。”吞天雀说道。 However in the front has at the same time huge stone tablet, above rays of light twinkle, was seeming to be thunder arc is jumping, a swift and fierce aura fluctuation fills the air, shakes the person heart and soul, that type is swift and fierce and overbearing, as if must tremble including the vault of heaven. 不过在前方有着一面巨大的石碑,上面光芒闪烁,似有着雷弧在跳跃,一股凌厉的气息波动弥漫开来,震人心魄,那种凌厉及霸道,似乎连天穹都要为之战栗。 „Is this opening Martial Dao Tablet?” In the Xiao Yun heart moves slightly, he felt that on this Martial Dao Tablet formidable fighting intent, that intent domain has made the person admire, has one to dread, not difficult to imagine this should be the what kind character remains. “这就是此次开启的武道碑?”萧云心中微微一动,在这面武道碑上他感觉到了一股强大的战意,那种意境让人敬佩,又有着一丝畏惧,不难想象这该是何等人物所留。 Also in Xiao Yun hesitates secretly, front these disciple, already impatient steps forward from the bridge wants ascends that Martial Dao cliff. 也就在萧云暗自沉吟时,前面那些弟子,已经迫不及待的从长桥跨出要登入武道崖。 Buzz! 嗡! In the first person must step into the Martial Dao field under front cliff, light screens flood, the people only think in a flash, mysterious fluctuation unexpectedly fill the air at present afterward, covers this piece void, follows closely inside light to reappear, youth steps. 就在第一个人要踏入前方山崖下的武道场时,一片光幕蓦地泛起,众人只觉眼前一晃,随后一股晦涩的波动弥漫开来,将这片虚空笼罩,紧随着里面光影浮现,一个青年踏步而出。 Shout! 呼! This is one wears the man of clothes, dignified in appearance, he was similar to from the ancient times treads void, double pupil swift and fierce like blade edge, a fist rumbled, void shivered, the billowing mist tumbled, the terrifying aura was covering all the man who prepared to go forward. 这是一个身穿青衫的男子,仪表堂堂,他如同从远古虚空踏出,双眸凌厉如刃,一拳轰出,虚空都为之颤抖,滚滚雾气翻滚,恐怖的气息笼罩着所有准备上前的男子。 „The very powerful imposing manner, has achieved Yuan Core Realm.” In the people heart is one startled, has not thought that such formidable character appears, killed unexpectedly to them, this fist rumbled as if to contain unsurpassed deep meaning to be irresistible. 好强大的气势,已经达到了元丹境。”众人心中皆是一惊,没有想到有这么强大的人物出现,竟然杀向了他们,这一拳轰出似乎蕴含着无上奥义根本不可抵挡。 How is this matter?” “这是怎么一回事?” This makes people feel the surprise, isn't this place of Martial Dao inheritance? 这让人感到诧异,这不是武道传承之地吗? What's all this about?” Xiao Yun also stares, felt that own was covered by an inexplicable aura completely. “这是怎么回事?”萧云也是愣,感觉到自己完全被一股莫名的气息所笼罩。 Buzz! 嗡! Also at this moment, that steps the man in Martial Dao field only to think that at present the rays of light twinkle fist glow already rumbled together. 也就在这时,那个率先踏上武道场的男子只觉眼前光芒闪烁一道拳芒已然轰来。 Bang! 砰! A bang spreads, that man unexpectedly by a fist piercing chest. 一声巨响传出,那个男子竟然是被一拳给洞穿了胸膛。 ( ( …… ……
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