EMS :: Volume #3

#220: The choice grants

First round === 首发=== Black Clouds Cave?” Hears this word, Zhang Tianlong brows tightly frowns, „did they go to there unexpectedly?” 黑云窟?”听得此言,张天龙眉头紧锁,“他们竟然去了那里?” Deacon Cheng nodded, said that it is said there has taboo existence, I think that fluctuated you also to induce. Kazakh 程执事点了点头,说道,“据说那里有着一尊禁忌般的存在,我想那股波动你也感应到了吧。哈” Em.” Zhang Tianlong deeply inspired, in the heart is also the shock, has not thought of Black Clouds Cave also that terrifying existence.” “恩。”张天龙深吸了口气,心中也是震惊不已,“没有想到黑云窟也那么恐怖的存在。” Before although he knows that Black Clouds Cave was very dangerous, was the restricted area, has not actually thought that so will be terrorist. 以前他虽然知道黑云窟很危险,算是禁地,却也没有想到会这么恐怖。 Old Cheng remembers that fluctuation also to have a lingering fear, afterward when a pupil light revolution, took a look below Xiao Yun the slight bow, it is said this Xiao Yun also went to Black Clouds Cave, but he has not had an accident fortunately, otherwise your I do not know how to confess to Palace Lord.” 程老想起那股波动也是心有余悸,随后眸光一转,瞅到了下方的萧云时微微点头,“据说这萧云也去了黑云窟,不过还好他没有出事,不然你我也不知如何向殿主交代。” He also went to Black Clouds Cave.” Zhang Tianlong slightly feels surprisedly, the back seems to be the chill in the air to emit, then felt that rejoiced. “他也去了黑云窟。”张天龙略感惊讶,背后都似有寒意冒出,而后感到一阵庆幸。 Was good, now starts to count points.” Old Cheng said. “好了,现在开始统计积分吧。”程老说道。 Em.” Zhang Tianlong nods, afterward took a look to Xiao Yun this batch of disciple, said that took your Token.” “恩。”张天龙点头,随后瞅向了萧云这批弟子,道,“将你们的腰牌都取出来。” Yes!” hear speech/words, the people take out respective Token hastily. “是!”闻言,众人连忙将各自的腰牌取出。 That batch of disciple that Deacon Cheng leads also start to take out Token. 程执事带领的那批弟子也开始取出腰牌 Two batch of disciple, are divided into two examination to be situated, will not converge the same place. 两批弟子,分为两个考核排行,不会归为一起。 Because another batch of disciple early crossed the threshold for several months to have very big superiority, if converges together appears unfair. 因为另外一批弟子早入门几个月占据了很大的优势,若归为一起将显得不公平。 In the presence of everyone after the person Token takes out, in Zhang Tianlong hand were also many crystal token of diamond. 当众人将腰牌取出后,张天龙手中也多了一个菱形的晶牌 This crystal token probably is a token, must be long compared with these disciple Token obviously, has one foot. 晶牌好像是一个令牌,比起那些弟子腰牌明显要长,有着一尺。 After this crystal token takes out, Zhang Tianlong has pinched Magic Seal directly, above runes twinkle, piece of rays of light then bloomed, at once these disciple under stage then felt own Token also starts the rays of light twinkle, as if received the hauling of front that crystal token, piece of runes changes into the birthplace that light beam shouted to empty, submerged in the middle of crystal token of Zhang Tianlong palm. 当这晶牌取出后,张天龙直接掐了一个法印,上面符文闪烁,一片光芒便是绽放了开来,旋即台下的那些弟子便是感到自己腰牌也开始光芒闪烁,似乎受到了前方那晶牌的牵引,一片符文化为一道光束呼的贯空而出,没入了张天龙手掌的晶牌当中。 Shout! 呼! Then, that crystal token rays of light twinkle, the front presented light screens void, rows of information also presented in the line of sight of people, this was Xiao Yun this batch of disciple enters the Black Clouds Mountain Range accumulation to obtain the points data impressively. 接下来,那晶牌光芒闪烁,前方虚空出现了一片光幕,一排排信息也是呈现在了众人的视线当中,这赫然就是萧云这批弟子进入黑云山脉累积获得积分的数据了。 Who can be first!” After that row of data shows, below disciple stared in a big way the pupil closely was staring at the front void that light screens, line of sight institute, people very natural leapt the following rank to directly soar top first. “谁会是第一了!”当那排数据显示出来后,下方的弟子都一个个瞪大了眸子紧紧的盯着前方虚空那片光幕,视线所及,众人很自然的跃过下面的排名直奔顶部的第一。 Next quarter, in that above platoon information also then presented in the pupil of people. 下一刻,在那上面的排信息也便是呈现在了众人的眸子中。 Xiao Yun: Total cuts to kill the True Yuan initial-stage boundary Monster Beast 127 heads, obtains points 1270. 萧云:共计斩杀真元初期妖兽127头,获得积分1270。 Cuts to kill True Yuan middle-stage boundary Monster Beast, 67 heads, obtain points, 1340. 斩杀真元中期妖兽,67头,获得积分,1340。 Cuts to kill True Yuan late-stage boundary Monster Beast, 18 heads, obtain points, 540. 斩杀真元后期妖兽,18头,获得积分,540。 Cuts to kill Innate perfection boundary Monster Beast, 160 heads, obtain points 160. 斩杀先天圆满境妖兽,160头,获得积分160。 The Xiao Yun accumulation is, 3310 ten points, for first! 萧云累积为,3310十分,为第一! This Token will record you not to obtain points, when as well as that die Monster Beast the residual that potential judges cultivation level all at once, to obtain detailed data, when saw this secretly below cultivator thoroughly to be scared, 3310 ten points, was this real? 腰牌会记录你获得没一个积分,以及那殒落妖兽时残留的那一股气势判断修为,以得出详细的数据,当见得这一幕后下方的修者彻底傻眼了,3310十积分,这是真的吗? This is how possible, more than 3000 points! Can he cut to kill these many Monster Beast?” Chen Feng double pupil delay, is bewildered, cannot believe that simply present fact, his trying hard hunter Monster Beast also has more than 500 points, this can Xiao Yun be so fierce? “这怎么可能,3000多积分!他能斩杀这么多妖兽吗?”陈锋双眸呆滞,一脸茫然,简直不敢相信眼前的事实,他努力猎手妖兽也只有500多积分,这萧云怎么能这么厉害? He has definitely cheated, right, definitely cheated.” In the Chen Feng mouth murmured, shaking the head. “他肯定作弊了,对,肯定作弊了。”陈锋口中囔囔,不停的摇头。 Other disciple are also a face doubt, cannot believe this fact. 其它弟子也是一脸狐疑,不敢相信这个事实。 Well, that Duan Ling'er also has 1300 hundred points, how is this possible?” Unexpectedly, some people fix the eyes on look to discover Ranked second is not Chen Feng, but is Duan Ling'er, this causes disciple pupil light one revolution in field, downward looks. “咦,那段灵儿累计也有1300百积分,这怎么可能?”蓦地,有人定睛一看发现排行第二的不是陈锋而是段灵儿,这使得场中的弟子眸光一转,都向下看去。 Really, what placed second is Duan Ling'er, various data really together have 1320 ten points. 果然,排在第二的是段灵儿,各项数据竟然一起有1320十积分 So the result simply is heaven defying. 如此成绩简直是逆天 Duan Ling'er? 1320 ten points?” Hears this word, Chen Feng pupil light was scarlet, original Xiao Yun obtains first also to expect that own placed second can also obtain many resources, but some people arrange at front now are equal to snatching his resources without doubt! 段灵儿?1320十积分?”听得此言,陈锋眸光都猩红了,本来萧云获得第一也在预料当中,自己排在第二也可以获得不少的资源,可现在有人排在前面无疑是等于抢了他的资源啊! Chen Feng felt that a brains heat, has this blood direct impact mind, at present one black, did not have the faint to pass on the difference. 陈锋感觉头脑一热,有这一股血液直冲脑海,眼前一黑,就差没有昏厥过去了。 This girl, only then trivial True Yuan initial-stage can Peak, how have this result?” This makes Chen Feng be hard to accept this fact. “这丫头,只有区区真元初期巅峰,怎么能有这成绩?”这让陈锋难以接受这个事实。 Is it possible that is because the help of Xiao Yun is the result?” Nearby some disciple pupil light suddenly, because initially they saw outside the Black Mountains County city these people coordinate to hunt and kill Monster Beast together, except in addition, the people cannot think that also held true by can make this Duan Ling'er have this result. “莫非是因为萧云的帮助所致?”旁边一些弟子眸光恍然,因为当初在黑山郡城外他们就看到了这几人一起配合猎杀妖兽,除此外,众人根本想不到还有什么理由能让这段灵儿有这成绩了。 Xiao Yun enters Black Clouds Cave not to know that cut to kill many monster bat, points was not the average man is naturally conceivable. 萧云进入黑云窟不知斩杀了多少妖蝠,积分自然不是常人可以想象。 Also is he does not want extremely to shock everybody, has forwarded to Duan Ling'er and the others some points on own initiative, but that figure will be high. 也是他不想太过惊世骇俗,主动将一些积分转给了段灵儿等人,不过那数字还将高。 Does not know that who third can be!” The people are having several points of surprise , to continue to look toward below. “不知第三会是谁!”众人带着几分诧异,向着下面继续看去。 In the Chen Feng heart intense, now the second position did not have, only then drew back to seek the next prospect third. 陈锋心中紧张不已,如今第二的位置没有了,也只有退而求其次指望第三了。 Who would have thought under pupil light this moves, his mouth has almost not put out an old blood. 哪知眸光这一动之下,他嘴里差点没有吐出一口老血。 Third is Wang Lei, points 1090! 第三名为王磊,积分1090! Fourth is Zhou Ping, points 1080! 第四名为周平,积分1080! Fifth is Chen Feng, points 573. 第五名才是陈锋,积分573。 These people have more than 1000 points.” “这些人都有1000多积分。” It seems like was really Xiao Yun has helped them, how could otherwise was relying on several people of some these many points?” “看来真是萧云帮了他们,不然凭借着几人岂能有这么多积分?” These people of luck are really good.” After looking at Wang Lei and Zhou Ping points, sound of the envying then passed on the disciple group, these people not only envy, in the heart also secretly regretted, if initially own, in Duan Ling'er was bullied, even if stood came out well also! “这几人运气真好。”当瞧得王磊周平积分后,一阵羡慕之声便是在弟子群中传了出来,这些人不仅羡慕,心中还暗暗后悔,若是当初自己段灵儿受到欺负时,哪怕是站了出来也好啊! Especially that Liu Zhong, his intestines quickly destroyed azure. 特别是那刘重,他肠子都快毁青了。 Must know that initially this Liu Zhong once together acted with that Wang Lei Zhou Ping, but after hears the Zheng Tianwei reputation, heartlessly leaves, is because this action made him lose an opportunity of change life, now regretted that was useless. 要知道,当初这刘重可是曾与那王磊周平一起出面,可是一听到郑天伟的名头后就无情离开,也是因为这个举动使得他失去了一个改变人生的机会,现在后悔已经没用了。 „More than 1000 points?” Field sound in an uproar has caused the attention of nearby that Deacon Cheng, when he also looks at that rank reveals several points of surprised, at once is light smiles, these person luck are actually good, think that obtained the help of this Xiao Yun.” “1000多积分?”场中的哗然声引得了旁边那程执事的注意,当他瞧得那排行也是露出几分惊讶,旋即淡淡一笑,“这几个人运气倒是不错,想必是得到了这萧云的帮助。” Hehe, their moral behavior is good, although this rank has the moisture content, but also is their own strives to come, should be rewarded.” Zhang Tianlong shows a faint smile, he also knew some situations regarding initial matter, therefore not because of this Wang Lei and the others points, but had indicated. 呵呵,他们人品较好,虽然这排行有水分,不过也是他们的自己争取而来,应该得到奖励。”张天龙微微一笑,对于当初的事情他也知道一些情况,所以并没有因为这王磊等人的积分而有所表示。 After all in practice path, the personal connection also is very sometimes important. 毕竟在修炼一道,有时候人脉也很重要。 If you obtained expert to lead by the hand, that growth naturally was not the average person may compare. 若是你得到了高人提携,那成长速度自然不是一般人可比。 Obviously this Wang Lei and the others obtained this chance. 显然这王磊等人就得到了这机缘。 This Xiao Yun is really the monstrous talent really has more than 3000 points!” “这萧云真是妖孽竟然有3000多积分!” It seems like he is our force competitor!” After seeing Xiao Yun points, that batch morning crossed the threshold three months of disciple to feel a pressure, in the middle of their 58 people did not have one person to obtain three thousand points. “看来他将是我们的强力竞争对手啊!”当看到萧云积分后,就连那批早入门三个月的弟子都是感到了一阵压力,就连他们58人当中也没有一人获得了三千积分 Strongest one person also merely is only 1200 hundred points. 最强的一人也仅仅只是1200百积分 Conceivable, Xiao Yun this result how astonishing. 可以想象,萧云这个成绩是多么的惊人。 He crosses the threshold fortunately late, otherwise we have not been able really with it fighting.” Some people rejoiced secretly. “还好他入门晚,不然我们还真无法与之争锋。”一些人暗自庆幸。 Now Xiao Yun the True Yuan initial-stage strength is not high, but among them some people started to step into True Yuan late-stage. 现在萧云真元初期实力不算高,而他们当中已经有人开始踏入真元后期了。 So long as is going a step further, spreads out both sides, that Xiao Yun wants to pursue not to be easy. 只要在进一步,将双方的距离拉开,那萧云想追赶上来也没有那么容易。 Was good, this your rank came out, these points will exchange into contribution points at 10 : 1 proportions, to for you to replace Medicine Pill in the gate, martial arts, Magic Item, waits for the goods, simultaneously is situated the first five people able to obtain Magic Item to grant.” Zhang Tianlong took a fast look around under one that batch of new disciple, afterward a pupil light staring line fell on the body of Xiao Yun, said that Junior Brother Xiao, you obtained first to be able the extra premium, middle had top level Magic Item with going to Core Palace Martial Dao inheritance cliff study and understand martial arts chooses for you, Ha Ha, this two only may elect his you to consider to turn.” “好了,这次你们的排行已经出来,这些积分将以十比一的比例兑换成为功劳点,以供你们在门中去置换丹药,武学,法器,等物品,同时排行前五的人都可以得到一件法器赏赐。”张天龙扫视了一眼下方那批新弟子,随后眸光一凝视线落在了萧云的身上,道,“萧师弟,你获得第一可以得到额外奖励,当中有顶级法器与去核心殿武道传承参悟武学供你选择,哈哈,这二者只可选其一你可得好好考虑一翻。” top level Magic Item?” Xiao Yun brow one curved, this is he needs, but actually can not obtain may not. 顶级法器?”萧云眉头一弯,这个是他所需,不过却不是非要得到不可。 Because Heavenly Flame Halberd, although is incomplete, is might is as before uncommon, is not weak in these so-called high-level Magic Item. 因为天炎戟虽然残缺,可是威力依旧不凡,根本不弱于那些所谓的高级法器 Therefore that Martial Dao inheritance are more to Xiao Yun several points of attraction. 所以那武道传承萧云更多几分吸引力。 Actually does not know that what Martial Dao inheritance that is?” Xiao Yun hesitates slightly, afterward asked. “却不知那是什么武道传承?”萧云略微沉吟,随后问道。 Martial Dao inheritance is very mysterious, did not say study and understand to be able study and understand, therefore he wants to find out the situation. 武道传承很玄妙,不是说参悟就能参悟,所以他想多了解一下情况。 This is my Core Palace senior remains, has deep meaning that they comprehend.” Zhang Tianlong slightly narrows the pupil has saying of profound meaning greatly, these seniors comprehend has thunder's deep meaning, as well as martial dao deep meaning, but martial arts reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches together, something want corresponding physique to comprehend by no means that so long as by the heart sensibility, will have obtained, therefore this is rare opportunity.” “这是我核心殿的前辈所留,拥有他们所领悟的奥义。”张天龙眸子微眯大有深意的说道,“这些前辈领悟的有雷之奥义,以及武道奥义,不过武学一道殊途同归,有些东西并非一定要相应的体质才可领悟,只要以心感悟,自会有所得,所以这是一个难得的机会。” „Does martial arts together, reach the same goal or conclusion from different approaches?” Xiao Yun is startled slightly, initially that Rising Stars Peak Martial Arts Palace that Old Wu also had said similar words, this Zhang Tianlong also mentions this point to make his heart touch now, perhaps shouldn't intertwine really these? 武学一道,殊途同归?”萧云微微一怔,当初那新秀峰武学殿的那位吴老也说过类似的话,如今这张天龙又提及此点让他心有所触,或许真的不应该纠结这些? That is natural.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow opens the mouth saying that world deep meaning, infinitely subtle, if, but hundred, more importantly becomes aware the character, if you can comprehend, has stepped into that threshold, no matter later practice anything martial arts will be handy.” “那是自然。”吞天雀开口道,“天地奥义,奥妙无穷,若是一通,可百通,重要的是一个悟字,若是你能有所领悟,踏入了那个门槛,以后不管修炼什么武学都将得心应手。” Good, I choose study and understand that Martial Dao inheritance!” Xiao Yun pupil light concentrates, gains ground to say. “好,那我就选择去参悟武道传承!”萧云眸光一凝,抬头说道。 Em.” The Zhang Tianlong slight bow said that I must remind you, enters, therefore your own that Martial Dao inheritance cliff is not easily has harvested considered that after all this regarding you is also a quite important choice.” “恩。”张天龙微微点头道,“不过我得提醒你,进入那武道传承崖可不是那么容易有所收获的,所以你自己得好好考虑,毕竟这对于你来说也算是一个颇为重要的抉择。” Indifferent, if therefore lost the heart of pursue to Martial Dao, that practice what does use?” Xiao Yun shrugs, said that Magic Item is no doubt important, but eventually is foreign object, itself to the control as well as the comprehension of Martial Dao is basic.” “无所谓,若是因此就失去了对武道的追求之心,那修炼何用?”萧云耸了耸肩,说道,“法器固然重要,不过终究是外物,本身对武道的掌控以及领悟才是根本。” Said well.” Zhang Tianlong nods, says with a smile, half a month later will open inheritance, when the time comes I will inform you.” “说得好。”张天龙点头,笑道,“在半个月后将有一个传承将开启,到时候我会通知你。” Em.” Xiao Yun nods. “恩。”萧云点头。 Meanwhile, your this time obtains the first practice resources also to increase.” Zhang Tianlong said that you can definitely set some requests now, for example needs any spiritual medicine, needs any Medicine Pill, wait / etc., so long as is not excessive, may be satisfied.” “同时,你这次获得第一修炼资源也将增加。”张天龙说道,“你如今完全可以提出一些要求,比如需要什么灵药,需要什么丹药,等等,只要不过分,都可得到满足。” ( ( …… ……
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