EMS :: Volume #3

#215: Fright moment first round ===* small n said

Chapter 215 fright moment 第215章惊魂一刻 Five Soul Nether Fruit, are containing rich Soul Yuan.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading]” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow flies near an underground river, there vine spread all over takes root in the river, the cane leaf as well as the fruit are actually breeding in the ashore, that Soul Nether Fruit is the black color, the surface smooth even also has rays of light to bloom. “五颗魂冥果,都蕴含着浓郁的魂元。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读]”吞天雀飞到一条暗河边,那里藤蔓遍布扎根于河中,藤叶以及果实却是孕育在岸上,那魂冥果为乌色,表面光滑甚至还有着光芒绽放。 Looks from afar that these rays of light are similar to a continuously essence fills the air. 远远看去,那些光芒就如同一缕缕精气弥漫开来。 A Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow sharp claws stroke, flame one volume immediately then two Soul Nether Fruit taking in claw. 吞天雀利爪一划,火光一卷当即便是将两颗魂冥果给摄入了爪中。 Afterward it continues take action, escaped to the front, the preparation has absorbed another three Soul Nether Fruit. 随后它继续出手,遁向了前方,准备去摄取另外三颗魂冥果 Buzz! 嗡! Who would have thought at this moment, entire void trembles as if has any restriction to be touched, vast fluctuation also fills the air, the trim space was flooded by a terrifying fluctuation completely, the space resembles is shivering, such as has an demon god to revive. 哪知就在此刻,整个虚空一颤似乎有着什么禁制被触动,一股浩瀚的波动也是随之弥漫开来,整片空间完全被一股恐怖的波动所充斥,空间都似在颤抖,如有着一尊魔神要苏醒了过来。 „It is not good, that taboo general existence must regain consciousness.” The Yang Haixin black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is tight, calls out in alarm said that Junior Brother Xiao, quickly draws back, if in the late moment late, said according to my senior, that exists is very formidable, a thought may the second kill existence of Yuan Soul Realm, if not for in the past she came in late, but was affected by that thought only feared that also met die.” “不好,那禁忌一般的存在要苏醒了。”杨海芯黛眉紧蹙,惊呼道,“萧师弟,赶快退,要是在迟片刻就晚了,据我那前辈所言,那位存在很强大,一个意念就可秒杀元婴境的存在,当年若不是她进来晚了,只是被那股意念波及只怕也会殒落。” Bonus is so, her mind also caused heavy losses.” Yang Haixin appears quite anxious. “饶是如此,她的心神也受到了重创。”杨海芯显得颇为紧张。 Damn.” Xiao Yun brows tightly frowns, the line of sight institute and that Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow actually are still keeping thinking about that several Soul Nether Fruit. “该死的。”萧云眉头紧锁,视线所及那吞天雀竟然还在惦记着那几颗魂冥果 Swallowing the Heavens, run.” Desperate under Xiao Yun calls out in alarm hastily said that although in the heart is quite discontented with this Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow this action, but cannot shoot a look at this stupid bird at this time, after all they walk, calculates that went through the stormy times, cannot such not have the loyalty. 吞天,快跑。”情急下萧云连忙惊呼道,虽然心中对这吞天雀这举动颇为不满,可这个时候也不能瞥下这只蠢鸟,毕竟他们一路走来,也算经历了风风雨雨,可不能这么没有义气。 Immediately.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow places under the altar is more sensitive regarding that fluctuation, its body could not bear hit one to tremble, was only that Soul Nether Fruit attraction was too big, may with not be possible to ask regarding it, the great claw moved, a flame swept across, then that several Soul Nether Fruit absorbing the palm, had swallowed immediately down. “马上。”吞天雀身处在祭坛下对于那股波动更为敏感,它的身子都忍不住打了一个哆嗦,只是那魂冥果的吸引力太大了,对于它来说可遇不可求,当中巨爪一动,一道火光席卷而出,便是将那几颗魂冥果给摄取到了掌心,马上一口就吞了下去。 Finally succeeded in obtaining.” In Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow heart one happy, changes into the escaping light to fly back hastily together. “终于到手了。”吞天雀心中一喜,连忙化为一道遁光飞回。 Walks quickly, otherwise without enough time.” At this time Yang Haixin has controlled that lotus throne, the jade has trod fully in middle, was similar to ocean waves fairy prepares to ride the wind to go at any time, her face was anxious, urged Xiao Yun again, this made in the latter heart be moved. “快走,不然来不及了。”这时杨海芯已经控制了那莲台,玉足踏在当中,如同一个碧波仙子随时准备乘风而去,她一脸焦急,再次催促萧云,这让后者心中不由一阵感动。 Alone has not retreated unexpectedly in this crisis time female. 在这危机时刻这女子竟然没有独自退去。 You depart first.” The Xiao Yun start to talk, has not retreated immediately, he also and other Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow. “你先离去。”萧云开口,并没有立即退走,他还在等吞天雀 Yeah.” Yang Haixin sighed the tone, now has delayed half breath time, but in that altar sent out to fluctuate actually incessantly one time, not difficult to imagine, if were delaying existences of some time that terrors to regain consciousness thoroughly astonishingly that this? “哎。”杨海芯叹息了口气,如今只是耽搁了半息时间罢了,可那祭坛上所散发出来波动却不止强了一倍,不难想象,若是在耽搁些时候那尊恐怖的存在彻底苏醒那该何等惊人? You were careful.” But under Yang Haixin stimulates to movement the lotus throne hastily, runs away toward the place above. “那你小心。”无奈下杨海芯连忙催动莲台,向着上方遁去。 You and others, since came, leaves behind the soul.” Also sweeps across from that high stage in a Yang Haixin escaping supreme free time formidable thought that entire void seems to be the coagulation, the young girl treadons the lotus throne, is unable unexpectedly in walk flying in the sky. “你等既然来了,就将灵魂留下吧。”也就在杨海芯遁至上空时一股强大的意念从那高台上席卷而出,整个虚空都似为之凝固,少女脚踏莲台,竟然无法在遁空而行 „It is not good.” Feels own body to be imprisoned, the Yang Haixin heart sinks, in the bone has a chill in the air to emit, this powerhouse was too terrorist, but a thought lets the entire void coagulation, she is unable to flee. “不好。”感受着自己身子似被禁锢,杨海芯心头一沉,骨子里都有着一股寒意冒出,这尊强者太恐怖了,只是一个意念就让得整个虚空凝固,她根本无法遁逃。 No wonder these years enter here person is a narrow escape. 怪不得这些年来进入这里的人都是九死一生。 Mother, this fellow died so was terrorist.” That thought probably is the vault of heaven depresses simply, void trembles, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow is escaping at this moment to Xiao Yun, the result directly shaking the whole body flame trembles by this imposing manner. “妈呀,这家伙死了还那么恐怖。”那股意念简直就好像是天穹压下,虚空都为之一颤,吞天雀此刻正遁向萧云,结果直接是被这股气势给震得周身火光一颤。 Also is its strength is uncommon, in addition Magical Powers has swallowed a formidable oppression astonishingly, otherwise is hard to move radically. 也是它实力不凡,加上神通惊人吞噬了一股强大的压迫,不然根本难以行动。 Well, is Monster Spirit, has the Yuan Core Realm strength, is good, this King swallows you can also restore faint trace Soul Power.” In the altar formidable consciousness unceasing bursting out, evolved illusory Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon finally. “咦,是一只妖灵,有着元丹境的实力,也好,本座将你吞噬也能恢复一丝丝灵魂力。”祭坛上一股强大的意识不断的迸发而出,最后演化出了一头虚幻的血睛冥蛟 This Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon also only then several chi (0.33 m), is lifelike, a pair of bloodshed common eye pupil sends out one to absorb the fluctuation of person, stared at one by it, the fine hair of whole person has set upright, has feeling that a soul must be absorbed. 血睛冥蛟也只有数尺长,却栩栩如生,一双血海一般的眼瞳散发出一股摄人的波动,被它那么盯上一眼,整个人的汗毛都竖了起来,有着一种灵魂都要被摄去的感觉。 This is the spirit that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon wisp of mind condenses. 这是血睛冥蛟一缕心神凝聚成的魂灵。 Although is only a wisp of spirit, but that imposing manner exceptionally is astonishing, almost may side by side the oppression of Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse. 虽然只是一缕魂灵,可那气势却异常惊人,几乎可比肩元婴境强者的压迫了。 Shout! 呼! This Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon pupil moves, after taking a fast look around four directions, immediately soars , the sharp claws brandish Nether Qi to sweep across in the sky, if there is a river of the netherworld to take away as many things as possible toward that Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, resembles to it being involved in the middle of long river. 血睛冥蛟眸子一动,扫视了一眼四方后,当即腾飞而下,利爪当空挥舞一股冥气席卷而出,如有一条冥河向着那吞天雀席卷而去,似要将之给卷入在长河当中。 „To swallow Grandpa Tian, is not simple.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow coldly snorted, the sharp claws move, the hot glow then meets the approaching enemy to go toward that river of the netherworld together, that hot glow howls to go, a hot hole starts to swallow these Nether Qi simply probably. “想吞天爷,可没有那么简单。”吞天雀冷哼一声,利爪一动,一道火芒便是向着那条冥河迎击而去,那火芒呼啸而去,简直好像一个火洞开始吞噬着那些冥气 That river of the netherworld imposing manner under swallowing of this vortex is clearly weaken. 在这气旋的吞噬下那冥河气势明显减弱。 What Magical Powers this is, performs to swallow my Soul Yuan?” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon pupil dew surprise, somewhat surprised is staring at Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, swallows, small birds! Is it possible that are you Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow Lineage? Hehe, this in the antiquity was also a large clan!” “这是什么神通,尽可吞噬我的魂元?”血睛冥蛟眸露诧异,有些惊讶的将吞天雀盯着,“吞噬,雀鸟!莫非你是吞天雀一脉呵呵,这在上古也是一个大族啊!” Swallowed you to exceed to swallow ten same level Yuan Core Realm powerhouse Monster Spirit.” Has several points to grin fiendishly, that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon whole body Nether Qi spews out, probably Heavenly River turns toward Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow to submerge generally, has an inexplicable strength in middle, might block the horizon. “吞了你胜过吞噬十个同级的元丹境强者妖灵。”带着几分狞笑,那血睛冥蛟全身冥气喷涌而出,好像天河一般向着吞天雀淹没而下,在当中有着一股莫名的力量,似可封死天际。 This makes Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow feel twice as the pressure, the escaping rapid sharp decline, must be submerged shortly. 这让得吞天雀倍觉压力,遁飞速度锐减,眼看就要被淹没了。 Mother, this time played in a big way.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow cries called out strangely, it felt that the soul has a chill in the air to give birth. “妈呀,这次玩大了。”吞天雀哭着脸怪叫道,它感到灵魂都有着一股寒意生出。 Shout! 呼! That river of the netherworld is sweeps across, but has touched Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, under that vast imposing manner, its flame is defeated and dispersed almost does not have the strength of resisting, startled under Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow calls out in alarm immediately, Little Yun, but also quick take action helps Grandpa Tian suppress this fellow.” 那冥河已经是席卷而来触及了吞天雀,在那浩瀚的气势下,它身上的火焰溃散几乎没有抵挡之力,惊慌下吞天雀立即惊呼,“小云子,还快出手天爷镇压这家伙。” At this time Xiao Yun had already prepared to begin, in Sea of Consciousness vast Soul Power pours into that Swallowing the Heavens Tower, tries to stimulate to movement this tower. 此时萧云早就已经准备动手,识海内浩瀚的灵魂力注入那吞天塔内,试着催动此塔。 Buzz! 嗡! Before the Xiao Yun body, vortex appears, just like essence general giant tower reappearing unexpectedly. 萧云身前,一个气旋浮现,一尊宛若实质一般的巨塔蓦地的浮现。 This as before is an illusory tower, is not true Swallowing the Heavens Tower, present Xiao Yun was unable to stimulate to movement it. 这依旧是一尊虚塔,并不是真正的吞天塔,如今的萧云还无法将之催动。 May after stepping into Extinguishing Soul Arts 2nd-layer big accomplishment, Xiao Yun Soul Power multiplies, the illusory tower imposing manner of now evolving powerful did not have the several fold compared with before, that giant tower side appears, is float in void, the river of the netherworld that vast fluctuation shake four directions, that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon evolves also trembles, came under the influence of this giant tower. 可在踏入灭神诀第二重大成后,萧云灵魂力倍增,如今演化出来的虚塔气势也是比起以前强悍了无数倍,那巨塔方一浮现出来,便是悬浮于虚空,一股浩瀚的波动震荡四方,就连那血睛冥蛟演化出来的冥河也是为之一颤,受到了这巨塔的影响。 „Is this treasure?” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon the eyes reveals surprised, it felt a dangerous aura from that illusory tower. “这是宝物?”血睛冥蛟眸露惊讶,从那虚塔上它感觉到了一股危险的气息。 Suppression! 镇压! Does not wait for this Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon to see clearly Swallowing the Heavens Tower, Xiao Yun mind moves, that illusory tower shouted then suppressed toward the former, emerged in tower bottom vortex, revolved unceasingly, sends out strength of the terrifying swallowing, that vortex has connected Nine Nether, must embezzle all, Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon that toward Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow tilted, but below river of the netherworld was also swallowed into middle. 不等这血睛冥蛟看清楚吞天塔,萧云心神一动,那虚塔呼的一声便是向着前者镇压而下,在塔底一个气旋涌现,不断旋转,散发出一股恐怖的吞噬之力,那气旋似连接了九幽,要吞没一切,血睛冥蛟那条向着吞天雀倾覆而下的冥河也被吞入当中。 Shout! 呼! At this time Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow relaxed, seizes the chance to flee. 这时吞天雀才松了一口气,趁机遁逃。 „The very powerful swallowing strength, resembles to take in including the this King soul this tower unexpectedly.” The Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon pupil dew is panic-stricken, tight stares at Swallowing the Heavens Tower, in the middle of the blood pupil is having bright light glittering, „is this that supreme treasure in legend?” 好强大的吞噬力,竟然连本座的灵魂都似要被摄入这塔中。”血睛冥蛟眸露惊骇,紧紧的盯着吞天塔,血瞳当中有着精光闪烁,“这难道是传说中的那件至宝?” When this Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon muttered, Swallowing the Heavens Tower bloomed endless runes, is similar to vortex generally covering. 在这血睛冥蛟喃喃自语时,吞天塔绽放出无尽的符文,如同气旋一般将之笼罩。 Shout! 呼! At this time imposing manner oppression from blood Nether Flood Dragon dissipated several points. 这时来自血冥蛟的气势压迫才消散了几分。 The distant place, Yang Haixin deep inspiration, she felt that the body of own can also move, but she immediately has not actually departed, but is staring that below youth who the whole face shocks, that heart has raised stormy sea (difficult situation). 远处,杨海芯深深的吸了口气,她感觉自己的身子也可以动弹了,不过她却并没有立即离去,而是满脸震撼的将那下方的少年盯着,那颗芳心掀起了惊涛骇浪 Linked that Monster Spirit to be submerged a moment ago, was actually changed the situation by Xiao Yun. 刚才连那妖灵都要被淹没了,却被萧云扭转了局势。 This was too inconceivable. 这太不可思议了。 „What treasure is that?” Yang Haixin tight is staring at that giant tower. “那是一件什么宝物?”杨海芯紧紧的盯着那尊巨塔 giant tower is very big, ten zhang (3.33 m) high, the tower bottom evolves vortex fully, resembles to swallow the myriad things, that fluctuation bonus is she is in the distant place to feel a palpitation, not difficult to imagine, where if that this meeting of own under this giant tower puts in region. 巨塔很大,足有十丈高,塔底演化出一个气旋,似要吞噬万物,那波动饶是她身在远处都感到一阵心悸,不难想象,若是自己在这巨塔之下那该会置于何地境地。 Also wants to receive this King depending on this?” Swallowing the Heavens Tower falls, in that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon eye pupil scarlet light suddenly flashes, its coldly snorted, the great claw moves, the entire body was similar to changed into a river of the netherworld, is thinking that Swallowing the Heavens Tower attacked to go maliciously. “凭此也想收本座?”吞天塔落下,那血睛冥蛟眼瞳中赤光大作,它冷哼一声,巨爪一动,整个身子便如同化为了一条冥河,然后想着那吞天塔狠狠冲击而去。 Buzz! 嗡! vortex under the impact of Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon collapses, giant tower also trembles, was raised unexpectedly flew ten several feet. 血睛冥蛟的冲击下气旋崩溃,就连巨塔也是一颤,竟是被掀飞了十数丈。 This Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon was too strong, even though is spirit also comparable with Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse that wisp of mind evolves, but also is not Xiao Yun can suppress by far, his mind under this impact trembles, body retreat, felt again and again is incapable. 血睛冥蛟太强了,纵使是一缕心神演化出来的魂灵也堪比元婴境强者,还远远不是萧云可以镇压,在这种冲击下他的心神一颤,身子连连后退,感到一阵无力。 Was a pity that I cannot stimulate to movement the Swallowing the Heavens Tower true body town enemy.” Xiao Yun knits the brows, the own strength was too weak! “可惜我不能催动吞天塔真身镇敌。”萧云皱眉,自己的实力还是太弱了啊! Shout! 呼! Nether Qi tumbles, Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon in the void evolution, its double pupil is fierce immediately, but the imposing manner has also been weaken. 冥气翻滚,一条血睛冥蛟当即在虚空演化而出,它双眸狰狞,不过气势也有所减弱。 Has not thought that your humanity boy has the heavy treasure.” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon stubbornly stares at the Xiao Yun pupil dew to be fierce, this is only an illusory tower, true tower should be stronger, Hehe, so long as I swallowed you have been able to know all, this time was really the day helps me.” “没有想到,你一个人类小子却身怀重宝。”血睛冥蛟死死的盯着萧云眸露狰狞,“这只是一尊虚塔,真塔应该更强,呵呵,只要我将你吞了就可以知晓一切,这次真是天助我也。” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon one volume, then changes into a river of the netherworld to sweep across toward Xiao Yun in the sky. 血睛冥蛟当空一卷,便化为一条冥河向着萧云席卷而来。 The river of the netherworld gallops, that formidable imposing manner is irresistible, Xiao Yun felt before the body void resembled to coagulate, was hard to breathe. 冥河奔腾,那强大的气势不可抵挡,萧云感觉身前的虚空都似凝固了,难以呼吸。 Desperate, he stimulates to movement Swallowing Tower to want by this imperial enemy. 情急下,他催动吞塔想以此御敌。 Useless, your strength is too low, how even if gives you Divine Item to be able?” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon sound cold severe that great claw wields, needs to rout Swallowing the Heavens Tower, then its soul body dodges, then appeared in the Xiao Yun top of the head. “没用的,你实力太低,就算给你一件神器又能如何?”血睛冥蛟声音冷厉那巨爪一挥,就将吞天塔需要击溃,然后它的魂身一闪,便是出现在了萧云的头顶。 In that formidable imposing manner oppression, Xiao Yun is unable to move. 在那强大的气势压迫而下,萧云根本无法动弹。 I must have a look at your this boy to have any background but actually.” Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon coldly smiles, that soul body moves becomes together black light, then forcefully turns toward the Xiao Yun eyebrow capacity for clear thinking hole not to go, is very obvious, it is planned that swallows the Xiao Yun soul to obtain his all secrets by this. “我倒要看看你这小子有什么来头。”血睛冥蛟冷冷一笑,那魂身一动变为一道乌光,便是强行向着萧云的眉心窍穴没去,很显然,它是打算吞噬萧云的灵魂以此得到他所有的秘密。 Buzz! 嗡! Xiao Yun felt that the own mind trembles, resembles the front door to be hit, an evildoer changes into black light then to rush together. 萧云感觉自己脑海一颤,似大门被撞开,一个贼子化为一道乌光便是闯了进来。 Junior Brother Xiao!” Sees this, the Yang Haixin heart trembles, loses one's voice to call out in alarm, in the middle of that pair of limpid pupil actually has the mist to be dim, her whole person in same place, thinks this youth can change the situation not to want actually to be this result. 萧师弟!”见此,杨海芯芳心一颤,不由失声惊呼,那双清澈的眸子当中竟然有着雾气朦胧,她整个人都愣在了原地,本来还以为这少年可以扭转局势不想却会是这结果。 By that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon strength, once has invaded Sea of Consciousness, how could he does maintain a livelihood? 以那血睛冥蛟的实力,一旦侵入了识海,他岂能活命? ( ( …… ……
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