EMS :: Volume #3

#221: Really Yuan intermediate stage

Chapter 221 True Yuan middle-stage 第221章真元中期 Request?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, said with a smile afterward, Senior Brother Zhang, I wanted some Fire Yuan rich medicine ingredients.” “要求?”萧云眸子微眯,随后笑道,“张师兄,我想要一些火元浓郁的药材。” Ok.” Zhang Tianlong said that you have Flawless Martial Spirit, hundred years are rare, Core Palace was already collecting medicine ingredients in this aspect for you, now you obtained in examination first, these resources were also you monopolize.” “可以。”张天龙道,“你拥有无暇武魂,百年难得一见,核心殿早就在为你筹集这方面的药材,如今你在考核中获得了第一,这些资源也就是你一个人独享了。” That many thanks Senior Brother.” Xiao Yun said with a smile. “那多谢师兄了。”萧云笑道。 Later you want any medicine ingredients to list a bill to me.” Zhang Tianlong said. “稍后你要什么药材可以列出一个单子给我。”张天龙说道。 Em.” Xiao Yun nodded. “恩。”萧云点了点头。 Your resources also because this rank obtains the corresponding change.” Afterward Zhang Tianlong said toward other Junior Brother. “你们的资源也会因为这次排行得到相应的改变。”随后张天龙向着另外一些师弟说道。 ...... …… After the moment, Zhang Tianlong the detail of reward completely will tell Junior Brother. 经过片刻,张天龙就将奖励的细节全部告诉了各位师弟 This examination these obtain high rank can obtain the Magic Item reward additionally, needs constantly to accumulate contribution points as for other people, is relying on contribution points to exchange Magic Item, prompt most low-level Magic Item wants two hundred contribution points to exchange. 这次考核那些获得高排名的可以额外得到法器奖励,至于其它人则需要不断的积累功劳点,在凭借功劳点兑换法器,及时最低级法器都要两百功劳点才可以兑换。 But this time besides Xiao Yun several people, these disciple points many disciple Chen Feng also has 57 contribution points. 可是这次除了萧云几人以外,那些弟子积分最多的弟子陈锋也只有57个功劳点 Is good because, because this people carry out the task to be successful, has rewarded hundred contribution points, making the pressure of people reduce. 好在因为这次众人执行任务成功,都奖励了一百功劳点,使得众人的压力有所减轻。 May forgive is so, these people want to obtain Magic Item also at least also to carry out 1-2 tasks. 可饶是如此,这些人想要获得一件法器也至少还得在执行一两次任务。 Duan Ling'er and the others rely on this rank to obtain Magic Item that own wants. 段灵儿等人都凭借着这次排行可以得到自己想要的法器 Meanwhile, they can also go to the view to read many martial arts to promote own background by contribution points. 与此同时,他们还可以凭借功劳点去观阅更多的武学以提升自己底蕴 Duan Ling'er and the others by these superiority sufficiently distant flings other disciple behind. 段灵儿等人凭借这些优势足以远远的将别的弟子甩在身后。 After all Magic Item in the hand, depended on this to jump the ranks to fight sufficiently. 毕竟一件法器在手,足以凭此越级而战了。 Let alone Duan Ling'er and the others practice residences have also traded, changed into seven levels of Gathering Yuan Formation , slightly misses compared with Xiao Yun in this batch of new disciple merely, even is inferior to their three people including Chen Feng, because their this time points disparities have several hundreds fully, Duan Ling'er and the others, when enjoys this treatment. 何况段灵儿等人的修炼居所也换了,都换成了七级聚元阵,在这批新弟子中仅仅比萧云略差,甚至连陈锋都不如他们三人,因为他们此次的积分差距足有数百,段灵儿等人当享有这种待遇。 It can be said that this result changed Duan Ling'er and the others the destinies. 可以说这次成绩改变了段灵儿等人的命运。 What most makes their excited was Xiao Yun has given their Nether Fruit, that was can promote physique of person, the helping other to step into Yuan Core Realm Spirit Fruit smoothly, this was compares Magic Item also to want the valuable treasure regarding True Yuan Realm cultivator absolutely. 最让她们兴奋的是萧云送给了他们摩罗冥果,那可是能提升人的体质,助人更顺利的踏入元丹境灵果,对于真元境修者来说这绝对是比一件法器还要有价值的宝物。 After the reward matters concerned finished, these disciple started new closing up practice. 当奖励事宜完毕后,这些弟子都开始了新的闭关修炼 Xiao Yun also started practice. 萧云也是开始了修炼 this time is informed and experienced he to harvest many, not only obtained Nether Fruit, Nether Yuan Fruit, but also obtained many Rubbing Silk Flower. 这一次历练他收获颇丰,不仅获得了摩罗冥果,冥元果,还得到了不少的摩罗之花 The one who most makes the person hope was that valuable mirror. 最让人期许的是那面宝镜了。 rune seal of this valuable mirror, although some cracks are good because of can also stimulate to movement.” Xiao Yun arrives at Practicing Martial Arts Room to start to incite that the valuable mirror that obtains from Black Clouds Cave, he pours into inside Yuan Qi, mirror light runes twinkle, immediately sent out mysterious fluctuation. “这宝镜的符篆虽然有些裂纹不过好在还可以催动。”萧云来到练武室开始鼓捣那从黑云窟中得到的宝镜,他将元气注入里面,镜身上的光纹闪烁,立即散发出了一股晦涩的波动 Inverse Yuan Heaven Mirror! 逆元天镜 Has one line of writing to reappear in that boundary surface. 在那境面上有着一行文字浮现。 During Xiao Yun sinks to mind, some information were also received in the mind. 萧云心神沉入当中,一些信息也是被收入了脑海中。 This is defense type Spiritual Item, can through stimulating to movement above runes, resists others' attack by this. 这是一面防御类型的灵器,可以通过催动上面的符文,以此抵挡别人的攻击。 Even can also reverse Heavenly Yuan by this mirror, by other [say / way] also body. 甚至还可以凭借此镜逆转天元,以彼之道还施彼身。 However the stimulation of movement of this Spiritual Item also has the request, that needs the formidable Yuan Qi support, wanting during the display might at least also to step into Yuan Core Realm to be good, trivial True Yuan initial-stage is unable to stimulate to movement above runes to carry on the resistance. 不过这灵器的催动也有着要求,那就是需要强大的元气支撑,想要发挥当中的威力至少也得踏入元丹境才行,区区真元初期根本就无法催动上面的符文进行抵御。 True Yuan late-stage perfection boundary reluctantly is also stimulating to movement Magic Item that's all. 真元后期圆满境也只是勉强催动着法器罢了。 It seems like must stimulate to movement this valuable mirror my strength still to wait for promoting.” In the Xiao Yun heart ponders to say darkly. “看来要催动这宝镜我的实力还有待提升。”萧云心中暗忖道。 This valuable mirror aura very powerful.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow did not have, stares at that valuable mirror to keep watching. “这宝镜气息好强。”吞天雀没了出来,盯着那宝镜看个不停。 This should be Spiritual Item! “这应该是一件灵器啊! This indeed is Spiritual Item.” Xiao Yun nodded, said that what is a pity is I have not been able to stimulate to movement it now.” “这的确是一件灵器。”萧云点了点头,说道,“可惜的是现在我还无法催动它。” Furthermore, this Spiritual Item rune seal harms, was very difficult to play the complete might.” In the Xiao Yun expression has one to regret. “再者,这灵器符篆有损,也很难发挥全部威力了。”萧云语气中带着一丝惋惜。 So long as you can repair good that all not to be easily solved this above runes completely?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow lightly saying. “只要你能将这上面的符文全部修复好那不就一切迎刃而解了?”吞天雀淡淡的说道 Repairs rune seal?” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, this was extremely strange regarding him, until now has not contacted this powerhouse, „will you repair rune seal?” Suddenly, Xiao Yun asked that to Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, thinks that this fellow should know much. “修复符篆?”萧云眸光一凝,这对于他来说太过陌生了,至今为止还没有接触过这种强者,“你会修复符篆吗?”突然,萧云问向了吞天雀,想必这家伙应该知道不少吧。 This......” was such asked by Xiao Yun, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is at a loss for words immediately, feels somewhat poverty-stricken, at once the eyelid turns, careless saying, Grandpa Tian Magical Powers are general, disdains to use Spiritual Item radically, therefore has not studied these side door heretical ways.” “这个……”被萧云这么一问,吞天雀顿时语塞,感到有些窘迫,旋即眼皮一翻,大大咧咧的说道,“天爷神通广大,根本不屑动用灵器,所以也就没有学这些旁门左道。” Xiao Yun showed the whites of the eyes, in the heart is also actually pondering over, if own can to learn/to master make by cutting rune seal that promotion not weak background. 萧云翻了个白眼,心中却也在琢磨,要是自己学会刻制符篆那将提升不弱的底蕴 Under considers, if Heavenly Flame Halberd as well as this valuable mirror were repaired, own battle strength has a promotion of leap! 试想下,若是天炎戟以及这宝镜被修复好,自己战斗力可谓是有一个飞跃的提升啊! inscription Rune Dao is extremely profound, not only the request to Soul Power is very high, the strength request to cultivator is also high you not to need to worry now, first promotes cultivation level diligently, waited to step into Yuan Core Realm to say.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow old god in saying, has waited till that time, wants to study this inscription Rune Dao not to be late.” 刻篆符文一道太过深邃,不仅对灵魂力的要求很高,对修者的实力要求也高你现在也不用着急,先努力提升修为,等踏入元丹境在说吧。”吞天雀老神在在的说道,“等到了那时候,想学习这刻篆符文一道也不迟。” Em.” Xiao Yun let go the palm, this for a while, he does not start to continue practice eagerly at once. “恩。”萧云摊了摊手掌,也不急于这一时,旋即他开始继续修炼 This time leaves the Heavenly Yuan Sect also several days, in that Gathering Yuan Formation collected many Yuan Qi, is he closes up. 此次离开天元宗也有十几天,那聚元阵里已经汇集了不少的元气,也是他闭关的时候了。 this time Xiao Yun starts to derive these Yuan Qi, at one fell swoop has stepped very much into True Yuan middle-stage smoothly. 这一次萧云开始汲取那些元气,很顺利就一举踏入了真元中期 Because his life source Martial Spirit has absorbed Yuan Essence of too many soul, now unceasingly is still consuming, has not come to fight for these Yuan Qi with Xiao Yun, therefore he almost did not have the hindrance, practice, not only stepped into True Yuan middle-stage also to achieve the small accomplishment boundary. 因为他的本命武魂吸收了太多的魂之精元,现在还在不断消耗,并没有来和萧云争抢那些元气,所以他几乎没有了阻碍,一路修炼,不仅踏入了真元中期还达到了小成的境界。 Moreover, later Zhang Tianlong five days has sent many spirit materials, is fire attribute spiritual object especially is Xiao Yun seeks. 不仅如此,在五天后张天龙送来了许多的灵萃,都是火属性灵物特地为萧云寻来。 Entire Heavenly Yuan Sect could not find second to have the flawless Fire Martial Spirit talent, therefore these resources have naturally been one's turn him. 整个天元宗也找不到第二个拥有无暇火之武魂的天才,所以这些资源自然轮到了他。 Relied on these resources, Xiao Yun Purple Flame Martial Spirit is achieving the True Yuan late-stage boundary at one fell swoop, the strength had the archery target promotion. 凭借着这些资源,萧云紫炎武魂一举达到了真元后期的境界,实力可谓有了质的提升。 During this period, Xiao Yun consolidates various boundaries unceasingly. 在这期间,萧云不断稳固各种境界。 Finally half a month later, he stopped closing up went out of Practicing Martial Arts Room. 终于在半个月后,他停止闭关走出了练武室 Because of this day, is Core Palace inheritance is going to open, the opportunity is rare, is unmissable. 因为这一天,将是核心殿一次传承将要开启的时候,机会难得,不可错过。 But to the present, his cultivation level had already achieved True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment. 而到了现在,他的修为已然达到了真元中期大成 If this practice speed outside putting sufficiently shocking! 这种修炼速度要是放到外面足以惊世! But to having nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation as well as Swallowing the Heavens Arts Xiao Yun, all are actually appear that sloppy ordinary. 可是对拥有九级聚元阵以及吞天诀萧云来说,一切却是显得那么的稀松平常。 True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment?” After Zhang Tianlong induced the aura fluctuation of Xiao Yun, was shaken shook. 真元中期大成?”当张天龙感应到了萧云的气息波动后,也是被震了一震。 Must know, before this Xiao Yun half, has the True Yuan initial-stage Peak boundary! 要知道,这萧云半个前可是还只有真元初期巅峰境啊! Then how long, has stepped into True Yuan middle-stage big accomplishment! 这才多久,就踏入了真元中期大成 He derives concise True Yuan with swallowing up? 难道他汲取凝练真元是用鲸吞的吗? In fact Xiao Yun also is really swallows up, because the Swallowing the Heavens Arts revolution simply is a bottomless pit, many Yuan Qi can also refining. 事实上萧云还真算是鲸吞,因为吞天诀运转简直就是个无底洞,再多的元气也可以炼化 Hehe, True Yuan middle-stage, compared other fellow apprentices also to miss.” Xiao Yun smiles embarrasedly, these are earlier than basic disciple not to know that now him many people have stepped into True Yuan late-stage, this cultivation level, he also really felt that was too low. 呵呵,才真元中期罢了,相比其他师兄弟还差了些。”萧云讪讪一笑,那些比他早入门的弟子如今都不知有多少人踏入了真元后期,这点修为,他还真感觉太低了。 However does not have the means that Yuan Qi that Formation gathers was too few. 不过也没有办法,那阵法所聚集的元气还是太少了。 If can seek for Yuan Qi richer place practice to be good.” In the Xiao Yun mouth muttered. “要是能寻找个元气更加浓郁的地方修炼就好了。”萧云口中喃喃道。 Yuan Qi richer place?” Zhang Tianlong just heard this words, afterward eye one bright, said that indeed has such place in Heavenly Yuan Sect, Yuan Qi richly is stronger than Yuan Qi that nine levels of Gathering Yuan Formation collect.” 元气更加浓郁的地方?”张天龙刚好听到了此话,随后眼睛一亮,说道,“在天元宗的确有那么一个地方,元气之浓郁比九级聚元阵所汇集来的元气还要强。” „.” hear speech/words, Xiao Yun immediately eye one bright, pupil inquired the meaning. “哦。”闻言,萧云顿时眼睛一亮,眸露询问之意。 That is in Main Peak.” Zhang Tianlong said that these places are not general disciple can enjoy, only if you can surface in Core Palace, will obtain these Elder or is the character of Sect Master that degree regards as important will have the opportunity.” “那是在主峰。”张天龙说道,“不过那些地方不是一般的弟子可以享用,除非你能在核心殿脱颖而出,得到了那些长老或者是宗主那种程度的人物看重才会有机会。” Emerges in Core Palace?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil. “在核心殿脱颖而出吗?”萧云眸子微眯 Hehe, by Junior Brother Xiao natural talent, may fight the unusual person with you in Core Palace, so long as you can surface in next Rising Stars Peak disciple examination, can obtain many granting, as the matter stands may have the opportunity to have that opportunity.” Zhang Tianlong said with a smile. 呵呵,以萧师弟天赋,在核心殿将少有人可与你争锋,只要你能在下次的新秀峰弟子考核中脱颖而出,也是能得到不少赏赐,这样一来或许会有机会得到那机会。”张天龙笑道。 examination.” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, middle has a fine glow twinkle indistinctly. 考核。”萧云眸子微眯,当中隐约有着一丝精芒闪烁。 That is entire Rising Stars Peak disciple examination, not only there are their this batch of disciple, that three months ago basic new disciple. 那是整个新秀峰弟子考核,不仅有他们这批弟子,还有那三个月前入门的新弟子 Although in the middle of this competition is big, but Xiao Yun filled to that examination as before has hoped. 这当中的竞争虽然大,可是萧云对那考核依旧充满了期许。 Now that locates the place of Martial Dao inheritance to open not to be suitable late we to start.” Zhang Tianlong said. “现在那处武道传承之地已经要开启了事不宜迟我们启程吧。”张天龙说道。 Em.” Xiao Yun nods, escaped along with Zhang Tianlong to Core Palace. “恩。”萧云点头,随张天龙遁向了核心殿 This time goes study and understand that Martial Dao inheritance altogether ten people, middle two people is Rising Stars Peak disciple, eight people are Leaping Dragon Peak old disciple, has achieved True Yuan perfection boundary, even there is two people to step into half Yuan Core Realm.” Zhang Tianlong is bringing Xiao Yun toward that Core Palace, when the mountain peak runs away also starts to explain this inheritance detail for him. “这次前去参悟武道传承的一共有十人,当中两人新秀峰弟子,还有八人则是跃龙峰的老弟子,都已经达到了真元圆满境,甚至有两人踏入了半步元丹境。”张天龙带着萧云向着那核心殿所在的山峰遁去的时候也开始为他讲解这次传承的细节。 Altogether ten quotas?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, were even more many to that Martial Dao inheritance several points of interest. “一共十个名额?”萧云眸子微眯,对那武道传承越发多了几分兴趣。 Hehe, can obtain study and understand Martial Dao inheritance each time is elite disciple, few that but actually can comprehend in middle, I remember that the previous ten people merely are only one person have also comprehended, even on a previous person does not have.” Zhang Tianlong said. 呵呵,每次能获得去参悟武道传承的都是精英弟子,不过能在当中有所领悟的却很少,我记得上次十个人也仅仅只是一人有所领悟,甚至上上次一个人都没有。”张天龙说道。 Is so difficult?” Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil. “这么难?”萧云眸子微眯 Em.” Zhang Tianlong said that this, not only needs the perception, but must have the big will to be good.” “恩。”张天龙说道,“这不仅需要悟性,还得有着大毅力才行。” Core Palace.” During the speeches, Zhang Tianlong brought Xiao Yun to arrive at Core Palace that to locate sky over martial arts stage. 核心殿到了。”说话间,张天龙已经带着萧云来到了核心殿的那处演武场上空。 Takes a broad view to look, can see on that high stage to have nine youth to arrange in turn. 放眼望去,可以看到那高台上正有着九个青年依次排列着。 In the front of these people is Palace Lord Jiang as well as Core Palace some Deacon. 在这些人的面前便是姜殿主以及核心殿的一些执事 Regarding this Martial Dao inheritance, they also filled have hoped. 对于这次武道传承,他们也充满了期许。 Once some people have comprehended, that will be representing rising of genuine God's favored one, to entire Heavenly Yuan Sect is a serious matter, the old people who therefore some year to year close up in abundance go out, want to take a look this time whether to have the God's favored one to appear. 一旦有人有所领悟,那将代表着一个真正的天之骄子的崛起,对整个天元宗来说都是一件重大的事情,所以一些常年闭关的老人都纷纷出关,想要看看这次能否有天之骄子出现。 When Xiao Yun appear here piece of martial arts stage sky, elder as well as that several youth on that high stage narrowed the pupil, will be bringing several points of curious rays of light tight was staring, that appearance has one type the feeling of but actually watching the new things. 萧云出现在这片演武场的上空时,那高台上的长者以及那几位青年都是不由眯起了眸子,带着几分好奇的光芒将之给紧紧的盯着,那模样倒有着一种观看新鲜事物的感觉。 „Is he that has the Flawless Martial Spirit talent, Xiao Yun?” “他就是那个拥有无暇武魂的天才,萧云吗?” ( ( …… ……
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