EMS :: Volume #3

#214: Deep air/Qi perpetual flow first round ===* small n said

Chapter 214 Nether Qi long river 第214章冥气长河 That hundred zhang (333m) long Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon occupies in the altar, almost cannot feel a vitality on it, but has terror fluctuations to fill the air, makes the person not dare to belittle as before, considers this fluctuation more terrifying than Yuan Soul Realm cultivator.[ hundred degree celsius searches, first round entire writing reading] 那百丈长的血睛冥蛟盘踞在祭坛上,在它身上几乎感觉不到一丝生机,不过却有着一股股恐怖波动弥漫开来,依旧让人不敢小觑,当是这波动就已经比元婴境修者要恐怖。[百度搜哈,首发全文字阅读] If not for Xiao Yun Extinguishing Soul Arts has stepped into 2nd-layer big accomplishment, under he also is very at this moment difficult to resist frightening of that fluctuation. 若不是萧云灭神诀踏入了第二重大成,他此刻也很难抵挡下那种波动的震慑。 What background this does Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon have?” Xiao Yun asked by mind. “这血睛冥蛟有什么来头?”萧云心神问道。 As long as has the deep character is not simple, looks like according to the present these Black Clouds Nether Beast, the blood eyeball deep alligator because of this Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon the variation.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow slightly dignified saying, „something you knew now does not have the advantage, after waiting, to enough altitude, will naturally contact these.” It resembles to this Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon somewhat dreaded. “但凡带有冥字的都不简单,依现在看来那些黑云冥兽,血睛冥鳄都是因为这血睛冥蛟才变异而成。”吞天雀略显凝重的说道,“有些事情你现在知道了没有好处,等以后到了足够的高度,自然就会接触到那些。”它似对这血睛冥蛟有些忌惮。 Saw Swallowing the Heavens saying that Xiao Yun were not many thinks, the line of sight in one revolution, took a look to that altar. 吞天却这么说,萧云也不多想,视线在一转,瞅向了那祭坛下方。 Under this looks importantly, does not look, his heart soon jumped. 这一看不要紧,一看之下,他的心都快要跳了出来。 Under the altar is rivers, Nether Qi winds around, but also is growing many plants. 在祭坛下方是一条条河流,冥气缭绕,还生长着许多的植物。 But by the rivers, in a stretch of open area, there is actually the skeleton kisses the ground, piles up, takes a broad view to look completely is a snow-white piece, looks at the person to be alarmed, has many Monster Beast skeletons in middle, but also has the human cultivator remains. 可是在河流旁边,一片空地上,那里却是尸骨伏地,堆积如山,放眼望去尽是白皑皑的一片,看得人触目惊心,在当中有着许多的妖兽尸骨,还有着人类修者的遗骸。 Remains disorderly scattering in side, vaguely can also see some remnants Magic Item. 遗骸凌乱的散落在旁,依稀还可以看到一些残兵法器 „Is this skeleton that the predecessor leaves behind?” When Xiao Yun falling gently cautiously in an open area, the pupil light glance four directions, takes a look to this piece of bones of the dead under the sole board in the consciousness does not have a chill in the air to rise, the direct impact enters that innermost soul. “这都是前人留下的尸骸吗?”萧云小心翼翼的飘落在一处空地上,眸光扫视四方,瞅向这片白骨时脚底板下不知觉中有着一股寒意上升,直冲入那灵魂深处。 This bones of the dead, there is huge Monster Beast, birds, each skeleton smooth like jade, quenchings the pinnacle very much obviously, before death were least also has the characteristics that Yuan Core Realm can present, the fluctuation that on some body skeletons sent out makes Xiao Yun mind shake. 这白骨当中,有巨大的妖兽,还有飞禽,每一尊骨骼都光滑如玉,很显然是淬炼到了极致,生前最少也有着元丹境才会出现的特征,身子有些尸骸上所散发出来的波动都让萧云心神一震。 That fluctuation just like has Yuan Soul Realm to be so intrepid. 那波动俨然有着元婴境那么强悍了。 Yuan Soul Monster Beast die in this?” The Xiao Yun spinal cord has a chill in the air to raise. 元婴妖兽殒落在此?”萧云脊髓都有着一丝寒意升起。 This was also too terrifying. 这也太恐怖了吧。 What secret does here have? 这里到底有着什么秘密? Heart startled, Xiao Yun continues to take a look toward the front. 心惊之下,萧云不由继续向着前方瞅去。 The front is a giant incomparable altar, where has what secret? 前方就是一个巨大无比的祭坛,哪有什么秘密? Must say that was also that Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon. 要说有也就是那尊血睛冥蛟了。 For this Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon?” Xiao Yun hesitates turns, the feeling somewhat is also possible. “难道是为了这血睛冥蛟?”萧云沉吟一翻,感觉也有些可能。 Legend formidable Saint Beast that Bloodlines is quite rare, if were swallowed the fusion by low rank Monster Beast, can strengthen its Bloodlines. 传说强大的圣兽血脉颇为稀罕,若是被低阶妖兽吞噬融合,可以增强其血脉 This Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon looks formidable incomparable, if his body may also refine unparalleled spiritual treasure. 血睛冥蛟一看就强大无比,若是得其躯体也可炼制成一件盖世灵宝 Perhaps this is Monster Cultivate and human cultivator comes this's goal. 或许这就是妖修和人类修者来此的目的吧。 Skeleton like mountain, really so.” Yang Haixin also floating falls to the ground at this time, stands in the Xiao Yun side, her clear pupil winks, when surges up, takes a look to the four directions reveals a face to be sad, the corners of the mouth muttered, as if had expected already. “尸骨如山,果然如此。”杨海芯此时也飘然落地,站立在萧云的身边,她清眸眨动,波澜起伏,瞅向四方时露出一脸哀伤,嘴角喃喃自语,似乎对此早就有所预料。 „Do you know here?” A Xiao Yun face surprise, took a look to Yang Haixin. “你知道这里?”萧云一脸诧异,瞅向了杨海芯 Em.” Yang Haixin nods the head lightly, said at once that in my clan had an elder to come this place, although finally ran away, actually in light of this foolish, lost the intelligence, from time to time sobered, from time to time crazy, when she was sober once mentioned this experience.” “恩。”杨海芯颔首轻点,旋即说道,“我族中有一个长辈曾经来过此地,最后虽然逃了出去,却就此痴傻,失去了神智,时而清醒,时而疯癫,不过在她清醒时曾经讲出了这段经历。” „.” Xiao Yun is startled to say slightly that why that you do come to here are?” “哦。”萧云微微一怔道,“那你来这里是为何?” My this elder has Spiritual Item to lose here, I therefore take.” Yang Haixin pupil light congealed, resembles to fall into recalling, „, so long as obtained this Spiritual Item, may promote Sea Mist Sect by my physique surely, when the time comes can also look for that Southern Sea Sword Sect Li Tianhuai to avenge a grievance.” “我这长辈有一件灵器遗落在此,我故而来取。”杨海芯眸光一凝,似陷入了追忆,“只要得到了这件灵器,凭借我的体质定可振兴海岚宗,到时候也就可以找那南海剑派李天淮报仇雪恨了。” When spoke of behind, Xiao Yun can feel this Yang Haixin pupil meaning of hatred indistinctly. 说到后面时,萧云隐约可以感觉到这杨海芯眸中的仇恨之意。 In the past she had an elder, extraordinary natural talent also has Sea Spirit Physique, what a pity actually has encountered the Li Tianhuai humiliation, finally committed suicide. 当年她有一位长辈,天赋异禀也有着海灵体,可惜却遭到了李天淮凌辱,最后自尽。 If this elder initially has that Spiritual Item in the hand, will not reduce hence. 若是这位长辈当初有着那件灵器在手,也就不会沦落至此了。 Therefore Yang Haixin this talent will not hesitate to risk neck also to come here one to search. 所以杨海芯此次才会不惜冒着生命危险也要来这里一探。 Hears this words, in the Xiao Yun heart is touched slightly. 听到此话,萧云心中微微被触动。 This seems like in the elegantly beautiful arrogant female heart also has a scalding hot heart. 这个看似冷艳高傲的女子心中也有着一颗灼热的心。 Otherwise how to revenge, coming to here to take risk? 不然岂会为了报仇,来这里冒险? Hehe, that is Nether Yuan Fruit, Soul Nether Fruit!” In Xiao Yun hesitates, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow in Swallowing the Heavens Tower has actually cheered, its double pupil flame twinkle, calls out in alarm said that this Nether Yuan Fruit contains the rich Nether Qi Nether Fruit effect to be good, that Soul Nether Fruit is Yuan Essence of breeding Nether Essence as well as these souls, Spirit Fruit that Grandpa Tian most needs!” 呵呵,那是冥元果,还有魂冥果!”就在萧云沉吟时,吞天塔内的吞天雀却是欢呼了起来,它双眸火光闪烁,惊呼道,“这冥元果蕴含着浓郁的冥气比摩罗冥果效果还好,那魂冥果更是冥之精气以及那些魂之精元孕育而成,正是天爷最需要的灵果啊!” Ha Ha, was really the day helps me, unexpectedly makes Grandpa Tian meet this Soul Nether Fruit, so long as Soul Power has promoted, later had the sufficient resources, can not have the promotion of shackles, as the matter stands Grandpa Tian can unceasingly become stronger.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow appears quite excited, its body moves, changes into a flame to turn toward the front to run away unexpectedly. “哈哈,真是天助我也,竟然让天爷遇到了这魂冥果,只要灵魂力提升了,以后有足够的资源,就可以毫无桎梏的提升上去,哦哈哈,这样一来天爷就可以不断变强了。”吞天雀显得颇为兴奋,它身子一动,化为一道火光竟然向着前方遁去。 Swallowing the Heavens!” Xiao Yun has a big shock, shouts out hastily, this fellow was also too harebrained, how can here act rashly? 吞天!”萧云大惊失色,连忙呼喝,这家伙也太冒失了吧,这里岂可妄动? That Blood Eyes Nether Flood Dragon vitality certainly, the soul in the deep sleep, is take action time.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow did not pay attention to Xiao Yun to escape to the front, it Yuan Essence of this soul regarding Spirit Fruit that bred is rarest, how could now meets to give up? “那血睛冥蛟生机已绝,灵魂在沉睡,正是出手的时候。”吞天雀也不理会萧云已经遁向了前方,对于它来说这种魂之精元孕育出来的灵果最为难得,如今遇到岂能放弃? Lost the flesh body Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow soul is the basis, only then the soul promotion, the strength might the promotion. 失去了肉身吞天雀灵魂为根本,只有灵魂提升,实力才有可能提升。 Otherwise it swallows concise a lot of Fire Vein, innumerable spiritual object will also meet bottleneck. 不然就算它吞噬凝练千百条火脉,无数灵物也将遇到瓶颈 „Is that Monster Spirit?” In nearby Yang Haixin heart surprised, the beautiful pupil staring front, a face doubt muttered, this Monster Spirit as if had the Yuan Core Realm imposing manner, formerly was it was helping Junior Brother Xiao? How this can Monster Spirit so be a companion with him?” “那是妖灵?”旁边的杨海芯心中惊讶不已,美眸凝视前方,一脸狐疑喃喃道,“这妖灵似乎有元丹境的气势,难道先前是它在帮助萧师弟?只是这妖灵如此强岂会与他为伍?” This makes her feel surprised. 这让她感到惊讶。 „It is not good, place close altar that it goes, if alarms that taboo existence not to be wonderful, I must immediately take action!” Unexpectedly, the Yang Haixin eyelid jumps, place that because Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow goes to the place of that pile of skeleton front rivers. “不好,它去的地方接近祭坛,要是惊扰了那禁忌般的存在就不妙了,我得立即出手!”蓦地,杨海芯眼皮一跳,因为吞天雀去的地方就在那堆尸骨前方的河流之处。 There is the taboo, is easy to awaken existence on altar, the consequence is very difficult to expect. 那里是禁忌,容易惊醒祭坛上的存在,后果很难预料。 Junior Brother Xiao, you had a liking for any treasure to hurry to start, I feared that late caused trouble.” Yang Haixin reminded Xiao Yun, immediately own pinches magic arts, has offered a sacrifice to that sea heart moon, afterward piece of jade-green light blooms to fill the four directions from the moon. 萧师弟,你看上了什么宝物赶紧下手,我怕迟则生变。”杨海芯提醒了一句萧云,当即自己掐动法诀,将那海心月轮祭了出来,随后一片碧光从月轮中绽放出来弥漫四方。 These fluctuations are very gentle, to is not stimulates to movement the attack, to being like is inducing something. 这些波动很柔和,并不向是催动攻击,到像似是在感应某物。 It seems like she is inducing that Spiritual Item.” The Xiao Yun slight bow, pupil light concentrates at once, goes toward the front corpse pile of glances, there has the remains of many seniors, many Magic Item fragments scatter place, blooms shining rays of light. “看来她在感应那件灵器。”萧云微微点头,旋即眸光一凝,向着前方的尸堆扫视而去,那里有着许多前辈的遗骸,不少法器的碎片散落一地,绽放出灿灿光芒 Inside has uncommon Magic Item, even though is incomplete, actually the aura absorbs the person. 里面有很多不凡的法器,纵使残缺,却气息摄人。 What a pity Magic Item must look whether suits cultivator physique, in did not take is OK. 可惜法器也得看是否适合修者体质,不是拿到手里就可以了。 This is a mirror, although is incomplete, but among runes as if can also link up, should also be able to play several points of might.” Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun had discovered by the front giant animal bones a mirror of scattering, induces by Spiritual Consciousness, this mirror is very uncommon, moreover is that type, so long as pours into Magic Item that Yuan Qi can stimulate to movement, does not have specially the limit of physique. “这是一面镜子,虽然残缺,不过符文间似乎还能衔接,应该还可以发挥出几分威力。”蓦地,萧云在前方一个巨大的兽骨旁边发现了一面散落的镜子,凭借灵识感应,这镜子很不凡,而且是那种只要注入元气就可以催动的法器,没有特别体质的限制。 As the matter stands this Magic Item he can utilize. 这样一来这件法器他就可以运用了。 Good, was this.” Xiao Yun pupil light congealed, took a fast look around four directions, afterward the body moved has then leapt an underground river, fell by that animal bones, his palm stroked, Yuan Qi swept across together, has taken in the palm that mirror. “好,就是这件了。”萧云眸光一凝,扫视了一眼四方,随后身子一动便跃过了一条暗河,落在那具兽骨旁,他手掌一拂,一道元气席卷而出,就将那镜子摄入了掌心。 This mirror is very plain, does not know that refines with any material, for bone white. 这镜子很古朴,不知是用什么材料炼制而出,为骨白色。 Mirror palm of the hand size, but with actually resembles significantly thousand in the hand honored. 镜子才巴掌大小,可是拿在手中却似重大千钧。 This is really Spiritual Item, is incompletely may the above aura very be also uncommon.” The mirror in the hand, Xiao Yun induced one not to be weak in the aura fluctuation of that Heavenly Flame Halberd to fill the air immediately from the mirror, this made him feel a pleasant surprise immediately. “这果然是一件灵器,就是残缺可上面的气息也很不凡。”镜子在手,萧云立即感应到了一股不弱于那天炎戟的气息波动从镜子当中弥漫开来,这顿时让他感到一阵惊喜。 This has not stimulated to movement the mirror, once stimulates to movement, activated above rune seal, that imposing manner is definitely more uncommon. 这还没有催动镜子了,一旦催动,激活了上面的符篆,那气势肯定更加不凡。 Pleasantly surprised under he has posted in the mirror Swallowing the Heavens Tower immediately. 惊喜下他立即将镜子置入了吞天塔内。 „Here handle azure mark sword aura breath is also good, resembling is Spiritual Item, although may also compare common treasure incompletely.” Xiao Yun pupil light moves, had discovered handle Spirit Sword, the palm strokes True Yuan to sweep across immediately together, but will be involved in the palm. “这里还有一柄青纹剑气息也不错,似是一件灵器,虽然残缺可也比一般的宝物强。”萧云眸光一动,就发现了一柄灵剑,当下手掌一拂一道真元席卷而出将之卷入了掌心。 This Spirit Sword aura, although is inferior to my mirror, actually also compared with these top level Magic Item.” Xiao Yun hesitates secretly, Elder Sister Shifei did not have weapon while convenient, I happen to give this handle sword, she is also then many for several points to have safeguarded.” “这灵剑的气息虽然不如我那镜子,却也比那些顶级法器强了。”萧云暗暗沉吟,“诗妃姐姐还没有趁手的兵器,我正好将这柄剑送给她,如此一来她也就多了几分保障。” Also must seek a weapon to be good to Shiyan that girl, was inferior that she must not end with me may not.” “不过还得给诗嫣那丫头寻一件兵器才行,不如她非得跟我没完不可。” Remembers Yan Shiyan that cunning and unreasonable adorable appearance, the Xiao Yun corners of the mouth then cannot bear appear to wipe the smiling face, especially the appearance of that girl curling the lip time is specially lovable, letting the person wants to favor to drown well turns is good, therefore Xiao Yun naturally cannot forget her at this time. 一想起颜诗嫣那刁蛮可爱的模样,萧云嘴角便是忍不住浮现出一抹笑容,特别是那小妮子撇嘴时候的模样特别可爱,让人想好好宠溺一翻才行,所以这时候萧云自然不会忘了她。 These Magic Item were too incomplete.” Xiao Yun took a fast look around four directions, finally had not found any appropriate weapon. “这些法器都太残缺了。”萧云扫视了一眼四方,最后没有找到什么合适的兵器。 Also has a handle sword, the spiritual energy is threatening.” Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun has discovered a handle sword, side a human cultivator skeleton. “又有一柄剑,灵气逼人。”蓦地,萧云又发现了一柄剑,在一个人类修者骨骸身边。 Affronted.” The Xiao Yun palm moves, takes out that handle sword. “冒犯了。”萧云手掌一动,将那柄剑取出。 This sword not too many incomplete, but the rank is insufficient, merely was false Spiritual Item. 这剑并没有太多的残缺,不过等级不够,仅仅算是伪灵器了。 False Spiritual Item in Southern Border is also rare, so long as the Shiyan younger sister strength is improved, can fight vigorously same level.” Xiao Yun dark secretly thought. “伪灵器南疆也算是难得,只要诗嫣妹妹的实力在得以提升,也可以力战同级了。”萧云暗道 Shout! 呼! At this time, in an underground river, the wave rippled, piece of jade-green light bloomed to scatter to go nearby Nether Qi, afterward a jade-green light shining lotus throne then soared from that water, flew to escape to go toward Yang Haixin of that not far away. 这时,在一处暗河内,水波荡漾,一片碧光绽放开来将附近的冥气驱散而去,随后一个碧光灿灿的莲台便是从那水中腾飞而出,向着那不远处的杨海芯飞遁而去。 This Green Sea Heavens Heart Lotus Throne really in this.” Sees that lotus throne to fly the Yang Haixin pupil dew to be pleasantly surprised, the magic arts guidance, then makes it turn toward own to fly. “这碧海天心莲台果然在此。”见得那莲台飞来杨海芯眸露惊喜,法诀引导,便使之向着自己飞来。 Very obviously, this lotus throne is the Yang Haixin goal. 很显然,这莲台就是杨海芯的目标。 This lotus throne is complete, is complete Spiritual Item.” Xiao Yun releases Spiritual Consciousness, after inducing to the fluctuation as well as above inscription of that lotus throne slightly one startled, it seems like that this Yang Haixin luck is extremely good, this lotus throne quality is obviously stronger than Spiritual Item that own obtains. “这莲台无缺,是一件完好的灵器。”萧云灵识释放出去,当感应到那莲台的波动以及上面的刻篆后微微一惊,看来这杨海芯运气极好,这莲台品质明显就比自己得到的灵器强。 However if that bone mirror is complete, is not this lotus throne may compare. 不过若是那骨镜完好,绝不是这莲台可比。 Ponders darkly turns, Xiao Yun took a look at pupil light to the front. 暗忖一翻,萧云就将眸光瞅向了前方。 In there, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow has flown from the altar not far away underground river near, starts to take off some Nether Yuan Fruit. 在那里,吞天雀飞到了距离祭坛不远处的暗河边,开始将一些冥元果摘下。 Afterward it continues to forward, starts to sweep these Soul Nether Fruit. 随后它继续向前,开始扫荡那些魂冥果 This is it truly the thing. 这才是它真正所需之物。 Here does not know die many powerhouse, after many person Monster Cultivate and Human Race powerhouse died, will have Yuan Essence of soul to diverge, after this Yuan Essence collected too many gradually then bred this Soul Essence Fruit, but here also had Nether Essence, therefore became Soul Nether Fruit. 这里不知殒落了多少强者,许多人妖修人族强者死后都会有一股魂之精元散去,当这股精元汇集得太多后久而久之便孕育成了这魂精果,不过这里还有冥之精气,所以成为了魂冥果 ( ( …… ……
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