EMS :: Volume #3

#218: Sad swallows the day of bird first round ===s is small

Chapter 218 sad Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow 第218章伤心的吞天雀 Along with aura restraining of Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon, this piece of mountain range gradually returns to normal. Ha 随着血睛冥蛟的气息收敛,这片山脉才逐渐恢复平静。哈 However that frightened the soul a moment ago the imposing manner as before forever the brand mark in the moral nature of person. 不过刚才那股震慑灵魂的气势依旧永远烙印在人的心底。 This shock can collapse, casts the shadow, actually can also drive the will of the people, making the person be uplifting. 这种震撼能让人崩溃,留下阴影,却也可以激励人心,使人奋发向上。 Xiao Yun felt that the own vision and field of vision increased. 萧云就感觉自己的眼界及视野都变大了。 practice path will be forever without limits, so long as own also lives should unceasingly practice diligently, cannot neglect. 修炼一道永无止境,只要自己还活着就应该不断努力的修炼,绝不可怠慢。 Only then this can climb up Peak. 只有这样才可以攀上巅峰 Later, the people arrived at the Black Clouds Mountain Range surrounding. 不大一会,众人来到了黑云山脉的外围。 Yang Haixin carries Sea Mist Sect disciple floating to fall to the ground. 杨海芯载着海岚宗弟子飘然落地。 This experience made her eternal life unforgettable, has made the profound impression. 这次经历让得她永生难忘,留下了深刻的印象。 Was good because of the goal of that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon locking a moment ago is Xiao Yun, otherwise considered that internal combustion engine to look that can make her mind be defeated and dispersed. 刚才好在那血睛冥蛟锁定的目标是萧云,不然当是那股气机看可以使她心神溃散。 That Yan Shifei and the others are still shaken. 颜诗妃等人更是惊魂未定。 The people fall on a mountain valley, for a long time, subsides the mood. 众人落在一处山谷,许久后才将心情平息下来。 Senior Sister, existence of what terror have you met?” Female disciple asked. 师姐,你们到底遇到了什么恐怖的存在?”一个女弟子问道。 Nearby all people are curious. 旁边所有的人都是好奇不已。 Not is only curious that powerhouse, what is more curious is how they can under escape from that powerhouse. 不仅是好奇那尊强者,更好奇的是他们怎么能从那强者手下逃出。 This matter you forget.” Yang Haixin is stern-faced, said that this matter less people know are better, otherwise alarmed that to exist, once it were born only feared that entire Southern Border will welcome a disaster, that consequence was not we can undertake.” “这事情你们都忘记吧。”杨海芯一脸凝重,说道,“此事越少人知道越好,不然真惊扰了那位存在,一旦它出世只怕整个南疆都会迎来一场灾难,那后果绝不是我们可以承担的。” Em.” hear speech/words, the people nodded, understands this truth. “恩。”闻言,众人都是点了点头,也明白这个道理。 Afterward, Yang Haixin has the profound meaning greatly took a look at Xiao Yun. 随后,杨海芯大有深意的瞅了一眼萧云 At this time the Sea Mist Sect people fell pupil light on this youth, especially that only Fire Bird on his shoulder. 此时海岚宗的人都将眸光落在了这个少年身上,特别是他肩膀上的那只火鸟 What looks at to look? Hasn't looked at such graceful bird?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow shows the whites of the eyes to say continually. “看什么看?没看过这么帅的鸟吗?”吞天雀连翻白眼道。 Also called the handsome on you?” Some female disciple faces despise, has not cared Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow slightly, afterward people the eyes shows a smile, takes a look to Xiao Yun said that saw, this called the handsome, your this appearance at most was also cricket that's all. “就你也叫帅?”一些女弟子一脸鄙夷,丝毫没有将吞天雀放在心上,随后众人眸露笑容,瞅向萧云道,“看到了没有,这才叫帅,你这个样子顶多也就算是蟋蟀罢了。 I go, the beautiful woman, does not bring good of such attack bird.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is incapable, the eyes shows bright light self-satisfied saying, Hehe, actually Grandpa Tian is very afterward graceful, you and others I, waited for Grandpa Tian to change into the human form, I will certainly die your fans, what good this did Little Yun have?” “我去,美女,不带这样打击鸟的好不好。”吞天雀一阵无力,随后眸露精光得意的说道,“呵呵,其实天爷很帅的,你们等我,等天爷化为了人形,我一定会将你们迷死,这小云子有什么好?” You?” These female disciple show the whites of the eyes continually, we do not do the person of bird love.” “等你?”那些女弟子连翻白眼,“我们可不搞人鸟恋。” This too wound bird heart.” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow heart soon broke to pieces. “这太伤鸟心了。”吞天雀心都快要碎了。 I go to your Sir, later looks to know the female bird to you not to be good? To do the person of bird love unexpectedly?” Xiao Yun is also one despises. “我去你大爷的,以后给你找知母鸟不好?竟然想搞人鸟恋?”萧云也是一阵鄙夷。 Is, looks for only the female bird to you, our Sea Mist Sect has Sea Clouds Sparrow, most matched with you.” Sea Mist Sect disciple smiles gracefully, for a while a moment ago that nervousness throwing after brain, the people as if returned to the beforehand appearance, nearby atmosphere also became happy. “就是,给你找只母鸟,我们海岚宗就有着一只海云雀,与你最配了。”海岚宗弟子盈盈一笑,一时将刚才那紧张的情绪给抛在了脑后,众人又似乎回到了之前的模样,附近的气氛也变得欢乐了起来。 „The fellow who has not experienced, love does not divide the race, what does the bird have not to be good?” But Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow the peak the wing, the light dodged submerged in Swallowing Tower, as to come the less seen the better, otherwise saw that these many beautiful women make eyes at to Xiao Yun, it also really must envy to refuse stubbornly to be possible. “没有见识的家伙,爱情是不分种族的,鸟有什么不好?”吞天雀一阵无奈耸了耸翅膀,光影一闪就没入了吞塔内,似乎想来个眼不见为净,不然看到这么多美女对萧云暗送秋波,它还真得羡慕死不可。 Junior Brother Xiao, this time many thanks you.” Yang Haixin beautiful eye blinks, middle has the mighty waves to raise, toward Xiao Yun Xie [say / way]. 萧师弟,这次多谢你了。”杨海芯美眸眨动,当中有着波澜掀起,向着萧云谢道。 Is impolite.” Xiao Yun said with a smile, this time I also obtained many advantage.” “不客气。”萧云笑道,“这次我也得到了不少的好处。” Yang Haixin smiled, afterward said that „the matter about that rock cave I will forget.” Her intent has referred. 杨海芯笑了笑,随后道,“关于那石窟的事情我会忘记的。”她意有所指。 This makes Xiao Yun move slightly, has not thought that this female thoughts so are exquisite. 这让萧云微微一动,没有想到这个女子心思还如此细腻。 This Yang Haixin finger naturally is Xiao Yun writes off a that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon wisp of spirit the matter. 杨海芯指的自然就是萧云抹杀那血睛冥蛟一缕魂灵的事情。 Especially that Swallowing the Heavens Tower, wait / etc.. 特别是那吞天塔,等等。 These matters are extremely astonishing, once will pass on to decide however will raise wave. 这些事情太过惊人,一旦传出去定然会掀起一阵波浪。 Xiao Yun becomes will also be the target of public criticism, that result can be imagined. 萧云也将成为众矢之的,那结果可想而知。 The enticement of treasure, sufficiently makes the person go through fire or water regarding cultivator! 宝物的诱惑,对于修者来说可是足以让人赴汤蹈火啊! Buzz! 嗡! Suddenly on a Yang Haixin magic token rays of light twinkle. 突然杨海芯身上的一个法牌光芒闪烁。 Is my Sea Mist Sect person sends out the signal, making us leave Black Clouds Mountain Range immediately.” Yang Haixin said that we should walk.” “是我海岚宗的人发出信号,让我们立即离开黑云山脉。”杨海芯说道,“我们该走了。” hear speech/words, the Yan Shifei sisters are actually reveal a face not to abandon. 闻言,颜诗妃姐妹却是露出一脸不舍。 Xiao Yun is also so. 萧云也是如此。 They are in Sea Mist Sect, when also does not know can one side seeing. 她们身在海岚宗,也不知什么时候才能在见一面。 This is handle magic sword that I obtain, Shifei your quite sacrifice refining up turns.” Xiao Yun takes out damaged item that obtains from the rock cave, gives Yan Shifei, simultaneously he also takes out Nether Yuan Fruit, as well as several Rubbing Silk Flower, these things have the wonderful effectiveness to her. “这是我得到的一柄法剑,诗妃你好生祭炼一翻。”萧云取出从石窟中得到的一件残器,递给颜诗妃,同时他还取出一颗冥元果,以及几株摩罗之花,这些东西对她都颇具神效。 „Is this Spiritual Item?” Sees that handle azure mark sword, the Sea Mist Sect disciple pupil dew is scalding hot. “这是灵器吗?”见得那柄青纹剑,海岚宗弟子都不由眸露灼热。 Although this treasured sword is incomplete, but imposing manner absorbs the person as before, this enviable. 这宝剑虽然残缺,可是气势依旧摄人,这让人羡慕。 Nearby Yan Shiyan is also pupil dew envies. 旁边的颜诗嫣也是眸露羡慕。 Hehe, Shiyan younger sister, you have.” Did not wait for the Yan Shiyan start to talk, Xiao Yun to take out handle magic sword and Nether Yuan Fruit. 呵呵,诗嫣妹妹,你也有。”不等颜诗嫣开口,萧云又取出了一柄法剑冥元果 This also almost.” Saw Xiao Yun to give the own similar gift, the small girl then satisfied smiles. “这还差不多。”见萧云给了自己差不多的礼物,小丫头这才满意一笑。 Sees this, Sea Mist Sect these disciple actually envy. 见此,海岚宗的那些弟子却一个个羡慕不已。 Is the Xiao Yun girlfriend to be really good!” “做萧云的女朋友真好啊!” If some people deliver me this Magic Item, I am willing by the body allow.” Some female disciple sounds said with a smile gently and charmingly. “要是有人送我这法器,我都愿意以身相许了。”一些女弟子声音娇柔笑道。 Huang Jianghe and the others are pupil dew is also fiery. 黄江鹤等人也是眸露火热。 These Magic Item were too rare, covets for various school of talents. 这些法器太难得了,为各派天才所眼热。 Shifei is my woman, do not have her idea, otherwise I will not let off you.” Xiao Yun brow one curved, pupil light swept to the people, especially when Huang Jianghe and other male disciple, the line of sight fell also increased several points of soul to frighten. 诗妃是我的女人,你们可不要打她的主意,不然我不会放过你们。”萧云眉头一弯,眸光扫向了众人,特别是黄江鹤等几个男弟子,视线落下时还增加了几分灵魂震慑。 Hehe, naturally, the Junior Brother Xiao woman, how dare we covets.” Huang Jianghe smiles embarrasedly, eyelid actually in unceasing twitches, because Xiao Yun that pupil light was too terrorist, is having a formidable deterrent effect, making his heart and gall all fear. 呵呵,当然,萧师弟的女人,我们岂敢觊觎。”黄江鹤讪讪一笑,眼皮却在不断的抽动,因为萧云眸光太恐怖了,拥有着一股强大的震慑力,让他心胆皆惧。 Side these people also again and again echo. 旁边那些人也是连连附和。 How we will bully Elder Sister Shifei.” These female disciple are also graceful smiles. “我们怎么会欺负诗妃姐姐了。”那些女弟子也是盈盈一笑。 Snort, I?” Nearby Yan Shiyan is a face is discontented, the small girl corners of the mouth turn upwards, the eyelash rises maliciously is staring at Xiao Yun, is very obvious, regarding the Xiao Yun bias, she feels loses very much, how only to raise her Elder Sister? “哼,那我了?”旁边的颜诗嫣却是一脸不满,小丫头嘴角翘起,睫毛上扬狠狠的盯着萧云,很显然,对于萧云的偏心,她感到很失落,怎么就只提她姐姐呢? Hehe, Shiyan is my younger sister, is my sister-in-law, you same cannot bully her.” Xiao Yun shakes the head smiles. 呵呵,诗嫣是我妹妹,也是我小姨子,你们一样不可欺负她。”萧云摇头一笑。 This girl links this minor matter also to divide clearly, is really a little girl! 这丫头连这小事也要分清楚,真的还是一个小女孩啊! Sister-in-law?” Who would have thought when Xiao Yun smiles secretly, the Yan Shiyan face was green, coldly snorted said that who is your younger sister? Who is your sister-in-law, goes to your sister-in-law, snort|hum, smelly Xiao Yun, bad Xiao Yun, I do not manage your this big bastard.” “小姨子?”哪知在萧云暗自一笑的时候,颜诗嫣脸都绿了,冷哼道,“谁是你妹妹?谁是你小姨子,去你的小姨子,哼,臭萧云,坏萧云,我再也不要理你这个大坏蛋了。” Then, this small girl goes forward one step, the jade fully is stepping on maliciously on the sole of Xiao Yun. 说完,这小丫头上前一步,玉足便是狠狠的踩在萧云的脚掌上。 „!” Xiao Yun calls out in alarm, is stunned, this girl how?” “啊!”萧云惊呼,一脸错愕,“这丫头怎么了?” Hehe!” Yan Shiyan this action has immediately caused laughing of Sea Mist Sect these Senior Sister. 呵呵!”颜诗嫣这举动立即引起了海岚宗那些师姐的哄笑。 Shiyan younger sister, it seems like you must refuel!” 诗嫣妹妹,看来你还得加油啊!” Shiyan younger sister wants Elder Sister to teach you one move!” The people accent said with a smile. 诗嫣妹妹要不要姐姐教你一招啊!”众人调笑道。 Snort, you are bad person.” Yan Shiyan air/Qi rouses the drum, others were very obviously big, how also to regard the child me? “哼,你们都是坏人。”颜诗嫣气得鼓鼓的,人家明明很大了,怎么还把我当成小孩呢? This makes her feel that puts in great inconvenience. 这让她感到委屈不已。 This girl.” Xiao Yun shakes the head again and again. “这丫头。”萧云连连摇头。 Buzz! 嗡! However his Token also shook at this time, runes was glittering. 不过在这时他身上的腰牌也是一震,符文在闪烁。 Xiao Yun takes out Token to look that above appears some information. 萧云取出腰牌一看,上面浮现出一些信息。 The duty ended, fast leaves the Black Clouds Mountain Range collection! 任务结束,速速离开黑云山脉汇集! „To come is that fluctuation was too a moment ago strong has alarmed the troops of various factions.” Xiao Yun hesitates secretly. “想来是刚才那波动太强了惊动了各派的人马。”萧云暗自沉吟。 Shifei, Shiyan, your own looks after own well, next time don't go to that dangerous place informed and experienced to know?” Xiao Yun takes a look to the Yan Shifei sisters, in pupil has wipes to be fond to appear, if not for this time he has run into this sisters exactly, how that consequence will not know, such situation he will not hope also to occur next time, otherwise he will really be hard to withstand. 诗妃,诗嫣,你们自己好好照顾自己,下次别去那么危险的地方历练了知道吗?”萧云瞅向颜诗妃姐妹,眸中有着一抹疼惜浮现,这次若不是他恰好遇到了这姐妹,那后果真不知会如何,这样的情况他不希望下次还会发生,不然他实在难以承受。 That beloved person encounters the danger shortly, the own helpless feeling is heartrending. 那种眼看着心爱的人遇到危险,自己却无能为力的感觉让人心碎。 Em.” The Yan Shifei coquettish look winks, mouth smiled faintly, the jade handled gently is stroking the black hair before volume, appeared the character and style ten thousand types, but looked at her look, Xiao Yun then knows, although this girl in the mouth complied, but in the heart also has the idea of own. “恩。”颜诗妃媚眼眨动,嘴露浅笑,玉手轻捋着额前的青丝,显得风情万种,不过瞧她那神色,萧云便是知道,这丫头虽然口中答应了,不过心中还有着自己的想法。 I said goodbye.” Afterward Xiao Yun and Sea Mist Sect disciple confession, alone escaped to this place. “我告辞了。”随后萧云海岚宗弟子告白,独自遁离了此地。 Sea Mist Sect disciple also left this piece of mountain range under the leadership of Yang Haixin. 海岚宗弟子也在杨海芯的带领下离开了这片山脉。 Sect makes us leave Black Clouds Mountain Range.” 宗门让我们离开黑云山脉。” But Senior Brother Xiao did not have the news, what to do?” “可是萧师兄还没有消息,怎么办?” „Did that sound come from Black Cloud Gorge a moment ago, Senior Brother Xiao can have the matter?” Collected in volcano Duan Ling'er and the others together, is the whole face worried that fluctuation was too a moment ago terrorist, making them feel fearful and apprehensive. “刚才那股动静来自黑云涧,萧师兄会不会有事情啊?”在一处火山脚下段灵儿等人汇集在一起,皆是满脸担忧,刚才那股波动太恐怖了,让她们感到心惊胆寒。 We wait for Senior Brother Xiao first.” Some Yan Family youth said. “我们先等等萧师兄吧。”颜家一些少年说道。 Em.” The people nod, decide to wait a bit the moment. “恩。”众人点头,决定稍等片刻。 „Haven't these fellows walked?” A Xiao Yun face dashes about wildly, in letting Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow rides instead of walking, he does not want to know that own also has such trump card, after he releases Soul Power, has discovered fellow apprentices under that crater impressively. “这些家伙还没有走?”萧云一脸狂奔而出,并没有在让吞天雀代步,他不想让所有人都知道自己还有这么一个底牌,当他将灵魂力释放出去后,赫然发现了那火山口下的师兄弟 These fellow but actually also a little consciences.” Sees the appearance that people worries about, Xiao Yun shows a faint smile, hurries to hastily forward strongly, less than a half hour he appeared in that at the foot of the hill, immediately caused the people threw surprised pupil light. “这些家伙倒还有点良心。”见得众人一副担忧的模样,萧云微微一笑,连忙向前竭力赶去,不到半个小时他就出现在了那个山脚下,顿时引得众人投来惊讶的眸光 Senior Brother Xiao.” The Duan Ling'er brow tip belt is happy, probably the lark in that deep valley quite jumps for joy goes toward Xiao Yun rushing. 萧师兄。”段灵儿眉梢带喜,好像那幽谷中的百灵鸟颇为雀跃的向着萧云奔掠而去。 Senior Brother Xiao, I also think that you had an accident.” Duan Ling'er beautiful eye blinks, the mist is dim, body gust of wind generally is probably faintly recognizable, the twinkling threw the Xiao Yun bosom, that corner of the eye has two lines of tears to fall, appeared I sees still pities. 萧师兄,我还以为你出事了。”段灵儿美眸眨动,雾气朦胧,身子好像一阵疾风一般飘渺,瞬息就扑到了萧云的怀里,那眼角当中有着两行泪水滑落,显得我见犹怜。 In some time ago, that formidable fluctuation swept across the entire mountain range, making ten thousand beasts tremble. 就在不久前,那股强大的波动席卷整个山脉,让得万兽战栗。 Duan Ling'er and the others are also feels fearful and apprehensive. 段灵儿等人也是感觉到心惊胆寒。 The people induce to go following that fluctuation carefully, vaguely can guess that is that region that Black Cloud Gorge is. 众人仔细循着那波动感应而去,依稀可以猜测出那是黑云涧所在的那片区域。 This made Duan Ling'er give to tighten the heart. 这让得段灵儿将心都给绷紧了。 Xiao Yun that Black Cloud Gorge! 萧云可是正在那黑云涧啊! Hehe, the silly thing, isn't my this is all right?” Looks at that corner of the eye belt to fall, in the delicate sweet and pretty young girl Xiao Yun heart moves slightly, feels quite intimate, probably is own younger sister Xiao Ling'er puts in the bosom, is own worried. 呵呵,傻丫头,我这不是没事吗?”望着那个眼角带落,柔弱娇美的少女萧云心中微微一动,感到颇为亲近,就好像是自己妹妹萧灵儿扑在怀中,在为自己担忧。 Not in consciousness he puts out a hand to caress the black hair of that Duan Ling'er lightly. 不知觉中他伸手轻抚着那段灵儿的青丝。 This feeling makes Xiao Yun quite enjoy. 这种久违的感觉让萧云颇为享受。 „Are you all right really?” Duan Ling'er gains ground, the tears of corner of the eye are not flowing, but earnest stares at Xiao Yun to say. “你真没事吗?”段灵儿抬头,眼角的泪水不在流淌,而是认真的盯着萧云道。 Em.” The Xiao Yun show face smiles, from the eyes of this young girl he saw a sincere emotion. “恩。”萧云展颜一笑,从这少女的眼中他看到了一种真挚的情感。 ( ( …… ……
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