EMS :: Volume #3

#219: Returning to the birth family

Chapter 219 returns to the sect 第219章归宗 Duan Ling'er accommodates tenderly delicately pretty, probably curved spring in deep valley, making the person have a liking for one to wish one could to drink one. 段灵儿娇容清秀俏丽,好像幽谷中的一弯清泉,让人看上一眼就恨不得喝上一口。 At this moment she looks at Xiao Yun earnestly, after discovering the latter was well that heart to be also loose. 此刻她认真的看着萧云,在发现后者无恙后那颗心也是松了下来。 Just Black Cloud Gorge what happened?” Duan Ling'er asked. “刚刚黑云涧发生了什么事情?”段灵儿问道。 Presented powerhouse, I drew back fortunately promptly.” Xiao Yun simple saying. “出现了一个强者,还好我及时退出来了。”萧云简单的说道。 Em.” Duan Ling'er was not asking that loosened has been holding the white hands of Xiao Yun, nodded the head micro lowly, appeared is very clever. “恩。”段灵儿也不在多问,松开了抱着萧云的玉手,颔首微低,显得很是乖巧。 The young girl so appearance makes nearby Yan Zhen and the others envy. 少女这般模样让得旁边的颜真等人羡慕不已。 Especially Zhou Ping they, this Duan Ling'er was quite initially stubborn, rather offends that Zheng Tianwei not to be willing to accept the kindness of this person, person who obviously she is one has the principle, but now is this young girl is actually similar to the timid young girl or child who inspires tenderness generally side Xiao Yun, is really enviable. 特别是周平他们,当初这段灵儿可是颇为倔强,宁肯得罪那郑天伟也不愿意接受此人的恩惠,可见她是一个有原则的人,可如今就是这少女却如同小鸟依人一般在萧云身边,着实让人羡慕。 You are all right.” Xiao Yun pupil light moves, takes a look to Yan Zhen and the others, asked. “你们都没事吧。”萧云眸光一动,瞅向颜真等人,问道。 We are all right.” Yan Zhen said that we received the order, lets leave Black Clouds Mountain Range immediately.” “我们都没事。”颜真说道,“不过我们都接到了命令,让立即离开黑云山脉。” I also received.” Xiao Yun took a look at people, said that such being the case, then we then in light of this depart.” “我也接到了。”萧云瞅了一眼众人,说道,“既然如此,那么我们便就此离去吧。” Em.” hear speech/words, Yan Zhen and the others are excited, has the Xiao Yun accompaniment, they also appeared must be more relaxed. “恩。”闻言,颜真等人都是一脸兴奋,有萧云陪同,他们也显得要轻松多了。 The people walk toward the Black Clouds Mountain Range surrounding, has met all the way also Monster Beast, but almost does not have what danger. 众人向黑云山脉外围走去,一路上也遇到了妖兽,不过几乎没有什么危险。 Xiao Yun formerly took Rubbing Silk Flower to step into Extinguishing Soul Arts 2nd-layer big accomplishment in Black Clouds Cave, he has swallowed afterward that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon spirit, although majority of spirits by life source Martial Spirit absorbing, but he also obtained many advantage. 萧云先前在黑云窟服用了摩罗之花已经踏入了灭神诀第二重大成,随后他又吞噬了那血睛冥蛟的魂灵,虽然大部分魂灵被本命武魂给吸收了,不过他也得到了不少好处。 Present Xiao Yun had already stepped into Extinguishing Soul Arts 2nd-layer Peak. 如今的萧云已然踏入了灭神诀第二重巅峰 Is relying on formidable Soul Power, True Yuan late-stage Monster Beast must withdraw three chi (0.33 m), let alone these ordinary Monster Beast? 凭借着强大的灵魂力,就连真元后期妖兽都要退避三尺,何况那些普通妖兽了? The promotion of Soul Power made Xiao Yun background also vigorous. 灵魂力的提升使萧云底蕴也变得浑厚了起来。 Finally came out!” On this day, the people arrived Black Clouds Mountain Range edge was looking at the present blue sky, Yan Zhen, Yan Mo and the others not the consciousness have shown a face smiling face, this experience, they also had been through repeatedly the life and death, grew. “终于是出来了啊!”这一天,众人来到了黑云山脉的边缘处望着眼前的蓝天白云,颜真,颜漠等人都不知觉的露出了一脸笑容,这次历练,他们也算是历经了生死,成长了许多。 Brother Xiao, this time many thanks.” Yan Mo expressed gratitude to Xiao Yun, the preparation departed respectively. 萧兄,这次多谢了。”颜漠萧云道谢,准备各自离去。 The place that because from different peak departments, collects is different. 因为来自不同峰系,所汇集的地方不一样。 This is Nether Fruit that I obtain, take of your several people after stepping into True Yuan perfection boundary.” Xiao Yun took out three Nether Fruit, has given Yan Zhen separately, Yan Mo, as well as Clouds Sea Merchant Alliance Yuan Ming, has not granted as for other people. “这是我得到的摩罗冥果,你们几人在踏入真元圆满境服下。”萧云取出了三颗摩罗冥果,分别送给了颜真,颜漠,以及云海商盟袁铭,至于其它人并没有赠与。 Here population are too many, his Nether Fruit are not many. 这里人数太多,他的摩罗冥果也不多。 „Is this Nether Fruit?” Is taking that black light shining Spirit Fruit, Yan Mo and the others are excited. “这就是摩罗冥果吗?”拿着那乌光灿灿的灵果,颜漠等人都一脸兴奋。 Xiao Yun nodded, at once takes a look to other people, as for you, if later has other need to look for me.” 萧云点了点头,旋即瞅向了另外一些人,“至于你们,以后若是有别的需要可以找我。” Em.” The people all nodded, although they in the pupil envy, but actually also knows that which things are impossible every, this time can obtain Xiao Yun to assist, could in the respective peak be wins the position by points that in the hand accumulates. “恩。”众人皆是点了点头,他们虽然眸中有羡慕,不过却也知道哪些东西不可能人手一个,此次能得到萧云相助,凭借手中累积的积分已经能在各自峰系中取得好名次了。 Had the good position to obtain more resources, therefore regarding Xiao Yun people heart, only then felt grateful. 有了好名次就能得到更多的资源,所以对于萧云众人心中只有感激。 Afterward Yan Zhen and the others depart respectively with the own peak is person collections. 随后颜真等人各自离去与自己峰系中的人汇集。 This gives you.” Afterward, Xiao Yun took out three Nether Fruit to give Zhou Ping, Wang Lei as well as Duan Ling'er. “这是给你们的。”随后,萧云取出了三颗摩罗冥果周平,王磊以及段灵儿 Naturally, Duan Ling'er is obviously different, is Nether Yuan Fruit, effect Nether Fruit is strong, is only the efficacy is also overbearing, need stronger mental as well as the will can endure that type to wash the muscle to cut down the pain of marrow, but Xiao Yun believes that this young girl has this will. 当然,段灵儿的明显就不一样,是一个冥元果,效果比摩罗冥果还强,只是药力也霸道,需要更强的心智以及毅力才能忍受那种洗筋伐髓的痛楚,不过萧云相信这少女有这毅力。 Many thanks Senior Brother Xiao.” Obtained this Nether Fruit, Wang Lei is happy, was happy that the mouth is about unable to close up. “多谢萧师兄。”得到了这摩罗冥果,王磊一脸憨笑,高兴得嘴都快合不拢了。 Senior Brother Xiao, later we mixed with you.” Zhou Ping is the whole face is also grateful and excited. 萧师兄,以后我们就跟着你混了。”周平也是满脸感激与兴奋。 They were still envying a moment ago Yan Zhen they. 刚才他们还在羡慕颜真他们呢。 Heavenly Yuan Sect competes enormously, everybody later diligently practice.” Xiao Yun smiles lightly, afterward leads the people's that direction collection to that Black Mountains County to go, this is their Core Palace Rising Stars Peak these 18 new disciple the places of collection. 天元宗竞争极大,大家以后都努力修炼吧。”萧云淡淡一笑,随后带着众人向那黑山郡的那个方向汇集而去,这是他们核心殿新秀峰这18个新弟子的汇集之处。 But at this moment in Black Mountains County that stretch of battlefield, some people collected one after another. 而此刻在黑山郡外面的那片战场中,已经陆续有人汇集。 Later, Rising Stars Peak that batch of disciple collected several people. 不大一会,新秀峰的那批弟子已经汇集了十几人了。 How Junior Brother Xiao has not appeared, properly speaking he should arrive at this place most quickly?” Zhang Tianlong stands in these front, the brow tight wrinkle, here population quickly collected, but Xiao Yun they have not appeared. “怎么萧师弟还没有出现,按理说他应该是最快到达此地的啊?”张天龙站立在这些前方,眉头紧紧一皱,这里的人数都快汇集完毕了,可萧云他们却还没有出现。 This makes him feel a restlessness indistinctly. 这让他隐约感觉到一丝不安。 How many points did you obtain?” “你们得到了多少积分?” I have 339.” “我有339分。” I have 378.” Some disciple talked mutually, was inquiring others' points situation, this was relating them following in the development of Rising Stars Peak, therefore after almost, they who the population collected also started anxiously, wants to know others' points. “我有378分。”一些弟子相互交谈,打听着别人的积分情况,这关系着他们后续在新秀峰的发展,所以在人数汇集的差不多后,他们也开始紧张了起来,都想知道别人的积分 The people give the low-down mutually, some people lose, a face anxious look, there is a face belt happy expression, because his points is many. 众人相互交底,有人失落,一脸愁容,也有人脸带喜色,因为他积分算是多的了。 These person more than 300 points, most also 458, has missed more than 100 points compared with me, now also be only looked at that Xiao Yun, hopes that this boy points lowered compared with me, then I can obtain the best treatment.” Chen Feng hesitates secretly, when he remembered in the past few days brow of Xiao Yun after the performance of this stretch of battlefield is actually the tight wrinkle. “这些人都只有300多积分,最多的也才458分,比起我足足差了100多积分,现在也就只有看那萧云了,希望这小子积分比我低,如此一来我就可以得到最好的待遇了。”陈锋暗自沉吟,不过当他一想起前些天萧云在这片战场的表现后眉头却是紧紧一皱。 According to the normal condition, points of this youth will not compare him to be few. 按照正常情况,这个少年的积分绝不会比他少。 After a double-hour, 18 disciple have arrived in full 14. 一个时辰过后,18个弟子已经到齐了14个。 How that hasn't Xiao Yun come?” “怎么那萧云还没有来?” That Duan Ling'er and the others have not come, they should enter Black Clouds Mountain Range together.” “那段灵儿等人也没有来,他们应该是一起进入了黑云山脉。” Is it possible that have they encountered the danger?” Sees Xiao Yun they slowly in the future, these disciple started to discuss. “莫非他们遇到了危险?”见到萧云他们迟迟未来,那些弟子开始议论了起来。 Danger?” Thinks of here, in some people of hearts starts to sneer, this is also good, they have been short of several competitors. “危险?”一想到这里,有人心中开始冷笑,这样也好,他们就少了几个竞争对手。 Although these will of the people middle-stage treat, but is not good to express that after is same side fellow apprentices. 虽然这些人心中期待,不过却也不好表示出来,毕竟都是同门师兄弟 „Can you meet Xiao Yun in Black Clouds Mountain Range, Junior Brother Xiao they?” Zhang Tianlong brows tightly frowns, takes a look to the people asks. “你们可在黑云山脉遇到了萧云,萧师弟他们?”张天龙眉头紧锁,瞅向众人问道。 No.” Sees Zhang Tianlong to ask that some people replied. “没有。”见张天龙问来,有人答道。 „Hasn't a person scolded?” Zhang Tianlong continues to ask, he filled regarding Xiao Yun has hope that if such talent die, he also will feel in light of this to regret, therefore could not bear asked that hopes that can determine this matter. “一个人都没有骂?”张天龙继续问道,对于萧云他充满了期许,若是这样的一个天才就此殒落,他也会感到惋惜,所以忍不住多问了一句,希望能确定此事。 I saw Senior Brother Xiao they to go to the Black Cloud Gorge direction probably.” Some people said. “我好像见萧师兄他们前往了黑云涧的方向。”有人说道。 Black Cloud Gorge?” hear speech/words, Zhang Tianlong brow tight lock, some time ago that fluctuation from there! 黑云涧?”闻言,张天龙眉头紧紧一锁,不久前那股波动就是来自那里啊! He was in danger.” This made the heart of Zhang Tianlong sink. “难道他真的遇险了。”这让张天龙的心都沉了下去。 Snort, he died well.” Chen Feng pupil light one cold, in heart secretly thought. “哼,他死了最好。”陈锋眸光一冷,心中暗道 In these 18 disciple except for Xiao Yun, is his natural talent is best, if has been short of this competitor, he will have no more worries. 在这18个弟子中除了萧云,就属他天赋最好,若少了这个竞争对手,他将高枕无忧。 Senior Brother Zhang, do we also want to continue?” Liu Zhong brows slightly wrinkle, in the pupil has several points not to ask patiently. 张师兄,我们还要继续等吗?”刘重眉头微皱,眸中带着几分不耐烦问道。 Some side also people also appeared somewhat anxious. 旁边还有人也显得有些焦急了。 Since the people collect, they waited for more than double-hour. 自从众人汇集后,他们已经等了一个多时辰了。 In wait / etc..” Zhang Tianlong face cold severe, said. “在等等。”张天龙一脸冷厉,说道。 Sees the Zhang Tianlong expression to be slightly cold, others were not good to open the mouth. 张天龙语气略冷,别人也不好在开口了。 Until after the moment, front person's shadow twinkle, wore the man of white azure mark long gown to appear on the hillside unexpectedly. 直到片刻后,前方人影闪烁,一个身穿白色青纹长袍的男子蓦地出现在了山坡上。 Afterward the person's shadow plunders, youth is similar to the Péng bird general lithely falls. 随后人影掠动,那少年便是如同鹏鸟一般轻盈落下。 Has the person!” disciple pupil light one bright, calls out in alarm said. “有人!”一个弟子眸光一亮,惊呼道。 hear speech/words, the Zhang Tianlong pupil moves, under like the hawk, fell gently the youth to receive the front hillside on sharply in the eye. 闻言,张天龙眸子一动,锐利如鹰,一眼就将前方山坡上飘落下的少年收在了眼中。 Is Junior Brother Xiao.” Zhang Tianlong one happy, he is all right, aura as if also then.” “是萧师弟。”张天龙一喜,“他没事,气息似乎还便强了。” Xiao Yun?” Hears this name, some people brows slightly wrinkle, felt a pressure. 萧云?”听得这个名字,有些人眉头微皱,感到了一阵压力。 „Is this fellow all right?” The Chen Feng eyelid also jumps, the expression appeared somewhat ugly. “这家伙没事吗?”陈锋眼皮也是一跳,表情显得有些难看了起来。 Xiao Yun falls to the ground, afterward Duan Ling'er also appeared in the line of sight of people. 萧云率先落地,随后段灵儿也出现在了众人的视线当中。 Finally arrived here.” Following closely, Zhou Ping, Wang Lei is also being smiling, fell on the ground. “终于到了这里。”紧随着,周平,王磊也是一脸笑意,落在了地面。 Look, Senior Brother Zhang in front.” People pupil light plunders, saw front Zhang Tianlong. “看,张师兄就在前面。”众人眸光掠动,一眼就看到了前面的张天龙 Is bringing several points of inexplicable joyfulness, several people crazily plunder to go. 带着几分莫名的愉悦,几人一路狂掠而去。 These fellows came finally.” Saw that several Junior Brother simultaneously appear, Zhang Tianlong is also relaxed. “这些家伙总算是来了。”见到那几个师弟齐齐出现,张天龙也算是松了口气。 own this time can also go back to report on accomplishments these person of many belts. 自己这次也可以将这些人一个不少的带回去交差了。 Senior Brother Zhang!” Xiao Yun and the others rushing to come, immediately go forward to register. 张师兄!”萧云等人一路奔来,立即上前来报到。 Came well.” Zhang Tianlong took a fast look around one these people, after seeing has not been injured, the slight bow said that „the present population has arrived in full, I and others then returned to Sect, is counting points, when the time comes will reward according to merit, obtains the thing that you want.” “来了就好。”张天龙扫视了一眼这几人,见得都没有受伤后,微微点头说道,“如今人数已经到齐,我等便回归宗门,在统计积分,到时候会论功行赏,得到你们想要的东西。” Yes!” Hears to grant, the people eyes all are one bright, looks forward to return to Sect immediately. “是!”听到赏赐,众人眼睛皆是一亮,巴不得立即回到宗门 Only then that Chen Feng brows tightly frowns, in the heart ponders darkly, does not know how many points this Xiao Yun does have?” 只有那陈锋眉头紧锁,心中暗忖,“也不知这萧云有多少积分?” However in appearance that looking at that Zhou Ping and the others were overjoyed, in his heart felt that is not wonderful. 不过在瞧得那周平等人满面春风的模样,他心中就是感到一丝不妙。 Zhang Tianlong offers a sacrifice to handle magic sword, carried the people then to escape to the distant place. 张天龙祭出一柄法剑,载着众人便是遁向了远处。 Xiao Yun and the others closed the eyes, control one's breathing secretly. 萧云等人纷纷闭目,暗自调息。 Two days later, the front fog winds around, vast fluctuation fills the air, awakens the people. 两天后,前方云雾缭绕,一股浩瀚的波动弥漫开来,将众人惊醒。 Finally can arrive at Sect?” The Xiao Yun pupil opens, in the heart is also the whole face hopes. “终于要到宗门了吗?”萧云眸子睁开,心中也是满脸期许。 Now the duty is accomplished, waited for that his rewarded. 如今任务完成,等待他的就是奖励了。 Enters in Formation, after the registration confirmed good person counted, Zhang Tianlong leads the people toward Rising Stars Peak to run away. 进入阵法内,登记确认好人数后,张天龙就带着众人向着新秀峰遁去。 Had run in this period also into many people of return. 期间也遇到了许多归来的人。 ! 咻! Has not arrived at Rising Stars Peak, escaping light flies together, actually saw is initial that Deacon Cheng is leading another batch of disciple to escape, this made the people feel that a surprise, properly speaking they should come here earlier! 还没有到新秀峰,身后一道遁光飞来,却见得是当初的那个程执事正带领着另外一批弟子遁来,这让众人感到一阵诧异,按理说他们应该早些时候就到达了这里啊! They waited for the Xiao Yun two double-hour! 他们可是等了萧云两个时辰啊! In the middle of these people also had this problem?” Is having several points of question, people escaped together Rising Stars Peak. “难道那些人当中也出现了这种问题?”带着几分疑问,众人一起遁到了新秀峰 In that broad school ground, two batch of disciple arrange in together, front high stage, Deacon Cheng and Zhang Tianlong do not arrange in order in the same place. 那宽阔的校场上,两批弟子排列在一起,前方高台,程执事张天龙别列在一起。 Good, your this batch of person have not been short.” Deacon Cheng nods again and again, when he takes a look to that batch of disciple of own belt, the brow is tight a wrinkle saying that old man batch of disciple have been short of seven people, what a pity, is the talents, such die.” “不错,你们这批人一个都没有少。”程执事连连点头,当他瞅向自己带的那批弟子时,眉头却是不由紧紧一皱道,“老夫这批弟子少了七人,可惜啊,都是天才,就这么殒落了。” In the middle of that four people have Zheng Tianwei impressively, Li Ji, the Feng Liang three people. 那四人当中赫然有着郑天伟,李吉,冯亮三人了。 As for remaining also together went to the Black Clouds Cave person, die in inside. 至于剩下的也是一起前往了黑云窟的人,都殒落在了里面。 How can like this?” Zhang Tianlong brows tightly frowns, asked. “怎么会这样?”张天龙眉头紧锁,问道。 It is said that they went to Black Clouds Cave, wants to obtain that Nether Fruit, finally several people of die, only then a few people escape.” Deacon Cheng said. “据说他们去了黑云窟,想获得那摩罗冥果,结果有数人殒落,只有少数几人逃出。”程执事说道。 ( ( …… ……
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