EMS :: Volume #3

#216: Knows the sea war first round ===

Chapter 216 Sea of Consciousness war 第216章识海大战 Little Yun!” Saw that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon submerged in Xiao Yun Sea of Consciousness unexpectedly, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow also loses one's voice to call out in alarm.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 小云子!”见到那血睛冥蛟竟然没入了萧云识海内,吞天雀也是不由失声惊呼。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] This Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon imposing manner it personally has asked for advice, once had been invaded Sea of Consciousness by it, that consequence really inconceivable. 血睛冥蛟的气势它可是亲自领教过一旦被其侵入了识海,那后果真的不堪设想。 Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is more anxious much the long and loud cry, has no alternative, in the heart only then worries. 吞天雀急得直长啸,却是又无可奈何,心中只有干着急。 This time really played in a big way.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow muttered, double pupil tight was staring at Xiao Yun, revealed the whole face to worry that boy, you do not die! Grandpa Tian may also count on you help to seek Nine Revolutions Divine Pill pill recipe, is good to refine Divine Pill to make me resurrect.” “这次真是玩大了。”吞天雀喃喃自语,双眸紧紧的盯着萧云,露出满脸担忧,“小子,你可别死啊!天爷可还指望着你帮忙寻得九转神丹丹方,好炼出神丹让我复活呢。” Your this boy, must insist, so long as the will is strong enough, also has the opportunity to contend with that Nether Flood Dragon.” “你这小子,可得坚持住啊,只要意志足够坚强,也是还有机会抗衡那条冥蛟的。” ...... …… This bird as if Junior Brother Xiao relates well.” Sees Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow to mutter, whispered to whin unceasingly, Yang Haixin slightly revealed in surprise that beautiful pupil some more is sad, Xiao Yun, how could also to resist that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon? “这只鸟似乎和萧师弟关系不错。”见吞天雀喃喃自语,不断嘀咕哀嚎,杨海芯略露诧异不过那美眸中有的更多是忧伤,萧云就算在强,又岂能抵挡那血睛冥蛟 Otherwise will he be defeated a moment ago? 不然刚才他怎么会落败? Buzz! 嗡! At this moment, in Xiao Yun Sea of Consciousness, a boundless fluctuation is similar to the mountain torrent sweeps across to come generally, the Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon double pupil rays of light twinkle, appears quite excited, the side entered this piece of Sea of Consciousness to proliferate Spiritual Consciousness came goes toward the four directions glance. 此刻,萧云识海中,一股磅礴的波动如同山洪一般席卷而来,血睛冥蛟双瞳光芒闪烁,显得颇为兴奋,方一进入这片识海就是将灵识扩散了开来向着四方扫视而去。 Well! Sea of Consciousness of this boy enters opens that broadly, is really strange.” The Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon pupil reveals surprised look, generally speaking Sea of Consciousness is extremely difficult to open, especially this True Yuan Realm cultivator, only then these bodies have the Martial Spirit talented person to have this Magical Powers. “咦!这小子的识海进入开辟得那么宽阔,真是奇怪。”血睛冥蛟眸露惊讶之色,一般来说识海极难开辟,特别是这真元境修者,只有那些身具武魂的人才有此神通 Even if so, Sea of Consciousness of that opening is also very narrow and small, its this Spiritual Consciousness released sufficiently flooding to fill that Sea of Consciousness. 就算如此,那开辟的识海也是很狭小,它这灵识释放出来足以将那识海给充斥满了。 But now this Sea of Consciousness actually vast like sea, it is unable looking to arrive in the boundary unexpectedly for a while. 可现在这识海却浩瀚如海,它竟然无法一时将之望到边际。 Strange, is really strange.” A Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon face surprise, turns toward the front glance to go unceasingly, unexpectedly it at present one bright, discovered that has the rays of light twinkle in that Sea of Consciousness, rich life aura floods its soul to make it feel that immediately the spirit shakes. “奇怪,真是奇怪。”血睛冥蛟一脸诧异,不断向着前方扫视而去,蓦地它眼前一亮,发现在那识海中有着光芒闪烁,一股浓郁的生命气息顿时充斥着它的灵魂让它感到精神一震。 This is a tree!” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon surprisedly, double pupil tight is staring at Xiao Yun life source Martial Spirit of that tree shape, this tree is full of vitality, middle is also containing mysterious fluctuation, such as has life deep meaning between world.” “这是一颗树!”血睛冥蛟惊讶不已,双眸紧紧的盯着萧云的那颗树形态的本命武魂,“这树生机勃勃,当中还蕴含着一股晦涩的波动,如有着天地间的生命奥义。” Is it possible that is this Life Martial Spirit in legend? It is said Life Martial Spirit is a tree, is called Tree of Life!” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon one startled, this is how possible, how here to have this supreme talent birth?” This makes it feel the doubts to be puzzled, Life Martial Spirit is quite rare, in antiquity times is also unusual, how will own meet in this barren lands? “莫非这是传说中的生命武魂?据说生命武魂就是一颗树,也被称为生命之树!”血睛冥蛟一惊,“这怎么可能,在这里怎么会有这种天骄诞生?”这让它感到疑惑不解,生命武魂极为稀罕,就算在上古时期也是少有,怎么自己会在这片不毛之地遇到? Manages it is any Martial Spirit, this inside full of vitality, if I have controlled this body, could make the soul restore several points of vitality, even if refining up beyond this incarnation, right, refining up this body is the incarnation.” Thinks of here, the Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon pupil reveals several points of fierce color, that pupil light changes the four directions glance to go, young kid, where you, came out to this King quickly, Hehe, swallowed your soul, this body is this King.” “管它是什么武魂,这里面生机勃勃,若是我掌控了这具躯体,或许可以使得灵魂恢复几分生机,就算是将这炼成一具身外化身也可以,对,就将这具躯体炼成身为化身。”想到这里,血睛冥蛟眸子露出几分狰狞之色,那眸光一转向着四方扫视而去,“小娃儿,你在哪里了,快给本座出来,呵呵,吞了你的灵魂,这躯体就是本座的了。” „To swallow me, dies.” When this Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon quite rampant search Xiao Yun a flame is blooming, is changes into huge Magic Seal to go toward that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon bombardment unexpectedly, has started terrifying storm in this moment entire Sea of Consciousness. “想要吞噬我,去死吧。”就在这血睛冥蛟颇为嚣张的搜寻着萧云的时候一道火光绽放,蓦地便是化为一个巨大的法印向着那血睛冥蛟轰击而去,在这一刻整个识海都掀起了一股恐怖的风暴。 This Sea of Consciousness on such as a stretch of world, Xiao Yun is this stretch of world's control. 识海就如一片天地,萧云就是这片天地的主宰。 Although Xiao Yun completely has not controlled to comprehend that mysterious strength now, the imposing manner that but it has at this time may not compare a moment ago, after all here is his home game, release that all Soul Power can not leave ground. 虽然现在萧云还没有完全掌控领悟那种玄妙的力量,不过它此时所拥有的气势也远不是刚才可比,毕竟这里是他的主场,所有的灵魂力都可以毫不留余地的释放来。 flame!” When that flame sweeps across comes, in the Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon heart is also one startled, how in your Sea of Consciousness also to have flame?” This makes it be surprised, in that pair of pupil even has one to pass over gently and swiftly startled, is the spirit, the fire is almost its difficult adversary. 火炎!”当那火炎席卷而来的时候,血睛冥蛟心中也是一惊,“你识海内怎么还有火炎?”这让它感到惊讶不已,那双眸子中甚至有着一丝惊慌掠过,身为魂灵,火几乎是它的克星。 Suffers to death.” Xiao Yun were not many said that was stimulating to movement Purple Flame Martial Spirit, evolved huge Magic Seal toward that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon suppression, this time he almost integrated in the middle of soul power this Purple Flame Martial Spirit, making it might multiply. “受死吧。”萧云也不多说,催动着紫炎武魂,演化出一个巨大的法印向着那血睛冥蛟镇压而下,此次他几乎将灵魂力量都融入了这紫炎武魂当中,使之威力倍增。 This is the confrontation between souls, cannot the material weigh. 这是灵魂之间的交锋,不可以物质来衡量。 This True Fire is actually pure, what a pity was too weak, you were doomed to be going die.” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon first is one startled at once the pupil scarlet light twinkle, its sharp claws move, evolve a giant river of the netherworld, takes away as many things as possible toward that Flame Seal. “这真火倒是纯粹,可惜还是太弱了,你注定将要殒落。”血睛冥蛟先是一惊旋即眸子赤光闪烁,它利爪一动,演化出一条巨大的冥河,向着那火印席卷而去。 This river of the netherworld crosses the world, as if has infinity, that imposing manner oppression results in Xiao Yun as well as that Flame Seal slightly trembles. 这冥河横贯天地,似乎有无穷大,那气势压迫得萧云以及那火印都是微微一颤。 Spelled!” Xiao Yun take action, retains without one strongly, has poured the present, if cannot destroy completely that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon the wisp of spirit, will be he cherished hatred, therefore present Xiao Yun almost did not have the escape route. “拼了!”萧云竭力出手,没有一丝保留,倒了现在,若是不能将那血睛冥蛟的这缕魂灵灭掉,也就将是他饮恨的时候了,所以现在的萧云几乎已经没有了退路。 For the own goal, the responsibility, he cannot die. 为了自己的目标,责任,他也绝不能死。 Is having this faith, that Magic Seal rays of light is even more radiant, probably entire Sea of Consciousness for it resonance, blessing strength. 带着这股信念,那法印光芒越发璀璨,好像整个识海都在为之共鸣,加持力量。 Bang! 砰! The burning hot flame blooms, purple Magic Seal bombardment maliciously above that river of the netherworld, both encounters, starts terrifying storm in Sea of Consciousness, but this attack has not actually been defeated and dispersed, but also is pestering mutually, that Nether Qi wants to submerge all wild. 炙热的火光绽放开来,紫色的法印狠狠的轰击在那条冥河之上,两者交锋,在识海内掀起一阵恐怖的风暴,不过这攻击却没有溃散,还在相互纠缠,那冥气狂暴想要淹没一切。 Purple Flame Martial Spirit is the burning hot is but incomparable, Xiao Yun has even used Swallowing the Heavens Arts by mind, making fire wave tumble to change into vortex to start to swallow these Nether Qi, then unceasing melting, will cause that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon the strikes the might to plummet. 可是紫炎武魂却是炙热无比,萧云甚至以心神动用了吞天诀,使得火流翻滚化为一个气旋开始吞噬那些冥气,然后将之不断化解,使得那血睛冥蛟的这一击威力骤降。 Under this being complicated, the imposing manner of both sides is weakening, finally Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon grins fiendishly, the great claw moves a terrifying fluctuation to sweep across to come, then all routs that purple fire wave directly, in Sea of Consciousness, the flame blooms is similar to the spark is glittering. 在这种交缠下,双方的气势都在削弱,最后血睛冥蛟狞笑一声,巨爪一动一股恐怖的波动席卷而来,直接便是将那紫色的火流尽数击溃,在识海内,火光绽放如同星火在闪烁。 Buzz! 嗡! Xiao Yun mind trembles, caused heavy losses. 萧云心神一颤,受到了重创。 That purple light circulation collected elegantly finally was changing into Martial Spirit together. 那紫光流转飘逸最后汇集在一起化为了一个武魂 The this time confrontation, Xiao Yun is defeated. 这一次交锋,萧云落败。 Hehe, courage praise worthy, dares to contend with this King, but you were weak.” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon grins fiendishly, leaps in the sky, then turns toward Xiao Yun mind to fly, that great mouth opens, changes into a great hole, must absorb the Xiao Yun soul by the potential of Swallowing the Heavens. 呵呵,勇气可嘉,竟敢与本座抗衡,不过你还是弱了一些。”血睛冥蛟狞笑一声,当空一腾,便向着萧云心神飞去,那巨嘴张开,化为一个巨洞,以吞天之势要摄取萧云的灵魂。 This huge mouth opens, seems to be hundred zhang (333m) size, profound incomparable, has a terrifying fluctuation to fill the air. 这巨口张开,似有百丈大小,幽深无比,有着一股恐怖的波动弥漫开来。 The world myriad things under this fluctuation resemble to by its swallowing down. 在这波动下天地万物都似要被它吞下 Although this Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon does not have the technique of Swallowing the Heavens, but cultivation level arrived at a degree, has the energy of smoking like a chimney. 虽然这血睛冥蛟不具备吞天之术,可是修为到达了一个程度,也有着吞云吐雾之能。 Good opportunity.” Sees this Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon opens mouth to swallow, Xiao Yun mind actually moves, is indistinct has an excitement. “好机会。”见这血睛冥蛟张口吞来,萧云心神却是一动,隐约间有着一丝兴奋。 Heavens Dreading Water, corrodes to me!” Xiao Yun mind moves, immediately controls Heavens Devouring Orchid. 天忌之水,给我腐蚀!”萧云心神一动,立即控制噬天兰 ! 咻! The Heavens Devouring Orchid light twinkle of that azure color, is similar to together the meteor, then crashes toward that huge mouth. 青色噬天兰光影闪烁,如同一道流星,便是向着那巨口坠落。 Meanwhile, that three leaves drag, above mist changes into a piece of water drop dimly finally, sprinkles in that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon within the body. 与此同时,那三片叶子摇曳,上面雾气朦胧最后化为一片水珠,洒在那血睛冥蛟体内 What plant is this?” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon sees that sudden Heavens Devouring Orchid, in its heart shakes, how in this boy Sea of Consciousness to have that many strange gadget, is this Sea of Consciousness? This makes this formidable incomparable existence also feel speechless. “这是什么植物?”血睛冥蛟见得那突然出现的噬天兰,它心中一震,怎么这小子识海内有那么多稀奇古怪的玩意,这还是识海吗?这让这个强大无比的存在也是感到无语。 Can Sea of Consciousness of person, how have these many things? 人的识海,怎么能有这么多东西? However when it is surprised, has some liquids to submerge in the own soul unexpectedly. 不过就在它惊讶的时候,蓦地有着一些液体没入了自己的灵魂内。 „It is not good, this is venom.” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon has a big shock, it induces by mind, discovered that own soul within the body Azure Orchid drags, sways dew, finally the own soul moistened to start to corrode to this dew. “不好,这是毒液。”血睛冥蛟大惊失色,它以心神感应,发现自己的灵魂体内一颗青兰摇曳,挥洒出一片露水,结果自己的灵魂一沾到这露水就开始腐蚀了起来。 Gives me refining!” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon stimulates to movement secret technique to want refining this venom hastily. “给我炼化!”血睛冥蛟连忙催动秘术想要炼化这毒液。 Who would have thought that venom was too terrorist, almost refining, does not give the corrosion its Soul Yuan unceasingly. 哪知那毒液太恐怖了,几乎不可炼化,将它的魂元不断给腐蚀。 Its spirit under this corrosion is damaged, was fully suffering the greatest pain. 在这种腐蚀下它的魂灵受损,也在饱受着莫大的痛楚。 Ah! Ah! Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon called out pitifully, the great tail flung randomly, sent out one to whin in Sea of Consciousness. 啊!啊!血睛冥蛟惨叫,巨尾乱甩,在识海内发出一阵哀嚎。 That violent poison was too strong, is corroding its mind unceasingly, cannot get rid. 剧毒太强了,不断腐蚀着它的心神,根本不能摆脱。 This is any toxin!” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon eye pupil rays of light is scarlet, stubbornly stares at the front, coldly snorted was saying. “这是什么毒!”血睛冥蛟眼瞳光芒猩红,死死的盯着前方,冷哼道。 This is Heavens Dreading Water!” The Xiao Yun sound conveys, but actually spreads in the Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon spirit. “这是天忌之水!”萧云的声音传来,不过却是在血睛冥蛟的魂灵当中传出。 What, Heavens Dreading Water? Of Heavens Dreading Water Antiquity Ten Big Toxins?” “什么,天忌之水上古十大毒液之一的天忌之水?” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon has a big shock, afterward is flustered in regards to go hastily, you in my within the body?” 血睛冥蛟大惊失色,随后一阵心慌连忙内视而去,“你在我体内?” Good.” Azure Orchid dragged to spread the Xiao Yun sound, after fusing Heavens Devouring Orchid, Heavens Devouring Orchid was he, he was Heavens Devouring Orchid, so long as mind moved, can this imperial enemy, this Heavens Dreading Water be very strong, can corrode including Magic Item. “不错。”青兰摇曳传出了萧云的声音,在融合了噬天兰后,噬天兰就是他,他就是噬天兰,只要心神一动,就可以此御敌,这天忌之水很强,连法器都可以腐蚀。 Although this Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon is fierce, but it is only soul body, is lower regarding the resistivity of this poison. 血睛冥蛟虽然厉害,可是它只是灵魂体,对于这种毒物的抵抗力更加低。 What monster are you?” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon was almost irritated, this boy stimulated to movement flame a moment ago, at this moment as if integrates in a plant, some of his how many trump card? Were these fused by him became own Martial Spirit? “你是什么怪物?”血睛冥蛟差点被气死,刚才这小子催动火炎,此刻又似乎融入在一颗植物内,他到底有多少底牌?还是这些都被他融合成为了自己武魂 This was too astonishing. 这太惊人了。 Who can have these many Martial Spirit. 谁可以拥有这么多武魂 Moreover this Azure Orchid can also put out toxins of unexpectedly Heavens Dreading Water antiquity! 而且这青兰竟然还能吐出上古之毒之一的天忌之水 Is this boy a person? 这小子是人吗? Comes out to me.” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon was completely flustered, mind trembles, it felt that own entered a wolf hole, stimulates to movement Soul Yuan to that Azure Orchid give hastily to put out, otherwise such is getting down its Soul Yuan to be given the corrosion not to be possible completely. “给我出来。”血睛冥蛟完全慌张了,心神都是为之一颤,它感觉自己进入了一个狼窟,连忙催动魂元要将那青兰给吐出,不然在这么下去它的魂元非得被完全给腐蚀不可。 Useless.” Xiao Yun sound cold severe, that bites Heavenly Yuan not only to sway the venom, but also evolves vortex to start to swallow these Soul Yuan, is the spirit is also soul body general existence, so long as swallowed these souls also to increase the strength. “没用的。”萧云声音冷厉,那噬天元不仅挥洒出毒液,还演化出一个气旋开始吞噬那些魂元,身为魂灵也算是灵魂体一般的存在,只要吞噬了这些灵魂也可以增加实力。 I hate!” The Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon double pupil is scarlet, in feeling own Soul Yuan after being swallowed, it must be about to cry. “我恨啊!”血睛冥蛟双瞳猩红,在感受到自己魂元在被吞噬后,它都要快哭了。 Is it must swallow this boy obviously, how instead to invert now? 明明是它要来吞噬这小子,怎么现在反而颠倒了过来了? Soul Yuan, powder!” Panic-stricken, Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon has made an astonishing decision, its soul shakes the differentiation is myriad wisps of Spiritual Consciousness flees to go toward the four directions immediately, the body that condenses is defeated and dispersed immediately, only remaining Azure Orchid in the sky drag. 魂元,散!”惊恐下,血睛冥蛟做出了一个惊人的决定,它的灵魂一震立即分化为万千缕灵识向着四方遁逃而去,那凝聚出来的身体顿时溃散,只剩下一颗青兰当空摇曳。 In my Sea of Consciousness, you dares to disperse the spirit unexpectedly.” Xiao Yun sees this, in heart one happy, immediately mind moves. “在我的识海,你竟然敢分散魂灵。”萧云见此,心中一喜,当即心神又是一动。 Gave me to swallow completely.” “给我全部吞了。” In Xiao Yun Sea of Consciousness, jade-green light blooms, life source Martial Spirit that did not have finally started. 萧云识海内,碧光绽放,那一直没有动的本命武魂终于是开始动了。 Sees only spirit ring to ascend, is similar to round bright sun, radiant jade-green light blooms to shine the world. 只见得一个魂环升腾起来,如同一轮曜日,璀璨的碧光绽放开来普照天地。 Under this jade-green light, the Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon spirit was covered completely, is unable to flee. 在这碧光下,血睛冥蛟的魂灵完全被笼罩,无法遁逃。 Swallowed!” Xiao Yun mind moves, that jade-green light changes into runes, starts to swallow these spirits. “吞了!”萧云心神一动,那碧光化为一个个符文,开始将那些魂灵吞噬。 This life source Martial Spirit can swallow all world's essence. 本命武魂本就可以吞噬一切天地精气 This spirit Yuan Essence is also myriad things Yuan Essence one, naturally cannot miss. 这魂灵精元也是万物精元的一种,自然不会错过。 ( ( …… ……
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