EMS :: Volume #3

#217: Alarms four wild first rounds ===s small * said

Chapter 217 alarms four directions 第217章惊动四野 Ah! Ah! was swallowed along with continuously Soul Consciousness, Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon exudes the pitiful yell sound, at this time it knows that own has made a how stupid decision, terrified under wants to collect mind hastily, who would have thought that jade-green light blooms, resembled to isolate the space, it is unable to collect Soul Consciousness. 啊!啊!”随着一缕缕魂识被吞噬,血睛冥蛟发出惨叫声,此时它才知道自己做出了一个多么愚蠢的决定,惶恐下连忙想要汇集心神,哪知那碧光绽放,似隔绝了空间,它根本无法汇集魂识 Heavens, what monstrous talent this King has annoyed!” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon called out pitifully unceasingly, sent out whins intermittently, it once was also a side powerhouse, the world, has met the innumerable talents, has not actually met such a monster. 天啦,本座到底是惹了一个什么样的妖孽啊!”血睛冥蛟不断惨叫,发出阵阵哀嚎,它曾经也是一方强者,天地,遇到了无数天才,却是没有遇到这么一个怪物。 In this boy Sea of Consciousness has Flame Martial Spirit first, plant Martial Spirit, blooms of Heavens Dreading Water that Antiquity Ten Poisons. 这个小子识海内先是有火炎武魂,还有植物武魂,绽放出那上古十毒之一的天忌之水 Now this jade green plant also is very as if terrorist, is containing Grand Dao deep meaning. 如今这碧绿的植物似乎也很恐怖,蕴含着大道奥义 Shout! 呼! In Xiao Yun Sea of Consciousness, jade-green light dodges, finally gradually was reserved, changes into spirit ring float on that jade tree. 萧云识海内,碧光一闪,最后逐渐内敛,化为一个魂环悬浮在了那颗碧树上。 That Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon spirit thoroughly by Xiao Yun swallowing. 血睛冥蛟的魂灵彻底被萧云给吞噬。 life source Martial Spirit at this moment after swallowing the Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon spirit, the aura became vigorous, it as if fell into quietly, must refining these swallow Yuan Essence that came slowly, Xiao Yun felt indistinctly inside one inexplicable consciousness was also enhanced. 此刻的本命武魂在吞噬了血睛冥蛟的魂灵后,气息变得浑厚了起来,它似乎陷入了沉寂,要慢慢炼化那些吞噬而来的精元,萧云隐约感觉里面的一种莫名的意识也在增强。 Perhaps this life source Martial Spirit can be born not long a consciousness body. 或许不用多久这本命武魂就可以诞生出一个意识体了。 This makes Xiao Yun be curious, somewhat hopes. 这让萧云感到好奇,同时也有些期许。 own Sea of Consciousness intrinsic is born a consciousness body, can that be a situation? 自己识海内在诞生出一个意识体,那会是怎么一个情况呢? Hesitates slightly, Xiao Yun has then withdrawn within the body mind. 略微沉吟,萧云便将心神撤回了体内 Little Yun, you must make every effort to succeed to Grandpa Tian!” 小云子,你可得给天爷争气啊!” You, if such died, may be unfair to Grandpa Tian.” Outside, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow was still muttering. “你要是这么死了,可太对不起天爷了。”外面,吞天雀还在喃喃自语。 I go to your uncle, are you all right to curse me to do?” Xiao Yun mind withdrew from Sea of Consciousness to hear Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow to whisper unceasingly, when the lower lid turned cannot bear ridicule one, but also looked in latter that face sad appearance his heart is slightly one happy. “我去你二大爷的,你没事诅咒我干什么?”萧云心神才退出识海就听到了吞天雀不断嘀咕,当下眼皮一翻忍不住笑骂了一句,不过瞧得后者那一脸哀伤的模样他心中也是微微一喜。 Finally this dead bird also a little conscience. 总算这死鸟还有点良心。 Sudden rising!” Sees the Xiao Yun start to talk, the Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow whole body has hit quickly grasping the meaning of something, the whole face strangely the former is staring. “诈尸啊!”见到萧云开口,吞天雀浑身都打了一个激灵,满脸怪异的将前者盯着。 You sudden rising.” Xiao Yun speechless, in this smelly bird mouth does not have word of praise. “你才诈尸了。”萧云一阵无语,这臭鸟口中就没有一句好话。 „Are you all right?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sized up carefully turned Xiao Yun to ask. “你没事?”吞天雀仔细打量了一翻萧云问道。 Naturally is all right.” Xiao Yun said. “当然没事。”萧云说道。 Originally was all right, harms Grandpa Tian sadly by.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow shows the whites of the eyes continually, said that this Nether Yuan Fruit has eaten considering as finished on my own.” “原来没事,害得天爷被伤心了一场。”吞天雀连翻白眼,道,“这冥元果就我自己吃了算了。” Then, its claw moves, prepares several Nether Yuan Fruit swallowing down that will leave behind. 说完,它爪子一动,准备将留下的几颗冥元果吞下 Dead bird, you also dares saying that if not for you go harebrainedly, goes to that Soul Nether Fruit unexpectedly, will have this matter?” A Xiao Yun face despises, at once eye one bright, calls out in alarm said that this is Nether Yuan Fruit? As if Nether Fruit is really good, this regards to my interest.” Said that he snatched Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow that several Nether Yuan Fruit. “死鸟,你还敢说,若不是你冒冒失失去,竟然去动那魂冥果,会有这事情?”萧云一脸鄙夷,旋即眼睛一亮,惊呼道,“这就是冥元果吗?似乎真的比摩罗冥果还好,这就当成是给我的利息吧。”说完他一把将吞天雀那几颗冥元果抢了过来。 This to funny guy.” Not far away, the bonus is that is similar to fairy does not eat the world smoke and fire generally Yang Haixin is also feels to this person of bird speechless, but also discussed these here? However after looking Xiao Yun is safe and sound, her heart is also one happy. “这对活宝。”不远处,饶是那如同仙子一般不食人间烟火的杨海芯也是不由对这一人一鸟感到无语,都什么时候了,还在这里谈论这些?不过瞧得萧云安然无恙后,她芳心也是一喜。 Junior Brother Xiao, we quickly leave.” Shows a faint smile, Yang Haixin opens the mouth to say at once. 萧师弟,我们还是赶快离开吧。”微微一笑,杨海芯旋即开口道。 Xiao Yun receives Nether Yuan Fruit, afterward is stern-faced the [say / way], graciousness, we must leave immediately.” 萧云冥元果收好,随后一脸凝重道,“恩,我们必须马上离开。” Shout! 呼! Also at this moment, vaguely can feel that in the front altar has a fluctuation to fill the air. 也就在这时,在前方的祭坛上依稀可以感觉到有着一股波动弥漫开来。 „It is not good, the fellow must regain consciousness.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow hit one to tremble, the body moved, changes into a giant bird, walked quickly, this fellow released wisp of mind a moment ago, if this time in take action, that consequence may be difficult to expect.” “不好,那家伙又要苏醒了。”吞天雀打了一个哆嗦,身子一动,化为一只巨鸟,“快走,刚才这家伙只是释放出了一缕心神,要是这次在出手,那后果可就难料了。” Xiao Yun is not scruple, leaps forward Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow to carry on the back, changes into a flame then to turn toward the front to run away. 萧云也不迟疑,跃入吞天雀背上,化为一道火光便向着前方遁去。 Whoosh ! 刷! The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow great claw moves, that seal tearing, then escaped directly this piece of space. 吞天雀巨爪一动,直接将那封印撕裂,然后遁出了这片空间。 Yang Haixin is also follows closely to go. 杨海芯也是紧随而去。 Walks here.” Yang Haixin as if knows that an exit / to speak, drinks one lightly, leading Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow to run away outward. “走这里。”杨海芯似乎知道一条出口,轻喝一声,带领着吞天雀向外遁去。 Senior Sister, what happened?” In escaping shortly , the people have met Sea Mist Sect disciple. 师姐,发生什么事情了?”在遁出不久后,众人就遇到了海岚宗弟子 Withdraw quickly.” The Yang Haixin white hands stroke, the jade-green light twinkle, was involved on the lotus throne to escape immediately outward these apprentice sisters. “快撤。”杨海芯玉手一拂,碧光闪烁,将那些师姐妹都卷入了莲台上立即向外遁出。 Is breath time does not dare to delay to her now. 到了现在她是连一息时间也不敢耽搁。 Shout! 呼! During several breath, the people escaped a cave entrance. 几个呼吸间,众人就遁到了一个洞口。 Roar!” “吼!” However at this time, entire cavern trembled, roared to resound through fiercely. 然而就在这时候,整个洞窟一颤,一声咆哮猛地响彻开来。 Bang! 轰隆! After this roaring sound resounds through, the mountain range shivers, the cavern is swaying, the giant stone comes down, the entire rock cave as if momentarily must collapse, a terrifying fluctuation also sweeps across from that abdomen, that fluctuation makes the Sea Mist Sect disciple soul shake. 当这咆哮声响彻开来后,山峦颤抖,洞窟在摇晃,巨石崩落,整个石窟似乎随时都要坍塌,一股恐怖的波动也是从那腹部席卷而出,那种波动让得海岚宗弟子灵魂都是一震。 Good fearful fluctuation.” “好可怕的波动。” „Does Senior Sister, existence of what terror have in?” Sea Mist Sect disciple has a big shock, asked hastily. 师姐,在里面到底有着什么恐怖的存在?”海岚宗弟子大惊失色,连忙问道。 That is taboo general existence, the thought moves including Yuan Soul Realm cultivates may write off easily.” Yang Haixin said. “那是一个禁忌一般的存在,意念一动连元婴境的修着都可轻易抹杀。”杨海芯说道。 Anything! A thought can write off Yuan Soul Realm is repairing?” This person of Sea Mist Sect these disciple all are the complexion changes, did this rather also too exaggerate? However after feeling that cavern sweeps across the fluctuation that comes unceasingly, the people were not having the suspicion. “什么!一个意念就可以抹杀元婴境的修着?”这人海岚宗的那些弟子皆是脸色一变,这未免也太夸张了吧?不过在感觉到那洞窟中不断席卷而来的波动后,众人也在没有了怀疑。 Because that fluctuation was too terrorist. 因为那股波动太恐怖了。 My wisp was mind wiped to extinguish?” In that altar, Nether Qi tumbles, air wave heavens frightening, a terrifying undulatory motion the entire mountain range is shivering, is similar to has one to be dormant thousands of year great antiquity Ancient Beast to regain consciousness, that fluctuation fills the four directions immediately. “我的一缕心神被抹灭了?”在那祭坛中,冥气翻滚,气浪惊天,一股恐怖的波动震得整个山脉都在颤动,如同有着一尊蛰伏千万年的洪荒古兽苏醒,那种波动顿时弥漫四方。 Pupil that in the altar that hundred zhang (333m) long Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon that shuts tightly has opened slightly. 祭坛中那百丈长的血睛冥蛟那紧闭的眸子似微微睁开了起来。 This is a pair of scarlet-red pupil, inside as if there is bloodshed to tumble, that pupil light absorbs the person heart and soul, might pierce the world. 这是一双赤红的眸子,里面似乎有着血海在翻滚,那眸光摄人心魄,似可洞穿天地。 In this moment, entire Black Clouds Mountain Range group bird is startled to fly, Monster Beast crawls, was all absorbed by a terrifying imposing manner. 在这一刻,整个黑云山脉群鸟惊飞,妖兽匍匐,皆是被一股恐怖的气势所摄。 These concealment exist in the great strength of mountain range deep place is also awakened. 就连那些隐匿在山脉深处的强大存在也是被惊醒。 „Was the fluctuation of good terror, that Venerable regains consciousness?” In the mountain range, a big monster soars, but glance four directions. “好恐怖的波动,难道是那位尊者苏醒了?”在山脉中,一尊大妖腾飞而起扫视四方。 Damn, who has annoyed that taboo existence?” Many big monsters escape, a face dreaded. “该死的,谁去惹了那尊禁忌般的存在?”许多大妖遁出,一脸忌惮。 Not difficult to imagine, this is one how formidable existence. 不难想象,这是一尊多么强大的存在。 Not only these big monsters were awakened, cultivator of Black Clouds Mountain Range surrounding also feels this oppression. 不仅这些大妖被惊醒,就连黑云山脉外围的修者也是感受到了这股压迫。 That imposing manner is similar to is the mighty current generally wreaks havoc, entire mountain range flood ripples. 那气势就如同是洪流一般肆虐开来,整个山脉都泛起了一阵涟漪。 „The fluctuation of good terror, surmounts Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse?” Waits for these informed and experienced disciple Yuan Core Realm to feel that outside the mountain range mind trembles, such as was observed closely by Heavenly God, the soul has the misconception that one type must be defeated and dispersed. “好恐怖的波动,是超越元婴境强者吗?”一些在山脉外面等候那些历练弟子元丹境者皆是感到心神一颤,如被天神盯住,灵魂都有着一种要溃散的错觉。 „The fluctuation of good terror, removes!” In the mountain range, cultivator complexion of foot pedal flying sword sinks, turns around hastily. “好恐怖的波动,撤!”在山脉中,一个脚踏飞剑的修者脸色一沉,连忙掉头。 Uncle Shuo, how did you retreat?” On this cultivator flying sword also breaks the arm youth, his brows tightly frowns asked that our major weren't Sect and Black Clouds Mountain Range Monster Cultivate has the agreement, Yuan Core Realm above cultivator has all not been possible take action?” 朔叔,你怎么撤退了?”这个修者飞剑上还有一个断臂少年,他眉头紧锁问道,“我们各大宗派不是和黑云山脉妖修有过协议,元丹境以上的修者皆不可出手吗?” If Xiao Yun here, can certainly recognize this youth Southern Sea Sword Sect Li Jiansong. 若是萧云在此,一定可以认出这少年正是南海剑派李剑嵩 That imposing manner was too strong, is not general cultivator may have, we intrude in the mountain range rashly the weal and woe difficult material, retreats.” This Uncle Shuo is stern-faced, said that that imposing manner is terrorist compared with your grandfather, only feared that linked him to come to here also to withdraw three chi (0.33 m).” “那气势太强了,不是一般的修者可有,我们贸然闯入山脉中福祸难料,还是退走好。”这朔叔一脸凝重,说道,“那气势比起你祖父还恐怖,只怕连他来了这里也得退避三尺。” Is so strong?” Li Jiansong brows tightly frowns, he also felt that imposing manner terror actually, but his heart did not have unwillingly. “这么强?”李剑嵩眉头紧锁,其实他也感觉到了那股气势的恐怖,只是他心有不不甘。 This time came Black Clouds Mountain Range unexpectedly by an arm, was recuperating the good injury with great difficulty, looked for the Sect powerhouse preparation to avenge a grievance, how could to be resigned such to retreat? Therefore in his heart wants to continue to go forward to write off that youth. 这次来黑云山脉竟然被人断去了一臂,好不容易在调养好伤势,找来宗门强者准备要报仇雪恨,岂能甘心就这么退走?所以他心中还是想继续前进去将那少年抹杀。 Gentleman revenges for ten years not to be late, do you why worry?” That Uncle Shuo said that „, so long as you have remembered the appearance of that person, by your grandfather's energy, hasn't been able to clutch him? So long as he in Southern Border, did not fear that cannot discover.” “君子报仇十年不晚,你何必着急?”那朔叔说道,“只要你记住了那个人的模样,凭借你祖父的能量,难道还不能将他揪出来吗?只要他在南疆,就不怕找不出。” For if this person take risks, instead is unworthy.” It looks like in this Uncle Shuo, they want to kill a person simply are easy as pie, does not need to violate the danger for this reason, therefore turns around walks, suddenly escaped Black Clouds Mountain Range. “若为了此人去冒险,反而不值得。”在这朔叔看来,他们想要杀一个人简直是易如反掌,根本没有必要为此去犯险,所以掉头就走,眨眼间遁出了黑云山脉 Also is.” The Li Jiansong slight bow, pupil light cold [say / way], makes this boy live some time to hope that at once much he has not died in Black Clouds Mountain Range.” “也是。”李剑嵩微微点头,旋即眸光一冷道,“就让这小子在多活些时间希望他没有死在黑云山脉。” ...... …… Has Life Martial Spirit, Heavens Dreading Water! What a pity, the this King strength is not at the present, in addition requires the time to restore Primordial Spirit, cannot act rashly, otherwise was known by these fellows existence of this King, will certainly bring in the disaster, this boy, calculates you to be in luck, if later has the opportunity to ask you to do accounts again.” In the cavern, that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon took a fast look around four directions, afterward the sigh one breath, the eyelid lets fall the fluctuation of within the body to be reserved gradually. “拥有生命武魂,还有天忌之水!可惜,而今本座实力不在,尚且需要时间恢复元神,不可妄动,不然被那些家伙知道了本座的存在,必将引来灾难,这小子,算你走运,以后若有机会再找你算账。”洞窟内,那血睛冥蛟扫视了一眼四方,随后叹息一口气,眼皮垂落体内的波动逐渐内敛。 Its strength was too strong, once take action will certainly alarm four directions, if annoyed some powerhouse to trouble. 它的实力太强了,一旦出手必将惊动四野,要是惹来了一些强者可就麻烦了。 It naturally did not fear regarding the Southern Border person. 对于南疆的人它自然不怕。 What fears is other big territory comes the person, reported this matter. 怕的是别的大域来人,将此事禀告了上去。 At this moment, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow carried Xiao Yun just to escape Black Cloud Gorge was. 此刻,吞天雀载着萧云刚遁出了黑云涧的所在。 Mother, this fellow has not come out fortunately.” The Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow body trembles, had almost not been said a moment ago pupil light killing by that. “妈呀,还好这家伙没有出来。”吞天雀身子一颤,刚才差点没有被那道眸光给杀死。 Xiao Yun is also a heart startled, the bonus was escapes to be very far, but he felt as before a fearful internal combustion engine has locked own. 萧云也是一阵心惊,饶是遁出了很远,可他依旧感到了一股可怕的气机锁定了自己 That Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon has far exceeded his expectation formidable. 血睛冥蛟的强大远远超出了他的预料。 this is one unparalleled powerhouse, once if born to be possible to stir winds and clouds. 这是一尊盖世强者,若是一旦出世必可搅起一片风云。 You did not say that it did die? How also to have this strength?” Xiao Yun asked to Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. “你不是说它死了吗?怎么还有这实力?”萧云问向吞天雀 This fellow was injured, in quiet, therefore restrains the aura, feared that was detected.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that „is also so, it has not come out, fortunately, if otherwise this fellow comes out, Grandpa Tian only feared also the confession here.” “这家伙受了伤,在沉寂,故而将气息收敛,是怕被人发觉。”吞天雀说道,“也是如此,它才没有出来,还好,不然要是这家伙出来,天爷只怕也得交代在这里了。” It also feared that was detected?” This makes Xiao Yun feel the surprise. “它还怕被人发觉?”这让萧云感到诧异。 So exists, who can with it fighting? 如此存在,谁可与之争锋? powerhouse of this in society were many, who dares to say the own unmatched in the world?” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow flipped the supercilious look, said that „, you then know that this stretch of world is what kind big, own how tiny, but I thought that your this boy luck has good luck ever after greatly, should have this opportunity.” “这个世间的强者多了去,谁敢说自己天下无敌?”吞天雀翻了翻白眼,说道,“以后你便会知道这片天地是何等的大,自己是多么的渺小,不过我看你这小子福大命大,应该有这机会。” Xiao Yun deeply inspired, after experiencing this matter he also knew one should always strive for better truth. 萧云深吸了口气,在经历了此事后他也是知道了天外有天这个道理。 Before, Heavenly Capital Domain that Envoy was he has seen most powerhouse, unattainable. 在以前,天都域那名使者是他见过的最强者,高不可攀。 But now looks like, only feared that is that Heavenly Capital Domain Envoy also insufficiently looks facing this Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon. 可如今看来,只怕是那天都域使者面对这尊血睛冥蛟也不够看。 ( ( …… ……
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